Sentences for root word

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1. In a word like unkindness the root word is kind.

2. It derives from the root word tan, which translates as «to extend, expand, spread, continue, spin out, weave; to put forth, show, or manifest.»

3. The root word of discipline comes from learning. It is nothing to do with self control, no.

4. When you recognize a root word in a new vocabulary word.

5. In Latin the root word came from the same root for the word «tractor» and meant to pull something.

5. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

6. Remember, the prefix comes first, the root word second, and the suffix last.

7. The word to which we attach the prefixes and suffixes is called the root word.

8. It’s just that deceased and predecessor, as well as the word succeed all evolved out of the same earlier root word.

9. New words can be created by attaching affixes onto a root word ( affixation ), formation of a compound word (composition), or repetition of words or portions of words (reduplication).

10. When you’re doing this work, remember to enter the root word(s) or root phrase, letting your research tool return permutations and long-tail options.

11. A quick look in the Merriam-Webster online dictionary provides four different definitions of virtualization’s root word, virtual.

12. He reached back into Latin and Greek and it seems that the root word for gnome means «earth-dwelling.»

13. One of the best ways to help us to detect meaning is to find the root word contained in the larger, difficult word.

14. It supports morphology, so a search for the word «cats» also finds the root word «cat.»

More similar words: word for word, footwear, root, roots, cheroot, rooted, root out, root for, uproot, rooting, rootless, beet root, beetroot, cube root, take root, root beer, square root, rootstock, word, grass-roots, grassroots, grass roots, deep-rooted, get word, wordy, sword, words, reword, byword, root and branch. 

We found 83 ‘root word’ sentence examples to help you understand how to use root word in a sentence.

  • Apparently, though the Germanic root word would have had-» sk «, the verbs » acsian » and » ascian » coexisted 1000 years ago, and the first was standard until about 1600.
  • What is the simple truth of the starfire ritual and the root word ritu.
  • A good many of the examples give the Latin or Greek root word, but the definitions are in English.
  • The Bellovaci meant, possibly, the » shouters «, the root word » bel-» is found in the Irish word beal, which means » mouth » and also Bel Bial means WHITE in other Indo-European languages.
  • Both in Ido and in Esperanto, each word is built from a root word.
  • The Anglo-Saxon word, Lencten, which is the root word for Lent, means spring.
  • Mandatum is the root word for Maundy, and English monarchs commemorated the foot-washing ceremony from at least the 13th century.
  • Now the root word HEMAT means BLOOD.
  • Barfing comes from the root word barf which is actually an acronym.
  • The root word » stolb » means thick vertical pole.
  • I should have typed in the root word » couscous, » which would have located all the spelling variations.
  • Root word of Network is Work and our methods do.
  • Is it the same root word.
  • «Pie » is a word for multi-colored and » bald » is related to a root word for » skin . » Although piebaldism may visually appear to be partial albinism, it is a fundamentally different condition.
  • It’s difficult to find root word in a sentence.
  • Coming from the root word » simsim, » simsimin means to lick something to eat or to drink, thus the place was called Simsiman.
  • Knowing the definition of a root word is so important and applicable in areas outside of botany.
  • The root word of erotica deriving from the Greek God of Love, Eros.
  • Remember, the prefix comes first, the root word second, and the suffix last.
  • Prefixes never change the spelling of the root word.
  • The term «‘volute «‘is used for spiral or scroll forms in a number of different contexts, all of which derive from and allude to the original Latin root word » voluta » ( » scroll » ):.
  • A quick look in the Merriam-Webster online dictionary provides four different definitions of virtualization’s root word, virtual.
  • For example, the root word fallacy section.
  • Vowel Harmony exists in that every root word and every suffix belongs to either category I or II . When the category of a root and its suffix do not agree, a kind of umlauting takes place.
  • It is a derivative of the root word,petra, feminine gender, defined as massive foundation rock.
  • In a word like unkindness the root word is kind.
  • «Kua » is the root word that identifies something as belonging to someone.
  • It’s the root word of » gravity .».
  • The root word of discipline comes from learning. It is nothing to do with self control, no.
  • Its root word is keeper, meaning on who cares for and manages people and things.
  • Note that since these definitions come from the same root word, an American magazine might not allow this clue.
  • When the pronouncer gave him the word ineludible, Eamon _ one of 116 surviving contestants in the contest, which had started with 245 students _ calmly asked if » elude » was the root word.
  • «Sucho » is Greek for crocodile, said Mark Norell, dinosaur specialist at the American Museum of Natural History in New York, and » mimus » is the Latin root word for mimic.
  • We are drawn into Jackie’s world by her giving spirit and root for her every word of the way.
  • The American Heritage Dictionary takes the techn root back beyond Greek to Indo-European teks meaning to weave, linking it to the root of the word textile.
  • The literal definition that the word ‘Netsuke’ translates into is ‘the root for fastening’.
  • Creativity belongs to the artist in each of us. To create means to relate. The root meaning of the word art is ‘to fit together’ and we all do this every day. Corita Kent.
  • In other words the root meaning of the word reveals the true meaning of the word.
  • The root of the word captivating is captive.
  • The root also occurs in the English word » brim «.
  • The word was derived in antiquity from the town of Helos in Laconia, but is more probably connected with ‘Aos, a fen, or with the root of AEiv, to capture.
  • Etymologically, » murzyn » comes from the same root as the English word Moor.
  • In fact, the root of the word.
  • The use of tortured syntax to separate the word from its root.
  • Next, you’ll be able to root them out and start afresh with prayer, centering yourself in the word.
  • Ingenuity ( Ingenium ) is the root Latin word for engineering.
  • The root of that word is present in today’s word » paisan » or » paisano «.
  • The word contains pater, a Latin root for father.
  • That’s the » scrum, » or » scrummage, » a word derived from the same root as » skirmish .».
  • The word ha’ole for example, has the root ‘ha’ meaning breath, and the word ole meaning without.
  • And, per the author, there will be additional word root material.
  • Did you know that the word orange is derived from the same Latin root as the word traitor.
  • This has been a great to help with building vocabulary and word root knowledge.
  • The word for peace in Hebrew is Shalom, the root of which means fulfillment.
  • In the case of agglutinative languages, the main obstacle lies in the large number of word forms that can be obtained from a single root.
  • I want to know the root of the word and read what the definition of selling is.
  • The word ‘mentor’ is now used in the sense of a wise and trustworthy adviser, a meaning probably connected with the etymology of the name, from the root mon-, seen, in Lat.
  • But the root of the word implies the future tense, Schindler said.
  • AMEN, a Hebrew word, of which the root meaning is «stability,» generally adopted in Christian worship as a concluding formula for prayers and hymns.
  • At its root, the word discipline is not primarily about chastisement.
  • The ultimate root is unknown, but may be connected with that meaning » to strew,» and the word would thus mean the points of light scattered over the heavens.
  • However the modern Hebrew word may come from the root elph ( thousands ) rather than alph ( to teach or to guide ) as Strong connects the Edomite root used in the 5 books of Moses.
  • A Latin word would be based on the root » Formic-«.
  • The middle syllable is met, its root in the Greek metron, » measure, » which acts as a fulcrum in a nicely balanced word.
  • The second word is oidia, which comes from the root oeidein meaning to sing.
  • The word loot itself is an Anglo-Indian word with a root in the Hindi word ‘lut ‘.
  • It is a reminder that the word, sophisticated, is derived from the same root as sophistry.
  • Shaitan is the root of an English word.
  • The word Kashrut comes from a Hebrew word whose root meaning is fit, proper, or correct.
  • This combination perfectly illustrates what root and Guthrie are after in using the word ‘Sacrament.
  • As Spiegel remarks (Die arische Periode, p. 105), though it is easy enough to connect the word with a root ar-, there are several roots of that form which have different meanings, and there is no cert
  • It is, however, derived from the same triconsonantal root from which the Arabic word for » peace «— » salaam «— is also derived ( which is quite a different matter ).
  • In the latter part of the word we have, of course, the same root as in caedere, » to kill,» but whether or not the former part is from pater, » a father,» or from the same root that we have in per-per
  • But what is the root of the word » piecewise «?.
  • The root of the word pastor hails us back to the idea that the pastor is a shepherd.
  • Rapunzel is the German word for a salad green and root with a flavor between argula and watercress.
  • The root is usually taken to be nak-, to perish, the word meaning the time when the light fails (cf.
  • Juxta was from a Latin root that meant ‘come together ‘ and also gave us our English word joust.
  • The premise that the term » ud-hiya » is the root of the word » daha » is inconsistent with the fact that most Arabic words have a triconsonantal root.
  • Universities are thus conservative in the root meaning of that word.
  • This includes the syntactic information and the root index for the word.
  • This goes to the deep root of this word.
  • Tallit is an Aramaic word from the root T-L-L ??? meaning cover.

Other Words: Roose, Root Eating, Roosevelt, Roots, Root And Branch, Room Divider, Roosted, Roosting, Rookeries, Roofs, Root Devouring, Rooi, Rooney, Root Vegetables, Roomette, Rooibos, Roof Of The Mouth, Roorbach, Roorback, Roosa

He’d discovered that the word was not necessarily total quietness but had connotations of peacefulness (in fact, earlier in the same chapter, in verse 2, a word based on the same root word is translated «peaceful»).


Similarly, Newspeak root words served as both nouns and verbs, which allowed further reduction in the total number of words; for example, «think» served as both noun and verb, so the word thought was not required and could be abolished… The ultimate aim of Newspeak was to reduce even the dichotomies to a single word that was a «yes» of some sort: an obedient word with which everyone answered affirmatively to what was asked of them.


Knowledge of morphemes, like root words, helps with reading fluency, vocabulary development, and reading comprehension.


Use a known root word as a clue to the meaning of an unknown word with the same root (e.g., company, companion).


It is no mere coincidence that the root word OIKOS is the same for ecology economics and ecumenics.


A word family has something in common with each other, have it be the prefix, suffix or root word.


It carries a Welsh background as the name comes from the root word «madoc» which meant «generous» and «forgiving».


Rappler comes from the root words «rap» (to discuss) + «ripple» (to make waves).


If you sell dog food online, the root words dog and food alone would be very poor keywords because on their own, neither dog nor food do a remotely good job at describing what you sell.


Students need specific short-term goals to aim toward — for example, «Today I will look at words I do not know to see if they contain root words that can help me figure out their meaning.»


Comparisons of vocabularies and root words in the most ancient as well as modern forms of the related languages, as well as comparisons of their historically attested mythologies and lore, revealed remarkable similarities.


In the word driving, the root word is drive and who drives?


The story of the Tower of Babel, where we get the root word for «To Babble», is known throughout diverse cultures.


Instead, they transliterated these words, which involves changing the Greek letters of teh root word into English letters and then calling it good.


Could the root word be changed to Peace or Justice instead of Philosophy?


Sanskrit root words for kundalini include meanings such as spiraled or coiled, earth (or single cell), bestows perpetual consciousness expressing beginning and end.


It was the romantics who began mistranslating the Latin word educare (ee-duh-kar» e), the Latin root word for education, as «to lead out» or «to unfold,» confusing it with educere (eh-diu» ke-re), which does mean «to lead out.»


On the flip side, the root word in punishment is the Latin word punire which in verb form means to penalize, chastise, castigate, inflict harm, humiliate.


Students fill in root words, and the definitions are explained to help students solve the questions.


While Shovel Knight has Shovelry, in real life Knights have started adopting the term «Chivalry», a cheap knock-off of a term that has no root word, no meaning, and is just a random collection of movements that your mouth makes.


If you know that Latin root word «brachial» means «arm,» you would know it means before the arm — or essentially the forearm.


Taming and housebreaking is what humans do to many species, including their own specie; the process is well documented and called «domestication,» with the root word being domination.


The process method described in the January 26, 1850 New Orleans Daily Delta article reports the term decoction, where the root word decoct means to extract the flavor of by boiling.


The word «zombie» comes from an African root word nzambi, meaning «spirit of a dead person.»


Discipline, born of the root word «disciple» which means to lead and guide by example, is a vital part of positive parenting — parenting from a clear, firm and consistent love.


This article summarizes a lot of the techniques to generate possible names (e.g., root words, word associations and permutations, foreign words, etc.).


Teaching pupils to use morphemes (root words, prefixes and suffixes) can develop their vocabulary while also improving phonological awareness, decoding, and spelling.


The word of Tenganan is ascribed by a Tengah root word which can mean to aim to middle of Pegringsingan, the fasten cloth type weave that is typically produce by Tenganan village resident.


Image is the root word of «Imagine,» and at any point you can re-imagine your body image by creating new, loving, positive thoughts that support your body, mind and soul.


Try this: take a list of prefixes, suffixes and root words, and have students make up new words.


This is to put emphasis on the root word «dead» on the word deadlift, which means «dead weight».


Matter and Mother are both derived from the same root word, mater, so perhaps the too prongs of his work are not as dichotomous as they seem.


The name Clary is derived from the Latin word sclarea coming from the root word clarus, meaning clear.


This can involve a range of approaches: use of the context to work out a possible meaning, finding the root in a word and using it to narrow down possible meanings, good knowledge of prefixes and suffixes and how they build on to a root word and affect meaning, for example.


In Sanskrit, the word for health is «Swasthya» which comes from two root words — «Swa» which means Self and «Stha» which means centered.


It is considered the most common form of bullying and naturally derives its name from the root word «emotion» as it targets the positive emotions of its victims such as trust, pride, happiness, hopefulness, contentment, confidence and worthiness.


In the study, students were asked to extract a root word from a complex word in order to complete a sentence.


Midrash is said to have been derived from its Hebrew or Arabic root word «DARSH» thus, the concept of madrasa in its present meaning is not necessarily an Islamic concept rather it may be borrowed from Jewish, the most ancient Semitic religion (Alam, 2001).


Neither the original root word nor the specific Miró painting is revealed, asking viewers to respond in their own way and to create their own new composite meaning.


Structural analysis introduces students to prefixes, suffixes, and root words.


Commissioners said Thursday that it would cause confusion as it uses the «same root word as the existing party,» citing election law.


This resource focuses on root words for specific content areas such as science or social studies.


If yoga does really mean to unite, a uniting coming from the Sanskrit root word yuj, it’s important to understand that we’re also working to unite with the Universal Consciousness, that which is all encompassing.


The purpose of Medical Terminology III is to acquaint the student with the language of medicine by providing the student with a comprehensive knowledge of medical root words, suffixes and prefixes, as well as there origins; expand on vocabulary, pronunciation and spelling of medical terms; expand and integrate the student’s medical vocabulary.


You could type in anything at all and it would work, but there was also a complex system of prefixes and suffixes and root words which did different stuff, and it was pretty rewarding.


And in the word «disprove» you are seeing the root word «proof».


Over 60 pages of Greek and Latin root words.


The researchers discovered that the harder adults tried to learn an artificial language, the worse they were at deciphering the language’s morphology — the structure and deployment of linguistic units such as root words, suffixes, and prefixes.


In what must be some kind of record, the 31 pages of Plagiar’s brief contain more than 200 expressions bordering on the hysterical: the leader by all counts is abusive and its variations (17 appearances), next followed by permutations of the root word fraud (fraudulent, defrauded)(14), then extort (extortion, extorted)(13), and close behind it phony (12).6


«The way the root words have developed give you such insight into the thinking of people.


Other forms: root words

A root word has no prefix or suffix — it’s the most basic part of a word. The root word at the heart of «conformity,» for example, is «form.»

In linguistics, a root word holds the most basic meaning of any word. It’s what’s left after you remove all the affixes — the prefixes like «un-» or «anti-» and suffixes such as «-able» and «-tion.» With a word like «lovely,» when you take away the suffix «-ly,» you’re left with the root word «love.» Other words, like «schoolhouse» and «armchair,» are made up of two root words together.

Definitions of root word

  1. noun

    (linguistics) the form of a word after all affixes are removed

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Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

корень слова

корневого слова

корня слова

коренного слова

корневое слово

коренное слово

корнем слова

однокоренное слово

корневым словом

базисное слово

основным словом

Look at the root word if the suffix did not answer the question of what is the nationality of your last name.

Посмотрите на корень слова, если суффикс не дал ответа на вопрос, какой национальности ваша фамилия.

Central to the word terrorist is the root word — terror.

Извините, но террор — это корень слова «терроризм».

The confusion in the definition of euthymia begins with the root word itself.

Affective comes from the root word affect, which is commonly used as a verb.

Аффективное происходит от корневого слова аффекта, который обычно используется в качестве глагола.

The word vignette comes from the root word vine, which originally was taken to mean a decorative border on a page.

Слово «виньетка» происходит от корня слова «виноградная лоза», которое изначально было взято для обозначения декоративной границы на странице.

However, the cases are more like English prepositions added to the end of the root word.

Однако, падежи имеют нечто общее с английскими предлогами, добавляемыми к концу корня слова.

On the other hand, the term ‘effective’ comes from the root word ‘effect’.

С другой стороны, термин «эффективный» происходит от корневого слова «эффект».

Answer: keyword stemming is the process of finding out the root word from the search query.

Ответ: Ключевое слово Stemming — это процесс поиска корневого слова из поискового запроса.

The root word for doxa means «opinion.»

If you know the root word, you will be able to easily expand your vocabulary because you will understand the basic meaning of words that contain it.

Если вы знаете корень слова, вы сможете легко расширить свой словарный запас, потому что вы понимаете основной смысл слов, которые его содержат.

On the other hand, the word effective comes from the root word effect, which is used both as a noun and as a verb.

С другой стороны, эффективное слово происходит от эффекта корневого слова, который используется как как существительное, так и как глагол.

The word ‘psychic’ comes from the root word ‘psyche,’ which is defined as the human soul, or what makes you who you are.

Слово «психическое» происходит от корневого слова «психика», которое определяется как человеческая душа или что делает вас тем, кто вы есть.

Our company name, Solvusoft, comes from the Latin root word «solvi», which in essence means «the desire to solve a problem».

Название нашей компании, Solvusoft, происходит от латинского корневого слова «solvi», что означает «желание решить проблему».

The second theory interprets the word root word dawon to mean water, and Posei-dawon to indicate master of the waters.

Вторая теория интерпретирует слово корень слова dawon, чтобы означать воду, и Posei-dawon, чтобы указать хозяина вод.

Esoteric derives from the Greek word esoterikos, from the root word eso, ‘within’.

Эзотерический происходит от греческого слова esoterikos, из ESO корень слова, «внутри».

«Healing» comes from the root word, «whole», to be one.

«Исцеление» происходит от корня слова, «весь», чтобы быть один.

The name «Canaan» comes from a root word meaning «humiliated» or «humbled»-something that evidently befell Canaan and his descendants.

Название «Ханаан» происходит от корневого слова, означающего «униженный» или «посрамленный» — то, что, очевидно, постигло Ханаана и его потомков.

Today, the phrase «Google it» has dethroned any variation of «do an online search,» and jokes about misinterpreting the root word fell out of vogue years ago (along with Xander’s haircut).

Сегодня фраза «Google it» свела на нет любую вариацию «сделать поиск в Интернете» и пошутила о том, что неверное истолкование корневого слова вышло из моды много лет назад (наряду со стрижкой Ксандера).

The root word ‘ohā refers to the root or corm of the kalo, or taro plant (the staple «staff of life» in Hawaii), which Kanaka Maoli consider to be their cosmological ancestor.

Корень слова, «’ohā», относится к клубням «kalo», также таро (основной «хлеб насущный» на Гавайях), который гавайцы (Канака Маоли) считают своим космологическим предком.

Additional linguistic processing is completed by converting each word to its root word.

Дополнительная лингвистическая обработка завершается преобразованием каждого слова в его корневое слово.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 141. Точных совпадений: 141. Затраченное время: 96 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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