Sentences of the word tank

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word tank, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use tank in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «tank».

Tank in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word tank in a sentence.

  1. The two Qatari tank companies, with U.S.

  2. This turned into the Lince tank program.

  3. The first, the ARL 44, was an interim tank.

  4. The beans are first thrown into a deep tank.

  5. The water tank and powerhouse no longer exist.

  6. This revived interest in the medium tank concept.

  7. There is also a holding tank dump station for RVs.

  8. He also had a slightly larger fuel tank installed.

  9. Bhutanatha group of temples facing the Badami tank.

  10. Another was to suspend the bomb in a tank of water.

  11. None was lost; it was just moved into another tank.

  12. A third entered a nitrogen tank and was asphyxiated.

  13. The tank used in the film is a modified M5A1 Stuart.

  14. Wittmann wrote that his tank was disabled by an anti-tank gun in the town centre.

  15. C Squadron patrolled closer to Bir Gibni, observing the tank battles in that area.

  16. German tank losses are generally considered to be from 8–15, including six Tigers.

  17. A de-rated version was also the basis of the Rolls-Royce/Rover Meteor tank engine.

  18. The average cost per tank, in the first batch, was 45 million pesetas (US$642,800).

  19. Eric then lies and claims the protagonist stole the tank, stating that he in fact tried to stop them.

  20. Its replacement, the AMX 50, was cancelled in the mid-1950s in favor of adopting the M47 Patton tank.

  21. The system uses a multi-function Doppler radar, which can be turned on and off by the tank commander.

  22. At one point, gunners aboard the Frankford saw an immobilized tank at the water’s edge, still firing.

  23. A light-weight tank (LWT) was first flown on STS-6, which reduced tank weight by 4,700 kg (10,300 lb).

  24. The Leopard 1 and the AMX-30 originated from a joint tank development program known as the Europanzer.

  25. In July 1963, the defence committee of the German Bundesrat decided to procure a purely national tank.

  26. Bickerton painted the engine and fuel tank black to absorb heat better and protect them from freezing.

  27. These prototypes influenced a subsequent indigenous attempt to produce a tank, named the Trubia-Naval.

  28. The flight consisted of an MOL mockup built from a Titan II propellant tank, and Gemini spacecraft No.

  29. The longer tank gun has been retrofitted into the Leopard 2, creating a model known as the Leopard 2A6.

  30. Apart from the gun, the tank commander’s model 1932 panoramic periscope was also scavenged from a T-26.

  31. Loxton served in a tank division during World War II and made his first-class cricket debut in 1946–47.

  32. The N class was mechanically similar to the SECR K class 2-6-4 passenger tank engine, also by Maunsell.

  33. Most nations use rapid-fire cannon on light vehicles, replacing a more powerful, but heavier, tank gun.

  34. Montgomery told Horrocks that he was not to incur tank losses, so XIII Corps’ offensive operations were limited to raids.

  35. His ideal light tank included a 45-millimeter (1.8 in) tank gun, with 360-degree traverse and an elevation of 72 degrees.

  36. Meanwhile, Scott, McCoy, and Sulu trade the formula of transparent aluminium for the materials needed for the whale tank.

  37. This time, the French government consented and agreed to the sale of ten machine gun armed FTs and a single command tank.

  38. The infantry tank, according to Guderian, was to be heavily armored to defend against enemy anti-tank guns and artillery.

  39. The command tank was an FT chassis, with the turret replaced by a superstructure, carrying a single communications radio.

  40. Above the tank top level, on the Orlop Deck, F Deck and E Deck, the doors closed horizontally and were manually operated.

  41. The tank was powered by a Maybach HL-230 575 horsepower (429 kW) engine, and armed with a 90-millimetre (3.5 in) tank gun.

  42. The 15th Tank Corps (Russian: 15-й танковый корпус, 15-y tankoviy korpus) was a tank corps of the Soviet Union’s Red Army.

  43. The Leopard 2E is a major improvement over the M60 Patton tank, which it replaced in Spain’s mechanized and armored units.

  44. The 2-6-4 tank engine design had only been used once before for standard gauge locomotives in Britain, on the Great Central Railway’s 1B class freight locomotives of 1914.

  45. At 03:00 on July 16, the KPA launched a massive barrage of tank, artillery and mortar fire on the 19th Infantry positions and KPA troops began to cross the river in boats.

  46. Despite the improved guns, production of the Panzer III was ended in 1943, as the tank still could not match the T-34, and was replaced by the Panzer IV and Panther tanks.

  47. The TAM met the Argentine Army’s requirement for a modern, lightweight and fast tank with a low silhouette and sufficient firepower to defeat contemporary armored threats.

  48. Although Spain’s M47s and M48s were modernized to M47Es and M48Es, bringing them to near equivalence with the M60 Patton tank, the Spanish army considered them antiquated.

Synonyms for tank

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word tank has the following synonyms: army tank, armored combat vehicle, armoured combat vehicle, cooler, storage tank, tank car and tankful.

General information about «tank» example sentences

The example sentences for the word tank that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «tank» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «tank».

Sentences with the word Tank?



  • «the gas tank has a capacity of 12 gallons»
  • «liquid food compactly stored in a pressurized tank«
  • «You have ruined my car by pouring sugar in the tank!»; «The tears ruined her make-up»
  • «We drained the oil tank«
  • «a drained marsh»; «a drained tank«; «a drained and apathetic old man…not caring any longer about anything»
  • «the shark is a large fish»; «in the living room there was a tank of colorful fish»
  • «flush the wound with antibiotics»; «purge the old gas tank«
  • «the push of the water on the walls of the tank«; «the thrust of the jet engines»
  • «his outfit marched to the rearward of the tank divisions»
  • «the septic action occurs at the bottom of the septic tank«
  • «siphon gas into the tank«
  • «We had to swim for 20 minutes to reach the shore»; «a big fish was swimming in the tank«
  • «tank animal refuse»

бак, танк, резервуар, танковый, наливать в бак


- водоём; резервуар

rowing tank — спорт. бассейн для гребли

- цистерна, бак, чан

water tank — бак для воды
petrol tank, амер. gas(oline) /storage/ tank — бензобак
auxiliary /service/ tank — запасной бак
tank capacity — ёмкость бака

- фото бачок для проявления (тж. developing tank)
- (атомный) реактор (тж. reactor tank)
- отсек

watertight tank — водонепроницаемый отсек
water ballast tank — балластный отсек
to blow the tanks — освобождать (балластные) отсеки

- мор. опытный бассейн (тж. experimental, model или trial tank)
- элк. колебательный контур
- информ., вчт. накопитель

information tank — накопитель информации

- воен. танк


- наливать в бак
- сохранять в баке
- обрабатывать в баке
- разг. идти напролом; ≅ переть как танк

Мои примеры


the push of the water on the walls of the tank — давление воды на стенки резервуара  
liquid food compactly stored in a pressurized tank — жидкая пища, которая компактно хранится в герметичном контейнере  
to drain the tank of all water — выпускать всю воду из бака  
tank skeleton — каркас резервуара  
petrol tank — бензобак  
auxiliary / service tank — запасной бак  
tank mine — противотанковая мина  
slipper fuel tank — подвесной топливный бак  
bilge tank — сточная цистерна  
blanching tank — бланшировочная ванна  
bleach tank — белильный бак  
blend tank — купажный чан  

Примеры с переводом

The fuel tank’s almost empty.

Топливный бак почти пустой.

The petrol tank is leaking.

Бензобак протекает.

A big fish was swimming in the tank.

В аквариуме плавала большая рыбина.

They tanked the match.

Они нарочно проиграли матч.

The water tank is leaking.

Эта ёмкость для воды протекает.

The petrol tank suddenly ignited.

Топливный бак внезапно загорелся.

He tanked right over her without so much as noticing her. (A. Thirkell)

Он прошел мимо, даже не заметив ее.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He funneled the gas into the tank.

The shots penetrated the tank’s armor.

How thick should the glass in the tank be?

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

tank up — заправляться горючим, заправлять, накачиваться, наполнять бак

Возможные однокоренные слова

tankage  — хранение в цистернах, емкость цистерны, осадок в баке
tanked  — пьяный
tanker  — танкер, цистерна, танкист, наливное судно, самолет-заправщик
tanklike  — подобный танку, танкоподобный, подобный анодный контуру, подобный резервуару

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: tank
he/she/it: tanks
ing ф. (present participle): tanking
2-я ф. (past tense): tanked
3-я ф. (past participle): tanked

ед. ч.(singular): tank
мн. ч.(plural): tanks

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Last week I heard Tank threatening her.

На прошлой неделе я слышал, как Танк угрожал ей.

Tank Oplot are required for export.

«Танк «Оплот» нужен для экспорта.

Tank top for tinkerer: This pattern needs some concentration.

Верхняя часть бака для ворса: эта модель нуждается в некоторой концентрации.

Tank no. 736 followed the direction exactly.

Экипаж танка Nº 736 получил приказ следовать по направлению к Ровно.

Biography of Maxim Tank Maxim Tank is a Belarusian poet and writer.

Биография Максима Танка Максим Танк — белорусский поэт и писатель.

Install the Coolant Tank Handle onto the Tank

Установить ручки бака охлаждающей жидкости на танк

We didn’t see Tank this afternoon, unfortunately.

Мы не смогли найти спонсоров в этом году, к сожалению.

What happened to Tank after he assaulted you is not your responsibility.

То, что случилось с Тэнком после того, как он напал на тебя, это не твоя ответственность.

Tank valves intended for fuel sampling or water drainage shall close automatically.

Вентили цистерн, предназначенные для отбора проб топлива или слива воды, должны закрываться автоматически.

Tank corps is not to engage enemy tanks unless there is apparent superiority.

Корпус не должен ввязываться в танковые бои с танками противника, если нет явного превосходства над противником.

Tank transportation is internationally recognized as the safest chemical and food transportation mode.

Перевозка в цистернах признана во всем мире как самый безопасный способ транспортировки химикатов и пищевых продуктов.

Tank should be well planted with floating plants also used.

Аквариум должен быть хорошо засажен аквариумными растениями, плавающие растения также могут использоваться.

Tank leaked gasoline All over the place.

Цистерна дала течь, и все вокруг залило бензином.

Additional armament French Tank has not received.

Новый средний танк французская пехота так и не получила.

Tank rounds had impacted within 100 m of the Dutchbat position.

Выпущенные из танковых орудий снаряды разорвались в радиусе 100 метров от позиции голландского батальона.

For that, they needed Shark Tank.

You’ve seen the business people on Shark Tank.

Вы видели (или, возможно, слышали о) предприниматели в Shark Tank.

Corps and the 1st Tank Division was also successful initially.

БТРы и танки 1-й танковой дивизии также особого успеха поначалу не достигли.

Only female tanker in the 1st Guards Tank Army.

Единственная женщина — танкист в 1 — й гвардейской танковой армии.

3 Tank Battalions are not enough.

Я не считаю, что четырех батальонов достаточно.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат Tank

Результатов: 34684. Точных совпадений: 34684. Затраченное время: 188 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

It has been carefully surveyed for a possible railway alignment; and an excellent road now connects Tank (at its foot) with the Zhob line of communications to Quetta, and with Wana on the southern flank of Waziristan.

He could lie and tell them he was a police officer or sheriff and maybe squeeze some tidbit of information about recently released mom Patsy, but surely Fitzgerald would find out and tank his election ambitions, if those aspirations weren’t already six feet under.

Every installation is made up of a boiler or other water heater, a tank or cylinder to contain the water when heated, and a cistern of cold water, the supply from which to the system is regulated automatically by a ball valve.

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The automatic inlet of cold water to the hot water system from the main house tank or other source is controlled by a ball valve, which is so fixed as to allow the water to rise no more than an inch above the bottom of the tank, thus leaving the remainder of the space clear for expansion.

Except for making bottles of special colours, gas-heated tank furnaces are in general use.

Both companies operate considerable tank storage facilities which are fully integrated with the adjacent petrochemical complexes at Billingham and Wilton.

The tank system is of much earlier date than this cylinder system, and although the two resemble each other in many respects, the tank system is in practice the less effective.

The winter stock of materials is drawn from the left-hand row of bins, and distributed over immense stock piles by means of the water in the tank EE.

The tank is placed above the level of the topmost draw off, and often in a cupboard which it will warm sufficiently to permit of its being used as a linen airing closet.

He was the author of numerous inventions, including the cagniardelle, a blowing machine, which consists essentially of an Archimedean screw set obliquely in a tank of water in such a way that its lower end is completely and its upper end partially immersed, and operated by being rotated in the opposite direction to that required for raising water.

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