Sentences and phrases with the word carry on

Synonym: act up, bear on, conduct, continue, deal, go on, preserve, proceed, uphold. Similar words: carry out, carry off, carry, carry through, try on, everyone, carrot, carrier. Meaning: v. 1. direct the course of; manage or control 2. keep or maintain in unaltered condition; cause to remain or last 3. continue talking 4. misbehave badly; act in a silly or improper way. 

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(1) They’ll carry on with their plan.

(2) Let’s carry on this discussion at some other time.

(3) I’ll certainly carry on living here for the foreseeable future.

(4) Can the human race carry on expanding and growing the same way that it is now?

(5) You’ll finish up dead if you carry on drinking like that.

(6) We’ll carry on a conversation with her tomorrow.

(7) Sorry to interrupt, do carry on .

(8) We must carry on hoping for the best.

(9) They will carry on their negotiations next week.

(10) How long can this situation carry on?

(11) carry on negotiation with sb.

(12) Carry on while I’m away.

(13) Sorry, I interrupted you. Please carry on.

(14) Carry on working/with your work while I’m away.

(15) Carry on with your work while I’m away.

(16) Capital is lacking to carry on the project.

(17) Please carry on as usual while I am away.

(18) Carry on with your work while I’m out.

(19) I hope to carry on for an indeterminate period.

(20) Carry on straight through the village.

(21) We’re trying to carry on a very important conversation!

(22) I want to carry on with my course.

(23) Carry on the good work!

(24) He does carry on, doesn’t he?

(25) You won’t last long in your job if you carry on being so rude to the customers.

(26) Sometimes you just have to pick yourself up and carry on.

(27) Everything happens for the best, my mother said whenever I faced disappointment. «If you carry on, one day something good will happen. And you’ll realize that it wouldn’t have happened if not for that previous disappointment.

(28) Usually not run hair health meters, accounting for it is hard to carry on one hundred meters sprint.

(29) Everything is a bit depressing at the moment, but I carry on in the belief that good times are just around the corner.

(30) Anyone who has tasted this life wants it to carry on for as long as possible.

More similar words: carry out, carry off, carry, carry through, try on, everyone, carrot, carrier, rely on, try out, cry out, worry, sorry, hurry up, in a hurry, every other, beyond question, beyond control, in memory of, array, car, care, arrest, narrow, barrel, harrow, card, cart, scare, arrange. 

carry on — перевод на русский

/ˈkæri ɒn/

Carry on… The only thing the pupils sang were scales, yes, all day long Lessons became a bind.

Продолжайте… font color-«#e1e1e1″Ученики пели исключительно font color-«#e1e1e1″гаммы, да, все дни напролет font color-«#e1e1e1″Уроки были скучными.

Carry on, we’re in no hurry.

Продолжайте, мы не торопимся.

Carry on questioning him.

Продолжайте допрос.

Carry on, flight lieutenant.

Продолжайте, капитан.

Carry on, flight lieutenant.

Продолжайте, капитан.

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He very kindly said he’d take me along with him, sir, to carry on the fuse work.

Он так любезен, что хотел бы взять меня с собой, чтобы продолжить исследования.

Why don’t you carry on? Keep playing…

Почему бы тебе не продолжить.

Well, you ready to carry on?

Хорошо, готовы ли Вы продолжить? Я?

Me? Carry on?


Well, I just wondered if they might be carrying on your work in robotics?

Я просто подумала, а они не могли сами продолжить вашу работу в робототехнике?

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My men will carry on in the way one expects of a British soldier.

Мои люди будут вести себя так, как подобает британским солдатам.

— You won’t get any, if you carry on like this.

— Их и не будет, если вести себя так!

That you can carry on your dirty, filthy schemes without me finding out?

Что ты можешь вести свои грязные, непристойные игры в тайне от меня?

If you call that living, the way you carry on, Doctor, then you’re right.

Если жить — это вести себя как вы — тогда вы правы.

The Steward of my music doesn’t carry on like an ass.

Мой придворный музыкант не может вести себя, как осёл.

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We’ll carry on

Едем дальше.

Ah! We’re on the horse’s back… carry on.

Давй, сочиняй дальше.

But we won’t get off, we’ll carry on.

Но мы там не сойдём. Мы поедем дальше.

So that they can carry on living here.

Чтобы они могли и дальше здесь жить.

If you carry on watching, you’ll soon see.

Если посмотришь дальше, то скоро узнаешь.

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You can’t carry on like this.

Так долго продолжаться не может.

Carry on like this, and we’ll have to have your face lifted.

Если это будет продолжаться, нам придётся сделать тебе подтяжку лица.

I’ll simply die if he carries on like this

Если так будет продолжаться, я умру.

But it can’t carry on like this.

— Так продолжаться не может.

I can’t carry on like this forever.

Но, разумеется, так не сможет продолжаться вечно.

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Carry on, Miss Chapel.

Идите, мисс Чапел.

You guys carry on, I’ll catch up.

Идите, я догоню.

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— Felipe is carrying one, see?

— Вот Фелипе свой носит, видишь?

So just in case, I always carry one with me.

На всякий случай я её с собой ношу.

-I always carry one in my sock.

— Нет, я всегда ношу мелочь в носке.

‘Til you learn that much, you carry one.

Пока не научитесь, будете носить с собой.

— You can’t carry one ’cause you had a breakdown.

— Вы не можете его носить, потому что у вас был срыв.

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— Yes, sir. — Carry on, Private, and good luck.

Так держать, рядовой.

There’s nothing on the Carry On films.

В фильмах «Так держать» ничего нет.

Mr. Irwin said the Carry Ons would be good films to talk about.

Мистер Эрвин сказал, что фильмы «Так держать» было бы интересно обсудить.

Carry on, there’s a plucky chap!

«ак держать, вот храбрый парень!

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Carry on, guard.

Выполняйте, охранник.

Handcuffs and to the cell, carry on.

Наручники и в камеру, выполняйте.

Carry on Sharpe

Выполняйте, Шарп.

Carry on, sir.

Выполняйте, сэр.

Carry on, Captain Sharpe.

Выполняйте, капитан Шарп.

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«Here lies Philip J. Fry, named for his uncle to carry on his spirit.»

«Здесь лежит Филипп Джей Фрай, получивший имя своего дяди, дабы нести его дух.»

-After me, you’ll be the one to carry on the torch.

После меня тебе нести факел.

We were on the train together, then suddenly he started carrying on about a mysterious traveler who stopped time and told him to save a cheerleader. It was all very fascinating.

Мы ехали вместе в метро и вдруг он начал нести что-то о таинственном путешественнике, который остановил время и сказал ему спасти девушку из команды подддержки.

For me it’s like being carried on shadowy arms… up to a distant cloud… and there I float ’til mornin’.

Для меня это — как будто ночь несет меня на руках… к самому дальнему облаку… и там я парю до утра.

Figuratively speaking, we all carry on our shoulders a certain burden.

Образно говоря, все мы несем на своих плечах известный груз.

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carry on

1. verb To continue or proceed. In this usage, the phrase can be used as an imperative. I’m sorry for all the interruptions—please, carry on with your story. OK, I understand your vision now—carry on!

2. verb To act wildly or rambunctiously, typically while making a lot of noise (perhaps by crying, yelling, or screeching). Mom rushed into the playroom when she heard the kids carrying on in there. Unfortunately, there’s an unhappy cat carrying on outside my open window right now. When you live above a bar, someone is always carrying on when you’re trying to sleep.

3. verb To continue to do something over a period of time. How much longer do you think you can carry on such a dangerous lifestyle?

4. verb To persevere. We cannot let ourselves be defeated. We must carry on!

5. verb To continue to do something as it has been done, sometimes for sentimental reasons. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between «carry» and «on.» My mom’s family always got up at midnight on Christmas morning to open presents, and she has carried that tradition on with us. All of my siblings have carried on the family tradition of becoming a doctor, which I guess makes me, the lone artist, quite a rebel.

6. verb To complain about something often or at length. Which dead president is grandpa carrying on about today?

7. verb To have an affair. Did you see the big reveal at the end of last week’s episode? The maid is carrying on with the lord of the manor!

8. verb To flirt with someone. Quit carrying on with Ted—he’s a married man!

9. verb To bring a small piece of luggage onto an airplane or similar transport by hand (as opposed to luggage that is checked in and stored in the luggage compartment). In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between «carry» and «on.» I hope they’ll let me carry this duffel bag on. I don’t want to have to pay for another checked bag! The airline lets you carry on a purse or small bag in addition to a standard piece of carry-on luggage.

10. noun, slang A commotion. In this usage, the phrase is often hyphenated. Primarily heard in UK. I think an unhappy cat is to blame for the carry-on happening outside my window right now.

11. noun A bag, suitcase, or other luggage item that is small enough for one to bring onto an airplane or similar mode of transportation (as opposed to luggage that is checked in and stored in the luggage compartment). In this usage, the phrase is often hyphenated. It’s only a weekend trip, so I’m just bringing a carry-on with me.

12. adjective Of or describing such a luggage item. In this usage, the phrase is hyphenated and used before a noun. It’s only a weekend trip, so I’m just bringing a carry-on bag with me.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

carry something on


1. to do something over a period of time. (Compare this with carry on (with something.) Do you think you can carry this on for a year? I will carry on this activity for three years if you want.

2. to continue to do something as a tradition. We intend to carry this celebration on as long as the family can gather for the holidays. We will carry on this tradition for decades, in fact.

3. Go to carry something onto something.

carry on (with something)

to continue doing something. (Compare this with carry something on.) Please carry on with your singing. Tom carried on with his boring speech for twenty minutes.

carry on

(about someone or something) to make a great fuss over someone or something; to cry (especially for a long time or uncontrollably) about someone or something. (Note the variation in the examples.) Billy, stop carrying on about your tummy ache like that. The child carried on endlessly when his mother scolded him. When the soldier finally came home, his wife cried and carried on for hours. Calm down. There’s no need to carry on so.

carry on

(to something) to continue on to some place or some time. Please keep reading. Carry on to the next page. Please carry on with your report.

carry on

(with someone) to flirt with someone; to have a love affair with someone. It looks like Linda is carrying on with James.

carry on

to behave badly or mischievously. The children always carry on when the teacher’s out of the room. Stop carrying on and go to sleep!

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

carry on

1. Maintain, conduct, as in The villagers carried on a thriving trade, or They carried on a torrid love affair. [c. 1600]

2. Continue or progress, persevere, as in I’m sure you can carry on without me. [Mid-1600s]

3. Behave in an excited, improper, or silly manner, as in They laughed and sang and carried on rather noisily. [Early 1800s]

4. Flirt, engage in an illicit love affair, as in She accused her friend of carrying on with her husband. [Early 1900s]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

carry on


1. To continue or resume doing something: After speaking with us briefly, the captain told us to carry on, and we went back to work. Our class is proud to carry on the university’s tradition of academic excellence.

2. To maintain something: The cabinetmaker has carried on a thriving business for the past 50 years.

3. To engage in something: Archaeological evidence suggests that the two communities carried on an active trade for centuries.

4. To persevere: Despite protests from our families, we carried on with our plans to marry.

5. To behave in an excited, improper, or silly manner: The bar was full of old friends making toasts and carrying on.

6. carry on about To complain vocally about someone or something: We were all tired of listening to him carrying on about his personal problems.

7. carry on with To flirt with someone: The maids gossiped that the lady of the house had been carrying on with the gardener.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • explain (oneself)
  • explain oneself
  • explain yourself
  • going to
  • gone on
  • go on
  • go on (doing something)
  • Go on!
  • going on
  • cross over
  • Dictionary
  • C
  • Carry on
  • Sentences
  • The assistant carried on talking. [VERB PREPOSITION verb-ing]
  • The consulate will carry on a political dialogue with Indonesia. [VERB PREPOSITION noun]
  • Passengers who have only carry-on luggage may go directly to the departure gate.
  • We must carry on in spite of our difficulties
  • To carry on a business
  • I’ll be gone for a few days, but I hope you will carry on in my absence.
  • You may only carry on items that are smaller than a certain size.
  • It is difficult to carry on a conversation with so many distractions. to carry on commerce in a market
  • I really wish you wouldn’t carry on like that in public!
  • I thought he was my friend, but all the time he was carrying on with my wife!
  • Carry-on luggage.
  • He carried her for a mile in his arms. This elevator cannot carry more than ten people.
  • He carries his knife in his pocket. He carries a cane.
  • The suitcase will carry enough clothes for a week.
  • The wind carried the sound. He carried the message to me.
  • The wind carried the balloon out of sight.
  • His wife is carrying twins.
  • To carry a case to a higher court; to carry a footnote to a new page.
  • These piers once carried an arch.
  • She carries her head high.
  • She carries herself with decorum.
  • The Giants carried the game to the Browns.
  • To carry the war into enemy territory.
  • The actor carried his audience with him.
  • The star carried the whole play.
  • This pipe carries water to the house.
  • Violation carries a penalty of five years in prison.
  • One decision carries another.
  • This land will not carry corn.
  • Our grain supply will carry the cattle through the winter. This money will carry us for about a week.
  • New students are advised not to carry more than 16 credits.
  • This boiler carries 190 pounds per square inch.
  • My voice carries farther than his.
  • The horse carries well.
  • In his academic and social life he carried all before him.
  • She is carrying her crusading too far.

Русскоязычным пользователям из арсенала фразового глагола carry наиболее знаком carry on – продолжать. Это довольно обидно, ведь с carry существует немало интересных ходовых фразовых сочетаний. Наблюдать их можно на нашей схеме.

Фразовый глагол Carry

Несложно запомнить всего 5 фразовых сочетаний, не так ли? Давайте понаблюдаем их на примерах с переводом.

Carry off — «выполнить, преуспеть»

Both actors have the stylish self-confidence needed to carry off these roles.

Carry on — «продолжать»

Carry on. You’re doing fine.

Carry out — «выполнять»

The building work was carried out by a local contractor.

Carry over — «переносить на, сказываться на»

Stresses at work can often be carried over into your home life.

Carry through — «перерасти в, распространиться»

Our conversation carried through to dessert.

Разобраться со значениями фразового глагола carry не составило особого труда. Надеемся, что не представляет особых сложностей и пройти наш небольшой тест.

01 He tried to look cool but couldn’t carry it ___.

02 She carried ___ as if nothing had happened.

03 We carried ___ several experiments to test the theory.

04 People can carry bad eating habits learned in childhood ___ into adulthood.

05 The yellow and blue theme in the kitchen carries ___ to the rest of the house.

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