Sentence with word talk

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


We can talk and talk and talk.

Let us not talk, talk and talk.

We are not here to talk, talk, talk.

Word-of-mouth marketing is effective only if people actually talk.

Маркетинг «из уст в уста» результативен только тогда, когда люди на самом деле говорят.

Those that couldn’t talk began to talk.

They talk as men naturally talk.

People talk and talk and talk, it doesn’t mean they talk truth.

‘Cause I would just talk and talk and talk and…

Talk, talk and continue to talk.

There are people who can talk the talk, but don’t believe someone by his words alone.

Есть люди, которые могут говорить, но не верят кому-то одним только его словами».

If you want to talk options, let’s talk.

But if you want to talk, we will talk.

When we talk, we sometimes talk past each other.

You said you wanted to talk, so talk.

When a woman wants to talk, you talk.

This guy can talk and talk all he wants, — but it’s not that complicated.

Это парень может говорить сколько хочет, но это не настолько сложно.

If he wants you to talk, talk.

Blair, we need to talk, or, rather, not talk.

I talk, you talk… ba-bing, ba-bong.

You can talk, but don’t talk too long.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат talk

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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

говорить, разговаривать, беседовать, разговор, беседа, переговоры, слухи, слух


- разговаривать, беседовать; говорить; общаться

- говорить (что-л.)

to talk sense /business/ — говорить дело
to talk nonsense — говорить чепуху, городить вздор, нести чушь /дичь/
to talk politics [literature] — говорить о политике [о литературе]
to talk scandal — распускать слухи, сплетничать
to talk treason — вести преступные разговоры; держать мятежные речи

- общаться при помощи звуковых сигналов, обладать способностью речи (о живых существах, отличных от человека); переговариваться

dolphins can talk — дельфины умеют говорить, у дельфинов есть язык
the birds were talking loudly — ≅ слышались громкие голоса птиц
ships were talking to each other by wireless — корабли переговаривались друг с другом по радио

- говорить

to talk fluently — говорить бегло
to learn to talk — учиться говорить
to talk in one’s sleep — бормотать, говорить во сне
Stop talking! — Перестаньте разговаривать! / Хватит болтать!
I’ll make you talk — ты у меня заговоришь, я заставлю тебя заговорить

- говорить на каком-л. языке

to talk French [English] — говорить по-французски [по-английски]
to talk dialect — говорить на диалекте

ещё 7 вариантов


- разговор, беседа

- (on, about) лекция, доклад, беседа

to give a talk on disarmament — прочитать лекцию о разоружении
the coach gave the team a talk about the need for more team spirit — тренер провёл с командой беседу об усилении духа коллективизма

- пустой разговор, болтовня

to end in talk — кончиться одними словами, не пойти дальше разговоров
it’s just talk, it’s mere talk — это одни слова
he’s all talk — он вечно болтает
we want actions, not talk — нам нужны не слова, а дела

- разговоры, слухи; россказни; толки, молва

that will make talk — теперь пойдут разговоры /толки, слухи/, теперь разговоров не оберёшься
there is talk of a new invention [of his returning] — ходят слухи о новом изобретении [о его возвращении]

- предмет толков, разговоров

it’s the talk of the town — об этом толкует /говорит/ весь город, это у всех на устах
to risk talk — быть выше сплетен /молвы/, не бояться сплетен

- pl. переговоры

informal talks — неофициальные переговоры
summit /top-level/ talks — переговоры на высшем уровне
peace talks — переговоры о мире

- разг. язык, диалект, жаргон

baby talk — детский язык
thieves’ talk — воровской /блатной/ жаргон
all talk and no cider — амер. ≅ шуму много, а толку мало
that’s the talk! — вот это дело!, вот это я понимаю!

Мои примеры


the loquacious host of a radio talk show — словоохотливый ведущий радио ток-шоу  
a man given to large talk — человек с пафосной манерой речи  
to talk bla — говорить вздор  
talk show circuit — цикл программ  
flabby talk — вялотекущий разговор  
flow of talk — течение беседы  
the glib talk of «past misery» — лёгкая болтовня о «былых страданиях»  
to talk greenroom — передавать театральные сплетни  
to talk in an inconsequent way — говорить сбивчиво, непоследовательно  
malicious talk — злобный разговор  
to talk pithily — говорить по существу  
to talk pitiful trash — нести жалкий бред  

Примеры с переводом

How you talk!

Хватит врать-то! / Ври больше!

Stop talking!

Перестаньте разговаривать! / Хватит болтать!

«Can we talk?» «Not now. I’m really busy.»

— Мы можем поговорить? — Не сейчас. Я правда очень занят.

She’s very easy to talk to.

С ней очень легко общаться.

They were talking together in the hall.

Они разговаривали друг с другом в зале.

We should stop meeting like this. People will talk.

Мы должны прекратить вот так встречаться: люди начнут сплетничать /пойдут разговоры/.

Joe, we need to talk.

Джо, нам нужно поговорить.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

That’s fighting talk (=brave and confident words) from Italy’s manager.

…shocked at the blue banter she heard on that satellite-radio talk show…

…he thought he weathered the table talk over dinner with his future in-laws rather well…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

talk away — заговориться, заболтаться, болтать без умолку
talk back — возражать, дерзить
talk down — перекричать, заставить замолчать
talk out — затягивать прения, исчерпывать тему разговора
talk over — обсуждать, дискутировать, убеждать
talk round — переубедить, говорить пространно
talk up — хвалить, расхваливать, говорить прямо и откровенно, говорить громко

Возможные однокоренные слова

talker  — говорящий, болтун, разговорчивый человек, хороший оратор, тот, кто говорит
talking  — говорящий, разговорчивый, болтливый, выразительный
talkies  — звуковое кино
overtalk  — болтовня, излишняя разговорчивость, неумение держать язык за зубами

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: talk
he/she/it: talks
ing ф. (present participle): talking
2-я ф. (past tense): talked
3-я ф. (past participle): talked

ед. ч.(singular): talk
мн. ч.(plural): talks

Definition of Talk

to speak words out loud

Examples of Talk in a sentence

Hillary went to talk to her husband Bill about why she hates polka dot dresses.


The baby is just learning to talk and is only making a few clear sounds.


If you would like to talk about a raise, you need to schedule a time to speak with your boss.




Other words in the Neutral category:

Leave alone

Fingers crossed



Mutually exclusive
















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Sentence Examples

to talk about the Flightmare.

Glory be to God, what talk from a stumpy runt of a man.

How can you talk about musicals at a time like this, with the world committing suicide, with corpses piling up in the street, with grim death goggling at you from every corner,

People always talk about inexpiable guilt.

I mean, you know… don’t stammer and talk searchingly.

don’t infantilize him. Just talk to him like a person.

I can’t talk now, stratt.

Mam and Dad, they want to talk to us about… ..wolfing out…safely?

I think deep down I’ve always known you guys were prettier than me, and I felt like I couldn’t talk to you about it because you wouldn’t understand what it felt like to be your schlumpy friend.

Especially guys like you who always talk about love? I don’t believe in it more.

Be more aggressive, get more involved, talk to people, stay with the subject, be patient, take simpler pictures. Don’t take boring pictures.

Actually it’s quite difficult to talk about William Eggleston’s work, and he can’t tell you the answer either. Actually not a lot of people are gonna make sense talking about it. I don’t know quite what you mean by that.

I’ll talk to the Commissioner and he’ll make a decision.

We don’t talk much… but this place is not sound-proof so we do hear each other a bit.

Can we come in and talk for a minute?

We have to talk with her.

Let’s arrest L├írus as soon as we get a warrant and then we can talk to Anna as well.

There was a man here and when I wanted to talk to him he ran away and I couldn’t catch him.

I’m going to talk to Hildur and Gunnar.

Let’s talk this over at a better time.

You can go and talk with them or call someone who can keep them company.

We will talk to D├│ra. Will she confirm this?

Maybe you should talk to whoever’s already in there.

talk while you’re moving.

You say: «They talk too much for Sunday jump», we’re here to make you happy, give you the good vibes you deserve.

Him think say him dey talk to fool

Um, heh, um, um, look, maybe, maybe sometime Elder Cunningham and I could, could talk to you, maybe tell you a little bit about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints?

I, I have to get back to my village, but I am always there if you would like to talk.

And, and and you like to talk about… stuff?

That’s it, I need to go talk to the Mission President and get transferred!

Three hours we’ve been listening to him talk about stupid shit that happened on the other side of the Earth thousands of years ago!

You cannot talk like that, Nabulungi.

Don’t talk to me like I’m one of your minions.

You’re the only one that can talk sense into that ass baby.

Anyway, when you get a minute, we need to talk.

Cut the small talk, toots.

Then we’ve got nothing left to talk about.

You promise me that when you talk to the Ruptals, you will not tell them that I have to kill them.

Sentences for talk. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use talk in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for talk.

  • She began to talk. (12)
  • You must talk to me. (4)
  • Talk of Mr. Beamish. (10)
  • I have heard her talk. (9)
  • Well, try small talk. (10)
  • But the talk deepened. (22)
  • You never talk to her. (13)
  • Talk it over with Soames? (8)
  • They seemed deep in talk. (4)
  • All contributed to make talk. (9)
  • Do I talk like your father now? (10)
  • If you knew their talk of widows! (10)
  • Let us sit down and talk in comfort. (4)
  • The general talk was of the weather. (10)
  • This was talk of an injured veteran. (10)
  • We had a very jolly club and good talk. (14)
  • He tried to make talk about other things. (9)
  • I want you to talk about me to Mr Elliot. (4)
  • He mesmerizes me, he makes me talk Latin. (10)
  • Saddlebank would talk nothing but his fun. (10)
  • The Colonel left the talk to the young people. (9)
  • Often the voices were high, the talk was loud. (10)
  • I love to hear my uncle talk of the West Indies. (4)
  • She was led by easy stages to talk of Besworth. (10)
  • I talk of a marriage and am appalled by a death. (10)
  • He had heard, that there was talk of Miss Radnor. (10)
  • But though they walked, they did not at first talk. (8)
  • It was pre-eminently a matter one did not talk about. (8)
  • They confined their talk to it, and did not disagree. (10)
  • He wanted, he said, to have a talk with Lady Dunstane. (10)
  • We will talk of the consolidation of the Union by and by. (10)
  • His talk made me feel all funny, as if people wanted me to. (8)
  • She liked to have people talk as they do in genteel novels. (9)
  • There seemed to be no end to the talk about the lost money. (13)
  • There had been talk between him and Mrs. Doria of his mother. (10)
  • A woman who can openly talk of expecting him to be twice jilted! (10)
  • What makes this art you talk of different from any other call in life? (8)
  • It was nice of her to come and talk with me, when we had all been keeping away from her. (9)
  • Mr. Pollingray is an admirable host; he talks just enough himself and helps you to talk. (10)
  • She had to compose her countenance to talk to him; but the moment of song was the trial. (10)
  • The Colonel laughed; he liked her to talk that way, and promised he would hold up a while. (9)
  • Giving him her soft little hand, she began at once to talk of things farthest from her heart. (8)
  • They had a long talk, sitting above an old chalk-pit grown over with brambles and goosepenny. (8)
  • You talk of that lady who paid me a visit here once, and whom I treated becomingly, I swear. (10)
  • Years will not be sufficient for us when you and I once begin to talk in earnest, when I open! (10)
  • But that was quite incidental in the humorous run of his talk, diverting to hear while it lasted. (10)
  • And the voices behind the screen talk on, and the sounds of joy from the supper-party wax and wane. (8)
  • If the talk had been general before the Marches came, it did not at once renew itself in that form. (9)
  • Talk over the table coursed as fluently as might be, with Mrs. Pagnell for a boulder in the stream. (10)
  • A monotonous betweenwhiles kind of talk they kept droning, in harmony with the still hum of the air. (10)
  • She managed to talk of my story without asking about the person who wanted to anticipate the conclusion. (9)
  • From time to time there were feeble efforts to move the talk out of the rut in which it had become fixed. (13)
  • Then March saw that it was useless to expect anything different from him, and he let him talk on about Mrs. (9)
  • Again they let the talk stray, and then it was he who brought it back to themselves, as if it had not left them. (9)
  • Heartily ashamed of letting his ears be filled with secret talk, he went from the garden and crossed the street. (10)
  • When he recovered, he gave a feast that was the talk of all Munich for three weeks and cost him sixty thousand marks. (12)
  • Miss Macroyd laughed all through her talk, and she was in a final burst of laughing when the train slowed into Stamford. (9)
  • In circles falsely literary, parrot talk and affectation hold sway, but the talkers have an absurd faith in one another. (16)
  • He had a remarkable shyness of this theme, and reversed its general treatment; for he would pay, but would not talk of it. (10)
  • He was not in his best spirits, but seemed trying to improve them; and, at last, made himself talk nonsense very agreeably. (4)
  • V. His wife made no attempt to renew their talk before March went to his business in the morning, and they parted in dry offence. (9)
  • Lowell, almost the greatest and finest realist who ever wrought in verse, showed us that Elizabeth was still Queen where he heard Yankee farmers talk. (9)
  • At night she sang, sometimes mountain ditties to the accompaniment of the zither, leaning on the table and sweeping the wires between snatches of talk. (10)
  • We chatted with a fresh-hearted natural young creature who forfeited not a particle of her ladyship while she made herself our comrade in talk and frolic. (10)
  • Something that Bjornstjerne Bjornson wrote to me when he was leaving America after a winter in Cambridge, comes nearer suggesting Longfellow than all my talk. (9)

Also see sentences for: cajolery, chat, colloquy, commune, confer, conference, conversation.

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