Sentences using the word boat

Dad, the boat passed inspection?
Папа, лодки проходил обследование?

We could take a cargo boat.
Мы отправимся на грузовом судне.

I’ll eat on the rescue boat.
Я буду есть на спасательном катере.

Boat crew launched rescue three days ago.
Команда спустила спасательные шлюпки три дня назад.

Did I hear something about boat races?
Кажется, я что-то слышал о лодочных гонках?

Bring him to the boat.
Несите его на ладью.

The little boat in front of it was the one in which, 80 years later, Christopher Columbus crossed the Atlantic.
А утлая лодочка на переднем плане — то, на чём 80 лет спустя, Христофор Колумб пересёк Атлантику.

If you get on the boat, I will have your head cut off.
Если сядете на корабль, я отрублю вам голову.

That time, in the restaurant, «The Fisherman’s Boat«?
Помнишь, что мы устроили в «Рыбацком челне»?

The boat and its crew were released on 31 August.
Бот и его экипаж были освобождены 31 августа.

Your boat hook killed him.
Багор с вашей лодки убил его.

Take him for a boat ride, John.
Возьмите его с собой в налет на судно, Джон.

Oh, cause he’s on a Scarab boat.
Потому что он на катере.

Come on, Tex, let’s get in that boat!
Давай, Текс, давай в шлюпку!

How long do these boat trips usually take?
И сколько обычно длятся такие лодочные прогулки?

His home is the boat, his life are travels.
Его дом — ладья, его жизнь — походы.

Catch that boat, go to Tangiers and leave a message for me at American Express.
Сядешь на корабль, поплывешь в Танжер, оставишь мне сообщение в Америкэн Экспресс.

Yeah, the boat is trashy.
Да, лодка дрянная.


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Sentences with the word Boat?



  • «the boat was set adrift»
  • «a ship aground offshore»; «a boat aground on the beach waiting for the tide to lift it»
  • «go ahead»; «the train moved ahead slowly»; «the boat lurched ahead»; «moved onward into the forest»; «they went slowly forward in the mud»
  • «The boat ascended the Delaware»
  • «the boat was 5 miles off (or away)»; «the party is still 2 weeks off (or away)»; «away back in the 18th century»
  • «the boat ran aground on a submerged bar in the river»
  • «The leaves were blowing in the wind»; «the boat drifted on the lake»; «The sailboat was adrift on the open sea»; «the shipwrecked boat drifted away from the shore»
  • «The boat beat in the strong wind»
  • «tie up the boat«
  • «he pointed the bow of the boat toward the finish line»
  • «they brought about the boat when they saw a storm approaching»
  • «The huge waves swallowed the small boat and it sank shortly thereafter»
  • «Don’t rock the boat or it will capsize!»
  • «This boat can only carry a small sail»
  • «chock the boat«
  • «the boat headed into the chop»
  • «a scenic but devious route»; «a long and circuitous journey by train and boat«; «a roundabout route avoided rush-hour traffic»
  • «the boat had a metallic finish»; «he applied a coat of a clear finish»; «when the finish is too thin it is difficult to apply evenly»
  • «the boat entered an area of shallow marshes»
  • «The boat cut the water»
  • «This boat draws 70 inches»
  • «The tsunami swamped every boat in the harbor»
  • «The dusky night rides down the sky/And ushers in the morn»-Henry Fielding; «the twilight glow of the sky»; «a boat on a twilit river»
  • «we were given the use of his boat«
  • «He floated the logs down the river»; «The boy floated his toy boat on the pond»
  • «an inflatable mattress»; «an inflatable boat«
  • «I taught them French»; «He instructed me in building a boat«
  • «involuntary manslaughter»; «involuntary servitude»; «an involuntary shudder»; «It (becoming a hero) was involuntary. They sank my boat«- John F.Kennedy
  • «the boat limped into the harbor»
  • «the English vowel sounds in `bate’, `beat’, `bite’, `boat‘, `boot’ are long»
  • «moor the boat«
  • «an open boat«; «an open fire»; «open sports cars»
  • «dangerous waters»; «a parlous journey on stormy seas»; «a perilous voyage across the Atlantic in a small boat«; «the precarious life of an undersea diver»; «dangerous surgery followed by a touch-and-go recovery»
  • «a telling smile»; «a telltale panel of lights»; «a telltale patch of oil on the water marked where the boat went down»
  • «The capsized boat righted again»
  • «row the boat across the lake»
  • «scull the boat«
  • «the shiftiness of the wind caused the boat to veer unpredictably»
  • «signals from the boat suddenly stopped»
  • «The boat skirted the coast»
  • «viewing subaqueous fauna from a glass-bottomed boat«; «submerged leaves»
  • «The sailors decided to tack the boat«; «The boat tacked»
  • «a throbbing pain»; «the throbbing engine of the boat«
  • «a tipsy boat«
  • «the Vietnamese countryside»; «the Vietnamese tones»; «Vietnamese boat people»

boat — перевод на русский


Bring the boat.

Давай лодку.

The one about the big fish that jumped over the boat.

[МАЛЫШ] Про огромную рыбу, которая перепрыгнула лодку.

Oh, it leads to a little cove where we used to keep a boat. Oh, let’s go down there.

— К небольшому домику, там держали лодку.

— He found another boat.

И нашли другую лодку.

Well, he’s examining the boat now. Purely as a matter of routine, you know.

Он сейчас осматривает лодку, это простая формальность.

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Father, I am stayed away on your boat.

Папа, я не поднимусь на твой корабль.

Seems he has two tickets on a boat to Havana.

— Похоже, у него есть два билета на корабль до Гаваны.

When we get on that boat I wanna get cockeyed.

— Когда мы попадем на корабль, я хочу напиться.

-Excuse me, I thought you were a boat.

Прошу прощения, я думала, ты корабль.

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I bought her a pleasure boat, the Alberta.

Я купил ей прогулочный катер, Альберта.

Now, your patrol will leave from here this afternoon, board a boat, which will bring you around to this spot.

Ваш отряд отправляется сегодня днем, вы сядете на катер, который доставит вас вокруг острова в эту точку.

Tell them to send us another boat.

Скажете, чтобы за нами отправили другой катер.

Hey, it’s a boat!

Эй, это катер!

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What do you mean, go by boat? I’ve got a reservation on the morning train.

Я не сяду на судно, у меня билет на поезд.

She and her partner just happened to be leaving on the same boat.

Они с партнером сели на то же судно.

She had to wind up here… because if you wanna go south, here’s where you get the boat.

Она тоже там была. Любой, кто отправляется на юг, должен найти там себе судно.

I found a boat. I went to Hawaii.

Я нашёл судно и поплыл на Гавайи

I wonder when we’ll get a boat from Ireland with some Irish whiskey.

Хоть бы судно из Ирландии с хорошим виски.

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Everything a boat should be until she develops dry rot.

Такой и должна быть яхта, пока дерево не начнёт гнить.

When you’re through with a boat, you’re through.

Раз яхта своё отслужила, значит, отслужила.

On my boat, of course

Немного холодновато. Но у меня есть яхта. — Яхта?

Club boat? No, she’s ours

— Клубная яхта?

Not one of the usual boats, a real sailing ship… one of those that braved the seas and the storms of this world.

Яхта, которая проходила мимо, отличалась от обычных. Это был настоящий парусник. Из тех, что пересекают море в самый сильный в мире шторм.

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There’s a boat sailing at midnight.

Пароход уходит в полночь.

— He’d almost have to be to stop a boat.

— Ради него остановили пароход.

Are you sure we’re on the right boat, Sylvester?

Ты уверен, что мы сели на тот пароход, Сильвестр?

That’s the boat to San Francisco.

Это пароход в Сан-Франциско.

I can get on a train, then get on a boat.

Я могу сесть на поезд, а затем на пароход.

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Come on, Tex, let’s get in that boat!

Давай, Текс, давай в шлюпку!

You’re rocking the boat.

Ты раскачиваешь шлюпку.

I’ll bring the boat back in the morning.

Я приведу шлюпку завтра утром.

I have to catch the 4:00 boat.

Мне надо успеть на 4:00 шлюпку.

I looked out, and there was the boat, Headed for the rocks, Mainsail all torn to shreds.

Я присмотрелся и увидел шлюпку, движущуюся на скалы. с разорванным в клочья парусом.

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That’s the ferry boat.

Это паром.

Would you mind telling me When the next boat goes to the island?

Вы не подскажите когда следующий паром на остров?

You missed a mail boat.

Ты опоздал на паром?

The name of the boat is Diana.

Паром называется Диана.

When the boat came to Gothenburg, Roseanna wasn’t on it.

Когда паром прибыл в Гётеборг, Розанны там уже не было.

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Хоть на борту, хоть в прериях.

There’s some girl on the boat.

Там на борту девушка.

— There’s no one on the boat?

На борту что, нет никого?

It’s dangerous to fill it on the boat.

На борту переливать опасно.

You’ll need these papers for the boat. And you’ll need this US money.

На борту тебе понадобится эта карточка и эти американские доллары

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There are too many in our boat.

И не надо ему плыть с нами, нас слишком много.

Will we be on the boat long?

Плыть долго?

While the boat floats, don’t row

Плывёт милая, ну и пусть плывёт.

~ Baby’s boat ~ ~ A silver moon ~

«В небе ночном плывёт луна.»

Get your boat over here and give us some help.

Плывите сюда! Помогите нам с уловом!

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Boat noun — A large craft for travel by water.

Usage example: you’ll have to take a passenger boat to get to the island

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Synonyms for Boat

Ship is a synonym for boat in vessel topic. In some cases you can use «Ship» instead the word «Boat» as a noun or a verb, when it comes to topics like transport, sea, craft, space vehicle. popular alternative


Ship noun — A large craft for travel by water.

Usage example: a cruise ship plying the warm waters of the Caribbean

Boat is a synonym for ship in vessel topic. You can use «Boat» instead the word «Ship» as a noun or a verb, if it concerns topics such as transport, sea, craft, space vehicle. popular alternative

How words are described

old old boat old ship
full full boat full ship
single single boat single ship
small small boat small ship
Other adjectives: entire, large, big, huge, wooden, sinking, little, ancient, new, abandoned, sunken, damaged, larger, titular, last, giant, captured, eponymous, wrecked.

Both words in one sentence

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Synonyms for ship

Google Ngram Viewer shows how «boat» and «ship» have occurred on timeline

5 Complete the sentences with the words below.
boat bridge jungle mountain river valley
1 The Golden Gate
is in San Francisco. &
2 The
Thames is in London.
3 Kilimanjaro is a
in Tanzania.
4 The river in the bottom of this
is called the
5 The Amazon rainforest is a large
in South
6 The only way to visit the Statue of Liberty in New York is by
Помогите пожалуйста дам 50 баллов

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

ВАРИАНТ 11. Fill in: drive, boat, touristy, monuments, catch, book, track. There two extra words.

1. ​ When in Moscow you will be able to see a lot of historical ___ ____

2. ​ Be quick! We only have a few minutes to ___ ___ the train!

3. ​ We stayed at the hotel which was off the beaten ___ ____.

4. ​ Sochi is a beautiful city but in summer it is too ___ ___.

5. ​ Her children are so naughty, they __ ___ me up the wall.

2. Form nouns from the words in bold.

1. I will never forget your ____ ___ KIND

2. We like to spend a weekend at the ___ ___ park AMUSE

3. At the job interview try to hide your __ __ NERVOUS

4. Her family is very proud of her __ __ ACHIEVE

5. She looked at him in ___ ____ AMAZE

3. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.

1. “I am living in Berlin now, ” said Nick

2. “My mother isn’t very well, ” she said

3. “I’d like to have a dog, ” he said

4. “I don’t know what Nina is doing, ” he said.

5. “You can come and stay at my place, ” said Dean

4. Complete the phrasal verbs with the correct preposition.

1. You should set __ ___ some money to go abroad.

2. We set __ ___ early in the morning to catch the train.

3. Weather has set __ ___ already, so let’s go camping.

4. We should set ___ __ or we’ll be late.

5. The opening of the new shopping center has been set __ __ for a few days.

5. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

1. Let’s meet __ __ the bus stop.

2. Does your hotel have any cars __ __ hire?

3. Drivers must be very attentive __ __ the road.

4. You should go to the hospital ___ __delay.

5. It’s cheaper to visit fashionable resorts __ __ season.

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