Sentences using the word anxious

He’s very anxious.

Don’t be anxious about me.

The mother was anxious about the well-being of her son.

He looked anxious, don’t you think?

She is anxious to relieve them of their sufferings.

I am anxious for my sister’s safety.

I am anxious to know what you think of it.

He is anxious to join the military service.

Are you anxious to win a scholarship?

The mother was anxious about her son’s health.

I was anxious to know the cause of his death.

Your mother is anxious about your health.

She is anxious to know.

I am anxious for your safety.

I am anxious to see this picture.

I am anxious about my result.

He is very anxious about his result.

He is anxious to leave.

I am anxious that he should succeed.

I am anxious about your success.

We are all very anxious to get inside.

He is very anxious about his success in the competition.

He was anxious to win the prize.

I am anxious to see him once again.

The wise always remain anxious and avail of the opportunity that comes their way.

A lean man is anxious to put on weight, while a fat man is anxious to shed some.

I was very anxious to see him and enquire about his condition.

He is always anxious to learn more and more things.

He is anxious to learn new techniques.

You will be anxious to know about our well-being.

It has made me very anxious.

His father is anxious about his success.

He is an anxious person by nature.

He is anxious to leave.

I cannot help anxious about you.

The children are anxious to learn .

What are you anxious about

She is very anxious for the health of her children.

She is very anxious to see you.

I am anxious my son’s result.

I was anxious to see the match.

I am very anxious to get a glimpse of Paris.

I am very anxious to see you.

You need not be anxious about me.

We were all anxious about his condition.

It was an anxious moment for me.

His parents grew very anxious about him.

I am anxious to hear from you.

Don’t be anxious about me.

Ever since I heard of your illness, I was anxious about your health.

The boys are anxious to know their results.

A father is naturally anxious about his son’s career.

I am anxious about his health.

I am anxious for her to get a good education.

He is anxious about his result.

Children are more curious, more anxious by nature than we think.

Different types of people come to the cinema hall and are very anxious to get inside.

I am anxious for your safety.

Students were anxious about their exam results.

We are anxious about his health.

He was anxious to know what was inside the box.

He is anxious for success.

Ram Lal was very anxious and worried about them.

Are you anxious for a promotion?

I feel anxious about joining that new school.

He is anxious about losing his job.

I am anxious to see you.

I am anxious for his success.

He is anxious to please everybody.

He works hard because he is anxious to succeed.

He is anxious for her to come.

She is anxious to meet you.

She is anxious for a gift.

She was anxious about her children’s health.

She was anxious to please her mother.

She is anxious about her safety.

I have been anxious about your health.

We are anxious for your help.

I am anxious to visit Britain once again.

The boy was anxious for a new bicycle.

The mother is very anxious about her children future.

We were all anxious for his first return in ten years.

His mother prevented him from going out because she was anxious about his health.

He was anxious to meet you.

He’s always anxious to pick up gossip.

He is anxious for a motorbike.

He was not anxious for fame.

She is very anxious about his health.

I’m anxious for him to return safe.

He is anxious to go with you.

We are anxious for news of your safe arrival.

My cat is very anxious to entertain me.

I’m anxious about her health.

He is anxious to know the result of the test.

He is anxious to see you.

He is anxious for our happiness.

He is anxious about his mother’s health.

I was anxious that she accept my offer.

She became very anxious about her son’s health.

Every spring I am anxious to get out in the garden again.

It is not unnatural that you should feel anxious about your first flight.

He is anxious to get back into circulation.

He was anxious to leave behind a united family.

I cannot help anxious about you.

What are you anxious about ?

She is very anxious to see you.

There were loud cheers from the spectators who were anxious to see as to what happened next.

He is anxious for his sister’s safety.

He is very anxious for his result.

You are anxious to know how I have fared in my annual examination.

Parents are anxious that their children should study continuously.

The boys are anxious to know their results.

She is anxious to relieve them of their sufferings.

Everybody in my house is anxious to see you.

I am anxious for my sister’s safety.

We are anxious to make satisfactory adjustment

All had an anxious time during your long illness.

Don’t be anxious about me.

She was anxious about that.

I was anxious for her safety.

She is anxious about the results of her son’s test.

The children are anxious to learn.

We were anxious about our first aeroplane flight.

Synonyms Of Anxious – Another Words

Afraid, Apprehensive, Careful, Concerned, Distressed, Fearful, Fidgety, Jittery, Nervous, Restless, Scared, Uneasy, Uptight, Aghast, Antsy, Basket Case, Bugged

Antonyms Of Anxious – Opposite Words

Bold, Brave, Calm, Collected, Composed, Confident, Cool, Courageous, Happy, Inattentive, Quiet, Unafraid, Unconcerned, Unfearful, Unworried

Synonym: agitated, concerned, desirous, eager, fearful, keen, troubled, uneasy, worried. Antonym: easy. Similar words: anxiety, obvious, various, curious, envious, dubious, previous, officious. Meaning: [‘æŋkʃəs]  adj. 1. eagerly desirous 2. causing or fraught with or showing anxiety. 

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1. I am not a bit anxious about my battles, If I am anxious I don’t fight them, I wait until I am ready. 

2. The more you fight something, the more anxious you become —the more you’re involved in a bad pattern, the more difficult it is to escape. 

3. He was anxious to preserve his reputation.

4. He is anxious to finish the job.

5. Knots of anxious people stood waiting in the hall.

6. We are all anxious about his health.

7. He seemed anxious about the meeting.

8. The hours wore on,the representatives became more anxious.

9. He was anxious to the point of neurosis.

10. They were anxious to find shelter for the night.

11. anxious about my son’s health.

12. We are always anxious to assist you in…

13. Jane is very anxious about her mother’s health.

14. I am anxious to avoid any possible misunderstanding.

15. Parents are naturally anxious for their children.

16. Parents were left anxious, uninformed, and isolated.

17. He was anxious for her safety.

18. Fetch the guest up,I’m anxious to see him.

19. We had a very anxious time until we knew that they were safe.

20. The German Chancellor was anxious to assert his government’s commitment to further European unity.

21. There is no reason to be anxious about the result.

22. He was a bit anxious about the safety of the machinery.

23. The police are anxious to hear from anyone who may know the whereabouts of the firearms.

24. We are anxious to maintain our close links with the police.

25. A desperate tiredness set in after hours of anxious waiting.

26. Protesters, anxious over the spending cuts, urged councillors to think again before wielding the axe.

27. Mrs. Brown was anxious to marry off her five daughters.

28. Teachers reassured anxious parents.

29. The government is anxious not to upset the economic equilibrium.

30. Some sedatives produce the para-doxical effect of making the person more anxious.

More similar words: anxiety, obvious, various, curious, envious, dubious, previous, officious, bumptious, vivacious, oblivious, obviously, ambitious, previously, mysterious, suspicious, pugnacious, loquacious, laboriously, subconsciously, consciousness, house, spouse, cousin, nervous, housing, warehouse, enormous, household, heinous. 

тревожный, беспокоящийся, озабоченный, беспокойный, встревоженный, стремящийся


- беспокоящийся, тревожащийся, волнующийся; опасающийся

to be /to feel/ anxious about smb.’s health [future, welfare] — беспокоиться /тревожиться/ о чьём-л. здоровье [будущем, благополучии]

- тревожный, беспокойный

anxious moment — тревожный период /момент/
anxious time — трудное /тревожное/ время
anxious business — хлопотное дело

- стремящийся (к чему-л.), страстно желающий (чего-л.)

Мои примеры


an anxious mood that was clearly legible upon her face — озабоченность, которая ясно читалась на её лице  
anxious eye — беспокойный взгляд  
anxious / worried look — беспокойный взгляд  
to be anxious about smth. — беспокоиться о чём-л., из-за чего-л.  
to be anxious for success — стремиться к успеху  
anxious behaviour — тревожное поведение  
be on the anxious bench — мучаться неизвестностью; мучиться неизвестностью; сидеть как на иголках  
he is anxious to do his best — он старается сделать все, что может  
feel anxious about — забеспокоиться о; беспокоиться о  
feel anxious about future — беспокоиться о будущем; тревожиться о будущем  
feel anxious about welfare — беспокоиться о благополучии; тревожиться о благополучии  

Примеры с переводом

People are anxious about the future.

Люди беспокоятся о своём будущем.

We were all anxious for news.

Мы все с нетерпением ждали новостей.

I am anxious to see him.

Мне очень хочется повидать его.

She waited anxiously by the phone.

Она с тревогой ждала у телефона.

I’m very anxious about his attitude to learning.

Его отношение к учёбе внушает мне большое беспокойство.

He was anxious for more news.

Он очень хотел получить больше известий.

She claimed she was anxious to avoid any action which might harm him.

Она заявила, что очень хочет избежать любого действия, которое могло бы ему повредить.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Parents were left anxious, uninformed, and isolated.

As chairman I was anxious to co-operate with Mr Baker as far as possible.

He was so anxious to get a fly into the water that he had to reproach himself for haste.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

overanxious  — очень старательный, слишком обеспокоенный, панически настроенный
anxiously  — тревожно, с тревогой, с волнением, очень, сильно
unanxious  — тихий, спокойный, безмятежный

  • Use the word Anxious in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Dr Latham, I have a very anxious primigravida who recently lost her own mother.

I’ve got nothing to be anxious about.

Florence, claiming to have a headache, had withdrawn, and her father and I, anxious about her state, went up to her room …

She may have been anxious that once on her path of life she might encounter an event, some sensuously intoxicating charm to which she would surrender.

I’m so anxious to see you again and have you meet my husband You and your husband must call soon…

I was anxious to see you one last time.

«Lord Darlington is most anxious to see you.»

You seem very anxious to lose your life!

I’m very anxious to see him.

I know how anxious you have been for me to come back.

Why was he so anxious to buy it?

I can’t see how anybody could be so anxious to leave this beautiful Paris.

Daddy is very anxious about all this.

In fact, I might say I was most anxious.

She was so anxious for you to have the store… she didn’t want you to spend the money for anything else.

My wife wasn’t any too anxious to- to have this kid.

You know, be interested, but not anxious.

He was a sickly child, and one can’t read about his early life without being reminded of all the anxious sickbed scenes in Dracula.

Why are you so anxious to get away?

I was so anxious to meet them.

We’re anxious that Jim should settle down.

Why do you suppose I was so anxious to break it up between you and Joan?

Hey, you’re terribly anxious to get rid of me, aren’t you?

I bet you’re kind of anxious too, huh?

You seem anxious to undo my conviction. You worked so hard to get it.

I’ll bet his son writes him every day, and he’s anxious to get the letter.

He’s anxious to get the first, more like it. His son hasn’t written once.

If you’re so anxious not to go back to the front… .. I should think you’d try something more intelligent.

I’ll admit that we were at one time anxious for this merger.

Why were you anxious to leave the dance when you saw him coming?

You’ve no idea how anxious I am to get started working, Mr. Carson.

Why were you so anxious to find me?

Why was Herbert Banning so anxious to rent his camp site to the construction company?

It was so good of you to come. I’m anxious for you to meet the new leader of our country.

And he’s terribly anxious to meet you .. my youngest.

We’re particularly anxious you should be there.

You seem awful anxious to get somewhere.

This will be an anxious Christmas for you.

I know boys don’t like kittens, but she was so anxious I couldn’t refuse.

She can’t leave your father and it’ll only make her all the more anxious.

I don’t know. I feel restless and anxious to be doing something.

Thank you. She’s anxious to become an actress, governor.

I didn’t know young women anxious to become actresses took the trouble to learn.

He was most anxious to see your collection before going away.

The old man is awfully anxious to open on schedule.

When you are anxious, you are very concerned or worried, but it can also refer to when you are quite interested in something. You might be anxious to improve your performance in math class after falling asleep during a big test.

The word anxious has generally been used to describe when someone is very concerned about something. In medical terms, to be anxious means feeling uneasy and worried but not always with a specific focus. On the other hand, being anxious can also mean that you are very eager. One meaning is negative and the other is positive!

Definitions of anxious

  1. adjective

    causing or fraught with or showing anxiety

    “spent an
    anxious night waiting for the test results”

    anxious glances behind her”


    nervous, queasy, uneasy, unquiet


    characterized by or indicative of distress or affliction or danger or need

  2. adjective

    eagerly desirous

    anxious to see the new show at the museum”



    agog, eager, keen

    having or showing keen interest or intense desire or impatient expectancy

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘anxious’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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