Sentences starting with the word after

1. After dinner sit awhile, after supper walk a mile. 

2. Pride goeth before, and shame cometh after

3. After black clouds, clear weather.

4. Counsel after action is like rain after harvest. 

5. Fish and guests smell after three days. 

6. After dinner comes the reckoning.

7. Do not run too fast after gain. 

8. After a storm comes a calm. 

9. It is easy to prophesy after the event. 

10. Dogs that run after many hares kill none. 

11. It is easy to be wise after the event. 

12. Joy often comes after sorrow, like morning after night. 

13. Pride goes before, and shame follows after

14. The devil looks after his own. 

15. The world is but a little place[], after all. 

16. One hour’s sleep before midnight is worth three after

17. Step after step the ladder is ascended. 

18. Rain comes after sunshine, and after a dark cloud, a clear sky. 

19. If you run after two hares, you will catch neither. 

20. Never embark on what comes after without having mastered what goes before. 

21. It’s no use locking the stable door after the horse has bolted. 

22. After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a while. 

23. After the verb to love, to help is the most beautiful verb in the world. 

24. After meat[Sentence dictionary], mustard.

25. If you run after two heares, you will catch neither. 

26. I felt fairly easy after taking the medicine.

27. The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully 19 have been kindness, beauty and truth. 

28. It is too late to shut the stable door after the horse has been stolen. 

29. My father had always said that there are four things a child needs plenty of love, nourishing food, fegular sleep, and lots of soap and water—and after those, what he needs most is some intelligent neglect. 

30. It is not enough to help the feeble up, but to support him after



  • #1

Can I start a sentence with the word ‘After’? I cant find a list of words not to use at the begining of a sentence and im not sure if after sounds correct.

e.g. After graduating from university with a first class honours degree in 2004, I began my career managing scientific research projects.


  • #2

That is totally fine.

You are not supposed to start a sentence with and, but, or, nor in formal writing.

Sentences starting with after

  • After I left your uncle’s house my father took me to Charlestown. [9]
  • After this, consult your taste and convenient. [6]
  • After the theatres you want to be amused. [4]
  • After almost killing you I’ve pulled you through. [13]
  • After all, as you are a gentleman or a lady, you will probably select gentlemen for your bodily and spiritual advisers, and then all will be right. [6]
  • After a grievous yet hopeful leave-taking I came home again, leaning on his arm, through the cool autumn night. [10]
  • After all these years, Mr. Daaken stands before me a prominent figure of the past in an ill-fitting suit of snuff colour. [9]
  • After all these years, I see that I was mistaken about Eve in the beginning; it is better to live outside the Garden with her than inside it without her. [5]
  • After all these years was he going to speak of Philip? [11]
  • After many, many years the man sat by a coffin, in an empty home. [5]

Sentences ending with after

  • But of the young lady after. [11]
  • They will seize you to-morrow, or the day after. [10]
  • Perhaps some good wine would be of service to him—not to-day, but to-morrow or the day after. [10]
  • I think she will, if she is the one I am seeking after. [6]
  • I don’t know who she takes after. [9]
  • We all gasped when she brought Adelaide to recite from ‘Romeo and Juliet’ at an evening party, but all London did the same the week after. [11]
  • But though some went many stayed, camping among the booths, since the Fair was for tomorrow and for other to-morrows after. [11]
  • The Munich zoologist von Siebold we first knew intimately years after. [10]
  • But see, those two, though not good-looking, are even more run after. [2]
  • That was what Tom Sawyer was after. [5]

Short sentences using after

  • After that permits were issued. [9]
  • After luncheon she waited again. [5]
  • After a little they rose. [11]
  • Wait till after the storms. [13]
  • That comes after the crime. [5]
  • Farewell till after the battle! [10]
  • This first and that after! [10]
  • Looking after those ten millions. [4]
  • He was much sought after. [9]
  • After lunch, recitations, songs, etc. [6]

Sentences containing after two or more times

  • I had simply written her that after the campaign I had gone for a rest to California; yet in her letters to me, after this information had reached her, I detected a restrained anxiety and affection that troubled me. [9]
  • After he had worked at the Rathhaus long after hours, he would go home alone, and no one sought him out to pass an hour in his company, for everyone feared the rough and brutal frankness of his speech. [10]
  • After the occurrence with the Arab, the other event was certainly much less prominent, and here, after many years, I can see that the act was less in her than it would have been in others. [11]
  • But after all, what labour is after is more money, isn’t it? [9]
  • And how fair were the visions that rose before her young fancy as she broke off one piece after another and hastily eat them after slightly moistening them with the fresh oil. [10]
  • The young wife was tired after her long journey and went early to bed, and when the housekeeper was finally left alone with Melchior, he begged her to tell him how things had gone with his father, after his departure. [10]
  • The same conversation was repeated next day and the day after, and the day after that. [2]
  • Mena’s pretty wife was however absent, and Katuti did not send for her even after he had enquired after her health. [10]
  • After four years’ waiting, after a bitter quarrel in which both had been to blame, he was coming from the mining town of Selby to marry her to- morrow. [11]
  • Shortly after his victory, after all the important passes and strongholds had been conquered by his troops, he set out for Egypt with his train and the vanquished princes. [10]

More example sentences with the word after in them

  • He crawls after Zeno; he submits to authority, and requires more independent spirits to do the same. [10]
  • You ‘ll find yourself a very odd piece of property after you ‘ve been through these experiences. [6]
  • You don’t mean you’re trying to arrest me again, after letting me go? [11]
  • You may thank your own nobility and courage that you remained in London after that. [9]
  • When you receive your next 1/4 yr’s salary, don’t send any of it here until after you have told me you have got it. [5]
  • If you open your mouth against me only once after that time you can’t travel so far but I will find you. [5]
  • Let that be your model; and remember, on peril of your reputation as a prophet, not to put a stop before or after the nunquam. [6]
  • The day after your baptism she died. [11]
  • The answer to your arguments is to be seen on every side, atheism, hypocrisy, vice, misery, insane and cruel grasping after wealth. [9]
  • I only made your acquaintance after I had rescued you, and I opposed the mob, not for the sake of any particular man, but for that of law and order. [10]
  • And after the young woman had told with great simplicity and earnestness of the struggle to support herself and lead an honest and self-respecting existence, it seemed to Honora that at last she had opened the book of life at the proper page. [9]
  • Many of these young people will jump up twenty times a day and run to dabble the tips of their fingers in water, after touching the most inoffensive objects. [6]
  • If it fails, young master, you will not live a whole minute after, I promise you that. [5]
  • Another, a mature young lady of fifteen, who waited on the table, in the leisure after supper asked the Friend for a light for her cigarette, which she had deftly rolled. [4]
  • I don’t suppose you’ll be quite sane again till after the first number is out. [8]
  • Probably it was you, too, who had him flung into the water, after you had vented your wrath on him? [10]
  • They’ll ride after you, but it won’t be no use. [13]
  • An’ may be you won’t believe it, but after that you never see a cat so prejudiced agin quartz mining as what he was. [5]
  • Last Easter day you were in a drunken sleep while Mass was being said; after the funeral of your own father you were drunk again. [11]
  • The first thing you want in a new country, is a patent office; then work up your school system; and after that, out with your paper. [5]
  • I always thought you took after old Major Gideon Withers. [6]
  • I’ll talk with you tomorrow, and am I not right, Jungfrau Elsyou won’t make him suffer for losing the wager, but exercise your domestic authority after a more gentle fashion? [10]
  • I confess to you that I’ve been a little afraid at times that you’d take after Jonathan’s father. [9]
  • I mean, if you talk, won’t people notice that your voice is just like Jubiter’s; and mightn’t it make them think of the twin they reckoned was dead, but maybe after all was hid all this time under another name? [5]
  • The same if you shook the table-cloth after sundown. [5]
  • First my wife you shall be, and after that I will win your love; in spite of all, mine now, though it is shifted for the moment. [11]
  • Did you, after you saw me in the court of sacrifice, not think of me so often and so vividly that it astonished you? [10]
  • Judge Tileston died, you remember, within a month after he had his great ball, twelve year ago, and some thought it was in the natur’ of a judgment. [6]
  • They know how you love animals, and so they try to do you honor and show their love for you by naming all those creatures after you; insomuch that if a body should step out and call «Joan of Arc—come! [5]
  • Five minutes after you left me they all started for your house, and Lula Chandos said it was the quickest cure of a headache she had ever seen. [9]
  • I guess, and you know, that Flint hasn’t treated you decently this summer after all you’ve done for him, and I admire the way you’re standing by him. [9]
  • And yet, do you know, Miss Raglan, I don’t feel a bit ashamed of it, after all: which may be evidence of my lost condition. [11]
  • If, Herr Casper, you intend to share with my wife and the twins what is left after the old wealth has gone, unfortunately, I cannot permit you to do so. [10]
  • Bless me, if you had gone along there some such nights after twelve you might have seen as many as fifteen of us roosting on one limb, with our joints rattling drearily and the wind wheezing through our ribs! [5]
  • What business have you got sleuthing ’round after me like this? [9]
  • From one citizen you gather the idea that Mauritius was made first, and then heaven; and that heaven was copied after Mauritius. [5]
  • We’re square—though maybe you didn’t kill her after all. [11]
  • Don’t you think you can get it into the Jan. and Feb. numbers and issue it as a dollar booklet just after the middle of Jan. when you issue the Feb. number? [5]
  • He will feed you bounteously—if—if there is any left after he shall have helped himself. [7]
  • In the morning you are going to begin, and after that it will come easy. [5]
  • To your sorrow you are aware that frequently, much too frequently, when a book gets to be five or ten years old its annual sale shrinks to two or three hundred copies, and after an added ten or twenty years ceases to sell. [5]
  • But seriously, Jethro, you and Wetherell ought to send her to school in Boston after a while. [9]
  • But I guess you and I will have some more talk after a while,—after Theodore Watling gets to be United States Senator. [9]
  • Arriving in New York, after an adventurous voyage, he met a number of old Californians—men who believed in him—and urged him to lecture. [5]
  • True, he had yielded reluctantly to this arrangement of his parents’ old friend, and neither she nor Daphne had hitherto succeeded in soothing the fierce resentment against fate which filled his soul after the loss of his sight and his dearest friend. [10]
  • Evelyn was not yet out, but she was very nearly out, and after the late notoriety Mrs. Mavick dreaded the regular Newport season. [4]
  • The third—Charlotte’s contribution—is yet in manuscript, but will be published shortly after the appearance of this memoir. [14]
  • She had not yet achieved peace, and much of the weary task would have to be done over after he was gone. [9]
  • At 11.40 A.M. yesterday General Rosecrans telegraphed from Chattanooga: «We hold this point, and I cannot be dislodged except by very superior numbers and after a great battle. [7]
  • I was busy yesterday and I did not intend to go, knowing I should have another «Tannh:auser» opportunity in a few days; but after five o’clock I found myself free and walked out to the opera-house and arrived about the beginning of the second act. [5]
  • I am jealous, yes, I own I am jealous of any word, spoken or written, that would tend to impair that birthright of reverence which becomes for so many in after years the basis of a deeper religious sentiment. [6]
  • But after many years, as I looked on the little front-yard again, it occurred to me that there used to be some Star-of-Bethlehems in the southwest corner. [6]
  • Now, after ten years, a bill was finally passed to pay to Moses the difference between what he earned in that unlucky year and what he received. [5]
  • After all the years that had passed since his wife had left him, Jean Jacques did explode. [11]
  • After so many years of waiting and longing, he was mine at last. [5]
  • The initiated, after years of wading through the mire, will recognize instantly the significant difference between filthy filth and funny «filth. [5]
  • Thus, after seven years of vicissitudes, ended a «pleasure trip» to the silver mines of Nevada which had originally been intended to occupy only three months. [5]
  • Even after three years of more or less intimacy between us, Farrar still wore his exterior of pessimism and indifference, the shell with which he chose to hide a naturally warm and affectionate disposition. [9]
  • When, after long years of effort, he succeeded in getting the rate established, he at once bent his energies in the direction of cheap cable service and a letter from him came one day to Stormfield concerning his new plans. [5]
  • After all the years he had disapproved of Austen’s deeds it seemed strange indeed to be called to account by the prodigal for his own. [9]
  • For thirty long years he had been in one sense homeless, his wife having lost her reason three years after they were married. [11]
  • After all these years have you dropped from the weight of a blow? [9]
  • After almost three years’ experience, Winslow says, he can scarce distinguish New England from Old England, in respect of heat and cold, frost, snow, rain, winds, etc. [3]
  • After being five years at the Port School, the time drew near when I was to enter college. [6]
  • And not many years after the time of which I now write Lord Carlisle was paying fifteen hundred a year on the sum he had loaned him, cheerfully denying himself the pleasures of London as a consequence. [9]
  • If in seven years after marriage a man could buy a mattress and a sack of chaff to rest his head on, he thought himself as well lodged as a lord. [4]
  • This is a yearning after beauty and ornamentation which has no other means of gratifying itself. [4]
  • Love continued to yearn for him even after she had sundered the bond; but he often yielded to the longing for his higher home, of whose splendours he retained a memory, and soared upward. [10]
  • At length a yearly honorarium was sent to him, and then again, after a dignified delay, there was forwarded to him a suggestion from the Cabinet that he should come to Brisbane and take a more important position. [11]
  • There, once a year, one caravan comes, and, at the outskirts of the place unclean, leaves food and needful things for another year, and returns again to Egypt after many days. [11]
  • For an entire year the suffering Fisher family remained quiet—even satisfied, after a fashion. [5]
  • During the first year or, two after it happened, I could not bear to think of it. [5]
  • That was a year after you left, now about three years gone. [11]
  • During the first year after the catastrophe at Kaid’s Palace Hylda could scarcely endure the advances made by her many admirers, the greatly eligible and the eager ineligible, all with as real an appreciation of her wealth as of her personal attributes. [11]
  • It was a year after that terrible affair of the necklace, and she wished to be distracted from thinking of the calumnies which were being heaped upon her. [9]
  • By the seventh year after our home-coming my hardest cares for the concerns of my trade were overpast, albeit I must even yet keep my eyes open and give brain and body no rest. [10]
  • Nick’s imitation of Xavier, and his description of Benjy’s terrors after the storm, were so perfect that I laughed quite as heartily; and Madame de St. Gre wiped her eyes and repeated continually, «Quel drole monsieur! [9]
  • Now I never wrote a «good» line in my life, but the moment after it was written it seemed a hundred years old. [6]
  • It would be wrong, it would be impossible, to give the man anything after such insolence. [8]
  • If it’s all wrong as it is, it’s all wrong for both, and, maybe, the worst of what comes after is better than the worst of what is here. [11]
  • Whether they were written with smiles or not, you can guess better after you have read them. [6]
  • True, the hastily written sentences presented some difficulties even for Biberli, but after glancing through the whole letter, he exclaimed with a satisfied smile: «Just as I expected! [10]
  • It had been written just after Georg’s return the day before, and ran as follows: «Joyously they march along, Lights are flashing through the panes, In the streets a busy throng Curiosity enchains. [10]
  • Six days after writing his letter Shelley and his wife were together again for a moment—to get remarried according to the rites of the English Church. [5]
  • Mr Brass, after writhing about, in a great many strange attitudes, and often twisting his face and eyes into an expression like that which is usually produced by eating gooseberries very early in the season, was by this time awake also. [12]
  • And as I write these words, after the Italian retreat, a second revolution seems possible. [9]
  • We need not write their names on these walls, after the fashion of those civic dignitaries who immortalize themselves on tablets of marble and gates of iron. [3]
  • One has to write according to the impulse that seizes one and after the fashion of one’s own mind. [11]
  • But Jean Jacques would, no doubt, send it after her with his curse. [11]
  • Try as she would to keep it trim after the manner of her people, it still waved loosely on her forehead and over her ears. [11]
  • Day after day would the sun rise over the forest and beat down upon the little enclosure in which we were penned. [9]
  • In explanation I would say that ‘The Lane that Had no Turning’ was written after the present book was finished. [11]
  • And when I would rise from table silent and with drooping head, the Magister would full often beg leave to follow me to my chamber, and comfort me after his own guise. [10]
  • Still the matron would not allow herself to be persuaded, and after the chief priest had been called away to the service of the god, Euryale reproved her sister-in-law for her too great zeal. [10]
  • I said I would never wear armor after this trip. [5]
  • He said he would never claim them, after I read them to him in my version. [6]
  • After all, she would make such a wife for his son as few men possessed. [9]
  • Generation after generation would labour with unflagging zeal until the art sculptured fragment of the new Cathedral—the new Cathedral of Democracy —pointed upward toward the blue vault of heaven. [9]
  • And so matters would have remained, and in a few weeks, after passing the examination, I should have returned to my happy mother, had not a perverse Fate willed otherwise. [10]
  • After that he would have nothing more to do with the family estates. [10]

This page helps answer: how do I use the word after in a sentence? How do you use after in a sentence? Can you give me a sentence for the word after?
It contains example sentences with the word after, a sentence example for after, and after in sample sentence.

After sentence example. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use after in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for after.

  • Day after to-morrow. (10)
  • She asks after my health. (10)
  • Dietrich glared after him. (10)
  • Would she not call after him? (8)
  • But this was long after the act. (8)
  • Then he should see her, after all! (9)
  • You shall hear us after breakfast. (10)
  • After all, it was he that had the luck! (8)
  • His pair of seconds were soon after him. (10)
  • They sent for her after a lapse of hours. (10)
  • After which he transferred it to his pocket. (22)
  • The self-made man is the funniest wind-bag after all! (2)
  • His face was to the ground; after a while he was still. (10)
  • After all these empty years was she not to have her hour? (8)
  • After that one would see, or more probably one would not. (8)
  • On three occasions, Jimmy Fort made his appearance after dinner. (8)
  • After a successful career in England, he came to America in 1880. (3)
  • No wonder, at seventy-two, after twenty years of a third marriage! (8)
  • Last night, for instance, we were sitting in the loggia after supper. (8)
  • Leila had been so queer that he had taken leave immediately after supper. (8)
  • After three days of cold and hunger they were fain to give up the attempt. (19)
  • After all, was there any other way in which she could really have developed? (8)
  • But after several mornings she must see that he is very strong and handsome. (9)
  • A minute after they were gone Lottie bounced into the room, followed by Boyne. (9)
  • I constantly meet old friends of yours here who ask after you affectionately. (14)
  • After a maddening delay, it lagged up to the curb and Jeff pulled the door open. (9)
  • Again in the crowded streets so full of traffic, people turned to look after her. (8)
  • Immediately after, the fire burst out and illuminated the horizon for miles around. (21)
  • After all, dared he go so far as that, and show her what there was to look forward to! (8)
  • Morning had broken, clear and sparkling after the long rain, and full of scent and song. (8)
  • I was not in love with her then, not for twelve years after, but I have never for gotten. (8)
  • Thence, after the Reformation, it passed into the hands of a true-blue Protestant family. (2)
  • Then followed ninety-three signatures, or signs of the cross with names printed after them. (8)
  • Beaton talked with Christine the greater part of the evening that was left after the concert. (9)
  • Then they had gone away, after closing the door of the house, and all had been silent again. (12)
  • Could he expect to be noticed again by the regiment, after such an affront to Colonel Forster? (4)
  • The aspect of the new intolerable world I was to live in after to-morrow, paralyzed sensation. (10)
  • To be kept up for hours, after the family were in bed, by stupid pamphlets was not very likely. (4)
  • You may be sure that it was a social question with her after the personal question was settled. (9)
  • After that he stops at all the openings in the hedge; one day, with a beating heart, he tries one. (8)
  • She ran through delusion and delusion, exhausting each and hugging it after the false life was out. (10)
  • I shall then go home, but whether to stay or not will be decided after I have looked about me there. (14)
  • It is, after all, what a writer has to say rather than what he has to tell that we care for nowadays. (9)
  • Early in 1831, after giving concerts on the way, he arrived at Paris, which was henceforth to be his home. (3)
  • After his ale-prompted speech in Fallow field, he was nerved to face the truth in the eyes of all save Rose. (10)
  • Mr. Thompson wiped his forehead, as Brutes might have done after passing judgment on the scion of his house. (10)
  • Only her misfortune was to have a furiously jealous husband, and they say he went mad after hearing the verdict. (10)
  • Probably she went to work transparently, after the insular fashion of opening a spiritual mystery with the lancet. (10)
  • Boyne implored him, as his captors made him quicken his pace after slowing a little for their colloquy with Breckon. (9)
  • At breakfast several of the ladies came and asked after Mrs. Maynard, whese restless night they had somehow heard of. (9)
  • He made her praise him for them, to his face, when he disclaimed their merit, and after his death, when he could not. (9)
  • He was, to his ill-luck, intensely susceptible, and where he led men after him to admire, his admiration became a fury. (10)
  • But she answered, with disheartening virtue, that they must not think of such a thing, after what they had spent already. (9)
  • I merely called, because I would not pass the door without inquiring after Mrs. Bates; but I have been so pleasantly detained! (4)
  • His message came after years of thwarted endeavor, and reinstated me in the belief that I could still do something in literature. (9)
  • After struggling along through unfrequented paths for nineteen miles, subject to constant alarms, she came to a branch of a river. (19)
  • In the long street of silent houses, men sitting in the lighted cafes turned with glasses at their lips to stare after the carriage. (8)
  • After numerous European tours he came to the United States in 1888, where he dazzled his audiences by his unusual command of technic. (3)
  • I never spoke to a young lady for three years after, without a reeling in my head, so associated in my mind was love and sea-sickness. (6)
  • It is an unhappy condition in which every one of the athletes finds himself the morning after the violent exercise of the ring or bar. (21)
  • Perhaps, after all, her admiration, or whatever feeling it was, for the baronet, was sincere, and really the longing for a virtuous man. (10)
  • After the battle the red-men, like the Loyalists, had refused to live under the flag of the Republic and had migrated northward to Canada. (19)
  • The ladies, in their utter anguish, after inveighing against the baneful Port, had begged their father to delay no more to marry the woman. (10)
  • After his departure, Mrs. Sumfit sat and discoursed on deaths and burials, the certain end of all: at least, she corrected herself, the deaths were. (22)
  • After this the stream came fast; chaperones silting up along the wall facing the entrance, the volatile element swelling the eddy in the larger room. (8)
  • Hélène, one of the three sons of the brave Canadian named Le Moine, and after incredible hardships reached the village of Schenectady, on the Hudson. (19)
  • His moral decay began with his perception of the opportunity of making money quickly and abundantly, which offered itself to him after he sold his farm. (9)

Also see sentences for: following, later, next, subsequent, succeeding.

Definition of after:

  • after, aft’r, prep. and adv. behind in place: later in time: following in search of: in imitation of: in proportion to, or in agreement with: concerning: subsequent to, or subsequently: afterward: after the manner of, or in imitation of. | adj. behind in place: later in time: more toward the stern of a vessel. (0)

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what is the correct tense after the word after?

  • to do something after a child will be born
  • to do something after a child is born

asked Apr 6, 2018 at 20:33

wair92's user avatar


1193 bronze badges


I want to call the baby Mihira after she is born.

I want to call the baby Mihira after she will be born

I think the first sentence sounds natural to me because the second sentence is grammatically incorrect.

There is a rule in English that says that only simple present must be used after for future references.

Here is a link

answered Oct 6, 2019 at 14:57

Jvlnarasimharao's user avatar


3,2096 gold badges21 silver badges52 bronze badges


Use after will to talk about one future event that happens after another future event. Use it with the word when.

Our second child will be born after when our first child will be born. (Neither child has been born yet.)

The teacher will tell us the test date after when (she tells us) the paper will be due. (The teacher has not told us either the test date or the paper’s due date yet.)

If you are unsure, the best choice is after is. It sounds more natural and covers more situations.

Our second child will be born after our first child is born. (Neither child has been born yet.)

The teacher will tell us the test date after the paper is due. (The teacher has not told us the test date, but we know the paper’s due date.)

answered Apr 7, 2018 at 8:17

SeamusJ's user avatar


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