Sentences starting with the word since

When starting a sentence with the word «since», add a comma after the first clause (group of words containing a subject and a verb).

When starting a sentence with the word «since«, add a comma after the first clause (group of words containing a subject and a verb).

Since Mary is a doctor, she can prescribe drugs.

Since Mary is a doctor she can prescribe drugs.

We do not generally need a comma before «since» in mid-sentence.

I should skip dessert since I’m trying to lose weight.

I’ve been studying German since 2020.


  • 1. How to Use Since in a Sentence
  • 2. Commas in the Middle of a sentence
  • 3. Starting a Sentence with ‘Since’
  • 4. References

1. How to Use ‘Since’ in a Sentence

«Since» can be:

  • A preposition to refer to a time in the past. Prepositions are followed by a noun or a pronoun (e.g., «I’ve been married since 2015)
  • A subordinating conjunction to explain the reason for something (e.g., «My brother can achieve it since he has experience), or to indicate a period from a time in the past («I’ve been doing this since I arrived here) Note that subordinating conjunctions, unlike prepositions, are followed by a subject and a verb.
  • An adverb to mean «ago» or between then and now (e.g., «She went to the mall this morning, and I haven’t seen her since)

2. Commas in the Middle of a sentence

In the middle of a sentence, we do not commonly use a comma in front of «since«.

I’d like to travel to Japan since its culture is truly unique.

It’s been raining since yesterday.

Albert has lived in Rome since 2015.

Isabella has been looking for a job since she left school.

I wonder where my niece is. I haven’t seen her since Tuesday.

There are particular situations, however, where commas may be required. For example, use commas to set apart non-essential information.(1)

Alice is planning to return to Madrid, maybe next month, since she has developed an emotional attachment to the Spanish culture.

I love her, despite our relationship stumbles, since she has been respectful and patient.

The Spanish government debt, already high since the financial crisis, exploded during the 2020 debacle.

3. Starting a Sentence with ‘Since’

As mentioned before, we can use «since» to introduce a group of words containing a subject and a verb (clause).

Since my sister is an excellent cook, she prepared a delicious meal.

In this situation, if the clause introduced by «since» comes at the beginning of a sentence, we must add a comma after the first clause.

Since I want to learn a new language, I registered for a Chinese course.

Since I want to learn a new language I registered for a Chinese course.

More examples:

Since they’re going to arrive next week, we have plenty of time to prepare for the meeting.

Since copper is still the material of choice for electric power, the demand of copper is growing by leaps and bounds.

Since the current situation seems a perfect setup for yield curve control, the European Central Bank will probably implement this policy next year.

Instead of introducing a clause, you can use «since» to introduce a noun phrase. Phrases, unlike clauses, do not contain a subject and a verb.

Since 1980 the US GDP has been declining.

The comma after short introductory phrases like these can be easily omitted if the sentence is clear.(2)

Since then I have been learning marketing.

Since 2018 Rebecca has been working here.

4. References

(1) Strunk JR., William; White, E.B. The Elements of Style. Chapter 1 — Elementary Rules of Usage.

(2) Kaufman, Lester; Straus, Jane. The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation. Chapter 2 (punctuation).


since — перевод на русский


It’s been a while since I’ve been with anybody, but I—

Прошло много времени с тех пор, как у меня кто-то был, но я…

It’s ten years since I had a baby and nothing feels any better than it did the last time!

Прошло десять лет с тех пор, как у меня были роды, и я не ощущаю никаких изменений в лучшую сторону с того раза!

Since that day, I have been under his power.

С тех пор нахожусь под его властью.

«My husband died in the war, and I have not been the same since…»

«Мой муж не пришёл с войны, и с тех пор я сама не своя…»

And ever since then, Hamacher has been having a grand time.

И с тех пор, Хамахер великолепно проводит время.

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Since you’re going to the Lepics…

Раз уж вы идете к Лепикам…

Well, since I was crazy enough to drag you out here will you please leave that future in my hands for the next few weeks?

Раз уж я втянул тебя в это то позволь мне самому разобраться в течение нескольких недель?

But since we have to be in each other’s company this evening… we might just as well make conversation.

Но раз уж этим вечером мы оказались в компании друг друга… мы могли бы поговорить.

I mean, since you ask no matter what anybody else says, I think you’re a gentleman.

Ну, раз уж вы об этом спросили, то что бы кто ни говорил,.. …я считаю вас джентльменом.

Since you have two, give me one.

Раз уж у вас две головы, отдайте одну мне.

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Only, it’s been a long while since we enlisted out of this classroom.

Только, это было так давно когда мы оставили этот класс.

Since when are you in trouble?

И давно обстреливают?

It is the worst disaster since Titanic.

Ага… давно не орал… Похоже, проголодался!

It’s been so long since we all shared a meal.

Давно мы не ужинали вместе. И ты отец.

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It’s been the best in its field since the First World War.

Они лучшие в этой сфере со времён Первой мировой войны.

Do you know that this is the biggest development since Sophie Tucker?

Это самый большой рост капитала… со времен Софи Такер.

So she hired me, the greatest detective since Sherlock Holmes.

Вот она и наняла меня, самого великого детектива со времён Шерлока Холмса.

Since the pyramids Xanadu is the costliest monument a man has built to himself.

Со времен пирамид, это самый дорогой монумент, который человек возводил для себя.

I don’t think I’m any Napoleon but I’ve come a long way since the old Eighth.

Я не считаю себя Наполеоном, но я проделал долгий путь со времен старика Эйта.

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Well, gentlemen. Since that day you saw me last, I have been out in the great world. And I have learned a great deal.

С того дня, господа, когда вы видели меня в последний раз, я вышел в большой мир и многому научился.

You haven’t changed a bit since our last barbecue at Twelve Oaks… where you sat under a tree surrounded by dozens of beaus.

Вы ничуть не изменились с того дня в Двенадцати Дубах когда вы сидели в окружении дюжины поклонников.

Ever since the day I lost Caroline why, I haven’t been able to write a line.

С того дня, как я потерял Кэролин я не могу написать ни строчки.

Since the day you left the clinic… you’ve played an ignoble comedy.

С того дня, как ты покинула клинику, ты разыгрываешь отвратительный спектакль.

— Not since that day?

С того дня?

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I had to, since Dede was broke.

Мне пришлось, потому что Деде был на мели.

So Gaby couldn’t write since she’s being watched?

Габи не могла мне написать, потому что за ней следят?

Since her happiness depends on it.

Потому что ее счастье зависит от этого.

That’s what the family calls you, since you’re a Sir living in Paris.

— Так называют тебя в семье, потому что ты Господин и живёшь в Париже.

— Only since I’ve had to.

Только потому что мне приходится.

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It’s been five years since I made love without the TV on.

Я уже пять лет не занималась любовью без включенного телевизора.

And ten years since somebody held my hand.

И десять лет меня никто не держал меня за руку.

I would say offhand that it must be easily 30 years since any living thing set foot in this town.

Похоже, сюда уже более 30 лет не ступала нога живых существ.

Eight years since I seen her.

Восемь лет я ее не видел.

Ten whole years since we saw each other last.

Долгих 10 лет. Вот встреча!

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Ever since we were kids, there’s been no one but her.

С самого детства для меня не существует никого, кроме нее.

He said he loved me ever since I wasn’t any bigger than a fire hydrant or something.

Он сказал, что он любит меня с самого детства больше всего на свете.

It is because I have set free something within me… something that, ever since I can remember, has been like a rock… caught in my heart, in my brain… pushing at me, choking me.

Потому что я освободил нечто внутри себя,.. нечто, что с самого детства было подобно камню,.. жгущему мое сердце, мой мозг,..

Ever since he was a child… he thought rules weren’t made for him.

с самого детства он думал, что правила не для него.

I’ve loved her ever since I fixed her roller skates.

Я влюблен в нее с самого детства.

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But since it’s directly related to national security,

я еще приду.

Since we are here.

И ты ещё смеешь разгуливать тут?

Sadakichi, you’ve been working here since Father’s time.

Садакити, вы работали здесь ещё при моём покойном отце.

Then you’ve been engaged since your youth?

Значит вы были помолвлены еще в юности?

I ain’t seen him since he was little.

Я видела его ещё маленьким.

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The 10th day since the kidnapping passed without any tangible result, although the police continue to run down every clue.

10 дней с момента похищения не принесли ожидаемых результатов. Хотя полиция продолжает обыскивать каждый закоулок.

I’ve managed the house since Mrs. De Winter’s death and Mr. De Winter has never complained.

Я управляю домом с момента смерти миссис де Винтер, и мистер де Винтер никогда не жаловался.

Been to the club since you got back?

Вы уже были в клубе, с момента возвращения?

I’ve been drinking all day every day since the day before you left for California.

Я пила целй день каждый день, с момента твоего отъезда в Калифорнию.

Sally, how long has it been since the explosion?

Салли, сколько прошло с момента взрыва?

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Asked by: Laron Strosin

Score: 4.5/5
(3 votes)

It’s been a while since I had a good deer roast. It’s been a long time since we all went out to eat together. We haven’t sparred since . She’d been trying to get her hands on it since arriving.

How do you use since in a sentence?

Preposition I haven’t seen him since yesterday. I haven’t eaten since breakfast. Since the party, she has not spoken to him at all. The company has been in its present location since the beginning of the century.

Can start sentence with since?

The word ‘since’ can be used to begin a sentence. The word ‘since’ functions as an adverb, preposition, or conjunction. No matter how it functions, it…

Can a sentence end with since?

Related to this question: «Since» at the end of a sentence where it was stated that since can be used at the end of a sentence: There were the children to consider. She had told him she wanted a divorce two days ago, and neither of them had slept since.

How do you end a sentence with ever since?

You may also see ever since at the end of the sentence. What it means is starting from that time or thereafter. Examples; He left home three weeks ago and we haven’t heard from him since.

45 related questions found

What is since in grammar?

In English, we use since to refer to a point of time. Since can refer to a point after a specific time or event in the past. Or it can refer to a particular point beginning sometime in the past and continuing until the present time. … The important point is that since is used with a particular point in time.

Where do we use as in a sentence?

We use as to introduce two events happening at the same time. After as with this meaning, we usually use a simple (rather than continuous) form of the verb: As the show increases in popularity, more and more tickets are sold daily. When you get older, moving house gets harder.

How do you put as in a sentence?

As sentence example

  1. She’s as perfect as she can be. …
  2. Her face warmed as she thought of it. …
  3. As she left the kitchen, his voice followed her. …
  4. The fire snapped as it grew. …
  5. For a few minutes they held on to each other, kissing as if they hadn’t seen each other in a week. …
  6. He was very tall— as tall as a man.

How do you use because of this in a sentence?

She felt cheated, stunted, revengeful because of this common fate. Nothing can be done thoroughly because of this hindering folly. It is because of this pioneer work that coulomb deserves so much praise. Few of the tabloids has kind words to say about Selena because of this decision to get back to her ex-boyfriend.

What is the example of since?

An example of since is when you are late because your watch broke. An example of since is the period of time that has passed after yesterday. Continuously from. They have been friends since childhood.

What kind of word is since?

We use since as a preposition, a conjunction and an adverb to refer to a time, and as a conjunction to introduce a reason.

What does since before mean?

‘Since before (or previous) to the coming of whites’ refers to a state or condition that prevailed prior to the named event and acts as a contrast.

Is due to in a sentence?

Simple Example 1: The traffic jam was due to a terrible accident at the intersection. In the above-mentioned sentence, the phrase due to has been used to present the reason for the noun traffic jam. The reason for traffic jam, grammatically a noun entity, is a terrible accident.

How do you use due to the fact in a sentence?

This was partly due to the fact that the award has recently suffered financial difficulties. This is partly due to the fact that regional governments are still working. This rise is partly due to the fact that many more boys are ringing us. The oversight must have been due to the fact that he wasn’t born yet.

Is due to correct grammar?

Technically speaking, “due to” should only be used as an adjective and come after a noun. For instance, you could say: The cancellation was due to rain. “Cancellation” is a noun, and “due to” is describing it. “Because of,” on the other hand, should modify verbs.

How do you use as well as in a sentence?

As-well-as sentence example

  1. I know you as well as I know anyone else. …
  2. He could be tender and thoughtful, as well as charming. …
  3. Send me men who know this city as well as he does. …
  4. This wasn’t going as well as she had planned. …
  5. If you knew Mr. …
  6. He opened the door to the rooms he knew as well as his cabin.

What is a example sentence?

[M] [T] He is still alive. [M] [T] He is still angry. [M] [T] He is still young. [M] [T] He is very honest.

How do you use the word example in a sentence?

You use for example to introduce and emphasize something which shows that something is true.

  1. … …
  2. Take, for example, the simple sentence: ‘The man climbed up the hill’.
  3. A few simple precautions can be taken, for example ensuring that desks are the right height.

Is as in a sentence?

Is-as sentence example. «Jule is as old as you,» Damian said. It really is as spectacular as he described. His place is as busy as a country doctor’s waiting room in flu season.

Can a sentence start with as?

In that case, it is generally OK to start a sentence with «as,» particularly in informal writing. Some purists would argue that one should never start a sentence with a conjunction in formal writing, but the tide is beginning to turn on that former truism.

What we can use instead of because?


  • ’cause,
  • as,
  • as long as,
  • being (as or as how or that)
  • [chiefly dialect],
  • considering,
  • for,
  • inasmuch as,

What is without in grammar?

from English Grammar Today. The preposition without means ‘not having something’ or ‘lacking something’: I can’t drink tea without milk.

What is the difference since and for?

While for represents a specific period or duration of time since is used to denote a particular moment in time. When we use the word ‘since’ to refer to a particular time, the verb used in the main clause, is either in the present/past perfect tense or present/past perfect continuous tense.

What is due to in grammar?

Due to is an adjective, which describes or modifies a noun. When combined with the rest of the sentence, it functions as an adjectival prepositional phrase. You can’t use due to in the same way as because of. Here are some sentences that use due to when modifying a noun.

Since can be used as an adverb, a conjunction and a preposition.

Since as a preposition

As a preposition, since is followed by a noun/noun equivalent which acts as its object.

  • She has changed a lot since her marriage.
  • Everything has changed so much since our last meeting.

As an adverb

When since is used as an adverb, it is not followed by a noun.

  • The boy went missing on Tuesday and hasn’t been seen since.

As a conjunction

Since can also be used as a conjunction. As a conjunction, since is used to connect two clauses. Clauses introduced by since typically show one of the two associations: time or cause/reason

  • Since he had not studied hard, he failed his exam.
  • Since I had no money, I couldn’t buy anything to eat.
  • Since she was tired, she took some rest.

A since-clause introducing reason usually comes at the beginning of the sentence. A since-clause indicating time can come either before or after the main clause.

  • She has written many books since she left college. / Since she left college, she has written many books.


When since is used to talk about time, the verb in the main clause is usually in the present perfect or past perfect (simple or continuous) tense.

  • She had been acting in films since she was four.
  • I have been working on this project since the end of June.
  • It has been raining since morning.

Sometimes the simple present or simple past tense is also used.

Since means ‘starting at a particular point in the past and continuing until now’.

  • I have known him since he was born.
  • India has been an independent country since 1947.
  • It has been several decades since India won a gold medal in Olympic Hockey.
  • It has been several centuries since Vasco da Gama landed in India.

Ever since

  • She started teaching at twenty and has been doing it ever since.
  • Ever since I was a child, I have wanted to become a writer.

“Since” can be an expression of time, and it can mean “because”.

“Since” as a time expression

When used to express time, the word “since” means:
— from a time in the past until the present
— from a time in the past until another time in the past.

1. From a time in the past until the present

Because of its relationship with time “since” must be used with the correct verb tense. Have a look at these examples of a common mistake:

He is out of the office since you last phoned.
As you may recall, the Paris office assists us with this project since it started.
Mr Jones is employed by the Company since September 2016.

In these three sentences the writers have made the mistake of using the Present Simple tense (is / assists / is employed) instead of the Present Perfect tense.

He has been out of the office since you last phoned.
As you may recall, the Paris office has assisted us with this project since it started.
Mr Jones has been employed by the Company since September 2016.

Note that these examples follow this pattern:
Present Perfect tense in the main clause and Past tense (or a date in the past) after “since”.

More examples:
No Public Authority or third party has raised any claims or allegations under Clause 4.1 since the Agreement was signed.

Since he joined the firm as a junior associate in 1998, he has become one of the most highly regarded lawyers in his field.

(Since joining… is an alternative structure that may be used in this type of sentence.)

In all sentences of this type you must use the Present Perfect tense in the main clause. However, the rule that you use the Past tense after “since” is flexible. Sometimes we can use the Present Perfect here as well. For example:

The department has been extremely busy since we have had an office in Mumbai.
I’ve been feeling much better since I’ve been taking more exercise.

We use the Past tense after “since” when we refer to a point in time in the past, and we use the Present Perfect after “since” when we refer to a period of time from the past until the present. We could rewrite the above two examples to refer to points in time (and use the Past tense after “since”) as follows:

The department has been extremely busy since we opened an office in Mumbai.
I’ve been feeling much better since I started taking more exercise.

2. From a time in the past until another time in the past

“Since” can also be used to express time from a starting point in the past until an end point in the past. Such sentences may follow this pattern:

Past Perfect tense in the main clause and Past tense after “since”.

We were sorry to lose MaxCo when they ceased operations in Poland in 2016. They had been a client of ours since they entered the country in 2003.

In 2013 I was asked to direct the company’s promotional film. I had not done anything like that since I worked in TV advertising in 1993.

When I arrived I realised that they had been in the meeting since 9 am.

It is also possible to use the pattern Past Perfect tense in the main clause and Past Perfect tense after “since”. For example:

It had been 20 years since I had directed any kind of film.

3. “Ever since”

You can add stress to “since” by adding “ever”.

Our two senior partners have known each other ever since they were at primary school.

He moved to London in 1994 and he has been living there ever since.

4. Do NOT use “since” to express present time, future time or general time

Note that in all the above examples, “since” is used to describe past time. When used to express time, “since” can ONLY be used in this way.

We want the office to start operating since now, or by the end of June at the latest.

I’ll be in the bar since 7 o’clock this evening.

General time
The licence-granting procedure should not take longer than 90 days since the submission of the application.

Instead use “from”:

We want the office to start operating from now, or by the end of June at the latest.

I’ll be in the bar from 7 o’clock this evening.

General time
The licence-granting procedure should not take longer than 90 days from the submission of the application.

5. Do NOT use “since” to express duration

The Landlord may terminate the Agreement with immediate effect if the Tenant is in arrears with payments since three months.

Although we would usually expect a decision within six weeks of making an application, the Claimant has now been waiting since ten weeks.

Instead use “for”:

The Landlord may terminate the Agreement with immediate effect if the Tenant is in arrears with payments for three months.

Although we would usually expect a decision within six weeks of making an application, the Claimant has now been waiting for ten weeks.

Another common mistake

He worked at Microsoft since 2003 to 2006.

He worked at Microsoft from 2003 to 2006.

Do not use “since” with “to”. Use “from” and “to” or “from” and “until”. Another example:

He worked at the company from the moment he qualified until his retirement.

According to the statement, no accidents at work or on the way to or from work have occurred since 2006 until now.

According to the statement, no accidents at work or on the way to or from work have occurred since 2006.

Because “since” — and the Present Perfect tense — incorporate “until now” into their meanings, including “until now” in the above sentence is not necessary.

“Since” meaning “because”

We do not recommend the course of action you propose since there is a risk that the employee will refer the matter to court.

This usage of “since” is rather formal, and may be ambiguous in some sentences because “since” is more commonly used to express time. Consider this example:

We have analysed the tax aspects of the transaction since we were instructed to do so.

This could mean “We have analysed the tax aspects because we were instructed to do so” or “We have been analysing the tax aspects from the time we were instructed to do so”.

As a result, I recommend using “because” or “as” instead of “since”.

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