Sentences using the word probability

вероятность, правдоподобие


- вероятность

- правдоподобность; правдоподобие

reports devoid of all probability — сообщения, лишённые всякого правдоподобия

Мои примеры


going by past experience there was a high probability that the visitors were lost — Судя по прошлому опыту, велика была вероятность того, что посетители заблудились.  
empirical probability — эмпирическая вероятность  
probability calculation — вычисление вероятности  
probability element — элемент вероятности  
low-probability outcome — маловероятный исход  
probability density plot — график плотности распределения  
probability plot — график распределения вероятностей  
probability point — значение вероятности (на графике)  
a posteriori probability — апостериорная вероятность  
access-denial probability — вероятность отказа в доступе  
event probability — вероятность наступления события  

Примеры с переводом

What are our probabilities?

Каковы наши шансы?

There is little probability that he will succeed

Маловероятно, что он преуспеет.

There is a low probability that you will be chosen.

Существует небольшая вероятность того, что выберут вас.

There is not much probability of his retirement

Его отставка не слишком вероятна.

His return to power was discussed openly as a probability.

Его возвращение к власти открыто обсуждалось как вполне вероятное.

Our hero had in all probability been sore sick.

Наш герой, по всей вероятности, был серьёзно болен.

There is a strong probability that the problem will recur if we do not solve it now

Есть большая вероятность, что эта проблема вновь встанет, если не решить её сейчас

ещё 10 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The probability of a coin coming up heads is one out of every two tries.

The probability is that smaller businesses will not have to pay the tax.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): probability
мн. ч.(plural): probabilities

There are many ways of saying that something will probably or possibly happen in English.


bound to = certain: “They are bound to succeed!”

sure to
= certain: “He is sure to win the championship.”

likely to
= probable: “We are likely to win the contract.”

= sure: “He’s a definite frontrunner for the job!”

: “It’s probable that we will be on holiday around then.”

: “An election is likely next year.”

will definitely happen
: “There will definitely be a storm later.”

will probably happen
: “They will probably take on more staff.”


may: “We may be able to help you.”

: “There might be a holiday next month – I’m not sure.”

: “There could be a bug in the system.”

… is possible
: “Do you think he will resign?” “Yes, that’s possible.”

… is unlikely
: “It’s unlikely that she will move.”

will possibly
: “She’ll possibly tell us tomorrow.”

probably won’t
: “They probably won’t hear until next week.”

definitely won’t
: “I definitely won’t go to the party.”

… is highly unlikely
: “It’s highly unlikely that the company will expand.”

Note: Be careful of the word order.
“Definitely” and “probably” come after “will” (in positive sentences) and before “won’t” in negative sentences.


You can add words to alter the strength of probability:

highly likely / unlikely (= very likely / unlikely)

likely / probable / possible (= more likely, probable or possible)

could possibly / probably

most definitely won’t (= even more unlikely)

When we want to say what we think will happen in the future, we can either use will followed by the verb without to, or going to followed by the verb.

“What do you think will happen next year?”

“Next week is going to be very busy, I think.”

“There won’t be a rise in house prices next year.”

“He isn’t going to win the election.”

Speaking tip: Because we also use will to talk about intentions and strong decisions, we often use going to to sound more objective.

“He won’t help us” can mean that he has decided not to help us. But “He isn’t going to help us” doesn’t have this negative implication. It sounds more like a prediction and a simple, objective fact- perhaps he isn’t able to help us.

Predictions based on what you know now

We can make predictions based on what we can see now. To do this, we use going to and the verb (not will).

For example:

“Watch out! You’re going to hit that car in front.”

It’s going to be a lovely day today – not a cloud in the sky.”

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Instead, XLNet maximizes the expected logarithm of the probability of a word sequence, taking into account all permutations of word orders.

Вместо этого XLNet максимизирует ожидаемый логарифм вероятности последовательности слов с учетом всех перестановок порядков слов.

One solution is to make the assumption that the probability of a word only depends on the previous n words.

Чтобы упростить эту задачу, примем, что вероятность слова в тексте зависит только от предыдущего слова.

One sentence summary: Word2Vec seeks to find vector representations of different words by maximizing the log probability of context words given a center word and modifying the vectors through SGD.

Подытожим одним предложением: Word2Vec ищет векторные представления различных слов, максимизируя логарифмическую вероятность встречаемости слов контекста для данного центрального слова и преобразуя векторы методом стохастического градиентного спуска.

The above considerations are so vitally dependent upon the numerical concept of probability that a few words concerning the latter may be appropriate.

Все перечисленные рассмотрения настолько по существу основаны на численном понятии вероятности, что будет весьма уместно сказать несколь-ко слов относительно этого понятия.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 40974. Точных совпадений: 2. Затраченное время: 305 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

1   We have to pay the electricity bill before Friday.

      A We can pay it if we want to.

      B We must pay it.

      C We’ve already paid it.

2   You don’t need to buy me a birthday present.

      A You must buy me a birthday present.

      B It’s not necessary to buy me a birthday present.

      C You mustn’t buy me a birthday present.

3   I have to do some work on my project this evening.

      A I haven’t got time to do the work.

      B I’ve already done the work.

      C I need to do the work.

4   Lenny didn’t have to see the head teacher after all.

      A It wasn’t necessary for Lenny to see the head teacher.

      B Lenny went to see the head teacher.

      C Lenny is waiting to see the head teacher.

5   Students mustn’t run in school buildings.

      A They can run if they want to.

      B Students don’t like running.

      C Running isn’t allowed.

6   All passengers must fasten their seatbelts.

      A They have to fasten their seatbelts now.

      B They don’t have to fasten their seatbelts.

      C They can fasten their seatbelts.

7   Mr Reed had to go to the police station to answer some questions.

      A Mr Reed was able to go to the police static

      B Mr Reed forgot to go to the police station.

      C Mr Reed was obliged to go to the police station.

8   It’s kind of you to offer to help, but you really don’t need to.

      A I don’t want you to help me.

      B Your help isn’t necessary.

      C You won’t be able to help me.

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