Sentences using the word economics

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1. He studied politics and economics at Yale.

2. He has never read around the subject of economics.

3. They wanted to initiate a discussion on economics.

4. Your views on economics are overly simplistic.

5. Political historians are often rather ignorant of economics.

6. His plan is to get a degree in economics and then work abroad for a year.

7. His theories on economics are enough to make your head spin .

8. Schmidt continued to expound his views on economics and politics.

9. Frank is taking up with economics.

10. Economics undergraduates are probably the brightest in the university.

11. I did a correspondence course in economics.

12. He took a master’s degree in economics at Yale.

13. She was cramming for her Economics exam.

14. Both their children graduated with degrees in economics.

15. The economics of the project are very encouraging.

16. He gained a first class Honours de-gree in economics.

17. I’m afraid my grasp of economics is rather limited.

18. The complexities of economics are clearly and entertainingly explained.

19. Economics is not an exact science.

20. She did economics at Sheffield University.

21. Economics was a closed book to him.

22. Where economics comes unstuck is when it doesn’t take account of the anticipated actions of human beings.

23. He called the government’s policy ‘the economics of the madhouse’.

24. Accountancy[], law and economics are pivotal to a successful career in any financial services area.

25. He went to Hull University, where he studied History and Economics.

26. He was born in Zimbabwe where he completed his first degree in economics.

27. A basic grounding in math is essential for the economics course.

28. Their ideas sound fine in principle but they haven’t worked out the economics behind the policies.

29. Some debt — ridden countries in the world have suitcase economics.

30. It is a question of the relation of ethics to economics.

More similar words: economic, economic recovery, economically, economist, economy, dynamics, nominee, autonomy, astronomer, nomination, second, secondary, to the contrary, be considered as, on the contrary, donor, honor, ethics, physics, dynamic, Islamic, Olympics, academic, chemical, epidemic, music stand, statistics, coming in, electronics, no more. 

Sentences with the word Economics?



  • «applied physics»; «applied psychology»; «technical problems in medicine, engineering, economics and other applied disciplines»- Sidney Hook
  • «at least he survived»; «they felt—at any rate Jim felt—relieved though still wary»; «the influence of economists—or at any rate of economics—is far-reaching»
  • «I am reading a good book on economics«
  • «he was awarded an endowed chair in economics«
  • «economics in its modern disciplinary sense»
  • «We have always known that heedless self-interest was bad morals; we know now that it is bad economics«—Franklin D. Roosevelt; «heedless of danger»; «heedless of the child’s crying»
  • «this is primarily a question of economics«; «it was in the first place a local matter»
  • «intimate friend»; «intimate relations between economics, politics, and legal principles» — V.L. Parrington
  • «his economics textbook is in its tenth edition»; «the professor wrote the text that he assigned students to buy»

Continue Learning about English Language Arts

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The word ‘Economics’ is used in a sentence thus: Economics is
taught in college for students of commerce and management

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Where does the word economics come from?

The word «economics» has it’s origin in the Greek «oikonomikós»
(relating to household management), from «oikos» (house).

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Here is a sentence:
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That is the sentence

What is the fourth word in this sentence?

The word that is fourth in this sentence is the word fourth.



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organization of a country’s wealth-producing commerce and

deliberate saving of money through carefully-controlled spending.


scientific study of a society’s money, industry and trade.


to the economy



something is economical it does not require a great deal of money
to operate

efficient way of doing things

Complete these sentences using the correct form of one of the words above. Make sentences of you own to show that you understand the difference in their meaning.

  1. The government’s … policy
    has created a lot of problems.

  2. It may be … to use a
    cheaper form of fuel.

  3. Consultation will focus on
    the … and diplomatic issues.

  4. … is one of the major
    subjects which future economists study.

  5. We are looking for more …
    production methods.

  6. The country is in a state of
    … crisis.

  7. The new heating system proved
    … to use.

  8. The government is attempting
    to reduce inflation and strengthen the … .

  9. Industrial production has
    slowed down in all the world’s major … .

  10. This machine is no longer …
    to run.

  11. The IMF helps the … of the
    developing world.

  12. Investors watch the rate of …
    growth closely.

  13. My friend studies … .

  14. Buying second-hand equipment
    can be a false … .

Exercises in Comprehension Ex.1. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is the economic system
    made up of?

  2. Why do people depend on

  3. What is business?

  4. What is a business

  5. Do
    businesses vary in size?

  6. What are corporations?

  7. Where do multinationals

  8. What do we call “big

  9. What does “to do business”

  10. When may a company go out of

  11. What affects a company

  12. What can a company do to
    improve its business?

Ex.2. Sum up what you remember about:

  1. corporations and

  2. big business and small

  3. doing business.

Grammar Revision

Simple and Present Continuous

use the Present Simple:

routines and habits

go to the bank twice a month.

permanent situations

friend works in a bank.


boils at 100o centigrade.

timetables or fixed events in the future, that are usually beyond
the speaker’s control:

train leaves in 10 minutes.

use the Present Continuous:

actions happening now

am working on my report at the moment.

temporary actions or situations

am staying with my friends till I find a new flat.

changing or developing situations

economic situation is getting worse in this country.

talk about something that happens often and is unplanned or
irritating (with always)

is always grumbling and complaining.

talk about future arrangements and plans:

am leaving at four on the first flight to London.

Ex.1. Choose the correct variant.

  1. All the guides here speak/are
    speaking at least two foreign languages, because a lot of foreign
    tourists come/are coming every year.

  2. Look! The meeting starts/is
    starting. We’d better go in.

  3. I work/am working for
    Midmark, a firm that makes/is making medical equipment.

  4. I go/am going to the
    supermarket. Do you want anything?

  5. The train is arriving/arrives
    at 7 a.m.

  6. They always make noise/are
    making noise next door.

  7. Our meetings usually are
    starting/start at 4 p.m.

  8. When a company is not
    successful, it is going/goes out of business.

  9. I work/am working overtime
    this week.

  10. Tom is a very reliable
    person, everybody is trusting/trusts him.

  11. He usually is coming/comes to
    his office on time.

  12. The sun is setting/sets in
    the West.

  13. Great Britain becomes/is
    becoming more popular as a location for international business.

  14. He earns/is earning over $
    20,000 a year.

  15. People often spend/are
    spending a lot of their money on cigarettes.

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Знаете ли вы, в чём разница между английскими словами «economics», «economy» и «economist»? Даём подсказку: все три слова являются существительными и, как вы уже догадались, имеют схожие значения. Какие именно? Об этом расскажет Дэвид в своей статье.

Russia’s economy is a topic that often comes up in conversations with students. However, students often confuse or don’t know the vocabulary necessary to express their thoughts and ideas. The most common mistakes are using word «ЭКОНОМИКА» for the word «ECONOMY» or «ECONOMICS» and using «ECONOMICAL» instead of «ECONOMIC». Here are some frequently used words dealing with this subject, their part of speech, and some examples or collocations.

Noun: the study of the economy of a country, region, or the world.
I study economics at the university.

Noun: the money and resources of a country or region by producing and selling; the movement of money.
A free-market economy, the economies of developing countries, the world economy.

Noun: an expert in economics.
Karl Marx is a well-known economist.

Adjective: means «concerning economics»; relating to economics or the economy
a government’s economic policy, a country’s economic history.
The president rebuilding a solid economic base for the country’s future.

Adjective: commonly used to mean «thrifty, avoiding waste».
Small cars should be inexpensive to buy and economical to run.

Adverb: this adverb can be used with the meaning of either «economic» or «economical».
The region is important economically. (it has economic importance for the region)
The new building was erected as economically as possible. (The builders made economical decisions)

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Economics - what it is aboutMany of the words used by economists are v перевод - Economics - what it is aboutMany of the words used by economists are v русский как сказать

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Economics — what it is about
Many of the words used by economists are very familiar to us. We
know that economists talk and write about such topics as money,prices, wages, employment, taxes, exports and imports, earning, and spending. Every day some economic problem or other is mentioned in the newspapers, on the radio and on the television. Economics is a science and part of our everyday lives, for:
• we live in an economic system
• every day we take part in economic activities, and
• we are familiar with the words used by economists.
Economics is about economising, that is, ‘making the most of
what we have’. For the individual, this means using one’s abilities and spending one’s income in the way that gives the
most satisfaction or benefit.

For the community as a whole, it means using the people’s
skills and energies, the land, the buildings, the machinery and the other economic resources so as to obtain the highest possible standards of living.


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Экономика — это оМногие из слов, используемых экономистами нам очень знакомы. Мы знаю, что экономисты говорить и писать о таких темах, как деньги, цены, заработной платы, занятости, налоги, экспорта и импорта, зарабатывать и тратить. Каждый день некоторые экономические проблемы или других упоминается в газетах, на радио и на телевидении. Экономика — Наука и частью нашей повседневной жизни, для:• Мы живем в такой экономической системы • Каждый день мы принимаем участие в экономической деятельности, и • Мы знакомы с словами, используемых экономистами. Экономика-это о сэкономят, то есть ‘ сделать большинство из то, что у нас есть ‘. Для человека, это означает, что с помощью своих способностей и расходы своих доходов в том, что дает Большинство удовлетворение или выгоды.Для сообщества в целом это означает, используя людей навыки и энергию, земля, здания, машины и других экономических ресурсов с целью получения высоких стандартов жизни.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Экономика — это то, что обо
Многие из слов, используемых экономистами очень хорошо знакомы нам. Мы
знаем, что экономисты говорят и пишут о таких темах, как деньги, цены, заработная плата, занятость, налоги, экспорта и импорта, зарабатывая, и расходов. Каждый день некоторые экономические проблемы или другой упоминается в газетах, на радио и на телевидении. Экономика это наука и частью нашей повседневной жизни, для:
• мы живем в экономической системе
• каждый день мы принимаем участие в экономической деятельности, и
• мы знакомы со словами, используемых экономистами.
Экономика о экономии, что, «делает
большинство, что мы имеем». Для человека это означает использование своих способностей и доходов расходов свое в пути, что дает
наибольшее удовлетворение или выгоду. Для сообщества в целом, это означает, используя людей навыки и энергию, земля, здания, машины и другие экономические ресурсы таким образом, чтобы получить максимально высокие стандарты жизни.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


экономика — что это
многие слова используются экономистами знакомы нам.мы
знают, что экономисты говорят и пишут о таких тем, как деньги, цены, оплаты труда, занятости, налоги, экспорта и импорта, доходы и расходы.каждый день некоторые экономические проблемы или других упоминается в газетах, на радио и на телевидении.экономика — это наука и частью нашей повседневной жизни,:: — мы живем в экономической системе: • каждый день мы принимаем участие в экономической деятельности и
• мы знакомы со словами, используемых экономистами.
экономики составляет около economising, «максимально
что мы».для человека, это означает использование способностями и расходов из дохода, таким образом, что дает
наибольшее удовлетворение или выгоды.

для общества в целом,это означает использование народной
знания и энергию, земля, здания, оборудование и другие экономические ресурсы, с тем чтобы получить максимально высоких стандартов жизни.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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