Sentences using the word evidence

evidence — перевод на русский


And I think that John Mayer is very likely to destroy evidence.

Также Джон Майер может уничтожить доказательства.

I want you to gather all the evidence…

Сперва собрать все доказательства…

That’s why I want this affidavit as evidence.

И их показания нужны мне в качестве доказательства.

Now, run along and find your evidence.

Теперь несите доказательства.

Now, I must destroy evidence.

А теперь надо уничтожить доказательства.

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The Pavlovich brothers burnt that chopper to cover up evidence.

Братья Павловичи сожгли вертолёт, чтобы скрыть улики.

She’s planting evidence on you.

Она подкинула тебе улики.

He came to get evidence.

Он пришел найти улики.

And there are even more concrete pieces of evidence in this case that we have already examined.

Ќо есть ещЄ более конкретные улики в деле, которое мы рассматриваем.

There’s your evidence, Mr. Janoth.

Вот вам улики.

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Defendant, you are about to hear the evidence against you.

Подсудимый, мы заслушаем свидетельства против вас.

I only want a few days to go over all the evidence.

ћне нужно только пару дней, чтобы просмотреть все свидетельства.

The State has not produced one iota of medical evidence that the crime Tom Robinson is charged with ever took place.

Обвинение не представило ни единого… медицинского свидетельства… что преступление, в котором обвинен Том Робинсон… вообще имело место.

Now I am confident that you gentlemen will review without passion the evidence that you have heard, come to a decision and restore this man to his family.

Теперь я уверен, что вы, джентльмены, рассмотрите… без предвзятости… свидетельства, которые вы слышали, придете к решению… и вернете этого человека его семье.

The evidence we have proves he did.

Свидетельства доказывают обратное.

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You’ve a chance to break free of him for good. Turn king’s evidence. Why don’t you?

Ты можешь порвать с этим, дав показания.

In closing, let me repeat. It is for you to decide which of the evidence is in accordance with the facts.

В заключение позвольте мне повторить что вам придется решать, чьи показания соответствуют фактам.

Of course, madam. I… I wanted to say that if any of us might be required to give evidence,

Я хотел бы сказать, что если вдруг понадобятся мои показания, я буду очень рад сделать все, что могло бы помочь семье.

— My evidence, and brother, it’s hot.

— Мои показания, а также Вашего брата, его шляпа.

There was a divorce, Mr Nicholas had to give evidence.

Потом был развод, мистер Николас должен был давать показания.

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Well gentlemen, the evidence speaks for itself.

Ну что ж, господа, факты говорят сами за себя.

There is evidence.

Есть факты.

I challenge this committee to produce any witness or evidence against me, and if they do not, I hope they will have the decency to clear my name with the same publicity with which they have besmirched it.

Я призываю комиссию… призвать любых свидетелей или факты против меня. И если они не смогут… я надеюсь, они будут иметь порядочность, чтобы очистить моё имя… с той публичностью , с которой они облили меня грязью » .

The evidence indicates that the rocks are 1 .2 million years old.

Факты говорят, что этим скалам более 1.2 миллиона лет.

The court only accepts evidence that can be proved.

Суд объективен и принимает во внимание только на 100% доказанные факты.

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Scanners show the same evidence of destruction.

Сканеры регистрируют признаки разрушения.

This star has long given evidence of entering a nova phase, and six months ago, a research station was established to make close-up studies of the star as its end approaches.

Эта звезда давно подавала признаки входа в фазу сверхновой, и полгода назад была создана исследовательская станция, чтобы изучить поближе звезду и ее близящийся конец.

Certain structures hold evidence of recent occupancy, while others are apparently long abandoned.

У некоторых зданий — признаки недавнего присутствия жителей, другие, несомненно, давно заброшены.

Did you see any evidence of rainfall? No, sir.

Вы видите какие-либо признаки дождя?

Was there any physical evidence to indicate whether or not Ms. Blaine was an habitual user of drugs?

Были ли признаки, позволяющие определить, мисс Блейн регулярно принимала этот наркотик или нет?

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On the landscapes of other planets where past records are better preserved there’s abundant evidence of major catastrophes.

На просторах других планет, где чётко сохранились отпечатки прошлых лет, отчётливо заметны следы огромных катастроф.

So there may be physical evidence in the age of space flight for the account of the Canterbury monks in the 12th century.

Значит, во времена космических полётов ещё могут сохраниться следы того события, которое увидели кентерберийские монахи в 12 веке.

All that evidence of violence!

Все эти следы насилия.

— Well, now that you think about it… — Yes, yes? I have to use your computer because I have to wipe all evidence of this transaction out, you know.

Мне нужно воспользоваться вашим компьютером, чтобы стереть следы.

Get rid of all evidence of her, and bring me a big glass of vodka.

Уберите все следы её присутствия, и принесите мне большой стакан водки.

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Furthermore, it’s not a book, but a piece of evidence.

Во-вторых, это не просто книга, а вещественное доказательство.

— The police are holding it as evidence.

— В полиции, как вещественное доказательство.

We’ll need that as evidence.

А это — вещественное доказательство.

— She’s not a piece of evidence.

— Она не вещественное доказательство.

Hey, that’s evidence!

Это вещественное доказательство. Спасибо.

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More evidence.

Еще подтверждения.

I haven’t seen any evidence of that.

Я не видела ни одного подтверждения этого.

Is there evidence of it?

Есть подтверждения этому?

Yes, the witness’ description doesn’t fit you exactly, but I’m sure that’ll be explained once the doctor here finds evidence of dermal regeneration.

Да, описание свидетелей не совсем вам подходит, но я уверен, всё прояснится, как только доктор найдёт подтверждения кожной регенерации.

But one full day had passed by, and he only had to go down in the town to find evidence of that.

Но проходил целый день, и ему оставалось только спуститься в город, чтобы найти подтверждения этого.

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But you need evidence, Miss.

Но вы должны доказать, Мисс

You need evidence to show your guilt.

Чтобы доказать вину, нужны улики, доктор.

But if the evidence convinces you, sir, Terrasini will be on the other side of the bench.

Я могу доказать, что вторая часть банка тоже принадлежит Терразини.

Do you have any evidence that he showed your psychiatric file to anyone?

Вы можете доказать, что он кому-то показывал ваше психиатрическое досье?

I don’t suspect, I have evidence.

У меня есть все, чтобы это доказать.

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Sentences with the word Evidence?



  • «I am accumulating evidence for the man’s unfaithfulness to his wife»; «She is amassing a lot of data for her thesis»; «She rolled up a small fortune»
  • «admissible evidence«
  • «his story confirmed my doubts»; «The evidence supports the defendant»
  • «This leaves no room for improvement»; «The evidence allows only one conclusion»; «allow for mistakes»; «leave lots of time for the trip»; «This procedure provides for lots of leeway»
  • «the evidence amply (or fully) confirms our suspicions»; «they were fully (or amply) fed»
  • «analyze a sonnet by Shakespeare»; «analyze the evidence in a criminal trial»; «analyze your real motives»
  • «anecdotal evidence«
  • «The evidence argues for your claim»; «The results indicate the need for more work»
  • «I cannot connect these two pieces of evidence in my mind»; «colligate these facts»; «I cannot relate these events at all»
  • «The stories and claims were born out by the evidence«
  • «The auction house would not disclose the price at which the van Gogh had sold»; «The actress won’t reveal how old she is»; «bring out the truth»; «he broke the news to her»; «unwrap the evidence in the murder case»; «The newspaper uncovered the President’s illegal dealings»
  • «no evidence that the choking was done by the accused»
  • «his claim that he was innocent»; «evidence contradicted the government’s claims»
  • «clear-cut evidence of tampering»; «Claudius was the first to invade Britain with distinct…intentions of conquest»; «trenchant distinctions between right and wrong»
  • «collateral evidence«
  • «accumulate evidence«
  • «new and compelling evidence«
  • «a decision unfavorable to the opposition»; «his conclusion took the evidence into account»; «satisfied with the panel’s determination»
  • «conclusive proof»; «the evidence is conclusive»
  • «We confronted him with the evidence«; «He was faced with all the evidence and could no longer deny his actions»; «An enormous dilemma faces us»
  • «contaminated evidence«
  • «the government took a firm course»; «historians can only point out those lines for which evidence is available»
  • «he gave evidence for the defense»
  • «when two honest witnesses give accounts of the same event that differ diametrically, how can anyone prove that the evidence you gave was deliberately false?»; «three of these brushes were approximately 120 feet apart and the fourth diametrically opposite to one of the three»
  • «the evidence from bacteriologic analysis was equivocal»
  • «his trembling was evidence of his fear»
  • «the evidence that smoking causes lung cancer is very compelling»
  • «extrinsic evidence«; «an extrinsic feature of the new building»; «that style is something extrinsic to the subject»; «looking for extrinsic aid»
  • «slight evidence«; «a tenuous argument»; «a thin plot»; «a fragile claim to fame»
  • «forensic pathology provided the evidence that convicted the murderer»
  • «ghastly wounds»; «the grim aftermath of the bombing»; «the grim task of burying the victims»; «a grisly murder»; «gruesome evidence of human sacrifice»; «macabre tales of war and plague in the Middle ages»; «macabre tortures conceived by madmen»
  • «This student gives promise of real creativity»; «The office gave evidence of tampering»
  • «The jury had heard all the evidence«; «The case will be tried in California»
  • «they were much in evidence during the fighting»; «she made certain that her engagement ring was in evidence«
  • «inadmissible evidence«
  • «an inconclusive reply»; «inconclusive evidence«; «the inconclusive committee vote»
  • «undeniable guilt»; «indisputable evidence of a witness»
  • «reflection from the ceiling provided a soft indirect light»; «indirect evidence«; «an indirect cause»
  • «the report included his interpretation of the forensic evidence«
  • «The evidence suggests a need for more clarification»
  • «his support made a material difference»; «evidence material to the issue at hand»; «facts likely to influence the judgment are called material facts»; «a material witness»
  • «evidence of neolithic settlements»
  • «neurological evidence«
  • «an objective appraisal»; «objective evidence«
  • «objective benefits»; «an objective example»; «there is no objective evidence of anything of the kind»
  • «an important piece of the evidence«
  • «the police used a plant to trick the thieves»; «he claimed that the evidence against him was a plant»
  • «a preponderance of evidence against the defendant»
  • «presumptive evidence«; «a strong presumptive case is made out»
  • «evidence should only be excluded if its probative value was outweighed by its prejudicial effect»
  • «tangible evidence«; «his brief time as Prime Minister brought few real benefits to the poor»
  • «there wasn’t a trace of evidence for the claim»; «a tincture of condescension»
  • «he knew the slenderness of my wallet»; «the slenderness of the chances that anything would be done»; «the slenderness of the evidence«
  • «the solidity of the evidence worked in his favor»; «the solidness of her faith gave her enduring hope»
  • «this was strikingly demonstrated»; «the evidence was strikingly absent»
  • «unequivocal evidence«; «took an unequivocal position»; «an unequivocal success»; «an unequivocal promise»; «an unequivocal (or univocal) statement»
  • «an uncertain future»; «a manuscript of uncertain origin»; «plans are still uncertain»; «changes of great if uncertain consequences»; «without further evidence his story must remain uncertain»
  • «I resented his withholding permission»; «there were allegations of the withholding of evidence«
  • «written evidence«

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False evidence, fabricated evidence, forged evidence or tainted evidence is information created or obtained illegally, to sway the verdict in a court case.

Therefore evidence against evolution is evidence for creation, and evidence against creation is evidence for evolution.

This paper is nothing more than presented evidence, evidence I find compelling.

Proving discrimination using circumstantial evidence is more difficult than with direct evidence.

Путь установления обстоятельств дела с помощью косвенных доказательств более сложный, чем при прямых доказательствах.

The evidence to support the charge of genocide can be based on circumstantial evidence as well as direct evidence.

Recommendations were supported by structured rationales, integrating evidence from the systematic review, related evidence, principles of care, and inferences from evidence.

Рекомендации поддерживались структурированными обоснованиями, что интегрировали доказательства систематического обзора, сопутствующие доказательства, принципы опеки и выводы из доказательств.

International cooperation in cases involving digital evidence may also be enhanced by common approaches for formulating requests for specific forms of evidence, including network evidence, connections logs and forensic images.

Развитию международного сотрудничества в делах, связанных с электронными доказательствами, могут также способствовать общие подходы к составлению просьб о предоставлении определенных видов доказательств, включая сетевые доказательства, журналы соединений и криминалистические копии цифровых носителей.

There are two archaeological evidence that enthusiastic researchers cited as evidence of a nuclear war.

Есть два археологических свидетельства, которые энтузиасты-исследователи приводят в качестве доказательств ядерной войны.

There was no evidence that virtual reality was more effective in this case (low-quality evidence).

Не было доказательств, что виртуальная реальность была более эффективной в этом случае (доказательства низкого качества).

Truthful evidence is gradually accumulating, supporting evidence for the existence of vampires.

Such principles as best evidence and free assessment of evidence should be mentioned at the beginning of this article.

В самом начале данной статьи должны быть упомянуты такие принципы, как наилучшее доказательство и свободная оценка доказательства.

In certain situations some evidence may be admitted but the court may decide not to attach value to such evidence.

В определенных случаях некоторые доказательства могут быть допустимыми, однако суд может принять решение не придавать значения таким доказательствам.

The assessment stage also takes into account evidence that supports a claim, regardless of the source of this evidence.

На стадии оценки также учитываются доказательства, которые удостоверяют претензию вне зависимости от источника этих доказательств.

Documentary evidence of crimes committed, such as signed orders by military commanders, is a very compelling category of evidence.

Документальные доказательства совершения преступлений, такие, как приказы, подписанные военными командирами, являются весьма убедительной категорией доказательств.

It must be emphasized, however, that epidemiological evidence by itself is insufficient to establish causality, although it can provide powerful circumstantial evidence.

Следует подчеркнуть, что эпидемиологических данных для установления причинности недостаточно, хотя они дают достаточно убедительные косвенные доказательства.

Imaging will not provide conclusive evidence for clinical diagnosis however, and the evidence needs to be supplanted by serial physiological testing for functional changes.

Изображения не будут предоставлять убедительных доказательств для клинической диагностики, однако, их свидетельства должны порождать серийное физиологическое тестирование функциональных изменений.

Luckily for us, in this case, evidence of absence is not absence of evidence.

Absence of evidence isn’t the same as evidence of absence.

Compile some evidence, containing in particular the copied tables and other evidence you have that does not require somebody to speak Russian.

Скомпилировать некоторые доказательства, содержащие, в частности, скопированных таблиц и других доказательств у вас ни чего не требуют, чтобы кто-нибудь говорят на русском.

If objective evidence of Marić’s talent is uncovered in the future, I shall gladly acknowledge her role as indicated by that evidence.

Если объективное свидетельство таланта Марич раскроется в будущем, я с удовольствием признаю ее роль в соответствии с этим свидетельством.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат evidence

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Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«They have considerable evidence of his guilt.«
(considerable, ample, substantial, plentiful, sufficient)

«There is growing evidence of global warming.«
(growing, increasing, widespread)

«There is clear evidence that the students cheated.«
(clear, powerful, solid, strong, good, overwhelming, conclusive)

«She has little evidence to back up her claim.«
(little, limited, inadequate, concrete, direct, firm, physical, credible)

«We can’t make a decision based on available evidence.«
(available, current, present)

«He accused them of hiding important evidence.«
(important, crucial, valuable, vital)

«Our decision may change if we receive additional evidence.«
(additional, more, new, further, fresh, conflicting)

«The police have a lot of circumstantial evidence.«
(circumstantial, conflicting, hard)

«They will present the forensic evidence tomorrow.«
(forensic, clinical, DNA, scientific, visual, photographic)

«He admitted to creating false evidence.«

Used with verbs:

«We have enough evidence to make a decision.«
(have, found, saw)

«They looked for evidence after the crime.«
(looked for, searched for, collected, found, gathered, uncovered, discovered, obtained)

«A new witness offered additional evidence in the case.«
(offered, provided)

«He gave us evidence of his scientific breakthrough.«
(gave, showed)

«We are carefully reviewing all of the evidence.«
(reviewing, considering, examining, studying, evaluating, weighing)

«I need to see some evidence before I make a decision.«
(see, hear, read)

«The judge decided to allow the evidence.«
(allow, admit, exclude, hear)

«They admitted that they destroyed the evidence.«
(destroyed, lost, ignored, hid)

«A lot of evidence exists for global warming.«

«Additional evidence confirmed our suspicions.«
(confirmed, proved, supported)

«The evidence suggests his innocence.«
(suggest, points to, indicates, shows)

Used with prepositions:

«He presented a lot of evidence for his claim.«

«We are looking for evidence of life on other planets.«

«The attorney presented DNA as evidence of the defendant’s guilt.«

Used with nouns:

«The police didn’t have a piece of evidence.«
(piece, shred)

доказательство, свидетельство, данные, свидетельствовать, доказывать


- основание; данные, факт(ы), признак(и); свидетельства

- доказательство, свидетельство

to bear /to give/ evidence of — свидетельствовать о, подтверждать, показывать
let’s have an evidence of good faith — нам нужны доказательства (вашей) добросовестности
to adduce evidence in support of … — приводить доказательства в поддержку …

- очевидность, явность

in evidence — а) наличный, присутствующий; б) заметный;
to be in evidence — а) иметь место; б) присутствовать
he was not in evidence — его нигде не было видно
to be very much in evidence — а) иметь распространение, быть обычным явлением; б) быть постоянно на виду; быть заметным; ≅ мозолить глаза

- доказательство; улика

- показание свидетеля или обвиняемого

parole evidence — устное показание
hearsay evidence — юр. показание с чужих слов; доказательства, основанные на слухах
to call in evidence — вызывать в суд для дачи показаний
to give evidence — давать (свидетельское) показание
to take the evidence of smb. — допрашивать кого-л. и протоколировать /фиксировать/ его показания

- свидетель

King’s /Queen’s, амер. State’s/ evidence — а) сообвиняемый, изобличающий своих сообщников (с целью самому избежать наказания); б) показание такого сообвиняемого
to turn King’s /Queen’s, State’s/ evidence — изобличать своих сообщников (с целью самому избежать наказания)

- юр. документ, которым подтверждается какое-л. право


- свидетельствовать, показывать

to evidence one’s appreciation — выказать удовлетворение, засвидетельствовать своё одобрение
expressions evidencing an intention — выражения, свидетельствующие о каком-л. намерении
his pleasure was evidenced by his smile — улыбка показала, что он доволен
their impatience was evidenced in loud interruptions — их раздражение проявлялось в громких репликах

- служить доказательством, подтверждать

documents evidencing shipment — документы, подтверждающие отгрузку

- давать показания

her friend evidenced against her — её подруга показала против неё

- доказывать; служить доказательством

Мои примеры


the lack of any concrete evidence — отсутствие каких-либо конкретных доказательств  
an important piece of the evidence — важная часть доказательств  
body of evidence — большое количество фактов  
burden of going forward with evidence — бремя первоначального представления доказательств  
circumstantial evidence — косвенные доказательства, косвенные улики  
credibility in evidence — достоверность доказательства  
deposition in evidence — приобщение к материалам дела в качестве улики  
to dig out the evidence — откопать улики  
on this evidence — в свете этого, на основании этого  
from all evidence — на основании всех фактов  
scrap / shred of evidence — минимальные признаки  
bulk of evidence — основные факты  

Примеры с переводом

Evidence cannot be hidden.

Очевидное невозможно утаить.

At present we have no evidence of life on other planets.

В настоящее время мы не имеем никаких доказательств жизни на других планетах.

The evidence are inconclusive.

Доказательства неубедительны.

There is no evidence for these claims.

Эти утверждения ничем не подтверждаются.

His behaviour abundantly evidences it.

Его поведение явно свидетельствует об этом.

I invoke Heaven and men to evidence my truth.

Я призываю Бога и людей засвидетельствовать, что я говорю правду.

The volcano is still active, as evidenced by the recent eruption.

Вулкан по-прежнему активен, о чём свидетельствует недавнее извержение.

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…the DNA evidence was all the disproof needed to overturn the wrongful conviction…

…blotted out all evidence of tampering with the explosive device…

The judge ruled that the prejudicial effect of the evidence outweighed its value.

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Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Isabelle Brown Sr.

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Evidence in a Sentence ?

  1. Since there was no evidence to prove the suspect was guilty, the police had to let him go.
  2. When returning the iron, the customer was asked for a receipt or other evidence that she had purchased the product.
  3. DNA evidence proved that the accused killer was in fact at the crime scene that night.

How do you use evidence in a sentence?

1 The new evidence weakens the case against her. 2 It was revealed that important evidence had been suppressed. 3 They haven’t produced any credible evidence for convicting him. 4 The detective scanned every bit of evidence.

How do you start a sentence with evidence?

To introduce evidence in an essay, start by establishing a claim or idea in the first sentence of the paragraph, then present the evidence to support your claim. Always analyze the evidence once you have presented it so the reader understands its value.

How do you use evidence?

How Do I Use Evidence?

  1. Make sure your evidence is appropriate to the paper you are writing.
  2. Make sure the evidence does, in fact, support your argument or your claims.
  3. Tell your reader why this evidence supports your argument/claims.
  4. Make sure you have an appropriate amount of evidence.

What is an example of the word evidence?

Evidence is defined as something that gives proof or leads to a conclusion. The suspect’s blood at the scene of a crime is an example of evidence. The footprints in the house are an example of evidence that someone came inside. … An example of evidence is to present research to prove the benefits of a new drug.

15 related questions found

What are the 4 types of evidence?

The four types of evidence recognized by the courts include demonstrative, real, testimonial and documentary.

Can I say an evidence?

As far as I know, «evidence» is an uncountable noun. You can have evidence, pieces of evidence, loads of evidence, but you can’t have «evidences» (as a noun, that is).

What is a good sentence for evidence?

Examples of evidence in a Sentence

He has been unable to find evidence to support his theory. Investigators could find no evidence linking him to the crime. The jury had a great deal of evidence to sort through before reaching a verdict. There is not a scrap of evidence in her favor.

Is evidence the same as proof?

Evidence is data or facts that assist us in determining the reality or existence of something. A total collection of evidence can prove a claim. Proof is a conclusion that a certain fact is true or not.

What is an example of supporting evidence?

Types of supporting details

Quotations (e.g. direct quotes, paraphrases, summaries) Examples (e.g. illustrations of your points) Statistics (e.g. facts, figures, diagrams)

How do you show text evidence?

1. You may incorporate textual evidence right into the sentence with the use of quotation marks, but your quote from the text must make sense in the context of the sentence. For example: April is so wildly confused that she actually “…hated Caroline because it was all her fault” (page 118).

What is a claim example?

Claims are, essentially, the evidence that writers or speakers use to prove their point. Examples of Claim: A teenager who wants a new cellular phone makes the following claims: Every other girl in her school has a cell phone.

What are some good sentence starters?

Some words are indeed notable for being good sentence starters. The list will include the following: although, I would like to, first, meanwhile, therefore, subsequently, while, I would like to, moreover, in general, in addition, furthermore.

What is a evidence sentence?

facts or proof that something existed or that an event happened. Examples of Evidence in a sentence. 1. Since there was no evidence to prove the suspect was guilty, the police had to let him go.

What does evidence mean in writing?

It is factual information that helps the reader reach a conclusion and form an opinion about something. Evidence is given in research work, or is quoted in essays and thesis statements, but is paraphrased by the writer. If it is given as it is, then it is quoted properly within quotation marks.

What are types of evidence in writing?

Here are some textual evidence examples you might use in an essay: Direct quotations from a book or other text source. Accurate summaries of what happened or was said in the text. Larger passages that relate directly to the thesis of your essay.

What is a proof of evidence?

A Proof of Evidence is a written summary of what a witness will say in evidence during a hearing. … A Proof of Evidence contains information which will help or hinder the claim and this is how it differs from a Witness Statement.

What are two types of evidence?

There are two types of evidence; namely, direct evidence and circumstantial evidence.

What are the 3 types of evidence?

Evidence: Definition and Types

  • Real evidence;
  • Demonstrative evidence;
  • Documentary evidence; and.
  • Testimonial evidence.

How do you describe evidence?

Evidence is any information so given, whether furnished by witnesses or derived from documents or from any other source: Hearsay evidence is not admitted in a trial. … Proof is evidence that is so complete and convincing as to put a conclusion beyond reasonable doubt: proof of the innocence of the accused.

What is a good sentence for infer?

Infer sentence example. You can infer the meaning of the word from the context of the rest of the sentence. He will infer conclusions from secondary data. We should infer that the tables in the document were all approved by the company.

What we mean by evidence?

Evidence is anything that you see, experience, read, or are told that causes you to believe that something is true or has really happened. … Evidence is the information which is used in a court of law to try to prove something. Evidence is obtained from documents, objects, or witnesses.

Can you Pluralise evidence?

The noun evidence can be countable or uncountable. In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be evidence. However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be evidences e.g. in reference to various types of evidences or a collection of evidences.

Is many evidence correct?

In general English, evidence is always uncountable. However, in academic English the plural evidences is sometimes used: (specialist) The cave contained evidences of prehistoric settlement.

What is the piece of evidence?

Noun. A physical object or information used in the solving of a crime. clue. evidence. proof.

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