Sentence with word timetable

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1 Look up the trains to Beijing in the timetable.

2 He tacked the timetable to the door.

3 We have a new timetable each term .

4 The Council has set out a timetable for returning to civilian rule.

5 Do you have a Birmingham to London train timetable that I could borrow?

6 Don’t you realize we’re working to a timetable? We have to have results.

7 The timetable is subject to alteration.

8 For a local bus timetable, contact Dyfed County Council.

9 Here is the timetable of events for the day.

10 Fog upset the train timetable.

11 There was a slight hiccup in the timetable.

12 The delay threw the entire timetable into disarray.

13 Look up the bus times in the local timetable.

14 Can anyone design a better timetable?

15 I can’t arrange everything around your timetable!

16 I don’t mind fitting my timetable round yours.

17 I have a busy timetable this week .

18 There are ten English classes listed in the timetable.

19 She handed me the timetable.

20 We are sure to benefit from the new timetable.

21 It seems illogical to change the timetable so often.

22 Can I have a read of that timetable?

23 In the new timetable,( there’s a clash between history and physics.

24 a railway station/timetable/siding, etc.

25 According to the timetable, the bus should have come in at 9.00.

26 This timetable is too inelastic. You must allow for possible modifications.

27 It’s not fair on the students to keep changing the timetable.

28 Implementation of the reforms was kept to a very strict timetable.

29 Sport is no longer so important in the school timetable .

30 The new train will be formed into the regular timetable from next Monday.

More similar words: vegetable, on the table, from time to time, table, sometime, tableau, sometimes, suitable, inevitable, delectable, creditable, acceptable, tablespoon, at the same time, uncomfortable, metal, get about, set about, metaphor, forget about, time, establish, in time, on time, able, inevitably, at times, at no time, in no time, at a time. 

Eric Lomax (Colin Firth) is a tweedy Englishman obsessed with railroad timetables.


a specific and credible mediation timetable on a case specific and/or regional basis is prepared and complied with;


Free transfers to the airport (check timetables).


He has written to Lord Feldman — the current party chairman — to urge the Conservative Party Board to accelerate the timetable.


Apparently, the model already has a yet-to-be-confirmed name — J-Pace — and a tentative launch timetable of 2021.


«If that is confirmed by the chairman of the 1922 Committee in the next few hours that would give an indication as to the timetable


After assessing key case documents, Prism generates a note setting out the agreed scope of work, timetable, fee and immediate actions to be taken by the client and Hogan Lovells.


Co-founder Sourav Sinha says the prize will expedite the company’s timetable of developing new cancer treatments.


We have not heard of a timetable on when to expect Android 8.0, but based on Nokia keeping up with security updates each month, there should be a quick turnaround.


There is no definite recovery timetable as of now, but…


One element to always keep in mind is the need to carefully pair the designer or merchandise with the listing’s marketing plan or the homeowner’s needs, style preferences, timetable, and budget, says designer Keitha Brathwaite, with Contrast Design Group in Chicago.


Rome (CNN)- With the dust still settling from Benedict XVI’s historic resignation as pope, the focus in Rome turns to the future Friday as Roman Catholic cardinals prepare to meet to discuss a timetable for picking the new pontiff.


It’s that time of the year when we need to seek for space in the timetable to support the scaling up of innovative teaching and learning.


Additional details and timing for the development’s phased opening timetable will be announced in the coming months.


I am quite familiar with these tactics as someone who said, very early in the debate, that the Kyoto style approach to negotiating binding targets and timetables would never work.


Some of the things he liked most about school were the timetable, knowing what to expect, seeing progression through various text books, and having work marked.


At issue was a master’s earlier timetable order from 2014 requiring the court registrar to dismiss the action for delay if it was not set down (scheduled) for trial by November 2015.


OTTAWA — Finance Minister Joe Oliver welcomed the addition of Saskatchewan and New Brunswick to the federal drive to create a national securities regulator, setting up a timetable to have the new office in operation by the fall of 2015.


Prof Michael Keating, director of the Scottish Centre on Constitutional Change, told the committee: «Frankly, I think the timetable that we have been given to do this is not realistic.»


For now, there’s no clear timetable on return.


«Sometimes, the personnel in a school don’t have enough time to outline the timetable.


That said, the fact that China is sticking with its timetable to launch what will eventually become the world’s largest carbon market is a positive step.


Many schools have modified timetables and practices to assist children to gain confidence and independence in the social aspects of school.


There is no timetable for these stages.


It has been suggested that some school timetables are crammed with only Ebacc subjects as a sort of «insurance policy curriculum» in an attempt to maintain healthy positions under the Ofsted scoring system.


Such soma groups then set the ethos of the congregation where every member is invited in accord with the timetable of his or her own maturing, to participate in all the functions of such a soma group.


Establish clear timetables for regulatory review of economic development projects to reduce red tape.


People today generally opt for an online traffic school program since it can be taken from their home and they also are able to use it on their own timetable.


Our board of directors has not established a firm timetable for any final distributions to our shareholders.


On the Fed’s possible timetable for rate increases, Dudley said the pace will depend on how the economy evolves.


This need not hamper honest developers, who are clearly trying hard and who set reasonable price points and completion timetables.


Designed customized client service plans, assessed marketing needs, estimated budget and timetable, provided cost estimates, and presented marketing proposals.


A Department for Education spokesperson said:» «We are clear that any child that has an authorised absence from their headteacher, including being ill or in hospital, would not be expected to take their key stage 2 tests according to the published timetable


«Stakeholders, especially political parties and candidates are strongly advised to ensure that they follow strictly the election timetable and guidelines being released today and also to ensure that they do not offend the state electoral law.


There’s still no word on the next-gen Super AMOLED duo timetable, while the entry-level 9.6 incher has recently been unveiled and is expected in emerging markets later this month.


The need to pursue proposals like Common Core testing and test-based teacher evaluation on federally determined timetables wound up creating new divisions and supersizing blowback.


Plaid Cymru’s Shadow Education Secretary Llyr Gruffydd also said that experience in Scotland showed the four-and-a-half day week «can be made to work, creating space in the school timetable for pupils to broaden their extra-curricular experiences and for professional development opportunities for staff».


In that context, take another look at Barrasso’s threat: «We need to send a message to the nations that are partners with the president in any final deal that, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the Senate will not stand by any agreement that binds the American people to targets or timetables on emissions without our advice and consent.»


In collaborative divorce, clients are able to control how the proceedings will go since the timetable is not set by the judge.


Compare Marina Srikandi timetables and prices now with all alternative ferry operators before booking your ferry ticket to ensure you get the best option for your ferry trip.


(ii) confirm that he can meet the timetable set, or propose an alternative; (iii) request any additional material he will need before starting his work; and (iv) provide an estimate of his fee.


Now that you have a visual timetable in place you can adapt it to prepare for school.


One of the things I’ve learned over the years is that everyone is on their own timetable, and just because one person isn’t as intense as the -LSB-…]


Choosing the ideal infant strollers for children is something that papas in addition to mommies should expose on furthermore prior to the child timetables.


Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver has indicated he’ll move forward on the bill, not heeding Cuomo’s timetable.


If you live in an area that eases the stress you feel while you shuffle the kids around and try to get things done under tight timetables on a daily basis, you may have it easier than most.


I don’t understand why the National Assembly is trying to influence the election timetable.


The new displays show timetables, route maps, and real-time travel information to those waiting for a bus.


And the inherent uncertainty caused by a referendum on this arbitrary timetable has been made far worse since.


Rule 48.14 provides that actions commenced before January 1, 2012 would be administratively dismissed, if they were not set down for trial by January 1, 2017, or if a timetable was not established, or an application for a status hearing to «show cause» was not launched.


Is this the current timetable?
Это действующее расписание?

Can I have a timetable, please?
Вы не могли бы дать мне расписание?

Do you have a timetable please
У Вас есть расписание

A timetable for the Commission to report was specified.
Было установлено расписание для отчетов комиссии.

There is no need to set a timetable for this.
Нет необходимости устанавливать для этого какое-то расписание.

Adoption of the provisional annotated agenda, timetable and organization of work
Утверждение предварительной аннотированной повестки дня, расписания и организации работы

first session (23 April, afternoon): general introduction, list of issues, timetable.
первое заседание (23 апреля, вторая половина дня): общая вступительная часть, перечень вопросов, расписание.

Nature, as we have learned from the tsunami, has its own timetable.
Природа, как этому нас научило цунами, имеет свое собственное расписание.

Provisional annotated agenda, timetable, organization of work and list of documents Contents
Предварительная аннотированная повестка дня, расписание, организация работы и перечень документов

The annotated provisional agenda and tentative timetable for the session are presented below.
Аннотированная предварительная повестка дня и ориентировочное расписание работы совещания представлены ниже.

Price-determining factors are the route category, tape of transport and timetable flexibility.
Ценоопределяющими факторами служат категория маршрута, тип перевозки и гибкость расписания движения.

The annotated provisional agenda and tentative timetable of the meeting are presented below.
Аннотированная предварительная повестка дня и ориентировочное расписание работы совещания представлены ниже.

The Executive Board adopted the agenda, timetable and organization of work for the session.
Исполнительный совет утвердил повестку дня, расписание и организацию работы сессии.

The Chairperson welcomed participants to the meeting and presented the timetable of the three days.
Председатель обратился к участникам совещания с приветственным словом и представил расписание заседаний на три дня.

An annotated provisional agenda and a tentative timetable for the 2005 plenary session are presented below.
Ниже приводятся аннотированная предварительная повестка дня и предварительное расписание работы пленарной сессии 2005 года.

An annotated provisional agenda and a tentative timetable for the 2007 plenary session are presented below.
Ниже приводится аннотированная предварительная повестка дня и предварительное расписание работы пленарной сессии 2007 года.

Before concluding this meeting, I would like to look at the timetable of meetings for next week.
Прежде чем завершить это заседание, я хотел бы коснуться расписания заседаний на предстоящую неделю.

Also at the same meeting, the Conference adopted the provisional agenda and timetable with the following agenda items:
Кроме того, на том же заседании Конференция утвердила предварительную повестку дня и расписание работы со следующими пунктами повестки дня:

The infrastructure manager is responsible for coordinating railway timetables internationally, particularly in the context of the European Timetable Conference.
На управляющего инфраструктурой возложена задача координировать график работы железных дорог на международном уровне, в частности в рамках Европейской конференции по расписанию движения поездов.


Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

В этом разделе вы можете посмотреть, как употребляются слова и выражения в разных контекстах на реальных примерах.
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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word timetable, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use timetable in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «timetable». In addition, we also show how different variations of timetable can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are timetabled and timetables. If you click on the variation of timetable that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Timetable in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word timetable in a sentence.

  1. The original timetable allowed 18 minutes for the journey.

  2. Church Siding was not included and was removed from the timetable.

  3. The railway never had a timetable, and operated according to demand.

  4. A new timetable with extra services was introduced on 10 October 2010.

  5. By 30 December, they had «caught up» with Shackleton’s 1908–1909 timetable.

  6. The smoking areas were abolished from the start of 18 March 2007 timetable revision.

  7. The work was completed in time for the introduction of a new timetable on 28 May 2006.

  8. In early 1877 it appeared on Bradshaw maps and from May 1882 Bradshaw listed the timetable.

  9. As of the December 2020 timetable change, the following services stop at La Roche-sur-Foron:.

  10. Thanks to a carefully planned timetable, the effects of wear and tear had been kept to a minimum.

  11. A 1900 timetable shows that trams left for Manchester every 10 minutes between 8:00 am and 10:15 pm.

  12. In January 1872 a scheduled passenger timetable was published and the line was named the «Wotton Tramway».

  13. In February 2013, Leicester Cathedral announced a procedure and timetable for the reinterment of Richard’s remains.

  14. Montgomery did not expect that the campaign would unfold according to plan and did not commit himself to a timetable.

  15. To take advantage of the new infrastructure, a new timetable was introduced in May 2006 which reduced the overcrowding.

  16. The switch to a new consultant delayed further study because of the timetable to take bids and interview the candidates.

  17. In early 1877 the Tramway was shown on Bradshaw maps for the first time, and from May 1882 Bradshaw included its timetable.

  18. MacArthur accelerated his timetable yet again in September 1944, and brought forward the planned invasion of Leyte to October 1944.

  19. Greyhound Bus Lines featured a view of the canyon from a Leonard Harrison lookout on the back cover of its Atlantic Coast timetable.

  20. Because service levels depended on patient numbers and the hospital’s coal and food requirements, the line never operated to a timetable.

  21. MacArthur advanced his timetable, and ordered the 7th to capture Kaiapit and Dumpu, while the 9th mounted an amphibious assault on Finschhafen.

  22. The revised plan, DOT says, will allow it to shorten the timetable and complete the project in one phase instead of the two originally planned.

  23. The necessity to maintain an intensive timetable on the Southern Railway’s Western section prompted an increase of the order to 30 locomotives (Nos.

  24. Thant was wary of Tshombe’s delaying tactics and applied increasing political pressure on the Katangese government to abide by the plan’s timetable.

  25. It operated according to a strict timetable, because it was vital that its activities should not interrupt the smooth running of the postal service.

  26. A daily Postbus service, incorporated into the village postal delivery and collection timetable and which ran for 35 years, stopped on 14 November 2009.

  27. The railway had acquired a reputation for running slow trains on a perverse timetable and ill-treating its passengers, and now resolved to address this.

  28. The York — Harrogate line had no Sunday services for most of its life until one appeared in the July 1937 Bradshaw timetable, but none called at Hopperton.

  29. With the capture of Cherbourg by VII Corps on 27 June, Montgomery’s initial timetable was overtaken by events and the thrust from Caumont was never adopted.

  30. To maintain the timetable for arrival at Marble Arch, the marchers took an extra rest day on Tuesday before marching, in teeming rain, the 19 miles (31 km) to Luton.

  31. The main causes of the slippage were delays in designing a challenging project that was to be delivered against a tight timetable using an unusual procurement route.

  32. The first public passenger timetable was issued in December 1866, and the first purpose-built, steam-worked, narrow gauge public railway in Britain opened for service.

  33. Based on Fifth Air Force reports that the islands were unoccupied, MacArthur accelerated his timetable and ordered an immediate reconnaissance in force of the islands.

  34. From the start of the revised timetable on 14 March 2020, new 271 series trains were introduced on these services, operating coupled with the existing 281 series sets.

  35. Demobilisation proceeded on a strict timetable that released older and longer serving men first; this left many men waiting their turn bored and inactive in army depots.

  36. The timetable was arranged so that the fast train would leave Willesden Green just before a stopping service and arrived at Baker Street just behind the previous service.

  37. The party’s declared goal was independence for Southern Rhodesia without radical constitutional change and without any set timetable for the introduction of majority rule.

  38. Hofacker was a member of the German resistance and linked with the Hitler assassination plot and according to Trew, Rommel’s comment led to the plot timetable being decided.

  39. Fares were increased by 50 per cent, special holiday trains were abolished, along with almost all concessionary tickets, and a new intentionally slow timetable was introduced.

  40. In order to try to keep to the MO timetable, Takagi was forced to abandon the delivery mission after the second attempt and direct his force towards the Solomon Islands to refuel.

  41. The original timetable called for Boulder City to be built before the dam project began, but President Hoover ordered work on the dam to begin in March 1931 rather than in October.

  42. Victoria shared a bedroom with her mother every night, studied with private tutors to a regular timetable, and spent her play-hours with her dolls and her King Charles Spaniel, Dash.

  43. Settled there in comfort, she established a pattern to her life that she mostly followed for the next 20 years, her precise timetable being determined by Palewski’s varying availability.

  44. The station survived nationalisation but its trains services were almost annihilated as seen in the summer 1958 timetable, with only two trains going to York and one to York on Saturdays only.

  45. Maunsell’s projected design of express passenger locomotive was not ready for introduction during the summer timetable of 1925, so a third batch of ten N15s was ordered for construction at Eastleigh.

  46. Arriving later into the production process, Porter estimated spending six to eight weeks composing the score, a much longer timetable compared to the three to four days per episode for the two series.

Timetabled in a sentence

Timetabled is a variation of timetable, below you can find example sentences for timetabled.

  1. A preview service of electric trains ran on 27 April 1986 and the full timetabled service commenced on 12 May 1986.

  2. Students in the specialist stream may have a timetabled lesson then in one of their additional subjects.The school operates as a Eliteschule des Sports.

  3. The locomotive-hauled mixed trains, with frequent stops to load and unload, were timetabled at 11⁄2 to 23⁄4 hours to make the same journey, slower than walking.

  4. Covent Garden is licensed for street entertainment, and performers audition for timetabled slots in a number of venues around the market, including the North Hall, West Piazza, and South Hall Courtyard.

Timetables in a sentence

Timetables is a variation of timetable, below you can find example sentences for timetables.

  1. The line is coloured an azure blue on Sydney Trains timetables and other promotional materials.

  2. His abilities were recognised early and Stanley was given responsibility for scheduling the services and preparing the timetables when he was 17.

  3. From about 1914 the company promoted itself as «The Met», but after 1920 the commercial manager, John Wardle, ensured that timetables and other publicity material used «Metro» instead.

General information about «timetable» example sentences

The example sentences for the word timetable that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «timetable» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «timetable».

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Not sure what their timetable is.

Хотя я точно не знаю, какой у них график.

Flexible timetable enabling students to work while studying.

Предоставляется гибкий график, позволяющий студентам работать во время учебы.

The provisional agenda was adopted with some changes in the timetable.

Была утверждена предварительная повестка дня, при этом в расписание были внесены некоторые изменения.

Call the castle to find out the timetable.

Звоните в колл-центр, чтобы узнать, как найти расписание.

Writing yourself a timetable can help.

Таким образом, составление расписания для себя может вам помочь.

Normally we would negotiate a timetable agreed by both parties that are achievable.

Как правило, мы будет вести переговоры с графиком, согласованным обеими сторонами и являются достижимыми.

Please indicate where possible a proposed timetable for future ratifications.

Пожалуйста, укажите, где это возможно, предлагаемый график будущих ратификаций.

A timetable where issues change every week is undesirable.

Был бы нежелателен такой график, где проблемы менялись бы каждую неделю.

A timetable specifying these points is essential.

График, конкретизирующий эти моменты, имеет существенное значение.

The first benefit is that you set your own timetable.

Третье преимущество заключается в том, что вы сами будете устанавливать свой график.

The timetable is also very different.

Кроме того, достаточно заметно отличается и графика.

There was no timetable but the ultimate outcome seemed clear.

Графика, конечно же, не было, но итоговый результат выглядел однозначным.

This timetable starts after defeating terrorism.

«График должен заработать после победы над терроризмом.

Hours shown on timetable or elsewhere are not guaranteed.

Время, указанное в расписании и других документах, не гарантируется.

The increases were due to new routes and timetable changes.

Там полагают, что спрос увеличился из-за назначения новых маршрутов и изменения в расписании.

Come to any beginner level classes on the timetable.

Вы можете прийти в любой начальный класс, указанный в расписании.

Like in college there is a timetable.

Как и в обычной школе, у нас было расписание.

Transport more or less follows a timetable.

В этом случае водители более или менее следуют расписанию.

He added that the timetable could be longer.

При этом он допустил, что график может быть продлен.

Disabled passengers must wait for the next bus timetable.

Пассажирам с ограниченными возможностями, возможно, придется подождать следующего графика автобуса.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат timetable

Результатов: 9197. Точных совпадений: 9197. Затраченное время: 60 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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