Sentence with word sweep

подметать, мести, сметать, нестись, чистить, размах, охват, подметание, движение, мусор


- мести, подметать; прочищать

to sweep the floor — подметать пол
to sweep out the room — подмести в комнате
to sweep the chimneys — чистить дымоходы
to sweep the deck — простреливать палубу
to sweep a chamber with gas — физ. продуть камеру газом
to sweep clean — а) чисто подметать; б) очистить, «подчистить»; to sweep the table clean

- воен. «прочёсывать», вести разведку

to sweep the sea(s) — а) вести разведку на море; to sweep the sea for enemy ships

- вести поиск пропавшего самолёта
- мор. тралить, производить траление

to sweep clear — протраливать
to sweep for mines — тралить мины
to sweep for an anchor — искать якорь (под водой)

- сгребать, сметать (в кучу); собирать

to sweep the litter into a corner — замести мусор в угол
to sweep smth. into one’s pocket — сгрести что-л. себе в карман

ещё 23 варианта


- выметание, подметание

to give a room a good sweep — как следует /хорошенько/ подмести комнату

- трубочист

as black as a sweep — чумазый, как трубочист

- грязнуля
- подметальщик улиц
- амер. уборщик комнат в студенческом общежитии

ещё 24 варианта

Мои примеры


the awesome sweep of the scenery — потрясающий размах декораций  
to sweep a deck — заливать палубу  
to sweep a floor — подметать пол  
to clean away / sweep up a mess — привести в порядок  
to clear / remove / sweep a mine — обезвредить мину  
to sweep / push smth. under the rug — стараться скрыть что-л.  
to sweep a ship off the shore — сносить корабль в открытое море  
to sweep the streets — мести улицы  
to sweep a chimney — чистить дымоход  
to sweep the crumbs from the table — смахнуть крошки со стола  
to sweep the guitar — трогать струны гитары  

Примеры с переводом

Please sweep the floor.

Пожалуйста, подмети пол.

I need to sweep the kitchen.

Мне нужно подмести кухню.

His eyes swept the horizon.

Он окинул взглядом горизонт.

The hills swept down to the sea.

Холмы тянулись до самого моря.

Sweeping all others aside, she pushed her way to the front.

Расталкивая всех, она пробивалась вперёд.

He proudly swept into the room.

Он с гордым видом вошёл в комнату.

Everything she cherished, might be swept away overnight. (L. Bromfield)

Все, что было ей так дорого, могло быть уничтожено в один миг.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The limo swept up to the door.

A storm swept across the plains.

Will you sweep the leaves off the patio?

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

sweep away — отметать, отбрасывать, сметать, сносить, уничтожать, сметать с лица земли
sweep down — падать камнем, устремляться вниз, резко идти на снижение
sweep in — собирать, врываться, входить торжественно, вплывать
sweep out — вымести, подмести, унести вдаль, выметать, подметать
sweep up — подмести, вымести, убирать, производить уборку, устремиться, ринуться вверх

Возможные однокоренные слова

sweeping  — широкий, стремительный, быстрый, подметание, уборка, мусор, сор
sweeper  — уборщик, подметальщик, трубочист, траулер, щетка для ковра
oversweep  — сметать, выметать
sweepy  — быстрый, стремительный, плавный, изгиб полосы

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: sweep
he/she/it: sweeps
ing ф. (present participle): sweeping
2-я ф. (past tense): swept
3-я ф. (past participle): swept

ед. ч.(singular): sweep
мн. ч.(plural): sweeps

Sweep (foaled 1907 in Kentucky) was an American Thoroughbred racehorse. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

You can also perform drops kicks, jumping knees and sweep kicks to mix up your attack patterns.


Will there be a huge sweep by a certain film with thirteen nominations?


With a Vanguard brokerage account, you must have a money market account linked to the brokerage account; this is known as a sweep account, since money is swept from or to the account when buying or selling ETFs (or other brokerage products such as stocks, bonds, or CDs).


You can have… Are you looking for the perfect phrase to sweep your dearest off her feet?


His epic sweep found favor with the Hudson River School, which did so much provide an image of America as a light among nations in a fallen world.


Using a powder brush, puff, or a sponge applicator, sweep the product in downward strokes along your forehead, nose, under the eyes, and wherever you may require it.


Labour need a clean sweep of London to get them a respectable night.


Johnston’s adventure scenes have a clear, exciting sweep to them, unabashedly adopting traditional entertainment values; his usual computer effects only rear their ugly head a couple times.


Before sweeping private keys, you’d know that there are basically two methods available to redeem your private keys: Import Private Key and Sweep Private Key.


Joel Griffith, an artist and Tivoli’s current part-time, nonpartisan mayor, recalled that «when Marc was the kid mayor, he would get 12, 20 people, give them all brooms and we would sweep the sidewalks in the spring to get all the gravel off.»


There have been evil men throughout history that have used and abused religion or tried to sweep it away.


Nonetheless, they’re in such a rush to deliver their big emotional ending that they sweep any inconvenient distractions under the carpet.


He fills the gloomy town with colorfully abstract peasants and hard-bitten villagers, films the Talbot Manor like a haunted house, pumps fog through every nighttime scene, silhouettes his figures in the night with carefully calibrated backlights and sweeps through every transition with striking images that look more like TV commercials than portents of horror.


Have you ever fought so much about the same thing that you decided not to bring the issue up again and just sweep it under the carpet?


We turn on the outside lights, sweep off the porch, dust off the cobwebs, and polish the doorknob.


Aardvarks usually sleep during the day in burrows that they have dug, and emerge at night, to feed on ant and termites, using their long, sticky tongues to sweep up thousands of insects.


To aid you a new threat meter warns of any danger coming from behind and thanks to a quick turn button you can sweep around to take care of it.


Emily Blunt has taken the lead role, and perhaps even more interestingly, Lin-Manuel Miranda is on board as Jack, a lamplighter who will fill the role of the beloved chimney sweep Bert.


The lymph is vitally important to sweep away toxins yet it relies on movement in the body to do so.


The German cup was attained with victory in the final over Stuttgart before Arjen Robben’s late goal clinched the Champions League against Dortmund and completed the clean sweep of trophies.


Proud owner of two staffy labs tai 17 and sweep 9 And fudge a 15 month Rottweiler all from pups I here the comments about the dog hair above lol Most loving loyal friends ever Can’t remember life without them don’t want to either Hard work but worth every minute


As the last snowflake dribbled down from each storm, the widows arrived with brooms to sweep the granite and marble and limestone clean; they carried buckets and brushes to scrub their family gravestones and marble slabs.


«Very well researched and gripping… a far more ambitious novel than Gioconda, covering a vast sweep of time and place… a huge leap forward in scope and accomplishment.


With its sweeps, blind crests and heart-in-mouth tests of a driver’s 3D memory, the Lutz-Ring really is its German inspiration in pocket-size form.


Es Trenc, in particular, is one of the most famous beaches on Majorca, an immense sweep of sand backed by Mediterrean pines and lapped by turquoise waters.


Do not scrub, massage, or rotate the brush on the body; just sweep it across the skin in long smooth strokes in the direction of the heart.


One of your best defensive maneuvers may be to simply brush your precious kitty more often, vacuum and sweep up her hair regularly and supplement her with a beneficial remedy to help her easily pass the additional amounts of hair she is ingesting.


The film presents several painterly compositions, at times informed by the impressionist tradition of Renoir’s father: an early scene, in which Elena debates her choice to accept Martin-Michaud’s (Pierre Bertin) offer of marriage, the central conversation foregrounds others sitting at a table, in an elegant sweep to the right.


Barring any last-minute surprises, it looks as though the NDP will sweep the BC «Liberals» from power.


There is a broom and dustpan in each studio to sweep up after yourself.


Looking for a man to sweep me off of my feet!


The viewing space is semi-enclosed by full-height black voile curtains, with the image of a woman’s bare arm depicted on the upper part of each one — although one is unaware of these arms until, aided by black-clad assistants, the curtains sweep along their ceiling tracks to circle the audience in a spooky embrace.


Milner second as Chevrolet Corvette C7.Rs sweep front row in Virginia ALTON, Va. (Aug. 27, 2016)— Jan Magnussen put the No. 3 Mobil…


It’s not going to sweep the league as predicted last year.


The instrument panel retains the traditional 3-pod cluster with oil temperature, voltmeter and clock, while the speedometer and tachometer include an «initial sweep» function, coming alive when the Z ® is first started.


Wanting to meet interesting, intelligent, athletic men who might sweep me off my feet and not be afraid of commitment or marriage.


Flowing from the seamless sweep of a lower bonnet line and steeply raked windscreen, the new, stepped roof profile further reduces drag, whilst the rear spoiler is now fully integrated within the rear roofline, connecting seamlessly with the rear pillar to minimise turbulence in air flowing astern from the vehicle.


For your listening pleasure: Download Now It’s not a passing fad of big, popular companies doing sweeps over the internet claiming everything that is there’s and requesting it to be taken down.


It’s going to be an achievements clean sweep!


He yelled that he doesn’t want to go through customs anymore, suggesting the Wizards will sweep the series.


Thousands of miles away, across multiple time zones and cultural fault lines, Silicon Valley’s errors could sweep us away in a tide of doubt as American investors recoil from foreign tech.


SAC focused on graduation requirements, security, access to humanities and civic engagement courses, hall sweeps, food and nutrition, grading systems, and student socialization.


Kozlovsky had been arrested earlier this year as part of a sweep by Russian authorities into a group of hackers who had stolen over $ 50 million from Russian bank accounts since the start of 2016 using the so-called Lurk virus.


This multidisciplinary exhibition will examine the historical sweep of the movement, from its inception with F. T. Marinetti’s Futurist manifesto in 1909 through its demise at the end of World War II.


«When this governor came into office, I had the same belief that many had, that perhaps he’d sweep in a new day,» Molinaro said after his speech.


I would also like a clean sweep of senior management, and I want a new philosophy adopted.»


An overall Shape of Water sweep could help the film secure this category as well, which has a long history of correlating with best picture — though editing and picture haven’t actually synced up since Argo won both in 2013.


i never ever had to click to highlight, you just sweep finger over the text you want to highlight.


Sweet potatoes sweep in to compliment the spice and enhance the natural sweetness of the coconut milk.


However, questions remain about how hard sweeps of drug resistance can occur at all under combination therapy.


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At about the same time, Tarrant’s accomplice or accomplices carried out a «sweep» of another mosque.

Примерно в то же время сообщник или сообщники Тарранта провели «зачистку» ещё одной мечети.

The demonstrators, however, are not just calling for reforms — they want a clean sweep of the present government.

Демонстранты, однако, не просто призывают к реформам — они хотят тотальной зачистки нынешнего правительства.

The statue depicts a disk thrower at the moment of sweep before the throw.

Статуя изображает метателя диска в момент размаха перед броском.

It provides, you need a margin of stability for flight flight regimes, and a triangular wing with an 58 and degree sweep along the leading edge has a small backward sweep.

Он обеспечивает, нужны запас устойчивости для маршевых режимов полета, а треугольное крыло с 58-и градусной стреловидностью по передней кромке имеет малую обратную стреловидность.

Well, did you sweep for…

Так, а ты уверен, что нет…

Executing a perimeter sweep for survivors.

Выполняем проверку по периметру на оставшихся в живых.

I guess our security sweep netted more than a breach.

Полагаю при проверке нашей системы безопасности выявилось, нечто большее, чем брешь.

The second hand doesn’t sweep.

Stay seated while I make a sweep.

Оставайтесь на местах, пока я всё не проверю.

Maybe you can stick around, and we can sweep together.

Может ты останешься, когда все уйдут, и мы сможем вместе подмести.

They sweep under our car for security.

При этом они прятались за своей машиной для безопасности.

Sorry, but now I want a sweep.

Occasionally they sweep into areas to kidnap people.

Лишь иногда они появлялись на поверхности, чтобы похитить людей.

But what makes the show special is its planetary sweep.

Recommendation 13 is too broad in sweep for practical application.

Рекомендация 13 слишком широка по своему охвату с точки зрения практического применения.

But I always win supermarket sweep.

Ping sweep or pinpointing using ICMP is an effective method.

Ping sweep или выявление целей с помощью протокола ICMP также является эффективным методом.

If not, it’s probably another Kenyan sweep.

Если же нет, тогда возможно — это новая китайская стратегия.

Someone warns that many catastrophes must sweep over our beclouded Earth.

Кто-то говорит, что еще какие-то катастрофы должны пронестись над затуманенной нашей Землею.

Statistically, small asteroids sweep near Earth all the time.

Джонсон отметил, что маленькие астероиды постоянно пролетают так близко к Земле.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат sweep

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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word sweep, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use sweep in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «sweep».

Sweep in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word sweep in a sentence.

  1. A second sweep followed two days later, also to the Amrun Bank.

  2. The Canadiens recovered from their loss in 1967 to sweep the St.

  3. Two runs later, he bowled Compton, who was attempting a leg sweep.

  4. This was the first time Lombardi witnessed the success of the sweep.

  5. The fleet conducted another sweep into the North Sea on 23–24 October.

  6. He campaigned for mayor with the promise of a «clean sweep of City Hall».

  7. This was followed by another fruitless sweep by the fleet on 23–24 October.

  8. In March, 3rd Battalion launched a similar sweep called Operation Mavericks.

  9. During the 2009 playoffs, he led the Canucks to a first round sweep of the St.

  10. The sweep also reduces the wingspan, allowing the 747 to use existing hangars.

  11. Rheinland covered a sweep by torpedo boats into the North Sea on 25–26 September.

  12. In the playoffs, the Lakers would sweep the Indianapolis Olympians in 2 straight.

  13. The first play Lombardi taught his team after he arrived in Green Bay was the sweep.

  14. Much of the Packers’ offensive success was based on the threat of running the sweep.

  15. Heikki Hasu from Finland won the silver, preventing a Norwegian sweep of the medals.

  16. The development of what became known as the Packers sweep began with Vince Lombardi.

  17. Cordray succeeded Jennette Bradley in a near-statewide sweep by the Democratic Party.

  18. They won Game 1 largely thanks to a 7-run 4th inning, and went on to sweep the series.

  19. Ringo, Gregg, Kramer, and Taylor each provided key blocks for Hornung to run the sweep.

  20. The fabricated plot caused a wave of anti-Catholic hysteria to sweep across the nation.

  21. He scored 126 and 50 in the 2–0 Test series clean sweep and scored fifties in both ODIs.

  22. Harvey was out for 112 from 183 balls, bowled by Laker while playing a cross-batted sweep.

  23. The sweep can be run out of multiple formations and go either left or right of the center.

  24. The Bronx Bombers would go on to sweep their next three World Series, 1927, 1928, and 1932.

  25. This was followed by another sweep by the fleet on 23–24 October that ended without result.

  26. Erin and the rest of the Grand Fleet made another sweep of the North Sea on 25–27 December.

  27. Various options and changes to the sweep have been implemented to create further deception.

  28. After the first sweep by the attack helicopters, two Chinooks carried the SAS to Gberi Bana.

  29. Starting on 2 September, IV Squadron, assisted by Blücher, conducted a sweep into the Baltic.

  30. Starting on 3 September, IV Squadron, assisted by Blücher, conducted a sweep into the Baltic.

  31. He hit four home runs in three games to help sweep Boston and extend the Yankees’ league lead.

  32. Vanguard and the rest of the Grand Fleet made another sweep of the North Sea on 25–27 December.

  33. They made a sweep into the northern Baltic in December but did not encounter any Russian warships.

  34. The Packers sweep is a variation on the sweep, which is a basic running play in American football.

  35. Bryan had hoped to sweep the rural vote and make inroads on urban labor, but he was not successful.

  36. O’Connor’s men proceeded to sweep the area, declaring the Old City free of militants on 19 October.

  37. It was with the Giants that Lombardi first implemented the principles that became the Packers sweep.

  38. In a rare sweep, it won the Palme d’Or as well as awards for Best Director and Best Actor (Turturro).

  39. Harvey was eventually out for 112 from 183 balls, bowled by Laker while playing a cross-batted sweep.

  40. St Vincent and the rest of the Grand Fleet conducted another sweep of the North Sea on 25–27 December.

  41. Although Gilchrist’s batting was modest, yielding 144 runs at 36.00, Australia took a 3–0 clean sweep.

  42. The Japanese guns ceased fire but came alive again when another attempt was made to sweep the channel.

  43. Stop 2 landed, formed up into a sweep line and marched carefully to the north alongside a dry riverbed.

  44. Through May, these actions were relatively uneventful, except for one fighter sweep mission from Wewak.

  45. Collingwood and the rest of the Grand Fleet conducted another sweep of the North Sea on 25–27 December.

  46. This sustained success established the Packers sweep as one of the most famous football plays in history.

  47. Lenin and many other Bolsheviks expected proletariat revolution to sweep across Europe in days or months.

  48. Describing Guthrie’s impact, he wrote: «The songs themselves had the infinite sweep of humanity in them..

  49. From 8 to 12 May, she participated in a sweep toward Gotland and Bogskär, to support the assault on Libau.

  50. Austrian Toni Sailer became the first person to sweep all three alpine skiing events in a single Olympics.

Synonyms for sweep

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word sweep has the following synonyms: chimneysweeper, chimneysweep, end run, expanse, slam, sweep oar, broom, brush, cross, traverse, span, embroil, tangle, sweep up, drag, drag i, sail, sail through, sweep through, swing and swing out.

General information about «sweep» example sentences

The example sentences for the word sweep that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «sweep» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «sweep».

Synonym: brush, clean, coast, extend, glide, move, range, skim, slide, slip, stretch, vacuum. Similar words: week, weed, weekly, weed out, swell, swear, between, weekend. Meaning: [swɪːp]  n. 1. a wide scope 2. someone who cleans soot from chimneys 3. winning all or all but one of the tricks in bridge 4. a long oar used in an open boat 5. (American football) an attempt to advance the ball by running around the end of the line 6. a movement in an arc. v. 1. sweep across or over 2. move with sweeping, effortless, gliding motions 3. sweep with a broom or as if with a broom 4. force into some kind of situation, condition, or course of action 5. to cover or extend over an area or time period 6. clean by sweeping 7. win an overwhelming victory in or on 8. cover the entire range of 9. make a big sweeping gesture or movement. 

Random good picture Not show

1. Sweep before your own door.

2. New brooms sweep clean.

3. If each would sweep before his own door, we should have a clean city (or street). 

4. Don’t forget to sweep under the beds.

5. Sweep the room out well.

6. It is highly important that we combine revolutionary sweep with practicalness.

7. Please sweep the floor.

8. Sweep the leaves into the corner where they won’t be noticed.

9. The house overlooks the great sweep of the St Lawrence river.

10. You’d better damp down the ground and then sweep it.

11. Did you sweep up all the broken glass?

12. The kitchen needs a good sweep.

13. Romania made a clean sweep of the medals.

14. Give the room a good sweep.

15. The hotel gardens sweep down to the beach.

16. Cross-currents can sweep the strongest swimmer helplessly away.

16. try its best to collect and create good sentences.

17. Will you sweep the leaves off the patio?

18. Thousands of jobs were lost in one broad sweep.

19. Strong winds regularly sweep the islands.

20. The rescue helicopter made another sweep over the bay.

21. This floor needs a good sweep.

22. Wintry weather continues to sweep across Britain.

23. An undercover sweep netted 22 suspects in one evening.

24. Her eyes made a comprehensive sweep of the room.

25. With one sweep of her hand she threw back the sheets.

26. He began to sweep the pieces of glass into a pile .

27. Two of the soldiers swiftly began making a sweep of the premises.

28. Newspaper editorials spoke of the need to sweep away corruption.

29. It is highly important for us to combine revolutionary sweep with practicalness.

30. As we travel south,( the countryside begins to undulate as the rolling hills sweep down to the riverbanks.

More similar words: week, weed, weekly, weed out, swell, swear, between, weekend, as well, sweater, may as well, as well as, answer for, keep, sleep, steep, keep to, keep off, keep on, keep up, keep away, keep down, go to sleep, keep from, keep back, keep out of, keep up with, keep in mind, keep in touch, keep an eye on. 

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