Sentences using the word global

Synonym: ball-shaped, globose, globular, orbicular, planetary, spheric, spherical, world, world-wide, worldwide. Similar words: globe, lobby, glove, glower, tobacco, go back on, go back to, probably. Meaning: [‘gləʊbl]  adj. 1. involving the entire earth; not limited or provincial in scope 2. having the shape of a sphere or ball. 

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1. Technology has turned the world into a global village.

2. Several hypotheses for global warming have been suggested.

3. Environmental protection has been a global concern.

4. Now that we are all part of the global village, everyone becomes a neighbour.

5. The company does not yet have the global reach of its bigger competitors.

6. On a global scale, 77% of energy is created from fossil fuels.

7. The threat of global warming will eventually force the US to slow down its energy consumption.

8. The commission is calling for a global ban on whaling.

9. A global environmental meeting is going to be held here.

10. The practice of global politics requires reform.

11. The company needs to develop a global vision.

12. The plight of the Kurds gained global visibility.

13. They sent a global e-mail to all staff.

14. The general secretary opened the congress on global warming.

15. Global growth rates are diverging markedly.

16. Global warming will affect all of us.

17. Global warming is a real problem.

18. Global warming has become a very hot issue.

19. The crisis here caught the global attention.

20. We are taking a global view of our business.

21. Television has helped to create a global village.

22. Companies that are insensitive to global changes will lose sales.

23. The probable result of global warming will be a rise in sea levels.

24. Do a global search for ‘organise’ and replace it with ‘organize’.

25. It’s a global problem — what can individuals do about it?

26. Scientists fear that global warming has gone beyond the point of no return.

27. A global study has just been started to chart the effects of climate change.

28. It is not possible to observe this phenomenon directly,[] but its effects can be seen in the rise in global temperatures.

29. They fear it could have an adverse effect on global financial markets.

30. Dr Subroto questioned the scientific assumption on which the global warming theory is based.

More similar words: globe, lobby, glove, glower, tobacco, go back on, go back to, probably, ball, balls, ballot, balloon, tribal, verbal, balanced, have a ball, basketball, balance of. 

  • Use the word Global in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Under the aegis of «the global war on terror», they can shoot anyone they like.

Why are we a global enterprise?

The Hamburg section of the German Colonial Association is aware that Froben, the Hamburg senator’s son, in whose blood has been the global traveler since generations…. therefore we couldn’t offer him a more appropriate token of out esteem

Oh, I have seen this global monument somewhere.

They noted that another burning issue of our times It was the displacement of entire populations due to wars, famines and the role of the global market.

It sparked global concern about the lives of these refugees de India, Vietnam, Filipinas,

We’re the Air Forces’s global bombing outfit.

He’s getting more global every minute.

Then there’s the global conflict between the fighting Navy and the paper Navy.

I’m Ed Malone, global News.

«Ed Malone, global News Service.»

I’m executive vice president of global News Service.

My dear professor we of global News are perfectly delighted that one of our bright young men is going to represent us on your epic-making expedition.

The latest bulletin from Ed Malone, special correspondent for global News Service reports the Challenger expedition now flying over entirely unexplored wilderness en route to Professor Challenger’s still undisclosed destination his Lost World somewhere in the endless rain forests.

global 33, receiving okay.

global 33, receiving okay. We’ll be about four minutes behind flight plan at 30-degrees west.

global flight 33, position 52 north 30 west, time 14:03.

global 33 to weather shipcharlie.

Harmon control, this is global 33.

Moncton, this is global 33.

Boston control, this is global 33.

Idlewild, this is global 33.

global 33 to harmon control… whatever that bump was, skipper it’s really knocked out everything. global 33, moncton.

La guardia this is global 33.

La guardia, this is global 33.

La guardia, this is global airlines flight 33. Now, stop fooling around.

Do you think we ought to take a chance? global 33, you’re cleared to land on runway 22.

A global jet airliner en route from london to new york on an uneventful afternoon in the year 1961 but now reported overdue and missing and by now searched for on land, sea and air by anguished human beings, fearful of what they’ll find but you and i know where she is.

What occurred to me was that there is a special significance… in the Holy Father’s decision to send me back to my own country… as a cardinal and archbishop… at this moment of global crisis.

Take a global point of view!

I ain’t no global thinker.

He’s the president of the United global Chemical Corporation in Maryland.

On a global scale now German weapons and our guns are joined to destroy the enemy.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Big Hunt’s rules are, the global moral institution, which moralized this century and which has chained and legalized violence:

You will talk to your Central World Authority and order global surrender.

I will speak on all global wavelengths.

That’s not just global warming, is it? — No.

This is a global house search.

The force that shattered every institution that global earthquake, the French Revolution!

But the ignorant days of global hostilities are about to pass into history.

And all I want from you is the exclusive global and universal rights to it.

«and I want the funds and the personnel… to take over the whole gamut of global terrorism», right?

Professor Gerloff wants to use television to spread his ideas of education, in particular the global promotion of Latin.

That tiny country, beaten, bankrupt, defeated, rose in a few years to stand only one step away from global domination.

Severe competition in the global market makes it hard for this prewar factory to keep up.

A global strategy is needed, the question of power must be addressed.

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The global broadcast was on around the world.

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Q: A sentence using the word global?

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1-e (power station – электростанция)
2-c (global warming – глобальное потепление)
3-b (conservation programmes – программы охраны природы)
4-a (natural habitats – естественная среда обитания)
5-d (modern lifestyle – современный образ жизни)

Пропущенные фразы в предложениях:
1 natural habitats (естественная среда обитания)
2 power stations (электростанция)
3 modern lifestyle (современный образ жизни)
4 Conservation programmes (программы охраны природы)
5 global warming (глобальное потепление)

1 Очень важно защищать естественную среду обитания
2 Правительство должно строить новые электростанции, чтобы производить больше электричества.
3 Автомобили, компьютеры и дешевые авиабилеты являются частью современного образа жизни.
4 Программы охраны природы являются одним из способов помощи животным в местах, где они живут.
5 Жаркое лето вызвано глобальным потеплением.

Пожалуйста помогите,срочно нужно!!!Complete the sentences using the derivatives of the words on the right
Слова которые нужно вставить : pronounce,globe,help,interpret,America,polite,mean,fashion,disappoint,relate,(use,decide),effect.
1.Correct . . . is very important when you learn a foreign leanguage.
2.English has become the . . . lenguage of the 21st century.
3.Thanks,you have been most . . . .
4.She works as an . . .
5.I dont think you can read books by English or . . . authors in the original.
6.Its . . . to tern your back on the person when he or she speaks to you.
7.Whats the . . . of this word?
8.I would like to buy a new fashion (это я знаю) dress.
9.The old lady looked . . . 
10. Are the boys . . . to each other?They look very much alike.
11.That was an absolutely . . . meeting.No . . . was taken.
12.I dont think these methods can be . . . .

1. Complete the sentences using one of the words. Endangered hurricane global disaster homeless supplies donations challenging war money 1. I wish there were only peace and no on our planet. 2. The eco camp was the most experience in my life. 3. The earthquake left a lot of people 4. It’s been the worst natural for our country. 5. A strong is now coming to the coast of Florida. 6. Celebrities are raising to help poor countries. 7. The sea turtle is an species. 8. People need food and medical 9. The earth temperature rises and causes warming 10. They’ve made generous to the World Wildlife Fund. a 2. Choose the correct word. 1. Would you like to have/do/make a donation to our charity? 2. The concert wants to rise/raise/rose money for charity. 3. Do you want to join this conservation/conserve/conserved project? 4. Jill’s having a runny/sore/high throat and a temperature. 5. A situation when a lot of people have no food for a long time is called poverty/war/famine. 6. We won’t go on a mountain hike, there may be an) avalanche/tsunami/f lood. 7. I fell and sprained my stomach/nose/ankle. 8. We have supported/campaigned/inspected against killing whales for years already 9. If you’re never/just/ever in St. Petersburg, come and see us. 10. She fell off her bike and bruised/pulled/split her knee. 3. Fill in the gaps with prepositions. 1. I took your bag instead of mine mistake. 2. They went a ten-kilometre hike.​

TEST 4 Spotlight 10

  1. Fill inconsumption, change, issues, excessive, station, habitats, warming, species, heap. One is extra.

  1. environmental …

  2. compost …

  3. global …

  4. climate …

  5. endangered …

  6. natural …

  7. power …

  8. energy …

  1. Form the correct negative forms from the words bellow.

  1. Polite 2. Perfect 3. Clear 4. Care 5. Active 5. Lucky 6. Understand 7. Help

  1. Complete the sentences using: must, mustn’t, (don’t) have to, can’t, ought to, should(n’t).

1. This is an old-fashioned school. All students … wear a uniform.

2. You … throw away all this paper. It can be recycled.

3. You look very pale. You … take some aspirin and go to bed.

4. Look at this phone bill! I really … try to make fewer phone calls.

5. You … walk the dog again. John walked him an hour ago.

6. I’m afraid you … park here.

7. I can’t meet my friends in the evening because I … do my homework.

8. You … take all this waste paper to the recycling bin.

  1. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the word in bold.

1. I advise you to take a course in literature.

Should  You … in literature.

2. It is possible that the police are questioning him.

May  The police … him.

3. You mustn’t throw litter in the park.

Allowed   You … litter in the park.

4. Something must be done to protect seals.

Need  We … protect seals.

  1. Fill in the correct word derived from the word in the brackets


    1. 1. Issues

2. heap

3. warming

4. change

5. species

6. habitats

7. station

8. consumption

    1. Impolite, imperfect, unclear, careless, inactive, unlucky, misunderstand, helpless

    2. 1. Must 2. Shouldn’t 3. Ought to 4. Must 5. Don’t have to 6. Can’t 7. Have to 8. Should

    3. Nn

    4. 1.threaten






8.a proof



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