Sentences using the word shape

shape — перевод на русский


McCloskey’s in great shape.

МакКлоски в отличной форме.

It’s in good shape.

В отличной форме.

She must be in good shape to keep up with a porker like you!

Она должна быть в хорошей форме чтобы спать с таким кабаном!

You will ruin your shape.

Это отразится на вашей форме.

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Paul left things in as good shape as he could considering he was ill for so long.

Пол оставил свои дела в хорошем состоянии с учетом того, что он так долго болел.

— Countryside wells are in poor shape.

— Сельские колодцы в ужасном состоянии.

It’s in pretty good shape, Dix, except…

Она в хорошем состоянии.

My car fine shape.

Моя машина в хорошем состоянии.

You’re in no shape to go anywhere but back to bed.

Вы не в том состоянии, чтоб идти куда-то, кроме как в кровать.

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Geographically… it’s a rock shaped like a dog’s head… barely 650 metres long… and about 200 metres wide.

Географически это скала в виде головы собаки 600 метров в длину и шириной около 200 метров.

After the holy man blessed her, the evil came out… and ran away in the shape of a green mouse.

Но Божий человек благословил её, и тогда зло вышло наружу… и убежало в виде зелёной мыши.

A cloud in the shape of a killer shark.

Над городом нависла туча в виде акулы-убийцы.

That’s quenelle prepared in the shape of sausage?

Их готовят в виде колбасок?

I forgot to tell you, it’s a lighter in the shape of a pistol.

Я забыл Вам сказать, что зажигалка в виде пистолета. Вот.

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— You’re the wrong shape.

Фигуры у вас не те.

Your southern Women lose their shape by the age of 20.

Вы посмотрите, на кого похожи ваши женщины, здесь на юге. Чуть за 20 и уже никакой фигуры.

Here’s some shapes-— where they draw shapes.

Вот несколько фигур… где они рисовали фигуры.

Kai — all those shapes, those things that came out of Fire, you saw them too right?

Кай, эти фигуры, которые вылетели из Огня, ты их тоже видел?

I think we’re just blurry shapes to him now.

Мне кажется, мы для него сейчас просто размытые фигуры.

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If the merger does not go through, we are in very bad shape, Papa.

Да. Если поглощение не состоится, то это очень плохо.

Said he was in bad shape.

Мне сказали, что ему очень плохо.

He’s in bad shape.

Не видишь, ему плохо.

I’m in bad shape.

Как же мне плохо.

It’s a clinic. — The tiger’s in bad shape.

Доктор, тигру плохо.

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We’d be in fine shape if we had to count on you.

Мы будем в порядке, если надеяться на тебя.

You said yourself my inventory was in shape, all my merchandise put away.

Ты же сам сказал: Мой инвентарь в порядке.

He’s in fair shape.

Он в порядке.

— Well, I think she’s in good shape.

— Доктор, как там девушка? — Думаю, в порядке.

Good shape over here.

У нас всё в порядке.

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The force that binds and shapes us shall be feared and adored.

Силы, которая связывает и формирует нас, будут бояться и поклоняться.

Freud shows how childhood shapes our subconscious mind… but this helps us to think for ourselves.

Фрейд показывает нам как детство формирует наше подсознание… но это помогает нам лишь задуматься о бытие.

«Chief Justice Roy Ashland need not be enlarged in death beyond what he was in life: an idealist, not an icon a man, not a monument, a believer in the irreducible power of the law… — … to shape our society. »

«Нет нужды возвеличивать сейчас судью Верховного Суда Роя Эшланда…. так как он и при жизни был идеалистом, но не иконой… человеком, но не памятником, тем, кто свято верил в непреодолимую силу закона, который и формирует наше общество

Yet slavery, like nothing else, is what defines us, shapes us as a people, as a nation.

До сих пор рабство, как ничто другое, есть то, что определяет нас, формирует нас как народ, как нацию.

This vast barrier of rock and ice is so colossal it shapes the world’s climate.

Этот громадный барьер из камня и льда настолько значителен, что он формирует мировой климат

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Shape, form and color can’t even approach our tactile level of artistic expression.

Очертания, формы, цвета никогда не сравнятся с художественной выразительностью наших прикосновений.

You see the people coming and going, crowds and objects taking shape and dissolving.

Ты видишь людей, которые приходят и уходят, людей и предметы, которые приобретают и теряют очертания.

Do you see, Vatanen, you can’t change the shape of the head

Ты видишь, Ватанен, что нельзя изменить очертания головы.

Shape without form… shade without color… paralyzed force… gesture without motion.»

Очертания без формы… тени без цвета… парализованные силы… жесты без движений…

The shape is… — It’s all wrong.

Очертания… – Все фальшиво.

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This is really shaping up to be a ah ah one fantastic lunch. Eric?

Похоже, нам стоит ожидать просто фантастического обеда.

It’s shaping up to be a beautiful Fourth of July weekend. If you’ve got any big plans, get started early, cos the traffic is ramping up.

Похоже, погода будет на День Независимости что надо, и если у вас большие планы, советую выехать пораньше а то пробки на дорогах помешают.

«This is shaping up to be an awesome day for Dwight.»

«Похоже день для Дуайта будет удачным.»

Shaping up to be a very warm first day of spring here in the Windy City.

Похоже, первый день весны будет очень теплым в городе Ветров.

Tiny moons shaped like potatoes.

Ещё в 1980 году Саган говорил, что на спутнике Юпитера — Европе о крохотных спутниках, похожих на картофелины;

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He’s in good shape for his age.

Он выглядит лучше, чем когда-либо.

Looks in good shape.

Выглядит неплохо.

He’s in bad shape.

Он неважно выглядит.

I’ve seen subway cars in better shape than this.

Мусоровоз выглядит лучше, чем эта посудина.

Yes. Not all fish is shaped like a stick.

Не вся рыба выглядит как палочка.

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those associations helped shape your character

Soon a humanoid shape started to appear in the middle of the rain, with arcs of electricity dancing around it until it finally took shape in the form of a man

We’ll whip you up in shape yet, Peppy

Keep your pets in shape by feeding them good food and giving them plenty of exercise

The only part that still looks human is the blackened shape of a person

Remember to emote properly and send the right message to your class, whether it’s that they are doing a good job or that they need to shape up immediately

It could be adjusted to carry something of arbitrary shape

Through the glass of the door, I can see a shape … looks vaguely female, I think

It was too rounded to be a kite, it was more like a wevn in shape

It was changing in shape and sound, it lay down a little more

the shape of the ceiling light in his bedroom while the vivid colours and sensations of

She had an elegant shape, long legs and pert breasts, high arched eyebrows and a long neck

thought that the dull, humped shape at the side of the road was just a rocky outcrop or

the rough shape of torso, limbs and head, all of them covered in what seemed to be a

On the ground the shape

Why couldn’t it be this guy? But there was a mark on the forehead of the guy in the picture, a crescent shape

It was the size and general shape of a native life form called a ksarid, colloquially translated as ‘bird

Silence was the first form, the first shape upon which Smith could hang an

simple fact that Smith could hang thoughts from this shape inevitably lead Him to

Silence has a shape and upon that shape hang thoughts, and thoughts ripple,

the shape of a man

Man engineered his likeness, and then, with the shape and

All my residents have suffered loss as a result of war – either tangible loss in the shape of careers thrown off course or emotional trauma caused by bereavement — and I can empathise with them … if for a different, and drastically less acceptable reason

The shape of the region was like a walrus tooth

The passage the Lancers and the breaching ship and the junks had to traverse was less than 650 meters wide and constantly changing shape

The plans took shape

Then the sudden possibility of human existence beyond the gun barrel started to take shape amid the chaos and swirl of the suddenly agitated surf upon my hitherto lonely shoreline

Could my distorted mind be playing tricks on me? Was the ultimate nature of my lunacy to take shape in a world of imagined friends, of odd and sundry voices rattling off the walls of my empty head?

At first the driver thought that the dull, humped shape at the side of the road was just a rocky outcrop or an orphaned section of dry stone wall

Asherah was a pole that was built in the shape of an erect penis (where we get our modern day stripper poles)

An irregular mass elongated and stretched itself, revealing the rough shape of torso, limbs and head, all of them covered in what seemed to be a coating of thick, black, flowing cloth

On the ground the shape seemed almost frail, as though it could not carry the burden of terror that forever dogged its tracks, but as Lucy moved closer, as the figure gathered its limbs together and began to unbend, began to straighten and stand, she saw with horror that he, for it must be masculine, was tall and thick set and lithe, as if he were a wolf or a hunting cat

He was in pretty bad shape, it took two years in Yoonbarla before he remembered he had a house there

toward Son, Son could see its full shape

Silence was the first form, the first shape upon which Smith could hang an idea, and He marvelled at the universe that crept into view with the naming of this first idea

Universal silence had a shape and the simple fact that Smith could hang thoughts from this shape inevitably lead Him to choose particular ways of thinking

He looked down upon the bright and savage earth for the first time in countless measures of eternity and there Smith saw something quite unexpected; the utterly familiar shape of loneliness embodied in the outlandish shell of the hairless ape who dared to contemplate creation, baying at the stars, calling out in utter desperation for the companionship that comes with that first sparkling moment of harmony within the song of songs

In his head he pieced together the letters of a name over and over again, trying to fit them together in any one of a thousand combinations, only one of which would form the shape of a man

He continued to curse the dog that dared to stalk his halls this early in the day, but thought better of raising his voice in anger when he saw the shaggy shape of the bear that marked Citizen Danton out from the usual visitors

Man engineered his likeness, and then, with the shape and sequence in his hand, he learned to fear a new demon, marking his engineered brothers with bar codes to ensure that all would be ordered and just in the grand folly of empire in the heavens

You’re in mentally better shape now than he was when he got off my boat

the shape of love

There before him lies the simple shape of grace,

She could see he was in good shape; his upper chest and arms were well developed

among hard edged words, when the shape

He tried to shape the names of things,

There is a shape to a chair,

And then he said, Wait! There is a very large dark shape right above me

that shape the contours of ancient bones,

to close the box, to shape the streets with a thin veneer or order,

and the shape of her bones, counts the beats

the shape of white wings falls upon on the ground

on the ice tomb that encases her shape

with his shape and his sinew

And with the enhancement and all, he’ll shape up real nice

It was roughly kedoid in shape but obviously not closely related because it’s mouth opened sideways like an Earth bug’s

at the fall of a hoof and by the shape of men

We are starting to take real shape

One more second, one more thing, a sense of shape,

filled my head, and he waited, nodding, knowing the shape of my thoughts

value of proper eating and living a healthy lifestyle in order to stay in shape and to be

which assume the shape of giants

Restylane smooths wrinkles, and helps shape and sculpt lips and facial features

thin shape of youth, where bones are not yet set

searching for the shape

It happened when a passenger, trying to close the luggage door by pressing it shut with his foot, bent it out of shape

who were made in the shape

remotely invading the shape of her body,

reducing the shape of eyes and the depth

When they started supper, Kortrax was a definite red shape above the horizon

Her pale skin, the shape of her shoulders,

whipping the crowds into shape

the carrion eater, the waif taker, the shape shifter,

There had been a few cups at that table and Desa and Luray are similar in size and shape so he had an excuse for not noticing right away

They had been watching the mountain grow all week from a tiny bump to a noticeable shape on the horizon

Time passed in a blur of wet eyes and convulsive sobs, and it was late into the evening before Cyberia realised that she was not alone in the boardroom, and through her tears she could barely make out the shape of the person standing by the door

She was wearing a snug Yakhan style jersey, her beautiful shape was more obvious than ever

He recognized the size and shape of the egg; he was very familiar with eggs this size

She had great globes on her chest like a cartoon character, a good strong shape to her hips and she was dressed in a snug, thin jersey just long enough to touch her thighs in the back, but she was entirely free of underwear like a cherub from Alan’s universe

Despite his grief, and with his deeply tanned six-pack still in fine shape, the young man overcame his tragic flirtation with married life, secured a new recording contract and within a month he released a new disk full of sad little love songs, which sold millions of copies

As this sex goddess took him in a quick embrace, he felt the firmness and suppleness of her shape, even the hardness of her nipples thru both sets of clothing

Her posthumous instructions were quite specific and Ken dug her ashes deep into the soft brown loam while his infant son sat wrapped in soft, white baby wools in his buggy, gurgling at the sky and staring out at the vaguely muscled shape of his perspiring father

I stand and look at the lounge, tweaking the cushions into shape again

The next Sunday evening, with both of the Roach boys quite worn out by the wheeling of barrow loads of hardcore into the brick curtained hole where the new patio was taking shape, Helen Roach suggested her husband go down to the pub for a couple of beers

It was as if, having opened her mind to the dark side in her plotting and scheming, she had welcomed in the spirit of the lycanthrope, although she remained sufficiently cold-blooded not to have changed her shape

The one and only thing that you need to do to keep your rod in great shape is to store it correctly

She took it in her long fingers with the long but natural nails of perfect streamlined shape

make out the shape of an angel or a spirit silhouetted in the brilliant

yet Karen saw within his aged frame the shape of something lithe

a size and a shape, even though they are invisible and

Billy looked down at the bulbous shape of his own jug and saw that

the shape of your nose from your father and mother

Their eyes lit up when they saw the shape

tanned six-pack still in fine shape, the young man overcame his

It is said that he is a shape shifter, that he gives small nudges to sentient worlds

curtained hole where the new patio was taking shape, Helen Roach

remained sufficiently cold-blooded not to have changed her shape

circular in shape, and said by some to filled with mystery, even now

Into the middle of the Majestic Hall, the hazy form of a Jade Bear became noticeable but quickly faded to the normal human shape of a Jade resident

“He’ll also be bent out of shape when his mechanic finds out how it was done

It was one of those weird, triangular rooms at the top of the house that is shaped by the way the roof slopes down

Gaudy green armchairs with gilded wooden armrests shaped into lions’ paws line the walls

Glenelle had shaped the island where her house was docked into the last backup she had of Morg’s island in his universe

Leonora couldn’t guess, and Ruby couldn’t tell her, exactly what was in the large, oddly shaped crate, but it took four hands and two backs to maneuver it out of the truck and into the garage of the grateful recipient, who gave them each an extra cash bonus as he rubbed his hands together with unseemly delight

The effects of bell shaped flower begin to cease, the mind of

Reaching the “void space”, we observe the image of the flame which is shaped in the darkness of our shut eyes

They were dressed only in sheer wrap-skirts and were very sweetly shaped, though nothing like the size of Shingcress

shaped without hand or saw or plane,

Why is it that we have not been willing to be cleansed more thoroughly? Why did we allow ourselves to be consumed with “blind spots” and things of the past that shaped us? This day won’t only be to judge those that have not attained unto the first resurrection

dragon has a funny shaped hat on

They would control the businesses and countries that shaped the world

Shaped much as the other two, it is distinctive in that there is a bluish crystalline vein running through it

I found that by filling my lungs each time I surfaced I was able to claw myself back down, probing the stones and strange shaped sea-shells until I was about to burst

She was barely over four feet, barely over eighty pounds but shaped to make his body respond any time she was near him

It was clear that he wasn’t as physically attracted to her as he had been to Luray, she was a tough little brown nut, but well shaped and lively

My treatment shaped up immediately

His muscles were still toned and powerful, albeit shaped

‘Open this,’ Mama said as he pointed to the wheel shaped lock of the vault

For everyday the skirts had plain leather belts, but for the ceremony they would have wide and decorated belts shaped to resemble the bronze corsets and almost as tight

It was shaped like some weird space gun from a Science Fiction movie

Her face was very elegant and well shaped and smooth, an almond flavored creme in color, not quite as tan as one usually expected in this highland sunshine

They hardly ever used any sail here, just poles and wheel-spars that bore on the well shaped curb stones of the canal

In the middle of the floor she has seen a pile of personal effects; a wallet, cheap beach jewellery, a hair scrunchie, a pair of red trainers and a small pink teddy bear with a heart shaped patch of red silk sewn on its chest

Most of her life has been spent fitting herself into oddly shaped spaces and her new friend has a certain naïve, if deadly, charm

Each floor offered a pie shaped landing and hallways leading in all directions

The characters themselves were strangely shaped and looked,

An odd shaped rock caught her eye and she bent to pick it up

A rosy red colour, it was shaped like a heart … a white streak crossed from upper right to lower left … she strove to remember what she had learned at school … the bottom bit was called the ventricle, at least that is what she vaguely recalled from a long forgotten, unattended at the time, biology lesson

A large fan shaped stained glass window topped it, causing the arched appearance she’d seen from the outside of the house

The thought, was lost again to this world, as the brilliant orange ball, exploded across the pink and lavender sky, sending a fan shaped ray of light streaming in all directions

Large almond shaped blue eyes, that were twinkling at that moment, studied Kit’s face intensely, with a warm smile, and rosy checks, that lied about the health of the sweet thing

Her body was soft, smooth, and perfectly shaped, clothed in a one-piece, skin-tight jersey-like outfit with a low, low as in under, cut top that made a very fine presentation of very fine features, just the right shape between curve and point, voluptuous but not sloppy or out of proportion

Shaped like a boot, Italy’s history and food is dominated by regions, plus the islands of Sicily and Sardinia

Located around 4000km from Hawai , this group of over 30 coral islands are shaped in

Sticking out of the scabbards were a pair of silver, leaf shaped cross guards fixed to leather wrapped cherry wood handles

shaped leaves and sharp smell), and began to apply it to

template, whilst the most experienced and gifted shaped

The bark ridges running up the trunk were as thick as Brice, and though leafless and rotting, the tree reached the apex of the tower’s interior, nearly bursting through the arched rib shaped trusses well over twenty stories up

The wall was alive with motion, hundreds of shadows scurrying up and down its dark tube shaped interior

Alas for Tom, the arm twisted and turned in the air dipping and swirling, after all it was boomerang shaped, hitting his head with a sickening thud

It stood around four foot high, the butterfly shaped double blades at least eighteen inches wide

dagger from his sash, its silver hilt shaped into a faun

For his people, the Graelic was a canvas for their minds; living art shaped with thoughts

His spine was shaped into an S, one leg failed to grow since infancy, while the other thickened and stretched beyond human proportions every passing year

In front of them the glassy hallway opened into a large, tube shaped chamber

X’ander wasn’t even certain he was human, perhaps what a human would look like if shaped by an infant’s hands

The hilt was shaped like a triton and was perfectly balanced with the blade

Before them had stood an attractive young man in all his naked glory; his once scrawny thighs now muscular and well shaped, his chest now broad and covered with hair

bus shaped name tag

She had a perfectly shaped rear end

The building itself was made of light brown sandstone slabs, painstakingly carved from huge rocks and cleverly shaped by expert craftsmen to fit together without the slightest opening between them

But can you imagine if we humans started doing some plastic surgery stuff so we could mimic Bob the Buho’s great abilities for audible fixating! From what I’ve gathered, those delicate medical operations are done for just the opposite reason—to make us more symmetrical and to correct those unsightly, off-balance, or inappropriately shaped features that we were blessed with but are not appreciative of

He had an egg shaped head, a few wisps of ash colored hair, and a curving nose that looked like it wanted to touch his chin

His delicately shaped lips and long eye lashes would be the envy of most women

We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think

Even the whimsical clouds drifting beneath the sky-tube were shaped like cats in various poses — leaping, cavorting or pouncing

Up in the centre of a weight-bearing wall in the loft part of the building there is a small urn shaped crystal device

haul, as the metals were being shaped into

It had two large oval eyes, completely black with strange diamond shaped pupils

This is the planned portion which is shaped by our past karma

Inside the walls strange shaped metal objects could be seen

“Nothing changed in that scene,” he muttered, as he watched the cone shaped piles of coal, a scene that had been part of this land for two hundred years

He clambered up the slope and crawled into an oval shaped opening

During my session with the medium, I was told of my past lives and how those life times shaped my present life purpose

were shaped like ears and the roof was thatched with fur

First came ten soldiers carrying clubs; these were all shaped like the three gardeners, oblong and flat, with their hands and feet at the corners: next the ten courtiers; these were ornamented all over with diamonds, and walked two and two, as the soldiers did

Up ahead in the brilliant blue, cloudless sky, the oval shaped craft hovered in place awaiting their arrival

A funnel shaped valley lay in the centre and climbed up from the beach reaching the level of the cliffs and this would be the route we would have to take

Torbin, in spite of his tritanium-alloy body, felt the increasing repulsion force as he got nearer the ‘slow-down’ field generator – an egg-timer shaped device from which jutted hundreds of rounded off silver cones and a network of cables and plastic pipes

danced to a silent beat, a tall Celt with fantastic hair, flaxen but shaped into an extraordinary

humanity, shaped with a bump for the nose and

wall in front of her was awkwardly shaped,

master?” the words poured from his mouth, shaped by a long, dark evergreen tongue that glided

He always pictured a blue ‘U’ on his forehead shaped like a

On the perfectly round island stood another, similarly shaped bowl-like

The woman in front of him had the same heart shaped face, the same long black hair, the same pale blue eyes with their cat-like upward slope at the edges

I came to accept myself as I have been shaped by my experiences, and my faith in God has prevented me from allowing the years of struggle to make me bitter

vision of Lincoln’s shaped the outcome of events that were to

Ted picked the gun up and I grabbed the haversack full of its drum shaped magazines from the body of one of the gun crew and then we started on our perilous journey back to the trench

Wedge shaped apart from where the two walls converged to an arc of a circle, curving inwards

Rita had already primed them in the event of everything going pear shaped and they never missed a beat

On the floor of the cavern, shaped like a small volcano with a crater in the centre, presumable made of stone sat a handle rising up from the centre

He probed the wall with the tip of his bow and found that a thin layer of dried lichen had covered the recess, inside lay a mounting cup, shaped to receive a round based object or globe

Rummaging in her backpack, she pulled out her battered iPod and slotted it into the holder on the Zeppelin shaped docking station that was part of the room’s audio set-up

another shaped itself, solemn and beautiful in the altar light

It took forever to reach the big ball shaped room at the top, and when he did, he stopped on the threshold, eyes wide, breathing hard

He sat still for a moment, his brain taking in the oddly shaped room

“Not far now,” Alex assured them a while later, leaning forward in his seat to point at a large rock shaped like a stooping figure

His bedroom was ‘L’ shaped and as he came to the corner he looked over into his wardrobe mirror

When infused, the pearls slowly uncurl into needle shaped leaves

“I could have a timber shaped for that in a few hours with -”

There, carved into the stone over ten years ago, was a crudely shaped heart

«Peanut butter chips are melted with cream and speckled with peanuts, then chilled, shaped into balls and rolled in cocoa and confectioners’ sugar

The wagon, its nose shaped into a sharp point, plowed through its momentum into the still open doors, embedding itself there with a splintering crash

I had of course planned for both to be damaged in the attack, and have the replacement boards all precut and shaped

On first entering them he had been frightened by the strangely shaped burrows and chambers that he’d found

(uncertain) sense that ―something‖ is missing, whose ―absence‖, occasioned by ―unforeseen‖ events, are understood to promote suffering, conditioned as many of us are by the dynamics of the past/future that have already shaped and will continue shaping our lives

For some of you your faith began in the churches of men, And for others it was molded and shaped by the world,

Another was to deflect the blast away from the occupants and this led to the revolutionary V shaped hulls with tyres on the outside away from vehicles

Grindel’s voice rebounded from the smooth walls of the strangely shaped chamber

The muscles are contracted in geometric shapes and the contracted muscle is stretched

A flood of marine shapes colonised the roaring seas, monsters roamed the

edges of the thick cell walls and dissolved the shifting shapes of the man that he had

In my head I tried to sing snatches of songs from my childhood, but the stifling emptiness of this demonic and industrial womb-space drove the shapes and sounds of words and melodies into a frantic jumble of static

I tried to block out this sense of pointless waste by focussing on the shapes and forms of my new friends

Smith had what we might recognise as thoughts, but He had no shapes upon which to hang them

A flood of marine shapes colonised the roaring seas, monsters roamed the earth, shaking the foundations of the world to rubble, and finally, in the heart of blackness that was a shallow echo of Smith’s loneliness, there was a dream of companionship

Yet again, Kara felt the impact of the massive divide between her culture and that of Earth – something the exploration of the seaside resort had highlighted; the sheer volume of … words failed her … stuff that was on sale in the shops … most of it completely superfluous … badly made, cheap (in every meaning of the word) ornaments of no practical use whatsoever and precious little artistic merit, deliberately manufactured to clutter up somebody’s home … and then there was the food and drink on offer! Everywhere she’d looked there had been foodstuffs on sale and people eating … battered fish, hot savoury smelling sausages, the tart scent of vinegar on chips fresh from the fryers … and ices of every conceivable flavour … and those unbelievable sweets in all shapes and sizes … and, according to Iain, this particular seaside resort was a relatively small one … by the time Iain turned off the motorway at the Taunton interchange, she had concluded that although it had been fun visiting, really, when it came down to it, she preferred her own world

In the mirror shapes of a tall suburb

simple shapes that trail sad remorse

distort the shapes of passing cars,

It was only the dimmest of shapes in the blackness, long and low and deep in the shadows

There were eggs everywhere, in all sizes and shapes

pricking out the shapes of autumn berry stains and sticky jam jars

she fits her new shapes together and I watch

Their shapes are grown,

Shapes and the relationships between them

on a distant shore line where the shapes

«Desa?» He hadn’t lit a candle, they were both black on black shapes

Of course, if a willing young lady fluttered her come-to-bed eyes at him he was still game, but on the whole his thoughts were crystallising into shapes that combined the simplicity of out and out lust with the complexities of mutual respect and life-long friendship

It would be somewhere to sit under a broad, green, canvas brolly on hot summer afternoons, somewhere that he could rest and admire the shapes and flights of colour that would fill his new flower garden

did so his head filled with shapes and dreams of absolute horror

colors, shapes and sizes

crystallising into shapes that combined the simplicity of out and out

He met and dated young women of all shapes, sizes and

admire the shapes and flights of colour that would fill his new

Brown water stains make teardrop shapes around the plug hole

A host of small dark shapes could be seen emerging

and the walls were wallpapered with some sort of green and brown plant shapes

He has a vague impression of shapes, of coastal bulges and inlets, but the place names on the road signs might as well be written in ancient Greek

With the shapes and sounds come pictures, spooling reels in her head, the ticker tape grains of memory

The shapes of the trees loom black against the lighter sky

He could lie here all day and think up fun shapes in the clouds

A brook carved fanciful shapes into the rock, and he was admiring it from it’s mossy bank when he came to a thick plank spanning it

The outlined shapes of

cheeses of all shapes and types; fresh fruit and

But the weird shapes form

Now, though the skeletal shapes were difficult to count in the pit of writhing bodies, there had to be thousands of such beings

Within the pile of gore strewn on top of the beds it was difficult to distinguish specific shapes

But at such times she failed to distinguish shapes within the night

He was about to get in more firing practice when he spotted other shapes moving in the crowd below

Glowering at the falling shapes, he craned his neck to the sky and when the heavens glowed beneath a series of bursts, he noted with anger and disgust that the number of specks floating above had greatly diminished since the last time he looked

Four circular holes in the wall opposite the door were the only source of light, and at the moment, they provided but a glow; enough light to determine shapes, but little more

Thirdly, of the materials, whether altogether rude, or more or less manufactured, of clothes, furniture, and building which are not yet made up into any of those three shapes, but which remain in the hands of the growers, the manufacturers, the mercers, and drapers, the timber-merchants, the carpenters and joiners, the brick-makers, etc

guitars at the mandolins of various shapes and

She make with a limited set of shapes or words?

To see various shapes in your dreams suggests that things in your life may literally be taking shape

Consult the specific shapes for additional meaning

«I think you can be a sheep all your life if that’s what you want, and hope for a better future, but a wolf says ‘fuck it’ and shapes his own future

The clouds went from formlessness to the shapes of words with no seeming step in-between

They could hear the space around them reverberate into new shapes as the enormous entity disturbed the energy field in which they were suspended

On it was constantly changing shapes

All around him, flowing like atmospheric jets, were the shapes of thoughts

Moreover nature also produces several varieties of fruits resembling the shapes of the organs of our body and they are useful, beneficial to that organ

The cloud reminded Danny of a pool of tar that had been picked up and pulled into rough shapes

By allowing to American cattle, in all shapes, dead and alive, a very extensive market, the law endeavours to raise the value of a commodity, of which the high price is so very essential to improvement

What we do collectively within this lifetime shapes the future energy of the world

The shapes gathered and fused

Though most of us would probably fall in between these two extreme examples, we can see how powerful our view of life shapes our reality

If his employer is attentive and parsimonious, the workman is very likely to be so too; but if the master is dissolute and disorderly, the servant, who shapes his work according to the pattern which his master prescribes to him, will shape his life, too, according to the example which he sets him

The swirling shapes finally resolved into what he recognised as the US mission base

The floor of the crevasse was heaped with grey boulders and rocks of all shapes and sizes, all sprinkled with an accumulation of the lighter grey gravel

As they came to the bottom of the path, they could see dark shapes inside the glass bubble of the Skimmer

There was a slight haziness and he could not make out any likely shapes

He looked round to see an interior of white and grey shapes to see what he thought must be the pod’s central fusion mixer: a glass- effect cylinder containing concentric metal cylinders – in motion

Surrounding it were display panels, much like in the maintenance bay but with symbols that even without seeing from close-up appeared somehow odd: green and blue shapes swirling

He felt no pain, but now strange shapes were flashing before his eyes: purple blobs, green dots, then orange streaks

Then it all became a confused mess of shapes and colours, much like before

When you were under the water you could see the shrapnel as it hit hissing and cooling down as it sank past you in a jig saw of different shapes

When he opened his eyes he saw shapes that were meaningless for a few seconds, until they then became recognised as flowers and trees, like a garden, only bigger

There were more Staff Officers then I had ever seen in one place and who came in all sots of shapes and sizes

square shape, statues, carvings and other shapes adorning the walls, and a floor paved with square

changed into hexagons, and strange shapes were carved into the wall at regular intervals

hexagonal, this floor was consistent of strange, water droplet like shapes, some with more edges

shapes as he replied, “In that case I think Kai out of my ‘Yu Gi

It had designs carved onto its sides, shapes representing spiders

black shapes of men with tall hats walking past the windows and

Cats are agile in their loyalty, recognizing and expressing love in its myriad shapes and unconventional forms

Those with thin, rectangular, or square face shapes look best with hoops and rounded designs, while earrings with a wide bottomed design are ideal for heart-shaped faces

She and Terese sat on high-backed chairs carved in the shapes of lions, eating their evening meals from silver trays on small round polished oak tables

I put the sling onto Sam’s wrist now and grabbed the other end then we set off Sam following me secured by his tether and I watched as other shapes began to stand up and make their way to our trenches

Here were shapes balanced incongruously on top of one another

Then gradually shapes formed

Overhead, jagged shapes of purple

“We are dressed similar to Cruzel’s men, who are all misfits and odd shapes and sizes

” Akstyr produced a large clip with at least three dozen keys of various shapes and sophistication dangling from it

gardens on the tops of them, and the charming shapes of gold and

Dark shapes were moving against a darker background, slipping in and out between the plants and bushes

shapes stood about filled with roses

Then shaking her head, she looked through the windscreen at the dark shapes of the night shimmering through her tears, knowing that she hadn’t meant it

They were covered with innumerable small marks carved into the hard heartwood of the root, the rich patterns dazzling his eyes with a confusion of compelling shapes

The brown sack was still there, the familiar two shapes nestled within

Broshee squinted her eyes, but could see nothing except the darker shapes of the trees against the lighter sky

These can also be made into pretty shapes by rolling in granulated sugar, pressing into candy molds, and dropping them out

These can be colored according to season and cut into shapes, using cookie or canape cutters

Use small cookie cutters to cut shapes

Strange black markings covered the larger of the flat surfaces, their shapes vaguely reminiscent of the carvings in the Taproot Chamber

pulling, shaping, out-of-shaping them,

The being hovered beyond the range of his weapon, shaping itself into a man and looking back at Alec with an empty face

shaping out almost satisfactorily

He also purchased the iron chisels and files for shaping and carving

They have been shaping us into weapons to fight for them

It was originally two plain planks of wood, though while Carl prayed, Adem saw light of changing colours spreading along the timber, carving smaller crosses, and shaping the wood to look ornamental

The Cubans desire the right to live free, and a voice in shaping their destiny

Learning informs an inquisitive mind by shaping unformed thoughts and opinions and providing form and substance to ideas while reconciling the diametrical dynamics of intellect and passion

of creation forming and shaping this life

Events shaping our lives are sometimes owing to accident or chance although more often than not by our determined actions

(uncertain) sense that ―something‖ is missing, whose ―absence‖, occasioned by ―unforeseen‖ events, are understood to promote suffering, conditioned as many of us are by the dynamics of the past/future that have already shaped and will continue shaping our lives

A number of women and people of color played prominent roles in shaping the course of our nation‘s history

Dobson, James, Bringing Up Boys: Practical Advice and Encouragement for Those Shaping the Next Generation of Men

Sylvia’s party was shaping up, she had a guest list filled with interesting names

Shaping conversations said about you by

shaping should be poor thing, his life should not be narrow think character will not change once they are formed, a bad character formed in the childhood, through education reformation, or

feet in depth, shaping the descent of the flowing waters that

loves, and it has endless fun, shaping and re-shaping the uni-

role by the state in the education system, thereby shaping

shaping the Twenty-first century they state:

Shaping this world

It is frequently the most important single influence on shaping the values of a child in the U

was shaping how he splayed the dissection across the table for

popularity and extraordinary success in shaping this economy, you’ll be reelected

child without the doctrines and institution of the church shaping

It now appeared to Tamar that others were instead pulling their strings and shaping the world in their image

Clouds floated overhead, shaping themselves into chivalries

Shaping their perceptions on the one gig entertainment debt that clawed at the reservoir, and there were a lot of magnifying glasses calculating the scores

Thursday afternoon Frankie receiver her trim and shaping

was trying hard to be cheerful, even shaping her lips into a partial

the disc molded around my head, shaping into a sort of a

Think of this draft as shaping your material

Some summer this was shaping up to be

The mask you wear is the result of long and constant shaping

not help but wonder how things would be shaping up had Arayus been occupying that desk

“We’ve always known that coaches play a pivotal role in shaping young athletes’ attitudes about respect and healthy relationships,” said Esta Soler, president and founder of Futures Without Violence

the chapatti/roti, one could be rolling out the next, rather than shaping all of

Rather than shaping all the parathas at one time, cook

were shaping up with regard to his friend’s case

shaping them into a movement in the outer world— and how the Society was

Training is not just about shaping our bodies; it’s about giving our bodies the exercise we need to function

Shaping our bodies is a nice bonus that comes with our efforts

This should not be a problem to women since they are more concerned with toning and shaping rather than gaining bulk

The dumbbell fly is a recommended workout for shaping the pectoral muscles of the chest

Thus, you need to make sure that whenever he is with you, you should focus in shaping his good behavior

Inform other members of your family about it, so that they can all help in shaping up your dog’s behavior

Joseph Beck named it ‘The New Reichstag’ and it was shaping into a magnificent creation

It was shaping up to be a fun day and even Mrs

Lewis holds his hand to his ear shaping his fingers to impersonate a phone, smiling and coughing he indicates Suzy to phone the fire brigade and pushes her towards the hall

Innocence shaping — No child is

while at the same time you’re shaping the conversation toward

This case is definitely shaping up to be a critical one, sir

We would however have to be careful not to touch or hurt Laplante then: she was still influencing heavily the British government of the time and thus shaping our eventual making

in shaping his or her personality

We have a war to win, a war that is shaping up to be both costly and lengthy, and we will need to use all the resources at our disposal, including the service of women if need be

� This was shaping up to be a most interesting case

This is shaping out to be a major event and tragedy in 2018

In one event, as walking close to his quarters, I saw and heard him rehearsing to the wind his next day sermon, shaping each word to look as if what was being preached about, was true, but in fact, when God gives, the words come as if natural from the Spirit

I just cannot stress enough the vital role your daily decisions play in shaping your life

A good look at how things are shaping up in the

resisting the old bully pulpit when he challenged, “Dare to Know!: Have the courage to use your own intelligence!” And at the end of the preceding century John Locke published his Essay Concerning Human Understanding wherein he influenced future Enlightenment thinkers by stressing the importance of experience and environment on shaping peoples attitudes and

Early in the century, in 1809, Frenchman Jean-Baptiste Lamarck had presented a theory of evolution in which he postulated that plants and animals differed based on different environmental conditions shaping their development

And by shaping gods into jealous, vengeful monsters, the priests gained a defense against

Where the magician is largely interested in shaping his students at

Regardless of the complexity of circumstances and veracity of argument, it’s mere ideas and emotions: those simple perception and attitude shaping thoughts and

shaping government regulation is solely responsible for the debacle of outrageous drug prices and healthcare in general

important in shaping the educational experience, but, just as motivation is key to understanding the evolution of religion, there’s much to be learned by understanding the motivation of

Mary continues to pull and violently jerk Lonna by the collar and chain and tells her, “You girls better start shaping up or you all gonna have to deal with me, you got that?!”

The shaping of such a strategy calls for

history, has been to deliver the shaping of humanity’s future into the hands of a

Looking around the table, he could see that his men appeared on edge and harassed, which was no surprise for him: the game of tit-for-tat murders had already started in New York and Chicago and this crime war was shaping up as the biggest case of the year for the F

If he takes his eyes and attention off the pot as he is shaping and molding it, he could make a big mistake and damage the pot in the process

The last thing that Pat will do is to take a knife and start cutting off any excess clay that has accumulated around the pot as he was molding and shaping it on the spinning wheel

She’s actually down there now working with Wellington in head office, shaping policy

Kulkarni had also played an important role in shaping Advani’s contentious homage to Jinnah

· This week: Shaping the Inner World by the Word of God

Even in the Bible, which is a very late male-spirit shaping of earlier myths, there are tacit admissions of the first human being a female

I’ll show you, there’s several areas that you need to shape, and then in later sessions we’ll share with you exactly how you go about the shaping process, shaping the world around you by the word of God

Let me give you an example of it, of shaping your inner world

See David first shaped his inner world, then shaped his outer world, and every one of those things, shaping your inner world, shaping your relationships, shaping your spiritual atmosphere, shaping the world around you — David did all of those things

Question: What is shaping your world? The Word of God or the agreement with Demons?

The room was shaping up, as were the feelings of the young couple

It»s not likely given the way things are shaping up

As Bright Hands began shaping the clay, I said, “Many moons ago, Bright Hands carved a face of Mafdet in a cliff overlooking the grave of the women and children murdered by a possessed hunter, but she hid it under hides so no one could see it until the burial

the carvers was shaping the piece of quartz crystal, “he” telepathically told Katrina that his name was “Anton”

Wow! It just shows that you are powerful beyond measure in shaping

was the shaping catalyst to carry on

As Nehru so convincingly argued, one can perhaps appreciate the real genius of Muhammad in shaping Islam if only the Quran is approached as the testimony of his inspiration

Thus at best, Nehru was a sophist in shaping the foreign policy that understandably became a political Veda for the Congress party, and at worst, it can be said that he eyed for a secular slot in the pan-Islamic history, but to no avail

But, how were they to hide the inimical ayats that incite hatred towards the infidels from their kids that might put them on the path of fanaticism or worse, martyrdom? Why only the Quran, even the hadith and the sunna, not to speak of sharia seem to play no less a role in shaping the separatist, intolerant and aggressive Islamic ethos of the Musalmans

saviour, or even a wise statesman skilfully shaping the destiny of his

Even when we fall short of the mark, God has promised to work within us, shaping us into the image of Christ”

Koran is a book used for shaping children at school radicalism, weaving widows

Sentences using the word shape. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use shape in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for shape.

  • Look at the shape of his head. (8)
  • Corelli used a bow of this shape. (3)
  • Your behaviour is of that shape. (10)
  • The natural shape of things is lost. (8)
  • The shape of Death coming from her door? (8)
  • Take that glove; it is the shape of my hand. (10)
  • And, suddenly, his curious fear of this woman took shape. (8)
  • The mighty pity falling from his eyes took in her whole shape. (10)
  • A fiend in shape of man is always behind us to appropriate her. (10)
  • The cockpit had seats all around it in the shape of a half-circle. (18)
  • Why try to alter the make and shape of Nature with our petty chisels? (8)
  • Thrice magnified, in phantom shape, Her dream of size she saw, agape. (10)
  • In a word, he may shape its policy by non-journalistic considerations. (16)
  • He pitched it back in the shape of a doubt of what Andrew had told him. (10)
  • Later it was cut out at the sides, thus approaching the shape of our violin. (3)
  • Her father strained his mind for the shape of the man to accomplish the feat. (10)
  • Shape the hypothesis of a fairer woman the mother of the heir to the earldom. (10)
  • Its shape shows a change toward the pear-shaped body and narrow neck of the lute. (3)
  • The moonlight etched out the shape of her head, painted her hair with pallid gold. (8)
  • Dark plans employed his mind, though they had taken yet no definite shape or form. (12)
  • There was plenty of vapour in him, and it always resolved into some shape or other. (10)
  • I keep the old house up in good shape, and we spend a month or so there every summer. (9)
  • The enormity swelled its dimensions, taking shape, and pointing magnetically at her. (10)
  • Algernon passed into the box, and was alone with an inanimate shape in blue bournous. (10)
  • Algernon passed into the box, and was alone with an inanimate shape in blue bournous. (22)
  • There was the river gleaming before us under a rainbow mist that hallowed every shape. (8)
  • They were dressed very prettily in white, with large collars of absurd shape and size. (13)
  • Authors are largely matters of fashion, like this style of bonnet, or that shape of gown. (9)
  • But the walls were up, and the studding had already given skeleton shape to the interior. (9)
  • Out in the darkness rises the witch-like skeleton tree, where a dark shape seems hanging. (8)
  • His very delicate features were framed in a white beard and moustache of Elizabethan shape. (8)
  • More prizes she her beasts than this high breed Wry in the shape she wastes her milk to rear. (10)
  • Her hand and her whole shape he took, and she with closed eyes let him strain her to his breast. (10)
  • Had she noticed how all the mountains in moonlight or very early morning took the shape of beasts? (8)
  • Here thy shape To squeeze like an intoxicating grape – I might, and yet thou goest safe, supreme. (10)
  • Adepts in it can cut their friends to any shape they like by practising it with the requisite skill. (10)
  • It was as if a flower, which he had last seen in close and elegant shape, had bloomed in full perfection. (8)
  • The idea had been gradually taking shape in his mind from the moment that he had possessed the Thousand. (22)
  • Even the furze was gone; no shape of anything left, only the black, peaty ground, and the thickening mist. (8)
  • We have then the key-note for debate: A Senate that sits on the heights Over discords, to shape and amend. (10)
  • His work took the shape of scholarship, fiction, criticism, but poetry gave it all a touch of grace and beauty. (9)
  • Its movements became less wild and large; the zigzags began to shape themselves into something like characters. (9)
  • Michiella, seized by Leonardo, presents a stiffened shape of vengeance with fierce white eyes and dagger aloft. (10)
  • Jon saw the fixed object; it had dark eyes and passably dark hair, and changed its position, but never its shape. (8)
  • His tweed office suit was rumpled out of shape, and there were signs of the muddy roads on his trousers and boots. (13)
  • They say that in delirium tremens you see a fixed object, preferably dark, which suddenly changes shape and position. (8)
  • In that dark passage outside he felt two arms go tenderly round his neck; and a soft shape strain itself to his heart. (9)
  • Burnamy told them a number of facts he said Stoller had got together about the place, and had given him to put in shape. (9)
  • And so his father thought, after an examination of the youth, who was of manly shape, and had a fresh, non-fatuous, air. (10)
  • Having got it written on the card, she was dissatisfied with it in that shape, and copied it upon a sheet of note- paper. (9)
  • The letter was renounced and shredded: the dedicated ascetic contemplated a hooded shape, washed of every earthly fleck. (10)
  • Here the original shape must be modelled in clay, and a plaster mould made of it, which is shellacked inside and greased. (17)
  • The quality of vapour is to melt and shape itself anew; but it is never the quality of vapour to reassume the same shapes. (10)
  • And for a second there did seem to Nedda a dim, gray shape moving square and dogged, parallel with them at the stubble edges. (8)
  • At intervals of about every 25 feet expansion joints should be made, somewhat the shape of the tongue and groove in flooring. (17)
  • It was at once attractive and refined, and he credited Beaton with quite all he merited in working it over to the actual shape. (9)
  • At present, in the shape of a canvassing candidate, it was hardly honourable to let imagination dwell on him, save compassionately. (10)
  • Great music under heaven is made, And in the track of rushing darkness Comes the solemn shape of night, And broods above the earth. (10)
  • That shape formed, went, and formed again; as if in the very chair where he himself was sitting, he saw his father, black-coated, with. (8)
  • The shapes were conical, like the Indian tents, but later the gable roof shape was adopted because of the greater interior space allowed. (17)
  • He seemed trying to conquer it, to twist his face into its habitual shape, but, like the spirit of a strange force, the smile broke through. (8)
  • The differences that strike the eye most strongly are the larger proportions, the flatter arch of the top, and the shape of the sound holes. (3)
  • The first floorings had been laid throughout the house, and the partitions had been lathed so that one could realise the shape of the interior. (9)
  • These early machine-made bricks were extremely ugly, due to their perfection of geometric shape, smoothness of surface, and monotony of red color. (17)
  • The riches in this shape of fiction are effectively inestimable, if we consider what has been done in the short story, and is still doing everywhere. (9)
  • Other instruments belonging to this period that have been discovered and preserved in museums are bronze horns somewhat curious in shape, called lüdr. (3)
  • A blurred white shape flitted suddenly across the darkness at the far end and became motionless, as it might be a white-flowering bush under the trees. (8)
  • The difference between them was principally one of shape, the Virginal taking the oblong form of the Clavichord, while the Spinet was more often triangular. (3)
  • He had noticed her contracted shape and her eyes, and had talked magisterially to smother and overbear the something disagreeable prefigured in her appearance. (10)
  • That soft, vibrating radiance seemed to have woven all into one mysterious whole, stilling disharmony, so that each little separate shape had no meaning to itself. (8)

Also see sentences for: accommodate, adapt, appearance, cast, construction, custom, design.

Glad you visited this page with a sentence for shape. Now that you’ve seen how to use shape in a sentence hope you might explore the rest of this educational reference site to see many other example sentences which provide word usage information.

More Sentence Examples

Select First Letter

форма, вид, фигура, облик, формировать, фасонный, профильный


- форма, очертание

- определённая форма; порядок

to put /to get, to lick, to beat, to knock/ smth. into shape — приводить что-л. в порядок, придавать чему-л. определённый /сносный, приемлемый/ вид
to put one’s ideas into shape — привести мысли в систему
you may read your paper when you get it into shape — ты сможешь сделать доклад, когда приведёшь его в надлежащий вид
to take shape — а) принимать определённую форму, становиться более определённым /чётким/; when his ideas took shape
to settle into shape — установиться
things soon settled into shape — вскоре всё пришло в порядок /в норму/

- вид, образ, облик

a monster [a devil] in human shape — чудовище [дьявол] в образе человека /в человеческом облике/
an angel in the shape of a woman — воплощённый ангел (о женщине)
to take /to assume/ the shape of smb., smth. — принять вид кого-л., чего-л.
to be of as many shapes as Proteus — уметь перевоплощаться, как Протей

- вид, форма

a reward in the shape of £100 — вознаграждение в виде /в форме/ ста фунтов
he expressed his gratitude in the shape of a present — его благодарность выразилась в подарке
in no shape (or form) — никоим образом, ни под каким видом, ни в коем случае; ни в каком виде
I cannot help him in any shape or form — я ничем /никак/ не могу ему помочь
in any shape (or form) — в любом виде
help in any shape (or form) will be welcome — мы будем рады любой помощи

- призрак

strange shapes appeared from the shadows — из темноты появились какие-то странные призраки /тени/
a shape loomed through the mist — в тумане виднелись неясные очертания какой-то фигуры

ещё 7 вариантов


- придавать форму; делать по какому-л. образцу

to shape into a ball [into a cube] — придавать форму шара [куба]

- делать, создавать (из чего-л.)

to shape a vase out of clay — вылепить вазу из глины
to shape a figure out of wood — вырезать фигуру из дерева
to shape a song [a poem] — сложить песню [стихотворение]
to shape a legend into a song — сложить песню по легенде

- придавать чёткую форму; приводить в порядок

to shape a plan — разработать план
to shape an answer [a statement] — сформулировать ответ [заявление]
to shape one’s ideas — приводить мысли в систему
to shape one’s rough notes into a book — развернуть черновые заметки в книгу
to shape one’s course — а) наметить линию поведения; I have shaped my course

- принимать форму, вид; выходить, получаться

to shape well [badly] — принимать хороший [плохой] оборот; складываться удачно [неудачно]
the way things [events] are shaping — оборот, который принимают дела [события]
plans were shaping themselves into a systematic programme — планы превращались в чёткую программу

- формироваться

the boy [the girl] is shaping quickly — мальчик [девочка] быстро формируется

- (to) приспосабливать

to shape a hat [shoes] to one’s head [feet] — подбирать шляпу [обувь] по размеру
you must shape your plans to your abilities — ты должен строить планы в соответствии со своими способностями /возможностями/
the dress was shaped to her figure — платье сидело на ней как влитое
to shape a coat for the moon — ≅ заниматься прожектёрством

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

What shape is the table?

Какой формы этот стол?

The dress was shaped to her figure.

Платье подогнали по её фигуре.

Our plans began to take shape.

Наши планы начали приобретать определённые очертания.

What does this shape suggest to you?

Это что-нибудь вам напоминает?

The house stuck out because of its unusual shape.

Дом выделялся своей необычной формой.

The house is in fine shape.

Дом находится в хорошем состоянии.

Any body affects some regular shape.

Любое физическое тело стремится принять какую-то определённую форму.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Poke a hole in the dough, and then form it into a rounded shape.

…each army command unit flew a different color guidon, though they were all the same shape…

…a camp that was known as a place where unruly youths were given their last chance to shape up…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

shape up — приспосабливаться, подчиняться, модель

Возможные однокоренные слова

reshape  — меняться, придавать новый вид, придавать иную форму, приобретать новый вид
shaped  — имеющий определенную форму
shapeless  — бесформенный
shapely  — стройный, хорошо сложенный, приятной формы
shapen  — расколовшийся, треснутый,
shaping  — шейпинг, придание формы, фасонирование, пластическая обработка
shaper  — формирователь, закройщик
misshape  — придавать неправильную, уродливую форму, деформировать

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: shape
he/she/it: shapes
ing ф. (present participle): shaping
2-я ф. (past tense): shaped
3-я ф. (past participle): shaped

ед. ч.(singular): shape
мн. ч.(plural): shapes

Use the words with −ly from the box to complete the sentences.
manly, shapely, friendly, lovely, lonely
1) John was strong and tall. He looked … .
2) Her legs have a nice shape. She has … legs.
3) She has beautiful hair. I love it. Her hair is … .
4) John is always helpful and pleasant. He is always … .
5) Sarah has no friends. She always feels unhappy and … .
6) The witch’s face is not beautiful at all. Her face is rather … .

ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс (часть 1) Афанасьева. UNIT 3. Step 8. Номер №5


Перевод задания
Используйте слова с −ly из коробки, чтобы закончить предложения.
мужественный, стройный, дружелюбный, милый, одинокий

(в рамке не хватает одного слова – ugly для предложения 6)
1) John was strong and tall. He looked manly.
2) Her legs have a nice shape. She has shapely legs.
3) She has beautiful hair. I love it. Her hair is lovely.
4) John is always helpful and pleasant. He is always friendly .
5) Sarah has no friends. She always feels unhappy and lonely.
6) The witch’s face is not beautiful at all. Her face is rather ugly.

Перевод ответа
1) Джон был сильным и высоким. Он выглядел мужественно.
2) Ее ноги имеют красивую форму. У нее стройные ноги.
3) У нее красивые волосы. Я люблю их. Ее волосы прекрасны.
4) Джон всегда отзывчивый и приятный. Он всегда дружелюбный.
5) У Сары нет друзей. Она всегда чувствует себя несчастной и одинокой.
6) Лицо ведьмы совсем не красивое. Ее лицо довольно уродливое.




7 лет назад

Английский язык

1 — 4 классы

make up 5 sentences using the words below.

N V Adj
journey travel cheap
voyage fly kind
seaside shake straight
ticket catch weak
luggage miss strong
ship change silver

Смотреть ответ



(15 оценок)



7 лет назад

Светило науки — 9 ответов — 69 раз оказано помощи

1) I am going to travel by plane
2) I bought very cheap ticket
3) Then i will change my money
4) And i will miss my friends
5) My friends and i will go to the seaside

(15 оценок)



Вопрос по английскому языку:

Make up 5 sentences using the words below УМАЛЯЮ)
N V Adj
journey travel cheap
voyage fly kind
seaside shake straight
ticket catch weak
Iuggage miss strong
ship shange silver

Трудности с пониманием предмета? Готовишься к экзаменам, ОГЭ или ЕГЭ?

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Ответы и объяснения 1



Would you like to travel by ship?
Where I can buy cheap tickets?
Our luggage was very heavy.
I want to live in a hotel on a seaside.
Do you miss me?

Знаете ответ? Поделитесь им!


Гость ?

Как написать хороший ответ?

Как написать хороший ответ?

Чтобы добавить хороший ответ необходимо:

  • Отвечать достоверно на те вопросы, на которые знаете
    правильный ответ;
  • Писать подробно, чтобы ответ был исчерпывающий и не
    побуждал на дополнительные вопросы к нему;
  • Писать без грамматических, орфографических и
    пунктуационных ошибок.

Этого делать не стоит:

  • Копировать ответы со сторонних ресурсов. Хорошо ценятся
    уникальные и личные объяснения;
  • Отвечать не по сути: «Подумай сам(а)», «Легкотня», «Не
    знаю» и так далее;
  • Использовать мат — это неуважительно по отношению к

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