Sentences using the word during


1.During the last hundred years we have done great damage to the environment.

2. There’s a large chemical factory in our town which has polluted the river twice in the last year.

3. The Government is very worried about the pollution of our rivers and beaches.

4. A lot of household waste like bottles and newspapers can be recycled and used again.

5 Environmentalists are furious with the American Government for delaying measures which will reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

6. There are lots of things we can all do to protect the environment.


1. The Government is introducing strict new rules on the dumping of toxic waste by industry.

2. Farmers contribute to environmental damage by spraying crops with pesticides which stay in the soil for years.

3. Emissions from factories in northern Germany affect the environment in large parts of Scandinavia.

4. Tropical rainforests have always helped to keep the environment in balance but recent deforestation means they no longer absorb as much carbon dioxide as they used to.

5. Exhaust fumes from cars and other vehicles cause a great deal of damage to the environment.

We use during before nouns and noun phrases to refer to when something happens over a period of time. During can refer to the whole time of the event:

You are not allowed to use your mobile phone during class. (the whole of the class)

I have to have my window open during the night. (the whole of the night)

In this meaning, during can often mean the same as in:

His grandfather fought in the army during the First World War. (or … in the First World War.)

When I was a kid, our cousins often came to stay with us during the summer. (or … in the summer.)

During can refer to something that happened while the main event was taking place. In such contexts, during means ‘at some unspecified point in time’ and is more common than in:

What was that noise I heard during the night, I wonder? or … in the night. (I heard a noise at an unspecified point in the night.)

One day, during the Second World War, her father just disappeared. (He disappeared at an unspecified point.)


We don’t use during when we refer to numbers and lengths of time. In this case, we use for:

They lived in Edinburgh for four years.

Not: They lived in Edinburgh during four years.

However, we can use during with the first or the last + length of time or time expression:

During the first three years of the war, 50,000 civilians were killed. (during refers to when this happened.)

I haven’t done any exercise during the last week. (during refers to when I didn’t do exercise.)

Typical error

  • We use during before nouns and noun phrases but not before verbs:

While I was waiting for the bus, I phoned some friends.

Not: During I was waiting for the bus

Choose the right words from the box to complete the sentences.
about (2), at (2), against, of (4), for (4), in (5), on, through (2), to (3), during
1. At midnight they arrived _ Albany, the capital of New York state.
2. White House is one _ the most beautiful places _ Washington, D.C.
3. The sailors fought _ their ships _ the pirates.
4. Columbus’s discovery belongs _ one of the most important discoveries _ history.
5. What cities are situated _ the shores _ Lake Baikal?
6. Sailors usually travel _ many different lands.
7. The government officials are not sure _ the facts.
8. We are positive _ it.
9. People always hope _ a happy future.
10. Native Americans hunted _ different animals that lived _ the forests and mountains.
11. We walked _ the forest for about two hours.
12. _ his voyage _ France he didn’t leave his cabin.
13. Mrs Reed stood near the table looking _ the kitchen window.
14. What are the names _ the countries situated _ North America?
15. Manhattan is famous _ many things.

Английский язык 6 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Афанасьева. UNIT Four. IV. Use of English. Номер №18


Перевод задания
Выберите правильные слова из рамки, чтобы завершить предложения.
о (2), в (2), против, от (4), для (4), в (5), на, через, (2), (3), в течение
1. В полночь они прибыли _ Олбани, столицу штата Нью−Йорк.
2. Белый дом − одно _ самых красивых мест _ Вашингтоне, округ Колумбия.
3. Моряки сражались _ свои корабли _ пиратов.
4. Открытие Колумба принадлежит _ одному из самых важных открытий _ истории.
5. Какие города расположены _ берегу _ Байкала?
6. Моряки обычно путешествуют _ разным странам.
7. Правительственные чиновники не уверены _ фактах.
8. Мы уверены _ этом.
9. Люди всегда надеются _ счастливое будущее.
10. Коренные американцы охотились _ разных животных, которые жили _ лесах и горах.
11. Мы гуляли _ лесу около двух часов.
12. _ своего путешествия _ Францию он не выходил из своей каюты.
13. Миссис Рид стояла возле стола, глядя _ окно кухни.
14. Как называются _ страны, расположенные _ Северной Америке?
15. Манхэттен славится _ многими вещами.

1. At midnight they arrived in Albany, the capital of New York state.
2. White House is one of the most beautiful places in Washington, D.C.
3. The sailors fought for their ships against the pirates.
4. Columbus’s discovery belongs to one of the most important discoveries in history.
5. What cities are situated on the shores of Lake Baikal?
6. Sailors usually travel to many different lands.
7. The government officials are not sure about/of the facts.
8. We are positive about it.
9. People always hope for a happy future.
10. Native Americans hunted for different animals that lived in the forests and mountains.
11. We walked through the forest for about two hours.
12. During his voyage to France he didn’t leave his cabin.
13. Mrs Reed stood near the table looking at the kitchen window.
14. What are the names of the countries situated in North America?
15. Manhattan is famous for many things.

Перевод ответа
1. В полночь они прибыли в Олбани, столицу штата Нью−Йорк.
2. Белый дом − одно из самых красивых мест в Вашингтоне, округ Колумбия.
3. Моряки сражались за свои корабли против пиратов.
4. Открытие Колумба принадлежит к одному из самых важных открытий в истории.
5. Какие города расположены на берегу Байкала?
6. Моряки обычно путешествуют по разным странам.
7. Правительственные чиновники не уверены в фактах.
8. Мы уверены в этом.
9. Люди всегда надеются на счастливое будущее.
10. Коренные американцы охотились на разных животных, которые жили в лесах и горах.
11. Мы гуляли по лесу около двух часов.
12. Во время своего путешествия во Францию он не выходил из своей каюты.
13. Миссис Рид стояла возле стола, глядя в окно кухни.
14. Как называются страны, расположенные в Северной Америке?
15. Манхэттен славится многими вещами.


Revising dependent prepositions
•      Direct Ss’ attention to Appendix 1.
•      Explain the task.
•     Allow Ss time to complete the task.
•     Ss make sentences about themselves using the
Answer Key
1  on          3 on      5 about
2   to          4 on
Suggested Answer Key
1    My mother likes my new friend Jane
because she’s a good influence on me.
2     If you don’t pay attention to the teacher,
you won’t learn anything.
3     In order to make a good impression on my
new boss I worked long hours.
4     Garry insisted on paying for the meal at
the restaurant.
5    I don’t like people who boast about how
much money they have.

ваш ответ

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похожие вопросы 5


put the words in the right order to make sentences.
1. me read something give to
2. go before shopping let party the them
3. English speak the during lesson
4. them let don’t leave
5. write don’t the anything book in
6. into put your tea sugar some
7. surprise let a for us make him
8. favour me you would do a please?
9. help you me will?
10 some like soup more you would?

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    Ответ на Unit 3, Step 5, Номер 5 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 9 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)

    ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) на Unit 3, Step 5, Номер 5 по учебнику Английский язык. 9 класс. Учебник в двух частях / О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова. — Дрофа, 2019 (Российский учебник : Rainbow English)

    Do you know that…?
    The Middle Ages. In Western Europe the Middle Ages were a time (between AD 1100—1500) when church was very important. The Roman Catholic Church had great influence on people’s lives and on the way society was organized (feudalism). It was also the period when most cathedrals (large important churches) were built. The only people who could read and write were rich and powerful people and monks. The Middle Ages were also a time of many plagues. Sometimes they say that the Middle Ages began about AD 500, after the end of the Roman Empire, but this period is usually called the “Dark Ages” or the “Early Middle Ages”. The Renaissance [r??ne?s?ns] is the period in Europe from about 1400 to about 1600 when the art, literature, and ideas of the ancient world (Ancient Greece, especially) began to be studied again. The Renaissance influenced most of West Europe, but it is connected especially with Italy and the famous artists of the period — Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael. The beginning of Renaissance led to the end of the period called the “Middle Ages”.

    5 A. Complete the sentences using the derivatives of the words in the asterisks.
    1) The sky darkened and heavy rain began to fall.
    2) Neologisms enlarge the vocabulary of the English language.
    3) We’re going to lengthen our stay next year.
    4) Doctors say his arm will take time to strengthen
    5) I’m sure we must enlighten him about the future changes in the project.
    6) John’s eyes widened when he understood that his plan would not be supported.
    7) This device will enable us to spend less time in the kitchen.
    8) You should encourage your children to read more.

    B. Complete the text using the derivatives of the words in the asterisks.
    Who Invented Stockings?
    Stockings were (1) originally made of leather to cover legs for (2) protection. The first people who tried to make stockings of the same kind we wear today were the French. Soon stockings (3) enabled their (4) owners snot only to use them for (5) warmth, but to look elegant as well. Stockings were often decorated with pieces of golden, silk and velvet cloth. In those days stockings were worn (6) mainly by (7) fashionable people. The first knitted stockings appeared in London about the year 1565. It’s known for a fact that Queen Elizabeth I wore them.

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