Sentences for word around

Synonym: about, approximately, close to, just about, more or less, or so, roughly, round, some. Similar words: get around, go around, all around, revolve around, around the corner, round and round, round, ground. Meaning: [ə’raʊnd]  adv. 1. in the area or vicinity 2. by a circular or circuitous route 3. to or among many different places or in no particular direction 4. in a circle or circular motion 5. (of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct 6. in or to a reversed position or direction 7. to a particular destination either specified or understood 8. all around or on all sides 9. in circumference 10. from beginning to end; throughout. 

1, Envy assails the noblest, the winds howl around the highest peak. 

2, Why does nothing ever stay tidy around here?

3, She fastened the belt loosely around her waist.

4, Her hair whipped around her face in the wind.

5, Brash noisy journalists were crowding around the ambassador.

6, He had twined his chubby arms around Vincent’s neck.

7, The water eddied around in a whirlpool.

8, Around them the darkness was absolute, the silence oppressive.

9, My wallet must be around here somewhere.

10, You shouldn’t fool around with dangerous chemicals.

11, He got sick of hanging around waiting for me.

12, The skirt was too big around the waist.

13, The hands of the clock crept slowly around.

14, There’s a little gift shop around the corner.

15, These trousers are a bit tight around my waist.

16, For five weeks they zoomed around Europe.

17, Tell the boy to stop messing around upstairs.

18, She looked at the papers around her.

19, Since childhood,[] her life has revolved around tennis.

20, The children romped happily around/about in the garden.

21, His personal wealth is estimated at around $100 million.

22, He’s scouting about/around for somewhere better to live.

23, Glue the fabric around the window.

24, A typically-priced meal will be around $10.

25, The baby was wriggling around on my lap.

26, The offer was hedged around with conditions.

27, There were several kids lolling around outside the club.

28, The most normal and the most perfect human being is the one who most thoroughly addresses himself to the activity of his best powers,gives himself most thoroughly to the world around him,flings himself out into the midst of humanity,and is so preoccu pied by his own beneficent reaction on the world that he is practically unconscious of a sep arate existence… 

29, The first method for estimating the intellingence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him. 

30, If we only had some God in the country’s laws, instead of beng in such a sweat to get him into the Constitution, it would be better all around

вокруг, около, вблизи, кругом, поблизости, вокруг, около, по, приблизительно, за


- кругом; вокруг

to turn around — а) оборачиваться; б) поворачивать назад; в) изменить взгляды,
he was turning around and around — он вертелся как волчок
a dense fog lay around — кругом был густой туман, всё вокруг было окутано густым туманом

- повсюду (тж. all around)

all around were signs of decay — повсюду были следы упадка
to follow smb. around — повсюду следовать за кем-л.
to wander around — брести, не разбирая дороги
he walked around to see the town — он бродил по улицам, чтобы осмотреть город
don’t leave your clothes lying around — не разбрасывай свои вещи как попало

- в окружности; в обхвате

for ten miles around — на десять миль в окружности
the tree measures four feet around — дерево имеет четыре фута в обхвате

- амер. разг. вблизи, поблизости

there was no one around — никого поблизости не было
wait around awhile — подождите немного где-нибудь тут
to hang around — околачиваться поблизости, слоняться
around here — здесь, в этих местах
I’ll be around if you should want me — я пока побуду здесь, на случай, если я тебе понадоблюсь

- обратно

to turn around — а) оборачиваться; б) поворачивать назад; в) изменить взгляды,

- с начала до конца, напролёт

the weather here is mild the year around — здесь круглый год стоит мягкая погода
there is enough coffee to go around — кофе хватит на всех

- второй компонент фразового глагола:

come around to see us — зайди(те) к нам
he’s now able to be around but he is not yet fully well — он уже встаёт, но ещё не совсем поправился

- другие сочетания см. под соответствующими словами

to have been around — а) много путешествовать, повидать свет; б) набраться опыта; I have been around and I know one or two things about life


- указывает на:
- движение или нахождение вокруг вокруг, кругом

to travel around the world — путешествовать вокруг света, путешествовать по миру
he wrapped his blanket around him — он завернулся в одеяло
woods lay around the house — вокруг дома был лес
she gave a glance around the room — она обвела взглядом комнату
she had a coat around her shoulders — она набросила пальто на плечи

- амер. разг. нахождение неподалёку неподалёку, вблизи, около, за

the child played around the house — ребёнок играл около дома
just around the corner — сразу за углом
please stay around the house — а) пожалуйста, не уходи далеко от дома; б) пожалуйста, посиди дома

- нахождение в разных местах повсюду

he leaves his books around the house — его книги валяются по всему дому

- движение в разных направлениях по

to roam around the country — скитаться /бродить/ по стране
he travelled around the country — он путешествовал /ездил/ по стране

- разг. приблизительность приблизительно, примерно, около

it cost around five dollars — это стоило около пяти долларов
around four o’clock — приблизительно в четыре часа, около четырёх часов
around sixty guests — примерно шестьдесят человек гостей

Мои примеры


dirty clothes lying around (or about) — грязная одежда, разбросанная вокруг  
around the block — за углом  
to chuck one’s weight about / around — держаться надменно  
around the clock — круглосуточно, круглые сутки  
a detour around — объезд вокруг  
to travel around the directory structure — двигаться по многоуровневой структуре каталогов  
fence around smth. — изгородь вокруг чего-л.  
to have smb. wrapped around one’s little finger — полностью подчинять себе кого-л.  
to fit around the table — уместиться за столом  
to fling one’s money about / around — сорить деньгами  
flow around — обтекание вокруг  

Примеры с переводом

Is there a bank around here?

Тут поблизости есть банк?

Is your dad around?

Твой отец рядом / поблизости?

He paid around a hundred roubles.

Он заплатил около ста рублей.

They danced around the bonfire.

Они танцевали вокруг костра.

A crowd gathered around him.

Вокруг него собралась толпа.

She came around to see me.

Она пришла со мной повидаться.

The tree measures four feet around.

Дерево имеет четыре фута в обхвате.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Why does everything have to be arranged around what Callum wants to do?

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

That’s because the more visual stimulus there is around us, the more our brains try to focus on all of it at once.


The value of the second-largest cryptocurrency in circulation is around $ 72 billion, challenging bitcoin in the past year.


«To Buffett’s way of thinking and many other like-minded value investors, an economic moat is some sort of competitive advantage that can not be breached, much like a medieval castle with a moat filled with alligators around it,» he said.


As students walk around their campuses this fall, they may notice that, regardless of their own team colors, bitcoin orange is all the rage.


I previously had around 25-30 percent of our net worth in this bucket.


«If we really can master driving in Pittsburgh, then we feel strongly that we have a good chance of mastering it in most other cities around the world.»


«Through painstaking analysis, they found that the juvenile disc around this star has also formed into concentric rings,» according to the ESO’s release, and with highly unusual symmetry.


Most tours cost around $ 40 (or $ 80 for a private run) and can be booked and paid for online.


Ahead of Thursday’s ECB meeting, there was a widespread consensus that Europe’s chief printing press supervisor would make up for the alleged «mistake» of under-delivering on monetary lunacy last time around.


The Certified International Trade Professional (CITP ®) designation has been around for more than 15 years.


To put that into perspective, that would mean growth of around 280 % from current levels.


Workfrom is a free website and app that shows you the best places around you to work remotely.


Futures have been around for centuries and offer a way to hedge against future downturns in the market while leveraging your capital today for larger returns than you’d be able to receive otherwise.


It sparked a personal journey and quest around a simple phrase that Dan discussed back then: identifying how customers buy.


But starting around 1990, she said,» (Women’s) economic status began to work pretty much like men’s economic status: The more education you have, the better economic prospects or careers you have, you are more likely to get and stay married.»


From what I have seen around me, whether or not you will tell people to f*ck off depends more on your personality/moral than your financial position.


Billions of consumer conversations are flying around social media every day.


Now, this is a bit like the system I was originally trading on Forex… those little moves around the top of each hour only lasted a very short time — they were impulses, not trends, so they were over within just a couple of minutes.


It’s a changed world — around 65 % of CMOs» number one responsibility is hitting revenue goals, versus a few years ago where the focus was on brand objectives.


Even though they’re not tied to an office, they still need to get away now and then, whether that means taking a walk around the neighborhood for five minutes or spending a few days of vacation time with family.


Better World Books started 10 years ago with a campus book drive and since then has grown to be a $ 63 million company that sells books online collected from about 4,000 libraries as well as campus book drives and book drop boxes in communities around the U.S. With each book sold, the company donates another, along with a portion of the sale, to one of its nonprofit literacy partners.


Stuff like that is what got me excited: the promise of a digital cash that wouldn’t lose value every year, that could not be censored, and that I could send nearly for free to anyone around the world that would eat the fiat monetary system.


Public recognition is thought to affect not only the recipient but those around them.


The devastation, which affected around 7 million people, displaced 2.1 million and killed 363, according to official figures.


(GCUC), recently forecasted that over five million people will be coworking in 30,432 spaces around the world by 2022.


«There are many places around to sit down, enjoy the view, and soak in French life and lots of things to do that are all within an hour drive or less.


Having said that, Musk has a pattern of moving money around his various imperial domains seemingly at will (see, e.g., the SpaceX bond matter) and otherwise engaging in conflict of interest transactions.


Correlations of daily movements between the euro and the Australian dollar have increased to around 0.75 from 0.25 early last year and an average of close to zero during the 1990s (Graph 21).


Automatic messages behave exactly like a manual message — you can edit their content, move around the calendar, change their profile, and so on.


To give clients around the world access to our best products and ideas, our investment teams are supported by a global platform that includes rigorous compliance and active risk management.


The year before that, though, politics mattered when the United Kingdom’s vote to leave the European Union shook markets around the world.


We’ve also continued our ongoing engagement with regulators around the world.


Another compressed Japanese proxy season is just around the corner — what should shareholders expect?


Rakuten’s Graham Weldon tells Computerworld UK how the open source resources around Chef saw it win out


There is no economic law about the number of days the earth takes to go around the sun.


It was in the 1980s that stock markets around the world became deeply interconnected, with American companies increasingly searching for capital abroad and vice versa.


I would just add, the greater fool theory works when there are a lot of fools around.


It was around that time that I learned about Dividend Aristocrats and Dividend Champions when it all just made sense.


TA has a long and proud history of helping to scale growth companies around the world and it’s rewarding to help continue that tradition.


Perhaps a little too much information here but I do tend to bust my Tony Moly I’m Real Tea Tree Sheet Masks out around that time of the month — y» know when my skin is less than behaving.


Fortunately, nothing needed replacing around my home in the last few years and they just sit in a drawer.


«I would venture to say that there’s probably no infrastructure project in the history of the United States that’s been as politicized as this one, although I wasn’t around for the intercontinental railroad,» he quipped a couple of minutes later.


Food delivery giant Deliveroo uses Fountain to handle 10,000 applicants a week to staff its UK and Irish markets, and to expand around the globe.


She has built her brand around being her, even making herself the cover model to every edition of her magazine.


British oil companies with interests in the Falkland Islands suffered a blow on Tuesday when a U.N. commission said that the waters around the South Atlantic archipelago belong to Argentina.


If you know that a company’s earnings report is due in two days» time you can plan your analysis and trading activities around this.


The consequences from the shooting have reverberated far beyond school, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High in Parkland, Fla., as schools around the nation closed Friday, or canceled activities after receiving threats.


Leading corporate and financial executives from around the world were present to accept their awards and honor other recipients.


However, if you plan to use your carrier for longer periods (for walks around the neighborhood or mal, for example) then you may want to consider one with a waist belt.


One of the ways we experience life is to compare ourselves with those around us.


Around sentence examples. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use around in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for around.

  • Shelton looked hastily around. (8)
  • The horror of the moment to all who stood around! (4)
  • Images of airy towers hung around. (10)
  • Every sign of peace was around the farm. (22)
  • He walked around the table and returned. (12)
  • At every soft clink she sighed and looked around. (12)
  • Laura passed her eyes around the group of ladies. (10)
  • All around the peaks there is nothing but blue sky. (8)
  • The warmth of a new desire struck around her heart. (10)
  • He has a slim chance of limping around on three legs. (13)
  • Immoderate and uproarious laughter burst around them. (10)
  • She could hardly stand, and the room whirled around with her. (12)
  • All around me the black fir-points stood upright and stock-still. (2)
  • The sea was around us, a distant yellow twinkle telling of land. (10)
  • The cockpit had seats all around it in the shape of a half-circle. (18)
  • For hours he wandered in the valleys and on the hills around the city. (12)
  • The house seemed to reel around her as she went up the stairs behind him. (5)
  • The wildest stories are floating around both at home and here in Berlin. (12)
  • He searched around for the keys to get at a bottle and uncork it forthwith. (22)
  • The blossoms fell, he flung his arms around her, and kissed her on the lips. (8)
  • Around the ancient track marched, rank on rank, The army of unalterable law. (10)
  • He wore a blue cap, baggy trowsers, and a yellow shawl slung around his neck. (12)
  • The lioness moved around the negro several times but he never shifted his gaze. (21)
  • The blind fondness which was for ever producing evil around her she had never known. (4)
  • Then a hurricane appeared to howl around her, bearing her away she knew not whither. (5)
  • She put her hands against her breast, arose clumsily, and looked around in the room. (12)
  • The groups were picturesque, seated and grouped around the trees of the spacious lawn. (18)
  • He walked around the whole table; then he repeated that same repressed, half-mad laugh. (12)
  • We cannot talk of 16-candle-power lamps when the glow of a modern Mazda light is around. (17)
  • The little runabout whisked around, and they went speeding south over the hard boulevard. (13)
  • Red faces, spotless shirt-fronts, white arms; and freshly-twisted hair were all around him. (8)
  • So saying, he put his arm around her, and half leading, half carrying, took her to her room. (8)
  • Her thoughts of her sister were perplexed, and London seemed a gigantic net around them both. (10)
  • At the shutting of the gates she glided through, not without a fearful look around and at him. (10)
  • What difference was there between the music of the Hebrews and that of the nations around them? (3)
  • Then Christian with the perception of something unpleasant at his back, suddenly turned around. (12)
  • He perceived that a stripped ivy-twig, with the leaves scattered around it, stretched at his feet. (10)
  • When they come to us they have thick leather collars around their necks, with heavy chains attached. (21)
  • All that country out around Moffitt is just as smooth as a checker-board, and looks as old as England. (9)
  • Once she turned around, and looked wildly into the other room, to the spot where Christian had stood. (12)
  • All around there rose a rustling of skirts; he saw a tall figure mount the pulpit and stand motionless. (8)
  • And all around was the same soft dusk wherein the flowers in her hair and round her waist gleamed white! (8)
  • She went about her duties around the wigwam as though some great task or burden were weighing her down. (18)
  • Fragments of broken rock were falling around him, and his own position momentarily threatened a downfall. (6)
  • She put the final cluster into the bunch in hand, and began to wind a withe of sweet-grass around the stems. (9)
  • All around them hung a tent of soft, thick leaves, and, below, the water was deep-dyed with green refraction. (8)
  • The putty around the window is loosened by the drying action of the wind, and the prying action of the frost. (17)
  • The manuscript was revised around 1803 and sold to a London publisher, Crosbie & Co., who sold it back in 1816. (4)
  • He put himself at her side, and he did not leave her again till he went to dress for the struggle around the Tree. (9)
  • All else in the stables was deadly quiet; the shrubberies around were still; and in the hushed house the master slept. (8)
  • Saying which, they walked on without speaking, till they arrived where the others were standing around the watch-fire. (6)
  • Blasts of frigid wind swept the streets, and buffeted each other in a fury of resentment when they met around the corners. (9)
  • It would go, if he fixed his mind on the familiar objects around, read the names on the shops, looked at the faces passing. (8)
  • Bosinney, who wore a slouch hat, stopped in front of him, spun around, and rushed back towards the carriage he had just left. (8)
  • These framing studs around the window are set 5 inches higher and 8 inches wider than the dimensions of the finished window. (17)
  • It was only a slight step from this to frame the styles, top and bottom rails, and lock rails around the panels between them. (17)
  • Of course I said I would, and we were off half the time together, painting the loveliest and loneliest bits around Ponkwasset. (9)
  • It allowed the experts to fasten one roll of copper wire around its neck and a second around its tail flippers. (21)
  • Emma listened with the warmest concern; grieved for her more and more, and looked around eager to discover some way of being useful. (4)
  • And he began to look very closely at the faces around him, hoping to find out from types what he had failed to ascertain from classes. (8)
  • Christine inferred that Miss Vance had called because she wished to be the first to get in with them since it had begun to get around. (9)
  • Soames turned from the mirror, and unconsciously taking a china cup from the mantelpiece, clasped his hands around it as though praying. (8)
  • It is from this position, his abundant family collected around him, that he makes his announcements, administers rebukes and extends praise. (21)
  • Never there her face Is planetary; reddens to shore sea-shell Around such whiteness the enamoured air Of noon that clothes her, never there. (10)
  • These, the woods of Westermain, Are as others to behold, Rich of wreathing sun and rain; Foliage lustreful around Shadowed leagues of slumbering sound. (10)
  • Around the office and along to the street of the cottages crowds were chattering, gesticulating; Ines fancied the foreign jabberers inclined to threaten. (10)
  • Their pupils were contracted to pin-points, the light-grey irises around had a sort of swimming glitter, and round these again the whites were injected with blood. (8)

Also see sentences for: arose, arouse.

Definition of around:

  • around, a-rownd’, prep. on all sides of: (_amer._) round about. | adv. on every side: in a circle: (_amer._) round, all about, (0)

Glad you visited this page with a sentence for around. Now that you’ve seen how to use around in a sentence hope you might explore the rest of this educational reference site to see many other example sentences which provide word usage information.

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  1. вокруг

    revolve around
    вращаться вокруг

    rotation around the axis
    вращение вокруг оси

    orbit around the earth
    орбита вокруг земли

    flight around the moon
    полет вокруг луны

    walls around the city
    стены вокруг города

    stand around
    стоять вокруг

    skin around the eyes
    кожа около глаз

  2. по

    walk around town
    прогулка по городу

    tour around the island
    экскурсия по острову

    journey around the world
    путешествие по миру

  3. возле

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений around на 1 миллион слов: 495.

Примеры предложений

Tom put his arm around Mary’s waist.
Том обнял Мэри за талию.

You are too negligent of those around you.
Ты слишком невнимателен к окружающим.

I want to go on a journey around the world if possible.
Если получится, я хочу отправиться в путешествие вокруг света.

The spaceship is out of orbit around the moon.
Космический корабль покинул орбиту луны.

The bank around the corner was robbed yesterday.
Банк за углом был вчера ограблен.

A taxi to the airport costs around $30.
Такси до аэропорта стоит около тридцати долларов.

I looked around and noticed that I was the only car on the road.
Я посмотрел вокруг и заметил, что я был единственной машиной на дороге.

The children sat around the campfire and listened to Tom tell ghost stories.
Дети сидели вокруг костра и слушали, как Том рассказывает истории о привидениях.

Tom made several trips around the world, but never told anybody about a single one of them.
Том совершил несколько кругосветных путешествий, но никогда никому не рассказывал ни об одном из них.

Mary tied an apron around her waist and then took the turkey out of the oven.
Мэри повязала вокруг талии фартук и достала индюшку из духовки.

She wrapped her legs around him.
Она обвила его ногами.

Mary allowed Tom to put his arm around her.
Мэри разрешила Тому себя приобнять.

I studied around the clock.
Я учился круглыми сутками.

I can’t sit around waiting any longer.
Я не могу больше сидеть и ждать.

We hardly ever see you around here anymore.
Мы тебя здесь больше почти не видим.

The moon moves around the earth.
Луна вращается вокруг Земли.

Mary stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body.
Мэри вышла из ванной, завёрнутая в полотенце.

The manager offered to show me around the plant.
Директор предложил показать мне завод.

I walked around aimlessly.
Я бесцельно слонялся вокруг.

The line was huge and stretched all the way around the block.
Очередь была огромной и растянулась по всему кварталу.

He traveled around the country.
Он путешествовал по стране.

He put his arm around her waist.
Он обнял её за талию.

There aren’t any restaurants around here.
Тут поблизости нет ресторанов.

She made her appearance around noon.
Она появилась примерно в полдень.

She looked around the room.
Она оглядела комнату.

Tom came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist.
Том вышел из ванной с полотенцем вокруг бёдер.

Tom thinks that the sun revolves around the earth.
Том думает, что Солнце вращается вокруг Земли.

We’ve walked all around the lake.
Мы обошли вокруг озера.

Tom showed Mary around the school.
Том показал Мэри школу.

Tom will arrive at around 2:30.
Том приедет около половины третьего.

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