Sentences for word please

please — перевод на русский


Please, just think this over.

Пожалуйста, подумай ещё разок.

Can I have a peach, please?

Можно мне персик, пожалуйста?

Can I have a hamburger, please?

Можно мне гамбургер, пожалуйста?

Can I have a salad, please?

Можно мне салат, пожалуйста?

Can I have a drink, please?

Можно мне напиток, пожалуйста?

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«Dear God, please help me see danger coming my way, «and forgive the body count I will be sending your way.»

«Господь, прошу, помоги избежать опасностей на моём пути и прости за список мертвецов, который я к тебе направлю.

Your Highness, please.


Please provide me with short and clear answers to my questions.

Прошу ответить на мои вопросы кратко и ясно.

Starting from now, regarding my questions, please answer accurately.

С этого момента прошу отвечать на все вопросы точно.

Please get them ready.

Прошу подготовить.

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Well, I am pleased to be here, Darryl.

Я рад быть здесь, Дэррил.

Pleased to know you, sir.

Рад с вами познакомиться, сэр.

I am pleased to report that owing to my tireless efforts. The highest honors that can be bestowed on a teacher are now within your grasp.

Я рад сообщить, что благодаря моим неустанным усилиям вы можете рассчитывать на высочайшую честь.

Pleased to meet you, Sullivan.

Рад познакомиться.

I am pleased to announce that we are at last ready to march on Osterlich.

Господа, рад сообщить, что мы наконец-то готовы идти на Остерлих.

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Pleased to have made your acquaintance, I’m sure.

Приятно было познакомиться, мое почтение.

Pleased to see you again, milady, I’m sure.

Приятно снова видеть вас, миледи, правда.

Pleased to meet you, Mr. Warne.

Приятно познакомиться с тобой, Мистер Ворн.

Aren’t you even a little pleased to see them enjoying themselves?

Вам не приятно видеть, как люди радуются?

I’m sure they’ll be very pleased.

Уверен, им будет очень приятно.

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I am extremely pleased as well.

Я очень доволен.

Mr. Jurakudo must have been very pleased.

Господин Дзуракудо остался доволен?

Well, I must say, you don’t seem very much pleased.

Мне кажется или ты не слишком доволен?

Your daddy is so pleased with you that he’s built you a model ship for your very own.

папочка очень доволен твоим поведением поэтому он построил этот кораблик для тебя.

I’m very pleased with the result.

Я очень ей доволен.

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Please let me walk with you till the office.

позвольте мне проводить Вас до дома.

«Please allow me to introduce myself.»

Позвольте мне представиться.

Please let me stay.

Позвольте мне остаться.

Please wait.

— Но позвольте…

— Now please let me go.

— А теперь позвольте мне идти.

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Please send a large autographed photograph for our club room.

Не могли бы вы прислать нам его большую фотографию с афтографом.

These were our thumbs. Please look at these strange things. These are the thumbs!

Этого Вы тоже не могли сделать, так как это были наши пальцы.

— Will you please wait a minute!

— Не могли бы вы замолчать на минуту, пожалуйста?

Won’t you please clear the first three pews so they may have seats.

Не могли бы вы освободить первые три скамьи, чтобы они могли сесть?

Won’t you please go down to the lobby and hold Colonel Haki there for a moment?

Не могли бы вы спуститься в бар и задержать полковника на минуту?

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Come in a minute, please.

Зайди на минутку.

Could I speak to you for a moment, please?

Идёмте со мной. – Можно вас на минутку?

Just one moment, madam, please.

Минутку, мэм.

Can I see you a minute, please?

Что? Можно тебя на минутку?

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Let me go! Please!

Умоляю, отпустите меня.

Please, Frenchy. I am not Callahan.

Умоляю, Фрэнчи, я не Кэлллохен.

Please, you must hurry.

Умоляю, скорей!

Oh, no! Please, no!


Don’t ask any more, please.

Не спрашивайте, умоляю.

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Irma pleases you as she is !

Ирма тебе нравится, какая она есть!

May I not look at that with which I’m pleased?

Разве я не могу смотреть на то, что мне нравится?


Чем больше я смотрю на него в стекле, тем больше оно мне нравится.

Yes .. is it pleasing to you?

Да. — Тебе нравится?

It pleases him to make people listen to his writings.

Просто ему нравится, когда люди слушают его слова.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word please, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use please in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «please».

Please in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word please in a sentence.

  1. Will you now please send some fighters?

  2. So please be so kind and make it happen!

  3. Try and capture one bloody moment please.

  4. You must please allow us to hold our own opinions.».

  5. I said to her, «Will you please audition to play Lana?

  6. Could you please tell us when we can expect his appearances?

  7. If you are reading this, parents, please don’t tell this to your kids.

  8. You will please, therefore, proceed with the coinage of the new nickel.

  9. When Valérie tells him to stop dyeing his hair, he does so to please her.

  10. The prophet asked whether such presents would please an earthly governor.

  11. If you aren’t please tell me how you are going to help to not have a war.

  12. At 08:33:59, Atta announced a third and final transmission: «Nobody move, please.

  13. So please remain quiet.» Air traffic controllers did not hear from the flight again.

  14. This haul did not please Morrell’s employers, who had evidently expected rather more.

  15. Strange permits the inmates to do as they please, so long as they do not attempt to escape.

  16. When he failed to please either, he began to contemplate divorcing Germaine to marry Fanny.

  17. One critic has even said that the text reads as if it were simply trying to please the public.

  18. MacVeagh concluded, «You will please, therefore, proceed with the coinage of the new nickel.».

  19. He notes, however, that in this case he added rich materials and ornaments to please the queen.

  20. In these scenes, he is often framed as if trapped, «reiterating rituals that hardly please him».

  21. The doctors, not the patients, are the customers; they’re the ones the hospitals have to please

  22. He never disobeyed his father, and his letters indicate he knew Sargon well and wanted to please him.

  23. Aubrey’s critics acknowledged that he could be charming and went to great lengths to please performers.

  24. Though he has no children of his own, he loves them, and there is nothing he would not do to please them.

  25. I’d like to meet her,If you find her won’t you please remind her that I’m oh, so lonely, lonely,Oh so lonely!

  26. The izinDuna were somewhat alarmed by this and asked the visitors to please stay and continue, which they did.

  27. Fox had no desire for cross-country running, but took it up because he respected and wanted to please his coach.

  28. If the emperor continues to care for us, please follow his edicts and the imperial envoy should be well received.».

  29. Practitioners will often provide offerings, typically seven glasses of water, to the egun to placate and please them.

  30. It will be a great day for us to suspend this publication for then we can go as we please, and without embarrassment.».

  31. In a Computer and Video Games interview, producer Masachika Kawata also addressed the issue: «We can’t please everyone.

  32. His voice and lyrics haven’t always been easy on the ear, but throughout his career Bob Dylan has never aimed to please.

  33. He sacrifices his family’s fortune and good name to please Valérie, who leaves him for a well-off merchant named Crevel.

  34. But a Governor-General holds office at pleasure, and if he ceases to please then he can be removed by a Prime Minister».

  35. Author Tokyo Drifter of GamePro guessed that the game had been «tailored for die-hard fans» and would please no one else.

  36. Dave Simpson of The Guardian concluded that it would please old and new fans alike by being «brave, individual and heartfelt».

  37. She portrayed «unfamiliar sounds, styles and emotions», but managed to please critics with the contemporary sound it contained.

  38. It is unlikely that any harm will happen to us, but should I not return to you in Australia, please know that I truly loved you.

  39. Hall lauded Planet: «you can control entities on paths, trigger events, manipulate particles, and do just about anything you please.

  40. He also began to clean up his language to please his new wife, and would eventually claim to have eliminated his profanity altogether.

  41. In his depiction of the scene, he probably worked from Alexander Pope’s translation, «Their song is death, and makes destruction please.

  42. If you wish, please call me about anything regarding the album tonight.» All four of the band members sent him their approval by telegram.

  43. Sometimes the doll’s clothing is changed to please the spirit, while offerings, such as glasses of water or fruit, are placed before them.

  44. If itt please you to commande some of your lernede chapplens to oppoise hym in your presence, I dowte not butte ye shall perceyue the truth.

  45. The script went through multiple revisions to please the cast and Paramount Pictures, including cuts in the effects-laden climax of the film.

  46. When asked why his music was rejected, Kondo responded: «if somewhere in your mind you have an image that Mario is cute, please get rid of it».

  47. The bulls were easily acquired because the papal nuncio was under orders from Rome to please the English in an effort to prevent a final breach.

  48. But when we all get there, please God, if any conducting is still necessary I hope your services will be required and that I will be in the chorus».

  49. In Karambai, Aravan Kalappali is performed as part of the cult of Draupadi, on the 18th day of an annual festival (April–May), to please the goddess.

  50. If they don’t, please let us know because we would love to use you.» Andrews’s role, as Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady, would launch her to stardom.

Synonyms for please

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word please has the following synonyms: delight.

General information about «please» example sentences

The example sentences for the word please that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «please» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «please».

радовать, нравиться, угождать, доставлять удовольствие, соблаговолить, изволить


- желать, хотеть, изволить

to do as one pleases — поступать (так), как заблагорассудится
I shall do as I please — я сделаю (так), как хочу
do as you please — поступайте, как вам (будет) угодно; делайте, как хотите
let him say what he pleases — пусть (он) говорит что угодно /что хочет/

- угождать; доставлять удовольствие

- pass получать удовольствие

- нравиться

Nothing pleases him. — Ему ничего не нравится.
what pleases you best? — что вам больше всего нравится?
If you please — а) пожалуйста; будьте (так) добры /любезны/; б) если вы хотите, если вам (так) нравится; в) с вашего разрешения /позволения/, если вы разрешите /позволите/; г) ирон. (только) представьте себе!, только подумайте!
in his pocket, if you please, was the letter — а письмо, представьте себе, было у него в кармане!
please the fates /шутл. the pigs/ — если всё будет благополучно, если ничего не случится
he who pleased everybody died before he was born — посл. ≅ тот ещё не родился, кто на всех угождать научился; на всех не угодишь


- пожалуйста, будьте добры (вежливое добавление к просьбам, приказаниям и т. п.)

Мои примеры


as if they had a dispensation to speak what they please — как если бы им разрешили говорить всё, что они хотят  
a child trying to please her elders — ребенок, пытающийся угодить взрослым  
will you please to enter the carriage — не соблаговолите ли вы войти в экипаж  
please come in — пожалуйста, заходи  
please do listen to me — пожалуйста, выслушай меня  
please the pigs шутл. — если повезет  
please God — даст Бог  
please your honour — извольте, как вам будет угодно  
don’t you worry about it please! — об этом не беспокойтесь!  
so please your Majesty — как будет угодно вашему величеству  

Примеры с переводом

Please yourself!

делайте /поступайте/, как хотите /как вам нравится/

Anything to please!

Все что угодно!

Which one pleases you best?

Которая вам нравится больше всего?

He will be pleased to do it.

Он с удовольствием сделает это.

He pleases me like no-one else.

Мне с ним хорошо, как ни с кем другим.

You can spend the money however you please.

Можете потратить эти деньги как вам заблагорассудится.

Sit down, please.

Садитесь, пожалуйста.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The waiters around her aim to please

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

displease  — не нравиться, сердить, раздражать, быть неприятным, быть не по вкусу
pleasant  — приятный, милый, славный, отрадный, веселый, шутливый
pleasing  — приятный, привлекательный, нравящийся, угождение
pleasure  — удовольствие, наслаждение, доставлять удовольствие, увеселительный
pleaser  — льстец
pleased  — довольный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: please
he/she/it: pleases
ing ф. (present participle): pleasing
2-я ф. (past tense): pleased
3-я ф. (past participle): pleased

Definition of Please

to make someone happy

Examples of Please in a sentence

It is impossible to please everyone, so I just focus on keeping myself happy.


She knew it would please her mother to see her in a dress, so the tomboy put on a pink gown just to make mom happy.


Nothing can please the critical man who continues to complain about everything and everyone in his life.


If our service did not please you, fill out a survey telling us how we can make your next experience a happy one.


It would please me to be able to go bed at a decent hour and not have to get up with the sunrise.


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Speaking Courses

In English, we use the word “please” to make requests and orders more polite – but have you ever considered where exactly to put the word “please” in your sentence? In today’s lesson I’ll show you several correct places to put the word “please” as well as a couple that sound unnatural, which you should avoid.

Please is a word we use every day, so we want to use it correctly. It’s really important to know the most common words and phrases so that you can be more confident speaking English in daily life. That’s why I created the Everyday English Speaking Course, to help you know exactly what to say in lots of different situations!

As I mentioned, we can use “please” with requests (which are phrased as questions) and with orders/commands (which are phrased as sentences).

“Please” in commands

Let’s look at some examples of orders/commands:

  • Please clean your room.
  • Please finish the textbook by Friday.
  • Please contact me if you have any questions.

With orders/commands, we usually say “please” at the beginning of the sentence, and it’s especially important to include the word “please” in direct orders, otherwise they sound too direct or too commanding.

It is also possible to put “please” at the end of a command, typically when speaking (instead of writing). So before dinner, I might tell my kids “Wash your hands, please.”

“Please” in requests

Requests are phrased as questions, using “can you,” “could you,” and occasionally “would you,” although that’s less common. In these cases, we can put please in one of two places: at the end, or after “you”:

  • Could you close the door, please?
  • Could you please close the door?
  • Can you pass me that pen, please?
  • Can you please pass me that pen?

With requests/questions, we usually don’t put “please” at the beginning – so we wouldn’t normally say “Please could you close the door?” That’s not wrong… but it’s much less common, so I recommend putting “please” either at the end or after “you.”

Once place we avoid putting “please” is in between the verb and its object, so don’t say “Could you close please the door?” or “Can you turn down please the volume?” – those don’t sound natural in English, even though that word order might be fine in other languages.


  • With orders/commands, put “please” at the beginning:
    Please clean your room.
  • With requests/questions, put “please” at the end or after “you”:
    Could you close the door, please?
    Could you please close the door?
  • Don’t put “please” in between a verb and its object.

Simple, right? If you have any questions, please let me know – there’s an example.

And if you want to improve your ability to speak English in lots of situations in daily life, check out my Everyday English Speaking Courses – there are actually two levels, so you can make progress and become a more advanced English speaker day by day. Bye for now!

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