Sentence with word suspicious

One contributor (Thomas S. Popkewitz) takes the extreme standpoint of contemporary «critical theory,» which is suspicious of mainline science in almost all fields.


I have super fine hair that tends toward oily, so I’m always suspicious of leave-in treatments.


You also may want to consider ongoing credit monitoring, which can alert you if any collections or other suspicious activity shows up on your reports.


The Times reported Friday that the informant talked to Page and Papadopoulos because they had suspicious contacts linked to Russia.


In addition, any transaction of cryptocurrencies will be reported as suspicious, with legal action being taken by the Financial Monitoring Unit (FMU) against any individual involved.


Although they are loving and affectionate, they are suspicious of other animals and strangers.


The Advisory provides examples of money laundering in the real estate sector, how shell companies and all-cash purchases may be linked to illicit activity, and ways in which real estate professionals» can voluntarily file suspicious activity reports.


If officers view those individualized and particularized identifying characteristics — such as prior convictions, gang associations, and GPS coordinates near the scene of the crime — as suspicious, then otherwise innocent actions might create a predictive composite that satisfies the reasonable suspicion standard.


It will be suspicious of university theology, both systematic studies and biblical studies, for they are in the service finally of the establishment — the white, middle-class world, whose mind is indeed the university.


A security officer should pay close attention to detail when monitoring the surroundings to ensure safety and to determine if things get suspicious.


Users were reporting everyday activities of members of minority groups in their neighborhoods as «suspicious


The largest fine the DEA has levied against a drug distributor was the $ 150 million that McKesson, the nation’s largest drug wholesaler, recently agreed to pay following allegations that it failed to report suspicious orders of painkillers.


When your cat has low blood lymphocyte numbers (lymphopenia) in the presence of other suspicious FIP signs, FIP is often the cause.


Even though you used the epsom salts in the days leading up to the urine test, I would still be suspicious of your result — it wasn’t just high, it was over range.


All in all, the videos themselves give such striking testimony against sarin or other nerve agent that one would have to be suspicious of the chain of custody of any autopsy samples purporting to show otherwise.


Initial Coin Offerings must comply with laws associated with money laundering and anti-terrorism that require reporting suspicious investors to authorities according to a newly released letter from the treasury department.


I’m not sure they would look that suspicious either.


«The hard drive LED flickers frequently, and therefore the user won’t be suspicious about changes in its activity.»


However, if you are receiving emails from different email addresses or if the address seems suspicious, this might be a signal that your «friend» has something to hide.


Someone’s online persona can be a lot different than their actual self so you are going to have to pay close attention to what they are like and decide for yourself if they seem suspicious.


It’s a bit suspicious not to meet anyone who now regrets tossing out both art and artist when things went too far.


This company isn’t playing around and while the US market has traditionally been strangely suspicious of Huawei, the company has basically said «No US?


Lastly, on the fourth part, real possibility that the defendant may destroy material before discovery process, the Court stated that «courts may infer a risk of destruction when it is shown that the matter has been acquired in suspicious circumstances» (para. 25).


In December 2014, ESAT’s managing director Neamin Zeleke became suspicious when he received an email claiming to contain information about the May 2015 elections, according to news reports.


To think that this is Wallace’s first novel is to become suspicious that she has taken her sentences out of some ancient sorcerer’s lost handbook; Wallace spirits us away with a master’s spell.»


After due assessment of the suspicious activity, CVM may propose closing of the investigation or the formal accusation of the suspected person, based on concrete elements to identify that the conduct has connection with a violation of the rules and regulations of the securities market.


If the state is suspicious of its citizens, it will increase surveillance and limit freedom of expression.


Abigail is indignant that he had abandoned his aunt to the care of servants; Max is highly suspicious of Abigail’s motives for befriending his aunt.


Guardian Soulmates has an experienced team of moderators who review all profiles and monitor the service for suspicious activity.


Although generally there is no point in being overly suspicious, at the same time, don’t believe everything that everyone you meet on a free internet dating site tells you.


Crystal’s key tool is the so-called «detailed risk scoring» solution that is capable of tracing «suspicious» transactions to the final address or withdrawal point.


Most travelers have success with this tactic, but be forewarned, there have been reports of Israeli officials finding this behavior suspicious and singling those travelers out for questioning.


I’m suspicious of «detox», «healing episodes» and «die-off» where apparently it’s OK for your diet to make you feel worse.


In this article I want to try to express why it is that I feel Scotus» theology and philosophy are attractive, but, in the light of the some who find its unfamiliarity suspicious, I also want to allay those doubts.


15 month old baby will be suspicious of new textures or flavors, so if you keep offering different foods, they may grow used to them and eat them willingly so that they can learn to eat a variety and get the nutrition they require.


In the turn, it was Malicious who gave up first, possibly under the effect of so much speed expended early and because of a knee that has had a suspicious look about it for some time now.


Nathan Frey is driving home from New York City on the interstate with his two young daughters in the backseat when they are shot at by two suspicious travelers.


On a fragile island where environmental regulations do not exist, he has confronted severe intimidation including the suspicious burning of his home.


Once it’s not a trend I’ll be much less suspicious of the claims of this kind of material advancing into the mainstream.


While many professionals are deeply suspicious of anyone who could have gold-digger tendencies, others love having a good looking younger lady (or man!)


Some commenters assumed that self-published authors were not eligible, which is not the case; but still the general idea was — it’s suspicious, stay clear of this deal.


Astoria resident Mary Witty said the sudden disappearance of seven alley cats she was caring for just before Christmas was immediately suspicious to her.


If someone continues attacking their flaws and avoids dealing with later work, and there have been plenty of later reconstructions, then we have reason to be suspicious of the attackers.


The sender is apparently a business in California, so it was very suspicious that they used non-U.S. postage to send mail to my office.


I’ve never heard a negative view [re your comment on «suspicious»] on making so many payments.


Also, certain character string or logins of different members, for example, those which originate from the same computer, can result in the blocking of suspicious activity.


Could it be that the GC sees the administrative decisions in tendering procedures in a more «suspicious» way and therefore asks for a more detailed reasoning than in the quasi-judicial duties of the OHIM’s Boards of Appeal?


Among his Don Quixote-esque adventures, our antihero picks up a suspicious hitchhiker and then leaves him in a bathroom.


Although the Ariegeois will never harm a family member, he can be a little aloof or even suspicious around strangers.


Investigate suspicious trades, looked for or unethical practices and trading patterns then reported to CCO with the findings.


suspicious — перевод на русский


This whole thing seems very suspicious.

Все это очень подозрительно.

A little later, Officer McCleary, patrolling the park noticed Mr. Mason loitering suspiciously. He admitted that he was unemployed, homeless about to leave town and that the necktie belonged to him. The salt and pepper shakers were found on his person.

Чуть позже офицер Макклири патрулирующий парк заметил мистера Мейсона подозрительно слоняющегося рядом который признался что он безработный и бездомный собирается уехать из города и галстук принадлежит ему при нем были обнаружены набор солянки и перечницы

Because everything this fellow’s done has been suspicious:

Потому что всё, что этот парень делал, подозрительно:

Slightly suspicious.

Немного подозрительно.

— That’s a suspicious sound!


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The others are getting suspicious.

Тебя начинают подозревать.

If once I started to be suspicious…

Если я начну подозревать…

Can’t have a happy married life if you’re always suspicious.

Как жить в браке, если подозревать друг друга?

About two months ago, my husband grew suspicious that something was wrong, since then he tried in every way to locate Reynolds,

— Так. Около двух месяцев назад мой муж начал подозревать, что-то неладное. С тех пор он пытался разыскать Рейнольдса, но не нашел ни следа.

You’re suspicious of everyone.

Но если мы будем подозревать всех подряд…

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The neighbors are getting suspicious.

Соседи высказывают подозрения.

— So you get twice as suspicious? — That’s right?

— И подозрения выросли?

It makes people suspicious.

Это вызывает подозрения.

Look, Prof, what happens if somebody gets suspicious?

Подумай, Проф, что случится, если у кого-нибудь возникнут подозрения?

— I think he’s still suspicious.

Мне кажется, у него остались подозрения.

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We don’t want to make him suspicious.

Мы же не хотим, чтобы он заподозрил.

The desk clerk seemed a little suspicious.

Мне показалось, что портье что-то заподозрил.

— Haas If you saw somewhere and something suspicious.

— ≈сли ‘аас вас где-то видел и что-то заподозрил.

My dad’s growing suspicious.

Мой отец что-то заподозрил.

Change ships every other day to prevent anyone from becoming suspicious.

Будем менять корабли каждый день, чтобы никто нас не заподозрил.

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Well, my suspicious friend.

Ну, что, недоверчивый Вы наш?

you’re so suspicious.

Ты такой недоверчивый.

Too many ordinary … It’s even suspicious.

Слишком безобидно, сказал бы какой-нибудь недоверчивый.

Well come on, you suspicious old goat!

Вперед, недоверчивый наш.

Why are you so suspicious lately?

Почему в последнее время ты такой недоверчивый?

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You can’t blame me for being suspicious.

Не вини меня за подозрительность.

You’re always suspicious of everybody.

Это все твоя подозрительность.

Are you becoming suspicious as well as absent-minded, Paula?

К твоей рассеянности добавилась подозрительность?

— All right, Miss Suspicious.

— Ладно, мисс Подозрительность…

You can’t blame me, though, for being suspicious.

Но вам нельзя меня винить за мою подозрительность.

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So we go see Munoz Fontan, and he says, «You won’t deny that’s suspicious.

Мы встретились с Муньос Фонтан, и он сказал: «Все это вызывает подозрения.

When the hose still win the same, ¹ da to look suspicious.

Если один и тот же игрок всё время выигрывает, то это вызывает подозрения.

which makes this photo suspicious.

А Хаус — это злой гений, из-за этого фото вызывает подозрения.

We’ll follow anyone suspicious leaving the castle and encourage them to talk.

Мы проследим за теми, кто вызывает подозрения, и заставим их говорить.

If this woman’s death was suspicious, why point it up?

Если смерть этой женщины вызывает подозрения, зачем заострять на этом внимание?

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It sounded suspicious when you said the word ‘premiere’.

Странно, что ты заговорила о премьере…

Isn’t that suspicious?

Разве это не странно?

At sea, that is very suspicious.

Не странно ли такое в море?

Though it’s a little suspicious because he just kept saying it really loud near the nurse’s station.

Ќемного странно то, что он очень громко вещал об этом, сто€ у регистратуры.

Is it just me, or does this look really suspicious?

Мне показалось или это действительно очень странно?

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I find that very suspicious.

Мне это кажется подозрительным.

Don’t you find it just a little suspicious that just when we find out…?

Подумай, тебе не кажется подозрительным?

Does it look suspicious?

Тебе кажется подозрительным?

-He don’t look suspicious.

-Он мне не кажется подозрительным.

So, yes, we’re treating the matter as suspicious.

Так что, да — всё происходящее кажется подозрительным.

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She got suspicious because he wasn’t wearing any pants.

У нее возникли подозрения, т.к. на нем не было штанов.

We don’t want the cops to get suspicious again.

Мы ведь не хотим, чтобы у полиции возникли подозрения.

I wanted to get out of there. But Eva became suspicious.

Конечно, у нее возникли подозрения.

I’ve been off long enough to get them suspicious.

— Около того. Я выпал из их поля зрения достаточно давно, чтобы уже возникли подозрения.

So, I got suspicious, And I started asking around about the training program.

У меня возникли подозрения, и я начал расспрашивать о программе обучения.

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They started monitoring the roads 24/7 and eventually spotted that same suspicious motorcycle.

Они начали следить за дорогами 24 часа в сутке и, в конце концов, заметили тот же подозрительный мотоцикл.

I wouldn’t say there was anybody particularly suspicious.

Я бы не сказал, что там был кто-нибудь особенно подозрительный.

This can happen when police see suspicious activity.

Однако это будет возможно только в том случае, если финансовая организация увидит подозрительную активность.

Some sites have software to verify suspicious activity.

На некоторых сайтах есть программное обеспечение для этого, которое может проверить любую подозрительную активность.

Especially when it involves suspicious accidents.

Особенно в том случае, если речь идет о подозрительных смертях.

Instead, many companies use computers and statistical analysis to identify suspicious claims for further investigation.

В настоящее время страховые компании используют программное обеспечение и статистический анализ для выявления и определения подозрительных исков с целью проведения дальнейшего расследования.

If something seems suspicious take action.

И, если что-нибудь выглядит подозрительно, мы будем принимать меры.

The friends who all seemed suspicious.

Very suspicious and certainly not normal.

If you see something suspicious pull away and call police.

Если вы видите что-либо подозрительное, отойдите в сторону и позвоните в полицию.

Investigators found out many suspicious things.

Следователи, однако, выяснили ряд подозрительных подробностей.

They couldn’t find anyone or anything suspicious.

К сожалению, им не удалось обнаружить никого и ничего подозрительно.

Tell management if you notice anything unusual or suspicious.

Кроме того, бережно ведите себя, если заметите что-то необычное и подозрительное.

Ultimately, the best protection is staying vigilant about suspicious activity.

В конечном счете, лучшая защита заключается в том, чтобы сохранять бдительность в отношении подозрительной активности.

Police eventually said they found no explosive devices or suspicious items.

Позже в полиции сообщили, что никаких взрывных устройств и подозрительных предметов обнаружено не было.

While plane spotting, you can help improve airport security by reporting any suspicious activity.

В то время как определение плоскости, вы можете помочь улучшить безопасность в аэропорту, сообщив о любой подозрительной деятельности.

He told me several times nothing suspicious had happened to him.

Он мне несколько раз сказал, что ничего подозрительного для него в последнее время не происходило.

Although the practice may sound suspicious, modified atmosphere gases are actually completely safe.

Несмотря на то, что практика на первый взгляд может показаться подозрительной, модифицированные газы атмосферы на самом деле полностью безопасны.

Don’t make transactions that might look suspicious.

Не проводите операций, которые могут быть расценены как подозрительные.

They saw ‘suspicious activity’.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат suspicious

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Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

подозрительный, сомнительный


- (of) подозрительный, недоверчивый

to be /to feel/ suspicious of /about/ smb., smth. — относиться к кому-л., чему-л. с недоверием
to be suspicious of strangers — недоверчиво относиться к незнакомым
to be suspicious of smb.’s intentions [motives, promises] — не доверять чьим-л. намерениям [побуждениям, обещаниям]
to become suspicious — а) заподозрить (что-л.); I became suspicious as soon as I saw him there

- вызывающий подозрение, подозрительный

suspicious character — подозрительная личность
suspicious person — подозрительный человек
under suspicious circumstances — при подозрительных обстоятельствах
to look suspicious — выглядеть подозрительно

Мои примеры


a woman who is suspicious of all medicos, regardless of their credentials — женщина, которая с подозрением относится ко всем медикам, вне зависимости от их дипломов  
suspicious circumstances — подозрительные обстоятельства  
suspicious eye — подозрительный взгляд  
suspicious glance — подозрительный взгляд  
suspicious look — подозрительный взгляд  
suspicious behaviour — подозрительное поведение  
to be suspicious of smb.’s intentions — не доверять чьим-л. намерениям  
suspicious consignment — вызывающая подозрения партия  
keep a guard against suspicious strangers — держать охрану на случай появления подозрительных лиц  
be suspicious of motives — не доверять чьим-л. побуждениям  
mutually suspicious entities — не доверяющие друг другу субъекты; не доверяющие друг другу объекты  

Примеры с переводом

I am suspicious of any religion.

Я с недоверием отношусь ко всякой религии.

The circumstances of his death are suspicious.

Обстоятельства его смерти подозрительны.

His manner made me suspicious.

Его манера поведения заставила меня насторожиться.

If we don’t finalize tonight, they will get suspicious.

Если мы не закончим сегодня, у них возникнут подозрения.

He was caught in the net of suspicious circumstances.

Он попал в ловушку подозрительных обстоятельств.

Officials are suspicious about her death.

В её смерти подозреваются официальные представители власти.

His ill health made him more suspicious and irritable than ever.

Плохое здоровье сделало его более подозрительным и раздражительным.

ещё 15 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Architects with purist views were suspicious of his work.

He was found dead in suspicious circumstances (=in a way that makes you think something illegal has happened).

But one country’s moratorium is another country’s protectionism, and the U.S. is suspicious of Europe’s actions.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

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(1) The rabbit is timid and suspicious.

(2) You have a very suspicious mind .

(3) I think they’re starting to get suspicious.

(4) I was becoming increasingly suspicious of his motives.

(5) I’m very suspicious about her motives.

(6) It sounds suspicious to me.

(7) He was rightly suspicious of meeting me until I reassured him I was not writing about him.

(8) If you see anything suspicious you should notify the police immediately.

(9) It’s not suspicious that I’m fixating. It’s consistent with my personality.

(10) They became suspicious of his behaviour and contacted the police.

(11) Some of his colleagues at work became suspicious of his behaviour.

(12) Police said there were no suspicious circumstances surrounding the boy’s death.

(13) His reticence about his past made them very suspicious.

(14) I was suspicious of his motives.

(15) Inform the police immediately if you see anything suspicious.

(16) It was all very suspicious.

(17) You’ve got a very suspicious mind!

(18) I’m suspicious of his motives.

(19) Two suspicious characters were brought in.

(20) The police officer just brought in two suspicious characters.

(21) Who’s that suspicious character hanging around outside?

(22) An eagle-eyed tourist found the suspicious package.

(23) My naturally suspicious mind thought he might be lying.

(24) Why must you always be so suspicious?

(25) He’s so suspicious he would distrust his own mother.

(26) Police are not treating the death as suspicious.

(27) Detectives are appealing for witnesses who may have seen anything suspicious.

(28) He warned the public to be vigilant and report anything suspicious.

(29) I wasn’t going to demean myself by acting like a suspicious wife.

(30) Older people tend to be quite conservative and a bit suspicious of any supposed advances.

More similar words: suspicion, officious, vivacious, loquacious, pugnacious, subconsciously, consciousness, suspect, suspend, various, obvious, envious, anxious, dubious, curious, previous, oblivious, bumptious, ambitious, obviously, previously, mysterious, laboriously, versus, spit, spin, as usual, sustain, spill, spine. 

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