Sentences using the word historical

Synonym: diachronic, historic. Similar words: historically, historic, historian, rhetoric, history, electrical, statistical, story. Meaning: [hɪ’stɑrɪkl /-‘stɒr-]  adj. 1. of or relating to the study of history 2. having once lived or existed or taken place in the real world as distinct from being legendary 3. belonging to the past; of what is important or famous in the past 4. used of the study of a phenomenon (especially language) as it changes through time. 

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1. He has written a historical drama.

2. Singers performing Mozart’s operas often dress in/wear historical costume.

3. An historical awareness also imparts a sense of continuity.

4. We have no historical evidence for it.

5. You must place these events in their historical context.

6. It is a historical play.

7. The film is full of historical inaccuracies.

8. I think the historical factor is overplayed, that it really doesn’t mean much.

9. The cultural and historical links between the many provinces were seen to be very tenuous.

10. For the sake of historical accuracy, please permit us to state the true facts.

11. He argued that important historical sites were aligned along straight lines of mystic energy.

12. The local historical society put up a plaque at the site of the battle.

13. As a historical record this book is without a compeer.

14. I like reading historical stories because I can learn about the lives that people led long ago.

15. The opening chapter gives a brief historical overview of transport.

16. He is remembered for his historical and mythological works.

17. There is no evidence for such a historical personage.

18. She’s an avid reader of historical novels.

18. try its best to gather and build good sentences.

19. His books mix historical fact with fantasy.

20. The book adopts a historical perspective.

21. She specializes in historical novels set in eighteenth-century England.

22. Her taste in fiction was for chunky historical romances.

23. She belongs to the historical society.

24. We should equitably assess historical figures.

25. The reputation of the navigator is under assault from historical revisionists.

26. The book shows a somewhat superficial understanding of the historical context.

27. It is important to look at the novel in its historical context .

28. It is important to see all the fighting and bloodshed in his plays in historical context.

29. Women are not allowed to enter the monastery for historical reasons.

30. The book is a work of fiction and not intended as a historical account.

More similar words: historically, historic, historian, rhetoric, history, electrical, statistical, story, pastor, African, restore, storage, American, investor, ancestor, pistol, hurricane, district, terrorist, consist of, radical, ethical, typical, musical, logical, medical, that is to say, tropical, critical, clinical. 

If you were referring to some event in the past, would you call it a historic event or a historical event?

Similarly, if the Supreme Court hands down a landmark decision, is this a historic or historical decision?

What is the Difference Between Historic and Historical?

In today’s post, I want to clear up any confusion you might have on the uses of historic vs. historical.

I will outline their uses and their definitions; I will provide example sentences using each word; and I will give you a handy trick to remember the difference between the two.

When to Use Historic

historic versus historical grammar differenceWhat does historic mean? Historic is an adjective that means famous or important in history, or potentially so.

  • The signing of the Declaration of Independence was a historic moment for all of humankind.
  • We are standing on a historic site; this is where the battle of Gettysburg took place.
  • Authorities say a fire that destroyed a historic New Jersey synagogue appears to be accidental. –The Washington Post

In other words, a historic event is an event that has great significance. A historic building is a building that has great significance and so on and so forth.

Now that we know this, if we reexamine our example from the very beginning about the Supreme Court, we can clearly see that a landmark decision would properly be called a historic decision, since both indicate a decision of great importance and significance.

When to Use Historical

historical versus historic examplesWhat does historical mean? Historical is also an adjective and is defined as of or relating to history; concerned with past events.

  • The new law removed historical protections that were given to small businesses.
  • Countless historical documents and artifacts were destroyed during the bombing of Berlin
  • BBC America’s powerful new historical drama “The Last Kingdom” tells the story that made England possible, and with it the flourishing of Anglo-Saxon culture and law that underpin America as well. –The Wall Street Journal

Something that is historical is simply something that happened in the past, regardless of its significance.

As William Safire once said, “Any past event is historical, but only the most memorable ones are historic.” This is a good way to think about the difference between these two words.

Common Mistakes When Using Historic and Historical

The usual mistake involving these two words is to use historic when the writer actually means to use historical.

  • There are good historic correlations between high interest rates and low rates of inflation. (Incorrect)
  • There are good historical correlations between high interest rates and low rates of inflation. (Correct)

The opposite mistake is much more uncommon.

  • No one expected such a historical ruling from the Supreme Court Justices. (Incorrect)
  • No one expected such a historic ruling from the Supreme Court Justices. (Correct)

A Historic Event vs. An Historic Event

same meaning different spelling historic There is some conflict as to which indefinite article should precede historic/historical in a sentence. Is it a historical event or an historical event? A historic or an historic?

To answer this, we need to understand the rule regarding a vs. an, which is as follows,

  • Use the article “a” when followed by a word with a consonant sound.
  • Use the article “an” when followed by a word with a vowel sound.

This means that for words like hour and honor, the correct choice is “an.”

  • An hour.
  • An honor.

The “h” is silent in both of these words, so “an” is the appropriate choice.

This is not the case with the words historic and historical, however. Both of these words have a clear “h” sound at their beginning, so the appropriate choice is “a historic,” not “an historic.”

For a more in depth discussion on these two words, visit the full page on A vs. An.

Trick to Remember the Difference

Here’s a trick I came up with to remember historical vs. historic. Let me know what you think.

Historical ends in an “L.” Think of this “L” as standing for a “Long time ago.” Historical events are simply events that took place in the past, regardless of their significance.


Is it historical or historic? This all depends on your subject matter.

Historic refers to something that is very important or significant in history.

Historical refers to something that took place in the past, regardless of importance


  • 1 What is the Difference Between Historic and Historical?
  • 2 When to Use Historic
  • 3 When to Use Historical
  • 4 Common Mistakes When Using Historic and Historical
  • 5 A Historic Event vs. An Historic Event
  • 6 Trick to Remember the Difference
  • 7 Summary
  • Use the word HISTORICAL in a sentences

Sentence Examples

historical islamic accounts in the Hadith say that Muhammad, the last great prophet, was sent by God to unite the Arabian peninsula tribes under a single religion of Islam.

This movie was filmed in Castle Belvedere in Prague, Palazzo Furstenberg, in Lobkowitz and in other historical places.

historical film in 6 parts A biography of the great general of the Roman army

A historical drama in 6 acts by Fred Orbing and Hanns Kraly

Presents the historical film drama

A presentation from a cultural and historical point of view in 7 chapters of moving pictures.

On the brink of historical downfall … the capital … celebrates

The BoIsheviks are violating historical processes.

The historical figures in this film are represented through documents. The fictional characters created by the filmmaker are played by:

Although Stoker did little research into the historical Dracula, appropriating the name was one of his greatest inspirations.

Those are historical facts, sir.

There’s a fortune waiting for any guide who don’t know anything about monuments, painting, historical edifices or—

I’ve never heard of the Courtelains in all my historical research. Have you?

A bicycle seat is a little hard on Lady Godiva’s historical background.

Railway historical Accident Session of Congress, no.

It goes on to say «…of historical value.»

You’ve presented your arguments in every historical spot.

Monsieur de Fauguerolles and you, Monsieur de Saint Laurent, we beg you to stop your historical discussion at once. We require your presence to solve a conflict of the uttermost importance.

I must confess, the historical significance of the ballroom doesn’t impress me at all.

The events in this film are based on historical facts.

She’s a historical character.

These are facts, historical facts not schoolbook history, not Mr. Wells’ history, but history, nevertheless.

As curator of the historical Society of America, I have authenticated it.

historical Investigation:

A historical character, Father.

I want to show historical heroes and make them impressive.

I’ll put her on A later boat myself. Miss Dunn has such a fine historical sense, sir. It seems a pity that she should Be denied the advantage of travel.

Although this film was inspired by that historical event, the characters portrayed herein are entirely fictional.»

In this legendary, historical heaven of yours.

This film is dedicated to the Nameless Child, and to children, who had the same fate on the roads of historical times:

TThe best actors in the world, either for tragedy, comedy, history, pastoral, pastoral-comical, historical-pastoral, tragical-historical, tragical-comical-historical-pastoral.

The tortured capital of Northern Greece… after the bombing by the German Artillery… gave in and the German Army… advanced to the centre of the historical Greek city… that suffocates, once more, under the burden of the conqueror… who is advancing rapidly to the South.

Decisions will be made historical of an unique reach

Yes. He was an eminent economist of the historical school.

We’ve tried to teach you the accepted historical styles.

This is a historical day for the «D. Bakas’ Distillery».

One of historical significance.

On the walls of this rotunda are eight historical paintings… — with the landing of the Pilgrims… — Revolutionary War paintings, depicting the start and finish of that war, and its two greatest battles.

For a symptom like this to be significant, it should have an historical basis.

Ladies and gentlemen to close the meeting of the Wingait Falls historical Society we will dance an old favorite, «The Portland Fancy. «

Well, Jane, that’s a fine finish to the meeting of the historical Society.

Today’s a historical day.

It’s hysterical, it’s historical

No, he’s helping me with research for that series on historical monuments in New York.

Yes, Julie, after that fortunate and historical meeting with Mark yesterday,

He’s practically a historical character by now.

A historical picture entitled «The Trading Scene».

The village is at the center of highly important historical events.

Use the adjective historical to describe something that happened in the past, like the historical details of your ancestors’ immigration to the United States.

When you’re talking about events in the past, you can call them historical. Civil War reenactors might work hard to research the perfect historical costumes, and set designers for period films try to recreate rooms with historical accuracy, making them look just like they would have in the past. The word historical traces back to the Greek word historia, «a learning by inquiry, history, or record.»

Definitions of historical

  1. adjective

    of or relating to the study of history

    historical scholars”

    historical perspective”

  2. adjective

    used of the study of a phenomenon (especially language) as it changes through time

  3. adjective

    belonging to the past; of what is important or famous in the past

    historical character”




    earlier than the present time; no longer current

  4. adjective

    having once lived or existed or taken place in the real world as distinct from being legendary

    historical Jesus”

    historical events”


    existent, real

    being or occurring in fact or actuality; having verified existence; not illusory

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘historical’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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Commonly confused words

historic / historical

Something historic has a great importance to human history. Something historical is related to the past. People with big egos get them mixed up if they say they had a historic family background. Unless they helped win a war, it was probably just historical.

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: of, relating to, or having the character of history


: used in the past and reproduced in historical presentations

Did you know?

Do you experience a slight pause before using either of these words as you try to remember which one is correct and whether it should be preceded by an or a? If so, you’re not alone, for many people find this pair particularly tricky. Historic and historical are both occasionally found preceded by an, since the initial h in each word was formerly left unpronounced. Now this h is heard, and a is far more common than an (by a ratio of about 4 to 1 in American English).

Historic and historical have been used interchangeably by many writers, even in recent years. If you would like to avoid being corrected, however, use historical for matters relating to history (the historical society), and historic to refer to things having great and lasting importance (a historic occasion).


Example Sentences

He strove for historical accuracy in the movie.

The kings are listed in historical order.

Recent Examples on the Web

April Fools’ Day in December) by having a town-wide food fight, complete with military strategy and historical lore.

Aj Willingham, CNN, 1 Apr. 2023

More travelers 🚗= heavy traffic 🚨 🚕 Be aware of potential heavy travel on these interstate hotspots outside of #metroATL today for #SpringBreak based on historical travel data 🔽.

David Aaro, ajc, 31 Mar. 2023

The group, made up of six transgender, nonbinary, and gender non-conforming people, covers a wide range of topics affecting trans youth— including gender euphoria, kindness, the historical evidence of trans identities, and more.

Ct Jones, Rolling Stone, 31 Mar. 2023

Since the Wall fell in 1989, this long street running through the district of Neukölln no longer has a disputed border of world-historical significance to snip off its eastern tail.

Boyd Tonkin, WSJ, 31 Mar. 2023

Beatrice, the first British royal bride to wear an upcycled gown in recent history, discussed the significance of her choice with Caroline de Guitaut, the curator of an exhibition that featured the historical piece at Windsor Castle two months after the nuptials.

Nicole Briese, Peoplemag, 31 Mar. 2023

The Maryland Department of Planning’s estimate that Maryland’s population will reach 6.24 million by 2025 is based on historical data and trends from previous census data, said David Buck, a spokesperson.

Lilly Price, Baltimore Sun, 29 Mar. 2023

The rain gauge is wireless and self-emptying, and records precipitation amounts as well as stores historical data for the last year, month, week, or 48 hours.

Alida Nugent, Better Homes & Gardens, 28 Mar. 2023

Within the startup industry, decisions aren’t based on historical data.

Ajay Jotwani, Forbes, 27 Mar. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘historical.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

15th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

Time Traveler

The first known use of historical was
in the 15th century

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“Historical.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
3 Apr 2023
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Here is an example sentence with the word «historical»:

This historical artifact from ancient Egypt is more than 4000 years old.

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