Sentences for the word amount

сумма, количество, общая сумма, итог, составлять, достигать, составлять сумму


- количество; величина

- всё, весь объём, вся масса

a great amount of negligence — большая степень халатности; непростительная небрежность
the amount of evidence against him is great — против него собрано огромное количество улик
he has an enormous amount of energy — он человек неистощимой энергии

- общая сумма, итог

what is the amount of the debt? — какова общая сумма долга?

- бухг. основная сумма и проценты с неё

amount due — сумма к получению, причитающаяся сумма
amount at risk — страх. страховая сумма


- составлять (сумму); доходить до; достигать (чего-л.); равняться (чему-л.)

the bill amounts to £25 — счёт составляет сумму в 25 фунтов

- (to) быть равным, равносильным, равнозначным; означать

to amount to a refusal [to a threat] — быть равносильным отказу [угрозе]
to amount to very little, not to amount to much — быть незначительным, не иметь большого значения
what does it amount to? — что это значит?
it amounts to this /that/ — это означает следующее

- становиться (кем-л., чем-л.), добиваться (чего-л.)

he’ll never amount to anything — из него никогда ничего не выйдет

Мои примеры


an adequate amount of food for four people — достаточное количество пищи для четырёх человек  
the amount of shelf space available — количество доступного полочного пространства  
a considerable amount of time — немало времени  
to dispute the amount of damages — оспаривать размер компенсации ущерба  
to debit an amount to smb.’s account — вносить сумму в чей-л. дебет  
discount in the amount of… — скидка в сумме…  
fair amount — изрядное количество  
generous amount of storage space — огромные складские помещения  
amount of advance — длина проходки  
aggregate amount of labour — совокупные затраты труда  
limited amount — небольшое количество  
the full amount — полный объём  

Примеры с переводом

The bill amounts to £40.

Сумма счёта составляет сорок фунтов стерлингов.

This amounts to a refusal.

Это равносильно отказу.

What is the amount of this?

Сколько это составляет?

What, after all, does it amount to?

Что, в конце концов, это означает?

The amount due is 45 dollars.

Сумма задолженности составляет сорок пять долларов.

The amount has increased twelvefold.

Сумма увеличилась в двенадцать раз.

He ate an astounding amount of food.

Он съедал поразительное количество пищи.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…our lives don’t amount to a picayune in the great scheme of things…

…preparative warning that the injection was going to cause a modest amount of pain…

…from his perspective as a billionaire, what the governor got paid was a piffling amount…

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Формы слова

I/you/we/they: amount
he/she/it: amounts
ing ф. (present participle): amounting
2-я ф. (past tense): amounted
3-я ф. (past participle): amounted

ед. ч.(singular): amount
мн. ч.(plural): amounts

amount — перевод на русский


— She analyzed Mr. Dubois’s stomach emissions and found that, along with a minuscule amount of strychnine, there was a large quantity of ipecac.

— Она исследовала рвотные массы мистера Дюбуа и обнаружила незначительное количество стрихнина, и очень много ипекакуаны.

I don’t mind a reasonable amount of trouble.

Я, за разумное количество проблем.

About the same amount that I’d have used if I’d wanted to use poison.

— Немного соды. Примерно тоже количество яда, если бы хотел тебя отравить.

— Piddlir amount.

— Достаточное количество.

Piddlir amount.

Достаточное количество.

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Don’t forget to mention the amount we’re suing for.

Не забудьте упомянуть сумму иска.

However, oddly enough, they are trying to write it off this a large amount of money.

Однако, как ни странно, они пытаются списать эту крупную сумму.

For a considerable amount of money, subject to negotiation, of course…

За значительную сумму денег, которую мы обговорим, конечно…

I’d be willing to offer a fair amount for information like that.

Я был бы готов предложить хорошую сумму за информацию, равную ей.

«I expect full amount by Thursday. »

«Жду полную сумму к четвергу.»

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For example, if there was an excessive amount of radioactive material in the rain that night…

Что если в дожде было слишком много радиоактивных веществ…

He’s lost a critical amount of blood.

Он потерял слишком много крови.

I give you a certain amount of time to go from phone booth to phone booth.

Я дам тебе не много времени, чтоб ты успевал дойти от одной тетефонной будки до другой.

The problem is I’ve got a tremendous amount of work to get done before I go back to Paris.

У меня ещё очень много дел до того как я отправлюсь в Париж.

I believe that you consumed rather a generous amount of Romulan ale in the officers mess on the night in question.

Я полагаю, что вы выпили слишком много Ромуланского пива и у вас на борту возникли беспорядки.

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I don’t care how trifling the amount, it’s still my money!

Не важно сколько, это мои деньги!

I don¡¯t care the amount, I need a lot of money

Сколько можешь,мне нужно много

I wonder, can you imagine the amount of effort and money we’ve put into this?

Интересно, можете ли вы себе представить, сколько усилий и средств мы вложили в это?

If you want money, I can give you money. Any amount.

Если хочешь денег — могу дать тебе денег, сколько угодно.

I’m telling you, if you want money, I’ll give it to you. Any amount.

Я тебе говорю — хочешь денег, дам сколько угодно.

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In the detachments, they’ll pay me the same amount that a Japanese woman gets.

В оперативной группе мне будут платить столько же, сколько японкам.

You’re the only one who pays me the same amount as a Japanese woman.

Ты единственный платил мне столько же, сколько японке.

Well, me and Tector don’t think that he ought to get the same amount.

— Ну, мы с Тектором не думаем, что он должен получить столько же.

Well, the same amount comes out there as I put in here.

Выливается ровно столько, столько я заливаю с этого.

Same amount of time.

Столько же времени.

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But it’s a large amount of money.

Но это большие деньги.

Kostya, you gave your own prize, such big amount of money and you are happy now… You should to cry, but you are happy

— Костя, отдал из своих рук такие деньги и прыгаешь Тебе плакать надо, а ты радуешься!

Bank the entire amount to his name, Shaddam IV.

Положи все деньги в банк на имя императора Шаддама IV.

We’ve put a certain amount of money into research.

Мы выделяем деньги на исследования.

Some people can’t be bought, not for any amount of money.

Некоторых людей не купить ни за какие деньги.

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Yeah, well, I can give you a certain amount of intelligence, but nothing that will compromise homeland security…

Я могу предоставить вам большой объём информации, но не скажу ничего, что поставит под угрозу национальную безопасность.

That amount of matter in so small a space would undergo instant gravitational collapse and form a black hole.

Такой объем вещества в таком пространстве подвергся бы гравитационному коллапсу и сформировал черную дыру.

Unlike such closed universes as the sphere open universes have in them an infinite amount of space.

В отличие от замкнутых, например, сферических, открытые вселенные имеют бесконечный объем пространства.

The equivalent amount of imported mineral water sells for twice that.

Тот же объем импортной минеральной воды продается вдвое дороже.

It’s digital massive amounts of data which extend right to the higher harmonics.

Цифровой код большой объём информации на сдвоенных частотах.

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They’re losing a tremendous amount of money.

Они теряют огромные деньги.

It can be the same amount of mass of mont Everest coming out from the Sun and flying out into the space.

Огромные массы размером с гору Эверест отрываются от Солнца и летят в космическое пространство.

In this world, there are some people who are willing to wager huge amounts of money to find brilliant liars.

В этом мире, есть люди, готовые держать пари на огромные деньги, чтобы найти блестящих лжецов.

They use that interest and that extensive amount of money they have to lobby Congress to give us the kind of farm bills we now have.

Они используют эту выгоду и огромные деньги, которые тратятся на лоббирование в Конгрессе, чтобы протолкнуть то фермерское законодальство, которое мы сейчас имеем.

Every time I look deeper, I find more clients, larger amounts of money and a web of financial and political connections all over the world. I think the Dollhouse is underground.

Стоит мне копнуть глубже, как я нахожу все новых клиентов, огромные денежные инвестиции, целую сеть политических и экономических связей по всему миру я думаю, что Доллхаус под землей.

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What are you going to do with that awful amount of time?

И на что тебе такая уйма времени?

It’s a helluva amount.

Чёртова прорва времени.

It just seems like an insufficient amount of time has passed.

Просто кажется, что прошло недостаточно времени.

They promised that if no other host was found within a reasonable amount of time, the symbiote would sacrifice itself rather than stay in an unwilling host.

ќни обещали, что если новый носитель не будет найден в течение разумного времени симбионт пожертвует собой, но не останетс€ в носителе против его воли.

You’ve got a limited amount of time to pick the next guy and confirm him before the midterms politicize everything.

У тебя мало времени для поиска другого человека . и убедить его до промежуточных выборов, когда всё станет слишком политизированным.

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I pay Bob such a small amount. -Mr.

Боб получает у меня так мало.

200 million dollars. It’s a fair amount.

200 миллионов долларов — это не мало.

200,000 won is not a small amount, you know

200,000 вон — это не так уж и мало, знаешь

— So we’ve a limited amount of time.

— Так что у нас мало времени.

We all have a finite amount of time.

У нас у всех мало времени.

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Sentences with the word Amount?



  • «This idea will never amount to anything»; «nothing came of his grandiose plans»
  • «aggregate expenses include expenses of all divisions combined for the entire year»; «the aggregated amount of indebtedness»
  • «she does an amazing amount of work»; «the dog was capable of astonishing tricks»
  • «an adequate amount of food for four people»
  • «he borrowed a large sum»; «the amount he had in cash was insufficient»
  • «such an enormous response was astonishing»; «an astounding achievement»; «the amount of money required was staggering»; «suffered a staggering defeat»; «the figure inside the boucle dress was stupefying»
  • «in a frightful hurry»; «spent a frightful amount of money»
  • «They claimed on the maximum allowable amount«
  • «a considerable quantity»; «the economy was a considerable issue in the campaign»; «went to considerable trouble for us»; «spent a considerable amount of time on the problem»
  • «The city has to put up half the required amount«
  • «The amount of homework decreased towards the end of the semester»; «The cabin pressure fell dramatically»; «her weight fell to under a hundred pounds»; «his voice fell to a whisper»
  • «subtract this amount from my paycheck»
  • «I want a definite answer»; «a definite statement of the terms of the will»; «a definite amount«; «definite restrictions on the sale of alcohol»; «the wedding date is now definite»; «a definite drop in attendance»
  • «distressing (or disturbing) news»; «lived in heroic if something distressful isolation»; «a disturbing amount of crime»; «a revelation that was most perturbing»; «a new and troubling thought»; «in a particularly worrisome predicament»; «a worrying situation»; «a worrying time»
  • «the proper amount and distribution of electrolytes in the body is essential for health»
  • «enthalpy is the amount of energy in a system capable of doing mechanical work»
  • «exorbitant rent»; «extortionate prices»; «spends an outrageous amount on entertainment»; «usurious interest rate»; «unconscionable spending»
  • «the amount was paid in full»
  • «it cost a considerable amount«; «a goodly amount«; «received a hefty bonus»; «a respectable sum»; «a tidy sum of money»; «a sizable fortune»
  • «He grimaced when he saw the amount of homework he had to do»
  • «an incomputable amount«; «jewels of inestimable value»; «immeasurable wealth»
  • «The amount of work increased»
  • «like amounts»; «equivalent amounts»; «the same amount«; «gave one six blows and the other a like number»; «the same number»
  • «there are limits on the amount you can bet»; «it is growing rapidly with no limitation in sight»
  • «a minuscule kitchen»; «a minuscule amount of rain fell»
  • «the amount of litigation resulting from minor accidents is reduced by no fault insurance»
  • «She never objected to the amount of work her boss charged her with»; «When asked to drive the truck, she objected that she did not have a driver’s license»
  • «outstanding bills»; «the amount still owed»; «undischarged debts»
  • «a precise mind»; «specified a precise amount«; «arrived at the precise moment»
  • «round off the amount«
  • «in the experimental trials the amount of carbon was measured separately»; «he called each flip of the coin a new trial»
  • «the amount of energy falling on the earth is given by the solar constant, but very little use has been made of solar energy»
  • «needed a specific amount«
  • «the report shows a surprising lack of hard factual data»; «leaped up with surprising agility»; «she earned a surprising amount of money»
  • «uncommon birds»; «frost and floods are uncommon during these months»; «doing an uncommon amount of business»; «an uncommon liking for money»; «he owed his greatest debt to his mother’s uncommon character and ability»
  • «an unknown amount«; «an unknown island»; «an unknown writer»; «an unknown source»

Synonym: measure, price, quantity, sum, value. Similar words: amount to, paramount, tantamount, mount, surmount, dismount, mountain, mounting. Meaning: [ə’maʊnt]  n. 1. how much of something is available 2. a quantity of money 3. how much there is of something that you can quantify 4. a quantity obtained by the addition of a group of numbers. v. 1. be tantamount or equivalent to 2. add up in number or quantity 3. develop into. 

Random good picture Not show

1. A certain amount of care or pain or trouble is necessary for every man at all times.A ship without a ballast is unstable and will not go straight. 

2. I credit him with a certain amount of sense.

3. We’ve saved a considerable amount of money.

4. We had a surprising amount in common.

5. People should decrease the amount of fat they eat.

6. What is the total amount?

7. Cut down your overall amount of physical activity.

8. They spend an inordinate amount of time talking.

9. Somebody goofed and entered the wrong amount.

10. By any yardstick, that’s a large amount of money.

11. There’s only a minimal amount of risk involved.

12. We have accumulated a great amount of evidence.

13. No amount of discourse is sadness for the prelude.

14. It took an extraordinary amount of work.

15. You will receive a bill for the full amount.

16. He made an immense amount of money in business.

17. Only a minute amount is needed.

18. What is this amount for?

19. They ate and drank a ridiculous amount.

20. He earns almost treble the amount that I do.

21. They didn’t deliver the right amount of sand.

22. She eats an unbelievable amount of food.

23. The tank had leaked a small amount of water.

24. The total amount is in the fifties.

25. Humidity means the amount of moisture in the air.

26. They cost a tremendous amount of money.

27. She could only pay half the amount.

28. The sheer amount of data makes the mind boggle.

28. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!

29. The total sales of the company didn’t amount to more than a few million dollars.

30. You should allocate the same amount of time to each question.

More similar words: amount to, paramount, tantamount, mount, surmount, dismount, mountain, mounting, surmounted, mountaineering, insurmountable, bounty hunter, clamour, famous, paramour, infamous, enamoured, camouflage, mound, count, bounty, county, country, account, recount, counter, count on, count out, discount, fountain. 

If you believe you can earn a certain amount of money, then that is what you’ll have the ability to earn

That’s the amount of years that you’ve been sleeping if you only sleep 8

What about processed foods and especially fast food? The amount of

Even if they could kill a few dozen, the amount of zombies was impossibly large

That’s an astounding amount of pushups

This is unlike the CI rider where the entire amount of CI cover is paid to the individual

«He has an inordinate amount of his wealth tied up in that piece of real estate

Different people require different amounts of sleep, but seven or eight hours is considered the average amount of time necessary for rest and regeneration

The United Order has a model that works in a similar way, but their model has such a drain on power resources that they can only use it for a small amount of time

Though it met its mark, he’d not tightened the drawstring the full amount

When he didn’t feel a shock, he tested it again, touching the keyboard for a longer amount of time before quickly pulling his hand back again

However, if you have an unusually large weight in insects every amount of red spiders per plants, its time to make a few changes!

Also temp and amount of day light are important

Basically you apply a small amount of the boric acid onto the rug and then you brush into rug removing any left over dust with a broom

They will thrive any where the moisture, temperature and amount of food available falls within 1 tablespoon DE (garden grade) tolerable boundaries

, and/or to add a small amount of fish emulsion to the water and to change it every month or so as needed

One must know the quantum of return required as well as the amount of risk one is willing to take to achieve that return

This is a little complex than it sounds because there will be 2 variables – the rate of return and amount of savings

For instance, if you are more than 5 years away from retirement, you can find out the return you need to earn considering your present saving pattern or you can find out the amount you need to invest at a given rate of return

) (Subscribed: The amount actually collected)

He knew instantly that it was the Super Chip; there was no hiding the amount of connections and registers the Chip held from Ackers’ x-ray glasses

The amount of water used depends on how deep the roots are of the grass you are growing

German archaeologists and historians have long speculated over a large amount of deaths in the area dated from the 12th century

If you are un certain about the amount to spray, spray less, more often

The truck’s angle is linked by fiber cables running along the top of the backbone so both trucks turn the same amount in opposite directions

The amount of minerals and the quality rock used to produce rock dust depends on the location of the for quarry, and the mining process

amount of space you have to work with

amount of time you have

amount of water you have available to use

He could not find an amount for Ava, so it couldn’t be enough to get a detective interested, that would mean it was likely less than a dozen coppers a year

No amount of money could have induced him to carry this out for idle curiosity or vanity

It takes a considerable amount of restraint on my part not to go with the two of them as they head off to the annexe, but I manage it

weak during that time; slept a lot, ate almost nothing, the amount of

Where the hell would I get that amount of cash?

‘It is amazing the amount of clutter one accumulates

His principal amount was down to just three grand and he was on target

No amount of money could solve that

The window of my bedroom faces the front of the building so I hear the taxi drive over the gravel and the sound of the two them letting themselves in — judging by the amount of giggling going on, I’d say they have had a good time

Emma and Liz insisted on clearing away all the dishes before they left so there is nothing to be done in here bar a small amount of tidying up

relationship that grows in direct proportion to the amount of time we

His arms looked like they had a disease with the amount of ink on them

The fact that one of these ladies disappeared for a while, re-appearing a year later with a baby girl in tow caused a considerable amount of rumour though the woman in question never revealed who the child’s father is

Organising the programme for Friday afternoons for the next three months is taking up an incredible amount of my time and a lot of effort

He wondered if all the Qbytes they copied from a brain didn’t really amount to little more than a few thousand pages of ‘if’ statements, some response databases and a few gig of life experiences? He wondered if being in silicon took something from a soul? He bore the remainder of the evening stoically

You may have to dish out a small amount of course, but it could be worth it

Of course, it could have been any amount of time

In spite of the complaint that this wasn’t what she liked best, she was powering thru it and spraying no small amount of it in various directions

Alan got her to divulge that she also knew a fair amount of biochemistry and it’s practical application

They were pretty compatible in amount, once or twice a day

Hauling her thoughts away from such matters, Kara looked around the busy high street with interest threaded with a certain amount of caution

How many times has it been that someone will start a church with the heart to truly live and teach others to live the apostolic lifestyle, but after a certain point in growth and after gaining a certain amount of property, they suddenly change

By simply embedding the video on to other sites, such as a blog, you increase visibility and the amount of times the video post is going to be seen

The warehouse in question formed part of a complex of buildings set inside a forbidding stone wall a considerable amount taller than Kara; she presented herself at the gatehouse, offering the authority Berndt had supplied

‘But this is an unbelievable amount

‘It would fund a considerable amount, I feel

When a set amount has come to complete maturity, then it is decided that the end shall be upon us

Until that set amount reach maturity, we continue to drag out the time

Alan had explained that quirk of human evolution, the week was a day there, even shorter than here by a convenient amount

ROBERT: After a considerable amount of kissing, touching and groping, you changed into this garment to convey to a man he should leave?

He awoke with an enormous amount of energy and an air of expectancy

ROBERT: During dancing and after the dance, was there a considerable amount of embracing and touching?

JOYCE: On your second date, you said there was «considerable amount of touching

We had decided yesterday that we don’t need to take very much with us – just a small amount of food and drink and a first aid kit – or what passes as one here on Errd – along with a few other bits and pieces

Her mind was flooded with images; all the people she knew, dragons she had yet to meet, an enormous amount of information; all the dragons chanting her name; Michael standing before her

Ideally all Yoga asanas should be performed in the open air in order to draw into the lungs the maximum amount of fresh air

Michael bent over and hugged him and gently patted his massive head lovingly; he fed him a small amount of meat and placed a bowl of water before him

This ten-minute practice schedule can be varied of course, according to your individual needs and the amount of time at your disposal

I had been warned that there would be a large number of people at the ceremony, but even that did not prepare me for the crowds which are gathered outside the Gotteshouse and the amount of attention I personally attract

Viparita-Karani is very much a beauty treatment for it supplies the skin with an extra amount of blood and so prevents and smooths away untimely wrinkles

There is a collective gasp at the statement that the Elements have been retrieved from Earth, followed by a susurration of whispers as those present chew over the news, not to mention a certain amount of nudging and nodding in my direction as people identify me

The substances of which gallstones are made are produced when the body is unable to cope adequately with the amount of fat consumed

From the way Orens chats, it is plain that Berndt has spent a substantial amount of time at this kloster … This impression is underlined as we enter the main building, several of the Gottesmen we encounter as we walk along a corridor greeting Berndt with enthusiasm

By dint of sheer willpower and a certain amount of gritting of the teeth against the pain, I manage to get dressed and pack up my bags again

more, to other value-add on services that may require certain amount of membership fees to be

service that gives you a certain amount of background information verification support on the

Try to limit the amount of alcohol that you drink

‘A certain amount – thieves exist here as well as anywhere – but we are not living on top of each other as appears to be the case on Earth

This raises an amazing amount of suspicion and the

With an effort, I manage to throw one arm round her neck, swallowing a fair amount of water in the process, but once there, it means she can support me as she swims strongly towards land

The blind at the window is pretty manky too – not surprising I suppose with the amount of steam which gets generated in here sometimes and the fire in the range creates a fair amount of soot

Depending on the state of their dress, their general fashion sense, their hairstyle and the amount of cleavage on show, Tom could calculate their “Naughty” ratio

If there’s a problem with them, we’re going to miss by the amount they’re off

Then he had to defend his extrapolations of the amount of information that was being exchanged

He had to compare it to the amount of photons that are being exchanged by stars to get a larger flux

In this way the amount of quantum information in the universe was increased

As a result, I’ve managed to save a reasonable amount over the years, but the important factor is that what I earn is mine so we can certainly look to renting something decent until we find something we want to buy

He looked about the room at the small amount of people gathered there, he estimated between 30 and 40

The amount of beer yoi need to drink to

They managed to cram a tremendous amount of stuff in — though the second set of bookshelves defeats them, and has to be left with the other furniture to be transported by the hauliers

the amount of force you use

try varying the amount

Once again, try varying the amount of resistance in the

She never had a serious amount of alcohol without her med panel before, so she didn’t know she was going to get sick until it was on the way up

Like a mortal, she would have to set limits on the amount of alcohol she consumed as long as she was in this universe without a med panel

‘I suppose I have — it’s not just that I feel a certain amount of sympathy for Bunty herself, it’s also the thrill of the chase

a considerable amount of time in their appearance

amount of time to process each of her emotions as

amount of filth on earth

Focus To give an unusual amount of attention to a particular thing

Equate the amount of shade with the

That was what manning the counter amounted to more often than not

From George’s original deposit of two hundred gold coins in 1864— converted to US dollars—his twenty years of interest on that initial investment, with a bit taken out now and then, amounted to: $16,700

The younger man thought for a while, what amounted to a bit of soul-searching

Who would have something to gain by bringing her a body? That amounted to who would get recognition from it? Certainly the physician she was brought to

The party’s response to the news amounted to an ovation

But in the end, her sacrifice amounted to nothing

That was it, all he wanted to say, his grand speech to compel his people amounted to basically four words; “The universe is dead”

For her grumpy mentor, this amounted to a virtual armory which she personally had to rip from his hands – and he had been complaining about it ever since

«And what have you amounted to?»

Till 1736, indeed, the tax of the king of Spain amounted to one fifth of the standard silver, which till then might be considered as the real rent of the greater part of the silver mines of Peru, the richest which have been known in the world

«And what is your life like? What do you worry about?» Viktor asked him as sincerely as a rubber and metal contraption could, «What have you amounted to on this alien planet in this city of sex, drugs and rock and roll?» in an acid tone

During these ten years, the quantity of all sorts of grain exported, it appears from the custom-house books, amounted to no less than 8,029,156 quarters, one bushel

The bounty paid for this amounted to £ 1,514,962:17:4 1/2

In that single year, the bounty paid amounted to no less than £ 324,176:10:6

from 1747 to 1753, both inclusive, amounted in silver to 1,101,107 pounds weight, and in gold to 49,940 pounds weight

from 1754 to 1764, both inclusive, amounted to 13,984,185 3/5 piastres of ten reals

On account of what may have been smuggled, however, the whole annual importation, he supposes, may have amounted to seventeen millions of piastres, which, at 4s

When the Romans, therefore, had occasion to order more corn than the tithe of wheat amounted to, they were bound by capitulation to pay for the surplus at the rate of four sestertii, or eightpence sterling the peck; and this had probably been reckoned the moderate and reasonable, that is, the ordinary or average contract price of those times; it is equal to about one-and-twenty shillings the quarter

Let us suppose, for example, that the whole circulating money of some particular country amounted, at a particular time, to one million sterling, that sum being then sufficient for circulating the whole annual produce of their land and labour; let us suppose, too, that some time thereafter, different banks and bankers issued promissory notes payable to the bearer, to the extent of one million, reserving in their different coffers two hundred thousand pounds for answering occasional demands ; there would remain, therefore, in circulation, eight hundred thousand pounds in gold and silver, and a million of bank notes, or eighteen hundred thousand pounds of paper and money together

The value of the silver money which circulated in Scotland before the Union in 1707, and which, immediately after it, was brought into the Bank of Scotland, in order to be recoined, amounted to £411,117: 10: 9 sterling

The paper which was issued upon those circulating bills of exchange amounted, upon many occasions, to the whole fund destined for carrying on some vast and extensive project of agriculture, commerce, or manufactures ; and not merely to that part of it which, had there been no paper money, the projector would have been obliged to keep by him unemployed, and in ready money, for answering occasional demands

The capital which had been subscribed to this bank, at two different subscriptions, amounted to one hundred and sixty thousand pounds, of which eighty per cent

when it stopt, amounted to upwards of six hundred thousand pounds

Its whole capital stock, therefore, amounted at this time to £2,201,171: 10s

In consequence of those two calls, therefore, the bank capital amounted to £ 5,559,995:14:8d

; and its capital stock amounted only to £ 8,959,995:14:8d

not bond-men were tenants at will; and though the rent which they paid was often nominally little more than a quit-rent, it really amounted to the whole produce of the land

A tax, therefore, which amounted to one half, must have been an effectual bar to it

It did not always reinstate them in the possession of the land, but gave them damages, which never amounted to a real loss

against England, it would require 105 ounces of silver in England to purchase a bill for 100 ounces of silver in Holland: that 105 ounces of silver in England, therefore, would be worth only 100 ounces of silver in Holland, and would purchase only a proportionable quantity of Dutch goods ; but that 100 ounces of silver in Holland, on the contrary, would be worth 105 ounces in England, and would purchase a proportionable quantity of English goods; that the English goods which were sold to Holland would be sold so much cheaper, and the Dutch goods which were sold to England so much dearer, by the difference of the exchange : that the one would draw so much less Dutch money to England, and the other so much more English money to Holland, as this difference amounted to: and that the balance of trade, therefore, would necessarily be so much more against England, and would require a greater balance of gold and silver to be exported to Holland

Let us suppose, therefore, according to the most exaggerated computation which I remember to have either seen or heard of, that, gold and silver together, it amounted to £30,000,000

The expense of 1761, for example, amounted to more than £19,000,000

What has frequently been said of the East India trade, might possibly be true of the French; that though the greater part of East India goods were bought with gold and silver, the re-exportation of a part of them to other countries brought back more gold and silver to that which carried on the trade, than the prime cost of the whole amounted to

By the fourth of the rules annexed to the old subsidy, the drawback allowed upon the exportation of all wines amounted to a great deal more than half the duties which were at that time paid upon their importation ; and it seems at that time to have been the object of the legislature to give somewhat more than ordinary encouragement to the carrying trade in wine

During these eleven years, the whole number of barrels caught by the herring-buss fishery of Scotland amounted to 378,347

During these eleven years, the tonnage bounties paid amounted to £155,463:11s

But from the 5th April 1771 to the 5th April 1782, the quantity of foreign salt imported amounted to 936,974 bushels, at eighty-four pounds the bushel ; the quantity of Scotch salt delivered from the works to the fish-curers, to no more than 168,226, at fifty-six pounds the bushel only

Yet, till wheat has risen above this latter price, it was, by this statute, subjected to a very high duty; and, till it had risen above the former, to a duty which amounted to a prohibition

A poundage, indeed, was to be paid to the king upon such exportation; but all grain was rated so low in the book of rates, that this poundage amounted only, upon wheat to 1s

No matter how many fowl he devoured, bones and all — and it had amounted to a fair few during his lifetime — Mr Pinscher retained the appearance of a frail and listless marionette, that has been abandoned by its master

Let us suppose, however, that the whole was on account of Great Britain, and that it amounted to a still greater sum than Mr Barretti seems to imagine ; this trade would not, upon that account, be more advantageous than any other, in which, for the same value sent out, we received an equal value of consumable goods in return

It was upon this account, that during the ten or twelve years immediately preceding the late reformation of the gold coin, the annual coinage amounted, at an average, to more than £850,000

They amounted, therefore, to a prohibition, at first of claying or refining sugar for any foreign market, and at present of claying or refining it for the market which takes off, perhaps, more than nine-tenths of the whole produce

The price, indeed, was very small, and instead of thirty years purchase, the ordinary price of land in the present times, it amounted to little more than the expense of the different equipments which made the first discovery, reconoitered the coast, and took a fictitious possession of the country

The expense of the ordinary peace establishment of the colonies amounted, before the commencement of the present disturbances to the pay of twenty regiments of foot ; to the expense of the artillery, stores, and extraordinary provisions, with which it was necessary to supply them ; and to the expense of a very considerable naval force, which was constantly kept up, in order to guard from the smuggling vessels of other nations, the immense coast of North America, and that of our West Indian islands

It amounted to more than ninety millions sterling, including not only the new debt which was contracted, but the two shillings in the pound additional land tax, and the sums which were every year borrowed from the sinking fund

He drew breath in what nearly amounted to a sigh

In the book of rates, according to which the old subsidy was levied, beaver skins were estimated at six shillings and eight pence a piece; and the different subsidies and imposts which, before the year 1722, had been laid upon their importation, amounted to one-fifth part of the rate, or to sixteen pence upon each skin; all of which, except half the old subsidy, amounting only to twopence, was drawn back upon exportation

By the same law, a duty of eighteen pence the pound was imposed upon the exportation of beaver wool or woumbs, without making any alteration in the duty upon the importation of that commodity, which, when imported by British, and in British shipping, amounted at that time to between fourpence and fivepence the piece

At least he wouldn’t be plagued by such troubling images of what amounted to a man committing suicide

The canal of Languedoc cost the king of France and the province upwards of thirteen millions of livres, which (at twenty-eight livres the mark of silver, the value of French money in the end of the last century) amounted to upwards of nine hundred thousand pounds sterling

She’d listened to updated versions of this programme all of twenty times, hoping with each new report there would be something – at least evidence that he would never be returning, rather than what amounted to no more than speculation; there was always the expert detailing how such cutting edge technology inevitably carried a risk of catastrophic failure

The trading stock of the South Sea company at one time amounted to upwards of thirty-three millions eight hundred thousand pounds

Both their annuity and trading stocks had, by this time, been reduced more than two millions each, by several different payments from government ; so that this fourth amounted only to £3,662,784:8:6

A few private traders, whose subscriptions amounted only to seven thousand two hundred pounds, insisted upon the privilege of trading separately upon their own stocks, and at their own risks

The profits of their trade, too, according to the evidence of their chairman before the house of commons, amounted, at this time, to at least £400,000 a-year ; according to that of their accountant, to at least £500,000; according to the lowest account, at least equal to the highest dividend that was to be paid to their proprietors

As he watched her – reclined on a soft-back sofa, in what amounted to a lounge, drinking coffee, still appearing to be overwhelmed by events – he thought it would be a good thing to have her

By a very exact account it appears, that, in 1755, the whole revenue of the clergy of the church of Scotland, including their glebe or church lands, and the rent of their manses or dwelling-houses, estimated according to a reasonable valuation, amounted only to £68,514:1:5 1/12d

The land tax or land rent which used to be paid to the Mahometan government of Bengal, before that country fell into the hands of the English East India company, is said to have amounted to about a fifth part of the produce

The land tax of ancient Egypt is said likewise to have amounted to a fifth part

When the minor came to de of age, another tax, called relief, was still due to the superior, which generally amounted likewise to a year’s rent

The gross produce of the customs, in the year which ended on the 5th of January 1755, amounted to £5,068,000

The bounties which were paid out of this revenue, though in that year there was no bounty upon corn, amounted to £167,806

Bounties and drawbacks together amounted to £2,324,600

In consequence of these deductions, the revenue of the customs amounted only to £2,743,400 ; from which deducting £287,900 for the expense of management, in salaries and other incidents, the neat revenue of the customs for that year comes out to be £2,455,500

In the year which ended on the 5th of July 1775, the gross produce of this branch of the excise amounted to £3,341,837:9:9

In the distillery of malt spirits, both the opportunity and the temptation to smuggle are much greater than either in a brewery or in a malt-house ; the opportunity, on account of the smaller bulk and greater value of the commodity, and the temptation, on account of the superior height of the duties, which amounted to 3s

commissioners of excise in England, amounted to £5,507,308:18:8¼, which was levied at an expense of little more than five and a-half per cent

{The neat produce of that year, after deducting all expenses and allowances, amounted to £4,975,652:19:6

The deficiencies charged upon this prolonged term amounted to £5,160,459: 14: 9½

The bank fund at this time amounted to

The East-India fund amounted to £3,200,000, for which was paid an annuity or interest of £160,000; the bank fund being at six per cent

In 1717, it amounted to £523,454:7:7½

The long annuities, at that time, amounted to £666,821: 8:3½ a-year

On the 5th of January 1775, the remainder of them, or what was not subscribed at that time, amounted only to £136,453:12:8d

funded and unfunded, amounted to £21,515,742:13:8½

On the 31st of December 1714, they amounted to £53,681,076:5:6½

The subscription into the South-sea fund, of the short and long annuities, increased the capital of the public debt ; so that, on the 31st of December 1722, it amounted to £55,282,978:1:3 5/6

The Spanish war, which began in 1739, and the French war which soon followed it, occasioned a further increase of the debt, which, on the 31st of December 1748, after the war had been concluded by the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, amounted to £78,293,313:1:10¾

In 1755, before the breaking out of the late war, the funded debt of Great Britain amounted to £72,289,675

On the 5th of January 1763, at the conclusion of the peace, the funded debt amounted debt to £122,603,336:8:2¼

In 1764, therefore, the public debt of Great Britain, funded and unfunded together, amounted, according to this author, to £139,561,807:2:4

On the 5th of January 1775, the funded debt of Great Britain amounted to £124,996,086, 1:6¼d

According to this account, the whole debt paid off, during eleven years of profound peace, amounted only to £10,415,476:16:9 7/8

The debt, therefore, which, since the peace, has been paid out of the savings from the ordinary revenue of the state, has not, one year with another, amounted to half a million a-year

The tythe, where there is no modus, and where it is levied in kind, diminishes more what would otherwise be the rent of the landlord, than a land tax which really amounted to five shillings in the pound

By a very exact account of the revenue of the principal colonies of America and the West Indies, it amounted, before the commencement of the present disturbances, to a hundred and forty-one thousand eight hundred pounds

In those two wars, the colonies cost Great Britain much more than double the sum which the national debt amounted to before the commencement of the first of them

This amounted to about four hundred dollars, which was the

I was almost too late, but once you got the situation under control, I just stood by the door and listened to what amounted to a confession

At the end of the thirty-three treatments, I only had what amounted to a bad sunburn (again, it was quite manageable)

Probably, that was one good reason why his life back on Earth had never amounted to much

It hadn’t amounted to much in the way of results

This version, combined with Pratt’s version of “no linear relationship” and the Warm Alarmist’s version that CO2 caused atmospheric warming certainly amounted to a lack of consensus on this question

trade with the island amounted to $100 million a year, and $50 million of American capital had been invested in Cuba

To one side of the room, there was what amounted to a private bath

Even if his father had graduated from college, he could never have amounted to anything in Ganesh’s India

Where would he be if he hadn’t fought for those promotions? Where would be if he hadn’t fought for his country? If he did not care about the success of his career, a fat lot of good his life would have amounted to

They all looked serious enough, it amounted to a major international

large bald man in a kagool taking notes and using what amounted

Finding my first seed did not grow, which I easily imagined was by the drought, I sought for a moister piece of ground to make another trial in, and I dug up a piece of ground near my new bower, and sowed the rest of my seed in February, a little before the vernal equinox; and this having the rainy months of March and April to water it, sprung up very pleasantly, and yielded a very good crop; but having part of the seed left only, and not daring to sow all that I had, I had but a small quantity at last, my whole crop not amounting to above half a peck of each kind

In the greater part of the silver mines of Peru, the tax of the king of Spain, amounting to a tenth of the gross produce, eats up, it has already been observed, the whole rent of the land

Nobody imagines, I beileve, that even the greater part of the annual coinage, amounting, for ten years together, before the late reformation of the gold coin, to upwards of £800,000 a-year in gold, was an annual addition to the money before current in the kingdom

In the book of rates, according to which the old subsidy was levied, beaver skins were estimated at six shillings and eight pence a piece; and the different subsidies and imposts which, before the year 1722, had been laid upon their importation, amounted to one-fifth part of the rate, or to sixteen pence upon each skin; all of which, except half the old subsidy, amounting only to twopence, was drawn back upon exportation

Heavy duties, accordingly, have been imposed upon their exportation, amounting at present (1783) to more than five shillings the ton, or more than fifteen shillings the chaldron, Newcastle measure ; which is, in most cases, more than the original value of the commodity at the coal-pit, or even at the shipping port for exportation

They defended Madras, took Pondicherry, recovered Calcutta, and acquired the revenues of a rich and extensive territory, amounting, it was then said, to upwards of three millions a-year

settlements, amounting to £439,000

But the consumption of malt is in malt liquors; and a tax of eighteen shillings upon the quarter of malt could not well render those liquors dearer than the different taxes, amounting to twenty-four or twenty-five shillings, do at present

7, several other taxes were rendered perpetual, and accumulated into another common fund, called the general fund, for the payment of certain annuities, amounting in the whole to £724,849:6:10½

The reduction of the debt began in 1723, and went on so slowly, that, on the 31st of December 1739, during seventeen years-of profound peace, the whole sum paid off was no more than £8,328,554:17:11 3/12, the capital of the public debt, at that time, amounting to £46,954,623:3:4 7/12

028 percent before the Industrial Revolution, amounting to a 31 percent increase in atmospheric CO2 in the last two hundred and fifty years

it twenty cubits, and he overlaid it with fine gold, amounting to six hundred talents

The Supreme Court and lower courts following its rulings have at one time or another prohibited these and similar acts related to religious activities as amounting to a violation of the establishment clause of the First Amendment

Their oblique eyes seemed to have a 180 degree view amounting to encompass the entire perimeter

I had never really worked but now suddenly in the last few weeks I had cheques amounting to $15,000 cleared in to my account, they weren»t sure about giving me a loan but said if I didn»t touch the cash in my account for a month a loan was mine

Basic, amounting to a few cents for each of the million machines onto which Apple subsequently installed the program

manipulation of markets amounting to millions)

Emptying with resignation his purse on the table, he looked sadly at the few small coins that fell out, all of it amounting to less than one Livre

>A Zulu, who happened to be the President of the Republic of South Africa and who was able to use Public Funds amounting to R246 million, for his own benefit in Nkandla

Jacob Zuma is accused of using public money to pay for a swimming pool, amphitheater, chicken run and other improvements to Nkandla amounting to R79-million at his country home in the KwaZulu Natal province of South Africa

He avoided his mother and her constant nagging about him never amounting to anything at the firm

Jamie sent off a bank draft amounting to twenty thousand pounds to his parents, bought the finest carriage and team he could find and headed back to Klipdrift

been selected for this volume, theselections amounting in all to two-thirds of the

with other handicaps amounting to something in the world, the able-bodied man should feel ashamed of

To arbitrarily interpret the meaning of these verses in a literal context is negligent and erroneous amounting to the reception of potentially dangerous, abject and destructive information for Self and others

At times he was a prey to agonies of morbid uneasiness, amounting sometimes to panic

Those two who have left the room are the only objects which retain a distinct material appearance to me; and that appearance causes me pain, amounting to agony

«But,» said the abbe, «I would speak to you of a large sum, amounting to five millions

Dantes drew back, and gazed on the abbe with a sensation almost amounting to terror

What they did was like our traditional jirgas – the Americans paid ‘blood money’ amounting to $2

«No, I have for the end of the month these bills which have been assigned to us by the house of Pascal, and the house of Wild & Turner of Marseilles, amounting to nearly 55,000

Noirtier, you intend leaving your fortune to your grandson, Edward de Villefort?» The winking of the eyes which answered this speech was most decided and terrible, and expressed a feeling almost amounting to hatred

800 pounds plus 2 1/2 % interest on the same, repayable quarterly in equal annual instalments until extinction by amortisation of loan advanced for purchase within a period of 20 years, amounting to an annual rental of 64 pounds, headrent included, the titledeeds to remain in possession of the lender or lenders with a saving clause envisaging forced sale, foreclosure and mutual compensation in the event of protracted failure to pay the terms assigned, otherwise the messuage to become the absolute property of the tenant occupier upon expiry of the period of years stipulated

The name he pronounced, in a voice of tenderness, amounting almost to love, was that of Haidee

Webster, as it turned out, didn’t much care for work of any kind, and he bounced around from job to job, never amounting to much

One thing he could not pluck out of his heart, though he never ceased struggling with it, was the regret, amounting to despair, that he had lost her forever

And it was ridiculous, the way they all covered this! He hadn’t been found guilty of anything, and notwithstanding federal insinuations of profiteering, the worst crime he stood accused of, according to some of the most expensive defense lawyers in the free world, was two counts of insider trading amounting to less than a million dollars—a tiny fraction of what the firm grossed annually

The insolentfellow had the face to say to me—to me, who for five years havedevoted myself night and day to his interests and his honor!—thathis father’s affairs were not his! A solicitor would have hadthe right to demand fees amounting to thirty or forty thousandfrancs, one per cent on the total of the debts

Moreover, one often finds a very short-lived bearish crowd developing in response to some external event, which is blamed for a relatively brief drop in the averages, say one lasting a few weeks and amounting to 5 percent or a little more

00 is not an insignificant move in the underlying, amounting to about

American Zinc preferred stock was created in 1916 as a stock dividend on the common, the transaction thus amounting to a split-up of old common into preferred and new common

The inclusion of this special profit in income was particularly objectionable because in the very same year the company had charged to surplus extraordinary losses amounting to $544,000

Beginning with 1937 the company made “regular” depreciation charges, amounting to $5,702,000 in that year and to $6,085,000 in 1938

Oil lands are leased on a standard basis for a royalty amounting usually to one-eighth of the production

But actually the average earnings for 1934–1939 have been quite disappointing (amounting to no more than 14 cents per share)

The analyst, however, could not fail to be impressed by the balance sheet, which showed net current assets available for the stock amounting to close to $20 per share

, now to be developed, would require royalty payments amounting to some 40% of the net earnings

In the ten years 1929–1938 this company reported a net loss in the aggregate amounting to $309,000, or $1

American Founders reported net earnings for common stock in 1927 amounting to $1,316,488, most of which was created by its own stockholders through their purchase of shares of the subsidiary as indicated above

But the shrinkages of ELTRA and Emhart were quite moderate in the “poor year” 1970, amounting to only 8% each by our measurement, against 7% for the DJIA

The partners went ahead with the acquisition, amounting in dollars to about one-fifth of their fund

As a business, Barber Oil was unencumbered, and it consisted essentially of a pool of capital amounting to approximately $100 million, part of which was invested in marketable securities of major oil and gas companies, part of which was in interests in oil and gas properties, and part of which was in oil tankers

Of the $39 million gross proceeds from the offering, 6 percent (amounting to $1

56 per share), was retained as underwriting discount;9 $1,065,000 of this (amounting to $

Those two who have left the room are the only objects which retain a distinct material appearance to me; and that appearance causes me pain, amounting to

That was it, excitement, almost amounting to gaiety

With the collapse of the American steel industry in the 1980s, Pittsburgh lost more than 120,000 jobs, amounting to more than half of its manufacturing positions

By considering the nature of the plants or animals which have in any country struggled successfully with the indigenes, and have there become naturalised, we may gain some crude idea in what manner some of the natives would have had to be modified in order to gain an advantage over their compatriots; and we may at least infer that diversification of structure, amounting to new generic differences, would be profitable to them

The last Russian reserves had already gone into action, while on the side of the French neither the Old Guard nor the Young, nor any of their cavalry, amounting to over 20,000 men, had taken any part in the battle

She had lost all the money which, earlier in the day, I had got for her paper securities—a sum amounting to about ten thousand roubles

The presence of certain of those in the room surprised the prince vastly, but the guest whose advent filled him with the greatest wonder—almost amounting to alarm—was Evgenie Pavlovitch

Are you coming home, Ptitsin?” Hippolyte listened to this in amazement, almost amounting to stupefaction

Afterwards it was asserted that these seventy had been elected out of the whole number of factory hands, amounting to about nine hundred, to go to the governor and to try and get from him, in the absence of their employer, a just settlement of their grievances against the manager, who, in closing the factory and dismissing the workmen, had cheated them all in an impudent way—a fact which has since been proved conclusively

Thus the four hundred schools will demand an expenditure in salaries amounting to 8,250 roubles

«Hardly in any sphere of philosophic science can we find such divergent methods of investigation and exposition, amounting even to self-contradiction, as in the sphere of æsthetics

The tax was established in the form of a general poll-tax, amounting to one pound for every man, and to four shillings for every woman, throughout the islands

I raised myself on my elbow and listened intently, but heard nothing more, and reflecting that, even if what I had heard was more than fancy, I was helpless, shut in on every hand by impenetrable fog, to render aid; I could do no more than utter a fervent hope, amounting to a prayer, that no poor soul had strayed into the water on such a night

I have thought, also, that our citizens, detached in quotas of militia, amounting to one hundred thousand, under the act of March, one thousand eight hundred and eight, might not improperly be relieved from the state in which they were held for immediate service

stock remaining due by the United States, amounting to five millions three hundred thousand dollars, had been reimbursed on the last day of the year 1808

In the course of last year, he had understood that a great many persons, amounting to perhaps three or four thousand, had crossed the Tennessee river, and fixed themselves on its banks, not only contrary to law, but the impression was that they had set out in defiance of the law, and had even gone so far as to organize themselves into military associations for the purpose

The ladies were picking their steps across the flags with a great parade of lifting silken skirts; the worthy old scholar, Lord Majendie, was following, with an expression of benign, childlike interest, but all three seemed struck by the same amazement, almost amounting to consternation

The sums which had been previously accumulated in the Treasury, together with the receipts during the year ending on the 30th of September last, and amounting to more than nine millions of dollars, have enabled us to fulfil all our engagements, and to defray the current expenses of our Government, without recurring to any loan

, and you are met with enormous port charges, and duties amounting to prohibition on the staple articles of the New England States; codfish, beef, pork, butter, lard, cheese, hams, &c

What has become of your 1,350,000 tons of shipping, valued at fifty dollars per ton, amounting to $67,500,000, one-third of which belongs to Massachusetts? Is the gentleman willing to surrender the carrying trade to Great Britain? Let him turn his attention to the ports of New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Norfolk, Charleston, and New Orleans, and he will find that British ships are now taking the bread out of the mouths of his own constituents

Many persons maintain, that a naval system of defence is indispensably necessary to a nation, whose seaboard extends more than 1,500 miles, with a shipping interest amounting to 1,300,000 tons—in this respect, ranking the second of modern nations

Nor is it less so, that penal enactments should be provided for cases of corrupt and perfidious intercourse with the enemy, not amounting to treason, nor yet embraced by any statutory provisions

Again, the law, then and now, allows the soldier to be arrested for a debt amounting to two dollars; and will you say, that the debt in which there can be no deception incurred, for the most necessary of all things, food, clothing, and instruction for infancy, shall be disregarded? I trust, sir, that a principle so unreasonable will never prevail

The cargo of the New Liverpool consisted (contrary to our impressions when before the committee) altogether of wine, amounting to 27,959 gallons, whereon the duty was 46 cents per gallon, which consumed more than one-half of the proceeds of vessel and cargo, and, connected with the other charges, left the owners of the privateer about one-sixth of the captured property

The Venus had a cargo of rum, sugar, fruit, and preserves, which produced $17,637 68, and was charged with duties amounting to $8,287 63

In the four last years of the Jefferson Administration, those expenditures were very greatly increased, amounting in the year 1808, (the last of the four,) without any increase of Army and Navy expenditures, to upwards of sixteen millions of dollars—rivalling the expenditures of any one year of Mr

Adams’s war, and amounting to one-half as much as was expended by the Father of his Country in his eight years of the Presidency, during which he was called upon to establish public credit, to maintain a bloody Indian war, and to lay the foundation of that character of integrity which the Government has so long sustained abroad, notwithstanding the misconduct of its rulers

I sold the products of my garden to my grandma, and she paid me in money, amounting to a dollar and a half, with which I cheerfully send to you for the freedmen

unlimited amounts of money,” than that’s what your brain believes

~ Avoid breakfasts containing large amounts of sugar as it give an initial energy boost, but leaves one feeling drowsy within a few hours

compost (mixed with equal amounts of aged wood)

Different people require different amounts of sleep, but seven or eight hours is considered the average amount of time necessary for rest and regeneration

The eggs develop into legless larva that feeds on tiny amounts of organic matter for up to one month

Different types of soil need different amounts of water

Into this place the mixture TGC+™ (equal amounts of organic tobacco, garlic powder, compost and the + stands for trace minerals such as rock dust)

The ocean is very rich in trace minerals, enzymes, and bacteria as well as small amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium

Because of the amounts of chemicals used on hair these days at the beauty parlor the hair will not properly compost

Contains toxic amounts of oxalates that form crystals in the kidneys

Such a sorcery requires huge amounts of energy, but that was no problem for Lady Chimaera

«As has been reported earlier, I have found good evidence for the presence of significant amounts of condensates in these bodies, and what I believe to be signals transmitted among the entangled particles

are all that is needed to apply the minuscule amounts of force needed to effect these course corrections

of storing vast amounts of information

amounts to nothing more than sexual repression

There are three accounts – a current account, a deposit account and a savings account … the current account for December 1962 shows weekly payments going in from the same source – but they are all different amounts

oh, you idiot, Sarah, if she is hourly paid the money will vary! The deposit account looks fairly healthy … large amounts going out and scribbled notes indicating various building works …

Regular substantial amounts going into the savings account … what do they represent? They look quarterly … yes, that’s right … what sort of payments are paid like that? Interest? Dividends? Would her father have had shares in something? He must have made a fair bit when he sold the shop … what did he do with it? Did he buy shares with some of it? Ann might know

as I look through the sheets, I notice a pattern of monthly amounts which seem to come in from six different sources

amounts of website traffic? Well, the proof is in the pudding!

In the bedroom, Dave has created a dressing table area for me where I can sit to do the little bit of titivating which amounts to making up as far as I am concerned though I have to say that seeing my bits of toiletries looking so at home, feels extremely strange

«Although there has been no official announcement, early indications from hospital staff suggest that the girls had taken a cocktail of Ecstasy and other drugs together with substantial amounts of alcohol

My concern is how can you have made deposits in the amounts you did over the last ten years, when a cane rod sells for $12, even with your considerable volumes?” Harry posed, once his own clear grasp of his family’s finances had been made certain to his benefactor

Both Pneika and Yhomaire did about equal amounts in meal preparation and got Alan to help by getting down a large bowl from a high shelf that they would have needed a stool to reach

Though we only have trace amounts of information, they may be enough to helping us understand the true nature of the singularity,”

“What it amounts to is that he is near blind to the impact he makes on others

reactions no different than the feeling one gets when eating large amounts of

“I don’t eat large amounts of chocolate and I’m not much for the

Instead, the creator of this wall placed jagged edges against smooth ones, large boulders atop small stones, and fit them together, filling his gaps and seams, with massive amounts of mortar

me were stuffing themselves with large amounts of food

The price paid by Prince Henry amounts to 3d

The rent of an estate above ground, commonly amounts to what is supposed to be a third of the gross produce; and it is generally a rent certain and independent of the occasional variations in the crop

The same encouragement is given in Peru to the discovery and working of new gold mines; and in gold the king’s tax amounts only to a twentieth part of the standard rental

Huge amounts or he will relapse and succumb

At present, the value of the tea annually imported by the English East India company, for the use of their own countrymen, amounts to more than a million and a half a year; and even this is not enough; a great deal more being constantly smuggled into the country from the ports of Holland, from Gottenburgh in Sweden, and from the coast of France, too, as long as the French East India company was in prosperity

The quantity of gold and silver imported at both Cadiz and Lisbon (including not only what comes under register, but what may be supposed to be smuggled) amounts, according to the best accounts, to about six millions sterling a-year

The silver, at sixty two shillings the pound troy, amounts to £ 3,4l3,43l:10s

The gold, at forty-four guineas and a half the pound troy, amounts to £ 2,333,446:14s

And the pulses had continued on a daily basis, apparent by the almost constant glow of the Aurora Borealis, or Northern lights, in the sky that was caused by the massive amounts of gamma radiation in the atmosphere

; whereas his tax upon silver amounts to one-tenth part of it, or to ten per cent

Nerissa helped serve seven courses, along with copious amounts of the finest wine

The rot-skins fell in innumerable amounts

He looked to Kendal, who was half naked beneath her disintegrated suit, then continued, “Unless employed in vast amounts

are okay in moderation, but a lot of people use these in excessive amounts

Consuming large amounts of these low nutrient and high

Let us suppose that all the paper of a particular bank, which the circulation of the country can easily absorb and employ, amounts exactly to forty thousand pounds, and that, for answering occasional demands, this bank is obliged to keep at all times in its coffers ten thousand pounds in gold and silver

responds to what we give — negatively or positively — in greater amounts

Watching her with my eyes, I could sense her struggle to use the barest amounts of magic

refer others themselves), huge amounts of traffic can stop by your site—in which

Despite the copious amounts of snickering she was doing internally at his vexation, she wisely muted herself

The average quantity imported, one year with another, amounts only, according to the very well informed author of the Tracts upon the Corn Trade, to 23,728 quarters of all sorts of grain, and does not exceed the five hundredth and seventy-one part of the annual consumption

In the single article of linen alone, the consumption of those colonies amounts, it is said (but I do not pretend to warrant the quantity ), to more than three millions sterling a-year

in rank and dignity the second parliament of the kingdom, amounts only to 150 livres, about £6:11s

A great revenue, half a million, perbaps {Since publishing the two first editions of this book, I have got good reasons to believe that all the turnpike tolls levied in Great Britain do not procduce a neat revenue that amounts to half a million ; a sum which, under the management of government, would not be sufficient to keep, in repair five of the principal roads in the kingdom}, it has been pretended, might in this manner be gained, without laying any new burden upon the people; and the turnpike roads might be made to contribute to the general expense of the state, in the same manner as the post-office does at present

The divided capital of the Bank of England amounts, at present, to ten millions seven hundred and eighty thousand pounds

The ordinary revenue of Great Britain, for example, including not only what is necessary for defraying the current expense of the year, but for paying the interest of the public debts, and for sinking a part of the capital of those debts, amounts to upwards of ten millions a-year

The land tax of the city of London, for example, at four shillings in the pound, amounts to £123,399: 6: 7; that of the city of Westminster to £63,092: 1: 5; that of the palaces of Whitehall and St

His specialist skills and the huge amounts of cash flowing

Now, given the fact that the Bible was written over almost 2 millennia, by about 40 different authors and the fact that we can prove through scientific methods that the Bible contains enormous amounts of evidence of elaborate design

of all that he possesses, but without declaring what it amounts to, or being liable to any examination upon that subject

amounts to thirteen shillings and four pence in the pound, upon the highest neat revenue which is commonly drawn from stock

In France, the personal taille at present (1775) annually imposed upon the twenty generalities, called the countries of elections, amounts to 40,107,239 livres, 16 sous

The highest class pay a hundred florins a year, which, at two-and-twenty pence half penny a-florin, amounts to £9:7:6

The expense of management, amounts, in this manner, to between five and six per cent

Though the expense of those inferior ranks of people, therefore, taking them individually, is very small, yet the whole mass of it, taking them collectively, amounts always to by much the largest portion of the whole expense of the society ; what remains of the annual produce of the land and labour of the country, for the consumption of the superior ranks, being always much less, not only in quantity, but in value

amounts of silver the Nightchildren spill blood for are partly expended upon these women

The peace revenue of Great Britain amounts at present to more than ten millions a-year

The expense of the civil and military establishment of Ireland, together with the interest of the public debt, amounts, at a medium of the two years which ended March 1775, to something less than seven hundred and fifty thousand pounds ayear

“Do not fear, Son of Odin,” Terese said in rich tones that were filled with surprising amounts of warmth

The hops in beer contain copper which, in trace amounts is good for you

Georges face had turned white but there was an air of indignity and disbelief in equal amounts he appealed to us saying

The difference between the extreme right and the extreme left amounts to no more than a difference in labels

“You are charged that on the 1st of July 1916 you did flee your post thereby losing a vital position to the enemy and the deaths of undetermined amounts of your comrades

This amounts to cowardice in the face of the enemy and should you be found guilty the sentence of the court will be death, my mouth was open wide in denial but I was at a loss for words

Wil could sense that it took relatively small amounts of the Power to complete the operation

Sometimes I’ll select a client and send them what amounts to “Hello, how are you? Remember me?” If I hear or

Coming from a Jewish household she was used to cooking for large amounts of people as most of the Jewish religious ceremonies and festivals involved copious amounts of food and people, but she created complete havoc in the kitchen using every pot and covering every work surface as she went

Ray met up with his crew later that day in his local and distributed the remaining ‘missing’ diamonds and copious amounts of beer, easily done in the circumstances

Any numbers derived from native sources are to be looked on with suspicion; for they have no true idea of numeration, the word “many» being used for all large amounts, and may as equally signify hundreds as thousands

The amounts given as compensation differ drastically between the two when it comes to seduction awards

Maldynado was supposedly leading a fencing practice, though copious amounts of chatter punctuated the clanks of metal

The amounts of summonses are climbing every year and now it is not uncommon to wait five years before you get a court verdict

Taxpayers should not be blind-sided after the fact; that is to say, forced to pay taxes on what basically amounts to paying taxes on taxed income that has already been spent or planned on being spent, perhaps, but provided ample opportunity to properly assess (beforehand) the impact prospective tax increases, or tax reductions, for that matter, will have on their household budgets

higher amounts of energy and therefore endurance

need to realize contain higher amounts of fat

So, why not load up on the amounts of fat that your body consumes as it

The main reason that you do not need to eat excess amounts of fat is

During this time, just small amounts of fat will actually be

When adding the confectioners’ sugar and peanut butter, be aware that the amounts are approximate

It frees up amazing amounts of time

Addendum to the above: In this manner, we oftentimes find ourselves wandering about in an (ideological) wilderness without purpose or meaning trying to find ourselves while each passing moment further alienates us from ourselves until we‘ve forgotten who we are or once were or how we got to be who we are or got to where we are which, I suppose, amounts to the same thing

They did however supply vast amounts of weapons in the form of T55 tanks and other conventional arms and equipment

When we found a grocery store, we bought large amounts of food to cover for every eventuality

During the Second World War Germany had a massive fright when they intercepted that huge amounts of «gas» was required for the American Armies until the realised it meant gasoline

Communism, fascism, and capitalism are all equally immoral, inhumane, and failed ideologies, each causing roughly equal amounts of great human suffering, with body counts in the many tens of millions

Grunt rubbed his hand over his head, dislodging copious amounts of flaky skin

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