Sentences that have the word confusion

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word confusion, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use confusion in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «confusion». In addition, we also show how different variations of confusion can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are confusions. If you click on the variation of confusion that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Confusion in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word confusion in a sentence.

  1. Our men got into confusion.

  2. Caligari escapes in the confusion.

  3. This was an area of great confusion.

  4. The enemy at last fell into confusion.

  5. Some units became lost in the confusion.

  6. After another minute it’s total confusion.

  7. The confusion was largely cleared up once B.

  8. The confusion does not end with brown dwarfs.

  9. There has been confusion over his birth date.

  10. For many years there was confusion between B.

  11. Its classification has also been a source of confusion.

  12. There was considerable confusion following Shout’s death.

  13. Attempted French counterattacks dissolved into confusion.

  14. After 10 years of confusion I finally understood who I was.

  15. Due to this confusion, Salisbury’s name was largely ignored.

  16. Some Americans fled as the attack began, while others milled around in confusion.

  17. This caused a great deal of confusion, and nearly resulted in several collisions.

  18. The song’s obscure lyrics have caused confusion among Bowie biographers and fans.

  19. As the committees met, the convention proceeded, though in considerable confusion.

  20. This prevents confusion and wild attempts to wrest the ball from your neighbour.».

  21. As Justice Souter stated in his dissent, this remains «an area peculiarly susceptible to confusion.».

  22. The appellation was selected in order to avoid confusion with Brooklyn’s Manual Training High School.

  23. In speech it may not be obvious whether The Volcano or the volcano is intended, leading to confusion.

  24. Night comes at last, and some hours of restlessness and confusion bring me again to a day of solitude.

  25. Some believe that the propinquity of the dates of the two festivals led to their confusion and merger.

  26. As both teams’ first-choice colours were blue, each team wore their change strip to prevent confusion.

  27. Ambivalence refers to a user’s confusion about the benefits she can get from using a social media site.

  28. This led to confusion amongst the Pashtun forces, «like ants in a disturbed ant–hill» as observed Blood.

  29. This sparked confusion; anti-Long representatives began chanting that the voting machine had been rigged.

  30. The ensuing confusion allowed Belvidera to fire her stern chasers, killing six more men aboard President.

  31. The ranks’ diversity sometimes led to confusion when messages or directives were not properly understood.

  32. Jem suffers a broken arm in the struggle, but amid the confusion, someone comes to the children’s rescue.

  33. Two captured mercenaries revealed that confusion and desertion were occurring among the Katangese forces.

  34. An attack could be arranged for 14:00, but more confusion occurred, and the start time was moved to 15:30.

  35. Soubise and Saxe-Hildburghausen ignored the confusion as their own troops struggled in the wheeling pivot.

  36. The State Department cabled Taylor and the embassy, saying that «In view of the overall confusion in Saigon», public U.S.

  37. Rushes of blood to the head, confusion, memory loss and unpleasant obsessions led to a medical diagnosis of neurasthenia.

  38. Claims that the rail occurs in alang-alang grass are thought to have arisen from confusion with the pale-vented bush-hen.

  39. There has been considerable confusion and misunderstanding in regard to our film production Mother India and Mayo’s book.

  40. Expectations before the Australian tour were low after the confusion of the 1954 summer and some controversial selections.

  41. MDOT determined that usage of the I-296 designation overlapping US 131 was «a potential source of confusion for motorists».

  42. To avoid confusion between carriageways, blue signs are used for the collector lanes and green signs for the express lanes.

  43. This confusion allowed the German light cruisers to escape and alerted Hipper to the location of the British battlecruisers.

  44. Critics and fans generally received the album and its lead single, «Heroes and Villains», with confusion and disappointment.

  45. The 1st Battalion was meant to be held in reserve, but due to heavy casualties and confusion the unit soon went into action.

  46. As a result of confusion and a row over broadcasting rights, the BBC team found itself barred from the Galle International Stadium, where the first Test was to take place.

  47. The akros part of the name may have been given through confusion with acutus, and taken to mean «sharp-pointed», referring to the angular head shape typical of this genus.

  48. It is edible when young and the internal flesh is completely white, although care must be taken to avoid confusion with immature fruit bodies of poisonous Amanita species.

  49. The rest of the Roman infantry had difficulties with the elephants, who were not deterred by their noise but charged home, inflicting casualties and considerable confusion.

  50. During the early stages of its taxonomical study, there was some confusion between durian and the soursop (Annona muricata), for both of these species had thorny green fruit.

Confusions in a sentence

Confusions is a variation of confusion, below you can find example sentences for confusions.

  1. Vašek expresses his confusions in a short, sad song («I can’t get it out of my head»), but is interrupted by the arrival of a travelling circus.

  2. This was unpopular among Party apparatchiks, and led to confusions in the chain of command, as neither committee secretary had precedence over the other.

Synonyms for confusion

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word confusion has the following synonyms: , discombobulation, mental confusion, confusedness, muddiness, disarray and mix-up.

General information about «confusion» example sentences

The example sentences for the word confusion that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «confusion» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «confusion».

confusion — перевод на русский


There will be less confusion, less pain… if you approve it willingly.

Но станет меньше путаницы, меньше боли если ты одобришь его с охотою.

And you arthur wilson two Just to avoid confusion.

— Артуром Уилсоном вторым, просто чтобы избежать путаницы.

To avoid widespread confusion,

«Чтобы избежать путаницы,

Much confusion

Много путаницы

There’s a lot of confusion around that age.

Много путаницы вокруг этого возраста.

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There’s some confusion.

Было такое замешательство!

Her confusion is quite natural, Phoebe.

Ее замешательство вполне естественно, Фиби.

Man’s inner confusion.

Внутренне замешательство человека.

They are the ones who spread confusion and misjudge everything.

Это те, кто распространяют замешательство и заблуждаются во всем.

There shall in that time be rumors of things going astray, um, and there shall be a great confusion as to where things really are.

И будет в это время много слухов о всяких потерявшихся вещах, хм, и, должно быть, большое замешательство, где же вещи.

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It’s so horrible to see one’s own confusion, and to understand it!

Так ужасно видеть собственное смятение и понимать его.

Most important of all is to create confusion in the camp of the enemy.

Самое главное— это внести смятение в лагерь противника…

Fear and hurting and confusion.

Страх. И боль. И смятение.

When it comes to you, it’s important that you act on it. Confusion and doubt will take over before you know it.

И когда она приходит к тебе необходимо действовать потому что… поверь смятение и нерешительность возьмут верх прежде, чем ты успеешь оглянуться.

The loneliness, the confusion.

Одиночество, смятение.

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This noise, this confusion, I can’t think. Get out!

Этот шум, неразбериха, я не могу думать.

This house, utter confusion, chaos!

В этом доме царит неразбериха, хаос!

But there’s great confusion.

Но тут большая неразбериха.

Mess, confusion, chaos.

Беспорядок, неразбериха, хаос.

And there’s terrible confusion.

И из-за этого страшная неразбериха.

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* I’m a bundle of confusion

* Я ходячее недоразумение

But there seems to be a great deal of confusion here.

Да. Но, похоже, здесь просто недоразумение.

Sir, I think there’s some confusion.

Сэр, это недоразумение.

I apologize for any confusion this may have caused.

Я приношу извинения за это недоразумение.

And right now there is no reason, none there is just confusion and it can be erased in a split second

Никаких препятствий. Это недоразумение.

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Wonderful confusion.

Замечательный беспорядок.

I counted on the confusion in the dark and on the doctor, who played his part to perfection.

Я рассчитывал на панику и беспорядок в темноте. И на доктора, который сыграл свою роль в совершенстве.

Confusion is best left to the experts.

Беспорядок лучше всего оставлять экспертам.

— We see bloodshed, confusion, decay. — [Coughing Continues]

Мы увидим насилие, беспорядок, упадок.

Confusion, wastage.

Беспорядок, упадок.

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Their confusion is so great that, in the end, they start to believe their fear to be love.

Их смущение настолько велико, что в конце, они начинают верить, что их страх и есть любовь.

But then comes a time when their confusion has ended.

Но когда приходит время и смущение уходит.

Marcellos it felt my confusion.

Марчелло чувствовал моё смущение.

But in order to lose those doubts to keep fear and confusion away

Но для того, чтобы оставить сомнения чтобы страх и смущение прошли

And little by little, the pain and fear and confusion melted.

Потихоньку, и боль, и страх и смущение растаяли.

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You can do it, and you’d have no trouble getting away in the confusion.

Ты сделаешь депо и в суматохе сможешь спокойно уйти.

You have someone coming out in the confusion?

В суматохе кто-то выйдет из города?

Unfortunately, Truman made off in the confusion.

К сожалению, в суматохе Трумэн сбежал.

I did, but in the confusion, I didn’t grab the device.

Да, но в суматохе, я не взяла устройство.

I think we hit the fire alarm, slip past the metal detectors in the confusion… grab a guard to get into the computer room… and them, boom, one body to dump.

А, конкретно, включим пожарную тревогу, в суматохе проскользнем через металлодетекторы, захватим охранника, чтобы пройти в серверную, а потом, бум, и одним телом больше.

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It was only confusion, for lack of experience.

А ето растерянность, просто от неопытности.

But all I sense from him is confusion.

Но все, что я в нем ощущаю, — это растерянность.

The only thing living inside me right now is a lot of confusion.

Внутри меня сейчас живёт только полная растерянность.

My other son-— there is a confusion and an anger there that I am just beginning to see.

Другой мой сын — его растерянность и гнев — я только начинаю постигать.

— Quite the list of side effects, including drowsiness, confusion, slurred speech, death.

— Впечатляющий список побочных эффектов, включающий сонливость, растерянность, невнятную речь, смерть.

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Then you watch confusion disappear with the smoke.

Тогда все твои сомнения развеятся как дым.

Your confusion is not rational.

Твои сомнения неразумны.

I’m not comfortable with confusion.

Мне не по душе сомнения.

Has drinking South Korean water all this while caused you confusion?

Питьевая южно-корейская вода посеяла в тебе зерно сомнения?

You wanted to sow confusion.

Вы хотели посеять сомнения.

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Sentences with the word Confusion?



  • «He plans to be in graduate school next year»; «The rebels had planned turmoil and confusion«
  • «a confusion of impressions»
  • «the army retreated in confusion«
  • «the confusion of tongues at the Tower of Babel»
  • «he changed his name in order to avoid confusion with the notorious outlaw»
  • «incidental expenses»; «the road will bring other incidental advantages»; «extra duties incidental to the job»; «labor problems incidental to a rapid expansion»; «confusion incidental to a quick change»
  • «the difficulties in which the question is involved»; «brilliant leadership mired in details and confusion«
  • «he recited the whole poem without a single trip»; «he arranged his robes to avoid a trip-up later»; «confusion caused his unfortunate misstep»

путаница, замешательство, беспорядок, смятение, беспорядки, смущение, неразбериха


- смущение, замешательство

to put smb. to confusion — привести кого-л. в замешательство
this event threw the household into utter confusion — это событие привело в смятение весь дом

- беспорядок

to leave one’s papers in confusion — оставить бумаги в беспорядке

- путаница, неразбериха; смешение

confusion of thoughts [ideas] — путаница мыслей [идей]
confusion of sounds — смешение звуков
he remained calm in the confusion of battle — он сохранял спокойствие в хаосе битвы

- недоразумение

there was some confusion about tickets — произошло недоразумение с билетами; кто-то перепутал билеты

- психол. крайнее волнение; потеря ориентации; частичное затемнение сознания
- общественные беспорядки, волнения
- (the Confusion) библ. смешение языков (тж. the confusion of tongues)

confusion worse confounded — сплошная неразбериха, полный хаос

Мои примеры


in an effort to avoid confusion — в стремлении избежать путаницы  
confusion incidental to a quick change — неразбериха, сопутствующая быстрым переменам  
complete / general / utter confusion — полное замешательство  
a scene of confusion — неловкий момент  
a state of confusion — смущение  
to cause / create confusion — создать беспорядок  
to throw into confusion — спутать карты, помешать планам  
to clear up confusion — прояснить ситуацию, ликвидировать путаницу  
in a state of the utmost confusion — в состоянии величайшего смятения  
circle of confusion — кружок рассеяния, пятно рассеяния  
confusion of thoughts — путаница мыслей  
throw into confusion — расстраивать  

Примеры с переводом

I’m sorry if I caused any confusion.

Простите, если я стал причиной какой-либо путаницы.

Matt stared at her in confusion.

Мэтт уставился на нее в замешательстве.

It was a scene of utter confusion.

Все были в полном замешательстве.

There was manifest confusion in the streets.

На улицах была полная неразбериха.

Their unexpected arrival threw our plans into confusion.

Их неожиданный приезд спутал нам все карты.

His speech flung the meeting into confusion.

Его речь привела всех в замешательство.

In all the confusion, it is quite possible that some people got tickets without paying.

Вполне возможно, что во всей этой неразберихе некоторые получили билеты, не заплатив.

ещё 12 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He stared in confusion and disbelief.

For several minutes confusion reigned.

The diversion led to considerable confusion.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

confused  — спутанный, смущенный, сбивчивый, беспорядочный, поставленный в тупик
confusing  — смущать, смешивать, сбивать с толку, спутывать, создавать путаницу
confusable  — очень похожий, с трудом различимый, ведущий к путанице

The confusion, however, is not entirely over, for rather than accepting the carefully deliberated recommendations of the National Standards Board, Glickman declined to definitively prohibit three practices being used in producing organically grown foods

John looks in confusion at a scrap of paper in his hand

He shakes his head in confusion, slowly closes the door

John cocks his head in confusion

some confusion is inevitable: Could he be a playful, elf-like man who comes down from the canyon at dawn to sprinkle dew over the ground before others awaken? Or simply a wonderfully unobtrusive groundskeeper who literally fades into the landscape while dutifully taking care of the foliage? Actually

There was a buzz of confusion as they backtracked to link his short answers to the questions the BBC had put

chattering like schoolboys randomly at one another in a great cacophony of happy noise and confusion

‘Yes,’ he said grinning at me obviously understanding my confusion

of souls in their mass confusion and terror

his confusion and discomfiture in his furs, backed out of the room without another

Now, instead of being overwhelmed by confusion, I felt strangely refreshed with this waking

Whenever I awoke, and despite my eternal confusion about time and place, my inner currents of anger and resentment always felt fresh and alive

My body was wracked by the misfiring of endorphin responses, of endomorphic confusion, and I could not think quickly enough or with sufficient clarity to risk answering the man

The air bristled with the electric confusion of unbidden challenge and hasty counter

My feelings towards this strange new world in which I existed, and more especially for the young man holding my life in his hands, troubled me greatly, adding volume to the already flooded sea of confusion upon which I bobbed along

These gifts had become a source of jealousy and confusion

Either way, in any way, my new philosophy for life always delivered a simple creed of confusion, both personal and eternal

The confusion that I felt about all things seemed now to be the natural state of affairs

I read about Christian confusion

Again I saw confusion at the heart of things, and always that one word in answer: dispossession

The sound of my own tongue further added to my general state of confusion

It all boiled down to my new philosophy of the ultimate confusion

What follows next is dead silence, but then Sabrina speaks again, «Well, are you excited about the ceremony?» I cringe as I sense confusion coming from Apollo as he responds, «What ceremony?»

He didn’t expect something like that to come from such an exquisite creature, «What kind of name is that?» She notices his confusion and returns it with a puzzled look of her own, like the answer should be obvious

There is no solace in the confusion of movement, but I took a little heart in the undeniable presence of other men as impotent and bewildered as I was

My head was still swimming with the confusion and the shock of the move

I thought again of those moments with Jamie when my confusion and my emotions became entangled

At other times, when their orders growled with pain and confusion, we suffered the blows and the smarts of fist and hard metal

After a few moments passed, a few moments in which I felt all of that confusion that came with my feelings for Jamie down in the rabbit hole, he continued, “It’s okay, Marwan

Slowly MacKenzie recalled the confusion and enlightenment, the long struggle for equality under the harsh glare of limited kindness within which mankind wrapped despotism

She’d been amazed by the overabundance of cleaning materials that she had correctly guessed would be stored in the cupboard under the sink – some things defy cultural differences! Kneeling on the floor, all the better to examine the various spray containers and bottles piled in there, her amazement turned into confusion … there were plastic spray bottles for limescale removal, disinfecting the worktops … apparently killing 99% of all known germs — though that did raise the question of what danger the remaining 1% presented if it was so vital to get rid of the things … bottles of cream for cleaning the sink and another, lavender scented, for polishing wood, a big bottle of bleach that at least smelt familiar, and noxious substances for cleaning the oven that had signs warning of danger plastered all over them … it was an education

’ Berndt put in, seeing my confusion at the use of the term

I wake to the sound of seagulls screaming overhead and I stare in confusion at the cabin around me

What ails me is the manner of this place, of this confusion

It was a time of great confusion, great terror, and mind-numbing fear

Early morning at the quayside and it was an ants’ nest of confusion and expectation

All that had been so clear for that vital second was now clouded in the fog of doubt and confusion

In the resulting confusion, with neighbours comforting Miss Jones and paramedics aiding the young man, they had no time in which to become acquainted

The great bank’s chairman was ready to fire the maid for causing so much confusion and embarrassment, but his wife had extensive experience in the realm of hotels and subterfuge, and she persuaded him to go to work and that she would sort things out with the domestic staff

In the confusion caused by her flailing hooves, I go under the water, coming up spluttering and spitting water with my hair in my eyes

my religious status for confusion

The Princess looked confident pushing through the water making a line for the south but then, to my confusion and astonishment, after a few minutes I saw her begin to slow and come about in a steady wide circle

The seasons passed in a confusion of school uniforms and shoe sizes, just as much as they passed through the ever present need to prepare flower beds, to stake out fresh young plants and to harvest

Slowly, and in a maddening whirl of confusion, recrimination and tears, Lucy begun to piece together the utter horror and enormity of what her mother was saying

and registering the usual mix of momentary confusion, annoyance,

The creature stared at him in confusion

In the resulting confusion, with neighbours

causing so much confusion and embarrassment, but his wife had

In the confusion that would follow Naria herself would be slain by another assassin; whom he had cleverly placed in the rafters of the throne room

She plainly understands my confusion … yes, she is like Dave!

maddening whirl of confusion, recrimination and tears, Lucy begun

You could clear a lot of this confusion up if you had her memories

with his body, feeling his pain, his confusion, as the

In the confusion that survivalist reptile brain stem ensures that Bex slips her sachet of powder into Leona’s bag

In the confusion of the fight, no-one had noticed

bewildered confusion, he at first tried one direction,

The girls looked at each other in confusion and back to their mother as if she were obviously confused

They looked up at him in confusion

That confirmed that she had no confusion about her origin

The men looked at each other in confusion

likely reason for his confusion and lethargy

armed with rifles also opened fire, adding to the noise and confusion,

He recognises in Billy the same confusion and anger that he felt all those weeks and months ago back home on the Adriatic coast

Alex’s grip on Ted’s arm is firm and he instinctively recognises that familiar look of fear and confusion on the old man’s face

Sheila had managed to undo Roman’s belt in the confusion

A moment of confusion

Johnny and Jack stopped in confusion, watching their

Jumping to his feet in confusion, he discovered that he was

After the physician had left and the initial confusion and

confusion, then fear as he realised that he’d played straight

“Good, good, I’m glad to have as little confusion in our discussions as possible

She read everything from confusion, to concern on Jesse’s face, the last coming first

turned to rage, then fear, then confusion

She uttered out everything she saw, bewildered she looked to him in confusion

Johnny knitted his eyebrows in confusion, but before the animal was in

took in this piece of news – first surprise, then confusion,

It’ll create some confusion that will maybe work to our advantage

turned from one side to the other in total confusion,

The confusion, only added to the dizziness she was experiencing

» That didn’t make any since to her, but her confusion didn’t stop his tale

The confusion she felt, must have been apparent on her face, for Jim laughed and said, «I tried to tell him you could hold your own, sorry if he got the wrong idea

She knew that most of his confusion came from a lack of knowledge, of what was going on around there

Getting under the helmet was a little like the onset of norrot, there was the instant of whirling confusion as the contact map is built, then always a sudden rush of knowledge and experience

» her confusion showed

but it was confusion tinged with hope

There are feelings of being different, confusion and a sense of inadequacy, even is the person is super responsible

Roman took advantage of the brief confusion and knocked the cuffs out of

Does it bring clarity or confusion? Keep in mind that a dream or vision that is from the second heaven will have the negative qualities, but God can still reveal something through it

» There was a look of confusion on Galimoto’s face as he stared at the wad of snot hanging from his finger tip

«Galimoto?» His face a mixture of confusion and rage, Brice turned his head and found Galimoto hovering before him

confusion of his children as they watched their father

‘We say that, to avoid confusion

By now the confusion of gunfire and the screams of the wounded had sent mister Sturgeon spiraling back in time to the Second World War

Its body split in half with a flash of silver-fire, the being’s lower half walked on while the upper half was on the ground moaning and gazing up in confusion as its lower half walked by

Tammy took advantage of the confusion to run for the door

some searchers one created the confusion that Plato

Ollius sensed confusion, shock, and a great deal of fear among the group

confusion in author’s mind or an attempt of masking the

The mistake consists in the confusion between goal

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

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She is pleased that Confusions has given her a reason to resist the permanent lure of Queens ‘ Ents. The source of the confusions stems from the three windows in which users must work, but once people learn their way around these windows, many prefer it to a single window editor.

What is a good sentence for the word confusion?

the anxieties and confusions of teenage life He stared in confusion and disbelief. There was total confusion when the truck hit the restaurant. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word ‘confusion.

Does confusion have a plural?

The noun confusion can be countable or uncountable. In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be confusion. However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be confusions e.g. in reference to various types of confusions or a collection of confusions.

What is the example of confusion?

When you do not understand a difficult problem, this is an example of a situation where you feel confusion. When people are running around in a disorganized fashion with no idea of what they are supposed to be doing, this is an example of confusion.

What is a confused person called?

Baffled, confused, mystified, at a loss, or. 56. 16. puzzled. Confused or perplexed.

40 related questions found

How do you describe confusion in writing?

You can have the character scratch their head. Give them a dazed look of bewilderment. Have them shrug their shoulders with their hands up. Have them put their hand on their chin like they are thinking.

What are different ways to say confused?


  • baffled.
  • befuddled.
  • bewildered.
  • dazed.
  • disorganized.
  • distracted.
  • muddled.
  • perplexed.

How do you express confusion in English?

How to express confusion in English?

  1. Use phrases to say you didn’t understand. Sorry, I didn’t catch that. …
  2. Use phrases to convey why you didn’t understand. …
  3. Ask someone to repeat themselves. …
  4. Apologize for the confusion. …
  5. Words to say that you understand.

What is confused and example?

1. The definition of confused is a person who cannot think clearly, or is something that is jumbled or without order. If you are sitting in a math class and don’t understand math at all, this is an example of when you would be described as confused.

What is this word confused?

adjective. feeling or exhibiting an inability to understand; bewildered; perplexed. in a disordered state; mixed up; jumbled. lacking sufficient mental abilities for independent living, esp through old age.

Is confusion a feeling or emotion?

The family of knowledge emotions has four main members: surprise, interest, confusion, and awe. These are considered knowledge emotions for two reasons.

Is confusion a countable noun?

[uncountable, countable] a state of not being certain about what is happening, what you should do, what something means, etc.

Is confusion an abstract noun?

the abstract noun of confuse is CONFUSION.

Is Confusement a word?

Yes, technically ‘confusement’ is a word. According to linguistic definitions it means ‘the act or state of being confused’, much like excitement…

What happens when you are confused?

Confusion is a symptom that makes you feel as if you can’t think clearly. You might feel disoriented and have a hard time focusing or making decisions. Confusion is also referred to as disorientation.

Is confusion a adjective?

CONFUSED (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

Are you confuse or confused?

confused is an adjective that describes when someone feels unable to think clearly; or feels bewildered. For example: He was so confused that he read the instructions. confusing is an adjective that means something is bewildering or perplexing.

How do you use the word confusing?

Confusing sentence example

  1. The words sounded confusing , even to her. …
  2. Catharsis can be a confusing emotional experience for some people. …
  3. You are only confusing the whole question. …
  4. Nor was he anxious to maintain the connexion between philosophy and medicine which had for long existed in a confused and confusing fashion.’

What meridy means?

English Translation. noon. More meanings for meridies. noon noun.

How do you politely say you’re confused?

Step1: Phrases to say you didn’t understand:

  1. I’m sorry. I don’t understand. …
  2. Sorry, I didn’t catch that. …
  3. I didn’t get it. …
  4. Sorry, I couldn’t hear that. …
  5. Over a phone call: …
  6. Could you speak up please? …
  7. Sorry, Could you speak more slowly, please. …
  8. I don’t know that word, could you please tell me what it means.

How do you say you’re confused in an email?

How do you write your clarification emails?

  1. Thank the person for the information. Thanks for the information on the conference. …
  2. Clarify what you don’t understand/still need. I’m afraid I don’t understand what you mean by ABC. …
  3. Reference the next step politely. I am looking forward to receiving the updated information today.

What to say when you are confused?

I have no clue/I don’t have a clue: It’s another fun way of saying that you are confused or that you just don’t understand what is being said or done. You are expressing your confusion, and asking for help but making the conversation light and enjoyable. You could say “These math problems are so tough.

How can you tell if someone is confused?

How to tell if someone is confused

  1. not be able to think or speak clearly or quickly.
  2. not know where they are (feel disorientated)
  3. struggle to pay attention or remember things.
  4. see or hear things that are not there (hallucinations)

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