Sentences for the word instance

инстанция, пример, образец, ссылаться


- пример, образец; случай

familiar instance — известный случай; знакомый пример
the most striking instance of smth. — наиболее яркий /наглядный/ пример чего-л.
in this instance — в этом /в данном/ случае
in some instances — в ряде случаев
to give /to cite/ an instance or two — привести один-два примера
take as an instance … — возьмите, например …

- производство дела в суде; судебный процесс
- тк. sing требование, (настоятельная) просьба; настояние

at the instance of smb., at smb.’s instance — по чьей-л. просьбе

- гражданский иск
- прецедент

for instance — например
in the first instance — прежде всего; в первую очередь; сперва, сначала; во-первых

- судебная инстанция

a court of first instance — суд первой инстанции
lawsuit in the first instance — выиграть [проиграть] дело в первой судебной инстанции


- приводить в качестве примера, ссылаться на

Мои примеры


isolated / rare instance — отдельный пример  
to cite / give an instance — приводить пример  
court of first instance — суд первой инстанции  
to cite an instance — привести пример  
instance description — описание экземпляра или представителя  
at first instance — в первой инстанции  
at the instance of — по просьбе  
final instance — последняя инстанция  
first appeals instance — апелляционный суд низшей инстанции  
first instance — первая инстанция  

Примеры с переводом

Let me give you a for instance.

Позвольте мне привести вам пример.

In this instance I think she was mistaken.

В данном случае, я думаю, она ошибалась.

I am writing to you at the instance of my friend.

Я пишу вам по просьбе моего друга.

In this instance I prefer to remain anonymous.

На этом этапе я предпочитаю не сообщать своего имени.

We will instance in a single writer, Walton.

Сошлёмся лишь на одного автора — Уолтона.

This is perhaps a singular instance in the history of mankind.

Возможно, это единичный такой случай в истории человечества.

She instanced the first chapter as proof of his skill in constructing scenes.

Она привела первую главу как доказательство его умения описывать место действия.

ещё 13 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The appointment of research officer will be for two years in the first instance.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

instancy  — спешность, настоятельность, безотлагательность

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: instance
he/she/it: instances
ing ф. (present participle): instancing
2-я ф. (past tense): instanced
3-я ф. (past participle): instanced

ед. ч.(singular): instance
мн. ч.(plural): instances

1. This is only one instance out of many.

2. I came here at the instance of Dr. Jekyll.

3. There are a number of improvements; for instance, both mouse buttons can now be used.

4. An instance of this controversy occurred last year.

5. In this instance I think she was mistaken.

6. In the first instance I was inclined to refuse, but then I reconsidered.

7. The court of first instance will sit at two in the afternoon.

8. In the first instance, a letter from your employer may be all you need.

9. Murder, petty theft and tax evasion, for instance, all have different motives and consequences.

10. Teenage sex, for instance, may come not out of genuine desire but from a need to get love.

11. You cannot rely on her; for instance, she arrived an hour late for an important meeting yesterday.

12. North America provides the most striking instance of European settlement on a grand scale.

13. This is a classic instance of Dostoevsky’s writing operating on two levels.

14. What would you do, for instance,[Sentence dictionary] if you found a member of staff stealing?

15. In the first instance your child will be seen by an ear, nose and throat specialist.

16. I cannot recall any other instance in modern times in which a huge and mighty state crumbled to dust.

17. Enquiries should be made in the first instance to the Human Resources Director.

18. This is an instance of his general attitude to his employees.

19. A change of mind in one instance does not necessarily signal a change in overall policy.

20. This instance shows how important it is to check that the machine is working properly before you use it.

21. Experts cite the country as an instance where human rights violations could lead to international intervention.

22. Further information is required to determine the correct answer in any given instance.

23. We need to rethink the way we consume energy. Take, for instance, our approach to transport.

24. The appointment of research officer will be for two years in the first instance.

25. It is not always helpful to draw analogies between sexism and racism, but in this instance it is useful.

26. Enquiries about the post should be addressed in the first instance to the personnel manager.

27. Several of his friends came: Ben, Carol and Mike, for instance.

28. I would normally suggest taking time off work, but in this instance I’m not sure that would do any good.

29. I don’t usually side with the management, but in this instance I agree with what they’re saying.

30. The system will handle not only telephone calls and data messages but other signals that need high bandwidth, for instance those that encode TV pictures.

Definition of Instance

a specific example or single occurrence of something

Examples of Instance in a sentence

This shoplifting instance was only one example of why the shop installed hidden cameras.


For instance, running in the halls is a safety violation at school.


Another instance of his love for her was when he traveled to visit her in Paris.


The instance of their argument proved that they should end their relationship.


Because he was usually out of town, his presence at the get-together was a rare instance.


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Sentence Examples

I’m reminded of things I didn’t even know I knew, for instance, because some…

Unless you’ve taken some other drug, like for instance like marijuana or something well you know it’s an altogether new thing!

And after the gathering they might, for instance, sneak into a barn and bewitch a cow.

Many women, for instance, confess that — transformed into cats — they soiled the altar during the night, while two devils in the shape of animals stood guard at the church door.

We remember for instance that the witch received nightly visitations by the Devil.

have they for instance a monopoly on being painted by the Master?

Nobody would believe, for instance, that the entire lives of a peaceful American boy and girl could be changed by a funny little war between two small countries far across the sea. The spies of the two little nations were at a Pacific seaport, each trying to prevent the other getting ships and supplies.

The Prussian Court of First instance — Berlin-Center

Uh- — Look there, for instance.

For instance, you heard how the landlady said that she heard raised voices.

Leave the room this instance!

One of those great big barns… nothing cozy like… well, like our joint, for instance?

Well, for instance, when you got a couple of drinks in you… well, you’re a lot of fun.

In Universal’s 1979 remake, for instance, the dynamic is completely reversed.

For instance, a fish can putter in water but not on land, because he’d be out of place.

Yes, well, what would these reminders be, for instance?

For instance, we’ll take mop rags.

Now take this point, for instance

Take that fellow right there, for instance. There never was a time when he couldn’t have gotten away.

I’m afraid in this instance, Mr. Rainsford… you may have to follow them.

For instance — For instance, take Russia.

For instance, where are the wives of all these natives?

For instance, in the moonlight on a tropical island they might make any woman fall in love with any man.

For instance, if you have Two fives and two eights, That’s two pair.

Take yourself, for instance.

Now you take that one there for instance. I call him Oliver Twist.

Now take this young lady here, for instance.

A shorter name would be more convenient on a sign still Eva Lovelace in Camille, for instance, or Eva Lovelace in Romeo and Juliet sounds very distinguished, doesn’t it?

Take this fellow for instance.

One instance of softness, weakness, and he’s dead.


Is it enough just to correspond with Mr. Browning, for instance ?

For instance, … here we have the Orchidaceae Stictophyllum.

The pursuit of the girl in the flower shop, for instance.

What do you care for this, for instance?

For instance, one occasionally likes a drink.

Take, for instance, the habits of the sea mew.

Take that story there, for instance.

Take Abraham Lincoln for instance.

Now you take No. 1, for instance.

For instance, recently… a well known lady of society… married of course… has her portrait painted by a well known artist.

For instance, at the moment, I’m looking at someone else, and what’s more, let go of my hands.

Well, take the clothes, for instance.

Look, you’re in New York, for instance.

Sentences with instance in them. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use instance in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for instance.

  • About obeying, for instance. (8)
  • There is Bach, for instance. (8)
  • When you shave, for instance. (8)
  • Wearing a nightshirt, for instance? (8)
  • One instance was particularly horrible. (7)
  • Chaucer is a capital instance in point. (14)
  • Instance me a case where I have failed? (10)
  • This is just an instance of what I hate. (8)
  • You may quote Napoleon as a contrary instance. (10)
  • The puppet hero, for instance, is a changed being. (10)
  • For instance, there was the Portuguese Marquis de Col. (10)
  • But what does anything matter to Harbinger, for instance? (8)
  • She cited a well-known instance of degradation in verse. (10)
  • You would not, for instance, now go to a ball for the world. (4)
  • The Countess dared no longer instance the Count, her husband. (10)
  • I brought her into Plymouth; and here another instance of luck. (4)
  • An instance of the difference between myself and the world, now. (10)
  • Last night, for instance, we were sitting in the loggia after supper. (8)
  • Others, Vernon Whitford, for instance, could help, and moved no hand. (10)
  • This lady, for instance, had the case been hers, would have fought it. (10)
  • But he found himself obliged to instance something he had quite neglected. (10)
  • We see nothing of them, and this is really an instance of gross inattention. (4)
  • You may take that for an instance of the national spirit of Liberal newspapers! (10)
  • The poet, for instance, is a connoisseur of beauty: to the artist she is a model. (10)
  • In the present instance, it meant nothing other than an execution, as he had said. (10)
  • London, for instance, he was not afraid to say he thought the wonder of the world. (10)
  • You will not often find me quoting Cromwell, but his words apply in this instance. (10)
  • I know what I want, generally, speaking, and in this particular instance I want you. (9)
  • Why, for instance, her heart ached so some days and felt light and eager other days? (8)
  • The instance: she positively would not notice that you wear a dress-coat of a foreign cut. (10)
  • At Bouchet, for instance, I uncorked my bottle of Beaujolais, and asked the host to join me. (2)
  • In the case of Tracy Runningbrook, they had furnished a signal instance of their discernment. (10)
  • In this instance, when the need of a worshipper was sharply felt, he obtained no signs at all. (10)
  • At his instance, I went to the archbishop, to implore one of the princes of the Church for succour. (10)
  • Sometimes my utmost did not avail, or more strictly speaking it did not avail in one instance with Emerson. (9)
  • Ordinary men might say or think it inoffensively; Captain Baskelett, for instance: but not Nevil Beauchamp. (10)
  • For instance, Mr. Douglas, of Edinburgh, reprints a great many American books and pays a copyright for them. (14)
  • That young couple, for instance, under the pepper-tree, sitting there without a word, just looking at the trees. (8)
  • The most important instance of criticism of this kind is afforded by current attacks upon the Associated Press. (16)
  • The Femmes Savantes is a capital instance of the uses of comedy in teaching the world to understand what ails it. (10)
  • They actually enjoyed the sensation in every instance, except when a strong current was passed through the trunk. (21)
  • But Mavering rested satisfied with his achievement in that instance, and did not attempt anything else of the kind. (9)
  • Settle it as you like; say what is proper; I am sure you will feel such an instance of his kindness at such a moment! (4)
  • The vetturino seized the image at once to strike home his instance of the danger of outraging the will of the people. (10)
  • A single instance, a cant phrase, a fatherly manner, might have wrecked him, by arousing ancient or latent opposition. (10)
  • For instance, up in agricultural Windsor county, in southeastern Vermont, nestles the village of White River Junction. (21)
  • It is but an instance of the way in which a profession growing more serious is bound to take knowledge more seriously. (16)
  • Her continual agitations made her doubtful of her human feelings: she clung to that instance of her filial stedfastness. (10)
  • A tour, for instance, in Norway and Sweden, where none of them had ever been, and perhaps down through Finland into Russia. (8)
  • We talk, for instance, of poetry for poets, and we fondly imagine that this is different from talking of cookery for cooks. (9)
  • As for instance to-day, when he had suspected his client of perjury, and was almost convinced that he must throw up his brief. (8)
  • His generous gift of the endowment of triennial prizes to American composers is an admirable instance of his warm-heartedness. (3)
  • Secretly behind it, the man was proud of having a heart to beat for the cause of the besiegeing enemy, in the present instance. (10)
  • The old chairman, for instance, still had his passion for getting his own way, still had his prestige, and set a lot of store by it! (8)
  • In one city, for instance, the owner of the land on which we exhibited gave plain directions as to its area and they were abided by. (21)
  • Upon the whole, I commend my own conduct in this affair extremely, and regard it as a very happy instance of circumspection and tenderness. (4)
  • But if he was that other and changed man, if he approved himself in this supreme instance, then she need torment herself so cruelly no more. (12)
  • He went to Scotland at the instance of a pupil, Miss Stirling, gave concerts at Edinburgh and Glasgow, besides one in the interval at Manchester. (3)
  • So the confession closed; and in the present instance there were not any forgotten chambers to be unlocked and ransacked for addenda confessions. (10)
  • This was the more certain because the composers who wrote for the instrument were also players, in almost every instance the virtuosi of their times. (3)
  • For instance, the power leaves her when the performance closes for the night, and does not develop again until she is on exhibition the following day. (21)
  • But your Liberals are sometimes Radicals in their youth, and his choice of parties might not be so much sagacity as an instance of unripe lightheadedness. (10)
  • How, for instance, could people who had once known the simple verity, the refined perfection of Miss Austere, enjoy, anything less refined and less perfect? (9)
  • Often their fairest, apparently sweetest, when brought to the keenest of the tests, are graceless; or worse, artificially consonant; in either instance barren of the poetic. (10)

Also see sentences for: allusion, asking, demand, entreaty, hint, intimation, persistency.

Definition of instance:

  • instance, in’stans, n. quality of being urgent: solicitation: occurrence: occasion: example: (_shak._) evidence, proof. | v.t. to mention as an example. | n. in’stancy, insistency. | adj. instan’tial (_rare_). | at the instance of, at the motion or solicitation of; for instance, to take as an example. (0)

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