Sentence with word wandered

wandered — перевод на русский

In a way, I’m glad you took off the blinkers and wandered away on your own.

Отчасти рад, что вы сняли шоры и стали бродить сами.

To wander separately? Uh-huh.

Если станем бродить поодиночке?

Well, she is, too, but she does like to wander, to go off by herself.

Даже слишком, она очень любопытна и любит бродить в одиночку.

Normally we don’t heed it, but is it safe to let my flock wander around at night?

Будет ли безопасно прихожанам бродить ночью?

When will your companions realise I know what I’m talking about when I say it’s dangerous to wander about at night?

Когда ваши спутники поймут. Если я говорю, что опасно бродить ночью, значит я знаю о чём говорю?

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Has to wander forever between the winds.

Теперь он будет вечно блуждать.

in spite of yourself, your foot starts scuffing the sand, you let your eyes wander, you are continually crossing and uncrossing your fingers.

помимо воли, твоя нога начинает рыхлить песок, глаза начинают блуждать, ты беспрерывно сплетаешь и расплетаешь пальцы.

As an incidental consequence of their trajectories they will be carried inexorably into the realm of the stars where they will wander forever.

Из-за характера их траекторий, их неизбежно унесет в царство звёзд, где они будут блуждать вечно.

We’re not supposed to let you wander off.

Нам не пологаеться позволять вам блуждать.

Do you mean that on a school day you simply let a child wander around here alone?

Значит, вы позволили ребенку блуждать здесь одному в школьное время?

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There once was a lost knight… who wandered into a strange town called Assisi.

Жил-да-был потерявшийся рыцарь который забрел в странный город под названием Ассизи.

He had wandered to an unexplored area apparently slipped on the ice and fell more than 100 meters.

Он забрёл на неисследованную территорию, видимо, поскользнулся на льду и упал с высоты более 100 метров.

I wandered into a bar.

Я забрел в бар.

Just wandering around.

Случайно забрел.

He wandered into the shrine accidentally and he went into a death sleep.

Он случайно забрел в гробницу, и впал в смертельный сон.

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And without someone to retrieve your remains, your soul will wander aimlessly.

Если никто не заберёт твой труп, душа твоя будет безутешно скитаться.

Now I will have to wander through time and space as lost as he is!

Теперь я буду вынужден скитаться во времени и пространстве, потерянным, как и он.

I’d like to wander around with you in eternity, torn back and forth between the seas

Я бы не против вечно скитаться с тобой, бороздя моря вдоль и поперёк.

And then wander away, leaving little holes like you.

А потом скитаться, оставляя маленькие дыры, как вы.

The youth leave… one after another, to wander in the desert.

Молодежь ушла один за другим, скитаться в пустыне.

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I like wandering around on my own, thinking, daydreaming…

Мне нравится гулять одному, думать, фантазировать…

Aren’t you scared of wandering outside alone?

Нестрашно гулять вот так вдвоем и без охраны?

I have nothing to do, so I just wander around.

Делать мне нечего, так что я иду гулять.

Instead of letting us wander from flower to flower… Claire made us look at the varieties that she admired most.

Клэp, вместо того, чтобы гулять с нами от цветка к цветку, призвала наше восхищение к трем или четырем видам,

Since when do they let them wander around?

С каких это пор они их выпускают одних гулять?

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I’m like a lonely, wandering meteor in the sky.

Я как одинокий блуждающий метеор в небе.

And I’m also grateful to you for turning Tom’s wandering eye away from my skirts.

Я благодарна тебе за то, что ты отвлекла блуждающий взгляд Тома от моей юбки.

And his wandering eye.

И его блуждающий взгляд.

Some say that he drowned in the lake, but others say that they’ve seen his ghost, wandering these woods, in search for his lost sister.

Некоторые говорят, что он утонул в озере, но другие говорят, что они видели его призрак, блуждающий в этих лесах, искал свою потерянную сестру.

Daniel Douglas Langston has a wandering eye.

У Дениеля Дугласа Ленгстона блуждающий взгляд.

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I’ve warned him so often about wandering the streets, but he never listens.

Сколько раз я предупреждала его и говорила не ходить на улицу. Но он никогда не слушает.

I told you, I didn’t want anyone wandering around here by themselves!

никому не ходить поодиночке! Ладно, босс, больше не повторится.

And he’ll just wander around looking like…

И будет просто ходить… и выглядеть…

What have we told you about wandering in here all the time?

Говорили же тебе, нечего сюда ходить.

They like to wander from room to room at night.

Они любят ходить из комнаты в комнату по ночам.

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I Iike wandering.

Я люблю странствовать.

— Of wandering?


— No. One should never allow one’s mind and one’s foot to wander at the same time.

— Нет, просто нельзя позволять духу и ногам странствовать одновременно.

«Benedikt, if you want to be a saint, stop wandering.»

«Бенедикт, если хочешь быть святым, перестань странствовать.»

Well, it’s not terror that makes people wander.

Но совсем не страх заставляет людей странствовать.

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Either it’s wandered off somewhere by itself or they’ve hidden it.

Или ушёл куда-то сам по себе, или они его спрятали.

A man who wandered out into the wasteland.

Человек, который ушёл в пустыню.

This was clearly the state of Zo’or’s mind when he wandered away.

Похоже, что Зо’ор был в этом состоянии, когда ушел.

He wandered away from the party to a railway line and he was hit by an Intercity train.

Затем он ушёл оттуда в сторону железной дороги и попал под поезд.

He wandered too far from the den.

Он слишком далеко ушел от норы.

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I can’t see how wandering around the grounds is going to give us the answer.

Не понимаю чего мы добьемся, если будем здесь слоняться.

Hey, you can’t wander around without ID, Just park your ass in that chair

Эй,ты не можешь слоняться без удостоверения, так что припаркуй свою задницу на сиденье.

You, on the other hand, have no business wandering the corridors at night.

Что же касается вас, вам нечего, слоняться ночью по коридорам.

This has gone beyond a joke. You cannot just wander…

Это переходит все границы, нельзя же слоняться…

If you wander around messily like this, people will know how sick you are.

Если будешь слоняться вокруг, люди поймут, что ты с приветом…

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I often wandered the streets alone, even after nightfall.

Я часто бродил в одиночестве по улицам Москвы, иногда — даже ночами.

I wandered among the fishermen’s pots and nets.

Я бродил среди рыбацких лодок и сетей.

We were the only visitors to the museum and wandered among all this splendor in absolute silence.

Мы были единственными посетителями музея и бродили среди всего этого великолепия в абсолютной тишине.

On each trip, they probably made many other small purchases while they wandered around.

В каждой поездке они, вероятно, совершали некоторое количество небольших сопутствующих покупок, пока бродили вокруг.

I wandered into this place accidentally with my translator who lived there himself.

В это место я забрёл совершенно случайно со своим переводчиком, который сам жил там же.

All because an unexpected bear wandered into someone’s yard.

И все потому, что какой-то нежданный медведь забрел в чей-то двор.

Found the writer only a few days later — losing his mind, he wandered around the surrounding woods.

Нашли писателя лишь спустя несколько дней — потеряв рассудок, он бродил по окрестным лесам.

Hungry, exhausted, he wandered around his native village.

Голодный, измученный, бродил он вокруг родной деревни.

Then I wandered a bit and remember nothing more, after an hour and fifteen minutes I stopped.

Затем я немного бродил и больше ничего не помнил, через час и пятнадцать минут я остановился.

He intended to write a revealing reportage, but after several lessons he wandered through the snow with almost no clothes.

Он намеревался написать разоблачительный репортаж, но после нескольких занятий бродил по снегу практически без одежды.

In the darkness by candlelight pinched men and women wandered in one room and tried to wash themselves.

В темноте при свечах в одном зале бродили истощённые мужчины и женщины и пытались хоть как-то помыться.

One day, a wise man wandered into the village.

Однажды мудрый человек забрел в ту деревню.

Rumors were rampant that he wandered the imperial palace as well as the streets of Rome at night dressed as a woman.

Слухи были необузданными, что он бродил по императорскому дворцу, а также по улицам Рима ночью, одетым как женщина.

Before reading Bens book, I had wandered around the investing landscape, devouring everything written on the subject.

До прочтения книги Бена я бродил по инвестиционному ландшафту, пожирая все, что написано на эту тему.

We all remember the days when Allied inspectors wandered around Germany.

Все мы помним те дни, когда инспекторы союзников бродили по всей Германии.

Billy then wandered through the streets of Tokyo, hungry and confused.

Билли тогда бродил по улицам Токио, голодный и растерянный.

All vacation Thompson sought solitude and often wandered alone in the jungle around the villa.

Весь отпуск Томпсон искал уединения и часто бродил в одиночестве в джунглях вокруг виллы.

Then the elephant that wandered over.

Discussions wandered from the original question.

His soul wandered the universe before entering another world.

Его душа бродила по вселенной, прежде чем нашла вход в другой мир.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат wandered

Результатов: 2092. Точных совпадений: 2092. Затраченное время: 60 мс


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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word wandered, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use wandered in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «wandered».

Wandered in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word wandered in a sentence.

  1. They may have fled and ultimately wandered to Woolpit.

  2. Kennedy then restlessly wandered around the hotel, checking in on his staff.

  3. This was the situation Tomlinson wandered into as he tried to make his way home.

  4. Early in the tour, Vicious wandered off from his Holiday Inn in Memphis, looking for drugs.

  5. Looking for inspiration, Ho wandered into a garden and picked up a Bauhinia blakeana flower.

  6. When Napoleon wandered into Egypt, the people had lost track of their once-great civilization.

  7. These include accidental visits by vagrant birds that have wandered far from their normal habitations.

  8. The next delivery from Toshack was again hit to Loxton, and Whitcombe again wandered outside his crease.

  9. Massenet, it is impossible to say whither he might have wandered, or how far he could have pushed his way.

  10. As the rest of the Texians prepared for a dawn assault, two San Patricio residents wandered into their camp.

  11. Visitors were admitted to the waiting room for 15 minutes at a time, while patients wandered around screaming.

  12. The main body of Texian soldiers, under Collinsworth, became disoriented in the dark and wandered from the road.

  13. She spent her days asleep, drank as much whisky as was available to her, and wandered the shore at night bemoaning her fate.

  14. One ship that had been separated, commanded by Diogo Dias, wandered onward alone, and the other six ships were able to regroup.

  15. Minutes before we were hit, I had wandered up to the cockpit to chat with the pilots, who said the plane was flying beautifully.

  16. He wrote that the bird was generally solitary but gathered in flocks of ten to twenty at breeding time, then wandered off in pairs.

  17. It has its moments of «rush» and of confrontation, but it wants to be savoured, wandered through, in the company of armed companions.

  18. I don’t know why I wandered out to this part of Texas drunk, and you took me in and pitied me and helped me to straighten out, marry me.

  19. Clayton had survived the first blast and then wandered out of the school building; he was killed by fragmentation from the exploding vehicle.

  20. There is also a single mention of Orion in his Art of Love, as a sufferer from unrequited love: «Pale Orion wandered in the forest for Side.».

  21. On arrival he had taken the name Thomas Castro from an acquaintance from Melipilla and had wandered for some years before settling in Wagga Wagga.

  22. For over thirty years following her death, he wandered in a political wilderness, directionless and exceedingly eccentric, until his own death in 1929.

  23. When Humphrey the Whale wandered into the San Francisco Bay, Dow and his camera crew attempted to gather usable footage of the humpback but failed to do so.

  24. At times, Barnes wandered about aimlessly between various positions, but Hassett, captaining in place of the resting Bradman, did not attempt to command him.

  25. Following the shock of learning what had happened in Rosewood, Haywood rarely spoke to anyone but himself; he sometimes wandered away from his family unclothed.

  26. The first week California Chrome spent at the Belmont track was generally uneventful, other than galloping past an opossum that wandered onto the track the morning of May 23.

  27. Pemberton’s Malcolm, for Michael Hogan of The Daily Telegraph, «appeared to have wandered in» from a Mike Leigh production; several critics commented on his striking hairpiece.

  28. Others wandered through the human world and the Duat, either as servants and messengers of the greater gods or as roving spirits that caused illness or other misfortunes among humans.

  29. Food supplies were augmented by seal hunts—two or three seals a day was the average bag, according to McKinlay—and by a single polar bear that had wandered near the ship in mid-November.

  30. After leaving Foster’s employment the Claimant had subsequently wandered the country, sometimes with Orton, working in various capacities before setting up as a butcher in Wagga Wagga in 1865.

  31. The Ricketts family was not aware of the glens and their waterfalls until about 1865, when they were discovered by two guests from the stone house who went fishing and wandered down Kitchen Creek.

  32. The Kuma battalion’s survivors, attempting to follow Kawaguchi’s Center Body forces, became lost, wandered for three weeks in the jungle, and almost starved to death before finally reaching Kawaguchi’s camp.

  33. He claimed that Poe often wandered the streets, either in «madness or melancholy», mumbling and cursing to himself, was easily irritated, was envious of others, and that he «regarded society as composed of villains».

General information about «wandered» example sentences

The example sentences for the word wandered that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «wandered» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «wandered».


- заблудившийся
- заблудший; запутавшийся, сбившийся с пути

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

After dinner, we wandered into town

После ужина мы отправились гулять в город

The dog wandered far from home.

Собака забрела далеко от дома.

She wandered aimlessly about the house.

Она бесцельно бродила около дома.

We wandered around the bazaar looking to buy gifts.

Мы побродили по базару в надежде купить сувениры.

She wandered round all morning, unable to sit still.

Она всё утро слонялась вокруг, будучи не в силах усидеть на месте.

They wandered down the street.

Они побрели по улице.

He finally wandered in at 3:00 a.m., obviously lit up.

В три часа ночи он всё-таки явился, и разумеется, пьяный.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

We wandered over the dunes.

…back in olden days when strollers and vagabonds wandered the Scottish countryside…

His mind wandered, and he lost the thread of what she was saying (=was no longer able to understand it).

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

wander  — бродить, блуждать, скитаться, странствие
wanderer  — странник, скиталец
wandering  — блуждающий, странствующий, бродячий, скитания, странствие, путешествие

And then that he mauled some EMTs and wandered off

Every time you notice that your mind has wandered off the breath, notice what it was that took you away and then gently bring your attention back to your belly and the feeling of the breath coming in and out

wandered over to the pool bar

Most of the teacher, except for John and Russ, gaze up with vacuous eyes and gaping expressions, giving one the impression that they could possibly be drugged mental patients who have wandered off from an institution

He glances over at Bolt, who has wandered into the snack bar with his camera

Johnny wandered over, clicking his heels on the floor as he walked, still spinning

‘I was just thinking, it is far too long since I last wandered around in fields of long grass

She wandered around the yacht, tossing things where they looked most comfortable

My sheep wandered through all the mountains, and upon every high hill: yea, my flock was scattered upon all the face of the earth, and none did search or seek after them

He wandered into my room of an afternoon and without saying a word, he would walk up to me, make me stand and hit me in the stomach with his balled fist

He wandered afterward, walking along a sixth floor street till he could see the pier their boat was on

Birds were tweeting and chirping invisibly in the trees as she wandered along the lane towards the main road, it was that dead hour in the middle of the day when, in rural areas, any sensible person is inside enjoying a cup of something … it brought back memories of her childhood … she smiled at the thought … a dog barked somewhere in the distance … and a stick cracked as someone trod on it

Berndt hadn’t pushed his point as they’d wandered back to The Centre last night … in fact he’d not mentioned it again … yet

The captain and a couple others wandered off from the group and it sounded like they were calling Alan when they got nearer the probe

But what about now, on his own and helpless? How long would he be able to live this way? Was it just hours or minutes until he was devoured? Or would he avoid the carnivores only to slowly starve to death as he wandered around completely lost for the next few weeks?

Fred wandered down to where Cosmicblasto and Catwhiskers had

Meanwhile, Jack wandered amongst the dung

Alan wandered with her, not really having any idea what to look for, maybe an inglethor or something

He wandered into camp one day with several other people

They were more or less following the stream by their camp, it wandered around a lot; after all, it was pretty hard even for water to tell which way was downhill around here

They wandered around the grove where they would camp for a long time eating them as the light ended

’ I replied, anxious that we should be here when Berndt returns and aware that he would not be pleased if we had wandered off somewhere

After an excellent snack I wandered through WH Smith and thrilled to the dizzy heights of buying my first phrase book but from then on it was a downward spiral of fear and boredom

I wandered into the corner of the bar area and ordered an orange juice from the barman

Some showers wandered around offering occasional relief but endangering them with a few sparks of lightening

I crossed the road to the Flea Market in Avissinias square and wandered around, snatching occasional glimpses of the awesome floodlit Acropolis at the end of narrow interlocking streets but it was too early to visit

I wandered round the lanes at the back of the town, losing count of all the drowsy flowers blazing up ahead

In olden days she would have been called a witch, but the soldier, being thoroughly modern in his outlook, just assumed that she had wandered off from her care home

With the last word spoken quite loudly, and in clear Greek, I turned from the group with as much control as I could muster and wandered steadily and slowly toward the kitchen, expecting a blow to the head at every trembling step

I wandered well off the track left in the grass by the other two, feeling and stroking the boulders as I passed, sometimes a long way behind but happy, whistling, and sometimes even singing in an absent-minded way; a lad again with nothing to rush home after school for, and a long time before tea

The old Lotto man wandered among the passengers and as he passed, he interrupted his chanting and shook his head in despair

Her sad and lonely inner child wandered the dark corridors of a huge adult world, while at the same time she could feel the steam head pressure of outrage building in the magma chambers that brooded darkly in the spaces between her quiet outward persona and her molten core

You become aware that your attention has wandered

she had wandered off from her care home

Her sad and lonely inner child wandered the dark corridors of a

moment and wandered over to one of the groups of smokers

He wandered down an embankment and was surprised to spot the small creek he had found yesterday

A ruby throated humming bird, common throughout in these parts, had wandered close by

They then wandered off in the direction of one of the more

The washing up finished, she wandered into the sitting room and settled down with the book she was currently working through

They wandered from room to room around the Lodges

Tom, wandered over to join a couple of the more senior Guardians on

They had wandered by a performance after dinner, some of the men in both the troops were quite built, although he thought the women on the losing team were actually prettier

‘He wouldn’t have just wandered off

He just wandered off

“How sure could one be of getting noticed on that boat crew?” Ava asked him, bringing them back from where their thoughts had wandered

‘No idea – it’s possible he just wandered off and got lost … that moor is treacherous

off from his chores, and wandered along the quiet pathways through

My eyes wandered from his eyes to around the

While Roman was in the kitchen, Heather’s eyes wandered across the room

wandered carefully over what he’d said in front of the other

wandered as she rambled

With nothing else to do, he wandered in that direction, he could see how long it took to get there from here

the ordinaries of the Mass, Jean’s mind wandered back to

Tipene wandered around to see what other exciting attractions the Carnival might have to offer

Her eyes wandered the page,

It was then that Knume wandered thru the garden with Luray following, nearly invisible behind him and the ax collection slung over his shoulders

Her thoughts wandered even farther afield, Bordzvek was a huge city, the size of Dos or Zhlindu, in mountains almost as rugged as Wescarp

Monica wandered back to her chilly farmhouse

Roman’s eyes wandered away from the agent as he spoke, and focused on

utter silence, his mind wandered back to the days when he

Never had his eyes wandered, or at least if they had, he’d always returned home to her that night

He recognized that Desa had so correctly guessed his origin, a splinter religion that had wandered far into the wilderness to lose themselves in their own creed

The way she wandered off the track, deep in thought, was steeper than the way they had come up and a little farther to the north

his eyes wandered around the room

on the bars of the crib, his mind wandered

“It looks like Svarloe wandered off with that cup

Bruce wandered around the activity ticking off jobs from a mental checklist

But because they couldn’t actually figure it out, their conversation soon wandered

morning in Moissac when Lindy and I wandered the

I wandered the cloister with a definite air of

perplexed at this news, I wandered around the Bastille

We wandered the old

Wearily, we dumped our bags and wandered the

They wandered in deserts and mountains, and in caves

We wandered around the old town, revelling in the

He wandered quite blind about the forest, ate nothing but roots and berries, and did nothing but cry and weep over the loss of his dearest love

She left the tribe a century ago and wandered far from the west Knidola basin, arriving in Zhlindu less than a decade ago

ferryman’s tale as Annabelle wandered off to feed on the

He wandered around down here and engaged the cooks and potters around this atrium in some conversation about the residents of Kadak’s service house

They never spoke to anyone and never stopped here except for one time they wandered around gazing at the ware’s like this was a shopping khume

As the arguments continued, Jean’s mind wandered

Suddenly, as his eyes wandered around the building

Cesar Genet wandered towards the refectory without a

Once he reached the end of Lmuthra, he wasn’t quite sure where to go and wandered up the Appalaise a few blocks until he spotted the shape of the Rikannon back over his shoulder

Bernadette had wandered off to say a prayer in the local

wandered about the church trying to picture each of their

She wandered around the small, isolated

on her feet as she wandered aimlessly and waited for

And through the vastness of forever he wandered, letting the pull of the Life-Light find him

His garden gate opened out into a wide pasture with some shade along a small stream that wandered lost and confused in search of downhill

Dazed by exhaustion, she wandered into the moat, wading into the murky waters until they were at her waist

Couldn’t see one so he wandered through the burning village, unarmed

wandered the woods searching fruitlessly for a good hour

Father O’Hara picked up one of the church candles, lit it with his lighter and wandered back down the stairs into the cellar

Had he not practically stumbled into her, he would surely have wandered right past her

wandered off to graze, and Jean let her be — confident that

Yahweh was indeed more powerful than all of his people’s gods put together! Babylon’s gods were no gods at all – they were mere handmade idols! He mounted Koyo and as he made his way back home, his mind wandered away to other things

Ben wandered off to the Sapient Realm much more often than Danny

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