Sentences using the word effect

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In our experience, it is that which is logically correlative to the word «effect«.

В нашем случае это то, что логически соотносится со словом «результат».

In this International Standard, the word «effect» is used to describe the result of a change to the organization.

В настоящем стандарте слово «влияние» используется для описания результата изменения для организации.

Mr. MASUD (Observer for Pakistan) said that the use of the word «effect» in the first line of paragraph 3 meant that the right or obligation had already been transferred.

Г-н МАСУД (наблюдатель от Пакистана) говорит, что использование слова «осуществление» в первой строке пункта 3 означает, что право или обязанность уже были переданы.

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His delegation therefore suggested that the word «legal» should be added before the word «effects» in draft guideline 2.6.1.

Поэтому его делегация предлагает добавить в проекте руководящего положения 2.6.1 слово «юридические» перед словом «последствия».

The drafting group could seek a way of using the word «effects» in reference to article 16.

Редакционная группа могла бы найти способ использовать слова «последствия» в ссылке на статью 16.

It is necessary to emphasize the word «effects» — since this is very important thing to do.

Необходимо подчеркнуть слово «эффекты» — так как это очень важно.

Insert the words «people and« after the words «effects on».

Mr. Bossuyt proposed to amend the draft resolution by deleting the word «adverse« before the words «effects» throughout the text.

Г-н Боссайт предложил изменить проект резолюции, исключив из текста слово «неблагоприятные« перед словом «последствия».

For both, the rule would be article 13 as amended through the elimination of the words «effects on the injured State».

И для той, и для другой категории нормой стала бы формулировка статьи 13 без слов «последствиями для потерпевшего государства».

After discussion, it was agreed that the words «the effect» be placed in square brackets pending further discussion of what this phrase might mean.

После обсуждения было решено поместить слово «последствия» в квадратные скобки до дальнейшего обсуждения вопроса о возможном содержании этого понятия.

simply bearing the words«No effects

Furthermore, the expression «likely to have», before the words «significant adverse effects«, should be clarified.

Более того, нужно пояснить словосочетание «может породить» перед словами «значительные отрицательные последствия«.

In draft article 14, the meaning of the words «significant adverse effect» should be clarified.

В проекте статьи 14 необходимо разъяснить значение слов «значительные неблагоприятные последствия«.

In the fifth line of paragraph 2, the words «the effects of» should be inserted between the words «and» and «drought».

В четвертой строке пункта 2 слово «засухой» было заменено словами «последствиями засухи».

He therefore suggested using the words «possible effects» or «possible adverse effects» in the text.

Поэтому он предлагает использовать в тексте формулировку «которые могут иметь последствия» или «которые могут иметь неблагоприятные последствия«.

Mr. CHANDLER (United States of America) said that the United Kingdom proposal to use the words «legal effect» in paragraph 7 seemed unduly complicated.

Г-н ЧАНДЛЕР (Соединенные Штаты Америки) говорит, что предложение Соединенного Королевства относительно того, чтобы использовать в пункте 7 слова «юридическая сила«, представляется чрезмерно сложным.

In the third sentence, replace the words «possible undesirable effects on« with the words «impact on population in».

В третьем предложении заменить слова «возможными нежелательными последствиями для» словами «воздействие на население».

Some delegations supported the text of 2 (b) in its current form, while many other delegations questioned the exact meaning of the words «effects of the conduct» and «intended effects«.

Некоторые делегации поддержали текст пункта 2(b) в его нынешней формулировке, многие другие делегации выразили сомнения относительно точного значения слов «последствия поведения» и «желаемые последствия».

With respect to paragraph (d), it was proposed that the words following «effect of the plan» be replaced by the words «adequate provision has been made for satisfaction of all obligations provided for in the plan».

Consequently, the words «and effects» should be deleted from draft guideline 1.6 with a view to its revision, given that validity was simply the ability of the reservation to produce effects.

Вследствие этого из проекта руководящего положения 1.6, при его переформулировке, необходимо исключить слова «и последствия«, учитывая, что действительность является как раз способностью оговорки порождать последствия.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Do you have trouble deciding when to use affect and when to use effect? This is a common and understandable problem in English because the two words sound remarkably similar (if not identical) and have related — though distinct — meanings. Luckily, it’s easy to learn the difference and avoid mistaking these two words. See Step 1 below to get started!

  1. 1

    Use «affect» as a verb meaning «to influence» or «to cause a change.» Though «affect» has multiple meanings, its most common use is as a verb with a meaning similar to «produce.» Typically, when people want to say that one thing has had an impact on another, they will use the verb «affect.»[1]
    To distinguish this meaning of the word «affect» from «effect», use the following mnemonic: «When I affect something, I produce an effect’.’

    Image titled Use Affect and Effect Properly Step 1

    • Below are a few examples of the word «affect» being used in this way:
      • It’s hard to say how the price of gasoline will affect the economy in the long run.
      • Growing up with three older sisters affected me greatly as a person.
      • When someone affects you strongly, you may develop affection for them. (Notice in this example that the root of affection is affect.)
  2. Image titled Use Affect and Effect Properly Step 2


    Use «affect» as a verb meaning «to pretend» or «to put on airs.» People also use the word «affect» when someone acts in a way that’s different from how s/he normally acts. If someone assumes a new personality or look, s/he is «affecting» his or her new traits.[2]

    • Below are a few examples of the word «affect» being used in this way:
      • Richard affected an attitude of indifference, though he was deeply hurt by the comments.
      • In her role as Lady Macbeth, Sally, normally jovial, was able to affect a cold sneer of cruelty.


  3. Image titled Use Affect and Effect Properly Step 3


    Use «affect» as a noun meaning «mood» or «mental state.» Finally, the word «affect» is sometimes used to describe the way someone seems or acts — often in a psychological sense. Someone’s «affect» can be thought of roughly as the way s/he externally «seems.»[3]

    • Below are a few examples of the word «affect» being used in this way:
      • The gambler’s flat, emotionless affect served him well at the poker table.
      • Dr. Robertson noted that the patient’s affect had responded well to the regimen of anti-psychotics.
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  1. Image titled Use Affect and Effect Properly Step 4


    Use «effect» as a noun meaning «the result of a cause.» When people misuse «affect» with an «A», they often intended this meaning of «effect» with an «E.» An «effect» in this sense is the opposite of a cause — an event that happens because of some other precipitating event happening.[4]

    • Below are a few examples of the word «effect» being used in this way:
      • It’s hard to say what effect the rising price of gasoline will have on the world economy.
      • One undesirable effect of not wearing shoes is getting really dirty feet.
      • The hurricane caused countless tragedies and many victims are still feeling its depressing effects.
  2. Image titled Use Affect and Effect Properly Step 5


    Use «effect» as a noun with a meaning similar to «impression.» Another meaning of the word «effect» is related to the impression or sensation that a person, thing, or event produces. These «effects» can be psychological, physical, or emotional.

    • Below are a few examples of the word «effect» being used in this way:
      • Dvorak’s New World Symphony produced a moving effect on the listeners in the auditorium.
      • The experimental drug is known to have a calming effect on rats, though it is not yet ready for human trials.
  3. Image titled Use Affect and Effect Properly Step 6


    Use «effect» as a verb meaning «to bring about.» This meaning of «effect» is tricky because it can be used similarly to the word «affect» with the meaning «to cause or influence.»[5]
    The two words are nearly interchangeable, though maintain slightly different meanings — «effect» implies a cause bringing about or accomplishing a change, whereas «affect» implies a cause or force altering something.

    • Below are a few examples of the word «effect» being used in this way:
      • The CEO demanded that the employees work overtime to effect a complete overhaul of the company’s product line.
      • Her actions in the War Room effected a change in the situation on the battlefield.
  4. Image titled Use Affect and Effect Properly Step 7


    Use «effect» as a noun meaning «personal possession.» Finally, one somewhat out-of-style use of the word «effect» is to convey the idea of someone’s private possessions — his or her wallet, phone, keys, mementos, jewelry, diary, and so on. In this case, «effect» as almost always used in its plural form, as in «personal effects.»

    • Below are a few examples of the word «effect» being used in this way:
      • His personal effects were scattered across the kitchen but the man himself was nowhere to be found.
      • The little girl skipped through the forest, choosing rocks and flowers as her personal effects as she went.
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  • Question

    Does a contract «stay in affect» with an extension or «stay in effect»?



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    Affect or Effect in this sentence? «We will continue to communicate without affect for the rest of our lives.»

    Community Answer

    If you mean without emotion, «affect» is correct. If you mean without impact, it would be «effect.»

  • Question

    «Robben didn’t think the comedy show would effect him so much, but after two jokes his stomach hurt.»

    Community Answer

    It should be «affect.» Always plug the meaning of the word into the sentence and see if it makes sense if you’re not sure. To affect is to influence or impact. To effect is to bring about or cause to happen. This make sense: «Robben didn’t think the comedy show would impact him so much, but after two jokes his stomach hurt.» This doesn’t make sense: «Robben didn’t think the comedy show would bring him about so much, but after two jokes his stomach hurt.»

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  • Effect means after the cause; affect means during the cause.

  • When used as a noun, affect refers to emotional expression.

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About This Article

Article SummaryX

To use affect and effect correctly, remember that «affect» is usually a verb that means «to influence» or «to cause to change,» and «effect» is usually a noun that means «the result of something.» For example, in the sentence «Gas prices affect the economy,» «affect» is correct because gas prices are influencing the economy. In the sentence «The economy is still experiencing the effects of rising gas prices,» «effects» is correct because the economy is experiencing the results of rising gas prices. To learn more from our English Ph.D. co-author, like how to use «effect» as a verb, keep reading the article!

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  • Pat S.

    «I’ve always struggled with affect vs. effect. Your article cleared up the confusion for me!»

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1, Your opinion will not affect my decision.

2, How will these changes affect us?

3, This would materially affect US security.

4, Climate and weather affect every aspect of our lives.

5, The new property tax law won’t directly affect us.

6, Environmental problems directly affect the quality of people’s lives.

7, An unhappy home environment can affect a child’s behaviour.

8, Some drugs can affect your sight.

9, Stress and tiredness affect your powers of concentration.

10, This latest cut in government spending will affect income support recipients and their families.

11, Smoking will affect health.

12, The decisions by the management committee will affect everyone in the company.

13, Do whatever you want — it won’t affect me.

14, Your contributions will affect your pension entitlements.

15, You never allow personal problems to affect your performance.

16, Their opinion will not affect my decision.

17, These additional guarantees do not affect your statutory rights.

18, The new tax laws affect most people.

19, Will this affect the value of my shares?

20, Global warming will affect all of us.

21, The drug may affect your powers of concentration.

22, The treatment will not affect your sex drive .

23, Many external influences can affect your state of mind.

24, Frequent failures did not affect his morale.

25, These drugs may affect your sex drive .

26, Antenatal complications can affect a baby’s health.

27, Your decision will significantly affect your future.

28, He is interested in how our perceptions of death affect the way we live.

29, MOVE ON doesn’t mean you’ll forget all the memories. You’ll still remember it,( but it doesn’t affect you anymore.

30, People tend to think that the problem will never affect them.

Table Of Contents:

  • Because, since, as, and so
  • Consequently and therefore
  • Cause and effect words that are followed by nouns
  • ‘So… that’  and ‘Such… that’

Linking words help us to connect ideas and sentences. We can use linking words to give examples, add and order information, summarize, give a reason or result, or to contrast ideas.

Sometimes we need to link two ideas in a way that shows a cause and effect relationship between them.

Look at the following example:

  • I was late to work today because I missed the bus.

The first part of the sentence, ‘I was late to work today’, tells us what happened. The second part of the sentence, ‘because I missed the bus’, tells us why it happened.

The linking word ‘because’ in this sentence shows cause and effect. The cause is WHY it happens. The effect is WHAT happens.  

Because, since, as, and so

Let’s look more closely at some cause and effect linking words. Some common cause and effect linking words are ‘because’, ‘since’, ‘as’ and ‘so’.

‘Because’, ‘since’, and ‘as’ show cause.

  • It game was cancelled because it was raining.

‘Because it was raining’ is the cause. It is why the game was cancelled.

Here are a few more examples.

  • I took notes for you in class today since you were absent.
  • As Monday is a holiday, we have decided to leave town for the weekend.

‘So’, on the other hand, shows effect.

  • It was raining, so the game was cancelled.

This is almost the same as the earlier sentence, but we use the word ‘so’ to talk about the effect: the game was cancelled.

Consequently and therefore

Some other words we can use to talk about effect are ‘therefore’ and ‘consequently’.

  • Jesse’s new girlfriend was allergic to cats. Therefore, he had to give his beloved cat Fluffy away.
  • He stole money from the company, and consequently, he was fired.
Note: ‘Therefore’ and ‘consequently’ either start a new sentence, or they are preceded by the words ‘and’ or ‘so’.

‘So’, on the other hand, cannot start a new sentence and does not need any words before it.

Cause and effect words that are followed by nouns

‘Because of’, ‘due to’, and ‘owing to’ are linking words that also show cause, but they must be followed by a noun instead of a verb phrase.

  •   The game was cancelled because of the rain.

Here, we use a noun, the rain, after the linking words ‘because of’. ‘Due to’ and ‘owing to’ are used the same way.

  • We lost the contract due to Edgar’s careless mistakes.
  • The business went bankrupt owing to a combination of bad luck and bad decisions.

‘So… that’  and ‘Such… that’

We can also use ‘so + an adjective + that’ to create cause and effect:

  • I was so tired that I fell asleep on the bus.

In this sentence, ‘I was tired’ is the cause and ‘I fell asleep on the bus’ is the effect.

We can also use a quantifier and a noun instead of an adjective to create a sentence in the same way:

  • Bill Gates earns so much money that he donates most of it to charity.
  • He ate so many cookies that he threw up.

We can also use ‘such + an adjective + a noun + that’ to create cause and effect.

  • She is such a beautiful woman that everyone she meets falls in love with her.

‘She is a beautiful woman’ is the cause in this sentence; ‘everyone she meets falls in love with her’ is the effect.

  • This is such a good recipe that my grandma refuses to share it.  

This is a good recipe’ is the cause; ‘my grandma refuses to share it’ is the effect.

Here’s a good video from Anglo-Link explaining the types and uses of linking words of cause and effect:

See also:

Coordinating Conjunctions

Conjunctions of Contrast

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