Sentences for the word undertake

предпринимать, браться, гарантировать, ручаться


- предпринимать

to undertake a journey — предпринять поездку

- брать на себя (определённые обязательства, функции и т. п.)

to undertake a responsible post — принять ответственный пост
to undertake responsibility for smb. — взять на себя ответственность за кого-л.
he has undertaken too much — он взял на себя слишком много
will you undertake to let him know what has happened? — вы возьмётесь сказать ему о случившемся?
lawyers who undertook the case — адвокаты, взявшиеся за это дело
he undertook to finish the job by Friday — он обещал /взялся/ закончить работу к пятнице

- ручаться, гарантировать

I will undertake that he has not heard a word — ручаюсь, что он не слышал ни единого слова

- разг. быть содержателем похоронного бюро
- арх. обязаться, ручаться (за кого-л.)

to undertake for another — ручаться за другого
she undertook for her brother’s good behaviour — она поручилась, что брат её будет хорошо вести себя

Мои примеры


to go on / make / take / undertake a journey — отправиться в путешествие  
to undertake a mission — брать на себя выполнение поручения  
to undertake / assume obligations — принимать обязательства  
to undertake for smb.’s security — отвечать за чью-л. безопасность  
to undertake a task — взять на себя задачу  
to undertake too much — брать на себя слишком много  
to undertake a venture — организовывать рискованное предприятие  
to undertake prosecution — возбудить судебное преследование  
undertake the sale — взять на себя продажу  
to take on / undertake a task — приниматься / браться за какую-л. работу  

Примеры с переводом

She undertook to complete the project in six months.

Она обязалась закончить работу над проектом через полгода.

Dr Johnson undertook the task of writing a comprehensive English dictionary.

Доктор Джонсон взял на себя задачу написать подробный словарь английского языка.

We chose not to undertake the project because of the enormous costs involved.

Мы решили не браться за проект из-за связанных с этим огромных затрат.

The researchers undertook a series of studies.

Учёные провели серию исследований.

He’s undertaking a thorough search.

Он ведёт тщательные поиски.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the first solo pilot to undertake the venturesome crossing of the Atlantic Ocean by air…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

undertaken  — предпринятый
undertaker  — гробовщик, предприниматель, владелец похоронного бюро
undertaking  — предприятие, обязательство, начинание, предпринимающий

Формы слова

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Mr. Berman would undertake consultations on the matter.

Г-н Марк Берман (Канада) должен провести консультации по этому вопросу.

He also stated he would undertake consultations on these items.

Он сообщил, что он проведет консультации по этим пунктам повестки дня.

African governments must undertake industrial policies to help restructure their economies.

Правительства африканских стран должны проводить промышленную политику, которая бы способствовала реструктуризации их экономик.

The strategy team may also undertake short-term investigations.

Группа стратегии может также проводить расследования, требующие небольшой затраты времени.

These teams survey and mark minefields and undertake demining in priority return areas.

Эти группы осуществляют осмотр и разметку минных полей и проводят разминированию в основных районах возвращения беженцев и перемещенных лиц.

The research we undertake is oriented towards both theory and its practical applications.

Исследования, которые мы проводим, ориентированы как на теорию, так и на ее практическое применение.

Companies often undertake programs to promote technologies.

Компании часто проводят программы, направленные на продвижение технологий.

Compliance teams also undertake targeted inspections.

Кроме того, проверочные группы проводят целевые инспекции.

The officer would also undertake needs-assessment missions and project backstopping as required.

В случае необходимости этот сотрудник будет также проводить миссии по оценке потребностей и обеспечивать поддержку проектов.

We also undertake crisis avoidance activities.

Кроме того, мы продолжаем проводить антикризисные мероприятия.

TCG will undertake periodic reviews to regularly assess progress in the humanitarian effort.

ТОГ будет проводить периодические обзоры в целях отслеживания на регулярной основе прогресса в деле оказания гуманитарной помощи.

Other agencies undertake consultations with their counterpart agencies in national Governments on almost all their intercountry activities.

Другие учреждения проводят консультации с их партнерами из числа национальных правительственных органов по вопросам, касающимся практически всего спектра их межстрановых мероприятий.

The Expert Mechanism may also consider how it would undertake the studies and formulate research-based advice.

Экспертный механизм может также рассмотреть вопрос о том, каким образом он будет проводить исследования и вырабатывать основанные на результатах исследований рекомендации.

Each project we undertake is complex and unique.

Каждый проект, реализованный нами, является полностью индивидуальным и уникальным.

Give 110% to everything you undertake.

We undertake no duty to update.

Мы не берем на себя никаких обязательств по их обновлению.

The employer must undertake a risk assessment.

We undertake both small and large projects.

Мы выполняем как масштабные, так и небольшие проекты.

At some point they must undertake the task.

На каком-то этапе они все равно должны выполнять свою задачу.

German engineers succeed in everything, whatever they undertake.

Немецким инженерам удается всё, за что бы они ни брались.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат undertake

Результатов: 11777. Точных совпадений: 11777. Затраченное время: 111 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Definition of Undertake

to commit oneself to an obligation

Examples of Undertake in a sentence

Choosing to undertake the obligation of raising foster children was not a decision the woman took lightly.


The naïve woman did not realize how much work her offer to undertake glee club tryouts would bring.


Without anyone to undertake the running of the operations, the sick business owner was forced to close the doors.


He knew that to undertake the task of class officer would be a huge responsibility.


Looking around at the disaster of a kitchen, the would-be chef regretted his idea to undertake bake sale duties.


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Sentence Examples

I will be proud of undertaking it, Samuel, to undertake it with trust and it thrills

«Why did you hide us, Helius «that you wanted to undertake this trip to the Moon?»

«Now, Helius will have to condescend to undertake the return immediatly !»

Friend, will you undertake to lead us to that valley?

did you undertake the long journey just to tell me that?

And I do further solemnly swear that I will permit no concern other than the good of the state to influence me in the exact performance of those duties which herewith I undertake.

Now, O.J., I’m going to undertake a terrible responsibility.

Are the executors prepared to undertake their duties?

Today, the German people are spiritually and soulfully ready… to undertake their obligation in the general Labor Service.

Well… I will undertake it.

But whenever I undertake a case of this sort, I always get an advance payment.

Let’s see how we stand. You, Gordon, are to undertake the reconstruction of our air force.

Do you realize the immense task we shall undertake… when we set ourselves to an active and aggressive peace… when we direct our energies to tear out the wealth of this planet… and exploit all these giant possibilities of science… that have been squandered hitherto upon war and senseless competition?


You will not have to undertake the Iong and tiresome journey to Persia.

You certainly do what you undertake.

It’s not pleasant to govern a nation upon which I cannot rely… and which attacks everything I undertake in the newspapers.

Well, if the Emperor is not interested, then we’ll undertake it alone.

Now, sir, we’ll say goodbye to you unless you care to undertake the Istanbul expedition with us.

You have earned them after a long and arduous period of training and they proclaim to the world that you have accomplished your first job. That you’re entitled to undertake tremendous responsibilities.

I will undertake to find an experienced diver… to show Mr. Tolliver the way.

I wouldn’t undertake to say what exactly… but he was kind of in a mess.

I quite liked the way the gentlemen honoured me today but after all it’s been no big deal to undertake such a trip nowadays

No Eloi. We’re not going to undertake any exploration.

I’d undertake this operation at once.

«This is a serious and solemn step that you here undertake.

Mr. Holmes, for the sake not only of our country, but for liberty and good government everywhere, we implore you to undertake this mission.

They should be sold, and this I will undertake for you.

All of you will undertake exactly the same duties as you did in the case of Higgins.

Well, if you are prepared to undertake the expense of the funeral yourself you will receive the necessary authorization.

Is there a resolution to the effect that the town of Browdley will undertake a free and public clinic for the purpose of immunization of the entire child population?

What we are going to undertake will be hard.

I’ll designate someone in secret to undertake this delicate task.

I wish to undertake the construction of the Wynand building at once.

That’s the last time I’ll undertake the education of a—

Madame Bovary, you have only to command, and I will undertake to provide anything you wish.

If you, an American officer, and your friend will undertake this mission, I am sure Colonel Phillips will find a way to send you all to Australia.

If it’s that important a project… why doesn’t the government undertake it?

I’m sorry I can’t undertake it.

I wouldn’t undertake this one for 500.

The work will not be as arduous as here… and the doctor seems to think that I can undertake it without… danger.

Your memory works and I undertake to buy a car from you. Is that it?

It’s sheer rock with ice hummocks… and a complex of palisaded ridges… that only an Alpinist would undertake to ascend frontally.

Will you undertake to swear that the defendant Pickwick did not say on that occasion, my dear Mrs. Bardell, you are a good soul, compose yourself to this situation, for to this situation you must come, or words to that effect?

Professor Nesbitt, after waiting for 3o years I’m about to undertake my first extended holiday.

An officer may find himself strapped for money and he may undertake certain things which in other circumstances, no, absolutely no.

Shall I undertake your cure?

Come back tomorrow morning. I will undertake your cure.

Your friend Captain Taylor volunteered… to undertake a photographic mission to find out.

Who’s to undertake your education?

Asked by: Ian Mertz

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Examples of undertake in a Sentence

He’s undertaking a thorough search. The researchers undertook a series of studies.

What is a good sentence for undertake?

1. Students are required to undertake simple experiments. 2. I want you to undertake all the responsibility.

What is a sentence with the word undertaking?

Examples of undertaking in a Sentence

The restoration of the old theater is a huge undertaking. He advised us against such a risky undertaking.

What is an example of undertake?

Undertake means to start something or agree to do something. An example of to undertake is to begin a journey. An example of to undertake is to sign a contract for a new job.

Is undertake a real word?

A: Yes, you’re right. The word “undertaker” (someone who undertakes a task) has been a euphemism for “funeral director” since the late 17th century. … The earliest published reference for “undertaker,” dating from 1382, refers to a helper or an assistant, according to the Oxford English Dictionary.

39 related questions found

Is WWE real?

As in other professional wrestling promotions, WWE shows are not legitimate contests but entertainment-based performance theater, featuring storyline-driven, scripted, and partially-choreographed matches; however, matches often include moves that can put performers at risk of injury, even death, if not performed …

What is an undertaker called?

A funeral director, also known as an undertaker (British English) or mortician (American English), is a professional involved in the business of funeral rites.

What does undertake mean when driving?

Undertaking is the act of passing a slower-moving vehicle on the left hand side or an inside lane, depending on the type of road you are travelling on. As you’re supposed to overtake on the right, an undertake carries a significantly higher risk to both pedestrians and unsuspecting drivers.

How do you use the word implement in a sentence?

Implement sentence example

  1. He used a special implement which he inserted at the lower end of the incision. …
  2. We plan to implement a policy allowing students to choose a humane alternative. …
  3. This implement costs about four shillings.

What does it mean to give an undertaking?

An undertaking is “a promise given by one party to the Court, frequently of mandatory nature and relating to an obligation to the other party in proceedings.” Undertakings are a legally binding promise which carry severe consequences if breached.

What is meant by undergoing?

1 : to submit to : endure. 2 : to go through : experience undergo a transformation. 3 obsolete : undertake. 4 obsolete : to partake of.

What is the purpose of undertaking?

The whole purpose of undertakings is to create a binding obligation where the person giving the undertaking has no personal financial interest in the matter or transaction to which the undertaking relates.

What are compound words?

When two words are used together to yield a new meaning, a compound is formed. Compound words can be written in three ways: as open compounds (spelled as two words, e.g., ice cream), closed compounds (joined to form a single word, e.g., doorknob), or hyphenated compounds (two words joined by a hyphen, e.g., long-term).

What does undertaking mean in law?

In a finance or property law context, in some cases, an agreement or promise to do or provide something, or to refrain from doing or providing something, which is meant to be binding on the party giving the undertaking.

What is the past tense of undertake?

Undertook is the past tense of undertake.

Is it legal to undertake on motorway?

It’s acceptable to undertake on motorways where average speed limits are in operation. … Therefore, it may be safer to pass a car travelling below the average speed limit on your right if your lane is moving faster. Again, this is safer than weaving in and out of the traffic.

Is driving barefoot illegal?

While it is not illegal to drive barefoot, it is formally considered unsafe. Some believe a driver may have more control over the car when driving barefoot than with some shoes. Though barefoot driving is not illegal, local regulations could prohibit it. While not illegal, barefoot driving is not encouraged.

Is passing on the left illegal?

In California, at least, there is no prohibition against cruising in the left lane. However, similar to the states below, slow traffic must stay right. … The left lane is the designated passing lane, however, vehicles in the left lane must obey the posted speed limits.

What is the meaning of have the same?

Just about every popular dictionary defines synonym as a term having “the same or nearly the same” meaning as another, but there is an important difference between “the same” and “nearly the same.” Noun synonyms sometimes mean exactly the same thing.

What can I write instead of I have?


  1. cherish.
  2. entertain.
  3. exhibit.
  4. harbor.
  5. have.
  6. hold.
  7. hold up.
  8. maintain.

What do you call the dead person at a funeral?

FUNERAL DIRECTOR — A person who prepares for the burial or other disposition of dead human bodies, supervises such burial or disposition, maintains a funeral establishment for such purposes. Also known as a mortician or undertaker.

Why do undertakers sew mouths shut?

Koutandos said a body’s nose and throat are packed with cotton wool to stop fluids from seeping out. Cotton may be used to make the mouth look more natural, if the deceased doesn’t have teeth. Mouths are sewn shut from the inside. … Makeup—but not too much—is applied to lessen the ‘waxy look’ a dead body might have.

What are people who dress dead bodies called?

Mortician specifically means the person who handles the body in preparation for a funeral. Since most funeral homes are small, local operations, the person who embalms and beautifies the body is also often the funeral director. Commonly this is also the owner of the funeral home.

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