Sentence with word sub

Synonym: Cuban sandwich, Italian sandwich, U-boat, bomber, grinder, hero, hero sandwich, hoagie, hoagy, pigboat, poor boy, sub, submarine sandwich, torpedo, undersea, wedge, zep. Similar words: marine, primarily, staring, bearings, bear in mind, doctrine, domineering, engineering. Meaning: [‚sʌbmə’rɪːn]  n. 1. a submersible warship usually armed with torpedoes 2. a large sandwich made of a long crusty roll split lengthwise and filled with meats and cheese (and tomato and onion and lettuce and condiments); different names are used in different sections of the United States. v. 1. move forward or under in a sliding motion 2. throw with an underhand motion 3. bring down with a blow to the legs 4. control a submarine 5. attack by submarine. adj. beneath the surface of the sea. 

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1. The submarine submerged to avoid enemy ships.

2. The submarine submerged when enemy planes were sighted.

3. The submarine is driven by nuclear power.

4. The submarine can submerge very quickly.

5. A new submarine cable was laid from England to Netherlands.

6. It’s a huge submarine.

7. The submarine is impossible to detect on radar.

8. The submarine returned to its home base in Vancouver.

9. The submarine surfaced a few miles off the coast.

10. The submarine signaled for help.

11. All employees at the submarine base require security clearance.

12. The submarine had strayed into Russian waters.

13. The submarine sailed deep under the ice cap.

14. The submarine rose to the surface.

15. They saw a German submarine resurfacing near their warship.

16. The captain brought the submarine to the surface.

16. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!

17. The submarine dived to avoid being seen.

18. The submarine bottomed to observe the ocean floor.

19. I ordered the submarine to snorkel.

20. The submarine began to dive.

21. The submarine is invulnerable to attack while at sea.

22. The submarine at last emerged.

23. The submarine dove quickly as the destroyer searched for it.

24. In contrast with its surface fleet(, Britain’s submarine force was relatively small.

25. The submarine had had time to submerge before the warship could approach.

26. He detected a ship moving down the starboard side of the submarine.

27. A spokesman for the dockyard said they hoped to launch the first submarine within two years.

28. Inspectors discovered microscopic cracks in the hull of the submarine.

29. The President has agreed to allocate further funds to develop the new submarine.

30. We were trying to plot the course of the submarine.

More similar words: marine, primarily, staring, bearings, bear in mind, doctrine, domineering, engineering, at regular intervals, submit, submissively, mark, march, mark off, martyr, mark out, market, marred, margin, maroon, mark up, markup, marble, marker, remark, arid, landmark, summary, primary, married. 

A submarine (or simply sub) is a watercraft capable of independent operation underwater. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

From December through May, you may enjoy whale watching during the ship-to-shore journey to the Maui submarine, as humpback whales make their annual migration through the warm Pacific waters.


What do you see all around those submarines?


From Berchtesgarden to Sao Paulo by way of monastery and submarine!


Kirby can also turn into a submarine when he falls in water or turn into an umbrella when falling from high platforms.


The new cars include Triton, a futuristic ocean submarine, and Proteus which is a more scientific aquatic vessel.


Three companies are in the running to build the second submarine telecommunications cable connecting Western Australia with international networks.


It could take an hour and a half for a Transit satellite to saunter above the horizon and then another 10 or 15 minutes to fix the submarine‘s position.


The most famous submarine volcanoes are those that lead to the formation of new islands, such as the eruption of Surtsey in Iceland in the 1960s.


You want the submarine to go underwater for a period where it looks like there might be problems.


in the form of pizza, pasta, doughnuts, submarine sandwiches and candy bars.


I’m a 22 year old man severing in the US NAVY as a missile tech for the submarine fleet.


I loved how the airplane could transform into a fighter submarine when it goes underwater.


The navy blue and orange striped label, based on a French Naval signal flag, is adorned with engineering details from original submarine designs.


As a result, there were a lot of sinkings by German submarines within sight of the east coast of the US.


The log book in the exhibit case tells its history and lists the submarines on which it traveled.


Shortly after, a white Lexus RX450h equipped with enough sensors, cameras, and radars to power a nuclear submarine was spotted exiting an Apple facility.


It highlights that nowadays, submarine telecommunication cables that traverse oceans transmit the global Internet, but are deaf, dumb and blind to their ocean environment around them.


You almost feel as though you are under water, perhaps in a submarine, looking at the fish through an illuminated porthole.


Nelson, who developed leadership skills as a Navy submarine officer and has a track record of starting and building successful businesses, suggests there are five essential traits that every entrepreneur needs to improve the odds of business success:


Was this «decay rate» offset in the past by slightly higher animal respiration than plant photosynthesis, plus unknown CO2 emissions from submarine volcanoes and fissures in Earth’s crust?


He was in submarine that was literally called «The Widowmaker» in 2002’s K-19: The Widowmaker and — surprise!


Understood, this reference was included, along with the other citation from 1838, as a comparative reference of submarine volcanoes and their effect on the Ocean surface.


While on the campaign trail, Trump talked about a Navy man who was sentenced to federal prison for taking photographs inside a nuclear attack submarine.


The Arctic has been used for decades by submarines doing their cold war best to know everything they might possibly need to survive and outlive their opponents.


Along the Washington and California coasts, submarine canyons transect the shelf and the slope, but along Oregon, canyons are absent.


An authentic Cuban sandwich contains sliced ham, roast pork, cheese, and dill pickle between Cuban bread, much like a submarine sandwich.


Scientists captured a dramatic submarine iceberg calving at the grounded end of the Columbia Glacier on June 17, 2005.


Japan’s ally Germany lost 10 submarines and four auxiliary cruisers (Thor, Michel, Pinguin, and Kormoran) in the Indian and Pacific oceans.


I wore this dress for the 2014 submarine ball with my fiancé.


«There are many isolated island and submarine volcanoes in Japan, where our system could be a powerful tool for remote monitoring,» she says.


American has also shipped 150 boards to Vietnam and it has even installed a retractable board on a torpedo rack on the nuclear-powered submarine U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt.


As we descended below the surface, an 8-Ball our only physical memento, we realised that the cinemas we had visited during the day might no longer exist, that our submarine had not descended but that the water level had risen, flooding the island and its cinemas so that celluloid and other projection paraphernalia is carried around the streets by the flow, wrapping itself entangled on lamp posts, car wheels, blocking drains and choking birds and small children.


Visions of War Above and Below A survey of war art in the age of flight and submarines, from surrealist aeroplanes to bombing raids and war under the sea, this exhibition captures the perceptual extremes of modern conflict.


A similar case to EuropaCorp’s «Kursk,» the true story of a Russian submarine that sank in the Barents Sea in 2000 and killed everyone on board; though Putin had a significant role in the events, appears in the source material of Robert Moore’s best-seller «A Time to Die,» and even featured in early versions of the screenplay, he’s nowhere to be found in the finished film.


Ted Savas of Savas Beatie edited and published several books on the German submarine, the U-505, which is featured in this story, so I approached him initially.


If fresh submarine groundwater discharge approaches just 7 % of the total SGD, it would not only balance current groundwater recharge, but would steadily raise sea level by an additional 2 mm/year, even if there was no ocean warming and no melting glaciers.


Below takes place on a damaged World War II submarine close to the English shore, but heading home to America.


Two tiny robots not much bigger than a breadbox, named Jake and Elwood, motor their way through doors and windows like no submarine could.


S.C.S. — Dangerous Waters allows you control of over 10 of the world’s most potent naval units out of a total of more than 270 civilian and military surface, submarine and air units included in the game.


Do you think submarine parenting is the most ideal parenting method?


The new bomb would replace the W-88 warhead that currently sits atop missiles in U.S. submarines.


This year, hosts Sharon Nelson and Jim Calloway talk about a wide range of products, from doorbells to submarines, to help you brainstorm gift ideas for everyone on your list.


: Once you have the submarine, you can explore the ocean depths.


The navy was interested in detecting noise from enemy vessels and in the prevention of noise generation in our own ships and submarines.


I’ve designed games for fun since the 1970’s, but didn’t turn pro until 1995 when I was hired as the lead engineer on Tom Clancy’s SSN, a submarine simulator.


Independent American military analysts see the increased Russian submarine patrols as a legitimate challenge to the United States and NATO.


The average decrease was likely between 1.3 m and 2.3 m. High confidence in this assessment is based on observations from multiple sources: submarine, electromagnetic probes and satellite altimetry; and is consistent with the decline in multi-year and perennial ice extent.


Shadow Defence Secretary Emily Thornberry came under fire from pro-Trident colleagues last night when she suggested new technologies could make the submarine system obsolete like Spitfire planes.


Does that mean that I can not ask for my submarine sandwich to be toasted at the Country Fair?


Briefly: Black Sea — A small submarine must face off against Jude Law’s giant head in this new poster for Kevin Macdonald «s upcoming thriller.


Definition of Subduction

when one of the Earth’s tectonic plates passes beneath the edge of another plate and into the mantle

Examples of Subduction in a sentence

Subduction can be easily demonstrated by sliding one book underneath another.


During subduction the plate that goes into the mantle pushes the plate it passes under towards the surface.


The subduction of tectonic plates can cause earthquakes and tsunamis because it affects a large part of the Earth’s crust.


There are places in Earth’s crust called subduction zones where tectonic plates often pass underneath one another.


Subduction destroys the part of the plate that goes into the mantle, but it is alright since it is replaced by other processes later.


Other words in the Science category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

1. Complete the text with the prefixes below.

ex      micro      multi      over      sub      under

COLLEGE drop-out

James Cameron is one of Hollywood’s most successful directors. His 1………………………-award winning films include The Terminator, Titanic and Avatar. When he isn’t directing, he works as a scientist and explores the deepest parts of the ocean in a 2………………………marine. But he 3………………………achieved as a physics student, leaving university without a degree. After working as a lorry driver, he then worked in special effects before becoming a director. Some 4………………………-colleagues describe him as a difficult person to work with. However, others say that he is just a perfectionist who tries to 5………………………manage every aspect of his films and sometimes 6………………………reacts when things go wrong.


1 multi-award   2 submarine   3 underachieved

4 ex-colleagues   5 micromanage   6 overreacts

2. Complete the sentences with the prefixes below.

co      mini      mis      multi      over      post      re      semi

 My day is …………-retired – he still works two or three mornings a week.

 The company lost millions because of …………management at the highest level.

 Six of my …………-workers have lost their jobs in the past year.

 My last proper holiday from work was four years ago, although I’ve had a few …………-breaks.

 If we can’t find the right person for the job, we’ll just have to …………-advertise.

 She finished her university degree and then did a …………graduate qualification.

 She never stops for lunch: she just drinks coffee and takes …………vitamin pills!

 I don’t want to sound …………confident, but I’m sure I’ll be good at this job.


1 semi-retired   2 mismanagement   3 co-workers

4 mini-breaks   5 re-advertise   6 postgraduate

7 multivitamin   8 overconfident

3. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use one word only, beginning with a prefix from exercise 1 or 2.

 You cooked this meat for too long.

      You overcooked this meat.

 Our team did not perform well enough last season.

     Our team …………………………………….. last season.

 I met a former school friend in a café in town.

     I met an …………………………………….. in a café in town.

 She’s an expert in history after World War II.

     She’s an expert in …………………………………….. history.

 I’m sorry, I typed your name incorrectly.

     I’m sorry, I …………………………………….. your name.

 They bought the house, but sold it again a year later.

      They bought the house, but …………………………………….. it a year later.

 Ben Stiller wrote Zoolander with two other writers.

      Ben Stiller and two other writers …………………………………….. Zoolander.


2 underperformed   3 ex-girlfriend   4 post-war

5 mistyped   6 resold   7 co-wrote


You can use mind maps for groups of words that are connected. Mind maps are particularly useful for people who have a visual memory.

4. Read the Vocab boost! box. Add these words and phrases to the mind-map for jobs

answer the phone      badly-paid      gardener      hairdresser

lorry driver      paramedic      programmer      receptionist

repetitive      serve customers      tiring      well-paid


indoors: programmer, hairdresser, receptionist

activities: serve customers, answer the phone

outdoors: gardener, paramedic, lorry driver

describing: badly-paid, repetitive, tiring, well-paid

5. What are the sentences about? Add a prefix to the words in bold to make one word with the same meaning as the sentence.

 He was her husband, but now he isn’t. …………………………..

 We are workers in the same company. …………………………..

 We took a small bus to the hotel. …………………………..

 There is an extremely small processor in your phone. …………………………..

 I hope they don’t interpret what I say in the wrong way. …………………………..

 He is a great performer. He’s talented in many ways. …………………………..

 We need to do this again – it isn’t right. …………………………..

 Don’t work too much! …………………………..


1 ex-husband   2 coworkers   3 mini-bus

4 microprocessor   5 misinterpret   6 multitalented

7 redo   8 overwork

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

предложение с

предложение со

приговор с

предложении с

приговора с

наказания с

приговоров с

предложении на

фразе с

приговору с

казнь с

фразу с

заключению с

предложения с

Note that the comment in this case is itself a complete sentence with subject, verb, and object.

Обратите внимание на то, что комментарий в этом случае — самостоятельно полное предложение с предметом, глаголом и объектом.

Don’t start a sentence with «but».

He just started every sentence with the word atomic or nuclear and gave the phone to fill in the rest.

Он просто начинал каждое предложение со слова «атомный» или «ядерный» и давал телефону заполнить остальное.

He simply began each sentence with «atomic» or «nuclear» and let his phone fill in the rest.

Он просто начинал каждое предложение со слова «атомный» или «ядерный» и давал телефону заполнить остальное.

A death sentence with a stay of execution may be decided or approved by a higher people’s court.

Смертный приговор с отсроченным приведением в исполнение может выноситься или утверждаться вышестоящим народным судом .

After all, to know exactly why and when you die — like a death sentence with a delay in the performance…

Ведь знать точно, отчего и когда ты умрешь — словно получить смертный приговор с отсрочкой в исполнении…

Don’t start a sentence with «but».

Make a sentence with each of these words.

If I want to start a sentence with a full stop, I will.

Если я захочу начать предложение с точки — я сделаю это.

I like skateboarding, supporting my sister, and punctuating every third sentence with a high five.

Я люблю кататься на скейтборде, поддерживаю свою сестру и перемежаю каждое предложение с «дай пять».

When writing, mistakes can be made in the simplest rules, for example, a child begins a sentence with a lowercase letter.

При письме возможно допущение ошибок в простейших правилах, например, ребенок начинает предложение со строчной буквы.

1st indent: former, 1st sentence with modifications

Первый абзац: бывший пункт, первое предложение с изменениями.

When a student gives a correct answer, the teacher repeats the whole sentence with correct pronunciation.

Когда изучающий язык даёт правильный ответ, преподаватель повторяет всё предложение с правильным произношением.

I made up a sentence with the word that I had just learned.

Я составил предложение со словом, которое только что выучил.

Almost all permutations would generate a meaningful sentence with a slight shift in emphasis, but without requiring a change in intonation or stress.

Почти все перестановки генерируют осмысленное предложение с небольшим изменением акцента, но не требуют изменения интонации или ударения.

Translate a sentence with the key word in it.

So how are you going to finish the sentence with your but ? But.

И как вы собираетесь закончить предложение с вашим но ? …

Compare your sentence with the one on the blackboard.

The other alternative of starting every sentence with «Therefore,…» is also stilted and, eventually, boring.

Другой вариант-начинать каждое предложение С «поэтому…» тоже высокопарным и, в конце концов, скучно.

Insert a period after C, delete whereas and begin new sentence with the word Domestic.

Поставить точку после С, убрать «если» и начать новое предложение со слова «Внутреннее».

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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