Sentences for the word plot

Synonym: blueprint, chart, concoct, conspire, contrive, diagram, graph, intrigue, maneuver, map, outline, plan, scheme, sketch. Similar words: lot, lots, slot, pilot, ballot, lots of, a lot of, blotting. Meaning: [plɑt /plɒt]  n. 1. a secret scheme to do something (especially something underhand or illegal) 2. a small area of ground covered by specific vegetation 3. the story that is told in a novel or play or movie etc. 4. a chart or map showing the movements or progress of an object. v. 1. plan secretly, usually something illegal 2. make a schematic or technical drawing of that shows how things work or how they are constructed 3. make a plat of. 

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1) The film had an exciting plot.

2) They uncovered a plot to destabilize the government.

3) The police have uncovered a plot.

4) The experimental plot was’parceled out to the students.

5) The plot was discovered before it was carried out.

6) I have sown the millet in this plot.

7) The play has a very simple plot.

8) This is a novel with a complicated plot.

9) There are some annoying loose ends in the plot.

10) The plot of the TV series is quite complex.

11) Police in Brazil uncovered a plot to kidnap him.

12) The plot of this book is incredible.

13) I have a novel with an intricate plot.

14) The plot often borders on farce.

15) The book is well organized in terms of plot.

16) The film’s plot is predictable and the acting is mediocre.

17) They were accused of being privy to the plot against the king.

18) The general is accused of conniving in a plot to topple the government.

19) Security forces have uncovered a plot to overthrow the government.

20) He exposed their plot.

21) A plot to assassinate the banker has been uncovered by the police.

22) They had taken part in a Jacobite plot against William III.

23) The plot was too complicated for me I couldn’t follow it.

24) The plot of the movie bears more than a passing resemblance to Jane Austen’s «Emma».

25) The plot of the film was too involved — I couldn’t understand it.

26) He professed that he knew nothing about the plot.

27) His plot has been struck out.

28) The audience must have been totally mystified by the plot.

29) The court heard how she and her lover hatched a plot to kill her husband.

30) Steps into the dream the paradise,( fantasizes your my romantic plot.

More similar words: lot, lots, slot, pilot, ballot, lots of, a lot of, blotting, clothing, aplomb, employ, deploy, explore, exploit, explode, employer, diplomat, employee, explosion, diplomatic, employment, exploration, unemployment. 

сюжет, график, заговор, участок земли, план, наносить, вычерчивать, чертить


- заговор; интрига

assassination plot — заговор с целью убийства
plot to overthrow the government — заговор с целью свержения правительства
to lay /to hatch/ a plot — замышлять заговор
to defeat /to frustrate/ a plot — сорвать заговор; разрушить планы
to discover /to reveal, to disclose, to expose, to lay bare/ a plot — раскрыть заговор
to weave a plot — плести сети заговора

- фабула, сюжет

subordinate plot — побочная сюжетная линия
threadbare plot — примитивный сюжет, простенькая фабула
an intricately woven plot — хитро /ловко/ закрученная интрига
unravelling of the plot — развёртывание сюжета /сюжетной линии/

- амер. план; схема; чертёж; диаграмма; график
- топ. кроки
- ав., мор. курс или положение (корабля или самолета) на карте
- трасса
- засечка цели

the plot thickens — а) интрига становится всё сложнее; б) шутл. заваривается каша, начинаются дела

- участок земли, делянка

grass plot — лужайка
building plot — строительная площадка
potato plot — участок под картофелем
plot of vegetables, vegetable plot — участок под овощами
garden plot — садовый участок


- организовывать, составлять заговор; плести интриги, интриговать; замышлять, задумывать

to plot treason [a coup d’état, revenge] — замышлять измену [государственный переворот, месть]
to plot an enemy’s ruin — готовить гибель врагу
what mischief are you plotting between you? — какие вы тут задумали проказы?

- составлять план, делать схему
- вычерчивать, строить кривую, график или диаграмму
- откладывать величину на оси

to plot the absissa [the ordinate] of a point — откладывать величину по оси абсцисс [ординат]

- считать, рассчитывать по графику

ещё 6 вариантов

Мои примеры


a movie with a flimsy plot — фильм со слабым сюжетом  
a précis of the book’s plot — краткое изложение сюжета книги  
a film with an improbable plot — кино с невероятным сюжетом  
a plot to assassinate the President — заговор с целью убийства президента  
to plot curve point by point — строить кривую по точкам  
plot device — двигатель сюжета  
to plot on a map — наносить на карту  
to devise / hatch / lay a plot — вынашивать, замышлять, подготавливать заговор  
to expose a plot — раскрывать заговор  
cunning / diabolic / sinister plot — коварный, дьявольский заговор  
simple plot — простой, незамысловатый сюжет  
to plot a mischievous plan — готовить злые планы  

Примеры с переводом

The movie has a weak plot.

У этого фильма — слабый сюжет.

The police have uncovered a plot.

Полиция раскрыла заговор.

The movie has an intricate plot.

Фильм имеет замысловатый сюжет.

The book has an ingenious plot.

У книги оригинальный сюжет.

It wasn’t a deep laid plot.

Это был плохо спланированный заговор.

Ah! the plot thickens!

Ого! Интрига нарастает! / Становится всё интереснее!

She summarized the plot for the class.

Она вкратце изложила классу сюжет произведения.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Have you plotted the route for your trip yet?

I could see people thinking I’d totally lost the plot.

He hatched a lunatic plot to overthrow the government.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

plot out — распределять, делить на участки

Возможные однокоренные слова

plotter  — графопостроитель, заговорщик, интриган, построитель кривых
underplot  — тайный замысел, побочная интрига, второстепенная интрига
plotful  — заговорщический
plotless  — бессюжетный, безопасный, свободный от заговоров, выборочный
plottage  — площадь участка, общий размер
plotting  — построение, вычерчивание графика или, составлять график

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: plot
he/she/it: plots
ing ф. (present participle): plotting
2-я ф. (past tense): plotted
3-я ф. (past participle): plotted

ед. ч.(singular): plot
мн. ч.(plural): plots

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


By looking for the movie plot, we ignore what actually happened.

Выискивая сюжет для кино, мы игнорируем то, что случилось на самом деле .

The plot reminds people that they must sow good deeds.

Сюжет напоминает людям о том, что они должны сеять добрые дела.

Imagine you inherited a subsoil plot of 100 hectares for diamond production.

Представьте, вы получили наследство — участок недр площадью 100 га для добычи алмазов.

Biggest plot left you don’t already own.

Самый большой участок из тех, которыми вы не владеете.

But perhaps this is the plot.

Но, возможно, это и есть заговор.

He even believed that 9/11 was a government plot.

Вот он тоже верит, что 9/11 — это правительственный заговор.

The plot reveals splendid sea panorama.

С участка открываются красивые панорамные виды на море.

It can therefore survive for many years in a contaminated plot.

Таким образом, он способен сохраняться в течение многих лет на зараженном участке.

For further advice concerning buying a plot or for recommended suppliers please contact us.

Чтобы получить дополнительную информацию по покупке участка или список рекомендуемых поставщиков услуг, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами.

A forestry certificate- when the plot is outside the town plan.

Справки лесного хозяйства в случае, если земельный участок находится за пределами плана местности.

This time the plot involved drugs.

На этот раз в сюжете фигурировали тяжелые наркотики.

Nearly 330 officers were convicted of involvement in the plot.

Кроме того, за причастность к заговору были осуждены около 330 офицеров.

What is worthy for this plot is its location.

То, что является достойным для этого заговора, — его местоположение.

One interesting twist is that X4 will have no central plot.

Один интересный поворот в том, что X4 не будет иметь центрального сюжета.

The plot involves giant monsters who attack earth.

Сюжет расскажет о гигантских чудовищах, которые нападают на Землю.

Declared one senior counterterrorism official: There was no definitive plot.

Как заявил один из руководителей, отвечающих за борьбу с терроризмом: «Никакого определенного заговора не было.

The plot of the game is that Brainiac is completely crazy.

Сюжет же игры заключается в том, что Брейниак окончательно сошел с ума.

Rean Schwarzer uncovers a dark plot that threatens his homeland.

Реан Schwarzer раскрывает темный заговор, который ставит под угрозу свою родину.

The following will spoil some jokes from Avengers: Infinity War and associated plot elements.

Следующий материал спойлерит некоторые шутки из фильма «Мстители: Война бесконечности» и связанные с ними элементы сюжета.

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Sentences with the word Plot?



  • «an abortive revolt»; «a stillborn plot to assassinate the President»
  • «nonessential to the integral meanings of poetry»- Pubs.MLA; «the character’s motives remain accidental to the plot«
  • «a history of France»; «he gave an inaccurate account of the plot to kill the president»; «the story of exposure to lead»
  • «a bloodbath took place when the leaders of the plot surrendered»; «ten days after the bloodletting Hitler gave the action its name»; «the valley is no stranger to bloodshed and murder»; «a huge prison battue was ordered»
  • «the Byzantine tax structure»; «Byzantine methods for holding on to his chairmanship»; «convoluted legal language»; «convoluted reasoning»; «the plot was too involved»; «a knotty problem»; «got his way by labyrinthine maneuvering»; «Oh, what a tangled web we weave»- Sir Walter Scott; «tortuous legal procedures»; «tortuous negotiations lasting for months»
  • «a plot of great ingenuity»; «the cleverness of its design»
  • «all those concerned in the bribery case have been identified»; «named three officials implicated in the plot«; «an innocent person implicated by circumstances in a crime»
  • «the plot contained too many improbable contrivances to be believable»
  • «deep political machinations»; «a deep plot«
  • «The plot developed slowly»
  • «machinate a plot«; «organize a strike»; «devise a plan to take over the director’s office»
  • «a pedestrian movie plot«
  • «slight evidence»; «a tenuous argument»; «a thin plot«; «a fragile claim to fame»
  • «the essay was in the form of a dialogue»; «he first sketches the plot in outline form»
  • «they concocted a plot to discredit the governor»; «I saw through his little game from the start»
  • «at incredible speed»; «the book’s plot is simply incredible»
  • «retread an old plot«
  • «nefarious schemes»; «a villainous plot«; «a villainous band of thieves»
  • «a bean plot«; «a cabbage patch»; «a briar patch»
  • «the characters were well drawn but the plot was banal»
  • «the novel’s seamless plot«
  • «The President stonewalled when he realized the plot was being uncovered by a journalist»
  • «a thickening plot«
  • «He tipped off the police about the terrorist plot«
  • «The land surveyor worked by triangulating the plot«
  • «The CIA unearthed a plot to kill the President»

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

In a third tragedy, Love’s Sacrifice (acted c. 1630; printed in 1633), he again worked on similar materials; but this time he unfortunately essayed to base the interest of his plot upon an unendurably unnatural possibility — doing homage to virtue after a fashion which is in itself an insult.

On the 6th of November, Bates, Catesby’s servant and one of the conspirators, brought him a letter with the news of the failure of the plot and desiring advice.

The count hastened publicly to disavow Favras in a speech delivered before the commune of Paris and in a letter to the National Assembly, although there is no reasonable doubt of his complicity in the plot that did exist.

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The third party Northern- in the plot was Sir Edmund Mortimer, Glendowers beriand captive, who was easily persuaded to join a movement with Glen- for the aggrandizement of his own family.

The plot failed owing to the late arrival of the Athenian force, when Nicodromus had already fled the island.

The doubling of the tribute in 425 pressed hardly on the allies (see Delian League): Nicias failed in a plot with the democratic party in Megara to seize that town; and the brilliant campaigns of Brasidas (q.v.) in the north-east, culminating in the capture of Amphipolis (422), finally destroyed the Athenian hopes of recovering their land empire, and entirely restored the balance of success and Spartan prestige.

Owing to the death of a messenger there was long delay in proclaiming the new monarchs in Maryland; this delay, together with a rumor of a Popish plot to slaughter the Protestants, enabled the opposition to overthrow the proprietary government, and then the crown, in the interest of its trade policy, set up a royal government in its place, in 1692, without, however, divesting the proprietor of his territorial rights.

They were even able to quell the first attempt at a reaction, by seizing and beheading Edmund, earl of Kent, the late kings half-brother, who was betrayed while organizing a plot for their destruction.

S., where (in a former mansion) some of the conspirators in the Gunpowder Plot defied search for eight days (1605); and Westwood, a fine hall of Elizabethan and Carolean date on the site of a Benedictine nunnery, a mile west of Droitwich, which offered a retreat to many Royalist cavaliers and churchmen during the Commonwealth.

A great hunting match was organized at Danchurch in Warwickshire by Digby, to which large numbers of the Roman Catholic gentry were invited, who were to join the plot after the successful accomplishment of the explosion of the 5th of November, the day fixed for the opening of parliament, and get possession of the princess Elizabeth, then residing in the neighbourhood; while Percy was to seize the infant prince Charles and bring him on horseback to their meeting-place.

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