Sentences using the word palace

palace — перевод на русский


Where’s the palace?

Где находится дворец?

That’s the palace.

Вон он, дворец.

By order of King Louis XVI, Countess Dubarry is banished and must immediately leave the palace.

По повелению Его Величества короля Людовика XVI графине Дюбарри надлежит немедленно покинуть дворец.

«In a single night I built her a splendid palace»

«За ночь я построил для неё роскошный дворец»

«One day everything vanished — the palace, Dinarzade and the Lamp»

«В один из дней всё вдруг изчезло: и дворец, и Принцесса и Лампа»

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Hotel grand palace


The Palace bar has, I understand, an unsavoury reputation.

Насколько мне известно, бар «Палас» пользуется весьма сомнительной репутацией.

The Palace and then a big national tour.

Сначала Палас, потом, национальное турне.

Sam! Welcome to the Royal Palace Hotel.

Добро пожаловать в «Ройэл Палас Отель»!

Is currently not served even in the Royal Hotel Crystal Palace in London.

Такое сейчас не подают даже в королевском отеле «Кристал Палас» в Лондоне.

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We’ve kept them out of the palace.

Мы не удержим замок. — Взять их!

We must get our men inside the palace.

Зови на помощь. Если наши не войдут в замок, мы пропали.

Since then, the palace has been left to go to ruin.

С тех пор замок так и лежит в руинах.

On top of that mountain, there’s a rotating palace made of copper.

На вершине вон той большой горы стоит вращающийся замок из чистой меди.

Yes, but then they would move into the palace… and I could stay with the manor, turn things around.

Да, но потом они переедут в замок, а я могу остаться в поместье, и всё тут изменить.

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Tell me, what sort of wages allow a vice president of a knitting factory to «score» a 2-story palace!

Ты мне скажи, на какие заработки заместитель директора трикотажной фабрики отгрохал себе двухэтажный особняк?

Prefect’s palace.


— And where is your palace?

— А где находится твой особняк?

Okay, uh -— The palace.

Так… Особняк.

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I prefer to watch palace nowadays.

«Последнее время я болею за Пэлас.»

OK, you’re due at Helmsley Palace at seven and I’m leaving.

Так, у вас в 7 встреча в ХЭлмсли ПЭлас, а я ушла. Куда?

From Szechuan Palace.

Из Сычуань Пэлас.

Szechuan Palace closed two years ago.

Сычуань Пэлас закрылся два года назад.

First, the ball at Blenheim Palace, which I must admit was spectacular!

Сначала бал в Бленхэйм Пэлас, который, должна признать, был восхитителен!

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Mr. President is in his summer palace in Peking.

Господин президент находится на своей летней резиденции в Пекине.

Now we take you to the Summer Palace. And Mr. President.

А теперь мы окажемся в летней резиденции господина президента.

I have an honorary lifetime membership at the Pussycat Palace.

Я всю жизнь был почетным членом в Резиденции Цыпочек.

Banned from this… palace.

Персона нон-грата в этой резиденции.

An artificial planet, which is the palace of the Lord Thaarn…

Это искусственная планета – резиденция лорда Таарна,

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In all my years with the Royal Palace I have never come across such bad luck

За все годы службы при дворе так плохо дела у меня ещё никогда не шли.

If you do not comply, one of my agents in the royal palace… will introduce you to the second half of the poison.

Если вы не выполните это, один из моих агентов при Дворе познакомит вас со вторым компонентом яда.

She has been in the palace long. She will know to take care of it.

Она уже давно служит при дворе и всё уладит.

You’ve spent too long in the palace, William.

Ты слишком много времени провёл при дворе, Уильям.

Spending time in the palace gives me perspective.

Находясь при дворе, я смог многое увидеть.

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— This just arrived from the palace.

Пришло письмо из королевского дворца.

— From the palace!

Из королевского дворца!

I’m asking, Excellency, if the gold will go for the work on the Buen Retiro Palace or to pay the wages of the soldiers who die in Flanders or are to die in France.

Я спрашиваю, Ваша светлость, пойдет ли золото на отделку королевского дворца или вдовам тех, кто погиб во Фландрии и еще погибнет во Франции, наконец уплатят пенсии?

Make sure the boys don’t blow up the Palace or something.

Проследить, чтобы ребята не взорвали королевский дворец или еще что-нибудь.

Oh yeah, you will enter the palace and become an Imperial Official, right?

Ах да, вы поступили на службу в королевский дворец, не так ли?

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You must come with us to the Palace of the Prophets.

Ты должен отправиться с нами во Дворец Пророков.

You’ll learn everything you need to know once we reach the Palace of the Prophets.

Ты будешь учиться всему необходимому лишь тогда, когда мы прибудем во Дворец Пророков.

And if you want me to come to the Palace of the Prophets, you will help me.

И если ты хочешь чтобы я добрался до Дворца Пророков ты поможешь мне.

By the reckoning of the world outside the Palace of the Prophets, I am nearly 300 years old.

Согласно времени вне дворца Пророков мне около трехсот лет.

Richard, you’ve been here in the Palace of the Prophets for more than half a year.

Ричард, ты пробыл во Дворце Пророков больше, чем пол года.

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He had a beautiful palace.

И был у него прекрасный дом.

Come on mother, see what a palace this is

Идём, идём, мама… Смотри, какой дом.

You can get into Omar’s palace.

Ты можешь пройти в дом.

No, but you described it as a dream palace. And honestly…

Да нет, но ты мне описывал это место как дом мечты, а на самом деле…

Just exploring. Very well, but don’t leave the palace.

Очень хорошо, но не покидай дома.

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A palace is a grand residence, especially a royal residence, or the home of a head of state or some other high-ranking dignitary, such as a bishop or archbishop. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

You wouldn’t pick up as much history if you just wandered around the palace on your own…


Chateau Cancer will be a cozy and well-appointed palace with overstuffed sofas and sentimental objects like souvenirs, family albums, and framed photos.


This next theory suggests that there might’ve been some sort of intentional Steve Harvey situation here, wherein ESPN wrested the results away from the committee and staged a palace coup to keep the Buckeyes on the outside looking in.


He pads about the palace like a debauched dauphin, and when his medical diagnosis hits home, he doesn’t — to the film’s credit — magically turn into Mr. Softy.


On her 33rd birthday, Louisa received a surprise gift from her husband — a «Chinese pleasure palace


Built from foam and stucco, this US$ 40,000 (S$ 55,000) canine palace is built-to-order from Rockstar Puppy Boutique, it comes with interior and exterior features which can be customised according to Fido’s every wish.


Meanwhile, there are many dreams happening in the palace of the Sultan (voiced by Douglas Seale), who wishes to see his daughter, Princess Jasmine (voiced by Linda Larkin) married, but she turns away all suitors.


The revelation that Prince Bader is the purchaser, according to documents reviewed by The New York Times, links one of the most captivating mysteries of the art world with palace intrigues in Saudi Arabia that are shaking the region.


My only concerned is crystal palace will b high on confidence and v will have an extra pressure to do well after our pathetic performance…..


Elisa lives by herself in Baltimore in an apartment above an old-fashioned movie palace that plays biblical epics in Cinemascope to a few remaining diehards.


A mother holding a very modern-looking nursing bottle in one hand and a stick, presumably to mix the food, in the other is depicted in a relief found in the ruins of the palace of King Ashurbanipal of Nineveh, who died in 888 BC.


Located on the site of what was once an imperial palace, the property is the ninth Ritz-Carlton hotel in China.


This general betrayed Acheampong by informing the rest of the impending reshuffle and that resulted in his overthrow through a palace coup on July 5, 1978.


The scenes of Antoinette frolicking around with her daughter with sheep in a garden and the shot of her giggling uncontrollably after finally having sex with her husband seem much more important than scenes where the poverty-stricken people of France rally outside the royal palace.


The hotel intends to remind guests of an Arabian palace complex, and it succeeds.


Reportedly modeled after a silver chair — likely a princely throne — he saw in a palace at Jodhpur, the pair would have been crafted at the Ahmadabad Wood Carving Company, established in 1879 by de Forest to supply finely carved, inlaid, and brass-clad objects to his partnership with Louis Comfort Tiffany.


While exploring the palace, he confronts the cursed Twili.


The sponsorship package included Over 2000 branded T-shirts, re-painting and branding of the Elmina Chief’s palace, and an undisclosed amount of money, among other goodies.


These well preserved ruins include pyramid-temples, ball-courts, royal palaces, a museum with the different artifacts that were found in this city.


With its vaulted ceilings and Italian marble floors, Villa Miramar’s rooms will make you feel like you are looking at the Caribbean Sea from a palace.


The place (or palace) has a lot in common with Oz.


The north of Bali offers many beautiful and interesting attractions as well as some exciting ones including many temples and palaces, hot water springs, beautiful beaches, unbelievable diving and snorkeling, white water rafting and visiting the traditional villages in the mountains and all the way along the coast.


The overlap of European Baroque, which is embodied through the monumental architecture of the palace, and the contemporary art pieces, gives an additional flare to one of England’s «most treasured landmarks».


Its capital, Bangkok, is a teeming metropolis with gilded temples and palaces, while the two coastlines, on the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand, have postcard-perfect beaches.


Enjoy an orientation walk, including a visit to the Jagdish Temple and the City Palace, one of the largest royal palaces in India.


Sightseeing drive of the government palace and Asuncion Cathedral.


Visitors are coming into the state and the road to the palace is impassable.


Set within an oasis of palms and olive trees, Moorish heritage is reflected throughout the pisé-walled resort, including the guest pavilions that radiate out from an ancient bassin, echoing the style of a sultan’s palace.


Tirta Gangga was also built by the last Raja of Karangasem — in this case literally as it is said that he labored with his subjects to build the palace.


Horses were stabled in the Pavlovsk palace.


Arizona was no exception, when I was lead to the cutest historic pink palace — The Sugar Bowl!


Its outstanding museums include the Museu Nacional Soares dos Reis, set in a magnificent palace and equally enticing Serralves museum of contemporary art.


Trying to wear her down, be sure she has eaten before you place her in the cage, giving her a couple treats when you put her in, always use the cover if you intend for her to sleep and usually have the palace in a separate room are all part of a good plan.


Seventy-year-old King Hassan II, nursing an acute lung infection, watched that night in his palace.


Atmosphere, history, and location combine in this boutique hotel that once was a medieval palace.


In 1969 the palace was classified as a historical monument in France.


Apart from small minor issues, the game itself is a JRPG masterpiece: The graphics and music compliment the style of the game beautifully, the story is the best in the series, the locations and palaces you visit are astounding and the battle system has been revitalized and feels fresh and new.


There are also royal palaces, art museums, amazing coffee shops, excellent shopping — basically, there is something for everyone in Sweden’s capital.


Take a ferry there and find Belize’s second tallest ruin, sun god bas relief masks on building walls, six plazas and remnants of 25 + palaces and temples.


A retro grindhouse in the heart of Downtown Mesa, The Royale is a community arts venue & theater space styled after the film palaces of yesteryear.


Anointed in the true spirit of such heritage, its attractions boast of temples, churches, forts and palaces.


Housed in a former Renaissance palace with most of its original aesthetics maintained, the Parador de Argomániz Hotel s solid stone facade and the family Larrea coat of arms welcome visitors from all over.


Technically speaking, a president could also rule the country with a secure PC and phone, and aboard air force one, and have a low technology palace of reception, with a good perimieter.


Much of the structure of the palace was destroyed by the volcanic eruption of Gunung Agung in 1963; however, the famous bathing pools remain intact.


Just as the young protagonist Shimek (Yevheniy Kogan) sees princesses and palaces in his tiny impoverished shtetl, writer-director Eva Neymann imbues ordinary -LSB-…]


Whether I was defending the palace of Theed or attempting to recover an artifact on Takodana, the Battlefront II beta was fresh and fun.


Plus: Archaeologists discover probable «Dark Ages palace» in Cornwall Developer withdraws appeal in victory for Shepherd’s Bush Market campaigners Ronald Lauder voices doubt over provenance of a work in the Neue Galerie collection and Alan Cristea to relocate to Pall Mall


Stand in awe of the world’s largest cathedral, containing the tomb of Christopher Columbus, and admire the jaw-dropping Moorish architecture of the Royal Alcazar, today the palace of Spanish kings.


The breeds with dominant temperaments were developed to be independent, courageous, and intelligent to carry out their jobs of guarding palaces, people, and livestock, hauling sledges across frozen tundra, or hunting ferocious game.


The aging Zero recounts to the author (Jude Law) his days working as a lobby boy in the hotel in the 1930s; back when the Grand Budapest was a lavish and opulent palace, full of decadent ornamentations and rich, vibrant decors, and back when it attracted only the most esteemed and refined individuals.


дворец, чертог, особняк, роскошное здание, дворцовый


- дворец
- особняк
- резиденция (короля, духовного лица)
- роскошное здание (кафе, ресторан и т. п.)
- (the palace) придворные

Мои примеры


a suite of rooms for palace guests — апартаменты для гостей дворца  
a palace built in a neoclassical style — дворец, построенный в неоклассическом стиле  
not a fairy palace; yet a mundane wonder of unimagined kind — не сказочный дворец, но земное чудо невообразимого вида  
royal palace — королевский дворец  
to turn a barn into a palace — превратить сарай в роскошный особняк  
coffee palace — кафе, кофейня  
picture palace — кинотеатр  
the Imperial Palace in Tokyo — императорский дворец в Токио  
palace coup — дворцовый переворот  
splendid palace — роскошный дворец  
exchange a palace for a cell — променять дворец на келью  
crowd concentrated near the royal palace — толпа стекалась к королевскому дворцу  

Примеры с переводом

Buckingham Palace

Букингемский Дворец

Palace of Fine Arts

Дворец изобразительного искусства

He conducted us to the palace.

Он проводил нас во дворец.

The town’s old movie palace has been torn down.

Старый городской дворец кино был снесён /снесли/.

The palace is full of priceless antiques.

Дворец полон бесценных предметов антиквариата.

A palace stood here in antiquity.

В древности здесь стоял дворец.

Crowds lined the route to the palace.

Вдоль пути следования к дворцу выстроилась толпа народа.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Crowds were massing outside the palace

The terrorists crashed the plane into the palace

The emperor was in residence at his summer palace.

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Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): palace
мн. ч.(plural): palaces

Sentences with the word Palace?



  • «We lead him to our chief»; «can you take me to the main entrance?»; «He conducted us to the palace«
  • «The terrorists crashed the plane into the palace«; «Mother crashed the motorbike into the lamppost»
  • «ducal palace«
  • «imperial palace«
  • «liveried footmen stood on the palace steps»
  • «Crowds were massing outside the palace«
  • «the Minoan palace at Knossos»
  • «not a fairy palace; yet a mundane wonder of unimagined kind»; «so terrene a being as himself»
  • «the palace issued an order binding on all subjects»
  • «rail off the crowds from the Presidential palace«
  • «a rigid strip of metal»; «a table made of rigid plastic»; «a palace guardsman stiff as a poker»; «stiff hair»; «a stiff neck»

  • Use the word PALACE in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Rumour has it his head still decorates Bastet’s palace in Bubastis.

Before him spirit go for Eledumare palace I say

I gotta figure out how to get this shit palace back before my kid is born!

I have comeNto the eternal palace because your sacred rulesNhave been broken

It is only rightNthat Shinnok’s son be allowed to take his placeNin the Eternal palace

Did you tell him that his meeting with Sejin Group is at the palace Hotel?

The astronomers are captured, bound and taken to the palace of the King of the Selenites.

Returning to the palace, Constantin asked for absolution for the faults of his court.

Theft from Royal palace Hotel

Paris, At the Royal palace Hotel.

Carry me on your back to St. Petersburg. to the Tsaritsa’s palace!

«That is the palace of Daimyo Tokuyawa, he is a favorite of the Mikado and his house is one of the most hospitable in Japan.»

«Let us go to Prosca palace to hear if he has been there!»

«Professor, maybe you will come with us to Prosca palace and prepare the Countess for the disaster!»

I find it unacceptable that the King organize the affairs of state here the pleasure palace of his beloved.

By order of King Louis XVI Countess Dubarry and should be banished immediately leave the palace.

In this palace of pleasure? !

After the army of the Ammonites has invaded the city, only the queen’s palace has been spared.

In Sparta, in the palace of King Menelaus of the Greeks, Helen, wife of the king, plays the harp.

As the body of Hector was taken to the palace, the sad songs of the singers and the cries of the women echoed

While the Trojans discovered the wooden horse at dawn, King Priam wandered the halls of his palace, confused by his somber dreams.

Bring the sacred horse to my palace.

While in the palace, celebrating the victory, A sole Trojan soldier guarded the sacred horse.

I once lived in a palace

O lord, fiery arrows are raining on the hall by the queen’s order — the palace is burning.

What do you want day after day going around in circles in the halls of the palace?

And so Merapi found peace from the wrath of her people in the palace of Tanis

In far eastern Asia, a Mongol Prince in his palace at Ho Sho…

The palace of the Caliph of Bagdad.

We be porters bound for the palace of the Caliph.

Beasts and scimitars guard the palace.

Yet- once upon a time- a Princesa was stolen from a palace… under the very eye of Harun-al-Rashid.

They found a way into the palace and, with a subtle drug, they drowsed her and carrier her away.

The suitors are at the palace gates.

The Prince of the Indies whose palace is covered with an hundred thousand rubies.

He is the thief who yesternight did rob the palace.

Set my guard at the palace gates!

«In a single night I built her a splendid palace«

«One day everything vanished — the palace, Dinarzade and the Lamp»

«Dinarzade must be in the palace«

«Aladdin’s palace has returned!»

The Town Hall was re-named «The palace» and the profits ran into thousands.

«The palace» and its attractions were taking their toll from village homes.

The only force left opposing «Mike» McDevitt, owner of «The palace«, was Parson Brown.

Nearby, in the vast park where the Vorowski palace is located, there is always kept alive the spirit of Polish independence

In the Vorowski palace, the servants and peasants prepare to celebrate the birthday of the young mistress

In St. Petersburg, at the Winter palace

In a small room of the Winter palace

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