Sentence with word weird

Synonym: creepy, eerie, fantastic, ghostly, mysterious, odd, peculiar, queer, spooky, strange. Similar words: their, weigh, third, two-thirds. Meaning: [wɪrd /wɪəd]  n. Fate personified; one of the three Weird Sisters. adj. 1. suggesting the operation of supernatural influences 2. strikingly odd or unusual. 

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(1) He says a lot of weird things.

(2) A really weird thing happened last night.

(3) Weird shrieks were heard in the darkness.

(4) I started to feel quite weird.

(5) It was a weird old house, full of creaks and groans.

(6) The student inadvertently transposed the e and the i in «weird«.

(7) He’s different. He’s weird.

(8) She’d cooked up some weird scheme that was going to earn her a fortune.

(9) From his weird behaviour, he seems a bit of an oddity.

(10) I met this really weird guy last night.

(11) The altered landscape looks unnatural and weird.

(12) She’s a really weird girl.

(13) They sell all sorts of weird and wonderful products.

(14) It’s really weird seeing yourself on television.

(15) His weird clothes really gas me.

(16) His weird behaviour had cooled her passion.

(17) Doesn’t that seem weird to you?

(18) Some of the music was weird.

(19) Some of their clothes were really weird and wonderful.

(20) It all sounds a bit weird to me.

(21) I had a really weird dream last night.

(22) She began to make weird inhuman sounds.

(23) It must be really weird to be rich.

(24) He’s got some weird ideas.

(25) Her boyfriend’s a bit weird but she’s all right.

(26) I found some of her poems a bit weird.

(27) She has some weird ideas.

(28) Drugs can make you do all kinds of weird things.

(29) That’s weird — I thought I’d left my keys on the table but they’re not there.

(30) He was sitting alone by a window with a weird contraption on the bench in front of him.

The Weird is a fictional DC Comics character created by Jim Starlin and Bernie Wrightson. He first appeared in his own self-titled miniseries The Weird in 1988. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

You can go over the same area and build up the eyeliner (like for example, the kat von d one goes weird and won’t build up, which is annoying if you f * up your eyeliner or get eyeshadow on it and need to go over it.)


That would be weird since I’m so used to having most things year round, but kind of fun and exciting too


Using the network is a little bit weird but that’s to be expected with an offshoot social network like this.


Puyo Pop achieves what a good puzzle game asks for, simple execution yet addictive and deep fun, adding a distinctly weird Japanese flavor to a premise that originated in Russia.


It was weird weather we had — wet and rainy but almost warm, at least warm enough to wear shorts.


But the weird thing is that I don’t have any other symptoms.


I’ve never heard any other christian describe a soul in that way, but then again, christians are famous for having all sorts of weird ideas about what the bible says..


I’m currently in a weird wardrobe spot because I went crazy during the NSale stocking up on fall favorites, but it’s still 90 * out in Cinci,…


Annotations are kind of a weird thing to me, at least from a format perspective.


now they say spending 36000000 for a 19 year old martial arts is better than letting the board keep weird sarcastic stupid and ironical


, the first scene in which Linklater himself describes a weird dream he had to a wholly uninterested cab driver, and a JFK-conspiracy nut trying to impress a girl in a bookstore.


There’s even a weird invocation of the dead god of teen comedies: Columbus casts Alan Ruck, a.k.a. Cameron in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, as the hero’s dad and supplies the sidekick with Cameron’s absent, oppressive shadow of a father.


There were rumors swirling around that a weird change in advertisement would happen, one that involved Nintendo advertising their newest console during the Super Bowl commercials.


It sounds weird, but it just works in some mysterious and wonderful way.


Just about any activity, religion, location or weird quirk has a niche site.


It’s weird how some are so grossed out or compare it with animals eating faeces.


It’s weird to start a review with a caveat but here we are.


Is it weird that they (according to the mom) waited eight days to start antibiotics?


Academic pressures ramp up, peer pressure gets crazy weird, and that Mack truck called puberty roars through your body like a runaway diesel.


(A paleo friend told me that weird, red-bumpy arm skin is thought to be the result of a lack of good fats in your diet (or a dietary issue that prevents you from properly absorbing fat).


It must be hard to maintain such a physique, but she has almost never worn anything weird on the red carpet and always looked like a million bucks.


[Al D’Amato is scary and so is Rudy Giuliani and Mike Huckabee and Bobby Jindal — they’re not fringe… just scary weird.]


FYI everything cooked fine and tasted good, but the tortillas turned to much from cooking so long (7 hour on low) and gave it a weird texture so using cooked chicken and shorter heat time is a must!!


However, things felt weird for me and our communication breakdowns were becoming more and more evident.


Hahaha, I think my mom also thinks a bit it’s weird, first she said: interesting consistency.


There’s a diagram of a litter box showing how the pee clumps and advising her to scoop at least twice a day so the cats «don’t get weird


You’re performing a service for your readers by giving them something they’re actually looking for, and there’s nothing to feel weird about when it comes to that.


I deal with the fear of any weird little physical symptom that I experience.


It doesn’t look all special at first but it’s amazing and no weird powders in the ice cream that some gelaterias use.


Pretty weird stuff for a company that still fashions cars out of ash wood and hand-beaten metal and still operates out of the same set of red brick sheds its founders, an Anglican prebendary and his son, erected in 1918.


Can I just say, it still seems weird to say, «husband?»


Because there’s nothing weird or creepy about a cat thinking a human woman is hot.


Lower body and back might seem like a weird muscle group combo to hit at the same time, but kettlebell exercises really all require core stabilization.


, a documentary ostensibly about the B-movie starlet’s weird, brief friendship with Anton Lavey, self-proclaimed head of the Church of Satan.


Things got weird in the closing hours as a contingent of Clippers, including owner Steve Ballmer, Rivers, and players Blake Griffin, Chris Paul, and Paul Pierce decided they were not going to leave Jordan’s home until his new contract was signed at 12:01 a.m. ET, according to Ramona Shelburne of ESPN.


She loves her pets and has a weird love-hate relationship with Hollywood and pop culture in general.


Criticizing your own product is weird, but it’s also authentic and memorable.


About Blog Coolooplis is where untold, forgotten and weird stories of past and present Montreal are woven.


The Cubs voluntarily parting ways with Jason Hammel is still weird.


Close enough that their gravity can affect each other, drawing out long arms of gas and stars, distorting each other into weird and beautiful shapes.


This fledgling phone company is asking you to forsake a lot of great smartphones out there to try its weird hybrid.


Also, it’s weird watching a family film from Jim Fall, the director of a film about two gay men attempting to get around Manhattan to have sex.


Because what is the point of wearing a glorious swing dress if your top layer (blazer, cards, etc) squishes the dress down in all sorts of weird ways?


I have some weird virus on my computer and my comments are not showing up and I want to make sure I am entered.


It’s weird to me that we have such a big stigma about bug eating when North America is one of the few countries that DOES N’T eat bugs.


I used to feel weird about buying clothes at thrift shops, but I still go to Goodwill once in a while, and I find amazing clothes!


* wink wink * I used to belong to a sex club but that gets a little weird after a while because you are constantly hooking up with the same people.


If this is a weird or foreign concept to you, then please plan a trip to the farmer’s market and clear out your cabinet.


I chose Tiny Prints over Shutterfly as they had a layout option I liked better and the cards are a thicker, higher quality than the Shutterfly cards (weird as they are all owned by the same company!).


These images, posted on a Russian dating site, provide a bizarre snapshot into the worlds of the people looking for love — and in some cases a weird and Find all the latest news and breaking stories for Russia.


Weird Al Yankovic or Dido?
Странным Элом Янковичем или Дайдо?

The flatness and the light does weird things to your eyes.
Из-за игры света и тени тебе виделось что-то фантастическое.

This is all feeling very weird and personal.
Это же такое личное, это жуть.

Got some weird toner stuff.
Какая-то странная фигня для принтера.

Voyager’s images revealed weird, contorted terrains and, to everyone’s amazement, geysers of frozen nitrogen.
На снимках Вояджера ученые увидели какой-то поистине фантастический, искривленный рельеф и вдобавок ко всеобщему удивлению — гейзеры, извергающие жидкий азот.

It’s not weird, I’m your mum.
Никакой жути, я твоя мама.

To see a world-wide epidemic of fat caused by a conspiracy of fast-food producers and our genes strikes one as weird: but the dieting culture relies on the sense that we must control this epidemic.
Международная эпидемия ожирения, вызванная заговором между производителями быстрого питания и нашими генами, выглядит совершенно сверхъестественной: однако культура питания основана на том, что мы должны бороться с этой эпидемией.

It gets even more weird.
Все становиться еще более странным.

Whatever dark energy is, whether anti-gravity, weird energy or maths, it seems to have magical properties.
Независимо от того, что темная энергия, кажется антигравитацией, фантастическая энергией или математике, она имеет, волшебные свойства.

Weird isn’t the word I used when I saw it.
Жуть — это было не то слово, когда я посмотрел.

I know it is weird.
Я знаю, что это странно.

Everything just seemed so weird before that this just seems like more of the same.
Для меня уж такая жуть начиналась, что эта ситуация стала примерно из той же оперы.

This is really pretty weird
Он какой-то странный».

There’s something weird happening.
Происходит что-то странное.

My hairline is so weird.
Мои волосы растут так странно.

Something very, very weird happened.
После этого произошло нечто странное.

She’s uptight and weird.
Она встревоженная и странная.

Anybody scouting it out, acting weird?
Кто-нибудь вынюхивал что-то, вел себя странно?


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I regret being too weird to make friends.

Я жалею, что слишком странный, чтобы заводить друзей.

BLASBERG: You three have this weird shared experience, though.

Д.Б.: Однако, у вас троих есть этот странный совместный опыт.

If I explain my process, people look at me weird.

Когда я говорю, что занимаюсь управлением персоналом, люди смотрят на меня странно.

But nobody would tell you that’s weird.

Таким образом, никто не возьмется сказать, что это странно.

That may seem weird, but whatever.

Это может показаться странным, но тем не менее.

When your friend starts acting weird, you’ll notice it.

Однако, если ваша кошка начинает вести себя странно, принять к сведению.

Find out why your car is making that weird sound.

Вы с легкостью можете установить, почему ваш пылесос издает странные звуки.

Sometimes people worry that their friends will feel weird or uncomfortable around them.

Иногда люди беспокоятся о том, что их друзья будут чувствовать себя странно или неудобно вокруг них.

I never wrote about it because it seemed too weird.

Я никогда об этом не писал, потому что оно казалось слишком странным.

It is really funny and weird how people treat their losses in gambling.

В действительности и смешно и странно то, как люди относятся к своему проигрышу в азартных играх.

Becca defends them and says they are weird but nice.

Бекка защищает их и говорит, что они странные, но милые.

You can’t watch me work because that’s just weird

Вы не можете смотреть, как я работаю, потому что это просто странно

Everybody looking at me feels weird.

То-то я думаю, все смотрят на меня так странно.

He definitely has some weird ideas about fun.

И, вообще, у него странные представления о развлечениях.

Without it blockchain is just a weird database.

А без этого, блокчейн — это просто странная база данных.

Tonight I thought my husband was acting weird.

Сегодня я подумала, что мой муж ведет себя странно.

I know things have been weird

Я знаю, что это может показаться странным

We need to talk before things get weird

Нам надо поговорить перед тем, как всё станет страннее

This was weird, and also really wonderful.

Это было странно, но в то же время по-настоящему чудесно.

Sounds weird; hear me out.

Да, звучит странно, но ты выслушай.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат weird

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weird — перевод на русский


It’s weird…

Это странно…

— That’s so weird.

Что? Это так странно.

It’s weird, but I don’t.

Это странно, но я не ненавижу.

Is it gonna be weird for you to see your never-in-laws?

Для тебя не странно будет увидеть свою чуть-не-родню?

— Mm. — This is so weird to me.

— Тут всё так странно.

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Come on, the story is finished, man, don’t get weird on me now.

Ну, давай, погнали.. история закончена, Давай уже, без своих странностей.

I saw that dream we had and a whole bunch of other weird stuff.

Я увидел наш сон, и еще кучу всяких странностей.

No more weird stuff.

У меня много странностей.

Did you notice anything weird about Ben today?

Моника. Ты не замечала сегодня странностей у Бена?

Listen, have you noticed anything weird about our Billy lately?

Ты не замечал за Билли каких-нибудь странностей?

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Очень странно.

It is real fuckin’ weird out there.

Тут на воле все очень странно.

— This is weird.

— Это очень странно.

This is weird.

Секундочку… это очень странно…

Besides, I think it’s kinda weird that you wanna get naked in front of everybody.

И, кроме того, я думаю, это очень странно, что ты окажешься перед всеми совсем голым.

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I dunno… weird.

Я не знаю… как-то странно.

He was acting real weird.

Он вел себя как-то странно.

She looked weird, didn’t she?

Она как-то странно выглядит.

You find it weird?

Думаешь, я произношу слова как-то странно?

It’s weird.

Как-то странно.

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It is not that weird.

Это не так уж необычно.

That sound weird enough for you?

Ну как, достаточно необычно звучит?

Kind of weird, but around here, what isn’t?

Немного необычно, но что-то в этом есть, да?

It’s just a little weird.

Это просто немножко необычно.

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— You yourself are weird.

— Сам ты чудной.

A very weird man.

Очень чудной человек.

You’re just plain weird.

Ты какой-то чудной.

Too weird.

Слишком чудной.

Strange old, weird old wino, layin’ out in the middle of the desert, everybody driving’ by, nobody seeing’ you.

Странный чудной старый выпивоха, разлегся посреди пустыни, все едут мимо, тебя никто не видит.

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You don’t have to tell me how weird you are.

Не говори мне о том, что ты ненормальный.

I know how weird you are!

Я сама знаю, насколько ты ненормальный!

You must just think I’m weird.

Ты должно быть думаешь, что я ненормальный.

No, I don’t think it’s weird.

Нет, я не думаю, что ты ненормальный.

Yeah, I mean, we’re used to you, but, dude, you’re weird.

Да, мы-то к тебе уже привыкли, но, чувак, ты ж ненормальный.

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sounds somewhat weird to me.

звучит для меня немного дико.

Look, I know I must look weird to you, but how do you think you look to me?

Я вот выгляжу дико для вас, а вы для нас что ли лучше?

It’s weird, isn’t it?

Дико, не правда ли?

When I was 11, I got this really weird earache that wouldn’t go away.

В 11 лет у меня дико разболелись уши. И боль никак не проходила.

— It’s weird.

— Это дико.

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A weird sound…

Какой-то странный звук…

So, after the scorpion, the demon opened my mouth and sucked a weird light out of me.

Так вот, после скорпиона, демон открыл мой рот и высосал какой-то странный свет из меня.

He’s been acting really weird lately, especially around really pretty girls.

Он последнее время какой-то странный, особенно с красивыми девушками. Хэл.

Nobody even wants you there because you’ve been acting so weird lately.

И кроме того, тебе никто не обрадуется. Ты в последнее время какой-то странный.

Excuse me. Gavin? This really weird fax Just came in.

Прости, Гэвин, пришел какой-то странный факс.

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Yeah. That’s weird.


I mean I feel weird, but I feel good.

я чувствую себя непонятно, но хорошо.

Good, weird.

Хорошо, непонятно.

Weird, good.

Непонятно, хорошо.

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