Sentences for word abandon

Synonym: cease, depart, desert, discard, discontinue, evacuate, forsake, leave, quit, relinquish, surrender, withdraw. Antonym: conserve, maintain, retain. Similar words: hand on, off and on, a bad egg, have a ball, database, ban, band, urban. Meaning: [ə’bændən]  n. 1. the trait of lacking restraint or control; reckless freedom from inhibition or worry 2. a feeling of extreme emotional intensity. v. 1. forsake, leave behind 2. stop maintaining or insisting on; of ideas or claims 3. give up with the intent of never claiming again 4. leave behind empty; move out of 5. leave someone who needs or counts on you; leave in the lurch. 

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1. There was a general air of festivity and abandon.

2. The captain gave the order to abandon ship.

3. Don’t abandon yourself to pleasures.

4. I was obliged to abandon that idea.

5. We had to abandon the car.

6. I threw you abandon me regardless.

7. How could she abandon her own child?

8. People often simply abandon their pets when they go abroad.

9. No need to abandon their own people more than tears desperate not born.

10. The pair have often been known to abandon their script and begin ad libbing.

11. Each side declared that it would never abandon its principle.

12. Dreams don’t abandon a painstaking pursuit of the people, as long as you never stop pursuing, you will bathe in the brilliance of the dream.

13. One should give up anger; one should abandon pride; one should overcome all fetters. I’ll never befall him who clings not to mind and body and is passionless.

14. Time will abandon those funny oath, until we also agree.

15. We decided to abandon the first draft of the report and start over.

16. After careful deliberation, it was agreed to abandon the project.

17. Rescuers were forced to abandon their search .

18. We danced with wild abandon.

19. Don’t abandon yourself to despair.

20. Snow forced many drivers to abandon their vehicles.

21. People were shouting and cheering with abandon.

22. He gave the order to abandon ship .

23. He has spent money with gay abandon.

23. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

24. They drank and smoked with reckless abandon.

25. Good love makes you see the whole world from one person while bad love makes you abandon the whole world for one person.

26. He went through with his plan although all his friends advised him to abandon it.

27. If you love a girl, it’s better to fight for her happiness than to abandon her for the sake of her happiness.

28. When the mood is fallen, only thought is to abandon all.

29. Good love makes u see the whole world from one person while bad love makes u abandon the whole world for one person.

30. I love you, the ends of the earth, to does not abandon!

More similar words: hand on, off and on, a bad egg, have a ball, database, ban, band, urban, Cuban, done, banquet, banker, husband, donor, banking, suburban, done in, hold on, pardon, donate, feed on, head on, hold on to, based on, don’t care, donation, random, hand out, kind of, window. 

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Unfortunately, diet 8predlagaet abandon many favorite foods.

К сожалению, диета 8предлагает отказаться от любимых многими продуктов.

Modern armed forces of 100 divisions cannot abandon their sources of supply.

Современные вооруженные силы, насчитывающие 100 дивизий, не могут отказаться от источников своей силы.

He fought for us, we must not abandon him now.

Он боролся за нас, мы не должны отказываться от него сейчас».

Sweets lovers need not totally abandon chocolate.

Любителям хлебобулочных изделий не нужно отказываться от продукта окончательно.

Your brother will never abandon you.

Не беспокойся, твой брат никогда тебя не оставит.

Goodbye to those we thought would never abandon us.

Попрощаться с теми, кто, казалось, никогда нас не оставит.

They can impact on us if we abandon our values.

Они могут повлиять на нас, если мы откажемся от наших ценностей.

And with failure-meaning to re-do or abandon the effort-drains precious resources.

И с отказом — значит сделать заново или отказаться от усилий — истощает ценные ресурсы.

Evil-sceptics believe we should abandon the concept of evil.

Злые скептики считают, что мы должны отказаться от концепции зла.

Now, she must abandon it at official receptions and meetings.

Но теперь ей нужно будет отказаться от него на официальных приемах и встречах.

But he dared not abandon his view.

Но он не нашел в себе смелости отказаться от своей точки зрения.

And I would abandon everything else, that I had.

И я хотел бы отказаться от все остальное, что я имел.

Surely we can’t abandon him.

I’ll never abandon you like your father did.

Я никогда не оставлю тебя, как это сделал твой отец.

We might as well just abandon the science altogether.

Мы, возможно, также просто откажемся от всех научных исследований.

We should abandon oil before it abandons us.

И мы должны отказаться от нефти прежде, чем она откажет нам.

You must abandon the traditional style of command and control.

Вы должны отказаться от традиционного стиля управления «командуй и контролируй».

I am not saying abandon your family.

Maybe you should abandon proposed or started work.

Возможно, вам следует отказаться от предложенной или начатой работы.

Moreover, many local producers abandon sales in anticipation of even higher prices.

Более того, многие из местных производителей отказываются от сбыта в ожидании еще более высоких цен.

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So you abandon your investment plan.
Поэтому, вы отказываетесь от вашего инвестиционного плана.

I will never abandon you.
Я вас не брошу.

Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.
Оставь надежду, всяк сюда входящий.

Maybe even abandon our home sweet home here.
Может даже забросить наш милый дом.

I pledge not to abandon them.
И я прошу не покидать его.

But the stakes are too high to abandon engagement.
Однако ставки при отказе от диалога слишком высоки.

Were they to abandon nuclear energy, however, their epochal change of heart would constitute a seminal contribution to global nuclear security – and thus to the fight against nuclear proliferation.
Если же они найдут в себе силы отказаться от использования ядерной энергии, то такая эпохальная перемена их точки зрения позволит создать основу для внесения конструктивного вклада в глобальную ядерную безопасность ? и таким образом они будут способствовать борьбе против распространения ядерного оружия.

Why abandon this decades-long strategy now?
Почему же сейчас мы должны отказаться от этой многолетней стратегии?

Abandon music, become a cavalryman.
Бросить музыку, стать кавалеристом.

You can’t just abandon your post.
Ты не можешь просто оставить свой пост.

But we can’t abandon it now; we have to push forward, get fusion to happen.
Но забросить работу мы не можем, нужно продвигаться вперед, нужно создать синтез.

We can’t abandon our post.
Нам нельзя покидать пост.

But because men pervert a truth there is no reason to abandon it.
Но то, что люди искажают правду, не является причиной для отказа от нее.

“I declare that the Islamic Republic of Iran has never been after nuclear weapons and it will never abandon its right for peaceful use of nuclear energy,” Khamenei told delegates in Tehran.
«Я заявляю, что Исламская республика Иран никогда не преследовала цель создания ядерного оружия и никогда не откажется от своего права использовать ядерную энергию в мирных целях», — сказал Хаменеи, обращаясь к делегатам, собравшимся в Тегеране.

if peripheral governments abandon their fiscal-reform efforts;
если периферийные правительства откажутся от фискальной реформы;

All right, let’s abandon everything and leave.
Ну давайте все бросим и пойдем куда глаза глядят.

This does not mean that the world should abandon Iraq.
Это не означает, что Ирак надо оставить на произвол судьбы.

I will not abandon my vessel.
Я не покину свой корабль.

But we should not rush to abandon bio-fuels, despite some undoubtedly poor policies in recent years.
Однако нам не следует торопиться с отказом от биотоплива, несмотря на несовершенное планирование за последние годы.

North Korea should abandon its nuclear weapons and its nuclear weapons programmes, return immediately and unconditionally to the Six-Party Talks and honour and implement its commitment under the September 2005 Joint Statement to return to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) and to International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards at an early date.
Северная Корея должна отказаться от своего ядерного оружия и своих программ ядерного оружия, незамедлительно и без всяких условий вернуться к шестисторонним переговорам и выполнить свое обязательство, согласно Совместному заявлению от сентября 2005 года, вернуться в Договор о нераспространении ядерного оружия (ДНЯО) и к гарантиям Международного агентства по атомной энергии (МАГАТЭ) в самое ближайшее время.


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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word abandon, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use abandon in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «abandon».

Abandon in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word abandon in a sentence.

  1. They didn’t abandon this place.

  2. The citizens decided to abandon the city.

  3. Weber then gave the order to abandon ship.

  4. One was to abandon the entire development.

  5. Joaquim Inácio was again the last to abandon ship.

  6. He must abandon his family to fulfill his ambition.

  7. Margaret decided to abandon her plans with Townsend.

  8. He did not wholly abandon composition in these years.

  9. At 14:02, the order was belatedly given to abandon ship.

  10. Planckaert would also eventually abandon in the final week.

  11. As a result, the LPTB decided to abandon all passenger services beyond Aylesbury.

  12. At 02:16, Riefkohl ordered the crew to abandon ship, and Vincennes sank at 02:50.

  13. At 10:40 she stopped and her crew was ordered to abandon ship five minutes later.

  14. The backlash from the Ostend Manifesto caused Pierce to abandon expansionist plans.

  15. Her fires made an easy target; as they spread, the order was given to abandon ship.

  16. Davidson’s health was still precarious, and after three months he was obliged to abandon his studies.

  17. The soldiers believed that mounted commanders tended to abandon them when the situation deteriorated.

  18. Travelling to Myst without the tablet will cause Esher to angrily abandon the player with no way out.

  19. Seventeen minutes later, after the list increased to 23 degrees, the crew was ordered to abandon ship.

  20. The aviators could also see crewmen aboard the carrier, men who had not received word to abandon ship.

  21. Construction work was seriously disrupted, forcing the Germans to abandon work on part of the complex.

  22. Northampton’s crew was unable to contain the ship’s fires and list and began to abandon ship at 01:30.

  23. Residents there were forced to abandon their homes and endure the storm in open fields to avoid injury.

  24. The princess tried to persuade Leopold to abandon his itinerary and go to Berlin, but Leopold resisted.

  25. The rear-most sledge, which had carried the most weight, was well-worn, and they decided to abandon it.

  26. Although she admits she does not love him, he convinces her to abandon her family and run away with him.

  27. In ten minutes the list increased to 30 to 40 degrees, and the captain issued the order to abandon ship.

  28. Once the ships were destroyed, their surviving crew members were supposed to abandon ship and fight U.S.

  29. If a claim was deemed as low-value—as most were—miners would abandon the site in search of a better one.

  30. Meanwhile, Tresham again urged Catesby and Wintour to abandon the scheme, but his attempts were in vain.

  31. He was often harshly self-critical during this period, and would abandon or destroy canvasses before they were completed.

  32. The invasion was quickly halted, and Hull withdrew, but this gave Brock the excuse he needed to abandon Prevost’s orders.

  33. If the Chinese were actually in heavy force, I decided I would withdraw our troops and abandon any attempt to move north.

  34. Philip VI again sent orders to John of Normandy insisting that he abandon the siege of Aiguillon and march his army north.

  35. According to the conference of the various unit leaders, it has been decided to abandon the present position and withdraw.

  36. Henry decided to force them to abandon the siege, but the rebels routed his army in the Battle of Pleichfeld on 11 August.

  37. Consequently, the company had to abandon its earlier practice and «develop an entirely new methodology», Goodman explained.

  38. With the support of the artillery, a pincer movement caused the Legion to abandon their position to avoid being surrounded.

  39. Despite the symphony’s rejection by the Court and the lukewarm reception on its premiere, Smetana did not abandon the work.

  40. In the absence of other information, the Thessalonians believed that the Venetians were preparing to abandon them and flee.

  41. The defeat forced Æthelred to abandon his ambitions in north Wales, but he continued to exercise overlordship over the south-eastern Welsh kingdoms of Glywysing and Gwent.

  42. At a public meeting on 29 March, the committee agreed to abandon the scheme and that «a memorial worthy of the city be erected on the ground near the main entrance gates».

  43. Eventually, the Prussian Life Guards, commanded by Captain Wichard Joachim Heinrich von Möllendorf broke through the village cemetery and forced them to abandon their post.

  44. After rebuilding the bridges and wharves for the road, Wright was forced to abandon Acquia creek on September 6, 1862, due to Lee’s victory at the Second Battle of Bull Run.

  45. His gallantry was for naught, however, as Perryville ended in a tactical draw that was costly for both sides, causing Bragg to withdraw and abandon his invasion of Kentucky.

Synonyms for abandon

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word abandon has the following synonyms: wantonness, unconstraint, wildness, forsake, desolate, deser, give up, vacate and empty.

General information about «abandon» example sentences

The example sentences for the word abandon that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «abandon» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «abandon».

отказываться от, оставлять, покидать, развязность, несдержанность


- отказываться; оставлять

to abandon the attempt — отказаться от попытки, прекратить попытки
to abandon (all) hope — оставить (всякую) надежду
abandon hope all ye who enter here (Dante) — оставь надежду всяк сюда входящий
the search was abandoned — поиски были прекращены
to abandon a custom — не сохранить /предать забвению/ обычай
immigrants slow to abandon their native languages — иммигранты, неохотно отказывающиеся от своего родного языка

- сдавать

to abandon the city to the enemy — сдать город врагу
to abandon oneself to the conqueror’s mercy — сдаться на милость победителя

- покидать, оставлять; самовольно уходить (с поста и т. п.)

to abandon smb. — бросить кого-л.
to abandon the sinking ship — покинуть тонущий корабль
courage abandoned him — мужество покинуло его

- юр. отказаться (от собственности, от права и т. п.)
- закрывать; консервировать (предприятие и т. п.)

to abandon oneself to smth. — предаваться чему-л.; отдаваться чему-л.
to abandon oneself to passion [despair] — предаваться страсти [отчаянию]
to be abandoned to smth. — предаваться чему-л.; испытывать что-л.
to be abandoned to grief [despair] — предаться горю [отчаянию]


- страх. абандон
- книжн. развязность; несдержанность

to do smth. with /at, in/ (complete) abandon — делать что-л., (совершенно) забыв обо всём /отдавшись порыву/

- импульсивность; энергия

to sing with abandon — петь с чувством, забыться в песне
to wave one’s hand with abandon — энергично размахивать рукой
he spoke with complete abandon — он говорил, забыв обо всём; его словно прорвало

Мои примеры


an uninhibited child who laughed and cried with equal abandon — раскованный ребёнок, который и смеялся, и плакал от души  
drove his car with nonchalant abandon — водил машину с беспечной небрежностью  
to abandon / give up one’s career — отказаться от карьеры, забросить карьеру  
to abandon / give up the chase — прекратить охоту на кого-л.  
to abandon oneself to the idea — склоняться к мысли  
to abandon oneself to passion — предаваться страсти  
reckless / wild abandon — безудержная, дикая энергия  
to abandon a right — отказаться от права  
to abandon a theory — отказываться от теории  
to abandon / give up hope — оставить надежду  
to abandon an airplane — покидать самолёт  
to abandon ship (when it is sinking) — покинуть (тонущее) судно  

Примеры с переводом

The captain gave the order to abandon ship.

Капитан приказал покинуть корабль.

That house was abandoned years ago.

Этот дом был заброшен много лет назад.

I don’t think he’s going to abandon his friend in trouble.

Не думаю, что он бросит друга в беде.

They abandoned their native language.

Они перестали говорить на своём родном языке.

As a child, Angela was abandoned by her mother.

Мать бросила Анжелу ещё ребёнком.

After her mother died, she abandoned herself to grief.

После смерти матери она полностью ушла в своё горе.

They abandoned their attempt to recapture the castle.

Они оставили свою попытку отвоевать замок.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Возможные однокоренные слова

abandoned  — заброшенный, брошенный, покинутый, оставленный, распутный
abandonment  — отказ, оставление, заброшенность, одиночество

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: abandon
he/she/it: abandons
ing ф. (present participle): abandoning
2-я ф. (past tense): abandoned
3-я ф. (past participle): abandoned

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