Sentences using the word direction

Examples of how to use the word “direction” in a sentence. How to connect “direction” with other words to make correct English sentences.

direction (n): the position towards which someone or something moves or faces

Use “direction” in a sentence

Which direction did he go?
Which direction is south?
Please follow the nurse’s directions.
You should go in the opposite direction.
Wind direction is represented by arrows.
The sound came from that direction.

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направление, руководство, постановка, управление, правление, режиссура, указание


- направление

- область, направление, линия

reforms in many directions — реформы во многих областях

- руководство, управление

the direction of a bank — руководство банком
to work under smb.’s direction — работать под чьим-л. руководством
to follow the direction of one’s instinct — действовать инстинктивно

- указание, предписание, распоряжение
- pl. инструкция; директивы

directions for use — правила пользования, инструкция
to give directions to smb. — давать кому-л. инструкции

- указание дороги; совет, как пройти куда-л.

to put smb. in the right direction — указать кому-л. дорогу
I’ll make certain of the directions — я попытаюсь разузнать дорогу

- правление; дирекция
- обыкн. pl адрес
- постановка (спектакля, пьесы)
- режиссура, работа с актёрами
- ремарка

stage direction — сценическая ремарка, режиссура, работа режиссёра, режиссёрское искусство

- спец. направление, ось

direction of magnetization — ось намагничивания

Мои примеры


he had no direction in his life — У него не было цели в жизни.  
the direction of the Earth’s spin — направление вращения Земли  
another pointed look in their direction — ещё один взгляд в их сторону  
opposite direction — противоположное направление  
right direction — правильное направление  
wrong direction — неправильное направление  
from the opposite direction — навстречу  
in the cross direction — в поперечном направлении  
unlimited in one direction — неограниченный в одном направлении  
to observe the direction — измерять направление  
adjustment in direction — корректирование направления  
shaded from view in the southern direction — скрывшийся из виду в южном направлении  

Примеры с переводом

Which direction did they go in?

В каком направлении они пошли?

Tell me in what direction to look.

Скажи мне, куда смотреть.

He had no direction in his life.

У него не было цели в жизни.

I couldn’t follow the direction of his thoughts.

Я не мог уследить за ходом его мыслей.

Get ready to take a new direction.

Приготовьтесь взять новое направление (в движении / в развитии).

I will ask some of the direction.

Я проконсультируюсь у кого-нибудь из дирекции.

The trout were darting about in all directions.

Форель носилась туда-сюда.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

This latest proposal appears to veer in the direction of Democratic ideals.

Hubel and Wiesel have found cells that respond differentially according to the direction in which a stimulus is moved across the retina

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

direct  — прямой, непосредственный, прямо, непосредственно, направлять, руководить
directional  — направленный, направленного действия
directly  — непосредственно, прямо, точно, немедленно, как только
indirection  — косвенность, окольные пути
misdirection  — неправильное указание, неправильное руководство
directness  — непосредственность, прямота
directing  — направление, руководство
directions  — директивы
directed  — направлять, руководить, управлять, наводить, режиссировать, адресовать, отправлять
redirection  — переадресация, переназначение, перенаправление, изменение направления

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): direction
мн. ч.(plural): directions

Synonym: centering, charge, commission, counsel, counseling, counselling, focal point, focus, focusing, focussing, guidance, instruction, management, steering, way. Similar words: in all directions, direct investment, direct, director, directly, section, election, objection. Meaning: [dɪ’rekʃn]  n. 1. a line leading to a place or point 2. the spatial relation between something and the course along which it points or moves 3. a general course along which something has a tendency to develop 4. something that provides direction or advice as to a decision or course of action 5. the act of managing something 6. a message describing how something is to be done 7. the act of setting and holding a course 8. a formal statement of a command or injunction to do something 9. the concentration of attention or energy on something. 

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1. She cast a welcoming smile in his direction.

2. She glanced in his direction.

3. A new direction was felt desirable for both parties.

4. A compass shows you which direction is north.

5. They were both going in the same direction.

6. The aircraft was flying in a northerly direction.

7. In which direction are you going, north or south?

8. Her life felt lacking in direction and purpose.

8. try its best to gather and build good sentences.

9. They hit a truck coming in the opposite direction.

10. He drove in the direction of the swimming pool.

11. Which direction did they go in ?

12. I lost all sense of direction .

13. I’m lost, which direction is South?

14. Has the wind changed direction?

15. Acting and direction are several notches up on the standards we are used to.

16. The most important step is to reorient the direction of the new building.

17. He changed direction swiftly, turned into the hallway and headed her off.

18. Drivers coming in the opposite direction swerved to avoid the bodies.

19. Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal, there is no secure direction ; without direction, there is no life. 

20. The Government deserves our wholehearted support for having taken a step in this direction.

21. Your life can be enhanced, and your happiness enriched, when you choose to change your perspective. Don’t leave your future to chance, or wait for things to get better mysteriously on their own. You must go in the direction of your hopes and aspirations. Begin to build your confidence, and work through problems rather than avoid them. Remember that power is not necessarily control over situations, but the ability to deal with whatever comes your way.

22. I couldn’t help but notice the pointed remarks slung in my direction.

23. He is not only the speed, but also lies in whether we can continue; forward lies not only in speed, but also lies in whether we can maintain the correct direction.

24. The great thing in the world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving.

25. The announcement was welcomed as a step in the right direction, but was widely seen as a token gesture.

26. There is nothing wrong with change, if it is in the right direction.

27. The boat drifted along, with the child asleep inside it and no one guiding its direction.

28. I was proceeding along the High Street in a northerly direction.

29. «No, go that way, » I said, pointing in the opposite direction.

30. I’m afraid I haven’t got a very good sense of direction, so I easily get lost.

More similar words: in all directions, direct investment, direct, director, directly, section, election, objection, infection, selection, inspection, collection, protection, projection, connection, reflection, introspection, environmental protection, reception, action, auction, fiction, questionnaire, recognition, reaction, sanction, fraction, reduction, function, appreciation. 

1 train station   2 town hall   3 swimming pool   4 post office



Girl   Excuse me. I’m new here. Where is the … ?

Man   Go straight on and turn left at the roundabout. Go to the end of West Street and turn right. Go straight on, and it’s at the end of the road. You can’t miss it.

G   Thank you.

M   You’re welcome.


Girl   Excuse me. Can you direct me to the … ?

Man   Yes, that’s easy. It isn’t far from here. Go straight on and take the first left. It’s on your right.

G   OK, thanks!

M   Not at all.


Boy   Excuse me. Can you direct me to the … , please?

Woman   Certainly. Go straight on, past the roundabout. Go to the end of William Street and turn right at the traffic lights. Then —

B   Sorry, could you speak more slowly, please?

W   Yes, sorry. Go straight on, along William Street. Go past the roundabout. At the end of William Street, turn right. Then turn left at the roundabout and go under the bridge. Take the first left and it’s on your right, opposite the car park.

B   Thanks very much.

W   You’re welcome.


Boy   Excuse me. Can you tell me where the … is, please?

Woman   Yes, of course. Go straight on, along William Street. Take the first right and go to the end of the road. Turn left and go along South Street, past the bank on your left. It’s on your right, on the corner, opposite the supermarket.

B   Could you repeat that, please?

W   Yes, go straight along William Street. Take the first right then turn left at the end of the road. Go along South Street. It’s on your right, opposite the supermarket. It’s on the corner.

B   Great. Thanks very much.

W   You’re welcome.

Giving Directions ESL Activities, Games and Worksheets

  • Elementary (A1-A2)
  • Pre-intermediate (A2)
  • Intermediate (B1)

Battle Tanks

ESL Giving Directions Game — Speaking: Giving and Following Directions — Pair Work — Elementary (A1-A2) — 25 minutes

Here is a free giving directions game to play with elementary students. In each team, one player is the ‘tank’ and the other is the ‘driver’. Blindfold the two players who are the tanks and place two soft balls on the floor somewhere in the room. The drivers’ task is to guide their tank to a ball by giving directions, e.g. go straight, turn right, etc. When a tank is guided to a ball, the student picks up the ball and has ammunition to fire. Once the tank has the ball, the student takes off their blindfold and fires on the other tank by throwing the ball at them. If the ball hits the tank, the team wins. If the ball misses, the student puts their blindfold back on and the driver guides the tank to the ball again. When a team wins, the game is repeated with the next four students and so on. When everyone has played, the winning teams play against each other to find the ultimate champion.

Battle Tanks Preview

How do I get to…?

ESL Giving Directions Activity — Speaking: Giving and Following Directions, Communicative Practice — Pair Work — Elementary (A2) — 20 minutes

In this asking for and giving directions activity, students practice giving and following directions to places on a map. In pairs, students take it in turns to ask their partner how they get to the places shown on their worksheet, starting from the pinned location each time, e.g. ‘How do I get to the hair salon?’ Their partner then gives directions accordingly. When a student has followed the directions, they mark the location on the map. When both students have been given directions to all nine places, they compare their maps to see if they have marked the locations correctly.

How do I get to...? Preview

My Map

ESL Giving Directions Worksheet and Activity — Vocabulary Exercises: Matching, Unscrambling, Error Correction, Drawing — Speaking Activity: Freer Practice — Pair Work — Elementary (A1-A2) — 25 minutes

In this giving directions worksheet and activity, students learn and practice language used for asking and giving directions. First, students match pictures to directions. Next, students unscramble words to reveal questions that ask for directions. After that, students complete a conversation about asking for and giving directions using the language from the previous exercises. Students then read a dialogue, identify and correct errors with directional language. As a final activity, students create a map of a town by writing in the names of the streets and drawing ten places on the map, e.g. a cinema, restaurant, shopping mall, etc. In pairs, students then take it in turns to ask for and give directions to the places on their map using the directions language on the worksheet.

My Map Preview

Star Wars Directions Game

ESL Directions Game — Listening and Speaking: Giving and Following Directions, Freer Practice — Group Work — Elementary (A1-A2) — 15 minutes

In this free directions game, students practice giving and following basic directions. To start, teams decide which side they want to play for, i.e. the Dark Side or Jedi. A player from each team then puts on an appropriate mask or blindfold and is given an inflatable lightsaber or similar object. A member of their team then calls out directions they want their player to move, e.g. go straight, go back, turn left, turn right, etc. When a player is in reach of their opponent, the caller shouts ‘hit’. The player then tries to hit their opponent. The first player to do this successfully wins the round and scores a point for their team. Then, a new player from each team puts on a mask and so on. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.

Star Wars Directions Game Preview

Обучайтесь и развивайтесь всесторонне вместе с нами, делитесь знаниями и накопленным опытом, расширяйте границы знаний и ваших умений.

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A. Direction: Complete the sentences. Use the words in parentheses. Use the simple present or the present progressive. Use an infinitive where necessary.

1. The Smiths are at home. it is evening. Paul (sit)…………………… on the sofa. He (read) ……………….. a newspaper. Ellen (sit) ……………………. at the desk. She (study) ………………….. . While she is studying, she (listen to) ……………………… music on her radio. Paul (hear) ……………………. the music, but he (listen to, not) …………………………… it right now. He (read) ………………………. the weather report in the newspaper.

2. Ellen (study) ……………………… her chemistry text. She (like) …………………….. chemistry. She (think) …………………………….. that chemistry is easy. She (think about) …………………………. chemical formulas. She (understand) …………………………… the formulas.

3. Mrs. Smith is in the kitchen. She (cook) ………………………….. dinner. She (make) ………………………. a sauce for the pasta. Steam (rise) …………………….. from the pot on the stove. Mrs. Smith (like, not) …………………………… to cook, but she (know)………………………………… that her family has to eat good food. While she (make) ……………………………… dinner, Mrs. Smith (think about) ……………………………. a vacation on the beach. Sometimes Mrs. Smith (get) ……………………………… tired of cooking all the time, but she (love) ………………………… her family very much and (want) ……………………….. to (take) ……………………. care of their health.

tolongin ya terimakasih!

1. The Smiths are at home. it is evening. Paul IS SITTING on the sofa. He IS READING a newspaper. Ellen IS SITTING at the desk. She IS STUDYING . While she is studying, she IS LISTENING TO music on her radio. Paul HEARS the music, but he IS NOT LISTENING it right now. He IS READING the weather report in the newspaper.

2. Ellen IS STUDYING her chemistry text. She LIKES chemistry. She THINKS that chemistry is easy. She IS THINKING chemical formulas. She UNDERSTANDS the formulas.

3. Mrs. Smith is in the kitchen. She IS COOKING dinner. She IS MAKING a sauce for the pasta. Steam IS RIING from the pot on the stove. Mrs. Smith DOESN’T LIKE to cook, but she KNOWS that her family has to eat good food. While she IS MAKING dinner, Mrs. Smith IS THINKING ABOUT a vacation on the beach. Sometimes Mrs. Smith GETS tired of cooking all the time, but she LOVES her family very much and WANTS to TAKE care of their health.

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the doctor told my father to stop smoking change to passive voice​

tolong bantu terjemahkan kedalam bahasa indonesia dengan baik dan benar berikut dibawah ini : Dear Sir,I Hereby confirm that no our employees (Shipper

Respentative) suffering from any symptoms suggestive of corona virus illness and our employees have got 2nd vaccine.for consideration of your allowing our employees to stay onboard of your vessel for the whole period of loading operation.This statement made truthfully and to be used accordingly.Thank you.​

Text 1.
Hints for the Business Traveler If you do a lot of business traveling, sooner or later you will need ground transportation. For trips t

hat are too short and too long for a taxi, it makes sense to hire a car service. Such services are often called limousine services. They operate in large cities and in small ones, and even in rural areas where there are few airports or major transportation centers.
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a. Your car breaks down b. You can’t take a taxi or rental car c. It’s less expensive d. You are in a large city
2. What is another name for a car service?
a. Ground transportation service b. Taxicab service c. limousine service d. Airport service
3. According to this notice, who should hire a car service?
a. People whose flights are left b. People whose flights are c. People on leisure trips early d. People on business trips
Text 2
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