Sentences using the word customs

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1. Every country has its customs.

2. So many countries, so many customs

3. We cleared customs by five o’clock.

4. Travel will acquaint us with new customs.

5. Customs have made their biggest ever seizure of heroin.

6. The Customs have seized large quantities of smuggled heroin.

7. Some strange customs have survived from earlier times.

8. Customs and excise receipts rose 2.5 per cent.

9. The customs official beckoned the woman to his counter.

10. Funeral customs vary with different religions.

11. The Customs have found heroin hidden in freight.

12. The car slowed down as they passed Customs.

13. Our customs vary from place to place.

14. They went through our luggage at the customs.

15. He refused to conform to the local customs.

16. The guide offers information on local customs.

17. The customs officer inspected my passport suspiciously.

18. They assimilated their customs and behavior to the new environment.

19. Many of us conform to the outdated customs laid down by our forebears.

20. He was arrested when customs officers found drugs in his bag.

20. try its best to gather and create good sentences.

21. The customs are looking for such things as drugs or alcohol.

22. Several customs officials have been accused of colluding with drug traffickers.

23. The customs official rummaged through the contents of his briefcase.

24. What’s the maximum amount of wine you’re allowed to take through customs duty — free ?

25. It is difficult to get used to another country’s customs.

26. He had an unrivalled knowledge of south Arabian society, religion(, law and customs.

27. Skull and crossbones stickers on the drums aroused the suspicion of the customs officers.

28. The boat races during the Dragon Boat Festival are traditional customs to attempts to rescue the patriotic poet Chu Yuan. Chu Yuan drowned on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in 277 B.C. Chinese citizens now throw bamboo leaves filled with cooked rice into the water. Therefore the fish could eat the rice rather than the hero poet. This later on turned into the custom of eating tzungtzu and rice dumplings.

29. He must be a newcomer to town and he obviously didn’t understand our local customs.

30. You will be able to take ten dozen bottles free of duty through customs.

More similar words: customs duty, customs officer, custom, accustom, customer, customize, customary, custom house, accustomed, customarily, unaccustomed, customer interface, custody, custodial, custodian, locust, stomp, stomata, stomach, gusto, dust storm, stomachache, hocus-pocus, rooms, doomsday, groomsman, room service, random sample, excuse, accuse. 

таможенный, таможенные пошлины


- таможенные пошлины

customs free — беспошлинный
to pass /to get/ through the customs — пройти таможенный досмотр

- (the Customs) таможенное управление

customs fees — таможенные сборы
customs union — таможенный союз

Мои примеры


new immigrants with customs alien to the community where they have settled — новоприбывшие иммигранты, чьи обычаи чужды жителям тех мест, где они поселились  
a labyrinth of social customs and rules — дебри общественных обычаев и правил  
a person unacquainted with our customs — человек, незнакомый с нашими обычаями  
the clerical service of the customs — канцелярия таможни  
customs declaration — таможенная декларация  
to declare goods at the customs — декларировать товары на таможне  
customs evasion — уклонение от уплаты таможенных пошлин  
customs formalities — процедура таможенного контроля  
the observation of religious customs — соблюдение религиозных обычаев  
to smuggle smth. through customs — провозить что-л. контрабандой через таможню  
customs document — таможенный документ, таможенная декларация  
customs harmonization — таможенная унификация (международные усилия по унификации таможенной деятельности)  
to uproot customs — искоренять обычаи  

Примеры с переводом

They cleared customs.

Они прошли таможню.

You must present your passport to the customs officer.

Вы должны предъявить паспорт сотруднику таможни.

You won’t be able to take that through customs.

Вы не сможете провезти это через таможню.

Customs officers validated our passports.

Таможенники проверили наши паспорта.

We zipped through customs in no time.

Мы молнией прошли /пулей пролетели/ таможню.

She sneaked some cigars through customs.

Она протащила несколько сигарет через таможню.

Board of Customs and Excise

Управление таможенных пошлин и акцизных сборов (в Великобритании)

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Customs officers went through all my bags.

She was stopped at customs and questioned.

‘I don’t believe in these customs,’ he said sneeringly

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

custom  — заказы, обычай, привычка, пошлина, изготовленный на заказ
customable  — подлежащий таможенному обложению
customer  — клиент, заказчик, покупатель, завсегдатай

custom — перевод на русский


I don’t want to go through customs.

Я не хочу проходить таможню.

An ordinary leather briefcase with a handle… which I’m to take through customs without being noticed.

Кожаный портфель с ручкой… который мне нужно пронести через таможню незамеченным.

— Afterwards, you’ll go to customs.

— После этого ты проходишь таможню.

And I pass through customs again.

Которые я снова должна провезти через таможню.

No, all has been arranged, the only one that cannot pass trough customs is you, you are too well known by the intelligence agency.

Нет, всё было устроено, единственный, кто не сможет пройти таможню — это ты ты слишком хорошо известен спецслужбе.

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«What a charming custom.»

Какой очаровательный обычай.

It’s a lovely custom!

Восхитительный обычай!


Это русский обычай?

You know, it’s an old American custom.

Это старый американский обычай.

That’s sort of a quaint custom.

Немного странный обычай.

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Just an old South American custom, I presume?

Старая южноамериканская традиция, полагаю?

That’s an old American custom.

Такова древняя традиция.

It’s a fine old custom to reward victorious generals and no one deserves it more than you.

Это еще старая традиция, награждать победителей, и никто не заслуживает этого больше, чем вы.

It’s an old custom to make a stranger feel welcome.

Это древняя восточная традиция, они показывают, что рады гостю.

It’s a nice custom they have here in France.

Здесь есть хорошая традиция.

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The removal of customs barriers which the government now invites us to vote on has long been used by smugglers.

Таможенный союз, к которому нас призывает правительство, уже существует. Его применяют контрабандисты.

Custom control.

Таможенный контроль

Cargo Bay 6… customs inspection.

Грузовой отсек 6, таможенный досмотр.

Only one access recorded to customs bay.

Записан только один доступ в таможенный блок.

This is customs post KL722468.

— Говорит таможенный пост КЛ-722468.

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If it is contraband and he’s nervous, Italian customs will nail him.

Если этот парень везет контрабанду, то Итальянские таможенники остановят.

I think that’s why at customs at Orly I get searched from top to bottom, front and back

Думаю, что именно по этой причине таможенники в Орли всегда обшаривают меня с ног до головы два раза.

Yeah, D.E.A. agents, customs guys, the C.H.P., two shifts of our own guys, plus all sorts of local cops.

Агенты по борьбе с наркотиками,.. …таможенники,.. …патрульные полицейские, два отряда наших ребят и вдобавок силы местной полиции.

Customs can even check it if they want to.

Таможенники ни за что не догадаются.

The FBI and Customs Service is already on the case.

ФБР и таможенники уже этим занимаются.

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I had these curtains custom made.

Это у меня специальные шторки, на заказ.

Custom clothes are a pain.

Шить на заказ — это проблемы.

A classic, deluxe, custom, designer, luxury, prestige, high-quality, premium, select, gourmet pocket flashlight!

Классический, роскошный, изготовленный на заказ, стильный, престижный, высококачественный, премиумный, уникальный, изысканный карманный фонарик!

And if you act now, we’ll include an extra, added free complimentary bonus gift a classic, deluxe, custom, designer, luxury, prestige, high-quality, premium, select, gourmet, leather-style wallet!

И если вы закажите прямо сейчас, вы получите вдобавок дополнительный бонусный подарок Классический, роскошный, изготовленный на заказ, стильный, престижный, высококачественный, премиумный, уникальный, изысканный бумажник из искусственной кожи!

Five-star vacations, brand-new truck, custom furniture.

Отпуск в 5-тизвездочных отелях, новенький пикап, мебель на заказ.

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— Well, is it not the custom in America?

— Разве в Америке так не принято?

-Those are our customs.

— У нас так принято.

Zigi, those are our customs.

Зиги, у нас так принято.

Those are our customs.

У нас так принято.

It is not our custom in Bulgaria to allow invitations of that kind to be trifled with.

В Болгарии не принято шутить над такими предложениями.

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Custom hubcaps.

Сделанные на заказ авто колпаки.

And just so you know, I’ve already bought custom bibs… for me and Mercedes here.

И к вашему сведению, я уже купила сделанные на заказ нагрудники для меня и Мерседес.

Lots of trophies, custom balls.

Множество наград, сделанные на заказ шары.

Black tank, custom pipes, and stolen when?

Черного цвета, выхлопные трубы, сделанные на заказ, и украден, говоришь, когда?

Do you think it was a custom load?

— Ты думаешь это было сделано на заказ?

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Just an old barbershop custom.

Просто старая парикмахерская привычка.

Well, i’ve never seen a lady smoke a cigarette before. It’s a continental custom, i suppose. I’ve smoked since i was a baby.

Я никогда не видел что бы леди курили это континентальная привычка я курю с юных лет

The tyrant custom, most grave senators hath made the flinty and steel couch of war my thrice-driven bed of down.

Властная привычка Давно уж превратила для меня Войны суровой каменное ложе В пух, в троекратно взбитую постель.

Just a custom.

Просто привычка.

-It’s just the custom.

— Просто привычка.

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Customs? Oh, really?

Таможенный контроль?

50 She uses her repeated pregnancies 50 to throw off customs.

Она использует постоянные беременности, чтобы миновать таможенный контроль.

I still have to go through customs, though, right?

Мне же нужно будет пройти таможенный контроль?

He went through customs several hours ago.

Он прошел таможенный контроль несколько часов назад.

Still would have to go through customs, though.

Но ему все равно пришлось пройти таможенный контроль.

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It is the custom for the bride to wear a white dress on her wedding day.

According to custom, the festivities begin at dusk.

It’s a matter of custom.

We went through customs at the airport without any difficulty.

It took us a long time to clear customs at the border.


The new kitchen will have custom cabinets.

that business tycoon wears only custom suits

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Recent Examples on the Web

The different customs in Louisville St. Edward Catholic takes part in several celebrations to recognize Lent.

Ana Rocío Álvarez Bríñez, The Courier-Journal, 5 Apr. 2023

My latest endeavor is putting together my own fully custom mechanical keyboard.

Matt Crisara, Popular Mechanics, 4 Apr. 2023

Jews have shared customs, traditions and histories.

Harmeet Kaur, CNN, 4 Apr. 2023

Instead, candidate Biden presented himself to voters as a bipartisan healer who would restore the customs and the culture of our politics., 3 Apr. 2023

Prosecutors say Jason Keith Bruce, of Galt, violated the Endangered Species Act and attempted to enter San Francisco airport customs with several animal corpses.

Ryan Fonseca, Los Angeles Times, 31 Mar. 2023

The length of the dress is adjustable thanks to the straps, which provide a more custom fit.

Sarah Byron, Peoplemag, 18 Mar. 2023

While many were there advertising cannabis products, Mindful Bee Detroit had a different focus with handmade, custom, gemstone jewelry.

Marina Johnson, Detroit Free Press, 1 Apr. 2023

One hundred eighty guests, including Bridgerton composer Kris Bowers (the bride’s cousin, whose 2020 wedding to actress Briana Henry was featured in T&C), gathered to witness the celebrations, which incorporated elements from Onyeka’s Nigerian heritage as well as African-American customs.

Leena Kim, Town & Country, 31 Mar. 2023

The armchair is custom, the throw is by the Elder Statesman, the chest by Oliver Furniture, and the wallpaper by Fornasetti.

Julie Lasky, ELLE Decor, 22 Mar. 2023

Drinks were offered up on a custom Balinese bar with a buffet of Indonesian food, including the couple’s favorite Indonesian street snack, martabak.

Alexandra Macon, Vogue, 27 Mar. 2023

The semi-custom vessel is characterized by clean, elegant lines and a modern coachroof that provides sweeping, panoramic views from within.

Rachel Cormack, Robb Report, 15 Mar. 2023

For the new issue of The Face, on stands Thursday, Bailey sat for a conversation with features editor Olive Pometsey and was styled by Face fashion director Danny Reed who leaned into her mermaid role in a variety of fresh-out-of-water looks including a custom Diesel tail.

Chris Gardner, The Hollywood Reporter, 23 Feb. 2023

The Dewey House features custom-woodwork window seats, shelving, and oak floors; new electrical and HVAC; a modern kitchen with Shaker cabinets and granite counters; a formal dining room; a stairwell library; and a living room with French doors to a front patio.

The Week Staff, The Week, 19 Feb. 2023

VeraLux Homes is a semi-custom builder that designs unique floor plans with an abundance of standard amenities in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

Dallas News, 5 June 2022

The prince dressed in full military attire, as is custom, for the event.

Rosa Sanchez, Harper’s BAZAAR, 17 Mar. 2023

Case in point: Last year, DeLeon accomplished a fashion-food-anthropological trifecta, emblazoning a custom Bode jacket, along with brand founder Emily Bode, with illustrations of his favorite childhood Filipino snacks.

Melissa Magsaysay, ELLE, 16 Mar. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘custom.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Inspector; customs inspection; to amend one’s statement; items; to
sign the form; to confirm one’s statement; to refuse to sign; to
detain smb. for investigation; fill out the form; to declare smth.

2. Match the words and
phrases in column A with those in column B.



  1. describe the items

  2. receive
    as a gift

  3. to
    make voluntary declaration

  4. open
    the handbag

  5. betray

  6. to
    inspect the luggage

  7. have
    the right

  8. check
    the things

  9. the
    seams and hems

  10. make a list

    1. сделать
      добровольное заявление

    2. открыть сумочку

    3. досматривать

    4. проверить вещи

    5. проявить
      беспокойство (неуверенность)

    6. составить список

    7. описать вещи

    8. получить в

    9. иметь право

    10. швы и подгибы
      (на одежде)

3. Make your own sentences using the following words:

Customs duty; declare;
personal effects; customs tariffs; exceed; go trough one’s luggage.

  1. Read and translate the text. Text « Airport Customs »

by A. Haily

said U.S. Customs Inspector Harry Standish quietly to the naughty
angular woman whose several suitcases were spread open on the Customs
inspection table between them, «are you quite sure you don’t
change your story?»

She snapped back: «I
suppose you’re suggesting I should lie when I’ve already told you the

Harry Standish ignored the
second remark, as Customs officers were trained to ignore many
insults they received and answered politely, «I’m not suggesting
anything, madam. 1 merely asked if you wished to amend your statement
about these items — the dresses, the sweaters and the fur coat.”

The American passport showed
that she was Mrs. Harriet Du Barry Mossman. Harry Standish said: «I
wonder if you’d mind signing this form. If you like, I’ll explain it
to you.»

«Why should I sign
anything?» Mrs. Harriet Du Barry Mossman demanded.

He answered patiently, «To
make things easier for yourself, madam. We’re merely asking you to
confirm what you’ve already told us.»

«Suppose I refuse to

«Then we hall be obliged
to detain you here while we continue the investigation.»

There was the brief
hesitation, then, «Very well. You fill out the form,

I’ll sign.»

madam, you fill it out. Now here, please, describe the items and
alongside where you say they were obtained, please, give the name of
the stores; also from whom you received the fur coat as a gift.»

«Madam,» Inspector
Standish said, «is there anything else you wish to declare?»
It was Customs Bureau policy to give travellers the utmost
opportunity to make voluntary declarations.

that case, Madam,» Inspector Standish said, «Will you
kindly open

For the first time the naughty
woman betrayed uncertainty. «But surely purses are never

«Normally, they are not.
But we do have the right.» Mrs. Mossman was noticeably pale.

The Inspector instructed the
young Customs officer beside him: «Inspect everything very
carefully. Check the things in the bag and cases, the seams and hems
of all the clothes. Make a list. You know what to do.»

He was leaving when Mrs.
Mossman called after him: «Officer!»

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Complete the sentences using the appropriate words.
The United States is a young country. But it is rich in (0) customs and traditions   (historical events/customs and traditions). People from the (1)___________
(east/north) to the (2)_______________ (north/west) of the USA happily celebrate
local  and  national  (3)_______________ (parades/occasions).  Some of  them,  like
Thanksgiving   Day,   are   (4)________________  (connected/told)  with   American
history,   others,   like  Christmas  are  (5)_______________,  (associated/included)
with (6)________________ (historical/religious) events.   Independence  Day that
(7)_________________    (is    associated/marks)    the    birth    of    the    country    is
(8)_____.__________(widely/often)   celebrated   by   the  Americans.   Wherever
Americans are on the day they always (9)______________ (decide/unite) for picnics,   barbecues   and   to   watch   (10)_______________   (fireworks/films).   Many
Americans gladly  (11)______________ (remember/follow)  their local  or ethnic
traditions   and   take   part   in   local   festivals   and   fairs.   These   celebrations
(12)________________  (include/unite)  special   food,   drink   and   entertainment.
(13)________________.  (As/Although)  the  history  of  the  USA  is  not  long,  the
country has a long list of national, ethnic and regional celebrations.

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