Sentences using the word contrast

контраст, контрастность, контрастировать, противопоставлять


- контраст, различие; противоположность

for the sake of contrast — для контраста
profound contrast — глубокое различие
there was a striking contrast between the two friends — два друга были совершенно непохожи
he is a great contrast to his predecessor — он полная противоположность своему предшественнику
to form /to offer, to present/ a contrast to — контрастировать с
the white walls make a contrast with /to/ the black carpet — белые стены контрастируют с чёрным ковром

- противопоставление, сопоставление

in contrast with — а) по сравнению с
my marks in contrast to yours are excellent — у меня отличные отметки, не то, что у тебя; б) в противоположность (чему-л., кому-л.)


- сопоставлять, сравнивать, противопоставлять

contrast Tom with his brother — сравните Тома с его братом
in his book the writer contrasts the idle rich with /and/ working classes — в своей книге автор противопоставляет паразитирующих богачей трудящимся классам

- контрастировать

the deep red colour contrasted beautifully with the black — тёмно-красный цвет прекрасно контрастировал с чёрным
the two brothers contrasted sharply both in appearance and character — два брата резко отличались друг от друга внешностью и характером
her pallor contrasted strongly with her dark eyes and hair — чёрные глаза и волосы подчёркивали бледность её лица

- противоречить, расходиться

his actions contrast with his promises — его поступки не вяжутся с его обещаниями

Мои примеры


a striking contrast between wealth and poverty — поразительный контраст между богатством и бедностью  
by contrast with smth. — по контрасту с чем-л.  
to present a contrast — являть собой противоположность  
the contrast between town and country — различие между городом и деревней  
sharp contrast — резкий контраст  
stark contrast — разительный контраст  
violent contrast — резкий контраст  
in contrast to / with smth. — в противоположность чему-л.  
a microscope operates by the phase-contrast method — микроскоп работает по принципу фазового контраста  
air-contrast barium enema — бариевая клизма с воздушным контрастированием  
air-contrast enema — клизма с двойным контрастированием  

Примеры с переводом

I am contrasting her with other women.

Я сравниваю её с другими женщинами.

In contrast to their neighbours, they live modestly.

В отличие от своих соседей, они живут скромно.

These two colours contrast very well.

Эти два цвета хорошо контрастируют.

Their deeds contrast with their promises.

У них дела расходятся с обещаниями.

Contrast that approach with what goes on in most organizations.

Сравните этот подход с тем, что происходит в большинстве организаций.

The yellow curtains contrast with the blue bedcover.

Жёлтые занавески контрастируют с голубым покрывалом.

The contrast could not have been made more explicit.

Этот контраст нельзя было выразить более явно.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

His honesty is in sharp contrast (=very different) to some other politicians.

The marble is smooth and polished, making a strong contrast with the worn stonework around it.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): contrast
мн. ч.(plural): contrasts


Her black dress and the white background contrast sharply.

We compared and contrasted the two characters of the story.


I observed an interesting contrast in the teaching styles of the two women.

Careful contrast of the twins shows some differences.

In contrast to last year’s profits, the company is not doing very well.

The queen’s wit and humor made the prince seem dull by contrast.

They spent millions of dollars on advertising. By way of contrast, our small company spent under 5,000 dollars.

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Recent Examples on the Web

This contrasts with the soft, flowing warmth of the red coral dome and the ripples of gold.

Rosie Jarman, ELLE, 7 Apr. 2023

Advertisement — Continue Reading Below Terracotta brown leather contrasts nicely with the gray exterior and is a new addition to the Stinger’s interior color palette.

Joey Capparella, Car and Driver, 6 Apr. 2023

The latter song contrasts English lyrics about breaking down doors with a hook sung in Korean.

Ted Davis, SPIN, 6 Apr. 2023

Tucker Carlson’s Contempt: The Fox host’s private comments, revealed in court documents, contrast sharply with his support of Trump on his show.

Stuart A. Thompson, New York Times, 6 Apr. 2023

The industry’s hold on Georgia lawmakers contrasts sharply with what has taken place in other states, including South Dakota, Virginia, Illinois and New Mexico.

Margaret Coker, ProPublica, 4 Apr. 2023

This contrasts with several professional leagues in England, including the Premier League, which are allowing for the temporary pausing of games at sunset so that Muslim players are able to break their fasts with liquids, energy gels and other supplements, according to Sky Sports News.

Lorenzo Reyes, USA TODAY, 3 Apr. 2023

The practical rehearsal space contrasts widely with how then-25-year-old Queen Elizabeth and her attendants prepared for her coronation day in 1953.

Simon Perry, Peoplemag, 31 Mar. 2023

That contrasts with falling sales during the worst lockdowns, but pales in comparison to 8.2% growth in early 2019.

Cao Li, WSJ, 31 Mar. 2023

By contrast, 17% of the new vehicles, including large SUVs and trucks, sold cost $60,000-plus in March.

Susan Tompor, Detroit Free Press, 11 Apr. 2023

In stark contrast, few teams seriously entertained rolling out the welcome mat for Westbrook.

Andrew Greif, Los Angeles Times, 10 Apr. 2023

Bankman-Fried, by contrast, grew up as the child of two Stanford law professors who owned a fine house on campus and enjoyed life at the top of the academic pecking order.

Jeff John Roberts, Fortune Crypto, 10 Apr. 2023

By contrast, once a Binance affiliate registers a user with their code, the host gets a part of the recruit’s spot commission forever.

Alexandra Sternlicht, Fortune, 8 Apr. 2023

Medical groups, by contrast, point out mifepristone has been used by millions of women over the past 23 years, and complications occur at a lower rate than with other routine procedures like wisdom teeth removal and colonoscopies.

Lindsay Whitehurst And Alanna Durkin Richer, Chicago Tribune, 8 Apr. 2023

Medical groups, by contrast, point out mifepristone has been used by millions of women over the past 23 years, and complications occur at a lower rate than with other routine procedures like wisdom teeth removal and colonoscopies.

Lindsay Whitehurst And Alanna Durkin Richer,, 8 Apr. 2023

His message was in stark contrast to the main Republican Party rebuttal from former White House press secretary and current Gov. Sarah Sanders (R-AR).

Anna Giaritelli, Washington Examiner, 7 Apr. 2023

The heaviness of the songwriting sits in stark contrast to the playfulness of the musicians.

Vulture, 4 Apr. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘contrast.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Слова-связки, которые используются для противопоставления:

despite/in spite of – несмотря на

  • Be careful how use these words:

Despite/in spite of + ing-form

Despite being tired, I carried on working. — Несмотря на усталость, я продолжила работать.

Despite/in spite of + noun (существительное)

We carried on playing despite the rain.


But: despite/in spite of + noun + verb

although/even though – хотя

although/even though + noun + verb

Although he was tired, he carried on working.

although/even though + ing-form

Although being extremely wealthy, he lived modestly. — Несмотря на баснословное богатство, он жил очень скромно.


while/whereas – в то время как

While my brother is a rocket scientist, I’m hopeless at maths.

Some people work better to music while others do not.

My friends would rather go on on a beach holidays whereas I like going camping.



In contrast ~ в отличие от этого, в то же время (used when you are comparing two things or people and saying that the second one is very different from the first)

Our life in the country was very quiet. In contrast, here, in the city, my lifestyle is hectic.

However – однако (used to introduce a statement that contrasts with something that has just been said)

It was late, and we were getting tired. However, we were not going to give up.

I do understand your point of view. I’m totally against your plan, however.

  • Be careful! We need to use commas with “however”.

Слово “however” всегда выделяется запятыми.


But vs However

We prefer to use “but” within one sentence. We usually use “however” when we have two sentences.

I like rock-music, but I don’t like rap.

I’m into rock-music. However, rap isn’t to my liking.

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Many words connect sentences, clauses, and phrases. But only contrast linking words can express two different ideas. The previous sentence uses the linking word of contrast but two connect it with the first sentence.

Learn the different linking words of contrast in the article and how to use them in sentences. I’ll show you how to position them in sentences and whether to use a comma.

What Are Contrast Words?

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Linking words for contrast or contrast words are words that show contrasting ideas. These English linking words connect two statements that are different from each other. For instance, one may be a positive idea, while another is a negative idea.

Here’s a list of contrast words in English.

  • Although
  • Even though
  • Though
  • Yet
  • However
  • Despite
  • But
  • Despite
  • In spite of
  • While
  • On the other hand

How to Use Contrast Words in a Sentence

Let’s look at the different contrast words and how to use them in sentences.


However is a sentence starter that shows a contrast between two separate sentences. Place the contrast word at the start of the second sentence, the end, and after the subject. Below are some examples of sentences.

  • I love this city. However, the roads are too narrow.
  • I love this city. The roads, however, are too narrow.
  • I love this city. The roads are narrow, however.

But is more informal than however. Don’t put a comma after it; instead, put a comma before it when it’s used to connect two independent clauses. For example:

  • I love this city. But the words are too narrow.
  • I love this city, but the roads are too narrow.

Although/Even Though

While however doesn’t connect two clauses, we use although and even though at the beginning of a complete sentence with subject and verb. You can also use them in the middle of a sentence. Here are some examples.

  • Although the book was long, I enjoyed reading it the entire weekend.
  • I enjoyed reading the book the entire weekend, although it was long.


Though is a looking word found between two phrases. It means despite this or but in the English language. For example:

  • I feel down today. I’m still attending the event, though.
  • She will be my professor this semester, though I don’t know which subject.


Use the linker yet when expressing an idea that is surprising because it contradicts what has been mentioned earlier. For example:

  • I helped her, yet she betrayed me.
  • He’s already 94 years old, yet somehow, he is still fit and healthy.

Despite/In Spite Of

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These linking words of contrast are used to contrast ideas. We can also place a noun phrase or an -ing form of the verb after them. For example:

  • Despite her suggestions, Mike still played by his own rules.
  • In spite of being the top artist in the country, she still feels lonely.

Despite the Fact That/In Spite of the Fact That

Statements like despite the fact that and in spite of the fact that are similar to despite and in spite. But these phrases have a subject and verb after them. For example:

  • I enjoyed the party despite the fact that we arrived late.
  • He was grateful in spite of the fact that he lost the competition.


While, whereas, and unlike show two things that differ. Use whereas and while with two complete clauses and unlike with a noun. Consider these sentences.

  • Joan is happy, while John is excited.
  • Whereas Kat looks excited in this photo, Sheila seems upset.
  • Unlike Michael, Miguel excels in performing arts.

On the Other Hand

The contrast linking word on the other hand compares two different ways, facts, or ideas of the same situation. Here are some examples.

  • On one hand, I want to be an engineer. But on the other hand, I also like my current education degree.
  • I enjoy jazz music, but on the other hand, my friend loves rock music.

Practice Using Contrast Linking Words

Contrast linking words join contradicting ideas, whether they’re clauses, sentences, or phrases. These words may have similar uses but different meanings and placements in sentences.

Some contrast words like although and however can be at the beginning of a sentence. Meanwhile, on the other hand, although, and other words can be in the middle of a sentence.

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contrastМы используем фразу in contrast, чтобы познакомить с фактом или идеей, очень отличающейся от той, которая была упомянута раньше. Обратите внимание на место этой фразы в предложении и на ее перевод:

  • Newspapers contain valuable information. Magazines, in contrast, contain beautiful images too. – газеты содержат ценную информацию. Журналы, в отличие от них, содержат также и красивые картинки.

Мы можем также сказать, что между двумя очень разными вещами или предметами, большая разница/контраст – «A contrast between (two things)»:

  • In you are this city some day, you’ll see a drastic contrast between the downtown and the suburbs. – если вы окажетесь однажды в этом городе, вы заметите сильный контраст между центром города и пригородами.

Мы используем фразу on the contrary (наоборот), особенно в устной речи, чтобы указать нечто противоположное тому, что было только что сказано, или чтобы выразить противоположное мнение:

  • Has the demand increased after we have improved the quality of our products? On the contrary, it has dropped for some reason. – увеличился ли спрос после того, как мы улучшили качество нашей продукции? Напротив, он упал по неизвестной причине.

Фраза on the other hand (с другой стороны) необходима для того, чтобы ввести противоположное мнение:

  • You must listen to your parents’ advice, but on the other hand it is time to take your own decisions. – ты должен слушать советы своих родителей, но с другой стороны, время принимать свои собственные решения.

Словосочетания со словом «contrast»

Запомним несколько словосочетаний со словом «contrast»:

  • The quality of this textile is good by contrast with that one — качество этого текстиля хорошее по сравнению с другим.
  • You are honest in contrast to your brother — ты честен в отличие от твоего брата.
  • Your actions are in contrast to/with your words — твои действия противоречат твоим словам.
  • Jane’s rude words sharpened the contrast between herself and her sister Ann, who was known as very kind and polite girl. — грубые слова Джейн усугубили контраст между ней и ее сестрой Анной, известной как добрая и вежливая девушка.
  • A contrast bath will help you to relieve stress. — контрастная ванна поможет вам снять стресс.
  • Doctor advised to keep to a contrast diet — доктор посоветовал придерживаться контрастной диеты.



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In 2011, in sharp contrast to 2010, the tax rate fell to roughly nine-and-a-half percent.

The newly painted orange wall was in sharp contrast to the muted colors throughout the rest of the house.

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What is a sentence for the word contrast?

Example sentence — The black frame has a nice contrast to the
red in the painting.

How do you write a sentence using the following word contrast?

Compare and contrast the two main characters in the story.
Contrast adds dimension to a picture or artwork.

How do you use the word griefstricken in a sentence?

How do you use the word griefstricken in a sentence?

Use the word organism in a sentence?

Use the word organism in a sentence?

How can you use the word ebullient in a sentence?

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how can you use the word ebullient in a sentence?

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  • comparison
  • contradiction
  • disagreement
  • disparity
  • distinction
  • divergence
  • diversity
  • opposition
  • variation
  • antithesis
  • contradistinction
  • contrariety
  • converse
  • differentiation
  • dissimilarity
  • dissimilitude
  • foil
  • heterogeneity
  • incompatibility
  • incongruousness
  • inconsistency
  • inequality
  • inverse
  • oppositeness
  • reverse
  • unlikeness
  • variance
  • adverse
  • contraposition
  • contradict
  • diverge
  • vary
  • balance
  • bracket
  • collate
  • conflict
  • depart
  • deviate
  • differentiate
  • disagree
  • distinguish
  • hang
  • mismatch
  • oppose
  • separate
  • weigh
  • be a foil to
  • be contrary to
  • be dissimilar
  • be diverse
  • be unlike
  • be variable
  • hold a candle to
  • match up
  • set in opposition
  • set off
  • stack up against
  • stand out

On this page you’ll find 129 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to contrast, such as: comparison, contradiction, disagreement, disparity, distinction, and divergence.

  • agree
  • aid
  • harmonize
  • help
  • join
  • stay
  • accord
  • coincide
  • concur
  • conform

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

TRY USING contrast

See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

How to use contrast in a sentence


OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • antipode
  • antipole
  • contra
  • contradictory
  • contrary
  • contrast
  • converse
  • counter
  • flip side
  • inverse
  • other side
  • reverse
  • be dissimilar
  • conflict
  • contrast
  • differ
  • disaccord
  • discord
  • disharmonize
  • mismatch
  • not go with
  • argues
  • bang heads
  • battles
  • brawls
  • bucks
  • combats
  • conflicts
  • contends
  • crosses swords
  • differs
  • disagrees
  • encounters
  • feuds
  • frets
  • galls
  • grapples
  • grates
  • mixes it up
  • quarrels
  • raises Cain
  • rows
  • tries
  • wars
  • wrangles
  • adduce
  • analogize
  • assemble
  • bracket
  • collect
  • compare
  • compose
  • contrast
  • examine
  • gather
  • group
  • match
  • order
  • relate
  • verify
  • analyze
  • approach
  • balance
  • bracket
  • collate
  • confront
  • consider
  • contemplate
  • contrast
  • correlate
  • divide
  • equal
  • examine
  • hang
  • hold a candle to
  • inspect
  • juxtapose
  • match
  • match up
  • measure
  • observe
  • oppose
  • parallel
  • place in juxtaposition
  • ponder
  • rival
  • scan
  • scrutinize
  • segregate
  • separate
  • set against
  • set side by side
  • size up
  • stack up against
  • study
  • touch
  • weigh
  • weigh against another
  • allegorizing
  • approaching
  • approximate to
  • assimilating
  • balancing
  • bearing comparison
  • being in the same class as
  • being on a par with
  • bringing near
  • coming up to
  • competing with
  • connecting
  • correlating
  • distinguish between
  • drawing parallel
  • equalling
  • equating
  • holding a candle to
  • identifying with
  • linking
  • making like
  • matching
  • notice similarities
  • paralleling
  • putting alongside
  • relating
  • resembling
  • showing correspondence
  • stacking up with
  • standardizing
  • tying up
  • vying

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

(Download this explanation in PDF here.)
Read about linking words of reason (because, since, due to …) here.

We use linking words to join ideas together when we’re talking or writing. Sometimes we want to link two ideas that are different from each other (for example, one is a positive idea and one is a negative idea) or we want to link one idea to another one which is surprising or unexpected. We can use linking words like ‘however’, ‘although’ and ‘despite’ to do this.

We can use ‘although’ at the beginning or in the middle of a sentence. It is used in front of a clause (a clause has at least a subject and a verb that agrees with the subject).

  • Although the weather is bad, I love London.
  • I love London, although the weather is bad.

Despite / in spite of
We use ‘despite’ or ‘in spite of’ before a noun or a gerund. It can also go in the middle or at the beginning of a sentence. ‘Despite’ and ‘in spite of’ mean exactly the same thing. You can choose whichever one you like! If you want to use ‘despite’ or ‘in spite of’ before a clause, you need to add ‘the fact that’.

  • I love London despite the bad weather.
  • I love London in spite of the bad weather.
  • Despite the bad weather, I love London.
  • In spite of the bad weather, I love London.
  • Despite the fact that the weather is bad, I love London.
  • In spite of the fact that the weather is bad, I love London.
  • I love London despite the fact that the weather is bad.
  • I love London in spite of the fact that the weather is bad.

We use ‘although’ and ‘despite / in spite of’ to connect two clauses in the same sentence. On the other hand, ‘however’ isn’t used to connect two clauses. Instead, we usually put the two ideas in two separate sentences. We put ‘however’ in the second sentence, and we can put it at the beginning, at the end, or after the subject.

  • I love London. However, the weather is bad.
  • I love London. The weather, however, is bad.
  • I love London. The weather is bad, however.

Try an exercise about these words here.

Imagine you are participating in a discussion about ideas. It’s not small talk. It’s a discussion about how you feel about something important, like your beliefs, politics, who you feel is better for a job, and so on. Using the right phrases and grammar structures can help you express your ideas well. Knowing how to compare and contrast is a particularly useful tool to get your point across in an interesting way.

Words and Short Phrases Used to Compare

The following words or short phrases compare two items or ideas:

  • like
  • likewise
  • same as
  • as well as
  • also, too
  • likewise

Here is a short paragraph using some of these expressions:

Time, like money, is a limited resource. You can’t buy everything you want, likewise, you don’t have enough time to do everything you want to do. Our time is the same as our money: it’s limited. Also, time is a resource when work needs to be done.

Words and Short Phrases Used to Contrast

The following words or short phrases contrast two items or ideas:

  • unlike
  • in contrast to
  • as opposed to
  • different from
  • whereas

Here is a short paragraph using some of these expressions to contrast:

Unlike time or money, desire is an unlimited resource. Think about it: In contrast to money which can run out, your desire for new experiences and ideas will never end. Whereas there is never enough time to do everything you want, your desire will always come up with something new and exciting.

Forms Used When Comparing Ideas

The most important form to use when comparing two ideas is the comparative form. For three or more ideas, use the superlative form.

Comparative Form

These sentences use the comparative form to discuss ideas concerning the difficult economy:

Employment issues are more important than political problems at this point in time.
Job training is more critical to a sustained well being than food stamps and other welfare programs.

Politicians are more worried about reelection than truly improving the economy.

As … as

A related form to the comparative is the use of «as … as.» The positive form shows something is equal. However, when using «as … as,» do not modify the adjective as in the comparative form.

The loss of manufacturing jobs is as unfortunate as the drop in pay.
Spending on education in my state is as high as in some foreign countries like Korea.

The negative form shows that something is not equal.

It isn’t as easy as you think.

The loss in production isn’t as great as in the past.

Superlative Form

These sentences use the superlative form to state what someone feels are the most important aspect of success at university:

Dedication is the most important factor in success at University.

Opening my mind to new perspectives was the most rewarding part of my time at university.

Conjunctions and Connectors

Use these subordinating conjunctions, connecting words, and prepositions to contrast positive and negative aspects.

Though, Although, Even Though​

Although the initial cost will be high, we will eventually profit from the time spent.

It’s important to remember that time is money even though many believe that money is more important.

However, Nonetheless

We need to improve the local infrastructure. However, we must also respect nature.

The government should invest in job training programs. Nonetheless, that would be expensive.

Despite, In Spite Of

Despite the difficulty, students will soon see the benefit of this topic of study.

The situation will improve in spite of the economy.

Practice Situations

Find a partner and use these suggestions to practice comparing and contrasting ideas, events, and people. Make sure to vary the language you use when practicing rather than using the same phrase over and over again. For practice, you could try the following topics:

  • Discuss the economic situation in your country
  • Speak about the positive and negative aspects of a politician or political party
  • Compare and contrast two different courses at school
  • Consider both sides of an important decision such as an investment, a career change, etc.

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