Sentence with word subordinate

«So far as it is possible to do so, primary legislation and subordinate legislation must be read and given effect in a way that is compatible with the Convention rights.»


«Ancillary» restricts the services that a personal real estate corporation can provide to real estate services and to services that are subordinate to, and exist to support, real estate services.


Management Assistants support executives and perform a variety of clerical and administrative tasks, such as arranging meetings, recruiting and training subordinate staff, updating records, preparing documents and writing reports.


CECIC, organizationally subordinate to the State Council’s State Property Management Commission, is a 20 year old national-level investment company in the energy conservation and environmental protection sector.


While there is no prohibition against dual-office holding, if one office is subordinate to another, or there would be inevitable conflicts of interest (like being unable to respond to a death in a community because that’s where the individual is an officer), the attorney general’s opinion states they would be incompatible.


Now relegated to a subordinate class and segregated airspace, drones can be full participants in a fully integrated airspace.


Supervised subordinate personnel in the performance of their duties.


The DOT had a subordinate lien on gross revenues (i.e., prior to operations and maintenance costs) and the trust estate.


To oversee a large support staff via subordinate supervisors and conduct complex administrative functions to ensure compliance…


Responsible and accountable for directing and administering, through subordinate personnel, twelve Banking Centers to achieve profit, growth, and customer service objectives through the development of deposits, assets, and fee based services.


Early in his second assignment, my son asked his chief subordinate what he really needed and was told it was a machine that they had been trying to acquire for some time.


All Fixed Rate Mortgage Programs: The application of additional loan level pricing adjustments will be determined by various loan attributes to include but not limited to the loan-to-value (LTV) ratio, credit score, transaction type, property type, product type, occupancy, and subordinate financing.


However, some judges of one appellate court, and in lockstep the subordinate trial judges, seemingly didn’t think so.


The unit goes about their daily routines while unraveling the murder of a homeless man, and we learn about them as real people doing a job that is subordinate to their inner emotional reality.


Contrast hard, sharp edges near the focal point with soft, feathery edges in the subordinate areas.


For example, he had a chart on the passages about whether women are equal or subordinate to men (Chart 104) and whether or not women can be pastors (Chart 105).


Intolerance against women who want to control their reproduction and not be subordinate to men.


Show how you know them: whether you are their boss, a colleague, or a subordinate they will want to understand how you are qualified to make your comments about them.


Mate preference for dominant vs. subordinate males in young female Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) following chemically-accelerated ovarian follicle depletion.


Plan, organize, or manage the work of subordinate staff to ensure that the work is accomplished in a manner consistent with organizational requirements.


Rather, the passage from the earlier to the later writing is largely a shift of dominance: subordinate themes in The Essence of Christianity become dominant in The Essence of Religion.


The relatively insular and preservationist nature of this community has meant not only maintaining their forefather’s doctrinal legacy, but also his political one by operating within the subordinate space provided to them by the Saudi monarchy.


Pat (and I’ll call you Pat, though I don’t believe we’ve met, just as you chose to refer consistently to the junior senator from Illinois in your column by his first name, as one might a servant or subordinate), I find it fascinating and perhaps even just a little racist to see you identifying a monolithic «White America,» in the same way that it’s just a little racist for Rev. Wright to assume a monolithic black American experience.


Aloysius is suspicious of the affable, progressive priest, a fact she makes known to her subordinate nuns at a dinnertime discussion of his most recent sermon.


At settlement, subordinate lien holders will receive a certificate that evidences their interest as an obligation backed by HUD, with payment conditional on the value of HUD’s appreciation share.


Not all lending companies offer 2nd mortgage liens, in fact most do not offer any type of subordinate loan program at all.


Historically, weak state institutions have led not to the idealized world of anarchists and libertarians, but instead to extended family tribal-like institutions and clannishness that subordinate members desire to express individual choice and freedom in the absence of a strong state, to clan needs for mutual protection and more.


56 year old submissive, sissy type, occasional crossdresser been with men since teenager, always as subordinate.


Over the multidecadal timescales, the non-chaotic solar signal predominated during the early twentieth century, with CO2 playing a subordinate role.


Because PACE puts a lien on the property, an important and controversial point is whether the lien is senior or subordinate to the mortgage itself.


Unfortunately, the subordinate relationship between the midrange and low-end, means that it takes too much mental energy to appreciate it.


Gilroy does exactly the reverse: He refuses to tell us what we need to know, but he tells us every last thing he knows about corporate espionage and the various subordinate characters.


Whether it is equal pay for stockmen, native title or the rights of those removed, the interests of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people seem to remain a subordinate consideration, apparently accommodated as a matter of political calculation, rather than on the basis of principle and respect for human rights.


In many canid species, more dominant individuals overmark the urine deposits of more subordinate individuals.


The CPC Constitution requires Party members to «adhere to the principle that the interests of the Party and the people stand above everything else (Article 3),» and provides that «Individual Party members are subordinate to the Party organization» (Article 10).


MUP will leave bar costs untouched and charge on the least expensive, most grounded beverages will be focused at those beverages that are specially devoured by hurtful and subordinate consumers.»


Additional enhancements are planned by the end of 2012 addressing borrower eligibility, simplifying documentation, valuing property, payments to subordinate lien holders, and mortgage insurance.


A perception that the gallery occupies a subordinate position to its precocious offspring, Tate Modern, also doesn’t help.


In the last six years, financial institutions have been issuing preferred shares as subordinate capital to meet the international capital standards.


There are more subordinate clauses and passives can be found in academic writing, than in the other types of writing.


An officer can’t discharge a subordinate any more than the president can fire a judge.


He makes an off-color entrance — in his bedroom, greeting a female subordinate (Lily James) with a carelessly secured bathrobe.


A CLO is a trust typically collateralized by a pool of loans, which may include, among others, domestic and non-U.S. senior secured loans, senior unsecured loans, and subordinate corporate loans, including loans that may be rated below investment grade or equivalent unrated loans.


CEO Brian Dunn resigned after an ethics probe into an alleged relationship with a female subordinate.


: We call this a dom-sub swap, because when the dominant person uses it, they are enrolling the subordinate person and asking them to rise up and swap roles.


Assigned duties to subordinate receptionist on different floors of the office.


Organized and directed through subordinate managers and supervisors the work of staff engaged in central administrative functions in a large department and agency including fiscal claiming, facilities management, quality control, purchasing, information system, decentralized personnel and record keeping and clerical support.


Between January 2009 and December 2011, they recorded 939 within-pair copulations (occurring between a dominant male and one of his females) and 93 extra-pair copulations (between a subordinate male and a female).


(Note: Patriarchalists often argue that the reference to woman being created as man’s «helper» in Genesis reflects her subordinate status.


LO: To understand and use subordinate clauses LO: To understand and implement the processes behind mathematical word problems LO: To use adventurous vocabulary to describe characters In each pack, there’s a TA deployment sheet, an extensive plan, a lesson prompt, a powerpoint and all the differentiated resources provided.


Sentence with word subordinate. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use subordinate in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for subordinate.

  • Melody enters in measure one with subordinate accompaniment. (3)
  • Not even in a trifle would she consent to be subordinate to authority. (10)
  • The captain was now standing at the side of his subordinate and friend. (1)
  • Wearying at last, even of this subordinate part, I fell into a kind of half doze. (6)
  • But there was more; there was a remarkable fulness, if only he could subordinate it to narrative. (10)
  • In the earlier periods, the accompaniments were subordinate, the interest was centred in the voices. (3)
  • Such is the nature of youth and its thirst for romance, that only to act as a subordinate is pleasant. (10)
  • She was completely satisfied by her conviction that his wife would respect and must be subordinate to him. (10)
  • His subordinate helped him to the instrument, and possibly to the plot, but Edbury was the capital offender. (10)
  • Each subordinate must be so drilled and fitted to his place as to become in a sense the replica of his chief. (16)
  • Each island has a Subordinate Council for the management of local affairs and a Head Chief charged with execution of the laws. (7)
  • Fortunate is the subordinate who has an employer so situated, for in such an office can be done the best thinking and the clearest writing. (16)
  • In this case the horizontal line represents the only distinct melody, and the perpendicular lines the subordinate or harmonic support or accompaniment. (3)

Also see sentences for: dependent, deputy, expose, helper, inferior, less, lower.

Glad you visited this page with a sentence for subordinate. Now that you’ve seen how to use subordinate in a sentence hope you might explore the rest of this educational reference site to see many other example sentences which provide word usage information.

1. What is a Subordinate Clause?

A subordinate clause or dependent clause is a clause that can’t exist as a sentence on its own. Like all clauses, it has a subject and a predicate, but it doesn’t share a complete thought. A subordinate clause only gives extra information and is “dependent” on other words to make a full sentence.

2. Examples of Subordinate Clauses

A subordinate clause makes a sentence more detailed. Here are some examples:

  • After the dog ran This clause answers the question “when?”
  • Because he ate popcorn This clause answers the question “why?”
  • Whoever is watching the dog This clause represents a person
  • The dog that eats popcorn This clause answers the question “which dog?”

3. Parts of Subordinate Clauses

Subordinate clauses are introduced by subordinate conjunctions and relative pronouns.

a. Subordinate conjunctions

Subordinate conjunctions help the transition between two parts of a sentence with words expressing things like place and time.

Here are some of the most common subordinate conjunctions:

  • After
  • As
  • As long as
  • Although
  • Because
  • Before
  • Even if
  • Even though
  • If
  • Now
  • Now that
  • Once
  • Since
  • Than
  • Though
  • Unless
  • Until
  • When
  • Whenever
  • Whereas
  • Wherever
  • Whether
  • While
  • Whoever

b. Relative pronouns

Relative pronouns are words like which, whichever, whatever, that, who, whoever, and whose. They introduce a dependent clause. They are called “relative” because they are related to the topic of the sentence. For example, “the person who” or “whoever eats;” or “the house that” or “whichever house.”

4. Types of Subordinate Clauses

A subordinate clause can work as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb in a sentence. So, there are three types of dependent clauses: noun clauses, adjective clauses, and adverb clauses. Remember, none of them can be complete sentences on their own!

a. Noun Clause

A noun clause is a group of words that acts as a noun in a sentence. They begin with relative pronouns like “how,” “which,” “who,” or “what,” combined with a subject and predicate. For example:

The dog can eat what he wants.

Here, “what he wants” stands as a noun for what the dog can eat. It’s a noun clause because it has a subject (he) and a predicate (wants). Here’s another:

Whoever gave the dog popcorn is in trouble!

“Whoever gave the dog popcorn” is the noun in the sentence, meaning the person who gave the dog popcorn.

To be sure of the noun clause in a sentence, you can switch it with a single noun and the sentence will still make sense, like this:

The dog can eat popcorn.

Sally is in trouble!

b. Adjective Clause

An adjective is a descriptive word. Adjective clauses are groups of words that act as an adjective in a sentence. They have a pronoun (who, that, which) or an adverb (what, where, why) and a verb; or, a pronoun or an adverb that serves as subject and a verb. They should answer questions like “what kind?” or “which one?” and follow one of two patterns: Pronoun/adverb + subject + verb, or pronoun/adverb as subject + verb.

For example:

Whichever flavor of popcorn you have

Whichever (pronoun) + flavor (subject) + have (verb) is an adjective clause that describes the popcorn. As you can see, it’s not a full sentence.

The dog is the one who ate the popcorn.

“Who” (pronoun acting as subject) + “ate” (verb) is an adjective clause that describes the dog.

c. Adverb clause

An adverb clause is a group of words that work as an adverb in a sentence, answering questions asking “where?”, “when,” “how?” and “why?” They begin with a subordinate conjuction.

The dog ran until he got to the county fair.

This sentence answers the question “how long did the dog run?” with the adverb clause “until he got to the county fair.”

After the dog arrived he ate popcorn.

With the adverb clause “after the dog arrived,” this sentence answers, “when did the dog eat popcorn?”

5. How to Write a Subordinate Clause and Avoid Mistakes

As you’re learning how to write a subordinate clause, it’s important to review the things that it always needs:

  • A subject
  • A verb
  • A subordinate conjunction or relative adverb

A subordinate clause can be at the beginning of a sentence or the end of a sentence, so long as it is paired with an independent clause. That’s because, as mentioned, it only adds extra details to sentence. So, start with an independent clause:

The dog ate.

Next, add some extra details—remember: we need to include another subject and verb to make a subordinate clause.

The dog ate whatever he wanted to.

This full sentence uses the noun clause “whatever he wanted to.” It begins with a subordinate conjunction, followed by a subject (he) and a verb (wanted). It needs the first part of the sentence to be complete.

To avoid mistakes with subordinate clauses, always remember: a subordinate clause is never a full sentence on its own. Therefore, the most common mistake you can make is a fragment sentence (an incomplete sentence). That’s because a subordinate clause doesn’t express a complete thought. For example:

Whoever gave the dog popcorn. This is a fragment sentence.

Though it has a subject (whoever) and a verb (gave), it isn’t complete. It doesn’t express a whole thought, and leaves the question, “what happened to whoever gave the dog popcorn?” So, we need to add information:

Whoever gave the dog popcorn is in trouble! This is a complete sentence.

подчиненный, подчиненный, подчинять


- зависимый, подчинённый

subordinate position — зависимое положение
to be in a subordinate situation — быть в зависимом положении
subordinate body — подчинённый орган

- второстепенный

subordinate interests — второстепенные интересы
subordinate crop — с.-х. подсевная культура
he plays a subordinate part — он играет второстепенную роль
pleasure should be subordinate to duty — на первом месте стоит долг, а потом

- придаточный

subordinate clause — придаточное предложение

- подчинительный

subordinate conjunctions — подчинительные союзы

- спец. расположенный ниже


- подчинённый


- подчинять, ставить в зависимость

to subordinate passions to reason — подчинять страсти рассудку
to subordinate one’s own interests to the public good — подчинить личные интересы общественным

Мои примеры


subordinate officials — подчиненные должностные лица  
subordinate appointment — подчиненная должность  
conjunctionless subordinate clause — бессоюзное придаточное предложение  
paratactic subordinate clause — бессоюзное придаточное предложение  
subordinate employee — подчинённый сотрудник  
subordinate interest — второстепенный интерес  
subordinate issue — вспомогательный заём  
subordinate layer — ярус подчинённый; подчинённый ярус  
subordinate loan capital — вспомогательный ссудный капитал; вспомогательный заёмный капитал  
subordinate organizational unit — подчинённая организационная единица  

Примеры с переводом

Women were subordinate to men.

Женщины были зависимы от мужчин.

He plays a subordinate part.

Он играет второстепенную роль.

They had to subordinate their own needs to the needs of the group.

Им пришлось подчинить свои интересы интересам коллектива.

In painting colour is subordinate to form.

В живописи цвет подчиняется форме.

All other considerations had to be subordinated to the needs of the family.

Все прочие соображения должны быть подчинены нуждам семьи.

The individual’s needs are subordinate to those of the group.

Потребности группы важнее потребностей отдельных людей.

Stultz relinquished control to his subordinate.

Штульц отказался от контроля в пользу своего подчинённого.

ещё 6 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Why subordinate your wishes to those of your family?

Our wishes have to be subordinated to that of our ruler

…subordinates do most of the actual creation of the famous designer’s clothing designs…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): subordinate
мн. ч.(plural): subordinates

Subordinate clause в английском языке помогает более понятней и грамотней передавать основную мысль в речи. Придаточные предложения, как и в русском языке делятся на несколько типов, но это не имеет особого значения (пустая теория). Чаще всего их используют, чтобы образовать косвенную речь. Основными же союзами в придаточных предложениях являются «that» (что, чтобы), «because» (потому что), «as» (как, так как), «if, whether» (если, ли) «after» (после того (как)), «before» (перед тем (как)) и и ещё несколько.

Важно. После союзов придаточных предложений, должен идти глагол в прошедшем времени или to be

Вот несколько примеров Subordinate clause:

I know that I bought the car  in Germany
Я знаю, что я купил эту машину в германии

You like him, because he is a good guy
Тебе нравится он, потому что он хороший парень

We went out as they were interfered
Мы вышли, поскольку они нам мешали

I’ll hit you if you come
Я тебе вмажу, если придёшь :)

I don’t know whether he smokes
Я не знаю курит ли он

Важно. Союзы If и whether это одно и то же, но только whether можно сразу поставить перед инфинитивом, а if — нельзя (напомню, что инфинитивом может быть, например «to buy»). Например:

I don’t know whether to buy it or not
Я не знаю стоит ли покупать это или нет

I don’t know if I want to buy it or not
Я не знаю, хочется ли мне покупать это или нет

  • Также образуют более сложные придаточные предложения, используя вопросительные слова: «whoever» (кто бы ни),  «wherever» (где бы ни), «whatever» (что бы ни), «however» (как бы ни), и так далее.

Wherever  you  go,  I’ll follow you
Куда бы ты ни пошёл,я последую за тобой

Whatever  you  do,  I’ll  love you
Что бы ты ни делал, я всё равно буду любить тебя

На этом хватит, особо не запоминайте. Эта статья для того, чтобы Вы знали, что такое Subordinate clause и не пугались этих слов.

И если вдруг нужны будут союзы со словами, которые используются для образования придаточных, то смотрите таблицу ниже.

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