Sentences starting with the word yet

Writers often find themselves with a number of issues when it comes to beginning a sentence. It shouldn’t be that hard to start a line of writing, but somehow it is. One of the biggest areas of confusion arises when we start a sentence with a conjunction. That can be any of these words: yet, but, so, and, and or.

Read our blog posts on starting a sentence with ‘but’ and ‘and.’

Many of us have grown up labouring under the belief that starting a sentence with a conjunction is a cardinal sin. However, this is not the truth. This was mainly to stop you from creating fragmented sentences; something that can easily occur with a conjunction at the start, even if you are paying attention.

Now though, we are going to show you how and when you can use a conjunction, specifically yet, at the start of a sentence. Not only will you be getting away with it, but you will be doing it perfectly correct as well.

Covering conjunctions

Before we get in too deep with yet, we’ll just quickly cover what a conjunction is. If you haven’t checked out some of our other Topcontent grammar blog posts, a conjunction is merely a connecting word. It joins two clauses together to make a complete sentence.

Take a look at the example below:

3D technology brings headaches to many viewers, yet the entertainment industry continues to produce 3D movies.

In this sentence, yet has a meaning similar to that of but, and you can see how it works to join those two sentences together. Having the second part of the sentence standing alone would make the sentence confusing; the reader would be wondering what the idea contrary to that statement was. So, that is the reason why our mentors do not want us to use it.

3D technology brings headaches to many viewers. Yet the entertainment industry continues to produce 3D movies.

Writing the same sentence as this is correct. The second sentence is still alongside the first, the reader knows what is going on, and the additional information has been given in a clear and concise way.


It’s worth mentioning here that when yet is used in the abovementioned way, it tends to be contradicting the sentence in front. This can be very helpful to remember when you’re about to put it at the start of a sentence. Check back and see if there is a sentence there that hold an opposite statement to the one you’re about to write.

Incorrect: It was raining hard. Yet she put on her wellington boots.

This doesn’t make sense. The second sentence is not contrasting the first one. Of course, she put on her wellies when it’s raining.

Correct: It was raining hard. Yet she didn’t put on her wellington boots.

Now, this statement is written better. The second part is offering a more contradicting form from the sentence before.

The other yet

Confusingly, English has two uses of the word yet, although it doesn’t seem to make the distinction often. The first one, which we discussed, is the conjunction. The other form is an adverb that refers to something that starts in the past and continues to happen at present. When it is used in a sentence, it becomes a negative or a question. Check out these examples:

Example: Is the dog awake yet?

Example: No, he isn’t up yet.

This use of yet can’t be used at the start of a sentence, even if you try. It’s important to note that the position of the word yet within a sentence does affect the meaning. So, you have to pay attention to how you will be using this short word.


As yet is classed as a coordinating conjunction, many would still say that it should never be at the start of a sentence. It is supposed to be joining and creating a relationship between two clauses.

It’s a valid argument, of course. But as there is no actual rule that says you can’t put yet at the beginning of a sentence, go ahead and use it. Putting conjunctions such as yet at the start of a sentence is acceptable, as long as you use it correctly.

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“Yet” is a useful word in the English language, as it allows you to be more clear in a sentence. “Yet” can be used as an adverb, to discuss an additional idea, or to emphasize a feeling or thought. It can also be used as a conjunction, similar to how you might use conjunctions like “but” or “nevertheless.” With the right placement and punctuation, you can use “yet” with confidence when you write or speak.

  1. Image titled Write a Great Parody Step 9


    Put “yet” at the end of a sentence to describe something that hasn’t happened. It is often used in negative statements in which you use a negative term like “have not” or “has not.”[1]

    • For example, you may say, “I haven’t completed my homework yet,” or, “I haven’t eaten breakfast yet.”
    • You can also say, “She hasn’t watched the episode yet,” or, “He hasn’t phoned me back yet.”
  2. Image titled Write a Great Parody Step 4


    Use “yet” in the middle of the sentence to discuss something unknown or unclear. This approach is often used in more formal discussions or conversations. “Yet” is often placed after “have,” “are,” or “has.”[2]

    • For example you may say, “We have yet to determine if she is on board,” or, “Our guests are yet to arrive.”
    • You may also say, “The price has yet to be announced.”


  3. Image titled Write a Letter Step 10


    Place “yet” in a sentence to show a situation or event is ongoing. “Yet” is used in a sentence if you want to let others know that you are still in a situation and it is going to continue in the near future. You can use “yet” in positive statements in the present to let others know that a situation or event in the present is not finished yet.[3]

    • For example, you may say, “I have a lot more work yet,” to let others know your work is not finished.
    • You may say, “There is a lot more time yet,” to tell others that there is still time in the present to complete a task or activity.
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  1. Image titled Write a Management Plan Step 19


    Use “yet” to indicate an additional issue or problem. “Yet” can be used as a stand-in for “in addition.” It is often used in a negative statement to discuss another thing the speaker has to deal with or address.[4]

    • For example, you may say, “Yet another source of trouble,” or, “Yet another issue to deal with.”
  2. Image titled Write a News Article Step 6


    Put “yet” in a sentence for emphasis. Similar to terms like “even,” “still,” or “more,” “yet” can be used to stress a point or create a more vivid image. It usually appears before terms like “another” or “again.”[5]

    • For example, you may say, “My mother served her yet another piece of pie,” or, “The coffee machine broke down yet again.”
  3. Image titled Write a Nomination Letter Step 5


    Place “yet” at the end of a sentence to show enthusiasm or excitement. You can also use “yet” as a superlative to let others know how thrilled you are.[6]

    • For example, you may say, “That was her best film yet!” or, “That was her greatest performance yet!”
    • You may also say, “A time of 3 hours and 10 minutes, his best marathon yet!”
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  1. Image titled Write a Nomination Letter Step 15


    Use “yet” like “but” in a sentence. “Yet” can give a sentence a certain distinctiveness and tone that “but” may not be able to do. Try replacing your use of “but” with “yet” in your sentences, placing a comma before “yet.”[7]

    • For example, you may say, “Stella plays tennis well, yet her favorite sport is soccer,” or, “I’m good at writing sonnets, yet I prefer reading haikus.”
  2. Image titled Write a Persuasive Essay Step 25


    Put “yet” in a sentence to expand or add to the content. “Yet” can help you provide more information about a subject or event that may be contradictory or ironic. It is often used in negative sentences, similar to how you might use the conjunction “nevertheless.”[8]

    • For example, you may say, “The new tenants complained about the noise, yet they continue to play their music loud,” or, “She dislikes meeting new people, yet she still showed up at the party.”
    • Often, you can remove the subject in the second half of the sentence. This allows you to remove the comma as well. For example, you may say, “The new tenants complained about the noise yet continue to play their music loud,” or, “She dislikes meeting new people yet still showed up at the party.”
  3. Image titled Find the Equation of a Perpendicular Line Given an Equation and Point Step 7


    Start a sentence with “yet” to give it tone and flow. “Yet” is often used at the start of a sentence to share an afterthought or a second guess. It can also add a conversational flow to your sentences.[9]

    • For example, you may say, “Yet, despite my complaints, I still miss her company,” or, “Yet I must admit I value facts more than mere superstitions.”
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  • Question

    May I say «The best record he has set yet» instead of either «The best record he has ever set» or «The best record he has set so far»?


    You could say that, but it’s easier to say, «His personal best.» (That’s a common sports phrase.)

  • Question

    I’ve seen that yet can be used as in «it is yet to be done.» Can you explain this usage?


    In this context «yet» really means «not yet.» In other words, «it is yet to be done» means «it is not done yet.»

  • Question

    I have some doubts about how to use yet in positive sentences. Can I say, «In some countries, it is yet customary for employers to…»?


    «Still» is more properly used in that context.

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Article SummaryX

To use «yet» in a sentence, put it at the end of a sentence to describe something that hasn’t happened. For example, you could say «I haven’t gone to bed yet.» You can also use «yet» to emphasize something, like in the sentence «He ate yet another piece of pizza.» Also, try replacing «but» in a sentence with «yet.» For example, you could say «She’s great a tennis, yet her favorite sport is soccer.» To learn how to use «yet» in other kinds of sentences, read on!

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  • Oswald Chamagua

    Oswald Chamagua

    Nov 21, 2018

    «I was curious about a few sentences I found starting with «yet». They had good meaning without it, but…» more

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Sentences starting with yet

  • Yet I watched your steps as the hunter follows the trail of the game. [10]
  • Yet it is your duty to kill me. [11]
  • Yet Mab gave Young Aleck as much as he gave her. [11]
  • Yet to marry you, even as things are, if that might be! [11]
  • Yet I’m glad you wrote me; it gave me time to think, and I can tell you the truth as I see it. [11]
  • Yet I want you to be sorry too. [11]
  • Yet I tell you that, heavy as your losses may seem, Spargapises, Tomyris and fifty thousand Massagetae can never outweigh the spirit of one king of Persia, least of all of a Cyrus. [10]
  • Yet I want you so much. [13]
  • Yet I heard you read it—without losing my balance. [5]
  • Yet what are you and the wise treasurer doing? [10]

Sentences ending with yet

  • We are both young; time is with us; and we will flourish palms in the face of Europe yet. [11]
  • Thank you, my young friend—you have strong arms, and you may lift me a little higher yet. [10]
  • I believe in you, Mr. Gridley, as I believe in my Maker and in Father Pemberton,—but, poor man, he’s old, and you won’t be old these twenty years yet. [6]
  • Suppose I loved you yet! [5]
  • I can’t tell you why yet. [11]
  • Oh, how little you know me yet! [10]
  • They haven’t proved you guilty yet. [11]
  • Is it possible you don’t understand that yet? [7]
  • Is it finished yet? [9]
  • Is Aldrich home yet? [5]

Short sentences using yet

  • Had a case yet? [5]
  • Are you there yet? [5]
  • We’re hardly settled yet. [8]
  • Nor have I yet. [7]
  • He is young yet. [7]
  • We may beat yet. [6]
  • No—at least, not yet. [5]
  • It isn’t out yet. [5]
  • I remember it yet. [5]
  • At least, not yet. [5]

Sentences containing yet two or more times

  • And yet, and yet they had touched her heart, and moved her soul to rapture, and filled her eyes with tears. [10]
  • She did not yet suspect what awaited her when, in well-chosen yet cordial words, Gombert expressed his appreciation. [10]
  • And yet and yet she feared it even in that instant of glory. [9]
  • She was not yet purged of her uncleanness, and yet you tempt her to an assignation, not even in the stranger’s quarters—but in the holy house of this pure Divinity. [10]
  • It was sacred, yet it was not solemn; peaceful, yet not sombre; rather gentle, aspiring, and clear. [11]
  • I was conscious, yet for a time I had no thought: I was like something half animal, half vegetable, which feeds, yet has no mouth, nor sees, nor hears, nor has sense, but only lives. [11]
  • She could not yet feel any impulse of affection towards her, and she did not as yet understand that what was required of her was the one gift which the best will, the most loving heart in the world, could not offer at a command. [10]
  • The storm was yet as heavy as it had been yestereve; howbeit, though Bayard sank into the snow so deep that I swept it with the hem of my kirtle, yet the ride to the forest-lodge meseemed was as short as though I had flown. [10]
  • And yet and yet against the tumult and beating of this passion striving to throb down thought, thought strove. [9]
  • And often you would repeat over and over: ‘I have not yet begun, to fight, I have not yet begun to fight! [9]

More example sentences with the word yet in them

  • A vivacious, eager youth had duped her and had promised happiness to her sister instead of to her; it had been hard to bear—and yet, the Saviour of whom Hellos had told her, had been far more severely tried. [10]
  • The images of your manifold gods are everywhere to be seen; they crowd on our gaze, and yet who knows not that their real is not their apparent significance? [10]
  • I can’t deny your instances, and yet I somehow feel that pretty much all you have been saying is in effect untrue. [4]
  • Nothing has befallen your father’s younger son; and if I were a philosopher, like Philip, I should be moved to wonder why a man can only be wet when the rain falls on him, and yet can be so wretched when disaster falls on another. [10]
  • The memory of your dear father, instead of an agony, will yet be a sad, sweet feeling in your heart, of a purer and holier sort than you have known before. [7]
  • Men would call your acts treacherous if they knew what you had done; and so indeed they were; but yet I have seen you do things to others—not to me—which could rise only from the fountain of pure waters. [11]
  • It was so young, so pathetic, so pale, yet so strangely beautiful, and her forehead was serene. [11]
  • She is so young that she does not yet understand what life is. [4]
  • He would make young Schopper pay some penalty yet more than a mere fine, to that he pledged his royal word, and as for young Welemisl, he was minded to devise some punishment that should hinder many an over-bold knight from drawing his sword! [10]
  • He was a young man, very spare and very burned, with bright red hair and blue eyes that had a kind of laughter in them, and yet were sober. [9]
  • Here was the young man whose life she had saved, at least for the moment, and who was yet in danger from the disease which had almost worn out his powers of resistance. [6]
  • I see that you, too, are ready to depart and should grieve to behold the comfort of your aged hosts destroyed by hasty acts that may yet be needless. [10]
  • The trouble with you, Honora, is that you want something badly very badly—and you haven’t yet found out what it is. [9]
  • What remains for you yet to learn? [3]
  • I will repay you with my warmest gratitude, for, though the Romans said that Cupid conquered through the eyes, yet Barbara’s singing exerted a far more powerful influence over my heart than even her wonderful golden hair. [10]
  • He is kind, you will yet be friends. [10]
  • Now, ma’am, if you was wantin’ to make a long an’ fast ride across the sage—say to elope—» Lassiter ended there with dry humor, yet behind that was meaning. [13]
  • Jean said: «Joan, you told us yourself that you were going to Uncle Laxart’s to nurse his wife, but you didn’t say you were going further, yet you did go on to Vaucouleurs. [5]
  • I would advise you to drop in there some time when you have nothing to do for—five minutes—if you have never been there: It seems to me the noblest monument that this nation has yet erected to her greatness. [5]
  • Oh, I implore you to crush out that fatal habit while it may yet be time! [5]
  • Though I write you these few words, dear Robert, I do not know that they will reach you, for as yet it is not certain they will let Voban visit you. [11]
  • And yet, once you start a mistake, the trouble is done and you never know what is going to come of it. [5]
  • And yet you, you miscreant, accuse me of climbing trees! [5]
  • I never let you know—and yet I see now we might have got along in any other relationship. [9]
  • And yet, do you know, Miss Raglan, I don’t feel a bit ashamed of it, after all: which may be evidence of my lost condition. [11]
  • My note to you I certainly did not expect to see in print, yet I have not been much shocked by the newspaper comments upon it. [7]
  • There, it shows you how men can have eyes and yet not see. [5]
  • For every master you have yet sent can find the way as well as he, so that an hundred pounds might be spared, which is more than we have all, that helps to pay him wages. [4]
  • And even as you have threatened me, I will warn you, yet not in anger. [9]
  • In your words you have been kind to me, but yet you have threatened me. [11]
  • I will reward you for it with the only thing that the daughter of the wealthy Krates cannot purchase, yet which she probably rates at no low value—the love of her royal friend. [10]
  • And yet when you come to think, there is no real difference between a conscience and an anvil—I mean for comfort. [5]
  • And yet when you come to look at it you cannot deny that we would have to go without the services of some of our ablest men, sir, if the country were opposed to —to—bribery. [5]
  • With your reputation you can have your freedom and yet earn your living. [5]
  • Is it possible you can answer up, right off, and tell what anybody on the other side of the earth is doing, and yet can’t tell what a person is doing who isn’t three yards from you? [5]
  • And yet if you are to understand me I must own that so long as I was young I longed bitterly for the love which no one offered me. [10]
  • As old as you are and as wise, can you take pleasure in a love-match and even speed it forward as you have done, and yet purpose in your soul to hinder it at last? [10]
  • But as yet you are alive, and you shall hear what the experiences are which make the severest measures the highest justice. [10]
  • And yet, and yet—woe, woe is me! [10]
  • And you are yet. [5]
  • It’s a secret yet. [4]
  • We are fighting yet. [11]
  • Thou art young yet. [11]
  • There are hopes yet. [11]
  • And yet, and yet,» he added, half sadly, «how futile has been all our fighting, so far as human eye can see. [11]
  • She was wonderful yet, with her white hair and straight nose, her erect figure still slight. [9]
  • It scares me yet, to think of it. [5]
  • It oppresses me yet, to think of it. [5]
  • It is as yet, to a degree, tempered by a philosophic spirit. [4]
  • Thou hast reason yet, though thy blood is hot. [11]
  • Both were hers, yet, though the infant raised its voice still louder, she remained at the spinning wheel, dreaming on. [10]
  • His thoughts, as yet, have no wider range than home. [12]
  • She had, as yet, been none too successful in the war with France. [11]
  • It feared him; yet, as he travelled with it, he scarcely ever took his eyes off it, and he never trusted it. [11]
  • You’re not forty yet, and you have a heap of money laid by. [9]
  • You are young yet, and I am offering myself for all time. [9]
  • Nobody’s married him yet, and hain’t likely to. [9]
  • And yet, and yet!—Where shall I find resolution enough to ask of her who excites me to the height of passion no more than a kind glance, a clasp of the hand, an intelligent interest in what I say? [10]
  • And yet, and yet!—If she had really had the power to bind calamity in the clouds, to turn the tide back into its channel, she would not have done so! [10]
  • He had not yet written to her, according to his parole: this issue was clear; he could not send a letter to Guida until he was freed from that condition. [11]
  • She had never yet worked for her father with so much filial solicitude. [10]
  • You can’t bathe yet without getting pneumonia. [4]
  • The man laughed, yet without a sound—the inward, stealthy laugh, as from a knowledge wicked in its very suggestiveness. [11]
  • With apparent absent-mindedness, yet with unhesitating assurance that he was doing the right thing, Prince Vasili did everything to get Pierre to marry his daughter. [2]
  • Just so subtly, yet with the same seeming suddenness had budded and come to leaf and flower a perfect understanding, which nevertheless remained undefined. [9]
  • He flushed joyfully yet with painful distress. [2]
  • It made distinct, yet with no obvious purpose, how good were friendship and confidence—which might be the most unselfish thing in the world—between two men. [11]
  • He was as yet William Rufus Holly, the cricketer, the laziest dreamer of a college decade. [11]
  • Nobody sows it, yet who can uproot it when it is once here? [10]
  • They were hostile; yet when the favourite intimated that he, too, ought to be given up to justice, she showed so much hesitation, that Alexas stopped abruptly and turned the conversation upon Barine. [10]
  • It was, and yet was not. [12]
  • He had never yet visited the northern part of the lake, there where it was so dark, and mysterious, and where—as old Nonna used to relate—evil spirits dwelt, and a giant covered with pumice-stone was compelled by a curse to live. [10]
  • He has not yet ventured out of the dreamland which surrounds him into actual life. [10]
  • He did not yet urge his affection on her, he was simply devoted, and watchful, and tender, and delightedly hopeful. [11]
  • Starvation was not yet upon the garrison, and ere it would be reached Fort Pickens might be reinforced. [7]
  • I have not yet unpacked the wretch.—«Yours, as you deserve, C. [14]
  • He was as yet unknown beyond the circle of his friends, and he did not seek society. [6]
  • He could not yet understand what had suddenly towered like a mountain between him and the object of his love. [10]
  • They were not yet under control, but she felt them, and in so far as she had power to think, she used them. [11]
  • Kalamoun was hopeless; yet twenty-four hours earlier Fielding had fancied there was a little light in the darkness. [11]
  • No one has yet tried to bind them! [10]
  • I have not yet told her. [11]
  • But I was yet to see some estates of the gentry. [9]
  • She’s not fit yet to go to Askatoon, and I must see her once again. [11]
  • It was not yet time to discuss the matter with any one. [10]
  • What did not yet threaten Barine as serious danger Iras had the power to transform into grave peril. [10]
  • To go while yet there was time, and smooth for ever the way for others by an eternal silence—that seemed well. [11]
  • Musical it was, yet there seemed no pleasure in it: rather irony, and a great weariness of the amusements of this world: and a note, too, from a vanity never ruffled. [9]
  • Have we learned yet the simple art of easy enjoyment? [4]
  • Selfishness was as yet the minor part of her. [11]
  • The day passed, yet the embers blazed not into the flame of open mutiny. [9]
  • She needn’t know yet that it was I who saved him. [11]
  • The corn, not yet tasseled, stood in green flexible ranks, moved by the early breeze. [4]
  • Quebec is not yet taken? [11]
  • I had not yet taken it when I last questioned the fortune-tellers of the sky. [10]
  • They have not yet succeeded in finding a new Apis, and believe that the gods are wroth with your father’s kingdom. [10]
  • They have not yet succeeded in filling her place, and I think it more than likely that you can get it. [9]
  • Perhaps she might yet succeed in repairing the mischief she had done when she had allowed the emperor to sleep without giving one thought to her father. [10]
  • She did not yet stir, but there came into her face a slight inflection of confusion or perplexity. [11]
  • While he was yet speaking, Caracalla, leaning on the table by his couch with both hands, fixed his eyes on his face, without a word. [10]

This page helps answer: how do I use the word yet in a sentence? How do you use yet in a sentence? Can you give me a sentence for the word yet?
It contains example sentences with the word yet, a sentence example for yet, and yet in sample sentence.

yet — перевод на русский


Well, it’s not exactly a done deal yet.

Да ладно, ещё не всё улажено.

You haven’t told him everything yet, have you?

Ты ему еще не рассказал всего?

You mean she’s not back yet?

Ты хочешь сказать она еще не вернулась?

I’m not that skilled in my driving skills yet.

Я ещё не очень хорошо умею водить.

No decisions have been made yet.

Еще ничто не решено.

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Has the, uh, has the nurse been in yet?

А медсестра уже приходила?

Have you found him yet?

Вы уже нашли его?

«Is my husband up yet?»

Мой муж уже проснулся?

-Has Mr. Brody left yet?

— Мр. Броди уже ушел?

— Have you had anything to eat yet?

— Ты уже ужинала?

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Mr. Tolstetson is not yet here

Господина Торстенсона здесь нет.

Yet she stared at me insistingly… unpardonably!

Нет, она смотрела на меня настойчиво… непростительно.

It took me 10 years to get this plane, and I don’t own it yet.

У меня ушло 10 лет, чтобы получить этот самолет. И теперь его нет.

We ain’t there yet.

Нас здесь нет.

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Not for a while yet.

Не сейчас!

Yes, dear, but don’t talk about it, yet.

Да, дорогой, но не надо об этом сейчас.

And then again, I may not. Not yet.

Не сейчас.

Not yet, Charlie.

Не сейчас, Чарли.

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Yet 5 kilometres from this fertile valley there are almost no trees. Just a few fruit trees, rockroses and heather.

Тем не менее, в 5 километрах от этой долины деревьев почти нет, только немного фруктовых, диких роз и вереска.

Yet he threw it away.

Тем не менее, он его выбросил.

As I fell asleep that night in the empty house… I formed an opinion on theft and justice which… is rather a paradox and yet, 40 years of experience… haven’t altered it.

В ту ночь, когда я засыпал в пустом доме у меня сложилось о справедливости и воровстве возможно парадоксальное мнение и тем не менее, 40 лет опыта не изменили его.

And yet you still maintain that you love me.

И тем не менее, ты уверяешь, что любишь меня.

Yet you continue to sell tungsten wire to the Bendolin Company.

Тем не менее, вы продолжаете продавать вольфрам Бендолину.

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Mr. Kittredge hasn’t arrived yet, Dr. Parsons.

Мистера Киттреджа ещё нет.

No kids yet.

Но детей ведь еще нет.

— Is Taylor in yet?

— Тэйлора ещё нет?

«No, not as yet.»

Нет, еще нет.

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— I’m not through talking yet, honey.

— Я не закончил разговор, дорогая.

I’m not finished yet.

— Я ещё не закончил.

— It’s not finished yet.

— Да я же ещё не закончил.

And I’m not finished with you yet. I…

Я еще не закончил.

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— Not yet, Scarlett.

-Ещё рано, Скарлетт.

And it isn’t time to go yet.

Еще слишком рано.

And yet all the time you knew it had to end this way.

Рано или поздно все закончилось бы именно таким образом.

I’m not ready to go back yet, Pop.

Мне рано уезжать.

— Well, I don’t need any coffee. Not yet.

– Все равно для кофе рано.

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I’ve never seen one yet that wasn’t won by being quicker on the draw.

я никогда не видел что бы выигрывал не тот кто быстрее

I never yet seen one of those guys bounce.

Никогда не видел, как прыгают из окна.

I never saw a gunslinger yet so tough he lived to celebrate his 35th birthday.

Не видел стрелка, который бы дожил до 35 лет.

There’s a lot of it I haven’t even seen yet.

Здесь много такого чего я никогда не видел.

Yet, I have seen your servant defeat him, and it is not a mortal combat.

Недавно я видел, как твой слуга победил его. Это не бойня.

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These two carry out an eternal struggle in the nature of man… yet they are chained together.

Эти две стороны ведут вечную борьбу между собой в жизни человека… и в то же время, они довольно тесно взаимосвязаны.

So very ugly, and yet it seems so frightened.

Он такой уродливый. И в то же время он кажется таким напуганным.

They don’t let us leave these area of space and yet they don’t attempt to kill us.

Они не позволяют нам улететь, и в то же время не пытаются убить нас.

Because it doesn’t leave for another two hours yet.

У нас 2 часа времени.

You mean you have a few things you haven’t figured out yet?

У Васбыла уйма времени!

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В этой статье мы поможем разобраться в том, в каких случаях употребляются наречия just (только что), already (уже), yet (уже, еще), still (до сих пор) и как они связаны с Present Perfect (настоящим совершенным временем).

Наречия just, already, yet и still

Зная, как правильно использовать наречия just, already, yet и still, вы сможете грамотно построить свою речь, а при чтении или просмотре видео на английском языке — лучше ориентироваться во временных рамках событий. В качестве видеопримеров покажем отрывки из «Гарри Поттера».


Чаще всего just выступает словом-маркером времени Present Perfect и переводится как «только что». В основном его используют в утверждениях и ставят перед смысловым глаголом:

I have just woken up. — Я только что проснулся.
Tony has just booked the ticket. — Тони только что заказал билет.
Look! We have just fixed your camera. — Смотри! Мы только что починили твой фотоаппарат.
I’ve just seen him around. — Я его только что видел поблизости.

Just может использоваться в качестве синонима only, в таком случае just будет иметь значение «только», «лишь», «всего лишь». Если в предложении есть глагол to be, just следует сразу после него:

This cough medicine costs just 100 roubles. — Это лекарство от кашля стоит всего лишь сто рублей.
He is just a kid. — Он всего лишь ребенок.
We are just watching. — Мы только лишь смотрим.

Также just может встречаться как синоним слова exactly. В этом случае just будет переводиться как «точно», «точь-в-точь».

You act just like your father! — Ты ведешь себя точно как твой отец!

Just может выступать в качестве синонима словам simply (просто), absolutely (абсолютно), чтобы сделать акцент на утверждении:

It is just perfect! — Это просто идеально!

Можно использовать just, чтобы сделать повелительное наклонение более резким:

Just shut up! — Замолчи!

Также just можем использовать, чтобы сделать просьбу чуть более вежливой:

Could you just give me a piece of advice? — Не могли бы вы дать мне совет?


Слово already чаще всего выступает маркером времени Present Perfect. В этом случае оно переводится как «уже» и стоит между вспомогательным и смысловым глаголами. Already обычно используется в утвердительных предложениях.

I’ve already seen this film. — Я уже видел этот фильм.
Debbie has already settled down in NY. — Дэбби уже обосновалась в Нью-Йорке.
They have already checked out. — Они уже выехали из отеля.

Already может означать «раньше, чем ожидалось». Употребляется в утвердительных и вопросительных предложениях.

Timmy is only 18 but he is already a head of the company. — Тимми всего лишь 18, а он уже глава компании.
Are they already here? — Они уже здесь?
Look! I can already ride a bicycle! — Смотри! Я уже умею ездить на велосипеде!

Чтобы выразить удивление, ставим already в конец предложения.

Are you moving to US already? — Ты уже переезжаешь в Соединенные Штаты?


Yet часто выступает маркером времени Present Perfect и стоит в конце предложения. В отрицательном предложении yet переводится как «еще», а в вопросительном — «уже». Давайте посмотрим на примеры английских предложений со словом yet:

Have you fed the dog yet? — Ты уже покормил собаку?
Has he cleaned up his room yet? — Он уже убрался в своей комнате?

Eddy hasn’t told me anything yet. — Эдди мне еще ничего не рассказал.
They haven’t come back yet. — Они еще не вернулись.

Yet может означать, что что-то еще не произошло, но мы ожидаем, что это произойдет в будущем. В этих случаях yet можно перевести как «пока что», «все еще».

This service is not yet available. — Эта услуга пока что недоступна.
The situation is really dangerous, but help can yet come. — Ситуация действительно опасная, но помощь все еще может прийти.

Yet встречается в утвердительных предложениях вместе с прилагательным превосходной степени и переводится как «на данный момент», «на текущее время»:

This is his best song yet! — Это его лучшая песня на данный момент!

Также yet можно перевести как «но», «однако», «несмотря на». В этом случае yet стоит в начале или середине предложения:

Yet it is terrible weather outside, we have decided to go for a walk. — Несмотря на ужасную погоду, мы решили пойти на прогулку.
Our Xbox is broken, yet we are having much fun. — Наш Xbox сломался, но мы продолжаем веселиться.

Yet может использоваться, чтобы сделать на чем-то акцент, выразить удивление или негодование. Вместе со словами more (еще), another (еще один) и again (снова) значение yet близко к even (даже, еще более).

We’ll need yet more chocolate. — Нам потребуется еще больше шоколада.
The teacher gave us yet another task! — Учитель дал нам еще одно задание!
This proves yet again that she was right. — Это еще раз доказывает, что она была права.


Still означает, что нечто осталось неизменным. Это наречие используется в ситуациях, когда что-то происходит дольше, чем ожидалось. На русский чаще всего переводится как «до сих пор», «все еще».

It still drives people crazy. — Это все еще сводит людей с ума.

В этом же значении still можно встретить после модального и вспомогательного глаголов или после глагола to be.

I can still see you. — Я все еще тебя вижу.
She looked around, and they were still looking at her. — Она оглянулась, но они все еще смотрели на нее.
They are still happy. — Они по-прежнему счастливы.

С помощью still можно выразить недовольство сложившейся ситуацией, если поставить его после подлежащего в отрицательном предложении:

You still don’t understand this grammar rule! — Ты до сих пор не понимаешь это грамматическое правило!

Мы можем использовать still, когда что-то произошло, несмотря на какие-либо обстоятельства. В этом случае оно выступает синонимом фразы on the other hand (с другой стороны) и наречия nevertheless (но все же):

Marcus had overslept but still he got to the meeting on time. — Маркус проспал, но все же добрался на встречу вовремя.
I hate jogging. Still I have to do it to keep fit. — Ненавижу бегать. Но все же мне приходится это делать, чтобы держать себя в форме.

В чем же разница между still и yet? Чтобы ответить на этот вопрос, обратимся к примерам:

He is still hungry. — Он до сих пор голоден.
He hasn’t eaten yet. — Он еще не ел.

She is still crying. — Она по-прежнему плачет.
She hasn’t stopped crying yet. — Она еще не перестала плакать.

Still указывает на продолжительность действия и на то, что действие еще не закончилось. Yet же говорит о том, что ожидаемое действие еще не произошло.

Надеемся, что статья была полезной, а употребление already, just, yet и still больше не вызовет затруднений.

Предлагаем пройти небольшой тест, чтобы закрепить полученные знания.

Тест по теме «Наречия just, already, yet и still»

Если вы хотите больше упражнений на already, just, yet и still, записывайтесь на курс практической грамматики.

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