Sentences that have the word something

Дорогой ученик! В этом материале мы подготовили предложения со словом something – кое-что, нечто, что-нибудь, что-то. Все предложения составлены с переводом.

  1. There’s always something to do at the farm.
    На ферме всегда есть чем заняться.
  2. Whenever she sees something that she likes, she goes and buys it.
    Всякий раз, когда она видит что-то, что ей нравится, она идет и покупает это.
  1. Would you like something to drink?
    Хотите чего-нибудь выпить?
  2. I could smell something burning.
    Я почувствовал запах гари. (Я почувствовал, что что-то горит)
  3. It tastes something like melon.
    На вкус что-то вроде дыни.
  4. There’s something about this place that frightens me.
    В этом месте есть что-то такое, что меня пугает.
  5. There was something in her attitude that bothered him.
    Что-то в ее отношении его беспокоило.
  6. There’s something in what he says.
    В том, что он говорит, что-то есть (= какая-то правда, или факт, или мнение, заслуживающее внимания).
  1. He realized right away that there was something wrong.
    Он сразу понял, что что-то не так.
  2. They pay nine pounds an hour. Something like that.
    Они платят девять фунтов в час. Что-то около того.
  3. Jake looks pale – is there something wrong with him?
    Джейк выглядит бледным – с ним что-то не так?
  4. The house looks something like a medieval fortress.
    Дом похож на средневековую крепость.
  5. An average house in the area costs something around £280,000.
    Средний дом в этом районе стоит около 280 000 фунтов стерлингов.
  6. Is there something you’d like to say?
    Вы хотите что-то сказать?
  7. The building is going to be something like 12 storeys tall.
    Здание будет примерно 12-этажным.
  8. If it doesn’t work, try something else.
    Если это не работает, попробуйте что-нибудь другое.

Упражнения на отработку использования some, any, no, a также их производных (something, anything, nothing / somebody, anybody, nobody /somewhere, anywhere, nowhere) помогут вам закрепить знания по данной теме. Если упражнения показались сложными – предлагаю повторить правила использования some, any, no.

SOME, ANY, NO exercises.

Exercise 1. Write in a, an, some or any.

1. Is there _____ milk in the  crystal glass?

— No, there isn’t _____ milk in the crystal glass

There’s _____ juice in the crystal glass.

2. — Are there_____ sausages on the round plate?

-There aren’t _____  sausages on the round plate.

There are _____ sandwiches on the round plate.

3. -Is there_____ glass on the wooden table?

— No, there isn’t  _____ glass on the wooden  table.

There’s _____ cup on the wooden table.

Exercise 2. Write in a, an, some, any.

  1. There’s ______angel on the top.
  2. There are ______ornaments on the tree.
  3. Are there ______lights on the tree?
  4. There isn’t ______Christmas tree in the house.
  5. There’s ______ jam on the wooden table.
  6. Is there  ______bread in the basket?
  7. There aren’t  ______ vegetables in the fridge.

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with some/any/no.

  1. There is _______  tea in the crystal  glass, but it is very hot.
  2. There is  _______  fresh milk in the fridge. I can’t make porridge.
  3. Are there ________  tasty apples in the bag?
  4. There isn’t _______  jam on the round plate.
  5. There are _______  bananas on the wooden  table. They are yellow.
  6. There is  ________ butter on the plate.
  7. There is ________ cheese on the table, but there’re ____________ cheese sandwiches.
  8. There isn’t  _________ sausage on the table.
  9. There are  ____________ potatoes in the bag.
  10. There aren’t ______________  bananas on the table, but there are ________  cucumbers there.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with the words

Cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, apples, carrots

There is some fresh ________ on the wooden table. There aren’t any ___________ in the big bag, but there are some ________ there. There are no green ________ on the table, but there are some tasty red _________ there.

Exercise 5. Read the sentences. Draw your picture.

There is some food in the fridge. There is some cheese on the shelf. There are some sausages to the right of the cheese. There are two cucumbers on the shelf. There is a red tomato to the left of the cucumbers. There is some cabbage behind the tomato.

Exercise 6. Choose the correct item.

  1. Is there some/any butter in the fridge?
  2. There isn’t any/no bread in the bag.
  3. There are some/any cucumbers on the table.
  4. There are any/no potatoes in the box.
  5. There is/are some cheese on the shelf.

Exercise 7. Ask questions to the given answers.

  1. Yes, there’re some yellow tomatoes in the fridge.
  2. No, there isn’t any hot chocolate in the cup.
  3. Yes, there are some cheese sandwiches on the round plate.
  4. No, there is no salt on the shelf.

Exercise 8. Fill in some/any/no.

  1. There is ______  milk in the cup, but it is very cold.
  2. There is  ______   bread on the table. I can’t make sandwiches.
  3. Are there ______ oranges in the bag?
  4. There isn’t ______ cheese in the fridge.
  5. There are______  flowers in the vase. They are red.
  6. There are ______ carrots in the fridge. I can’t make soup.
  7. There is ______  coffee in the cup, but it is very hot.
  8. Is there  ______  cheese in the fridge?
  9. There isn’t  ______  juice in the glass.
  10. There are ______   grapes on the plate. They are green.
  11. They’ve got ______ buns in this shop.
  12. I’d like ________ potatoes, please.
  13. Have you got ______  ice-cream?
  14. There aren’t ___________ boys in the team!
  15. There are ___________ video shops in the town!
  16. This is a terrible party. There isn’t ________ good music!
  17. I’ve got  ___________ posters of Ricky Martin.
  18. Have you got ___________ posters of Britney Spears?
  19. ‘Sit down, please.’ ‘But there aren’t ___________ chairs!’
  20. There is ______ milk in the fridge. Go to the shop and buy ______.
  21. I can see______ tomatoes in the bag. Let’s make______ salad.
  22. There aren’t ______cucumbers in the fridge.
  23. Would you like ______tea?
  24. Is there ______cheese on the shelf?

 Exercise 9. Correct the sentences.

  1. Are there any milk in the fridge?
  2. There is no tomatoes in the salad.
  3. Is there some sugar in this coffee?
  4. There are some hamburger on the menu.
  5. I’d like any potatoes, please.
  6. There are some jam on the bread,
  7. There’s some fly in my soup.
  8. We’ve got some banana.
  9. There isn’t some money in my pocket.
  10. There is some posters on the wall.
  11. Is there a salt in this soup?

Exercise 10.  Read the dialogue. Fill in the gaps with some, any, or a / an.

A.  I’d like ________ (1) vegetable soup with bread, please.

B.  I’m afraid we haven’t got________   (2) vegetable soup today. But we’ve got________ (3) milk soup.

A.  I don’t like milk soup. I’ll have________ (4) vegetable salad.

B.  Vegetable salad. Anything else, sir?

A.  Chicken with boiled potatoes.

B.  I’m sorry, but we haven’t got________ (5) chicken. But you can have ________ (6) steak. And there is spaghetti or chips instead of boiled potatoes.

A.  All right. ________ (7) steak and ________ (8) chips. Have you got  ________ (9) juice or is there any


 B. Of course, sir. We’ve got ________ (10) orange and apple juice.

A.  Have you got________ (11) tomato juice?

B.  Yes, it’s Spanish.

A.  That’s fine. And cheese. I’d like ________ (12) cheese and ________ (13) fruit salad.

B,  Would you like ________ (14) ice-cream?

A, Yes, please. One ice-cream.

Упражнение 11.  Вставьте some, any, no

  1. I was terrified that _______disaster was waiting for me.
  2. They didn’t make_______mistakes.
  3. I don’t think _______of us ought to wish the result to be different.
  4. There were_______people in the room. It was empty.
  5. Now that he lived in the country he seldom had _______visitors.
  6. I have_______money left. I’ve bought a very expensive book.
  7. When we were on holiday, we visited_______very interesting places.
  8. I went out to buy_______milk but they didn’t have_______in the shop.
  9. He is_______good as a pianist.

 Exercise 12. Choose the correct answer. Write the story in your notebook.

 Liz is shopping. She wants to buy (1 — anything / some / any) new clothes. She is going to a New Year party tonight, but she has got (2 — anything / nobody / nothing) to wear. She wants to buy (3 — some / any / something) nice and (4 — no / some / any) new shoes but she can’t find (5 — something / anything / anybody) that she likes. She is also looking for a present. She wants to buy (6 — nothing / anybody / something) special for her friend.

Exercise 13. Complete the dialogue. Use the words from the box.

 something, anybody, nobody, somebody

Granny: Tom, Jane, Max! Can __________ (1) help me tidy up? __________ (2) answers. Where are they?

Max: Granny! There’s__________ (3) in this room. Are you talking to yourself?

Granny: No, I’m not talking to myself. I’m asking __________ (4) to help me do __________ (5) about the

Max: OK. Can __________  (6) help Granny about the house? Tom, Jane, where are you? Come here, I want you to help Granny.

Exercise 14. Fill in the blanks with the necessary pronouns (some, any, anything, something, everybody, everything, no etc.):

1. Is there ______ interesting in the magazine? 2. There are______books on the table. 3. ______in the house is clean and good. 4. There is______here. 5. She will tell us______about her work. 6. She doesn’t want______new dress. 7. Is he going ______ today? 8. Good morning, ______ . 9. He never goes by train, he goes______by aeroplane. 10. They want a house, they have ______ to live. 11. Is______coming to see us today? 12. There aren’t______pencils in the box. 13. I didn’t see ______ yesterday, I was at home.

Exercise 15. Вставьте вместо пропусков местоимения some, any и их производные.

  1. Why are you looking under the table? Have you lost anything/ something?
  2. Do they live somewhere / anywhere near Suvorov Street?
  3. There is anything / something in my soup. It’s mosquito!
  4. I’m thirsty. Can I have some / any cold juice?
  5. He can do the job alone. He doesn’t need anybody else’s / somebody else’s help.
  6. We cannot close our eyes to the facts some / any longer.
  7. If anybody / somebody asks about me I’m at Kate’s.
  8. She can’t have lost the tickets! They have got to be anywhere / somewhere!
  9. I’ve lost my way! Isn’t there anyone / someone who could direct me to Victory Square?
  10. There is hardly anybody / somebody to be seen on the streets of the centre after dusk.
  11. David decided that he needed to do anything / something constructive with his life.
  12. Will you show me some / any of your latest sculptures?
  13. «What would you like to drink?» «Oh, anything / something. Whatever you’re having will be fine!»
  14. Tom was in bad mood and refused to go somewhere / anywhere.

Ответы к упражнениям.

Упражнение 1.

1 any, any, some, 2 any, any, some, 3 a / any, any, a

Упражнение 2.

1 an, 2 some, 3 any, 4 any, 5 some, 6 any, 7 any

Упражнение 3.

1 some, 2 no, 3 any, 4 any, 5 some, 6 some / no, 7 no, some  /  some, no, 8 any, 9 some / no, 10 any, some

Упражнение 4.

Possible answer: Cabbage, carrots, apples, cucumbers, tomatoes

Упражнение 5.

Your own picture

Упражнение 6.

1 any, 2 any, 3 some, 4 no, 5 is

Упражнение 7.

  1. Are there any yellow tomatoes in the fridge?
  2. Is there any hot chocolate in the cup?
  3. Are there any cheese sandwiches on the round plate?
  4. Is there any salt in the shelf?

Упражнение 8.

1 some, 2 no, 3 any, 4 any, 5 some, 6 no, 7 some, 8 any, 9 any, 10 some, 11 some / no, 12 some, 13 some, 14 any, 15 some / no, 16 any, 17 some / no, 18 any, 19 any, 20 no, some, 21 some, some, 22 any, 23 some, 24 any

Упражнение 9.

1 are =>Is, 2 is => are, 3 some => any, 4 hamburger => hamburgers, 5 any => some, 6 are => is, 7 some => a, 8 banana=> bananas, 9 some => any, 10 is => are, 11 a => any

Упражнение 10.

1 some, 2 any, 3 some, 4 some, 5 any, 6 a, 7 a, 8 some, 9 some, 10 some, 11 any, 12 some, 13 some, 14 some.

Производные some, any no

Упражнение 11.

1 – some, 2 – any, 3 – any, 4 – no, 5 – any, 6 – no, 7 – some, 8 – some / any, 9 — no

Упражнение 12.

1 some, 2 nothing, 3 something, 4 some, 5 anything, 6 something

Упражнение 13.

1 anybody, 2 nobody, 3 nobody, 4 somebody, 5 something, 6 anybody

Упражнение 14.

1 anything, 2 some /no, 3 everything, 4 nobody, 5 everything, 6 any, 7 anywhere, 8 everybody, 9 everywhere, 10 nowhere, 11 anybody, 12 any, 13 anybody / anything

Упражнение 14.

1   Something, 2 somewhere, 3 something, 4 some, 5 anybody else’s, 6 any, 7 anybody, 8 somewhere, 9 anyone, 10 anybody, 11 something, 12 some / any, 13 anything, 14 anywhere

Понравилось? Сохраните на будущее и поделитесь с друзьями!


46. Have something done


Study this example situation:

The roof of Lisa’s house was damaged in
a storm. So she called a builder, and yesterday a man came and repaired it.

Lisa had
the roof repaired

This means: Lisa arranged for somebody
else to repair the roof. She didn’t repair it herself.

We use have something done to
say that we arrange for somebody else to do something for us.


Lisa repaired the roof. (=she repaired it

Lisa had the
roof repaired. (=she arranged for somebody else to repair it)

‘Did you make those curtains yourself?’
‘Yes, I enjoy making things.’

‘Did you have
those curtains made?’ ‘No, I made t hem myself.’


Be careful with word order. The past
(repaired/ cut etc.) is after the object:



past participle


did you have

hair looks nice. Have you had

neighbour has just had

are having

often do you have

think I should have

don’t like having

the roof

your hair


a garage

the house

your car

that coat

my picture

repaired yesterday




painted this week.





Get something

You can also say ‘get something
done’ instead of ‘have something done’:

When are you going to get the roof repaired?
(=have the roof repaired)

I think you should get your hair cut really short.


Sometimes have something done
has a different meaning. For example:

Paul and Karen had their bags stolen while
they were travelling.

This does not mean that they arranged
for somebody to steal their bags. ‘They had their bags stolen’ means
only: ‘Their bags were stolen’.

With this meaning, we use have
something done
to say that something happens to somebody or their
belongings. Often what happens is not nice:

Gary had his nose broken in
a fight. (= his nose was broken)

Have you ever had your bike stolen?



Tick(√ ) the correct sentence, (a)
or (b), for each picture.

Sarah is cutting her hair.

Sarah is having her hair cut.

Bill is cutting his hair.

Bill is having his hair cut.

John is cleaning his shoes.

John is having his shoes cleaned.

Sue is taking a picture.

Sue is having her picture taken.


Put the words in the correct


had /a few weeks ago /the
house /we /painted.

_____We had the house painted a few weeks ago________________


serviced /her car /Sarah /once
a year /has



twelve pounds /have /cleaned /it
/my suit /cost /to



my eyes /I /two years ago /had
/tested /the last time /was



had /in the kitchen /fitted /some
new cupboards /we’ve



as soon as possible /need /translated
/we /to get /this document



Write sentences in the way


Lisa didn’t repair the roof herself.
She _____ had it repaired. ________


I didn’t cut my hair myself. I


We didn’t dean the carpets
ourselves. We _____________________


John didn’t build that wall
himself. ____________________________


I didn’t deliver the flowers
myself. _____________________________


Use the words in brackets to complete
the sentences. Use the structure have
something done


______ We’re having the house painted________ (we /the house /paint)
this week.


I lost my key. I’ll have to _____________
(another key /make).


When was the last time _______________
(you /your hair /cut)?


__________________ (you /a
newspaper /deliver) to your house every day, or do you go out and buy one?


A: What’s happening in your

B: Oh, ___________ (we /a
garage /build).


A: _____________  (you /the washing machine /fix)?

B: Not yet. There’s someone
coming to look at it next week.


If you want to wear earrings,
why don’t you _________________ (you /your ears /pierce)?

Now use ‘have something done’ with its second meaning (see Section


Gary was in a fight last
night. He _____ had his nose broken.
(he /his nose /break).


Did I tell you about
Jane?__________ (she /her credit cards /steal).


Security was very strict at
the airport. _____________________ (we all /our bags /search).



1 b

2 a

3 a

4 b


2 Sarah has her car serviced once a year.

3 It cost twelve pounds to have my suit

4 The last time I had my eyes tested
was two years ago.

5 We’ve had some new cupboards fitted
in the kitchen.

6 We need to get this document translated
as soon as possible.


2 I had it cut.

3 We had them cleaned.

4 He had it built.

5 I had them delivered.


2 have another key made

3 you had your hair cut

4 Do you have a newspaper delivered

5 we’re having I we are having a garage

6 Have you had the washing machine fixed
I Did you have the washing machine fixed

7 have your ears pierced

9 She had her credit cards stolen.

10 We all had our bags searched.



A Read the article. Which of the following topics are not mentioned?

Work  NOT                                            Food

Transport                                      Shopping  NOT

Clothes  NOT                                       Social networking

Relationships NOT                               Newspapers  NOT

Energy                                         Radio and television

B Five sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from sentences a)-f) the one which fits each gap (1-5). There is one sentence you do not need to use.

  1. This is apart from a single assisted checkout; intended for customers with disabilities and staffed on demand
  2. Long showers and keeping the TV on standby are things of the past.
  3. But if you buy one every time you feel tired, it soon adds up.
  4. Fewer people are prepared to sit through live adverts now.
  5. It holds everything from your apples to avocados in their pre-ripe condition until the time you want to eat them.
  6. The info is dropped seamlessly into the programme between songs.

Paragraph 2: At the end: 1The info is dropped seamlessly into the programme between songs.

Paragraph 3: At the end: 2 It holds everything from your apples to avocados in their pre-ripe condition until the time you want to eat them.

Paragraph 5: At the beginning:  3 But if you buy one every time you feel tired, it soon adds up.

Paragraph 6: At the end: 4Fewer people are prepared to sit through live adverts now.

Paragraph 8: At the end: 5This is apart from a single assisted checkout; intended for customers with disabilities and staffed on demand

C Read the article again. Are the statements true (T), false (F) or is the information not given (NG)?

1You are woken up early because of an important news bulletin.    (F)

2 The music on the radio is personalised according to your preferences.    (F)

3 You can buy fruit pre-packaged in a FrootStore bag.   (T)

4 Almost all new cars on the road are designed to conserve energy. (T)

5 In many supermarkets you can judge for yourself how much carbon has been used in the production of particular.    ( T )

6 You can get daily recipes on TV.   ( T )

7 You can’t decide which video moments are sent out by LifeSaver.  ( F )

8 Your own home contributes fifteen percent of the electricity you use.   (T)



A Look at the words in the box. Which do you think are the five best words (B) and which are the five worst words (W) to use in an advertisement?

Safety BEST

Discover BEST



Results BEST

Health BEST



Client WORST

Quality WORST

The ten best and worst words in advertising

Everyone likes to get something for nothing , but the word “free” has become a big no-no as it’s sure to make people think of a product as second rate. What are the words that are guaranteed to get a result?  And what words should advertisers avoid using? Check out the five power words in advertising, and five others that advertisers should delete from their lexicons.

The top five

1 love – everybody wants it, everybody needs it, and it’s so hard to get; jus the mention of it catches people’s attention and makes them want the product that seems to promise to deliver.

2 Discover – There’s a bit of the explorer in all of us , and while most people are armchair explorer the sense that they are going to experience something new is irresistible.

3 Health– This has always been important to consumers, but we’ve seen o clear trend since the 1980s to put physical and mental well-being at the forefront. Most people are too busy or lazy to pay attention to their own, and that’s all the more reason to make them busy some via your product.

4 Safety– Just a mild suggestion that a product will keep the consumer’s family out of danger – particularly if the advertiser can associate the product with protecting children-and most consumers will dig deeper into their pockets to pay out.

5 Results –One advertising psychologist has said that the power of this word is in the association consumers make with their childhood and school ; getting good grades was the goal then, and this word makes them think of that. And yes, they still want good ones.

    The bottom five

6 Cheap– Most people will go to great lengths to pay less for a product, but this is probably the worst word to communicate that that’s what you offer. When it refers to price, it makes the product sound second rate; unluckily, the word can also refer to quality.

7 Client– Sure, it’s OK to talk about the customer or consumer using this word , but consumers don’t like to be referred to in such a technical, business-orientated way.

8 Deal– Similar to “cheap”, this word has associations with tricky used car salesmen and products that aren’t in fact worth spending money on.

9 Best – Only one product can really be described with this word, and if everyone says theirs is, then who should the consumer believe?

10 Quality– Another word that was once very much in fashion, but overuse has made consumers numb to its meaning. And who would say their product doesn’t have it?

2 Match the meanings 1-6 with the phrases in bold in the article.

1  make extra effort for something you want badly = big no-no

2 People who dream about doing something but don’t actually do it = go to great lengths

3 try hard(er) to get money for something = dig deeper into their pockets

4 Something you should never do = at the forefront

5 a top priority = armchair explorers

6 cause people not even to notice = made numb to

GRAMMAR Conditionals

3 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first use between two and five words including the word given.

1 Without more money we can’t put an advert on TV


We can’t put an advert on TV unless if we have more money.

2 Not many people use the shop because it closes at five o’clock


If the shop closed later more people would use it.

3 Could we get a discount by paying in cash?


If we would pay supposing in cash, could we get a discount?

4 Providing we´re happy with your work, we´ll give you a full time contract.


We´ll give you a full-time contract if you provide that are long happy with your work.

5 Suppose I accepted the job, how soon would you want me to start?


If I wish I were the job, how soon would you want me to start?

6 If the band were to get back together, would you join it?


Imagine the band got back together would you join it?

7 I wouldn´t go skiing unless I enjoyed it


If I won´t enjoy skiing, I wouldn´t do it.

8 Supposing you didn´t go, is there a chance that you would regret it?


Might you have a chance if you didn’t go?

4 Complete the sentences with the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets.

  1. If the shop wouldn´t have (not have) the right version, I have to get it online. I haven´t decided yet.
  2. Supposing Maria is (be) here now, what will you say (say) to her?
  3. Good news: you was accepted (accept) on the course as long as you achieved (achieve) two A- grades.
  4. If I hadn´t been (not be) left- handed, I wouldn’t wear (not wear) my watch on my right wrist.
  5. We will close (close) the factory unless a buyer will come forward (come forward) in the next few days.
  6. If Cindy doesn´t know (not know) about the party tomorrow, I think you have to tell (tell) her.
  7. If I don´t sit (not sit) here now, I will be (be) at home playing the guitar.
  8. I will buy (buy) you dinner provided that we can pass (pass) the exam!

VOCABULARY Advertising

5 Complete the crossword.


2) For example Levis, Apple

5) A company symbol.

7)  A series of advertisements for a product.

9) It´s often about thirty seconds long and on TV.

10) A celebrity says a product is good.

11) Another word for 2 across.


1)A sentence that sells a product.

3) Use imagines and words to sell a product.

4) A short song that sells a product.

6) Make someone think a certain way.

8) Similar to 10 across.

  1 S     2 B R 3  A    N   D
L   4 J        D    
5 L O G O      I    V
  G     N    E 6  I
7 A   8 P       G      R    N
  N      R     L      T    F
  9 C    O    M   M   E    R   C     I    A    L
     M      S      U
10 E    M    D    O   R    S    E      E    E
     T          N
11N    A    M    E        C

LEARN TO Make written comparisons


A Put the words in the correct order to make phrases for making comparisons

a) For / is / important / less / far

Is less important far

b)Contrast / an / to / snow / interesting

Show an interesting contrast to.

c)On / place / importance / greater

Importance on greater place

d)Is / in / not / there/ difference/ almost

There isn’t almost difference in.

e)Equally/ both / more / less/ affects / groups

Affects both groups more, less or equally.

f) Differences/ significant/ are / there / in

There are significant differences in.

g) A / shows/ slight/ only/ variation

Shows only a slight variation .

B  Look at the chart and complete the sentences with the phrases from exercise 6A

1 Looking at men and women in the younger age group, the way the glasses look shows only a slight variation.

2 There isn’t almost difference in the number of people who don’t have an upgradable

3 Comparing younger men and women, the importance of price and image quality affects both groups more, less or equally.

4 There are significant differences in the number of people who watch action films- the films that benefit the most from the 3D effect

5 Younger men Is less important far how trendy 3D TV is than the other groups

6 The results for the older groups show an interesting contrast to those for the younger group

7 The way the glasses look importance on greater place people in the older age group than the 18 to 25 year olds

C Write five more sentences about the data in the chart.

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