Sentences that have the word previous

  • Use the word PREVIOUS in a sentences

Sentence Examples

That morning Jeff was trying to recover from the previous night’s excesses.

All the next day, Margaret was haunted by memories of the previous evening.

Having understood the previous day’s incidents, Georgette went to warn Solange and Lily after the canteen closed.

For the previous reasons , we are back in gravity conditions. We turn the rocket in the direction of the route so as to be able to modify the speed at any time and to avoid to crash on the Moon.

The ward attendant is Charles Gerrard, an actor who had appeared the previous year, along with David Manners, in the film of RC Sheriff’s acclaimed Worid War I drama Journey’s End.

The novel Dracula was a departure from previous vampire stories, plays, operas, in that Stoker did not romanticise Dracula, and our 20th-century image of the count is a hybrid of Stoker’s character and vampires from other literary sources.

And the previous night, he was with her.

previous arrest with commitments:

Judging by his incoherent remarks, he had seen, during the previous night, the ghosts of all those he had slain.

They were a little previous on that.

Thanks, but I’ve previous engagements.

I told you I have a previous engagement.


They had to add an extra page for previous offenses.

Every day I love him more than the previous.

But it has been blooded in previous combats, eh?

You’ve come to us direct from Sandhurst, without previous service.

Captain Bligh, in the previous evidence given before this court you failed to make clear one very important point:

Captain Bligh, apart from the conversation you overheard was Mr. Byam’s previous conduct such that you believe him guilty?

You did not tell me you had a previous engagement.

It’s a famous Muramasa blade, bestowed by the previous lord.

That previous guest, he’s a fake!

And yet you’ve been very outspoken against the previous commissions to solve the racket problem. Why is that?

previous examination of costume… disclose no telltale bloodstains.

Twenty-four hours later I found it again in the previous spot, to which I had returned out of necessity.

She has a previous engagement.

Not ifbonds stolen to prevent discovery… of previous theft.

In previous inventions… transmission of the radio control wave was affected by static.

Now, Miss Strauber isn’t it true that a week previous to the night in question you were threatened with dismissal by Mr. Vanning for exceeding your duties as hostess?

Your previous record shows you to be an incorrigible criminal a low and brutal character an unprincipled and aggressive egotist.

He remembered a previous engagement.

«Retired Indian Army officer with no previous business experience «seeks important position of trust.

Uh…»no previous business experience… finest social references…»

To return to our previous discussion, I like to buy a piece of that boy.

I have the great honor to propose, the previous resolution be stricken from minutes of this meeting And that we accept Mr. Stanley’s report.

Despite his personal attacks, I’m grateful to the previous speaker… that he too agrees with the ultimate goal I have formulated.


The previous violinist was nice too, but you’re much more, much more!

Just this evening I found out that my father had already made a previous commitment.

Well, goodbye. It seems that I’ve strayed into a den of thieves. However, it’s a wise man that profits by his previous mistakes… and from herein, gentlemen…

Perhaps she had some previous engagement. — No, she should have at least let us know…

-Why did you lie about that previous conviction?

He told me that I looked as if I had been a horse in a previous life.

When you consider his actions for several weeks previous… giving away his money, planning on entering prizefighting.

Little previous, ain’t you, Jim?

«Cancel the previous order and continue to enjoy the game, please.»

Previous means the one that just came before. For instance, the previous sentence explained the meaning of the word previous.

With previous, you first see that the prefix pre meaning «before.» The second part of the word, vius, — think via — means «road,» so you’re talking about the road, or thing, before. Previous, though, can be used with people, or anything else too. You will know right away if the previous tenants had cats. Do you ever wonder what you were in a previous life? Rivers are at flood stage from the previous two rain storms.

Definitions of previous

  1. adjective

    just preceding something else in time or order

    previous owner”




    existing or coming before

  2. adjective

    (used especially of persons) of the immediate past

    previous occupant of the White House”


    former, late


    earlier than the present time; no longer current

  3. adjective

    too soon or too hasty

    “our condemnation of him was a bit




    at or near the beginning of a period of time or course of events or before the usual or expected time

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘previous’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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Exercise 3.
Phrasal verbs. Complete using the correct form of the words in italics. You need to use one word twice.

get make put look bring fall grow Personality

Some of us seem to be infinitely kind, while others seem to 1) _________ down on everyone around them. Some of us never forget an argument, while others 2) _________ up and forgive easily. As we 3) _________ up, our personality develops and we find that we 4) _________ on with certain people more than others. Who we are seems to have a large genetic element, but is also influenced by those who 5) _________ us up. If we 6) _________ up to our parents or other family members, we may want to be like them. On the other hand, if our parents seem to 7) _________ us down all the time and we 8) _________ out with them a lot, then perhaps we will develop quite different personalities.

Exercise 4. Phrasal verbs. Write a phrasal verb in the correct form to replace the words in italics. And any other words you need.

1) The doctor said that the old woman had died ________ peacefully in her sleep.

2) I always support ________ my brother when he gets into trouble.

3) Tony seems to have really fallen in love with ________ Vanessa.

4) Mark is such a bully and treats badly ________ the younger boys at school.

5) I was surprised ________ when Michaela said I’d hurt her feelings.

6) Richard finally met the woman of his dreams and got married and started to live quietly ________ in Australia.

7) I saw Mrs Khan in the centre of town and she asked for news about ________ you.

On this side of the card, you have the tasks (most of them are from the book p 11). First, discuss them together, complete them, somebody should type your answer to the Shared Notes in the BBB. Then turn the card to check. If you have any questions, write them down to the shared notes. Don’t forget to copy the text from shared notes before leaving the breakout room!

Click the card to flip 👆

Profile Picture

On this side of the card, you have the tasks (most of them are from the book p 11). First, discuss them together, complete them, somebody should type your answer to the Shared Notes in the BBB. Then turn the card to check. If you have any questions, write them down to the shared notes. Don’t forget to copy the text from shared notes before leaving the breakout room!

3a Find words in the article that mean the following. Don’t forget the phrases from 2b! some words can be there.

1 describe something again, and in a better way (paragraph 2)
2 not understand correctly (paragraph 2)
3 not as good as some people think or say (paragraph 2)
4 used something in the wrong way or for a wrong purpose (paragraph 4)
5 a person who used to be very successful and powerful in business (paragraph 4)

type your answer to the Shared Notes in the BBB, then check the answers on the other side of the card

4b Think of a word with a prefix that means the same as the UPPER CASE words in these sentences.

1 He was always TOO CONFIDENT.
2 His team PLAYED MUCH BETTER than the other team.
3 She asked her FORMER BOSS for advice.
4 His mother’s French and his father’s Italian, so he’s ABLE TO SPEAK TWO LANGUAGES FLUENTLY.
5 He told me to WRITE the essay AGAIN.
8 I DON’T LIKE people who don’t listen when I’m talking.

type your answer to the Shared Notes in the BBB, then check the answers on the other side of the card

One word for 3 sentences!
There will be 5 cards like that. All the words are from the previous exercises.

1 There must be some reason why some small businesses ______________ others that decade .
2 Traditionally, girls have ______________ boys in reading and writing.
3 The company has consistently ______________ its larger competitors.

type your answer to the Shared Notes in the BBB, then check the answers on the other side of the card

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Verified answer

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1.- Use these

words to complete
the sentences:

waste –
protect – pollution – factory – recycled – emissions – damage —

1. During the last hundred years we have done great…… the environment.
2. There’s a large chemical…… our town which has polluted the river twice in the last year.
3. The Government is very worried about the ……..of our rivers and beaches.
4. A lot of household…… bottles and newspapers can be……..and used again.
5…………are furious with the American Government for delaying measures which will reduce greenhouse gas………
6. There are lots of things we can all do to ……..the environment.

2.- What causes the damage.

Use these words to
complete the sentences:

exhaust fumes — toxic waste – emissions —  pesticides – deforestation — crops

1. The Government is introducing strict new rules on the dumping of …………. by industry.
2. Farmers contribute to environmental damage by spraying …….. with …………. which stay in the soil for years.
3. ………….. from factories in northern Germany affect the environment in large parts of Scandinavia.
4. Tropical rainforests have always helped to keep the environment in balance but recent ………… means they no longer absorb as much carbon dioxide as they used to.
5. …….. from cars and other vehicles cause a great deal of damage to the environment. 

3.- Match the numbers with the letters to make common

1. global
2. greenhouse
3. ozone
4. acid

a. rain
b. warming
c. effect
d. layer

4. Now
use the phrases in the following sentences:

1.- The gradual
rise in the Earth’s temperature is known as ______________.

2.- When heat
gets trapped in the Earth’s atmosphere, it is known as the ________________.

3.- Scientists have found holes in the ____________________,
particularly over Antarctica.

4.- Rain mixed with toxic chemicals from factories is
known as _______________.

5.- Global warming

Use these words to
complete the text:

floods —  radiation —  Ice caps — sea level  — oceans – climate – deserts — gases

Scientists have shown that the temperature on Earth is
increasing by 0.1º every ten years. That’s one degree every century. The (1)__________ 
that are produced by factories and cars are allowing more (2)_________ from
the sun to reach Earth. In the future this will have very serious consequences
for humanity.

As the Earth gets hotter, the Arctic and Antarctic (3)__________ will slowly melt and the level of the (4)_________ will
rise. A recent report says that the (5)__________ will rise by 70 metres
over the next hundred years, causing (6)__________ in many low-lying parts
of the world.

There will be (7)__________ changes, too. Some
areas will become wetter while others will become much drier. Some areas which
today are green and fertile will eventually turn into (8)_________. Tropical
diseases like malaria will become common in areas where today they are

6.- Environmental Problems

Use these expressions to complete the text.

habitats – in danger of extinction – long-term – natural resources – way of
life – indigenous people – destruction – future generations

The (1)__________ of the rainforest is very
worrying. Thousands of acres of forest are being cut down every year and the
(2)_____________ of many animals are being destroyed. As a result,
many species are (3)___________________________.

This, in turn, threatens the traditional (4)_____________ of many of the (5)______________ who live in some of the most
remote areas of our planet. As with most environmental issues, we need to think
more (6)__________ and realise that everything we do has implications
for (7)___________________.

If we want to
hand on our world to our children and grandchildren, we simply can’t continue
to misuse the world’s (8)_________________ as we are at the moment.

7. Do the same with this text:

heavily polluted – uninhabitable – cloud of pollution
– air quality

The (9)__________ in many of the world’s
largest cities is so poor that we have seen an enormous increase in chest and
lung illnesses such as asthma. These cities are (10)____________
and some are permanently covered by a (11)______________. Unless
we begin to take the problems more seriously and start to do something about
them, many of our biggest cities, particularly in the developing world will
become (12)____________.

8.- Protecting the

Match a word on the left with a word on the right to make common

1. unleaded                                           a.

2. public                                                b. friendly 

3. recycling                                           c.

4. bottle                                                d.

5. environmentally                                e. transport

f. petrol

9. If you want to protect the environment, here are some
things you should do. Use the expressions above.

1.- Make sure your car runs on ________________ and
your home uses sources of renewable energy.

2.- Use ______________ instead of taking your

3.- Take glass, paper and plastic to a _____________________.

4.- Buy _________________________ products
whenever possible.

10.- Green Politics

Use a dictionary to fill the gaps below:

noun                                       adjective                                              person

environment                        ______________                                   _____________

ecology                                  _____________                                   ______________

11. Conservationists. Campaign to protect the environment.

most countries there are political parties which aim to protect the environment
the Green Party
or the Ecology Party, for example. Greenpeace is
. an international group that protests
against anything which is a threat to the environment, like dumping nuclear
waste and, more recently, growing genetically modified crops.

Are you worried about the environment?What worries you
most? Why? What do you do to help protect it? Write a paragraphs answering  the questions.

12.- Natural Disasters

Use the following words in the definitions below:

forest fire – hurricane – tornado – earthquake – flood
– drought – volcano – tidal wave

1.- ___________: a long period with little or no rain.

2.- ____________: a sudden violent movement of the
surface of the earth, caused by the shifting of the earth’s tectonic plates.

3.- ____________:
when huge areas of woodland are alight, often caused by someone carelessly
throwing a cigarette from a car.

4.-  _______________:
when an area of land which is usually dry becomes covered in water, often forcing
people to leave their homes

5.- ______________:
very strong circular winds which suck things up into them .

6.- ________________:
a huge wave which builds up in the sea over thousands of miles.

7.- ________________:  a very powerful storm, often at sea.

8.- _________________:
a large mountain which erupts from time to time and sends rocks up into the air
and molten rock pours down the side.

13. Now use the words in
these sentences:

9. Mount Vesuvius near Naples is
one of the most famous ____________ in the worId.

10. Many parts of sub-Saharan
Africa suffer from ____________.

11. Many low-lying parts of England suffer from ______________ after prolonged periods
of rain in the winter.

12. San Francisco and Tokyo are both situated right in the middle of
dangerous ________________

14.- Describing Disasters

Now match each of the following descriptions with one of the disasters above:

1. This year’s crop has been lost. The land here is so dry now that
farmers are unable to grow anything. All the
waterholes have dried up and there are dead animals everywhere.________________

2. The water level has been rising steadily since the river burst its
banks this morning and the area is now under two metres of water. __________________   

3. Along the path of the twister cars were lifted hundreds of metres
into the air. One caravan ended up half a mile from where it had been.      ______________

4. Lava poured down the side of
the mountain destroying everything in its path and the village is now buried
under a carpet of ash. _____________

5. The tremor, measuring 6 on the Richter scale, only lasted for four
seconds but it was enough to cause large cracks in several roads. ___________________  

6. A small fishing village was the worst hit. A thirty-metre wall of
water swept up the beach destroying nearly thirty houses along the seafront.

7. Helicopters are spraying the blaze from the air, and fire crews are working
round the clock to set up firebreaks to prevent it spreading further. ______________

8. Roofs were blown off buildings and trees were ripped out by their
roots in winds gusting up to 120mph.  ______________________

15. Now complete these
sentences with words and phrases from above:

a. The river __________ its banks.

b. The tremor
only ___________for four seconds.

c. The lava
destroyed everything in its __________.

d. Fire crews
are working round the ____________.

e. Buildings had
their roofs ____________ off.

f. Trees were ______________ out by their roots.



1. During the last hundred years we have done great damage
to the environment.

2. There’s
a large chemical factory in our town which has polluted the river twice in the
last year.

3. The
Government is very worried about the pollution of our rivers and beaches.

4. A lot
of household waste
like bottles and newspapers can be recycled and used again.

5. Environmentalists
are furious with the American Government for delaying measures which will reduce 
greenhouse gas

6. There
are lots of things we can all do to protect the environment.


1.- The Government is introducing strict new rules on
the dumping of toxic waste
by industry.

2.- Farmers contribute to environmental damage by spraying
pesticides which stay in the soil for   years

3.-  Emissions from
factories in northern Germany affect the environment in large parts of

4. Tropical
rainforests have always helped to keep the environment in balance but recent
deforestation means they no longer absorb as much carbon dioxide as
they used to.

5. Exhaust fumes from cars and other vehicles cause a great deal of damage to the environment.


1. global warming

2. greenhouse effect

3. ozone layer

4. acid rain


1.- The gradual
rise in the Earth’s temperature is known as global warming.

2.- When heat
gets trapped in the Earth’s atmosphere, it is known as the greenhouse effect.

3.- Scientists have found holes in the ozone layer,
particularly over Antarctica.

4.- Rain mixed with toxic chemicals from factories is
known as acid


Scientists have shown that the temperature on Earth is
increasing by 0.1º every ten years. That’s one degree every century. The (1) gases
that are produced by factories and cars are allowing more (2) radiation from
the sun to reach Earth. In the future this will have very serious consequences
for humanity.

As the Earth gets hotter, the Arctic and Antarctic (3)
ice caps will slowly melt and the level of the (4) oceans will
rise. A recent report says that the (5) sea level will rise by 70 metres
over the next hundred years, causing (6) floods in many low-lying parts
of the world.

There will be (7) climate changes, too. Some
areas will become wetter while others will become much drier. Some areas which
today are green and fertile will eventually turn into (8) deserts. Tropical
diseases like malaria will become common in areas where today they are


The (1) destruction of the rainforest is very
worrying. Thousands of acres of forest are being cut down every year and the
(2) natural habitats of many animals are being destroyed. As a result,
many species are (3) in danger of extinction.

This, in turn, threatens the traditional (4) way of
of many of the(5) indigenous people who live in some of the most
remote areas of our planet. As with most environmental issues, we need to think
more (6) long-term and realise that everything we do has implications
for (7) futures generations.

If we want to
hand on our world to our children and grandchildren, we simply can’t continue
to misuse the world’s (8) natural resources as we are at the moment.


The (9) air quality in many of the world’s
largest cities is so poor that we have seen an enormous increase in chest and
lung illnesses such as asthma. These cities are (10) heavily polluted
and some are permanently covered by a (11) cloud of pollution. Unless
we begin to take the problems more seriously and start to do something about
them, many of our biggest cities, particularly in the developing world will
become (12) uninhabitable.


1. unleaded  petrol                                         

2. public  transport                                                

3. recycling point                                         

4. bottle bank  

bottle bank: a large container in a public place where people can leave their empty bottles so that the glass can be used again (= recycled); a public place with several of these containers.                                             

5. environmentally friendly                                



1.- Make sure your car runs on unleaded petrol and
your home uses sources of renewable energy.

2.- Use public transport instead of taking your

3.- Take glass, paper and plastic to a recycling

4.- Buy environmentally friendly products
whenever possible.


noun                                       adjective                                              person

environment                         environmental                                 environmentalist

ecology                                  ecological                                


1.- drought: a long period with little or no rain.

2.- earthquake: a sudden violent movement of the
surface of the earth, caused by the shifting of the earth’s tectonic plates.

3.- forest fire:
when huge areas of woodland are alight, often caused by someone carelessly
throwing a cigarette from a car.

4.-  flood:
when an area of land which is usually dry becomes covered in water, often forcing
people to leave their homes

5.- tornado:
/tɔːˈneɪdəʊ/ very strong circular winds which suck things up into them .

6.- tidal wave:
a huge wave which builds up in the sea over thousands of miles.

7.- hurricane:  a very powerful storm, often at sea.

8.- volcano:
a large mountain which erupts from time to time and sends rocks up into the air
and molten rock pours down the side.


9. Mount Vesuvius near Naples is
one of the most famous volcano in the worId.

10. Many parts of sub-Saharan
Africa suffer from drought

11. Many low-lying parts of England suffer from flooding after prolonged periods
of rain in the winter.

12. San Francisco and Tokyo are both situated right in the middle of
dangerous earthquakes


1. This year’s crop has been lost. The land here is so dry now that
farmers are unable to grow anything. All the   
waterholes have dried up and there are dead animals everywhere. Drought

2. The water level has been rising steadily since the river burst its
banks this morning and the area is now under two metres of water. Flood    

3. Along the path of the twister cars were lifted hundreds of metres
into the air. One caravan ended up half a mile from where it had been.     

twister: a violent storm that is caused by a powerful spinning column of air. Tornado

4. Lava poured down the side of
the mountain destroying everything in its path and the village is now buried
under a carpet of ash. Volcano

5. The tremor, measuring 6 on the Richter scale, only lasted for four
seconds but it was enough to cause large cracks in several roads.  earthquake

6. A small fishing village was the worst hit. A thirty-metre wall of
water swept up the beach destroying nearly thirty houses along the seafront.
Tidal wave

7. Helicopters are spraying the blaze from the air, and fire crews are working
round the clock to set up firebreaks to prevent it spreading further. Forest fire

firebreak: a
thing that stops a fire from spreading, for example a special door or a
strip of land in a forest that has been cleared of trees.

round the clock: lasting or happening all day and night

8. Roofs were blown off buildings and trees were ripped out by their
roots in winds gusting up to 120mph.  Hurricane


a. The river burst its banks.

b. The tremor
only lasted for four seconds.

c. The lava
destroyed everything in its path.

d. Fire crews
are working round the clock.

e. Buildings had
their roofs blown off.

f. Trees were ripped out by their roots. 

rip: rip something + adv./prep. to remove something quickly or violently, often by pulling it. E.g. He ripped off his tie. The carpet had been ripped from the stairs. Half of the house was ripped away in the explosion.


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2. Fill in the missing word. There are two words you do not need to use.

1. The heavy rain caused the driver to lose control of his car and crash into a tree.

2. What started out as a light breeze soon became a very strong wind.

3. The well-trained lifeguard was able to rescue the drowning swimmer and quickly bring him to safety.

4. The lead actor felt under the  weather and Daniel was asked to replace him in the school play.

5. The big earthquake caused many buildings to collapse and people were left homeless.

6. When the avalanche hit the area, dozens of people were snowed in for many hours.

7. Cars and factories produce toxic fumes that harm the environment.

8. A terrible flood caused by three days of continuous rain has destroyed many houses inthe small fishing village.

9. drought will occur in an area when it hasn’t rained for an unusually long period of time.

10. The terrible fire left dozens of buildings in ruins

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