Sentence with word valley

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1. A few farms were dotted about in the valley.

2. The regiments debouched from the valley.

3. The river meandered gently along the valley floor.

4. The river flooded the valley.

5. The valley was lumbered hard 2 years ago.

6. Mist ascended from the valley.

7. A vast panorama of the valley lay before us.

8. People have lived in this valley since ancient times.

9. The path descended steeply into the valley.

10. Eddies of mist rose from the valley.

11. The floods surged along the valley.

12. This is a bleak valley.

13. I set off for the valley(, trusting to luck.

14. A gust of wind drove down the valley.

15. The small town lies beyond the next valley.

16. The valley lay before us.

16. try its best to gather and create good sentences.

17. The stream winds through the valley.

18. The valley ended in a perpendicular rim of granite.

19. The valley was carved out by glaciers.

20. The Nile Valley keeps a temperate climate throughout the year.

21. The entire valley reverberated with the sound of the temple bells.

22. They plotted to make the whole Mississippi Valley secede from the United States.

23. A broad valley opened up leading to a high, flat plateau of cultivated land.

24. The valley that we are trying to reach lies behind the next hill.

25. A fine view of the valley lay before the tourists.

26. The Valley of Vinales is a lush and fertile valley and one of Cuba’s finest beauty spots.

27. A new dam is now being built at the valley.

28. The bells of the old temple resounded throughout the valley.

29. We stood on the windswept ridge and looked down at the valley below.

30. From the top of the hill there’s a beautiful prospect over the valley.

More similar words: alley, value, naval, rival, valid, arrival, removal, bullet, interval, validity, survival, approval, evaluate, killer, alleged, seller, gallery, evaluation, equivalent, skilled, college, chilled, collect, illegal, so-called, at intervals, allegedly, all levels, challenged, hallelujah. 

A valley is a low area between hills or mountains often with a river running through it. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

This morning, I drove down Sumas Mountain, the mist was resting in the green valley, and this is the beauty I know well, the pine trees, the mountains in the early morning sunshine, the cold breath of autumn.


, but we kept returning to the Tremp valley.


The hiking trail has views of the Barron river valley and the waterfalls.


Earlier this week, the folks from Helping Hands for Homeless Hounds stopped by to pickup the donations collected on their behalf at 15 of our valley locations.


It incorporates imposing landscapes, exotic places, valleys, flora, fauna, ecological mountains, archaeological centers and ancestral mystic energy, all of which takes us to the most spectacular and enigmatic citadel MACHU PICCHU.


Native American tribes who used the open plains for seasonal hunting retreated to river valleys to pitch their tents.


Of the hills and valleys, Derham, after praising their beauty, discourses as follows: «Some constitutions are indeed of so happy a strength, and so confirmed an health, as to be indifferent to almost any place or temperature of the air.


After breakfast in your hotel, it’s a 15 minute drive (or you can arrange a transfer) from Palm Cove to Freshwater railway station to board the historic Kuranda Scenic Railway, a beautifully scenic experience that winds through Barron Gorge National Park, past plunging valleys, gushing waterfalls, and through 15 tunnels.


The men farm rice and other remedial crops in the surrounding valley while the women stay at home and craft various trinkets for tourists and barter.


Even better, for 11 miles opposing traffic is routed around the other side of the valley.


Silicon Valley — I have lived in Silicon Valley since 1984 although my first job in the valley was a Summer job with IBM in 1981.


The floor of the valley must be 25 square kilometers, and being inside it feels like being inside a volcano, but of course there is no volcano — just limestone mountains.


In a valley to the south of the Rommele Hills, small waves were rippling across the surface of Marebo Lake.


Maui is nicknamed «The Valley Isle» for the lush valley region that connects its two volcanoes, resulting in a very diverse topography.


Each spacious villa, surrounded by gardens, has a large view terrace for enjoying the sunset and lights of the valley at night, plus a walled — in terrace for privacy and solitude.


«In mountainous terrain, peaks and valleys are isolated habitats, like islands in the ocean, whereas mid-elevation sites form well-connected patches,» explains Enrico Bertuzzo, a researcher at the Ecohydrology Lab at EPFL and first author of the study.


Along with avocados, the experts determined that wine vineyards were well suited for the valley.


We could go on for hours about this pristine coast but you have to see it to truly enjoy the waterfalls, sea caves, mountains, cliffs, and valleys.


By Alexandria Wismer 2017-10-27T11:01:18 +00:00 October 27th, 2017 Categories: Artists Tags: aaron siskind, exhibition, lehigh valley photography month, photography, teaching museum collection


Just look at those perfectly enrobed, Chocolatey bars with peaks and valleys of Peanuts.


The entire valley is known as the Romantic Rhine.


Located behind the citadel, this fascinating valley shelters unique species of flora and fauna as well as a stunning waterfall.


Glaciers (of course), mountain valleys all from a comfortable seat.


Wilderness topography includes ridges, valleys, and canyons that support a wide array of plant and animal life.


It is Napa Valley’s answer to New York’s High Line and runs the length of our beautiful valley.


The smog has a difficult time getting aired out considering Milan is in a valley, and it’s made even worse when the climate is dry and warm, as it was this winter — an issue that will likely only intensify as climate change progresses.


From centuries-old temples and museums, to amazing mountains, hills and valleys, to spectacular beaches and world-class resorts, bars and restaurants, there’s an overdose of things to do and see in Bali.


About the only way to escape it is to get out of the valley by going up to the mountains and go skiing, which our family doesn’t do, or go on a trip, which is hard to do with snowy roads and children in school, so mostly I stay home and make comfort foods to drown my inversion woes.


Switching from «Trek to Train», we then take a wonderful journey along the lush valley floor to the vibrant Sacred Valley town of Ollantaytambo, and its eclectic mix of ancient architecture, Artesan crafts and bustling restaurants and cafes.


In many cases, glacial advances appear to have culminated in extensive valley glaciers during the so-called Little Ice Age between the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries.


Traveling inland from the coast to El Rosario, the terrain had changed from the lush coastal valleys to more rugged and barren vistas that I had associated with the area.


Quaint townships and stretches of citrus orchards decorate the Stann Creek valley on the way to Dangriga; the ancient domicile of the Garifuna people — Â where the Hummingbird Highway comes to an end.


The Old «Silk Route» Our days are spent exploring this region of rugged limestone hills and green valleys on foot.


We suggested it was poised on the ledge of the valley of death.


At once blunt and razor sharp, the renowned essayist reportedly uttered the words in 1979 on a flight from Los Angeles to Sacramento, her hometown and frequent subject of her writing, just as the valley‘s patchwork of farming fields — an iconic depiction that instantly conveys the region’s humble, hardworking roots — was coming into view.


Luxury Suite — Top floor rooms in two styles with queen size beds. The first, more spacious option has a private balcony with valley, pool and lake, or golf course views. The second option is a smaller, more intimate room with a double oval spa and pool, lake or golf course views.   Â


You won’t be sorry you included this item on your itinerary, particularly if you couple it with a visit to the odd wine farm in or out of the valley.


While there wasn’t exactly peace in the valley between Cahill and Hein, nobody was openly sniping at somebody else.


Ayutthaya is the former capital of Thailand and located in the Chao Phraya River valley.


The luxurious Inn at Furnace Creek rises like a mirage from the red rock of the valley, offering Moorish-influenced stonework, gardens of date and fan palms, spring-fed swimming pools, and an elaborate Sunday brunch.


After the valleys of ancient Hyrule are flooded in a deluge, Ganondorf’s power is mysteriously tamed for ages before his dark energy begins to be felt over the Great Sea.


Gill used real elevation data to plot out Mars» oceans, mountains, valleys, and other geological features — but then he used his own judgment to paint in the deserts, forests, and so on, using textures from NASA’s Blue Marble imagery.


This beach rental is located on a hill top overlooking the valley and Flamingo beach.


Our home sits in a pretty little valley with plenty of elk, moose, deer, and resident grey owls.


The property has amazing views of the surrounding valley and the Helderberg Mountain.


Golf and tennis can be found in numerous spots around the hills and valleys of Malibu.


Away acrost his valley he sees Black Mountain rising jagged to the sky… and if he looks to the left on past it, he sees all the furtherest ranges, line on line.


this particular fall i’m looking forward to a long-anticipated vacation to sonoma valley with my husband!


In contrast, the man displayed peaks and valleys of brain activity that closely matched those of the healthy volunteers, suggesting that he might have been following the plot, the team reports online today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


They also photographed the album covers: one has an image of a river rushing through a green valley, the other a couple kissing by the fading light of a blazing red sunset.


valley — перевод на русский


In this relatively fertile valley there are some walnut, cherry and olive trees.

В этой сравнительно богатой долине растут грецкие орехи, вишневые деревья и оливы.

-Neither did Washington at Valley Forge, nor Lincoln, nor Fulton, nor the men who invented the airplane.

— У Вашингтона в долине Фордж тоже не было шансов. Как и у Линкольна, как и у Фултона, как и у изобретателя самолёта.

Down in the valley…

Внизу, в долине…

No one in our valley had ever seen a bank.

В нашей долине никто не видел банков.

But not all of them, for there were too many now for the jobs open, and some learned that never again would there be work for them in their own valley.

Но не все, потому что теперь было слишком много желающих работать, и многие поняли, что больше для них в родной долине работы не будет.

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— Washington and Valley Forge.

За Вашингтона и Вэлли Фордж!

We understand you take Professor Donner’s course at Valley College. Yeah.

Насколько нам известно, вы занимаетесь у профессора Доннера в колледже Вэлли?

I know, we’re right up front, between Valley Realty and Darrell’s Body Shop.

Знаю, мы как раз посредине, между Вэлли Риалти и магазином Даррела.

They found two cars at Valley Motors.

Они заказали две машины у Вэлли Моторс.

Sun Valley is north.

Сан Вэлли на севере.

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Farewell, lilies of the valley.

Прощайте, ландыши.

Lily of the valley.


Lilies of the valley?


Can you smell the lilies of the valley?

Вы чувствуете ландыши?

— Lilies of the valley?


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You won’t find a better car… at a better price with better service anywhere in Hill Valley.

Вы не найдете лучшей машины по лучшей цене с лучшим обслуживанием, нигде во всем Хилл Велли.

No McFly ever amounted to anything in the history of Hill Valley.

Ни один МакФлай еще никем не стал за всю историю Хилл Велли.

We at the Hill Valley Preservation Society think it should be preserved the way it is… as part of our history and heritage.

Мы в Обществе Защиты Хилл Велли считаем, что их нужно оставить так как часть истории и наследия.

I’ll be the most powerful man in Hill Valley… and I’m going to clean up this town.

Я буду самым влиятельным человеком в Хилл Велли и я расчищу этот город.

Hill Valley weather this Saturday night.

Сводка погоды на вечер субботы в Хилл Велли.

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Sutter Valley Meadow, California

Саттер Валли Медоу, Калифорния.

He wanted to get out of Sutter Valley.

Он хотел уехать из Саттер Валли.

He stayed at the Scotts Valley Lodge.

Он останавливался в Скоттс Валли Лодж.

The but good news is this is the same team that kept the Col. safe through Kandahar, Kabul and the Shah-i-Kot Valley so I’m sure we can get him through a political convention without incident.

Но хорошие новости в том что здесь та же команда что охраняла полковника в Кандагаре, Кабуле и в Шаха-ай-Кота Валли, так что я уверена, что мы можем провести его через политический конвент без инцидентов.

Excuse me, but I was the one who was willing to live in the Valley.

Извините меня, но я ведь собиралась жить в Валли, в Канаде.

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«Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death… I will fear no evil.»

Если я пойду и долиною смертной тени, не убоюсь зла.»

«Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,»

Если я пойду и долиною смертной тени,

«Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death «I shall fear no evil: for Thou art with me

Если я пойду и долиною смертной тени, не убоюсь зла, потому что Ты со мной;

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death…

Если я пойду и долиною смертной тени

«Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death «I will fear no evil for thou art with me.

Если я пойду и долиною смертной тени, не убоюсь зла, потому что Ты со мной;

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Someone who has taken up permanent residence in the valley?

Обреченная на постоянную жизнь в ущелье?

Hence it must be through Deer Valley and then 200 miles to the south.

Отсюда надо через Оленье ущелье и потом еще двести миль на юг.

He who enters the Valley of Death gives up life itself!

Ступивший в Ущелье Смерти прощается с жизнью.

I thought I was in the Valley of Death, right?

А я думал, что это Ущелье Смерти.

Valley of Death? !

Ущелье Смерти?

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«Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me.»

Если я пойду и долиною смертной тени, не убоюсь зла, потому что ты со мной.

Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death…

Если я пойду и долиною смертной тени, не убоюсь зла, потому что Ты со мной;

«Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, «l will fear no evil, for thou art with me.

Если я пойду и долиною смертной тени, не убоюсь зла, потому что Ты со мною.

He leadeth me in the path of righteousness… for His name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

Если я пойду и долиною смертной тени, не убоюсь зла, потому что Ты со мной.

He feedeth me in green pastures, he leadeth me to fresh waters… though I should walk now in the valley of the shadow of death, yet I will fear no evil, for thou art with me… thy staff and thy shield will comfort me,

Он покоит меня на злачных пажитях и водит меня к водам тихим, Если я пойду и долиною смертной тени, не убоюсь зла, потому что ты со мной. Твой жезл и твой посох — они успокаивают меня.

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Mira, homegirl, white boy’s in fucking Simi Valley, the other fucking fool’s in San Gabriel.

Белый живёт в Сими-Вэлли, а второй, сyка, аж в Сан Габриэле! Надо валить их сразу вместе!

You can only get it at this one place in Simi Valley that I completely made up.

Его можно достать только в одном месте в Сими-Вэлли, которое я полностью выдумала.

He lives in Simi Valley.

Он живет в Сими-Вэлли.

I hate the drive to Simi Valley.

Ненавижу ездить в Сими-Вэлли.

We got the Mini from Simi Valley, Eric.

Эрик, мы нашли Мини из Сими-Вэлли.

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Valley versus Lakeview.

Веллэй против Лэйквью.

Valley for life.

Веллэй навсегда.

Head Coach Richard Zuransky’s body was discovered this morning in his office at Valley High.

Тело тренера Ричарда Зурански было обнаружено сегодня утром в его кабинете в школе Веллэй.

I go to every game, along with about a hundred other Valley High alum who don’t think football is stupid.

Я хожу на каждую игру, как и большинство выпускников школы Веллэй, которые не считают футбол глупой игрой.

I played for Valley.

Я играл за Веллэй.

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Sentences with the word Valley?



  • «the Central Intelligence Agency»; «the Census Bureau»; «Office of Management and Budget»; «Tennessee valley Authority»
  • «worked their arduous way up the mining valley«; «a grueling campaign»; «hard labor»; «heavy work»; «heavy going»; «spent many laborious hours on the project»; «set a punishing pace»
  • «The sun broils the valley in the summer»
  • «a bloodbath took place when the leaders of the plot surrendered»; «ten days after the bloodletting Hitler gave the action its name»; «the valley is no stranger to bloodshed and murder»; «a huge prison battue was ordered»
  • «The stars are obscured by the clouds»; «the big elm tree obscures our view of the valley«
  • «through the valley and beyond»; «to the eighth grade but not beyond»; «will be influential in the 1990s and beyond»
  • «the break in the dam threatened the valley«
  • «Spring popped up everywhere in the valley«
  • «the valley was between two ranges of hills»; «the plains lay just beyond the mountain range»
  • «Rivers traverse the valley floor»; «The parking lot spans 3 acres»; «The novel spans three centuries»
  • «The regiments debouched from the valley«
  • «Heavy fog hung over the valley«
  • «the valley of the Indus was the site of an early civilization»
  • «the tribe was relatively safe on the mesa but they had to descend into the valley for water»
  • «the valley of the Rhone is famous for its vineyards»
  • «The hotel was set down at the bottom of the valley«
  • «The river snakes through the valley«
  • «from that vantage point he could survey the whole valley«
  • «yonder valley«; «the hills yonder»; «what is yon place?»

долина, впадина, желоб, ендова, разжелобок


- (горная) долина

glacial valley — ледниковая долина
up the valley — из долины в горы
down the valley — вниз по долине

- долина реки

the Valley — амер. а) долина реки Миссисипи; б) долина реки Шенандоа

- низина; впадина; лощина
- (сокр. от lily-of-the-valley) разг. ландыш
- подошва волны
- проход между машинами (в цехе)
- архит. ендова, разжелобок
- тех. жёлоб
- мрачное, страшное место или ситуация

valley of tears — юдоль слёз (о жизни)
valley of the shadow of death — поэт. долина смерти, грань между жизнью и смертью
valley of the dolls — «долина наркотического дурмана»
to plunge into valley of the dolls — стать неизлечимым наркоманом

Мои примеры


a deep valley between the mountains — глубокая долина между горами  
an incomparable view of the valley — несравненный вид на долину  
a sweeping view of the valley — потрясающий вид на долину  
a panoramic view of the valley — панорамный вид на долину  
foggy valley — долина, окутанная туманом  
a valley between high mountains — долина среди высоких гор  
valley bog — низинное болото, пойменное болото  
to descend into a valley / cave — спускаться в долину / пещеру  
valley flat — пойма  
valley floor — дно долины  
valley head — вершина долины  
valley peat — низинный торф  

Примеры с переводом

They live down in the valley.

Они живут внизу в долине.

Heavy rains flooded the valley.

Проливные дожди затопили долину.

The road runs along a valley.

Дорога проходит по долине.

Fog was creeping into the valley.

Туман окутывал долину.

The stream runs down the valley.

Поток стекает в долину.

The clouds float lazily over the valley.

Облака медленно плывут над долиной.

The stream serpentines through the valley.

Река, извиваясь, течёт по равнине.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The valley is a desolate moonscape.

The valley is a mecca for wine lovers.

The sun broils the valley in the summer

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): valley
мн. ч.(plural): valleys

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