Sentences for word benefit

But a few would benefit.
Но некоторые смогут извлечь из нее выгоду.

I’m on invalidity benefit.
Я на пособии по инвалидности.

Benefit from the following advanced features:
Некоторые преимущества торговой платформы:

How does this benefit India?
Какую пользу это приносит Индии?

Update benefit rates for workers.
Обновление ставок льгот для работников.

Advances in science don’t always benefit humanity.
Научный прогресс не всегда идёт на благо человечеству.

American taxpayers would also benefit.
Выиграли бы и налогоплательщики США.

Additionally, our clients benefit from:
Наши клиенты могут получить торговое преимущество благодаря:

Development of Alzheimers’ therapies, for example, is unlikely to benefit from the megafund model.
Развитие лечения для болезни Альцгеймера, например, вряд ли получит пользу от модели мегафонда.

The Chinese need to see how they benefit from inclusion — and how they would suffer from not being one of the countries shaping and buttressing today’s international institutions.
Китаю необходимо показать, какие он получит преимущества от такого вступления и какой ущерб он понесет, если не будет входить в число стран, определяющих политику и поддерживающих современные международные организации.

Look, how about instead of a pointless argument, We rehearse our duet for the benefit?
Слушай, может вместо бесполезного спора мы лучше отрепетируем наш дуэт для бенефиса?

And the viruses benefit from the genes, too.
Вирусы тоже получают от генов выгоду.

Tiered contribution calculation rates for retirement benefit plans.
Многоуровневые ставки расчета вклада для планов пособия при выходе на пенсию.

That’s just one benefit of that.
это лишь одно из преимуществ.

The greatest benefit to all.
Максимальная польза всем.

Mass expiration of benefit enrollments
Массовое истечение срока действия регистраций льгот

He said that he would use it to benefit all Americans.
Он ответил, что будет использовать их на благо всем американцам.

Did the real economy benefit?
Выиграла ли от этого реальная экономика?

People must feel that their own social group, however they define it, will eventually benefit.
Люди должны чувствовать, что и социальная группа, к которой они принадлежат, – как бы они ее ни называли, – в конечном счете получит пользу.


Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

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Antonym: damage, lose, loss. Similar words: benefit from, beneath, in effect, bend, bench, fit to, outfit, define. Meaning: [‘benɪfɪt]  n. 1. financial assistance in time of need 2. something that aids or promotes well-being 3. a performance to raise money for a charitable cause. v. 1. derive a benefit from 2. be beneficial for. 

Random good picture Not show

1. He who receives a benefit should never forget it; he who bestows one should never remember it. 

2. We should never remember the benefit we have offered nor forget the favour received. 

3. If you confer a benefit, never remember it; if you receive one, remember it always. 

4. He couldn’t see the benefit of arguing any longer.

5. The company plans to beef up our fringe benefit.

6. In any case, we could halve the benefit.

7. For maximum benefit, take the tablets before meals.

8. It will be to your benefit to arrive early.

9. People would benefit greatly from a pollution-free vehicle.

10. People who apply for housing benefit must be means-tested.

11. That was a health programme to benefit everyone.

12. They labour assiduously for the benefit of future generations.

13. Will the AIDS patients benefit by the new drug?

14. Medically, we will derive great benefit from this technique.

15. Chinese people benefit a lot from the open-up policy.

16. It’s for your own benefit.

17. A stammering child can benefit from speech therapy.

18. I’ve had the benefit of a good education.

19. She derived no benefit from the course of drugs.

20. The new regulations will be of benefit to everyone concerned.

21. Benefit is calculated on the basis of average weekly earnings.

22. People doing yoga benefit from an increased feeling of well-being.

23. The creation of new playgrounds will benefit the local children.

24. It is said Yogo is of great benefit to human health.

25. How differences between men and women might be used for our mu-tual benefit in everything from our relation with one another to a better undrestanding of how our brains work. 

26. I feel that women in all types of employment can benefit from joining a union.

27. Not making a will can have serious consequences for the people you might wish to benefit.

27. try its best to collect and make good sentences.

28. From an economic point of view ,[] the new development will benefit the town greatly.

29. You need to spend at least a week there to get the full benefit .

30. I had mixed feelings when I learned of your new assignment. Although we will miss you, we have to admit that management has made a wise choice in placing you where they can benefit most from your talents. We will long remember the hard work and happy moments we have shared. You have been a great team member. Best wishes and keep up the good work.

More similar words: benefit from, beneath, in effect, bend, bench, fit to, outfit, define, deficit, fit into, fitness, of itself, nonprofit, definition, definitely, gene, scene, the first person, energy, genetic, in the first place, listener, generate, generous, awareness, in general, entrepreneur, generation gap, effectiveness, the general public. 

пособие, выгода, польза, прибыль, бенефис, приносить пользу, извлекать, помогать


- преимущество, привилегия
- польза, благо

public benefit — общественное благо
for the benefit of smb. — на благо /в пользу/ кого-л.
for your special benefit — (только) ради вас
to be for the benefit of one’s health — быть полезным для здоровья
to give smb. the benefit of one’s experience [knowledge] — поделиться с кем-л. своим опытом [знаниями]
he gave us the benefit of his advice — он помог нам советом
the book wasn’t of much benefit to me — книга не принесла мне особенной пользы

- выгода; редк. денежная прибыль

to get /to derive/ benefit from smth. — извлекать пользу /выгоду/ из чего-л.

- благодеяние, милость, доброе дело

benefit concert [performance] — благотворительный концерт [-ое представление]
to confer benefits on /upon/ smb. — осыпать кого-л. милостями

- пенсия, пособие (страховое, по безработице, по болезни и т. п.)
- юр. неподсудность
- театр. бенефис (тж. benefit night)
- церк. уст. приход


- приносить пользу, помогать; оказывать благотворное (воз)действие

the sea air will benefit you — морской воздух будет вам полезен

- приносить выгоду, прибыль
- получать пользу, помощь

he benefited by the medicine — лекарство помогло ему

- извлекать выгоду

Мои примеры


the benefits of fresh air and sunshine — польза свежего воздуха и солнечного света  
medicines that benefit thousands of people — лекарства, которые приносят пользу тысячам людей  
the airport’s economic benefit to the region — экономическая польза аэропорта для данного региона  
for the benefit — на благо  
to reap the benefit of smth. — пожинать плоды чего-л.  
to derive / get (a) benefit from smth. — извлечь выгоду из чего-л.  
for smb.’s benefit — для чьего-л. блага  
to give smb. the benefit of the doubt — оправдать кого-л. за недостаточностью улик  
with benefit of clergy — освящённый церковью  
benefit conferred — предоставленная, жалованная привилегия  
to give the benefit of the doubt — оправдать за недостатком улик  
maternity benefit — пособие роженице  

Примеры с переводом

Did you benefit from your holiday?

Вы провели выходные с пользой?

Do you really think she’s doing this for your benefit?

Вы действительно думаете, что она делает это в ваших интересах?

The new plan may benefit many students.

Новый план может принести пользу многим студентам.

Who is eligible for benefit payment?

Кто имеет право на получение пособия?

I think the student will benefit by further study.

Я думаю, что дальнейшие занятия благотворно скажутся на этом студенте.

I think the boy would benefit by further study.

Я думаю, что дальнейшее обучение благотворно скажется на этом мальчике.

Extra few minutes of sleep won’t benefit you as much as a good breakfast.

Лишняя пара минут сна не принесёт вам столько пользы, как полноценный завтрак.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Increased motivation is more than an incidental benefit of reward schemes.

Large firms benefit from economies of scale (=ways of saving money because they are big).

He admitted that with the benefit of hindsight the original launch had not been large enough.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: benefit
he/she/it: benefits
ing ф. (present participle): benefiting or benefi
2-я ф. (past tense): benefited or benefit
3-я ф. (past participle): benefited or benefit

ед. ч.(singular): benefit
мн. ч.(plural): benefits

Benefit is the third album by the British rock band Jethro Tull, released in April 1970. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

«There is a process that needs to take place to understand whether or not we need to change the objective of the defined benefit plan.


However, it’s important to emphasize that this was a one-time expense, and the long-term benefits are likely to outweigh the bad.


They offer an extensive range of services, including full lifecycle recruiting, and customers express appreciation for their integration of payroll, benefits and administration.


But even that specific buyer, willing to pay the extra premium, has to know that there is someone else around the corner that is willing to do the same, or else why should they spend all the money, when they can get the same benefits with very attractive agreements.


There are significant benefits to saving money early due to the impact of compounding interest over time.


Check out our top five benefits of Pure Barre below.


You might think mortgage insurance sounds a little unfair, since you pay the premiums but the lender gets the benefits of the coverage.


But if you owned a partnership policy with a maximum benefit of $ 500,000, for example, you will be allowed to keep $ 500,000 of your assets after your long-term-care insurance runs out and still be eligible for Medicaid.


Too many businesses focus on «what is this going to cost me,» rather than, «what are the benefits


Others do not get the same benefit of the doubt.


Traditional VAs offer mutual fund subaccount allocations, living benefits and optional income riders with contract fees typically deducted from the fund performance.


Revelo Bikes Inc.’s LIFEbike is a lightweight, compact, chainless electric bike that allows commuters to combine the environmental benefits of cycling with the convenience and comfort of a scooter.


Plus, benefit from a competitive low interest rate and monthly payment.


Even during the boom, he said, little was done to share the benefits.


In addition, benefits are often extended to employees but not independent contractors, and employers have the right to control how a worker behaves — how to dress, for example, or specific customer interaction protocol — when they’re an employee and not an independent contractor.


Please note that there is no extension of group benefits coverage beyond the termination date for employees with employment agreements that entitle them to additional weeks of notice or pay in lieu of notice beyond the statutory minimum.


At the very least, she insisted that some of the economic benefits of the project would have to flow to B.C., a condition that’s yet to be met.


From the luxury of lounge access to trip delay and rental car coverage benefits, these cards have just about everything you could need!


One of the big benefits of crowdfunding platforms is the ease and convenience of investing and managing your investments online.


A military loan has the great benefit of allowing a purchaser to buy with nothing down.


In the long run, there are significant advantages to homeownership, one of the largest being the mortgage interest deduction, a tax benefit that allows you to deduct mortgage interest payments from your taxable income.


Every case is different, and so you are encouraged, before deciding on a Social Security strategy, to calculate out what the precise benefits will be in your case.


This innovative investment approach offers two distinct benefits.


With a listing on TSXV, an early-stage company benefits from a marketplace — including the exchange, professional advisors, regulatory model and investor base — that understands venture companies.


Private loans are also ineligible for federal loan benefits, such as access to income-driven repayment plans or Public Service Loan Forgiveness.


He must sell NAFTA and multilateralism to Trump, convincing him of the shared benefits.


LendKey markets itself to graduates who are searching for the lowest interest rates but want flexible payment options and decent fringe benefits.


There are other reasons businesses might want to blog, but I think they’re smaller and stray from the core benefits of blogging.


The taxpayer got the benefit of the appreciated value of 25K for each piece of «art», which was probably BS and paid a lot less in taxes.


As Silver Lake Partners» Genn Hutchins pointed out to the Financial Times in a recent interview when making the distinction between the recent pure currency speculation and the promise of the underlying technology benefits [19], Levi Strauss made more money selling jeans in the Klondyke than most prospectors did finding gold.


WESTERN Australian business will reap the benefits of the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre with four major conventions already booked for the proposed facility.


Here is a good passage (via) on the costs and benefits of too-big-to-fail:


Despite being a relatively new company, U-fi has already established a reputation for providing excellent customer service, innovative benefits, and competitive interest rates.


I certainly do not want to be party to proposing the sacrifice of the present generation of the poor for the supposed benefit of future generations.


Note, though, that the cash value is separate from the death benefit of a permanent life insurance policy so, when you pass away, your beneficiaries will typically not receive any of the cash value.


Instead, the call to action should hype a benefit.


On Thursday, Amazon said Prime members will receive additional savings and in-store benefits once Amazon and Whole Foods» technologies are fully integrated.


Once you’ve set up your account, you can see the estimated Social Security and Medicare taxes you’ve paid, along with estimates of your future Social Security benefits.


If the entire benefit is claimed, the policy is then terminated.


Just this week, Mondelez International, whose brands include Trident, signaled it would begin putting more emphasis on so-called functional benefits on its products, such as oral care.


What’s more, national chains can more easily offer a better benefits package.


Most startups allocate funds to research and development, website development, intellectual property filings, equipment purchases, advertising campaigns, staff salaries and benefits, debt repayments and inventory buildup.


Find out why 401 (k) s are such a popular way to save for retirement and learn about key features and benefits that make them unique.


As opposed to big-box stores, you can adapt more quickly to changing market conditions and provide better customer service, unique products, and community benefits.


The Public Accounts/Budget also includes the expenses related to Consolidated Specified Purpose Accounts, as the government yields ultimate control over these accounts (i.e. it sets the benefits, premium rates etc.).


The latter half of 2015 through 2017, the political backdrop was a major headwind for the entire pharmaceutical supply chain from drug manufacturers to pharmacies/pharmacy benefit managers (i.e., CVS and Walgreens (WBA)-RRB- and the drug wholesalers in-between (i.e. McKesson (MCK), Cardinal Health (CAH) and AmerisourceBergen (ABC)-RRB-.


Rago first had the couple become members of the Riding Club of London, which opened up a host of exclusive benefits.


Finally, once NAFTA negotiations actually began, the U.S. administration all but closed the door on negotiating any kind of mutual benefit.


To that end, I «m pleased to share today that we are undertaking a comprehensive analysis of British Columbia’s economy, and the benefits that we can secure from transitioning to a low carbon economy.


Given the new-share pricing norm of about 23 times earnings, Foxconn should be engineering even greater benefits.


На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


You want to help correct a misunderstanding of the professor for his/her benefit and the benefit of other students.

Вы хотите помочь исправить недоразумение профессора в его пользу и пользу других студентов.

No benefit was evident in low-risk patients.

Хотя для пациентов с низким уровнем риска не было выявлено никакой значительной пользы.

Education is another benefit of choosing Australia.

Стоимость обучения в Австралии является одним из преимуществ выбора в пользу получения австралийского образования.

The benefit of adhering to technical guidelines is often a second order benefit.

Преимущество соблюдения технических руководящих принципов часто является преимуществом второго порядка.

For an 85-year-old person who started benefits 20 years ago, cumulative COLAs now provide more benefit than the starting benefit itself.

Для 85-летнего человека, который начал преимущества 20 лет назад, накопительный колы сейчас дают больше пользы, чем сам стартовый пользу.

Slightly more women than men benefit.

Число женщин, пользующихся ими, несколько больше, чем соответствующее число мужчин.

Women also often benefit less from reconstruction efforts.

Кроме того, нередко интересы женщин в меньшей степени учитываются и при проведении восстановительных работ.

Other forthcoming studies attempted to quantify this benefit.

В других исследованиях, которые будут опубликованы в будущем, делается попытка численно выразить достигаемую выгоду.

Discuss compensation and benefit packages during first interview.

Вы можете получить дополнительную информацию о системе компенсации и пакете льгот во время первого собеседования.

All will benefit, especially you.

Но все это окажется полезным, в первую очередь, вам же.

We benefit when you share your knowledge.

Она будет полезна только в том случае, если вы делитесь своими знаниями.

There are no studies showing psychiatric benefit.

Да, нет никаких исследований, которые подтвердили бы психологическую пользу от них.

The UK benefit substantially from this arrangement.

Великобритания, с другой стороны, получает от этой договоренности чрезвычайно большую пользу.

Inmates regularly benefit under presidential pardons.

Подростки, содержащиеся в колонии регулярно включаются в указы Президента страны о помиловании.

Everything he did should benefit Victoria.

Net sales will benefit The Golden Hat…

Such benefits include maternity benefit, paternity benefit and parental benefit.

Указанные льготы будут включать в себя пособие по материнству, пособие для отцов и родительское пособие.

This comprises the benefit paid to former salaried workers and possible supplementary benefit (compensatory benefit).

Он состоит из пособия бывшим лицам наемного труда и возможного дополнительного пособия (компенсации).

Now, ideally, the user’s benefit, th e player’s benefit is totally congruent with the organization’s benefit.

The following benefits are provided: maternity and childcare allowances, temporary disablement benefit, disability pension, survivor benefit and welfare benefit.

Установлены следующие виды пособий: по беременности и родам, по уходу за ребенком, в связи с временной утратой трудоспособности, по инвалидности, в связи с потерей кормильца и социальное пособие.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат benefit

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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