Sentences using the word rubbish

мусор, хлам, чушь, вздор, ерунда, белиберда, превращать в обломки, ломать


- мусор, сор, хлам

household rubbish — старьё, битая посуда, макулатура и т. п.

- дрянь, хлам

these goods are just rubbish — эти товары никуда не годятся
this book is all rubbish — эта книга — сплошная ерунда

- чепуха, вздор

don’t talk rubbish! — не болтай чепухи!

- сл. деньги
- пустая порода
- закладка
- в грам. знач. междометия чушь!, вздор!

a good riddance of /to/ bad rubbish — ≅ скатертью дорога


- третировать; обижать
- ломать, уничтожать; превращать в груду обломков

Мои примеры


get rid of rubbish and oily rags — избавиться от мусора и промасленной ветоши  
accumulation / heap / pile of rubbish — куча мусора  
undigested mass of useless rubbish — груда бесполезного мусора  
to sweep up rubbish — вымести мусор  
rubbish bin — мусорная корзина; урна для мусора; мусоросборник  
rubbish chute — спускной жёлоб для строительного мусора; спускной желоб для мусора  
clear of rubbish — очищать от мусора  
combustible rubbish — воспламеняющийся мусор; сгораемый мусор  
compacted clay with rubbish — слежавшаяся глина с примесью строительного мусора  
detritus rubbish — наносы из гальки и валунов; наносы валунов и гальки; наносы песка и гравия  
so much rubbish! — просто чепуха!  

Примеры с переводом

You do talk rubbish sometimes.

Иногда вы говорите полную чушь.

Please, pick the rubbish up off the ground.

Пожалуйста, подбери мусор с земли.

That’s a load of rubbish.

Это бред / чушь.

I’ve got so much rubbish on my desk it’s unbelievable.

У меня так много мусора на столе, это просто невероятно.

Some of the stuff on TV is absolute rubbish.

Некоторые вещи, которые передают по телевизору — это полная чушь.

You do talk rubbish sometimes, Jules.

Джулз, ты иногда такую чушь несёшь!

All the pavements were awash with rubbish.

Все тротуары были завалены мусором.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

‘That’s absolute rubbish!’ he interjected.

That pile of rubbish is a fire hazard (=something that is likely to cause a fire).

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Возможные однокоренные слова

rubbishy  — пустяковый, вздорный, никуда не годный, дрянной

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: rubbish
he/she/it: rubbishes
ing ф. (present participle): rubbishing
2-я ф. (past tense): rubbished
3-я ф. (past participle): rubbished

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word rubbish, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use rubbish in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «rubbish».

Rubbish in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word rubbish in a sentence.

  1. It grows in boarded up lots and out of neglected rubbish heaps.

  2. Dry waste was disposed of in a rubbish tip that had been established at Comoro.

  3. PCs Tyler and Newman took a short cut, and confronted the two men near the site of a rubbish incinerator.

  4. When not hunting or basking, it may be found beneath timber, rocks, and rubbish or down holes and burrows.

  5. In parts of Poland, poor natural foraging grounds have forced birds to seek food at rubbish dumps since 1999.

  6. White storks have also been reported foraging in rubbish dumps in the Middle East, North Africa and South Africa.

  7. Sponsored by local gentleman Isaac Forsyth, Shanks cleared the grounds of centuries of rubbish dumping and rubble.

  8. Built on the site of a former rubbish tip, the pitch often became littered with debris which had risen to the surface.

  9. Pitohui, the common name for the group and the genus name, is a Papuan term for rubbish bird, a reference to its inedibility.

  10. You should hit her with a hammer same as I did and [chop] her up.» A hammerhead was later found in the rubbish at his old house.

  11. Located between Sloper Road and a local railway station, the area had been used previously as a rubbish tip and an allotment ground.

  12. Freezing condition may force birds into more open locations such as ditches, rubbish dumps and gardens, or even out onto exposed ice.

  13. Much floating plastic rubbish does not biodegrade, instead disintegrating over time and eventually breaking down to the molecular level.

  14. The species is attracted to areas where people have discarded excess food, such as rubbish tips, picnic grounds, parks, gardens and roads.

  15. Then came the murder of Effy (sometimes spelt Effie), a «cinder gatherer» who scavenged through bins and rubbish tips to sell her findings.

  16. Simple hygiene procedures involving the disposal of rubbish and excrement were required, but were neglected in the early stages of the campaign.

  17. During its formative years, the pitch sometimes bore signs of its former use as a rubbish tip with debris such as glass often rising to the surface.

  18. The bad rockmen and rubbish men were usually paid by the ton of material removed, but the quarrymen were paid according to a more complicated system.

  19. The Armstrong guns were built with working breeches; they, and the muzzles of all the guns, had to be sealed to prevent people leaving rubbish in them.

  20. A rubbish dump stood on the northern banks of the location of central basin, and no earth had been moved since Griffin’s departure three decades earlier.

  21. They will often scavenge, eating scraps and rubbish and can be quite bold when seeking food from people, lingering around picnic areas and bird-feeding trays.

  22. On Christmas Day 1957, Graves gave Starkey a second-hand drum kit consisting of a snare drum, bass drum and a makeshift cymbal fashioned from a rubbish bin lid.

  23. They are often observed at modified habitats such as wheat fields, rubbish piles, and vacated buildings; individuals may become trapped in mine shafts and wellbores.

  24. Torrens Linear Park rejuvenated the river, which had deteriorated to the extent of being a de facto «urban drain, littered with rubbish and inaccessible to the public».

  25. He had consulted Gielgud, who dismissed the piece as rubbish, and even after discussing the play with the author, Richardson could not understand the play or the character.

  26. A fire ignited in a pile of rubbish, causing alarm bells to sound for ten minutes, interrupting Premier Cahill when he was making his speech, but no evacuation was required.

  27. She was unable to fit the murdered woman’s head and one of the feet into the containers and disposed of them separately, throwing the foot onto a rubbish heap in Twickenham.

  28. The land was a former rubbish tip and required extensive work to get a playable surface, but with the assistance of Cardiff Corporation and volunteers, the work was completed.

  29. They were so good, and the tracks just flowed through.» This story has been contested by other band members, including Bolder, who told biographer Kevin Cann: «[That’s] rubbish.

  30. She appeared with children in an animated video to support the cause, and removed rubbish from the banks of the Yamuna river in Agra to increase awareness of environmental issues.

  31. To combat this, club founder Bartley Wilson secured a plot of land from Cardiff Corporation that had previously been used as a rubbish tip and construction of a new ground began in 1909.

  32. One building seems to be part of a triumphal arch, there being several broken stones that bear inscriptions, lying in the rubbish underneath, which were fixed higher than any part now standing.

  33. Australian ravens have adapted well to eating food scraps in urban areas, such as school playgrounds, rubbish tips, bins outside supermarkets or restaurants, abattoirs, piggeries and farmyards.

  34. Webs are usually built in dry, dark, sheltered sites, such as among rocks, in logs, tree hollows, shrubs, old tyres, sheds, outhouses, empty tins and boxes, children’s toys or under rubbish or litter.

  35. A magnetometer survey found that the ditches had collected modern rubbish to the point that they could no longer be detected on the surface, but were still identifiable as «arcs of magnetic disturbance».

  36. Her visits initially provoked hostility; rubbish was thrown at her and the crowds jeered, in part because she wore expensive clothes that served to alienate her from people suffering the deprivations of war.

Synonyms for rubbish

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word rubbish has the following synonyms: folderol, tripe, trumpery, trash, wish-wash, applesauce, codswallo and scrap.

General information about «rubbish» example sentences

The example sentences for the word rubbish that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «rubbish» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «rubbish».

rubbish — перевод на русский


I gotta get these flowers out in the morning’s rubbish.

Мне нужно вынести эти цветы в утренний мусор.

Ianto, why do you think we at the chapel talk rubbish?

Янто, почему ты думаешь, что мы в церкви плетем мусор?

Is she inclined to eat rubbish?

У нее есть привычка есть мусор?

I don’t want that Roman rubbish!

— Я не хочу этот римский мусор.

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Christine, even if it were true… just remember, all this inheritance stuff is pure rubbish.

Кристина, даже если это правда… Просто помни что вся эта болтовня о наследственности — полная чушь.

What utter rubbish!

Какая чушь!

Don’t talk rubbish!

Хватит чушь нести!

The old guy talks rubbish !

«Старик несет чушь!»

All you do is watch the picture in an air-conditioned room and say, «Rubbish!»

Все что вы делаете это смотрите кино в зале с кондиционерами и говорите «Чушь!»

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Well, is it rubbish?

А почему же это ерунда?

Is it rubbish?

Почему же это ерунда?

Is that the sort of rubbish they’re pouring into your head at the Academy?

Это та ерунда, которой вам забивают голову в Академии?

Rubbish, not with us

Ерунда, только не с нами

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Well, that’s rubbish, Lin.

— Это чепуха, Лин!

You know, sis, this modern rubbish hardly means a thing to me.

Ты знаешь, вся эта современная чепуха, не представляет для меня ни какой ценности.

It’s all rubbish!

Что это чепуха!

Rubbish, that’s all.

Чепуха и больше ничего.

None of your modern rubbish.

Только не ваша современная чепуха.

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It was just some lovesick rubbish!

Ничего не знаю. Там были любовные глупости.

Rubbish, Pickering. Of course she matters.

Глупости, Пикеринг, конечно, не безразлична.

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Here I go over to Sereny Harper with all that rubbish about that dream, and, lo and behold, she found out from Joe you was over here and heard all the talk we had that night!

Иду я значит к миссис Харпер чтобы рассказать весь этот вздор, а она оказывается узнала от Джо, что ты был здесь и слышал все наши разговоры в ту ночь!

My dear Miss McKenzie, considering the rubbish that is being talked nowadays, you are missing very little.

Дорогая мисс Маккензи, учитывая вздор, который говорят в наши дни, вы почти ничего не теряете.

— I’ve heard that rubbish before.

— Я слышал этот вздор раньше.

— No, no, it isn’t rubbish!

— Нет, нет, это не вздор!

Stop that rubbish!

Прекратите этот вздор!

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— It’s all rubbish.

— Один хлам.

Useless… ex army rubbish.

Бесполезно… …списанный армейский хлам

This is all rubbish!

Это все хлам!

Very crude technically, like all this amusement arcade rubbish.

Очень грубое технически, как весь хлам этого зала игровых автоматов.

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It’s not rubbish!

Это не бред!

That’s paranoid rubbish. What d’you know about paranoia?

Это бред параноика Что ты знаешь о паранойе!

Blake’s syndrome, Blaine’s syndrome, some rubbish.

Синдром Блейка, синдром Блейна, бред.

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It’s not rubbish.

Это не дрянь.

I’ve been drinking rubbish for a month.

В последнее время, я пил одну дрянь.

What are you eating that rubbish for?

Зачем ты ешь эту дрянь? Что у тебя вместо мозгов?

The rest was dust, sand, God knows what other rubbish.

Остальное — пыль, песок и прочая дрянь.

It’s rubbish yet.

Дрянь все это.

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Found him… one night… on his rubbish bin, crying.

Нашёл его… однажды ночью… На мусорном баке, плачущего.

He picks the car up at the school and carries the girl out in a rubbish bag.

Затем он угоняет от школы машину и затаскивает к себе девушку в в мусорном мешке.

And this was in Singh’s rubbish?

И вот это было в мусорном контейнере Сингха?

This morning I found this hidden in his rubbish pail.

Этим утром я обнаружил этот тайник в его мусорном ведре.

I found them in Butch Callahan’s rubbish bin.

Я нашёл их в мусорном ведре Бутча Каллахана.

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Отправить комментарий

Examples of how to use the word “rubbish” in a sentence. How to connect “rubbish” with other words to make correct English sentences.

rubbish (n): waste material or things that are no longer wanted or needed

Use “rubbish” in a sentence

I think what he says is absolute rubbish.
Don’t talk rubbish.
Don’t listen to this rubbish music.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”


RUBBISH magazine is a limited edition hardback fashion magazine that aims to take a more lighthearted and sometimes satirical look at the world of fashion, which is not generally explored by other fashion magazines. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

It’s everything wrong about the formative years of 3D platforming and it somehow retained none of what made the genre’s highlights endure…Yooka-Laylee is, in a word, rubbish.


I agree John, we can’t let this rubbish go unchallenged.


Nice review I agree that the new modes are a bit rubbish and again there is no option to make it full screen but despite these minor moans THIS is a must buy!


However, because of their small sizes we haven’t found yet an attractive way to upcycle these brown bottles so thousands of them are ending up in our glass eco bricks; a project that is set to reduce the rubbish consumed on Gili, whilst helping businesses invest with a smaller footprint and lessening their destruction of our island.


«Art-Lovers flock for rubbish» was the title of short report by a UK online magazine, covering Frieze Art Fair.


A few days ago at the High Court, VL provided the court with documents proving that what I said was correct and CC and Jolyon have been talking rubbish for a year (document at bottom of blog).


With pre-match talk involving disgruntled supporters planning a unique protest during the game, by applying rubbish bags on empty seats, the club managed to still attract 59643 supporters, despite the underground Victoria Line shutting down, which initially preponed the fixture by a couple of hours.


His only in English that all these rubbishes are being talking about.


The learning curve is pretty steep — if you haven’t been playing since launch you’ll get booted from a lot of games — and the single-player mode is rubbish.


Which, I say unto you, is utter rubbish.


With the string of celebrity endorsements going round, Kwaw Kese has come out to rubbish reports that he declared his support for Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and the New Patriotic Party (NPP) for the December elections.


Maybe the article in E&E was rubbish, maybe it was Einstein on stilts, one can not judge its merit by knowing nothing about it other than where it was published.


Anything not received, anything that is negatively prehended, is utterly use-less; it is «cast as rubbish to the void», in Tennyson’s words, because it can make no contribution to the abiding good and its implementation in the creative advance.


Kinda sounds like the housing collapse in 2008: each of the mortgages were rubbish, but magically considered viable as an ensemble…


Hilarious Russian dating profile pictures have been collated by including a woman lying on a rubbish dump while another posed with a Russian Brides Cyber Guide is the first website about Russian women, created by a Russian woman.


A load of rubbish is often spouted, often emotionally.


I am getting sick of every interview, article, MMA Beat, Joe Rogan Podcast etc. hearing the same rubbish over and over about» is he gonno come back?


Here are a few truths I’ve learned coaching over the years: General, Non-Specific Resumes Get You Generic, Lackluster Results Know the saying, «Rubbish in, rubbish out?»


The truth of the matter is that all this is complete rubbish.


How can he believe in such rubbish as a God after enduring the war to end all wars?


The downside to this break is that after the rains a lot of rubbish washes into the water.


Make the Change — an in-depth resource to develop research, presentation, project management and writing sills Say What Definition Match — teaches key words including reuse, recycle, reduce in a fun definition match activity Earth Day Litter Pick — a fun activity to get children thinking about the rubbish that’s thrown away.


Do local-authority waste collectors really recycle the plastic waste we diligently separate from the rest of our rubbish?


It’s not exactly news that games spun out from pre-existing, popular IPs are generally rubbish.


has there been any problem with plateau state indigens?all the rubbish that hv engulfed the state was it not the handwork of cow heads who felt they should be relevant in the state?


Mine is rubbish, just like last week which is why there was no Friday News Snatch so apologies for that.


Herewith, then, a small selection of words for nonsense, drawn I should say, from that marvellous and relatively new resource, the Historical Thesaurus of the OED, and found at the end of this telling trail of breadcrumbs: the mind > mental capacity > intelligibility > absence of meaning > nonsense, rubbish.


The judges never make a good choice — they are too blinkered & set in their idea that good modern art has to be rubbish.


As for Nick’s claim that BNP members think all Muslims are terrorists, that is pure rubbish.


If you were tasked with rubbish removal for a city and picked up a fiew pieces here and there, your not going to win any «cleanest city of the year» awards.


there is a reason it is not considered the official record, and it is clealry pointed out in the article if you took the time to read and digest it… because the Becks record is highly influenced by both a tricky analysis record and measurements being taken in locations locally influenced by Co2 outputs ie in cities… so as I mentioned it is utter rubbish.


«Just model-based rubbish» «we find the continued warming stagnation of fifteen years, 1998-2012, is no longer consistent with model projections even at the 2 % confidence level» — vonStorch (2013) When a model can’t do what it purports to do at even a 2 % confidence level, it IS RUBBISH!


And we think that one possible explanation for this could be that the collection of the feces and rubbish from towns under Roman law was then taken out to fertilize the crops, which gave you more plants, but unfortunately resulted in recontamination of the population, because the human feces then got onto the plants that were then eaten again.


The DfE made sure Frost was hung out to dry by briefing Sky News that the contents of the Hamzah Khan serious case review was «rubbish» — while the conference was actually taking place and being televised live by all the major media outlets.


Remove plastic windows from cardboard boxes before recycling — the plastic window should be put in the rubbish bin


With the recent rubbish weather, I thought I would share some of the activities out of the house, that I like to do on the days it rains with Oliver.


Apple iPhone does come with much pre-filled rubbish; it’s time to get rid of them and free some space for some of the above iPhone Apps from Microsoft.


Rubbish has this negative virtue, and I would be very chary of interfering with a child who felt an obvious need of rubbish.


These companies generate the majority of the world’s new resources (the majors are rubbish at it) so you and I had better hope that money starts making its way into this sector as you are going to have one hell of a lot of commodity inflation in a few years (actually, that is already inevitable but this will only exacerbate the issue)


Most of all if and IF you get your facts right then surfing is fun not listening to rubbish.


The first is the BBC’s handling of complaints about his (correct) claim that «astrology is a load of rubbish» in his film, the Wonders of the Solar System.


Constantly pushing to find new relations between people and the material world, Cragg works with materials such as stone, wood, glass, stainless steel, aluminium, cast bronze and cast iron, as well as found objects, from plastic consumer goods to rubbish from the streets.


Her agglomerations of junk and rubbish proceed, like Brown’s work, by an intuitive process of ordering that, once identified, leaves one little the wiser.


I have always believed that children ought to be allowed to read a certain amount of rubbish.


this maybe all rubbish, but i often feel we want to say too much when it would be better to just carry on living loving lives.


As a lawyer and fairly new social media user, the more I learn about social media interactions for business, the more I realise just how rubbish the legal industry is at it.


We are about to witness the first generation that won’t outlive their parents on a regular basis — kids who are under 10 getting high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and all this other lifestyle problems because of the rubbish they eat.


stop lying, and maybe you can move on to real physics instead of the ignorant rubbish you have thus far presented.


Surely, if this gospel according to Lewis & Crok were worthy of anything other than the rubbish bin, they would publish elsewhere, perhaps within a journal which peer reviews its content.


This is rubbish, Wenger himself said that he won’t sign anymore strikers this window.


  • Use the word rubbish in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Took away Tomi’s innocence, then threw her out like rubbish.

Take your rubbish and clear out!»

Clear out all this rubbish.

A man can’t take all that rubbish they teach you seriously… after three years of shells and bombs.

Yes, some learned rubbish about marriage.

You preached about faith and other rubbish.

He’ll tell you what rubbish he sells them.

I’ve had all I can take of this filthy rubbish

lung hach├®e, that’s what the Prussians call it but it tasted good what rubbish!

rubbish! I DON’T THINK SO.

Don’t talk rubbish! I haven’t done nothing to him!

Don’t talk such a rubbish.

I want the money back that I’ve thrown into this rubbish heap.

I always thrive in warmth, sunshine… rubbish !

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Yes, to say what rubbish you are.

about God damned rubbish!

into the fire with the rubbish you read the bible!

Nice hour this to come around with your rubbish.

Tubs, jars, old tea chests pickles, peppers, and no end of rubbish.

I’m usuallly treated like rubbish.

I gotta get these flowers out in the morning’s rubbish.

You’re the thief, charging so much for this rubbish.

He’ll publish any old rubbish Thank you!

like your Philip thank God Mummy has better taste than you have what rubbish are you talking!

Young ladywhat rubbish do you speak?

You’ll say I’m talking rubbish next.

I’ve never heard such a lot of rubbish.

Here I go over to Sereny Harper with all that rubbish about that dream, and, lo and behold, she found out from Joe you was over here and heard all the talk we had that night!

And, Reynolds… feature an editorial against sentimental rubbish about juvenile derelicts.

I’ve just seen that packet of tea in the rubbish.

I don’t mind choking if it’s to correct his rubbish! My God!

If he’s going to Aubagne, we sell the rubbish.

rubbish! You have no power here.

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  • Idioms And Phrases

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


worthless, unwanted material that is rejected or thrown out; debris; litter; trash.

nonsense, as in writing or art: sentimental rubbish.



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Which sentence is correct?

Origin of rubbish

1350–1400; Middle English rubbes, rob(b)ous< ?; cf. rubble

Words nearby rubbish

rubber tree, rubbery, Rubbia, rubbing, rubbing alcohol, rubbish, rubbish bin, rubbishy, rubbity, rubble, rubblework Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023


What is rubbish?

Rubbish is unwanted material, such as something you throw into a waste barrel, like a banana peel.

Rubbish is also something that is considered nonsense and not worth anything, like an idea or a piece of art.

In Australia and New Zealand, rubbish can mean to criticize or verbally attack. It’s often used informally.

Example: Make sure you clean up all this rubbish before you leave tonight.

Where does rubbish come from?

The first records of the term rubbish come from around 1350. It is thought to come from the Middle English rubbes, as does rubble. Rubbish usually refers to smaller particles of trash, while rubble describes large pieces of debris, such as chunks of masonry after a building has been demolished.

When rubbish is used figuratively to criticize something, it frequently refers to text or speech, as in That article is utter rubbish. But it can also refer to a piece of media as in, That film was rubbish. Rubbish is used more commonly in the United Kingdom than in the United States or other English-speaking nations, although it is still used worldwide in moderation.

Did you know … ?

How is rubbish used in real life?

Rubbish is a commonly used word to mean either trash or nonsense.

sometimes the only solution to a rubbish day is going home to eat a lot of chocolate and climbing into bed

— M A R I N A (@MarinaDiamandis) January 25, 2019

Somebody bought a lotto ticket and thought he put it in the bin then spent 15 mins sifting through rubbish and found it in his pocket (me)

— Phil Lester (@AmazingPhil) January 8, 2016

Rubbish decision to send off Mané. Rubbish.

— Gary Lineker 💙💛 (@GaryLineker) September 9, 2017

Try using rubbish!

Is rubbish used correctly in the following sentence?

These decisions the mayor keeps making are absolute rubbish.

Words related to rubbish

debris, junk, lumber, rubble, trash, waste, gibberish, dregs, dross, litter, offal, refuse, rummage, scrap, sweepings, balderdash, bilge, bunkum, drivel, hogwash

How to use rubbish in a sentence

  • Plastic rubbish in the oceans also ensnares birds, turtles and other wildlife.

  • Science, by comparison, is “full of things that sound like complete rubbish” but turn out to work remarkably well—for example, neural nets, he says.

  • Publishers print stacks of rubbish – “Beach Reading” – for your sake.

  • The actor has since denied involvement in the projects, calling rumors to the contrary “rubbish.”

  • As he advanced his, eyebrows contracted, and his lips seemed to form the word “rubbish.”

  • People ought to know that if they stuff themselves silly with high-calorie, rubbish foods they will get fat.

  • It’s complete rubbish from the outside, and on a day like this it’s going to look even worse.

  • Presently, one of the foremen or overlookers saw it, and wanted to know what all that rubbish had been put there for.

  • And now, Monsieur Pujol,” said he impudently, “I am willing to sell you this rubbish for the cheque.

  • She hugged him, wheel and all, and began turning over the rubbish with great delight.

  • To tell the truth, Henry had found a few things in the rubbish which he had stored in his own pocket.

  • And more than one broken flask on its way to the rubbish heap was carefully carried up the hill to the hidden family.

British Dictionary definitions for rubbish


worthless, useless, or unwanted matter

discarded or waste matter; refuse

foolish words or speech; nonsense


(tr) informal to criticize; attack verbally

Word Origin for rubbish

C14 robys, of uncertain origin

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with rubbish

see good riddance (to bad rubbish).

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

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