Sentences using the word modern

современный, новый, модерн, человек нового времени



- часто человек нового времени; современный человек; человек передовых идей, взглядов и т. п.
- (the moderns) современные писатели, художники и т. п.
- полигр. прямой шрифт нового стиля

Мои примеры


the follies of the modern world — безрассудство современного мира  
a feature of modern jazz idiom — особенность современного джазового стиля  
a book on modern English usage — книга о современном словоупотреблении в английском языке  
the high priest of modern jazz — корифей современного джаза  
a close-up of modern society — изучение современного общества  
modern dance — современный танец  
modern furniture — современная мебель  
modern language — современный язык  
modern life — современная жизнь  
the square of modern law — правила современной юриспруденции  
modern art — современное искусство  
in the modern way — по-новому  

Примеры с переводом

Do you care for modern music?

Тебе нравится современная музыка?

She is learning Modern Greek.

Она учит современный греческий язык.

Attractive, modern homes for sale.

Привлекательные, современные дома для продажи.

He had no use for modern art.

Ему совершенно не нравилось современное искусство.

I can’t relate to loud modern music.

Я не признаю современную громкую музыку.

Modern education is all cram.

Современное образование порождает лишь кашу в голове.

He thinks modern art is bosh.

Он считает, что современное искусство — это чушь.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the architect’s streamlined modern style shuns any sort of extraneous ornamentation…

…a sermon about modern society’s casual acceptance of or indifference to immorality…

…at its headquarters the company maintains a fashionable salon filled with works of modern art…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

modernism  — модернизм, новейшие течения, неологизм
modernist  — модернист
modernity  — современность, современный характер
modernize  — модернизировать, осовременить
modernly  — современно, в современном духе

2 Соедините слова. Затем, используйте полученные фразы для завершения предложения.

1 энергия

2 глобальное

3 охрана природы

4 естественная

5 современный

а среда обитания

b программы

с потепление

d образ жизни

е станции

1 Очень важно защищать естественную среду обитания

2 Правительство должно строить новые электростанции, чтобы производить больше электричества.

3 Автомобили, компьютеры и дешевые авиабилеты являются частью современного образа жизни.

4 Программы охраны природы являются одним из способов помощи животным в местах, где они живут.

5 Жаркое лето вызвано глобальным потеплением.

1-e (power station – электростанция)

2-c (global warming – глобальное потепление)

3-b (conservation programmes – программы охраны природы)

4-a (natural habitats – естественная среда обитания)

5-d (modern lifestyle – современный образ жизни)

Пропущенные фразы в предложениях:

1 natural habitats (естественная среда обитания)

2 power stations (электростанция)

3 modern lifestyle (современный образ жизни)

4 Conservation programmes (программы охраны природы)

5 global warming (глобальное потепление)

Английский язык, 11 класс

Урок № 52. Modern Art

Тема урока – Modern Art

Цель урока – teach the students how to describe and analyze pictures.

Задачи урока – teach the students some basic features of modern art, discuss modern artists and get acquainted with their techniques.

  • You will listen, read, and talk about modern art.
  • You will learn how to analyze pictures.
  • You will learn the modern artists’ techniques.

Task 1 – Unscramble the words

eaissthmblent — ____________________

cvnaas — _________________________

ctrbuontiion — _____________________

dticiepon — _______________________

ebihitxion — _______________________

fuogrorend — _____________________

prsecpteive — _____________________

vairbnt — ________________________

Task 2 — Read the words. Highlight in red the words, which have nothing to do with Art















Task 3 – Read the sentences. Fill in the missing words

composition, contrasting, foreground,

Impressionism, revolutionise, school, subject

  1. In the ________we can see a shabby old house.
  2. This painter uses _______colours – black and white.
  3. ________ is a new style, which appeared in the 1860s in France.
  4. Such painters as Claude Monet and Edgar Degas decided to ________the traditional Art________.
  5. They arranged their _______so that the main ________commanded the viewer’s attention.

Task 4 — Read the sentences and fill in the gaps transforming the capitalized words

Example – This place is very ___________. – BEAUTY

This place is very beautiful.

  1. They organized a huge __________.


  1. Everybody thinks this boy is an _________ painter.


  1. He made a great _________ in literature.


He is an __________ person. I believe, he will be very successful.


Task 5 — Read the descriptions of Claude Monet’s paintings. Match the description to the picture

  1. This picture depicts a misty maritime scene. We see a small rowboat with 2 indistinct figures. We see the early morning sun over the foggy harbor. The painter uses cool, dull colours to make us feel his own impression of this sunrise.
  2. This picture depicts the beauty of our nature. In the foreground you can see water lilies. They are of comforting colours – white and blue.
  3. This picture is titled “Wheatstacks — End of Summer”. We really can feel the warm autumn sunset. It seems we can even feel the smell of the wheatstacks. I like this picture very much, as it evokes the happy memories of my childhood, spent with my grandma in the village.

1 — 2 — 3 —

Task 6 — Read the text. Fill in the gaps

Art, between, canon, century, colour, contributed,

Cubism, movement, outside, pushed,

question, quickly, unusual, weather

What is Modern_______? It is a really good_______. Generally, it includes different styles and movements of Art.

In 1860s artists started creating works of art in______, fresh ways. The term “Modern Art” refers to those works of art, created somewhere _______1860s and 1970s.

The first ________was Impressionism. It was an art movement in France at the end of the 19th________. 

The Impressionists were always searching for a more exact analysis of ______and light in nature. They tried to capture the atmosphere of a particular time of day and the fleeting effects of different _______conditions.

That was why they had to work very________. Besides, they were the first group of artists who worked ‘en plein air’ (________). 

It is important to say, that Impressionism was the first movement in the ______of modern art. It ________greatly to the development of art in the 20th century.

Artists such as Vincent Van Gogh, Paul Cézanne, Paul Gauguin and Georges Seurat ________ the boundaries of the style, creating new movements like Expressionism, _______, and Fauvism.

Task 7 – Read the text. Mark the sentences True / False / Not stated

What is Modern Art? It is a really good question. Generally, it includes different styles and movements of Art.

In 1860s artists started creating works of art in unusual, fresh ways. The term “Modern Art” refers to those works of art, created somewhere between 1860s and 1970s.

The first movement was Impressionism. It was an art movement in France at the end of the 19th century. 

The Impressionists were always searching for a more exact analysis of colour and light in nature. They tried to capture the atmosphere of a particular time of day and the fleeting effects of different weather conditions.

That was why they had to work very quickly. Besides, they were the first group of artists who worked ‘en plein air’ (outside). 

It is important to say, that Impressionism was the first movement in the canon of modern art. It contributed greatly to the development of art in the 20th century.

Artists such as Vincent Van Gogh, Paul Cézanne, Paul Gauguin and Georges Seurat pushed the boundaries of the style. Thus, Van Gogh pushed art towards Expressionism, Cézanne was the “father” of Cubism, and Gauguin turned to Fauvism.

  1. There are 6 movements in Modern art. – True / False / Not Stated
  2. Works of art, created somewhere between 1860s – 1970s are the examples of Modern Art. – True / False / Not Stated
  3. The first movement of Modern Art was Expressionism. – True / False / Not Stated
  4. Impressionists paid a lot of attention to the light in nature. — True / False / Not Stated
  5. Impressionists concentrate on the painting and don’t work quickly. — True / False / Not Stated
  6. They were the first painters, who worked outside — True / False / Not Stated

Task 8 — Underline the correct preposition

  1. For them it was like a quest in / for / of / by a more naturalistic representation of the visual world.
  2. Their expression in / for / of / by a more subjective personal vision was unusual in / for / of / by that time.
  3. in / for / of / by the early decades in / for / of / by the 19th century, some painters began to experiment with the simple act in / for / of / by observation.
  4. A well-known bridge is depicted in / for / of / by this picture.
  5. The picture is painted in / for / of / by warm colours.
  6. in / for / of / at the centre of the painting we can see a woman.
  7. in / for / of / at the background there is shabby old castle.
  8. in / for / of / at first glance, the picture looks strange.
  9. It is a real masterpiece in / for / at / by Claude Monet.
  10. Our attention is focused in / on / of / at this little girl.

Task 9 – These are the paintings by Claude Monet. Guess the titles of the paintings

1 — 2 — 3 —

4 — 5 —

  1. Impression, Sunrise
  2. Wheatstack
  3. Water lilies and the Japanese bridge
  4. Water Lilies
  5. Camille Monet on a Garden Bench

Task 10 – Read the text. Mark the sentences True / False / Not Stated

Claude Monet was the founder of the French Impressionism. The very term “Impressionism” comes from the title of his painting “Impression, Sunrise”, which was painted in 1872 and was exhibited in 1874.

He often painted the same things many times, because he wanted to capture the changing of light.

Thus, he painted a whole series, depicting his flower garden in Giverny. For example, the painting “Water lilies and the Japanese bridge”, created somewhere between 1897-1899. It is important to say, that he painted his lilies in vertical views making the Japanese bridge the central feature.

This scenery, its alternating light and reflections were an integral part of his work. Later he made the flowers and the water the central figures. It can be observed in the painting “Water Lilies”, created in 1915

Claude Monet painted not only flowers, water, but also wheat stacks. This “Wheatstack” was finished in 1891.

However, it should be noted, that Claude Monet often painted portraits. Take, for example, this portrait of his wife, finished in 1873.

So, as you can see, Claude Monet was an extraordinary painter, who revolutionized the Traditional Art.

  1. Monet’s painting “Impression, Sunrise” was exhibited in 1875. – True / False / Not Stated
  2. Monet never painted the same things. — True / False / Not Stated
  3. He had a house in Giverny. — True / False / Not Stated
  4. The painting “Water Lilies” was created between 1897-1899. — True / False / Not Stated
  5. He painted a whole series devoted to wheatstacks. — True / False / Not Stated
  6. In 1873 Monet painted a portrait of his wife. — True / False / Not Stated

Task 11 — Read the text. Put the paragraphs in the right order.

  1. As you see, Modern art unites lots of different movements. Sometimes it’s hard for us to understand the meaning of the painting, but we should remember the proverb “Tastes differ”. We are not the ones to judge. All the painters were really great people of their times!
  2. Later Impressionism painters pushed the boundaries of the style.
  3. One fresh movement is called Cubism. The movement was pioneered by Pablo Picasso. In Cubist painting, objects are broken into fragments and reorganized into geometric shapes.
  4. Such style as Surrealism can be seen in the paintings by Salvador Dali. The movement began in 1920 when a group of visual artists adopted automatism, a technique that relied on the subconscious for creativity. So, in these paintings we can see dreams, hallucinations, automatic or random image generation.
  5. That was why Realism painters like Honoré Daumier and Gustave Courbet focused their attention on different social classes, depicting social issues and poorer members of society.
  6. This style gave birth to Impressionism in 1860s. impressionists wanted to use visible brushstrokes, vivid colors with little mixing. Besides, their goal was to capture the emotion of light and movement in their compositions. It is important to say, that Impressionists were the first to paint en plein air. Such painters as Claude Monet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Alfred Sisley, and Frédéric Bazille were the first to introduce this movement.
  7. First of all, we should speak about Realism. This genre appeared after the French Revolution of 1848. People rejected Romanticism, the style, which dominated before. Painters of this new movement wanted to focus on scenes of contemporary people and their daily life. It was an attempt to revolutionise Art. All the painters were tired of depicting scenes from mythology and the Bible, or creating portraits of the nobility. After the Revolution it was out-of-date.
  8. We often use the term of “an Art movement”. But what is it? Generally, an Art movement is a style or tendency in art. It is formed by a group of artists, having a common goal and similar philosophy. Art movements are restricted by a period of time.

Task 12 – Read the characteristic features of art movements and match






1 – Paintings of this style depict scenes of contemporary people and their daily life.

2 — In the paintings of this movement we can see dreams, hallucinations, automatic or random image generation.

3 – Painters depict objects, which are broken into fragments and reorganized into geometric shapes.

4 – Painters use visible brushstrokes, vivid colors with little mixing, they desire to capture the emotion of light and movement in their compositions.

5 – Painters depict scenes from mythology and the Bible, or create portraits of the nobility.

Task 13 — Look at the pictures. Who is the painter? What style is it? Match






“Water Lilies” by Claude Monet. 1906


Pablo Picasso, 1910, Girl with a Mandolin


Bonjour, Monsieur Courbet, 1854. by Gustave Courbet


Géricault, Théodore: The Raft of the Medusa, 1819


“The Persistence of Memory” by Salvador Dalí. 1931


Task 14 — Do the crossword puzzle













1. необычный

4. восходящий, становящийся известным

5. разнообразный

6. импрессионизм

8. перспектива (в искусстве)

9. фантастический, воображаемый, нереальный

2. наследие

3. контрастный

7. менять, производить коренные изменения

10. энергичный, живой

Task 15 — Each sentence has a mistake. Underline the mistake and correct it

1 – His legacy was to give people an opportunity to look on the world in a new way.

2 — He held lots of solo exhibits in Europe and the USA.

3 — Surrounding by the brilliant gold tones of the sunrise, the young lady rode her wonderful horse.

4 – This painter made a great contribution in the development of Impressionism.

5 – He is famous with his painting “The ninth wave”.

Task 16 — Translate into English

  1. Это портрет группы людей, собирающих виноград.
  2. На заднем плане мы видим сельскую местность.
  3. На переднем плане мы можем видеть группу женщин, несущих корзины, полные винограда.
  4. Картина выглядит очень реалистичной.


Read the words. Highlight in red the words, which have nothing to do with Art
















Read the sentences. Fill in the missing words

  1. In the foreground we can see a shabby old house.
  2. This painter uses contrasting colours – black and white.
  3. Impressionism is a new style, which appeared in the 1860s in France.
  4. Such painters as Claude Monet and Edgar Degas decided to revolutionise the traditional Art school.
  5. They arranged their composition so that the main subject commanded the viewer’s attention.


Read the sentences and fill in the gaps transforming the capitalized words






Read the text. Fill in the gaps

What is Modern Art? It is a really good question. Generally, it includes different styles and movements of Art.

In 1860s artists started creating works of art in unusual, fresh ways. The term “Modern Art” refers to those works of art, created somewhere between 1860s and 1970s.

The first movement was Impressionism. It was an art movement in France at the end of the 19th century. 

The Impressionists were always searching for a more exact analysis of colour and light in nature. They tried to capture the atmosphere of a particular time of day and the fleeting effects of different weather conditions.

That was why they had to work very quickly. Besides, they were the first group of artists who worked ‘en plein air’ (outside). 

It is important to say, that Impressionism was the first movement in the canon of modern art. It contributed greatly to the development of art in the 20th century.

Artists such as Vincent Van Gogh, Paul Cézanne, Paul Gauguin and Georges Seurat pushed the boundaries of the style, creating new movements like Expressionism, Cubism, and Fauvism.


Read the text. Mark the sentences True / False / Not stated

  1. Not Stated
  2. True
  3. False
  4. True
  5. False
  6. True


Underline the correct preposition

  1. For them it was like a quest for a more naturalistic representation of the visual world.
  2. Their expression of a more subjective personal vision was unusual for that time.
  3. In the early decades of the 19th century, some painters began to experiment with the simple act of observation.
  4. A well-known bridge is depicted in this picture.
  5. The picture is painted in warm colours.
  6. In the centre of the painting we can see a woman.
  7. In the background there is shabby old castle.
  8. At first glance, the picture looks strange.
  9. It is a real masterpiece by Claude Monet.
  10. Our attention is focused on this little girl.


These are the paintings by Claude Monet. Guess the titles of the paintings












Read the text. Mark the sentences True / False / Not Stated

  1. False
  2. False
  3. True
  4. False
  5. Not Stated
  6. True


Read the text. Put the paragraphs in the right order.

1 – h

2 – g

3 – e

4 – f

5 – b

6 – c

7 – d

8 — a


Look at the pictures. Who is the painter? What style is it? Match

Bonjour, Monsieur Courbet, 1854. by Gustave Courbet


“Water Lilies” by Claude Monet. 1906


Pablo Picasso, 1910, Girl with a Mandolin


“The Persistence of Memory” by Salvador Dalí. 1931


Géricault, Théodore: The Raft of the Medusa, 1819



Each sentence has a mistake. Underline the mistake and correct it

1 – His legacy was to give people an opportunity to look on the world in a new way. – at

2 — He held lots of solo exhibits in Europe and the USA. – exhibitions.

3 — Surrounding by the brilliant gold tones of the sunrise, the young lady rode her wonderful horse. – Surrounded

4 – This painter made a great contribution in the development of Impressionism. – to

5 – He is famous with his painting “The ninth wave”. — for


Translate into English

  1. This is a portrait of a group of people collecting grapes.
  2. In the background we see countryside.
  3. In the foreground we can see a group of women carrying baskets full of grapes.
  4. The painting (picture) looks very realistic.

Лексический материал урока

Art establishment – влиятельные круги в области искусств

Canvas — холст

Comforting — успокаивающий

Composition – композиция, расположение

Contrasting – контрастный

Contribution – вклад, вложение

Depiction – изображение

Emerging – восходящий, становящийся известным

Exhibition – выставка

Extraordinary – необычный, экстраординарный

Foreground – передний план

Impressionism – импрессионизм (стиль живописи, появившийся во Франции в 1860-е годы)

Legacy – наследие

Major – важный, главный

Multiple – разнообразный

Perspective – перспектива (в искусстве)

Prestigious – престижный, известный

Prosperous – богатый, состоятельный

Revolutionise – менять, производить коренные изменения

School – школа

Shifting – непостоянный, меняющийся, движущийся

Vibrant – энергичный, живой

Visionary – фантастический, воображаемый, нереальный

Widely – широко


  1. Афанасьева О.В., Дули Дж., Михеева И.В. Английский в фокусе. 11 класс. Учебник для общеобразовательных организаций. – М.: Просвещение, 2017.стр 150

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