Sentences that have the word revolution

Synonym: change, circle, circuit, cycle, orbit, overthrow, rebellion, revolt, riot, turning, uprising. Similar words: revolutionary, glorious revolution, evolution, devolution, solution, resolution, absolution, pollution. Meaning: [‚revə’luːʃn]  n. 1. a drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving 2. the overthrow of a government by those who are governed 3. a single complete turn (axial or orbital). 

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1. During the French Revolution, thousands of people were guillotined.

2. She authored a history of the Chinese Revolution.

3. The Russian Revolution occurred on November 7, 1917.

4. The earth makes a yearly revolution around the sun.

5. War and revolution have torn families apart.

6. The revolution caused a radical reformation of the society.

7. The army officers led a revolution against the king.

8. The bigger farms were parcelled out after the revolution in 1973.

8. try its best to gather and build good sentences.

9. The industrial revolution modified the whole structure of English society.

10. The French Revolution changed France from a monarchy to a republic.

11. The period since the revolution has been one of political turmoil.

12. Thousands of people were killed in the bloody revolution that toppled the government.

13. He still proclaims himself a believer in the Revolution.

14. During the revolution the streets were running with blood.

15. The revolution was quickly snuffed out.

16. This was a prologue to today’s bloodless revolution.

17. After the revolution, anarchy ruled.

18. The unrest erupted into revolution.

19. The activists were charged with fomenting revolution.

20. The role of women has changed since the revolution.

21. The nobles were dispossessed after the revolution.

22. The storm clouds of revolution were gathering.

23. It was very difficult to encapsulate the story of the revolution in a single one-hour documentary.

24. How long does it take for the planet Jupiter to make a complete revolution around the sun?

25. According to the official figures(, over one thousand people died during the revolution.

26. Unprecedented change has been the keynote of the electronic revolution.

27. The new bourgeoisie, which was created by the Industrial Revolution, had money to spend and wanted to travel.

28. Tien An Men Square is flanked by the Great Hall of the People and the Museum of the Chinese Revolution.

29. In the last ten years there has been a revolution in education.

30. He became a national hero for his part in the revolution.

More similar words: revolutionary, glorious revolution, evolution, devolution, solution, resolution, absolution, pollution, convoluted, revolving, revolve around, constitutional convention, revelation, prevention, execution, precaution, diminution, contribution, restitution, distribution, institution, prosecution, prevarication, constitution, institutional, circumlocution, constitutional, unconstitutional, resolute, evolve. 

In political science, a revolution (Latin: revolutio, «a turn around») is a fundamental and relatively sudden change in political power and political organization which occurs when the population revolt against the government, typically due to perceived oppression (political, social, economic). (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

We created a timeline of voice assistants for you to see how the voice revolution evolved since its beginnings in the early 1960s.


«When people own homes, they aren’t likely to start revolutions, and they’ll see that nothing happens to disrupt their jobs.»


Learn from the B2C sector and accept that there’s no hiding from the technological revolution impacting every aspect of our personal and professional lives.


The exhibition (until 25 August 2018) confronts the complex consequences of the digital revolution and recent technological developments as they redefine the human condition.


The PagePress feature is great, and the text revolution is fantastic.


It’s not a revolution, but rather a careful refining of what makes the games so great.


Take a reinvigorated «Occupy» movement, 2nd amendment rights and add some radical anrchists or communists and you have a bona fide proletariat revolution on your hands.


But then one could argue what’s better: a giant revolution or little steps along the way?


Bernard Murchland, for example, presents a sensitive depiction of Camus» thought in the light of Catholicism and concludes that perhaps Camus» stress upon the necessity for a temporal revolution is like that which some believers claim is a «guarantee of eternal salvation.»


They have to face the impossible moral dilemmas of a revolution doomed to fail, negotiating the protagonist’s background and desires.


An investment analyst by profession, I am excited about what the peer lending revolution means for how we think of lending in America.


With the smartphone revolution the country is growing faster than ever, the mobile connectivity has helped Indians grow business in the most possible way.


The promise of free wine and a pair of interesting talks — from Professor Sir Rex Richards, biochemist and art collector, who spoke about the scientific revolution of perspective in art, and the Merton Professor of English Literature, Professor John Carey, editor of The Faber Book of Science, who talked on bridging science and the arts — lured a variety of people to the opening.


You are really seeing this revolution taking place in the legal system as well as in our homes.»


This is a revolution, and it wonʼt be easy.


«It’s our thesis that privacy will be an integral part of the next wave in the technology revolution and that innovators who are emphasizing privacy as an integral part of the product life cycle are on the right track.»


The same story is told in Orwell’s Animal Farm, an allegorical tale about a socialist revolution gone wrong in which a group of pigs overthrow the human farmers and run the farm into ruin.


Coffee is going through a revolution there.


Theo will get going… However, this revolution begins with our speed & accuracy of our passing!


Such gestures too had effect, and apartheid fell to the political realities of the communications revolution and the Cold War’s end.


Teach Like a PIRATE is the New York Times best-selling book that has sparked a worldwide educational revolution.


Sammy Awuku in his post over the weekend, charged the youth to cause a revolution, because according to him, the Electoral Commission was planning to audit the voters» register instead of creating…


The 1839 debut of the daguerreotype, as it became known, would signal a cultural revolution that offered a new form of realism so magical that it was met with apprehension, if not downright foreboding.


A lot of authors have found new opportunities in the digital publishing and self-publishing revolutions, but it’s all too easy to overlook the fact that the US retail book space is not an isolated market.


It’s fueled revolutions and scientific discoveries.


Here at The Lunch Box, our entire staff has hands-on experience in the school food revolution.


Are you ready to be a part of the healthy fast-casual revolution?


In an industry that has feared change for so long, change has arrived, and it’s in the form of a technological revolution that has made an everlasting impact on real estate.


VICE reports from the labs and lavatories where this medical revolution is taking place.


The sexual revolution and the impermanence wrought by no-fault divorce have produced unprecedented loneliness and the phenomenon of sad, bar-crawling post-divorcee moms.


In the UK coal use has fallen to levels last seen during the 1850s industrial revolution, causing a significant part of the large emissions reduction last year.


So too has Wilfrid Ndidi been linked with a move to Klopp’s red revolution, leading many…


Although this spirit had never seized the American imagination, in Europe the Surrealists figured prominently in the continuing art revolution which sought to release the artist from the harsh compulsions of modern life, from what one critic has described as the «regimentation of men and the culture of things.»


Scientists at the MDI Biological Laboratory are leading this revolution through their focus on identifying the innate mechanisms that allow tissues to regenerate after damage.


Eventually you have to accept that your revolution was successful, that you’re in charge and that you have to now do the tough business that no one likes and get the party running properly.


The report also states that as of 2011, we have emitted roughly 515 PgC since the industrial revolution, meaning we have already burned through about 52 percent of that carbon budget.


In the early 80’s, as the personal computer revolution was taking off, IF represented the cutting edge of game design.


But it is Sapani’s towering depiction of the conflicted Tshembe who grapples with the hope and tragedy of revolution that leaves the audience dumbfounded.


However, every structural change since the industrial revolution has lead to a redistribution of wealth.


The big software revolutions, like cloud computing, search engines, and social networks, are also still growing and improving, but have become largely established.


I read in Secrets to Ebook Publishing Success (the author is the founder of Smashwords) that the ebook revolution has yet to hit most countries outside the United States, BUT that the trend is growing and will explode just like it did in the US.


Let us be in no doubt: this is a revolution in our pension system and the Liberal Democrats have been the driving force behind these reforms.


For example, 1979 Revolution could be situated in a station rotation covering political revolutions.


If authors ever get a handle on that technology in the same DIY way as we do our publicity, then I think we’ll really see a revolution in the publishing industry.


The introduction of cancer chemotherapy was a revolution for the treatment of this disease in those cases in which the cure is no longer possible only with the mere extirpation of the tumor.


But while traditional publishing is certainly challenged by the digital revolution and changing consumer habits, there is actually a huge opportunity here, and the approach should not be so much print vs. digital, but rather print with digital.


Indeed, as discussed above, the excessive complexity of evidence rules was one of the driving concerns behind the evidence revolution.


It’s nothing less than an education revolution.


Nonetheless, by combining several technologies and practices into one item (including a free 3G connection that allowed users to buy e-books anyplace there was a cell-phone signal) and putting real marketing muscle behind the Kindle, Amazon launched the e-book revolution.


You may not be able to tell this by looking at the company’s latest mobile division financial results, but LG has been at the forefront of a new smartphone design revolution this year.


Sentences with the word Revolution?



  • «an apostle of revolution«
  • «the French King was beheaded during the revolution«
  • «Bolshevik revolution«
  • «the industrial revolution opened a new chapter in British history»; «the divorce was an ugly chapter in their relationship»
  • «The citizens mark the anniversary of the revolution with a march and a parade»
  • «comprehensive coverage»; «a comprehensive history of the revolution«; «a comprehensive survey»; «a comprehensive education»
  • «a Copernican revolution in modern art»
  • «After the revolution, food distribution was decentralized»
  • «make love, not war»; «make an effort»; «do research»; «do nothing»; «make revolution«
  • «people who will do nothing unless they get something out of it for themselves are often highly effective persons…»-G.B.Shaw; «effective personnel»; «an efficient secretary»; «the efficient cause of the revolution«
  • «on the eve of the French revolution«
  • «after the revolution the aristocracy was finished»; «the unsuccessful run for office left him ruined politically and economically»
  • «the fundamental revolution in human values that has occurred»; «the book underwent fundamental changes»; «committed the fundamental error of confusing spending with extravagance»; «profound social changes»
  • «the plane made three rotations before it crashed»; «the revolution of the earth about the sun takes one year»
  • «high-flown talk of preserving the moral tone of the school»; «a high-sounding dissertation on the means to attain social revolution«
  • «the industrial revolution«; «an industrial nation»
  • «irreversible momentum toward revolution«
  • «he considered misrule a justification for revolution«
  • «industrialism prepared the way for acceptance of the French revolution‘s various socialistic offspring»; «this skyscraper is the solid materialization of his efforts»
  • «orbital revolution«; «orbital velocity»
  • «The crisis precipitated by Russia’s revolution«
  • «the revolution resulted in a redistribution of wealth»
  • «the industrial revolution was also a cultural revolution«
  • «the colonists were ripe for revolution«
  • «the industrial revolution was a period of great turbulence»
  • «unsympathetic officialdom»; «people unsympathetic to the revolution«; «his dignity made him seem aloof and unsympathetic»
  • «a virtual dependence on charity»; «a virtual revolution«; «virtual reality»

Definition of Revolution

a changing of the way in which something is done or managed

Examples of Revolution in a sentence

The industrial revolution changed many of the ways in which farming was performed.


Tired of the dictatorship that ruled over them, the people took up arms and began a revolution to replace the government with a democracy.


The revolution replaced the dictator’s absolute power with democracy.


The French experienced a revolution many centuries ago that dethroned the rich as rulers of the government and equalized power among the people.


In order to throw off the ownership of the British, the Americans had to enact a revolution through force of arms to get their way.


Other words in the Change category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

революция, вращение, оборот, переворот, полный оборот, цикл, кругооборот


- революция

bourgeois [socialist] revolution — буржуазная [социалистическая] революция
the Great October Socialist Revolution — Великая Октябрьская социалистическая революция
the English Revolution — Английская (буржуазная) революция (1640-1653 гг.)
the American Revolution — Американская революция, Война за независимость (1775-83 гг.)

- переворот

palace revolution — дворцовый переворот

- крутая ломка, крутой перелом; революция

revolution in modern physics — революция в современной физике
revolution in our ideas of time and space — переворот в наших представлениях о времени и пространстве

- вращение

the revolution of celestial bodies — вращение небесных тел

- тех. оборот

revolution counter — счётчик числа оборотов, тахометр
sixty-five revolutions per /a/ minute — шестьдесят пять оборотов в минуту

- периодическое возвращение; кругооборот; цикл; смена

the revolution of the seasons — смена времён года

- с.-х. севооборот, ротация севооборота
- уст. размышления, раздумье
- косм. оборот по орбите

Мои примеры


the efficient cause of the revolution — действительная причина революции  
on the eve of the French Revolution — накануне французской революции  
communist revolution — коммунистическая революция  
industrial revolution — промышленная революция  
mondial revolution — мировая революция  
political revolution — политический переворот  
scientific-technical revolution — научно-техническая революция  
demographic revolution — демографическая революция  
espouse revolution — поддерживать идею революции; отстаивать идею революции  
on the fifth revolution — на пятом витке  
fight for a revolution — сражаться за революцию  
foster revolution — поддерживать революцию  

Примеры с переводом

The group started a revolution.

Эта группа начала революцию.

The Earth makes a yearly revolution around the Sun.

Земля совершает (полный) оборот вокруг Солнца за год.

Catiline was meditating a revolution.

Катилина замышлял переворот.

They called flat out for revolution.

Они открыто требовали революции.

The revolution of the earth about the sun takes one year.

Один оборот Земли вокруг Солнца длится один год.

The industrial revolution was also a cultural revolution.

Промышленная революция была также и культурной революцией.

The Earth makes one revolution on its axis in about 24 hours.

Земля делает один оборот вокруг своей оси примерно за 24 часа.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Bolshevik Revolution

The revolution was crushed within days.

Revolution quickly spread from France to Italy.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): revolution
мн. ч.(plural): revolutions

Предложения со словом «революция»

Это революция в астрономии, так же, как когда Галилей изобрёл телескоп.

This is a revolution in astronomy, like when Galileo invented the telescope.

Вторая революция — точная, или прецизионная, медицина, также называемая «персонализированной медициной».

The second revolution is precision medicine, also known as personalized medicine.

Третья многообещающая революция — иммунотерапия, она подаёт большие надежды.

The third exciting revolution is immunotherapy, and this is really exciting.

Четвёртая промышленная революция , о которой вы знаете больше, чем я, внушает мне некоторые опасения.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution , now, you guys know so much better than I do, but here’s the thing that concerns me.

Революция ритуальных практик началась.

The death care revolution has begun.

Мы не рассчитывали на провинциальный менталитет, узость суждений и понятий, проистекающих их тех же краёв, что и свобода и революция .

We had not bargained for the village — like enclosure of thought, of judgment, of definition that flowed from the same place that freedom and revolution was taking place in.

А когда появляемся мы, это уже революция .

When there is an us, there begins a revolution .

К счастью для человечества, произошла научная революция .

And luckily for humanity, we got the scientific revolution .

Но в современном мире социальных сетей в этой сфере происходит революция .

But in our time, the age of social networks, this is going through a revolutionary change.

Один из таких примеров в книге Sapiens — это целая сельскохозяйственная революция , в результате которой человек, работающий в поле, взвалил на себя изнуряющий труд по 12 часов в день взамен шести часов в джунглях и гораздо более занятного стиля жизни.

So one of the examples you give in Sapiens is just the whole agricultural revolution , which, for an actual person tilling the fields, they just picked up a 12 — hour backbreaking workday instead of six hours in the jungle and a much more interesting lifestyle.

Это революция , готовая произойти в сфере здравоохранения.

It’s a revolution in care just waiting to happen.

Ведь никто не говорит: Эй, посмотрите-ка, это важно, это революция , это может повлиять на вас лично.

Nobody has been saying, look, this is a big deal, this is a revolution , and this could affect you in very personal ways.

Если женщина занимается сексом просто потому что это приятно, каждый раз это революция .

Every time a woman has sex simply because it feels good, it is revolutionary .

А тогда, во второй половине прошлого века, наука позволяла нам лечить болезни и летать на луну, сексуальная революция рушила барьеры, появилось движение за гражданские права — всё ради оправдания национальных надежд.

At that time, in the second half of the last century, science was curing disease and lifting us to the moon, and the sexual revolution was breaking down barriers, and the Civil Rights Movement began its march toward the fulfillment of our nation’s promise.

Также у нас есть энергетическая революция , нам не нужен ОПЕК или Ближний восток, как раньше.

And we have an energy revolution where we don’t need OPEC or the Middle East the way we used to.

Революция и массивные зачистки ослабили нас

The revolution and the army massive cleansings had weakened us.

В Новой Зеландии произошла как бы продовольственная революция .

New Zealand’s had a sort of a food revolution .

Я думаю, музыкальная революция , знаете, (вы имеете) Битлз гастролирует по Америке.

I thought the musical revolution , you know, you had the Beatles coming over to America.

А революция в средствах связи, которая происходит в последние 10 лет?

And what about the revolution in communications which has been happening for the last 10 years?

Генетическая революция началась в 1997 году, когда британские ученые из Эдинбургского университета представили первую клонированную овцу — Долли.

The gene revolution began in 1997, when British scientists from Edinburgh University produced the first cloned sheep, Dolly.

И революция продолжается.

And the revolution is still going on.

Величайшая революция , задуманная Карлом Марксом и осуществленная Владимиром Лениным, положила начало новой жизни.

The Supreme Soviet revolution of Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin made possible the beginning of all things.

Революция в медицине, начавшаяся с началом двадцатого столетия, исказила все человеческое общество на пятьсот лет.

The medical revolution that began with the beginning of the twentieth century had warped all human society for five hundred years.

Беспорядки на Ближнем Востоке, кризисы в Европе, Арабская революция

The turmoil in the middle east, the crises in Europe, the Arab spring…

Революция в транспорте, исследование космоса, колонизация планет.

A revolution in transportation, space exploration, colonizing the planets.

Это море, в котором бушует неразбериха и революция .

— Theologians have interpreted the eternal sea as meaning the world of politics, the sea that constantly rages with turmoil and revolution .

Я полагаю, что эта революция должна совершаться и в сердцах, и в умах одновременно.

I believe this revolution is fought one heart, one mind at a time.

Глобализация экономических и других сил, информационная революция и стремительные перемены на всех фронтах делают все страны уязвимыми перед угрозой периодических кризисов и потрясений.

Globalization of economic and other forces, the information revolution and rapid change on all fronts make all countries vulnerable to recurring crises and shocks.

Промышленная Революция — и Прометей — Дали нам это, возможность осветить мир.

The Industrial Revolution — and Prometheus — has given us this, the ability to light up the world.

Несмотря на то, что глобализация и технологическая революция обещают обеспечить свободу выбора, они носят эксклюзивный характер и не дают никаких благ неимущим слоям населения.

While globalization and the technological revolution had held out the promise of freedom of choice, by being exclusive they had left out the poor.

Конституционная реформа 1994 года в Аргентине явилась тем, что можно назвать не иначе как правовая революция .

However, the constitutional reform of 1994 had brought about what could only be described as a legal revolution in Argentina.

Возвратив большинство государственных предприятий частным владельцам, революция Тэтчер искоренила государственный социализм.

By returning most state — owned industries to private ownership, the Thatcher revolution killed off state socialism.

Русская революция будет иметь религиозный оттенок, но будет осуществляться в интересах православных, мусульман и иудеев.

Russian revolution will have a religious shade, but will be carried out in interests Orthodox, Moslems and Jew.

Но революция иссякла, бывшие партнеры быстро оказались противниками, предоставив Януковичу и его союзникам шанс вернуться к власти.

But the revolution petered out, former partners were soon at loggerheads, giving Yanukovych and his allies a chance to return to power.

После второй мировой войны наступила так называемая вторая промышленная революция , и на сцену вышли другие участники: многонациональные корпорации.

Following the Second World War there was a so — called second industrial revolution , with new actors making their appearance: multinational corporations.

Чего буржуазия не приемлет, так это нарушения их планов, потому что это будет самая настоящая революция .

What the bourgeoisie can’t accept is the overcoming of the schemes, this would be the real revolution .

В то же время революция была важным моментом в Российской истории, и тем самым источником национальной идентичности.

At the same time, the revolution was an important moment in Russia’s history, and thus a source of national identity.

«Почти революция » в Белоруссии: балансирование Лукашенко и страх Путина перед новым Майданом

‘Near Revolution ‘ In Belarus: Lukashenka’s Balancing Act And Putin’s Fear Of Another Maidan

Однако вторая революция , давшая власть Ленину и большевикам, создала режим, который оказался подвержен обвинениям в предательстве ничуть не меньше.

But the second revolution – which brought Lenin and the Bolsheviks to power – produced a regime that was no less vulnerable to accusations of betrayal.

Победа над Японией, вероятно, не предотвратила бы крах царской России и основание Советского Союза: революция произошла по другим причинам.

Victory against Japan probably would not have prevented the collapse of Imperial Russia and the founding of the Soviet Union; the Revolution happened for other reasons.

Эта революция по поводу того, кто мы есть, мне кажется, дает нам другой взгляд на политику, и важнее всего, другой взгляд на человеческий капитал.

And this revolution in who we are gives us a different way of seeing, I think, politics, a different way, most importantly, of seeing human capital.

Наша революция 25 января, выступившая за человеческое достоинство и всеобщее равенство, ни в коем случае не должна нести на себе этот крест.

This is a cross that our Jan. 25 revolution — which stands for human dignity and the equality of all — should never have to bear.

Сирийская революция — это не священная война

The Syrian Revolution Is Not a Holy War

Эта революция получила название «Интернет вещей».

This revolution is known as the “Internet of Things.”

Революция победит тогда, когда мы станем свободными людьми».

The revolution will be when we are free people.”

Революция достоинства на Украине перешла на новый этап, и сейчас необходимо проделать гораздо более серьезную работу.

Ukraine’s Revolution of Dignity is now in its next phase and there’s much more work to be done.

Революция вернулась, и мы победим, — сказал Хамдин Саббахи, занявший третье место на президентских выборах.

The revolution is back and we are going to be victorious, said Hamdin Sabbahi, third place candidate in the presidential elections.

Спустя четыре месяца, через неделю после того, как народ разрушил Берлинскую стену, революция пришла в Прагу.

Four months later, one week after people power brought down the Berlin Wall, revolution came to Prague.

А к тому моменту, революция , радикально меняющая научные представления о Солнечной системе, набирала обороты.

By that time, a revolution was under way that would reshape astronomers’ conceptions of the solar system.

Революция высвобождает стихийные силы, и то, во что они выльются, определяет только история.

Revolution releases elemental forces, and the way they play out is resolved by history alone.

В-третьих, эта глобальная революция затронет и будет сформирована всеми странами, а также будет иметь последствия на системном уровне во многих областях.

Third, this global revolution will affect – and be shaped by – all countries, and have a systems — level impact in many areas.

На этом снимке революция , которую начали женщины. На нём изображены мужчины и женщины во главе смешанного протеста.

This picture shows a revolution started by women, and it shows women and men leading a mixed protest.

«Да здравствует революция » или что-нибудь в таком духе.

Long live the revolution , or some such.

Однако, систему тайного сыска в Китай принесла не компьютерная революция и не Коммунистическая Революция товарища Мао.

Still, domestic spying did not arrive in China either with the computer revolution or Mao’s Communist one.

Иными словами, революция в Саудовской Аравии или блокада Ормузского пролива могут нанести ущерб США и их союзникам.

In other words, a revolution in Saudi Arabia or a blockade of the Strait of Hormuz could still inflict damage on the US and its allies.

Или западные общества должны ожидать еще один раунд технологического колдовства, такого как интернет-революция, которое создаст новую волну рабочих мест и процветания?

Or should Western societies anticipate another round of technological wizardry, like the Internet revolution , which will produce a new wave of job creation and prosperity?

Не менее опасно извлекать неверные или преждевременные уроки из таких событий, как революция в Египте, которая еще далеко не закончилась, и у которой еще может оказаться несчастливый конец.

It is no less dangerous to draw the wrong lessons, or to draw premature lessons, from events like Egypt’s revolution , which is far from over and could still have an unhappy ending.

Эту надежду принесла мирная Революция Роз, однако не политика, а экономика будет определять успех или неудачу Грузии в последующие десять лет.

A peaceful Rose revolution brought this about, but economics, not politics, will determine whether Georgia prospers or endures another lost decade.

Однако сланцевая революция не оказала большого влияния на такие страны, как Саудовская Аравия, Ирак или Кувейт, из-за разницы в качестве нефти.

Yet that revolution has had little impact on Saudi Arabia, Iraq, or Kuwait, owing to crude quality.

Но в Ливии обстановка лучше, чем в Сирии, где уже пять лет идет революция арабской весны, но только без военной интервенции во главе с США и НАТО.

But Libya is faring better than Syria, which is also five years into its Arab Spring revolution , only without a U.S. or NATO — led military intervention.

Online, said the term «revolution» was «a little drastic» for what was going on. ❋ Lizzie Simon (2011)

At that time Khomeini’s old friend grand Ayatollah Shariatmadari wrote a fatwa denouncing the events and for the first time used the term revolution using one of the verses of the Quran. ❋ Unknown (2009)

If you remember Figure 2.1 from Chapter 2, you might wonder whether this leap in performance from classic mass production, as practiced by GM, to classic lean production, as performed by Toyota, really deserves the term revolution. ❋ James P. Womack (2007)

In recent years the term revolution has been used to describe changes in SCIENCE, PHILOSOPHY and in terms of PARADIGMS following the work of Thomas KUHN. ❋ Unknown (1993)

In the West, the term revolution is now most commonly used to denote some above-average variation in style of life, production methods, or marketing; elsewhere it serves to designate violent seizures of power of the kind that used to be called coups d’état. ❋ Lewis, Bernard (1988)

The term revolution in these cases stresses the suddenness and the radical nature of the new development; it has no further implication than to signify a change brought about by ❋ FELIX GILBERT (1968)

The sum total of such changes may be claimed to have revolutionised warfare, but the term revolution should be reserved, for some more specific scientific innovation, which threatens to change the nature of war rather than merely improve existing weapons. ❋ Unknown (1921)

WE generally apply the term revolution to sudden political changes, but the expression may be employed to denote all sudden transformations, or transformations apparently sudden, whether of beliefs, ideas, or doctrines. ❋ Unknown (1913)

«There is an internal conflict, the word revolution is not being used — it is a not a revolutionary situation, believe me,» he said. ❋ Unknown (2012)

While this narrative is appealing and might eventually have validity, the term revolution is not yet appropriate; this is still ❋ Unknown (2010)

Because at whatever stage the revolution is at, at the moment, it will always be struggling against those who do not agree with the revolutionary goals. ❋ John Storhm (2009)

«I wouldn’t use the word revolution, because Belarusans are just calm people,» Robert Tyszkiewicz, who heads a committee on Belarus in the Polish parliament, said in a recent interview. ❋ Unknown (2011)

Man and nature will jointly benefit when this revolution is accomplished. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Tagged with class struggle, communism, Marx, the revolution is here ❋ Unknown (2009)

Back in Al Manara Square, Abtihal Eroush, 25, says while life under Israeli occupation is difficult, she is encouraged by what she calls the revolution in Egypt. ❋ Unknown (2011)

«A [little] revolution is [a good thing]» -Thomas [Jefferson] ❋ Kaladbolg (2003)

[Revolution] of [macaroni and cheese]. ❋ Ass Cheese (2003)

what [we need] ❋ R (2004)

[Revolutions] are so [much] [fun]. ❋ DarkMillennia (2003)

1. [Viva la revolution]! (The revolution lives!)
2. It takes 365.24 days for the Earth to make a full revolution [around the sun] (according to the [atomic clock]), which is why our leap year adds another day every four years— to make it reach 365.25. Because these numbers don’t match exactly, our years are actually inaccurate, moreso as time goes on. ❋ ~The Nameless One~ (2005)

«I this age of knowledge
we learn all we can learn
the [revolutions] coming
[the old] order will [burn]»
(J. Wisbey from ‘Songs For The New Nations’1995) ❋ Black Flag (2004)

[Castro] [came] to [power] through a revolution. ❋ Small Dog Named Karl (2003)

«[Revolution] is fine, I guess…but all attempts to change [humanity] are [feeble].» ❋ I Hate Bhudda (2003)

[This generation] is bringing a revolution into [motion]. ❋ Amessenger (2008)

«[You say] you want a revolution well you know we all [wanna] [change] the world» ❋ Rick (2005)

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