Sentence with word stick

Synonym: adhere, attach, cling, continue, fasten, keep on, penetrate, perforate, persevere, pierce, puncture, stab. Antonym: part. Similar words: stick to, stick out, stick it out, chopstick, tick, rustic, justice, plastic. Meaning: [stɪk]  n. 1. an implement consisting of a length of wood 2. a small thin branch of a tree 3. a lever used by a pilot to control the ailerons and elevators of an airplane 4. a rectangular quarter pound block of butter or margarine 5. informal terms of the leg 6. a long implement (usually made of wood) that is shaped so that hockey or polo players can hit a puck or ball 7. a long thin implement resembling a length of wood 8. marijuana leaves rolled into a cigarette for smoking 9. threat of a penalty. v. 1. fix, force, or implant 2. stay put (in a certain place) 3. cause to protrude or as if to protrude 4. stick to firmly 5. be or become fixed 6. endure 7. be a devoted follower or supporter 8. be loyal to 9. cover and decorate with objects that pierce the surface 10. fasten with an adhesive material like glue 11. fasten with or as with pins or nails 12. fasten into place by fixing an end or point into something 13. pierce with a thrust using a pointed instrument 14. pierce or penetrate or puncture with something pointed 15. come or be in close contact with; stick or hold together and resist separation 16. saddle with something disagreeable or disadvantageous 17. be a mystery or bewildering to. 

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1) Every stick has two ends.

2) Speak softly and carry a big stick

3) Let the cobbler stick to his last. 

4) The cobbler must stick to his last. 

5) The dog that has been beaten with a stick is afraid of its shadow. 

6) The old man cannot walk without a stick.

7) That stick has a metal tip.

8) Stick the pieces on with tile cement.

9) Can’t you stick up for yourself sometimes?

10) He snapped the stick in two.

11) He looks old and walks with a stick.

12) The dog caught the stick in its mouth.

13) He cut a stout stick to help him walk.

14) Could you stick to the point,[] please?

15) Don’t whittle the stick into a short one.

16) The farmer cut at the snake with a stick.

17) He kept whacking the dog with a stick.

18) He poked at the frog with a stick.

19) Honeysuckle will entwine round the stick as it grows.

20) Stick reflective tape on your school bag.

21) What’s wrong with this stamp?It won’t stick.

22) He laid about with a stick.

23) Dust could stick to the clothing easily.

24) Paul’s ears stick out a bit,( don’t they.

25) Benedict pointed downwards again with his stick.

26) Just stick it down anywhere you like.

27) They saw him beating his dog with a stick.

28) He struck me with a stick.

29) He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find a stick

30) He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find his stick

More similar words: stick to, stick out, stick it out, chopstick, tick, rustic, justice, plastic, eristic, domestic, majestic, artistic, sadistic, bombastic, acoustics, fantastic, realistic, do justice, optimistic, altruistic, statistics, linguistic, polytheistic, gesticulate, ritualistic, euphemistic, statistical, domesticated, sophisticated, enthusiastic. 

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


I’d happily stick stick a hat pin on her, or something like that.

Я сама с удовольствием воткнула бы ей шляпную булавку.

She is confident that this time her recovery will stick.

Будем надеяться, что на этот раз его реставрацию доведут до конца.

Edgar said he has a big stick.

Тора говорит, что у него очень большая пасть.

You can stick them on any visible product you want.

Вы можете прикрепить их на любой видимый продукт, который вы хотите.

I stick up for the albums nobody likes.

Я привык, что альбомы, которые мы делаем, никому не нравятся.

Then you will grab a shorter stick.

А в последующем они будут заделывать асфальтом более мелкие углубления.

Even so, every stick has its place.

Но несмотря на это, каждая веточка на своем месте.

All I had was a wooden chew stick.

А все, что было у меня — деревянная жевательная палочка.

They’ll never make anything stick.

Они никогда не смогут ни за что зацепиться.

But you better get out before you stick.

Но тебе лучше убраться, до того как тебя пришьют.

I can’t guarantee it’ll stick.

Я не гарантирую, что буду готов в следующий раз.

I’ll just stick this in your apology card drawer.

Я просто положу это в ящик с твоими «извиняльными открытками»…

You can stick our vinyl sticker everywhere you want.

Вы можете вставить наши виниловые наклейки везде, где вы хотите.

More than enough to make this stick.

А моих доказательств более чем достаточно, чтобы ее подтвердить.

Long enough to hide my memory stick.

Но достаточно для того, чтобы спрятать свою флешку.

She just took my favorite stick.

Она просто взяла и забрала мою любимую вещь.

Or maybe you have a stick up your prefrontal cortex.

Или, может быть, тебе воткнули палку в твою префронтальную кору.

Could still be using stick guns.

Могли бы всё ещё использовать палки вместо оружия.

You have absolutely no idea where to stick it.

И у вас абсолютно никакой идеи, куда это можно засунуть.

Issan returned crying without his stick.

Иссан вернулся в слезах и без своей палки.

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Grammar Check

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

придерживаться, держаться, приклеивать, палка, палочка, ручка, трость, посох, жезл


- втыкать, вкалывать, вонзать

to stick a spade into the earth — воткнуть лопату в землю
to stick a needle into one’s finger — загнать /всадить/ иголку (себе) в палец
to stick a knife into smb. — вонзить нож в кого-л.
to stick spurs — вонзить шпоры
to stick a nail into the wall — вбить гвоздь в стену
we tested the pie by sticking a fork into the crust — мы попробовали вилкой, готов ли пирог

- (обыкн. in) всовывать, совать, втыкать

to stick a flower in one’s hair [an orchid in one’s buttonhole, a feather in a cap] — воткнуть цветок в волосы [орхидею в петлицу, перо в шляпу]
to stick a hatchet [a revolver] in one’s belt — заткнуть топорик [револьвер] за пояс
to stick one’s forefingers in one’s ears — заткнуть пальцами уши
to stick a pen behind one’s ear — заложить перо за ухо
to stick one’s hands in one’s pockets — сунуть руки в карманы
don’t stick your nose into other people’s business — не суй нос в чужие дела

- наклеивать, приклеивать, прилеплять

to stick a label on one’s luggage [a notice on a wall, a stamp on a letter] — наклеить /налепить/ ярлык на багаж [объявление на стену, марку на конверт]
to stick bills — расклеивать афиши /плакаты/
to stick photographs in an album — наклеивать фотографии в альбом
to stick a picture in a book — вклеивать картинку в книгу
to stick smth. together — склеивать что-л.
the nickname the neighbours stuck on him — прозвище, которое ему дали соседи

- торчать (тж. stick out, stick up)

the pen sticking behind his ear — торчащее у него за ухом перо

- разг. торчать, застревать, оставаться (надолго)

to stick fast — безнадёжно застрять; ≅ ни с места (тж. перен.)
he stuck on the farm while his brothers travelled — он торчал /оставался/ на ферме, пока его братья путешествовали

ещё 34 варианта


- палка, палочка

fencing stick — фехтовальная палка

- трость; стек; посох

umbrella walking stick — зонт-трость
He cut at the hedges with his stick. — Он ударил тростью по ограде.

- палка, клюшка

stick feint [push] — финт [подсечка шайбы] клюшкой (хоккей)

- палочка, брусок, плитка

stick of candy — леденец
stick of chocolate — плитка /плиточка/ шоколада
stick of chalk — палочка мела
stick of butter — пачка масла
incense sticks — ароматические палочки /свечки/

- жезл

white stick — белый жезл (символ некоторых придворных должностей); камергер

ещё 30 вариантов

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

I’ll stick with my decision.

Я не отступлю от своего решения.

She sticks to her principles.

Она придерживается своих принципов.

I’ll try to stick to my text.

Я попытаюсь не отклоняться от темы.

Do you always stick by your promises?

Вы всегда выполняете свои обещания?

I could feel my shirt sticking to my back.

Я чувствовала, как моя рубашка прилипла к спине.

Stick with me and you won’t get lost.

Стой рядом со мной, и ты не потеряешься.

He seized a stick and struck at me.

Он схватил палку и ударил меня.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The door sticks—we will have to plane it

Cut a notch near one end of the stick.

I told them they could stick their job.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

stick about — не уходить, оставаться поблизости, торчать на одном месте
stick around — слоняться поблизости, не уходить
stick down — приклеивать, записывать, класть
stick out — торчать, высовывать, высовываться, маячить
stick together — слипаться, склеиться, слеплять, слепляться, прикреплять друг к другу, сцепить
stick up — торчать, заклеить, выдаваться, ставить торчком

Возможные однокоренные слова

sticker  — наклейка, этикетка, клей, колючка, объявление, афиша, залежавшийся товар, шип
stickful  — полная верстатка
sticky  — липкий, клейкий, липучий, несговорчивый, трудный, затруднительный
unstick  — отклеивать, отдирать, расклеивать, разлеплять, взлететь, отрываться от земли
stickiness  — липкость
sticking  — прилипание, торчащий
restick  — переклеивать
sticks  — захолустье
stickable  — клейкий, липучий

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: stick
he/she/it: sticks
ing ф. (present participle): sticking
2-я ф. (past tense): stuck
3-я ф. (past participle): stuck

ед. ч.(singular): stick
мн. ч.(plural): sticks

Sentences with the word Stick?



  • «The stick does not bend»
  • «he had a cleft chin and strong jaw»; «the infant was born with a double harelip and cleft palate»; «a cleft stick«
  • «lodge a bullet in the table»; «stick your thumb in the crack»
  • «He has high blood pressure and must stick to a low-salt diet»
  • «stick to your principles»; «stick to the diet»
  • «gnarled and knotted hands»; «a knobbed stick«
  • «he menaced the bank manager with a stick«
  • «you stick a bill in the vending machine and the change pops out»
  • «Theodore Roosevelt said `Speak softly but carry a big stick‘» (1858-1919)
  • «speak softly but carry a big stick«; «she spoke quietly to the child»; «the radio was playing softly»
  • «roughen the surfaces so they will stick to each other»
  • «We are staying in Detroit; we are not moving to Cincinnati»; «Stay put in the corner here!»; «stick around and you will learn something!»
  • «he collected dry sticks for a campfire»; «the kid had a candied apple on a stick«
  • «cinnamon sticks»; «a stick of dynamite»
  • «the policy so far is all stick and no carrot»
  • «stick some feathers in the turkey before you serve it»
  • «stick the poster onto the wall»
  • «stick the photo onto the corkboard»
  • «stick the corner of the sheet under the mattress»

How to use stick in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «stick» and check conjugation/comparative form for «stick«. Mastering all the usages of «stick» from sentence examples published by news publications.

The challenge for me has been to try and add movement to stick and move instead of just stick and stick and stick.
One stick has the juice boxes at the ends of the stick (high moment of inertia) and one stick has them taped to the middle of the stick (low moment of inertia).
Home EntertainmentSet-top boxesHome EntertainmentSet-top boxesRoku Streaming Stick+Home EntertainmentSet-top boxesRoku Streaming Stick+Roku Streaming Stick+What is it?
The two streaming stick form factors, the Streaming Stick+ and Streaming Stick+ HE, will both be $59.99 for the time being.
The best selfie stick is the Anker Bluetooth Selfie Stick.
Amazon, Target Dyson cordless stick vacuums are our favorite stick vacuums.
We were walking around my house and I picked up a stick, and I was using it as a walking stick, and I turned around, and she’s got a stick, walking with it as a walking stick!
I hope they will stick with me, and stick with the show.
Stick with reality TV. Stick with hotels and buildings and Trump magazines.
These joined Roku’s Streaming Stick, its competitor to Chromecast and Fire TV Stick.
So far, Moon is all carrot no stick, Pence all stick, no carrot.
Bumgarner swings a mean stick, but it’s still a mean stick for a pitcher.
Trump doesn’t stick with the Republican Party — he knows Republicans will stick with him.
They tend to stick to each other more than they stick to other surfaces.
The YouTube app will be available on certain Amazon devices including Fire TV Stick (2nd Gen), Fire TV Stick 4K, Fire TV Cube, and Fire TV Stick Basic Edition.
READMEOptane memory retails for $44 for a 16GB stick and $77 for a 32GB stick.
The images and words that stick with the reader will really stick with the reader.
He’d jump up suddenly to put one bamboo stick inside another, making a longer stick.
We didn’t have a wooden stick when I was playing, it was wooden stick essentially.
Connor’s shot was stick-checked by Nikita Zaitsev, and the puck bounced onto Scheifele’s stick.
The Pelicans paid Jrue Holiday to stick around so he could help convince Boogie Cousins to stick around so that they can then help convince Anthony Davis to stick around.
Pet Selfie Stick For girls who like dogs more than they like people, the Uhomely Pet Selfie Stick is the selfie stick alternative made specifically for taking pictures with doggos.
Even Dyson’s lowest-tier stick vacuum (the V7) is more powerful than most competing stick vacuums.
And the worst part of being a stick is when I don’t know I’m a stick.
» Turnbull says that Petrus was wielding a stick but «unfortunately it wasn’t a big walking stick.
These are called The Ring Stick Up Cam Wired and Ring Stick Up Cam Battery, respectively.
The company currently offers the Fire TV Stick, Fire TV Stick 4K, and Fire TV Cube.
As anyone who cares about stick shifts knows, not many people care about stick shifts anymore.
Price tags stick to ready-made bicycle wheels the same way they stick to marble Madonnas.
In addition to the Streaming Stick+, Roku still sells a standard Streaming Stick model as well.
Treating a peel-able cheese stick like any other cheese stick, however, is not a crime.
Fire TV Stick 4K, $34.99, available at AmazonCompared to the regular Fire TV Stick, this new streaming stick is better optimized for HD streaming, meaning more vivid colors and crisp image quality.
He proceeded to remove one stick from the pack, and hand that lonely stick back to me.
If using a glue stick, coat the backs of two folded circles and stick the halves together.
It’s also introducing two new weatherproof cameras, the Stick Up Cam and the Stick Up Cam Elite.
You can save £10 on both the regular Fire TV Stick and the Fire TV Stick 4K.
But now, it’s a smarter stick that’s cheaper than the Roku Stick and faster than the Express.
» Fire TV Stick Amazon reviewer art-dog 3 writes:  «Ordered the Amazon Fire Stick from Best Buy.
Roku says the Streaming Stick+ can get four times the wireless range as last year’s streaming stick.
Roku Streaming Stick+, $48.99Anyone who owns a TV will enjoy the gift of a 4K streaming stick.
Broken stick, they tie it with a broken stick in front so obviously some more luck there.
The kit is being sold for $69 and includes a bronzer stick, blush stick, highlighter, and lip balm.
The Roku Streaming Stick, which is most comparable with the regular Fire TV Stick, is $50 by default.
» When asked to «stick» to the Clinton Foundation, Brazile said she had to «stick with what I know.
«Does anyone tell trump to stick to politics, like they tell us to stick to sports?» he wrote.
The Roku Streaming Stick+, Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K, and Google Chromecast Ultra all cost less than $100.
But they do two things: They stick together — historically, I’m not talking now — they stick together like glue.
Despite the new AirTV Mini’s streaming stick form factor, it’s not meant to compete with rival streaming sticks like the low-cost Amazon Fire TV Stick, Roku streaming stick or Chromecast in terms of price.
So stick it right here, stick with us through the hour, you don&apost want to miss a minute.
Fire TV Stick 4K is $24.99 (usually $49.99) Fire TV Stick is $14.99 (usually $39.99) Verge Deals on Twitter
Not only were they waterproof, but the adhesives would stick to it so ink could stick to the skin.
«She walked up on me and said, ‘Stick me, stick me, I want to die anyways,'» the teen testified.
The Fire TV Stick and Roku Stick both ship with the sticks themselves as well as dedicated remote controls.
And the price is the same: $50 for this new stick, the same price as the previous streaming stick.
Flip It, a «4 in 1» stick retailing for $50, isn’t just a stick (that would be so 2014).
Don’t forget to angle it so that you’re keeping the stick and stick-holding arm out of the shot.
How does a contrary New England Democrat stick it to Iowa, when there’s no one to stick it to?
It’s pretty hard to mess up a mozzarella stick — you bread a stick of mozzarella, fry it, and voilà.
Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K, $49.99, available at AmazonYou can’t go wrong with the gift of a streaming stick.
Shop other Dyson stick vacuums on sale: Dyson V7 Motorhead Cordless Stick Vacuum Cleaner — $239 (save 20%) Dyson V8 Animal Cordless Stick Vacuum Cleaner — $5153 (save 13%) Dyson Cyclone V10 Absolute Cordless Stick Vacuum, copper — $429.99 (save 28%) Dyson Cyclone V10 Animal Cordless Stick Vacuum Cleaner — $399.99 (save 27%) Dyson V11 Torque Drive Cordless Vacuum Cleaner, blue — $579.99 (save 17%) Dyson V11 Animal Cordless Vacuum Cleaner, purple — $515 (save 14%)
The Roku Streaming Stick+ is $43, making it $10 more expensive than its counterpart in the Fire TV Stick 4K.
The newest addition is a smaller, thinner Roku stick that will replace the company’s second-generation stick introduced in 2014.
Fire TV Stick 4K for $25 ($2110 off): The Fire Stick 250K is the best of Amazon’s Fire TV devices.
Anker Bluetooth Selfie Stick, $15.99, available at AmazonThey can get the whole group in their photo with this selfie stick.
Police said they located a drawing showing a stick figure labeled «me» pointing a gun at the «dad» stick figure.
With respect to a vertical stick in Syene, a vertical stick in Alexandria would be tilted away by this amount.
TL;DR: Save $20 on the Amazon Fire TV Stick ($19.99) and $25 on the 4K Fire TV Stick ($24.99).
On the game-deciding goal, Bishop lost his stick and tried grabbing the stick of Flyers right winger Wayne Simmonds.
We got to watch her stick-fight with the Waif in the House of Black and White, then stick-fight with the Waif on the streets of Braavos, all while learning a thing or two about stick-fighting.
Cut the cord and stream your TV through a pocket-sized, plug-and-play streaming stick that connects to your TV. The Amazon Fire stick and the Roku streaming stick are widely considered to be the best options.
But in order for these traits to stick over the long haul, these severe winter conditions would also have to stick.
The Connect Wireless Stick accompanies SanDisk’s companion iOS app, which users can access to stream music or movies from the stick.
Of course it’s a stick leg, because this is a stick man, but there’s something very funny and macabre about it.
But there is one, $50-or-less streaming stick that stands out from the rest, and that’s Amazon’s Fire TV Stick.
The «stick» that extends from each earbud appears to be shorter than the stick on the original AirPods, and more angled.
The goalie stick is a shorter version of a stand-up hockey goalie stick, with added picks on the curved blade.
The Compute Stick by no means the first of its kind; the PC-on-a-stick concept is slowly gaining steam.
McDonagh and Klein met them at the blue line, but the puck kicked off McDonagh’s stick, then slid off Klein’s stick.
He fired a shot from the right side that deflected off Larkin’s stick and got past Howard on his stick side.
Carefully stick a bamboo skewer up through the tail lengthwise, forming the tail to save along the stick as you do.
Pour in the tomato juice mixture, stick in the other chili half and a celery stick, and you’re good to go.
«You don’t switch from stick-ups to heists if the stick-ups still get all the money you want,» explained Epstein.
So don’t quarantine your pets, stick face masks on them, or abandon them — just stick to the basics of good hygiene.
Our upgrade pick for the best cordless stick vacuum, the Dyson V2119 Absolute Stick Vacuum, was discounted from $303 to $230.
My favorite lip balm is a cocoa butter stick from the drugstore, the fat one that looks like a glue stick.
If you take a stick of spaghetti and twist it before you bend it, you can break the stick into two.
It didn’t really stick with me, but what did stick with me was this designer’s rendition of the Tokyo Olympics logo.
«This is all stick in order to regulate porn and nobody is thinking about the ramifications of the stick,» he said.
When I tried to use the camera with a selfie stick for snowboarding, it focused on my glove, the stick itself, or me when it was close, then when I’d extend the stick it would be out of focus.
LG also has a decent app store, so even if you don’t have an external streaming stick — such as an Amazon Fire TV Stick or Roku Streaming Stick — you can still access Netflix, Amazon Prime, and other video services.
In Kenya, people continue to stick to the old DVD and memory stick swapping routine, despite the obvious advantages of watching online.
Stick a popsicle stick in the top of 4 granny smith apples and dip them in the melted candy corn to coat.
Intel Compute Stick Review: Don’t Buy ItWho wants a cheap HDMI stick that can turn any TV into a full Windows computer?
Fire TV Stick for 4K TVs for $25 ($25 off): The Fire Stick 4K is the best of Amazon’s Fire TV devices.
We’re seeing more and more of these stick computers, by the way, including one for ChromeOS and of course Intel’s Compute Stick.
The stick itself looks much larger than any standard selfie stick, most likely to make up for the 2-pound Apple laptop.
Fire TV Stick for 4K TVs for $25 ($53 off): The Fire Stick 4K is the best of Amazon’s Fire TV devices.
Less than half did, and excuses for picking up the stick ranged from simply being nosey to, err, needing a USB stick.
Roku Streaming Stick+, $49, available at AmazonAnyone who likes to stream video in 4K on their TV needs a Roku Streaming Stick+.
If retailers are selling Power Stick for a dollar, Horowitz can’t be making much more than a penny or so per stick.
This involved writing a Linux disc image file to a 32 GB USB stick, and plugging that USB stick into the motherboard.
I said, ‘Instead of identifying materials that things stick to, what if we could find a biomaterial to which things don’t stick…?
Amazon’s Fire TV Stick with Alexa and its 4K-ready stick may well be included in sales, as they were last year.
Lockheed Martin, meanwhile, hopes that Ottawa will stick to the precedent of other nations and eventually choose to stick with the Lightning.
If I take a selfie with a selfie stick, I really love having part of the stick be visible — it feels more honest.
«The place where you feel that you stick out the most is the place where you should stick out and stay,» he says.
We felt we had answered the keys with the stick, but then we thought we really had to answer that stick — for real.
If you say walk softly and carry a big stick, to do that you&aposve got to show the stick now and then.
Why do we have two separate penalties for «holding» and «holding the stick«, but slashing and slashing the stick are both just «slashing»?
But we just grinded it out, we use our chances, stick to the system, stick to the plan, and we get the result.
Fire TV Stick 4K with Alexa, available at Amazon, $49.99Turn their TV into a smart TV with the Fire TV media streaming stick.
Pressed Powder Foundation ($22.21)Concealer ($23.71)Lengthening Mascara ($15.48)Eye Liner ($13.84) Lip Stick ($13.53)3-in-1 Color Stick ($15.51)Pros: , Cons:
Roku Streaming Stick+, available at Amazon, $49Roku’s Streaming Stick+ is exceptional for its 4K, HDR, and HD streaming, and long-range wireless receiver.
I like to travel with a Google Chromecast in my bag, although any streaming stick (Wirecutter likes the Roku Streaming Stick) will do.
Devin Shore passed the puck to Silfverberg, who beat Howard on the stick side as his shot deflected off defenseman Patrik Nemeth’s stick.
New Ring Cams The Ring Stick Up Cam got a price drop to $99 as the Ring Stick Up Cam Elite, $199, launches.
Roku Streaming Stick Plus Amazon, Best Buy ($50) The Roku Streaming Stick Plus has 4K and HDR functionality, and it’s nearly half price.
Smart walking stick Another technology that could transform lives is a smart walking stick designed by engineers from Young Guru Academy (YGA) in Turkey.
The Fire TV Stick 4K is Amazon’s most powerful streaming media stick with a new WiFi antenna design optimised for 4K Ultra HD streaming.
The NES30 Arcade Stick, meanwhile, is a new fighting stick with an obvious NES aesthetic but a less obvious rip of any specific hardware.
You take a wooden skewer (uncoated, because you don’t want fumes), and keeping the stick horizontal, light it in the center of the stick.
The Chromecast Ultra, Fire TV Stick 4K and Roku Stick+ all have one major leg up over their cheaper alternatives: 4K and HDR support.
The regular Fire TV Stick retails for $39.99 each, but this deal also applies to the purchase of two Fire TV Stick 4K devices.
Fire TV Stick with Alexa Voice Remote, $34.99With the Amazon Fire TV Stick, you can stream media to any TV with an HDMI input.
However, the N64 control stick can claim to be an essential early precursor in the development of precise, dual stick analog that became standard.
If China brandishes its small stick at the scene of conflict while making known its big stick waits in reserve, it may go far.
The origin of the dusty stick is not the same as the meaning of the dusty stick, and it is the meaning that matters.
Was a software engineer trying to draw an eyeball or a stick figure, or a stick figure surfing on the surface of an eye?
Clé de Peau also launched two new foundations: a stick foundation, teint stick éclat ($95), and a cream foundation, le fond de teint ($250).
If not, consider a streaming service like YouTube TV or Hulu and either an Amazon Fire TV Stick, a Roku stick or a Chromebox.
The Amazon Fire TV Stick was on sale for $24.99 last year, and the Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K was on sale for $34.99.
After the stick-throwing incident, Collins replaced the stick with a small rubber basketball that another senator had jokingly brought, according to the reports.
Anker Selfie Stick, available at Amazon, $25.99 For a friend or relative who loves to take selfies, a selfie stick is a must-gift.
Every band was a gallant band across the broken bridgeand broken ridge after broken ridgewhere you couldn’t beat a stick with a big stick.
Instead of speaking softly and carrying a big stick, the White House is screaming loudly to hide insecurity about the strength of its stick.
According to Amazon, the YouTube app will be available on the following devices: the Fire TV Stick (2nd Gen), Fire TV Stick 4K, Fire TV Cube, and Fire TV Stick Basic Edition, along with Toshiba, Insignia, Element, and Westinghouse Fire TV Edition smart TVs.
Check out the products mentioned in this article:Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K (From $49.99 at Best Buy)How to pair an Amazon Fire Stick remote1.
They can stick this mount to their window, and then stick their phone right to the magnetic mount, even if the phone has a case.
Apple Photos has a more comprehensive set of editing tools available on mobile (if you stick to iOS) and desktop (if you stick to macOS).
He puts a straight stick snapped from a nearby tree through the hole and twists tree bark into twine, which he wraps around the stick.
On a Dallas power play, Faksa appeared to redirect a point shot with a broken stick after his stick was snapped by the initial shot.
«As we look ahead to March 1, I believe that date is going to stick and it’s going to stick around the world,» Massad said.
It featured a stick figure of my future husband with a date, March 1, and two more stick figures with the dates 2015 and 2017.
You may have your flying selfie stick and your «4 in 1» remote-control selfie stick, but everyone knows that nothing can beat Cooper’s arm.
The go-to cliché for motivation is the carrot and the stick, with the carrot being the sweet reward and the stick the thwapping punishment.
The Rita Hazan Root Concealer Touch Up Stick is a water-resistant root touch-up stick that conceals grays and roots along the hairline easily.
If you get into a guy’s midsection with your stick, or anywhere on his hands or high on his stick, they’re going to call it.
Nope – just how most people stick to a fixed monthly rent, I stick to a fixed monthly travel budget that I won’t let myself surpass.
One of the Senators in the negotiations allegedly threw the stick at Susan Collins’ glass elephant, breaking it — but take a look at that stick.
«Knightstick?» is a sound-alike for a police officer’s night stick, but with the extra K, the answer is LANCE, the stick of a knight.
The Neo Geo Arcade Stick Pro is an arcade stick that works as a controller itself but also has 20 SNK fighting games pre-installed.
Here are our top picks for the best streaming boxes and sticks:Best streaming box overall: Roku UltraBest affordable streaming stick: Roku Streaming StickBest streaming box for Apple users: Apple TV 4KBest streaming stick for Google users: Google Chromecast UltraBest streaming stick for Alexa users: Amazon Fire TV Stick 4KBest streaming box for gamers: NVIDIA ShieldUpdated on 11/22/2019 by Lisa Sabatini: Updated prices, links, and formatting.
Button and the other researchers studied what it is about mucus’ chemistry that makes it stick to cells, or adhere, and stick to itself, or cohere.
A Fire TV Stick 214K A must-have for any avid TV watcher, the upgraded Fire TV Stick is ready to make life 2700 times easier.
You really can’t stick it on the nose of your surfboard or use a selfie stick while snowboarding with it and expect to be in frame.
You could give me five shots of espresso, a quarter stick of butter, a quarter stick of coconut oil and other fat, and I’ll drink that.
The Roku Streaming Stick+ is an updated version of the company’s streaming stick that adds 4K and HDR streaming at up to 60 frames per second.
Related: The ‘Stinky Cheese Man’ and Other Enamel Pins That Stick All the Pins You Need to Be Wearing Right Now This Week’s Pins That Stick
The downside to using the tripod and selfie stick is that you’ll need to buy a special Panono tripod adapter ($2360) or the selfie stick ($45).
Add one ice-pop stick to each mold (there should be at least ¼ inch between the top lip of the mold when your stick goes in).
The Roku Streaming Stick offers a great interface and is super easy to use, and the Stick+ even has 4K for a little bit more money.
Fire TV Stick with Alexa Voice Remote, available at Amazon, $39.99If you’re not sure what to buy someone, a streaming stick is usually a safe bet.
Meanwhile, 85033 percent of those households have stick devices for streaming media to TVs or PCs, like the Google Chromecast or the Amazon Fire TV Stick.
«Merely carrying a big stick is, in many cases, as effective a means to having one’s way as actually using the stick,» the WTO ruling said.
Then there’s the Roku Streaming Stick Plus, which now supports HDR and 103K Ultra HD. It also has four times the wireless range of the basic stick, which is partly enabled by the wireless module being built directly into the cable, rather than the stick itself.
Try to blind it or if I had a stick in the ocean, like driftwood, and it opened its jaws like that, I&aposd stick the stick right in the middle so it chomped down and then it couldn&apost bite and then I&aposd swim away.
Amazon’s Fire TV Stick with Alexa Voice Remote (regularly $2119.99) is an easy-to-use and affordable streaming stick that essentially turns any regular TV into a smart TV. This Prime Day, you can find the Fire TV Stick 250K with Alexa for $13(originally $21).
Bissell Multi-reach Cordless Stick Vacuum — A 2-in-1 stick vacuum option from Bissell, the multi-reach cordless vacuum features a slim look similar to that of the Dyson stick vacuums, and a motorized brush roll that can go from hard floors to carpets without issue.
In fact, scientists have understood that for over a decade: When a long and thin object like a stick of spaghetti is broken by bending it in two, the energy of the initial fracture propagates back through the stick, causing the stick to fracture in multiple places.
Dog selfie stick For those who like dogs more than they like people, Pooch Selfie is the selfie stick alternative made specifically for taking pictures with doggos.
In contrast, the Belfie stick—a selfie stick for taking pictures of your butt— has not received the same the level of scorn from the online commentariat.
Maybe in nature, a bird eats a female stick bug, flies away, and poops out the hard eggs, which grow into mature stick bugs elsewhere in Japan.
The Bissell Multi Reach Cordless Stick and Hand Vacuum has the exact same idea as the Dyson stick, but is on sale for $99 at Walmart today.
Stick around to the end to see Atlas resembling humans more than ever when it fails to stick the landing after one of its many backflip attempts.
The motion controllers have a Windows and menu button, a front trigger, a grip button, an analog stick, and even a little trackpad next to the stick.
The Fire TV Stick 39.993K is Amazon’s most powerful streaming media stick and comes with a new WiFi antenna design that’s optimised for 4K Ultra HD streaming.
LAS VEGAS — Intel’s $2159 Atom-powered Compute Stick was a great idea (an entire computer crammed inside of an HDMI stick), but it had real performance issues.
Most people were tested using capillary blood drawn with a heel stick or finger stick and so far data suggests there is no problem with those tests.
If clicking the left analogue stick doesn’t work, keep the opponent guessing by rotating the right stick for smaller ground transitions before attempted the quick stand up.
Most children were tested using capillary blood drawn with a heel stick or finger stick and so far data suggests there is no problem with those tests.
Travis Dermott’s shot ticked off the stick of Tavares and fluttered into the crease, where the puck bounced off the stick of Kapanen and into the net.
That puts it right in line with Google Chromecast ($35) and Amazon’s Streaming Stick (around $40), and is even less expensive than Roku’s own streaming stick ($50).
Some of the best deals include the Fire TV Stick for $14.99, the Fire TV Stick 4K for $24.99, and the third-generation Echo Dot for $22.
The new Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K streams video in 4K straight to your TV.Amazon’s Fire TV Stick 4K comes with 4K Ultra HD and HDR support.
But if you’re using it as a stick to capture that perfect photo on the bridge, is it really all that different from a regular selfie stick?
The currency isn’t going down because the Chinese are trying to stick it to Trump; it’s going down because Trump is trying to stick it to them.
Stick-style streaming media players like the Roku Streaming Stick or Chromecast aren’t much bigger than a thumb and can draw power from your TV’s USB ports.
You can now save up to 38% on the list price of the Echo Show 5, Fire TV Cube, Fire TV Stick, and Fire TV Stick 4K.
Grab a Fire TV Stick for $39.99, Fire TV Stick 4K for $49.99, or Fire TV Recast for $229.99 and get 50% off two months of Philo.
Amazon is not offering any discounts on the Fire TV Stick or Fire TV Stick 4K alone, so buying a bundle is the best way to save.
For girls who like dogs more than they like people, the Uhomely Pet Selfie Stick is the selfie stick alternative made specifically for taking pictures with doggos.
It works with the Fire TV Stick (2nd Gen) with Alexa Voice Remote (2nd Gen), Fire TV Stick (2nd Gen) with Alexa Voice Remote (1st Gen), Fire TV Stick 4K, Fire TV (3rd Gen), Fire TV Cube (1st Gen and 2nd Gen), and any Echo speaker or smart display.
WATTERS: And the caps, it&aposs like — was it Teddy Roosevelt speaks softly, carry a big stick, speaks loudly and carries a big stick, and that&aposs fine.
The circle of lifeGraphic: Kobe UniversityYou’re probably familiar with the stick bug—it’s a bug that’s evolved to look like a stick so other animals won’t notice it.
PBS Kids is releasing an HDMI TV streaming stick that promises to deliver kid friendly content without a Wi-Fi connection, meaning the stick can be taken anywhere.
On the other hand, imagine a camera you stick into a house plant’s pot, or stick to a wall, or set on top of the bookcase, or anything.
At a glance, there’s not much new about the Streaming Stick Plus: it’s basically a repackaging of the older Premiere Plus box into a much smaller stick design.
Again, the top-sellers worldwide continued to be the Echo Dot, Fire TV Stick with Alexa Voice Remote and the Fire TV Stick 4K with Alexa Voice Remote.
The technology meant that the streaming stick didn’t need an additional power cable, because the stick drew power from the TV itself, but not every TV supports MHL.
Pierce a hole through the card or foil and insert the stick into each mould, making sure you leave enough of the stick for people to hold. 7.
Amazon Fire TV Stick — $34.99 (save $5) Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K — $24.99 (save $25 with code 4KFIRETV) Experience your favorite channels in 4K, HDR, and HD streaming.
Fire TV Stick 4K, $49.99Following close behind was the 4K version of the Fire TV Stick, which includes a WiFi antenna design that’s optimized for 4K HD streaming.
To take things up a notch, the phone also comes with a selfie stick meant to pay homage to the anime character’s Moon Stick wand that she carries.
You plug the stick into your TV’s HDMI port, connect the stick to your nearest wall outlet, and then complete the set-up process on your TV screen.
Some Amazon users complained that this cookware isn’t stick-resistant, but many others disagreed and stated that food doesn’t stick when this cookware is preheated and used properly.
People have gotten a stick in the eyeball, a stick in the ass, treed by bears, surrounded by wolves, fallen off cliffs, flipped trucks, or simply left behind.
Perhaps Flip It’s biggest selling point is the fact that it’s «a selfie stick you’re not embarrassed to carry around» since the stick portion folds into the case.
Cook, shaking the pan back and forth constantly to ensure the fish doesn’t stick, for about 1 minute, until you know the skin is free and won’t stick.
I’ve pulled a mozzarella stick apart before myself, and, sure, it’s probably even more fun if that mozzarella stick is, say, one of the giant, internet-famous versions.
Some Amazon users complained that this cookware isn’t stick-resistant, but many others disagreed and said that food doesn’t stick when this cookware is preheated and used properly.
In its controller mode, you can use the Arcade Stick Pro as a regular PC fighting stick or even hook it up to the tiny Neo Geo Mini.
The member who was holding the stick «forcefully delivered» the stick across the room — but it missed its mark and caused damage to a shelf in Collins’ office.
For lunch your correspondent passed on the deep-fried, bacon-wrapped Cheddar on a stick, opting instead for a thick slab of brown-sugar-cured pork belly on a stick, followed immediately by cubes of pork belly not on a stick, an abiding sense of guilt and a greasy notebook.
Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K Fire TV Stick 4K with Alexa Voice for $25 ($303 off): Amazon’s Fire TV stick with support for Alexa will turn any HDTV or 4K TV into a smart TV with support for tons of streaming apps like Prime Video, Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, HBO, and more.
Fire TV Stick with Alexa Voice Remote, $34.99 (originally $39.99) [You save $5]Amazon’s Fire TV Stick with Alexa Voice Remote is an easy-to-use and affordable streaming stick that essentiallyturns any regular TV into a smart TV. You can use it to control your TV, soundbar, and receiver.
Iran’s begun kicking back, on Wednesday threatening to stop complying with elements of the JCPOA, putting pressure on Europe to stick with the deal — and stick up for Iran.
For one, the stick is now powered by a quad-core processor—eight times the processing power of the previous stick, according to Roku chief marketing officer Matthew Anderson.
Other artwork from the same period includes fighters with sticks in each of their hands, revealing that some Egyptian stick-fighting competitions were single-stick and others were double.
Echo and Echo Plus are also already affordable at $69.99 and $149.99, respectively, as are the Fire TV Stick and Fire TV Stick 4K, at $39.99 and $49.99, respectively.
The stick design was revolutionary once: the first Roku Streaming Stick and the original Google Chromecast reset a lot of assumptions about what a media streamer should look like.
«Stick with companies that just reported good numbers stick with some PepsiCo, as we did for our charitable trust … If it goes down tomorrow, I’d buy it, » Cramer said.
Among the slew of devices Amazon announced this morning at its event in Seattle is a new Ring Stick Up Cam – stick up, because it’s designed to go anywhere.
Ryan doubled down on his determination to stick to policy Thursday, and he said the president’s comments on the investigations also came from a desire to stick to legislating.
Which means that Edwards found himself, not long after announcing a dual-stick Virtual Boy controller, announcing a Virtual Boy fighting stick that created an unexpected buzz last month.
A selfie stick for dogs For girls who like dogs more than they like people, Pooch Selfie is the selfie stick alternative made specifically for taking pictures with doggos.
Pushing long pieces in all around it, each of which she scores with a knife and bends upright to form the structure, she builds every basket stick by stick.
«Unlike other stick foundations, teint stick éclat applies easily and feels light, is cool to the touch, and is easily smoothed over the skin, like ice cream,» says Soga.
Roku Streaming Stick Plus for $50 (Amazon, Best Buy): The Roku Streaming Stick Plus is the easiest to use of all the major streaming devices and it looks great.
Hartman poked the puck off the stick of 18-year-old defenseman Ville Heinola to the left of the crease and quickly fired a shot past Hellebuyck’s stick side.
Nov. 16 /// Phoenix, AZ /// Talking Stick Resort Arena
Stick is pretty transparent about his disappointment that Matt favored vigilante justice over fighting The Hand; Matt accuses Stick of only helping other people when he needs something for himself.
Specifically, it will be available to Fire TV Stick 2nd Generation and Fire TV Stick 4K users in the U.S., Canada, U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Spain and India, starting today.
But there’s a reason Google and Amazon quickly moved on to hanging dongle designs: sticks are extremely unwieldy, and the Streaming Stick Plus might be the most unwieldy stick ever.
On the surface, Melbourne’s plan to fight gender bias by replacing the standard male stick figure with a female stick figure sounds like a strange way to fight gender bias.
The stick and the rope were humanity’s first tools, the stick was used to drive off enemies and the rope was used to bind what we wanted closer to us.
By measuring the length of the shadow cast by a stick at noon on the solstice, he could calculate the angle between the Sun and the vertical stick: 7.2 degrees.
Balancing the puck on his stick as he skated toward the goal, he moved the stick to his right hand, cocked his arm back, and flung everything at the net.
«There’s lots of organisms that can stick very readily to your conjunctiva, or for that matter, stick on a contact lens that is also resting on your conjunctiva,» Steinemann said.
Recently, he created a Memento Mori selfie stick add-on that also considers mortality with anamorphic graphics which stretch out along the stick and flatten the image into a skull.
As Shattenkirk understands it, a player can slash at the bottom third of an opponent’s stick, but a slash higher on the stick, closer to the hands, will be penalized.
So if I put a meter stick in the video frame (it’s that horizontal stick next to my hand), I will know both the distance scale and the vertical acceleration.
HA HA HA!!!» along with a stick figure «with the letter ‘X’ for eyes, the tongue sticking out, and with ‘You’ and an arrow pointing at the stick figure face.
I mean emotionally it’s a pretty important part, at least for me and I believe the others too, so we’re going to stick to our guns—stick to our swords!
BoA found that 13% of millennials who have a savings goal stick to it nearly every month, and 73% of millennials who have a budget stick to it nearly every month.
President Trump is still — he&aposs not going to stick to his end of the deal publicly if you&aposre not going to stick to your end of the deal publicly.
Supported devices include all Roku TVs, Roku Ultra, Roku Streaming Stick Plus, Roku Streaming Stick, Roku Express/Express Plus, Roku Premiere Plus, Roku Premiere, Roku 4, Roku 3, and Roku 2.
A mobile phone chip in the USB stick converts this information into an electrical signal, and the stick then feeds the result to an app on a handheld device or computer.
If you want a physical remote and access to as many streaming services as possible, though, you have two choices: the Amazon Fire TV Stick and the new Roku Streaming Stick.
Amazon on Wednesday announced a new Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K, a compact version of its regular Fire TV Stick but with updated support for 4K and UHD content for $49.99.
Amazon’s Fire TV Stick, meanwhile, was discounted $22017 to bring it to $24.99 on Cyber Monday, vastly undercutting its closest rival, the Roku Streaming Stick with voice remote, which is $49.99.
This meant eventually getting rid of all of our mystery non-stick pans, because there are a lot of rumors and conspiracy theories out there about non-stick pans and health.
That&aposs the carrot that he dangles, and then the stick which is what may end up being the case, but you&aposve got to show the carrot before the stick.
I’ve been trying to write that song for two years, but it’s always, you know, ‘Oh, when you stick that spike into your vein, you stick a spike into my heart.
Ring has a few new products on display at CES 2018, including a new version of its Stick Up Cam security camera, and a Stick Up Cam Elite with upgraded features.
After the stick punctured Helena’s stomach, Donnie took her to the hospital where they removed the stick, but need to do another ultrasound after discovering that it punctured the amniotic sac.
I went from legally blind, walking with a stick and prohibited from driving, to getting my driver’s license once again and ceremoniously gifting my now-unnecessary walking stick to U.S. Sen.
Facebook has reportedly approached Netflix, Disney, Hulu, HBO, and Amazon about putting their streaming services on the device, giving it a capability similar to Amazon’s Fire Stick or Roku Streaming Stick.
Fire TV Stick 4K with Alexa Voice Remote, $49.99, available at AmazonAs an owner of a Fire TV Stick myself, I can attest to the convenience of the streaming media player.
Fire TV Stick with Alexa Voice Remote, available on Amazon, $29.99If they’re looking to cut the cost of cable out of their lives, a streaming stick is the way to go.
It’s priced aggressively, too, at $29.99, which makes it a compelling choice for those considering shopping for a stick like Chromecast or Amazon Fire TV Stick, simply because of price point.
I mean, we’re not saying that maybe people should put their phones down and stick to analog crime, but maybe people should put their phones down and stick to analog crime.
He draws a set of stick figures starting with a reporter working on a manual typewriter and ending, 18 stick figures later, with carriers delivering a newspaper to subscribers’ front doors.
Amazon is making it even more affordable right now with Fire TV devices on sale, including the Fire TV Stick, Fire TV Stick 4K, Fire TV Cube, and Fire TV Recast.
Crashing to the net, he took a pass from Brian Gionta that deflected off the blade of Granlund’s stick and off the shaft of Larsson’s stick and into the Minnesota net.
So you stick with it till it … Right, exactly.
Adam & Blakes Bromantic Battles   Stick to the (budget) script.
» Kate, to Meghan: «Us commoners have to stick together.
So, the question now … does the name «Jimmy» stick?
Fire TV Stick with Alexa Voice Remote + Echo Dot.
Her picture policy didn’t stick … someone posted this image.
» My mother said, «You have to stick it out.
A media streaming stick — and access to your Netflix
The travelers — all white — stick out in the crowd.
And don’t forget the stick of butter — salted, please.
We’ll see going forward if the lessons actually stick.   
FireTV Stick and 3 months of FreeTime Unlimited — $24.99
Here are the best streaming sticks and devices you can buy: Best streaming box overall: Roku UltraBest affordable streaming stick: Roku Streaming StickBest streaming box for Apple users: Apple TV 4KBest streaming stick for Google users: Google Chromecast UltraBest streaming stick for Alexa users: Amazon Fire TV Stick 4KBest streaming box for gamers: NVIDIA ShieldThe best Amazon Echo smart speakers and smart displays Amazon’s Echo was the first smart speaker to find its way into millions of people’s homes.
Check out the products mentioned in this article:Amazon Fire TV Stick (From $39.99 at Amazon)Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K (From $49.99 at Amazon)Amazon Fire TV Cube (From $119.99 at Amazon)What you can do with the Amazon Fire TV StickWhat Amazon Fire TV Sticks costHow to set up an Amazon Fire TV Stick
It’s not a smart TV, so keep that in mind if you’re an avid binger — but if you’re a cord cutter with a Fire TV Stick or Roku stick, you’ll be golden.
The all-new Alexa Voice Remote with Fire TV Stick 4K The Fire TV Stick 4K will ship on October 31 and is now available for pre-order from Amazon for $49.99.
«Those are really fast because you literally stick them on the grill, top it how you want, and stick it in the oven for a little bit and you’re done,» she continues.
The brand offers 40 shades of creamy lipstick, lip masks, lip crayons, glitter glosses, and a multi-stick that can be used basically anywhere (though we recommend you stick to the face).
«The real question for China is a nervousness about will they stick to policies they need to stick to, and are they making policy in a way the world understands,» Lew said.
Stick the nozzle in a socket on the dashboard and it heats up like a cigarette lighter; stick it in your helmet and you can squeeze the hot food into your mouth.
Fire TV Stick 4K Bring your friends who don’t have smart TVs into the digital age with a Fire TV Stick that hosts all of their streaming services in one convenient location.
Beauvillier scored 2:59 into the second when his shot sailed past Flames right winger Garnet Hathaway, who tried to deflect the puck with his stick, and under the stick of Smith.
To do an ollie in Session, you first need to look at your feet, because the left analog stick controls your skater’s left foot, and the right stick controls the right foot.
Currently, taxes on popular machine-rolled clove cigarettes range from 370 rupiah to 590 rupiah a stick, while the floor retail prices range from 715 rupiah ($0.0512) to 1,120 rupiah a stick.
The Mashable’s Choice Award-winning Fire TV Stick 4K is a follow-up to Amazon’s bestselling Fire TV Stick that features support for 4K Ultra HD, Dolby Vision, HDR, *and* HDR10+ formatting.
Image: AmazonRing Stick Up CamJoining the Ring line of smart cameras is the new Stick Up Cam, an indoor and outdoor device that features 1080p HD video, motion detection, and night vision.
Fire TV Stick 4K Bring your friends who don’t have smart TVs into the digital age with a Fire TV Stick that hosts all of their streaming services in one convenient location.
Traditionally, first-person shooters and other games in the first-person perspective will have you using the right analog stick to move the camera, and the left analog stick to walk around.
Then there’s the Roku Streaming Stick Plus, which now supports HDR and 210K Ultra HD. It also has four times the wireless range of the basic stick, which is partly enabled by the wireless module being built directly into the cable rather than the stick itself; the idea being that moving it away from the television reduces interference.
You need reasonably fast internet speeds of at least 25 to 50 Mbps to use streaming services, and if your TV is not a smart TV, you need a streaming stick or box like the Roku Streaming Stick, Fire TV, Apple TV, Chromecast, or another streaming stick (You can read all about the best streaming sticks and boxes here).
Here are our top picks for the best streaming sticks and devices:Best streaming box overall: Roku UltraBest budget streaming box: Roku ExpressBest streaming box for Apple users: Apple TV 4KBest streaming stick for Google users: Google Chromecast UltraBest streaming stick for Alexa users: Amazon Fire TV Stick 4KBest streaming box for gamers: NVIDIA Shield TV Pro
You can use iPhones with Windows and Android phones with macOS, but your life is going to be a lot easier if you stick to everything by Apple or stick to the alternatives.
The new 4K Roku Streaming Stick+ will retain the actual stick design, according to the site, which has leaked numerous Roku and Amazon Fire TV announcements ahead of time over the recent years.
Amazon on Thursday announced that the Apple TV app is now available on the Fire TV Stick and Fire TV Stick 4K in the United States and several other countries around the world.
It’s not known whether this stick insect is an endangered species, however similar insects, like the Lord Howe Island stick insect, have all but disappeared in the wild after introduced rodents decimated populations.
Dyson V7 Cordless Stick Vacuum for $246 ($33 off): I own this cordless stick vacuum and for cleaning quick messes (or my car), it is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.
Several interviewees said that they try to stick to a «no-drop policy»—essentially, once they start a show, they stick it out ’til the bitter end, even if they absolutely hate it.
The last man in his zone, Brodie put a clearing pass right on Ladd’s stick and Ladd found himself one-on-one with Flames goalie Joni Ortio, beating him to the stick side.
Holding the stick in one hand, the kid swung and caught the ball on the end of it, before bouncing it between the two other cups and the pointed end of the stick.
Connie Boesen, who runs the Applishus chain of stands at the Iowa State Fair, sells caramel apples and apple fritter bites, but also fruit on a stick and Caprese salad on a stick.
Depending on how you look at the world, your reaction to 2015’s «Dat Stick» may have taken you through the following roller coaster of emotions: «Dat Stick» was bound to be controversial.
Did any of his habits or demands stick with you?
Even if it’s not true, you stick to the code.
But the school decided to stick with what it knows.
Dorsey hopes you’ll stick around long enough to find out.
For our exercise though, let’s stick with the CBO estimate.
I did not stick around for the bonus flight round.
«You should also stick to your shopping list,» Glaser said.
Stick to a story that flows with viewers’ innate expectations.
How far do I want to stick my neck out?
I get the stick to her and Marie frees herself.
In San Francisco, the solution has been mostly the stick.
A lot of those people don’t stick around to subscribe.
However, poor Moe gets the shortest end of the stick.
But those methods takes a disciplined mindset to stick to.
Come for the cheesiness, stick around for the twist ending.
But there are some dates that will stick with you.
Stick with Swimming long enough, and Miller’s lyrics seem disorienting.
I stick out like a sore thumb at DMB shows.
Yes, the controller as a VR wand, stick, gun, etc.
He may stick to his guns; or he may surrender.
We just stick with this changing color palette every season.
As you stick out your tongue, it’ll do the same.
If you ask me, these athletes should stick to sports!
Big folks gotta stick together … in sickness and in health.
I stick a banana in my backpack for later, too.
Or maybe a lipstick tube that’s also a USB stick.
KS: Does it make you think why does something stick?
For now, the sex selfie stick remains a niche product.
You don’t stick your finger in another man’s face. Period.
When you’re a gymnast, you know if you stick it.
Are you going to stick with these two main genres?
If I need the tool again, I’ll get another stick.
Others will prefer to stick with their existing lease programs.
Put a decent bill on the table, stick to it.
You don’t bring an analog stick to a sniper fight.
Why would Neanderthal immune system and metabolism genes stick around?
When was the last time your selfie stick did that?
Will he stick to this track or reverse course again?
Spoiler alert: she can’t really drive a stick shift well.
Wearables usually stick to traditional sports, not things like boxing.
But this little stick of storage makes everything even faster.
Stick ’em with the pointy end — even little, old women.
We are determined to stick with the sleep training, though.
If you have to keep it brass, stick to 🎺.
He was trying to stick his hand in my underwear.
It’s unclear where or whether this stick is for sale.
Guys aren&apost supposed — guys are supposed to stick together.
If you want to speak, you stick to the narrative.
But with Kingdom, I stick around through the death spiral.
The stick he was carrying was a broom, they said.
It’s not that I don’t know how to drive stick.
They ought to stick around as long as they like.
She doesn’t always stick to diplomatic protocol in her language.
Stick with it, because the best is yet to come.
But over time, it became too hard to stick to.
Even newer apps, like Hater or Wingman, stick to photos.
«You can get it to market, and still not stick
Other confusing aspects of the standard could also stick around.
There’s a script for people like you; stick to it.
But I would read, and itwouldn’t stick in my head.
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But she doesn’t plan to stick to that menu forever.
She’ll find out tonight if she can make it stick.
Trump was at least willing to stick to the script.
Stories let Facebook stick video advertising into its messaging apps.
That we don’t have to stick to our own traditions.
This is a show that’s going to stick with me.
They might brown, or boil, or stick to the pan.
Or, just stick with classic black like Romee and Shay.
You have three options, Stick, Safe Sticks and Motion Sensing.
So of course, there must be a flying selfie stick.
HHS hasn’t said whether it will stick with its plans.
SOME men are so slick that even scandal cannot stick.
» He added Musk «can stick his submarine where it hurts.
There was a measuring stick, with which he checked snowfall.
But for now, news sites should stick to the guidelines.
Unfortunately, it does stick out for the nod to makeup.
There are some signs the attacks are starting to stick.
Pandora’s stick has dropped 13 percent in the past year.
Does she stick her hands in her gin and juice?
But don’t stick out a gig you don’t believe in.
But for better or worse, we have to stick together.
Mr. Bishop said he was going to stick it out.
Just stick to the recipe, and make sure you’re ready.
Stick the cat ears in the top of the cake.
French people who stick to vous appear haughty to Quebeckers.
Mrs May is determined to stick to her Brexit plan.
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But Trump apparently didn’t stick around to read the room.
» Publicly, Kasich’s campaign also insisted he would stick around. «Sen.
A change of clothes, stick of deodorant, underwear, and socks.
A musical stick that’s reminiscent of an 80s film soundtrack.
Don’t try this in the Louvre with a selfie stick.
That night sucked, because I really wanted to stick around.
The idea, in part, is for the learnings to stick.
Some have left their husbands, others still stick by them.
It remains to be seen whether these changes will stick.
So I decide to stick with Graham for a bit.
«He should stick to human rights,» Churkin said of Zeid.
The «freeloader fee» uses a carrot and a stick approach.
And if for nothing else, stick around for the story.
The bright orange vans stick out — and that’s the point.
And you’ll stick to it no matter what they say?
Enrollees can also choose to stick with their current selection.
Everyone wants a simple solution for hockey stick growth overnight.
My seed entry for the center stack was SELFIE STICK.
If you prefer one over the other, stick with that.
Stick insects reproduce by a process called parthenogenesis — without males.
Grab a towel, stick up your thumb, and don’t panic.
Lousee was later found in possession of a UMTS stick.
Presuming they cannot, they have to stick with the nominee.
It will be worth your while to stick it out.
These are small enough to stick onto the skin’s pores.
We have to stick together and play our best game.
Then you stick solos and whatever on top of that.
It used to be on my back and a stick.
It’s probably best if we stick with ladders for now.
«We’re going to definitely have to stick together,» she says.
This side can stick to negative bits on other molecules.
This week I manage to stick to my shopping list.
Most of his supporters would probably stick by him, too.
But will they stick around or disappear like other stories?
Apple and Ireland, too, want their original arrangement to stick.
Recycled design aside, the Stick Up Cam isn’t necessarily ugly.
Will clients stick with us or is the game over?
I can drive a stick shift car, and Dave can’t.
So I hope people appreciate that and stick with him.
Stick to it, and you’ll be spending and saving responsibly.
Day one, Vicki didn’t want to stick up for me.
That’s going to be the real measurement stick over time.
If the fans enjoy you, you get to stick around.
Roll into corndog shapes and stick them with skewers. 3.
You can stick me in for 30 rounds out there.
Kakacek: We had a selfie stick once, those are fun.
Just make sure you don’t get your selfie stick wet.
It wants people to obviously stick with iPhone after all.
He’s going to stick by that and so should he.
We can stick to the same path, no matter what.
«Stick to a budget as best you can,» Margeson said.
It has been updated to it’s proper term: pointing stick.
«Someone’s bashing me – you stick up for me,» Giudice said.
«So today, I put down the measuring stick,» Moore said.
For starters, stick to portion sizes around half a cup.
We stick our feet in a kiddie pool for relief.
Joe’s «stick to the plan» conservatism can be smart, too.
If he did, would you stick with the Democratic Party?
«We just need to stick with the science,» Sila said.
But will the snails want to stick to Alli’s face?
They stick with their guns and put their scapegoats in.
Nyx Bright Idea Illuminating Stick, $7.99, available at Ulta Beauty.
Glossier Zit Stick, $14, available at Glossier on September 6.
I like to stick up for women and women’s rights.
There are some sad looking sandwiches; I stick to water.
Some are optimistic that Iran will stick to the deal.
You have to pick a position and stick with it.
The bigger stickers are just to stick around on things!
That’s a huge discount that won’t stick around for long.
Stick to First Amendment and stay with current libel standards.
Take a stick with you and beat them up. Right?
The Guardian article that says ‘it’s all wrong’ will stick.
He was stick n’ pokes, pink camo and La Croix.
They stick to the basic economic realities of the situation.
Elephants are known to stick together, even through muddy situations.
You stick it in the rubber and go to town.
But at least take a view and stick to it.
If we don’t stick to it, I’m moving out. Thanks.
Running through walls: 6Sense’s Amanda Kahlow on values that stick
I think they kind of have to stick to that.
But it becomes a hockey stick in about 15 years.
Crow accused Coffman of failing to stick up to Trump.
Oil bulls are betting OPEC will stick to the script.
PAYNE: You have got the carrot and the stick going.
» Hunt called on Iran to «stick with all its commitments.
Oh, and make sure you stick around for the credits.
Golfers be aware and watch where you stick your hands.
The closer you can stick to the truth, the better.
Saturday, October 5, 2019 Phoenix, AZ Talking Stick Resort Arena
Do Republicans stick with their base and refuse a vote?
In the end, Papadopoulos decided to stick with his plea.
To eliminate international exposure, let’s stick with a regional bank.
Read This Next: How Risky Are Stick and Poke Tattoos?
So my take is, you’re in it, stick with it.
I also understood my luck that she didn’t stick around.
Daryl not being able to drive stick properly was hilarious.
So if you’re trying to eat less, stick to sitcoms.
We no longer can afford to stick to sports. pic.twitter.
The women’s seeds stick strictly with the current WTA rankings.
Let’s stick to the good stuff, like the best deals.
If you know someone who is diagnosed, stick by us.
No joke, the hairs on your arm will stick up.
Out of the three so far, does anyone stick out?
Predictably, the statements so far stick to established party lines.
«It just happened to stick with this one little girl.»
He gets a few beers, and I stick to water.
Because they don’t stick out like sore thumbs or anything.
Let’s just say he should stick to his day job.  .
People don’t stick around for Satanism just because it’s funny.
Who would stick with me and who would simply disappear?
So I— BECKY QUICK: Well, that’s a good measuring stick.
The match was a kendo stick on a pole match.
Sometimes it is the right thing to stick with managers.
Come for the unicorn makeup, but stick around for Rose.
Instead of piling up your plate, stick with your favorites.
The best routine is the one you actually stick to.
Tiny layers then stick together to form a solid object.
A few people stick around until they get it right.
Just stick with my routine — don’t do too much extra.
The reason why people stick around is for the community.
So that’s what made him kinda stick in my head.
Some analysts doubted producers would stick to a prolonged curb.
Reality stars gotta stick together … in sickness and in wealth.
An angry Markstrom slammed his stick on the ice afterward.
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I’ve decided to stick with the show for one reason.
But integration is frequently made easier when leaders stick around.
But the Senate versions stick with the 1.6 percent raise.
Pay in cash, and you’ll really stick to your budget.
Stick to music, T.I. Running a restaurant is a bitch.
Some stick around for a few years, but then disappear.
Office makeovers always get the short end of the stick.
They’re slightly smaller than the Fire TV Stick 4K’s remote.
Maybe in its final release, Detroit will stick the landing.
So, should you stick with Valeant if you own it?
Why stick with a politically toxic figure who belittled him?
We normally stick to weed, ecstasy, MDMA, and, occasionally, coke.
Meanwhile, the «Phoenurse» version is packaged with an insertion stick.
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We are all mothers and we need to stick together.
We no longer can afford to stick to sports. pic.twitter.
Take the first step toward making changes that stick, Scorpio.
Needless to say, the guy didn’t stick around much longer.
But South Korea is nothing to shake a stick at.
It’s hard for goaltenders to read it off the stick.
» The network executive told her, «You should stick to fashion.
We take care and try to stick to those rules.
Some clients have not had the patience to stick around.
I began traveling with a flash stick of Kardashian episodes.
Stick to the elemental stuff and you won’t go wrong.
Investors would have done better to stick to hedge financing.
Scraggly, pointed plants stick out of a hard, dirt ground.
The 4K stick is optimized for 4K Ultra HD streaming.
These days, the government is handing that stick to employers.
Produce so much work that one piece will inevitably stick.
I think they’re going to stick with the game plan.
Just stick with fresh water if you can get it.
«You do have to stick with the science,» she said.
So if you like your current shoes, stick with them.
Foreign investment has also shot up like a hockey stick.
It’s food on a stick, but elevated to new levels.
You have to pick the tone and stick to it.
Hold the left stick down for a second too long?
That pop inclination looks like it’ll stick around for Starboy.
But the word of one woman did little to stick.
The question is which of these alternatives will actually stick.
I’m going to stick with US Concrete in that area.
«What it means to stick to your principles,» Hina said.
RBI said it would stick to its medium term targets.
Daniels’s previous lawyer advised her to stick to her agreements.
They don’t include stick figures, but are still disturbing enough.
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Chevy isn’t alone, however, even Ferrari abandoning the stick shift.
She needs to stick to the code: breasties before testes.
The Stick Up Cam captures 720p video, by the way.
We were taught to stick to the tried and tested.
The more you stick together the more you create power.
If he gets dirty, I’ll stick him in the bath!
We must stick together and Win…. ….for Life in 2020.
» Trump said Republicans must «stick together and Win for Life.
This is a little reminder to stick to the former.
Sometimes it’s best to stick to what you’re good at.
Here’s the simple hack: Stick to one number per slide.
Silver Wall Decal Dots (200 Decals), Easy Peel & Stick, $14.99
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However, I’ll still try to stick with local coffee shops.
«You got to convince it to stick together,» he said.
They also offer three delivery options: lotion, spray, and stick.
He wanted a verdict and a sentence that would stick.
But once you’ve made up your mind, stick with it.
Some things don’t stick in my brain for some reason.
You can get fried fish and prawns on a stick.
Or should you stick with your older iPhone XS Max?
He’s played well, so we’re going to stick with him.
I just want to stick around and keep doing this.
Did somebody stick an ‘Eat Me’ sign on by backside?
«Now it’s time for us to stick together,» Marshall said.
Simply plug in the smart stick and start watching instantly.
It’s too soon to know whether the increase will stick.
Everything I eat in August is cooked on a stick!
Instead, make a list and , and stick to them both.
Our word must be our bond, and it must stick.
I made the mistake of trying a desiccated «carrot» stick.
You don’t need to stick your tongue out at me.
«We are going to stick with that path,» McConnell said.
They are working and I’ve got to stick with it.
Here are the reasons you should stick with regular AirPods.
But if Cohn were to stick around while the president
Maybe you’ll even stick around for a couple of minutes.
In Iceland, however, they stick to indigenous products like skyr.
Rethink your life decisions, and stick to the meat pies.
This is why I stick to comedy channels like CNN.
Bands stick a part to a part to a part.
Read the tweet carefully and one detail will stick out.
Whatever you do, don’t stick your hand down the drain.
You’ll want to stick around to hear the entire thing.
Bonus: You’ll probably stick with it and learn more, too.
Wins and losses are far from a sufficient measuring stick.
Ha. Ha. I decide to stick with the original plan.
Here’s to hoping they stick with the adult contemporary genre.
Many decide to stick around after that, though, he said.
Certain conversations and stories stick with Robinson more than others.
I usually stick to a group of photographers I enjoy.
But you were still able to stick on the roster?
I try to stick to the truth of the moment.
Johnson likewise faced attacks at Talking Stick Resort in Phoenix.
That brings me to another point, stick to dive bars.
Mention will stick around as a standalone product for now.
» Me, the next morning: «I think I’ll stick it out.
I’m trying to stick to, you know, emails and stuff?
It was just hey let’s stick him in the infrastructure.
You could develop a favorite method and stick to it.
Her latest strategy is relentless and unambiguous: Stick to sexy.
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Someone beat the soles of his feet with a stick.
It may stick a little, but it shouldn’t rip apart.
Browns quarterback Josh McCown draws the short stick this week.
So, if that fails, just stick with thoughts and prayers.  
I can throw a stick and hit seven of them.
It looks spammy if you stick them in every tweet.
We Californians need to stick together, water rights be damned!
They love their routines and want to stick to them.
Opt for the Rita Hazan Root Concealer Touch Up Stick.
Stick around for both for the full Deer Tick experience.bowerypresents.
Go stick it to the press and vote for me.
How closely do you try to stick to Atwood’s intent?
He pulled a matching stick of wood from his pocket.
One holds a stick with a spiked end for pushing.
Interactions with them shake my resolve to stick with recovery.
Weather forecasts suggested the chill would stick for a while.
He was a man to whom nothing seemed to stick.
If you embrace Trump, the dirt is going to stick.
» Do you think Mr. Trump will «stick to the script?
Some admirers stick money in the windowpane as a tribute.
How did you make the decision to stick it out?
It won’t be easy to make penalties and fines stick.
When you stick to one look, icon status is yours!
But Kinkaid recovered to get his stick on Simmonds’ attempt.
Next time, I’ll stick to the road more traveled by.
I would have loved (Morgan) to stick with the team.
«Is that a hockey stick?» a man asked one afternoon.
«You can command people with that stick,» she said, beaming.
«He’s the selfie president, we’re the selfie stick,» she said.
«But we can no longer stick with the status quo.»
Should you give up or stick with him, despite misgivings?
Halak never moved until the puck sailed past his stick.
«I want you to stick your chest out,» he said.
Stick around, at least until we get a new president.
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Visitors could stick their heads in and take a picture.
It is unclear to what extent these concerns will stick.
But I think maybe they’ll stick to what they’re doing.
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You’re letting a lit stick of dynamite out the door.
And to clean up, just stick ’em in the dishwasher.
LS: It’s like a tiny … PR: It’s a fiddle stick.
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«I never thought I’d stick up for her,» she said.
Why do some artists stick around and others choose retreat?
«I’m planning to stick around for a while,» she said.
Instead, pet owners should stick to the basics: good hygiene.
The coronavirus can stick around on surfaces for several days.
Students say teachers stick to a normal schedule each Dec.
But ultimately, Mah decided to stick with her steady strategy.
As childish as they are, they stick in the mind.
Trump’s big stick has become something of an olive branch.
Carry a «stick kit» in case of an accidental poke.
Deadspin writers quit after being ordered to stick to sports
Eventually, of course, I decide to pee on the stick.
Prepare to sweat and stick to everything but sports there.
If someone can just stick around, solutions can be found.
Will all the Democrats stick together and vote for witnesses?
Even on our phones, we don’t stick to one thing.
One big question, though, is whether the deal will stick.
No really — stick with me (even if you hate sports).
The question is whether China will stick to its pledges.
Should you stick it out or leave a terrible job?
This comes back to Honerkamp’s «carrot on a stick» approach.
But in «Full Dissidence,» Bryant doesn’t stick solely to sports.
We still had hope that some gadgets would stick around.
Now the stick is being brandished at listed American firms.
OR, PICK AN AIRLINE, any airline — and stick with it.
Paul is demanding that spending levels stick to budgetary caps.
Society rewards people who stick it out and are persistent.
Why can’t the nation stick to a space exploration plan?
«You need a carrot and a stick,» Ms. Peschin said.
These notes are about results, so stick to the highlights.
After all, we can’t stick a thermometer under its tongue.
Sherman didn’t need a stick or a carrot, I speculated.
Hammer pants, cocaine — everybody had a stick in the ’90s.
I don’t want people to stick me in a box.
Unlike the stick, however, this new model supports 4K content.
Didorosi suggested smaller experiments first to see what would stick.
Now, details about the resort stick out in Freeman’s mind.
Hopefully the two in Bruce’s Garden can stick around, too.
But stick with it, and soon the cravings will fade.
I bite my string cheese like it’s a mozzarella stick.
Power up your entertainment with the Now TV smart stick.
Stick with the top brands such as SanDisk and Lexar.
Each stick will last for three weeks of daily use.
People seemed to just stick their hands in the air.
And they’re going to say, why stick my neck out?
If you want to do porn, stick to the hotels.
I’ll grab a stick next time I make this trek.
«That’s on me,» Zuccarello said of his own high stick.
He tells us the Trailblazers guard should stick to hoops!!
Make the decision at the beginning and stick to it.
Is there a way to make desktop notifications stick around?
And how firmly will Goldman stick to this new rule?
I learned to drive a ‘stick‘ when I was thirteen.
A lamb kofta kebab is skewered on a cinnamon stick.
Stick out the bad years because good ones will follow.
At least one truck driver was beaten with a stick.
They include the Fire TV Stick and three Echo devices.
It will make it much easier to stick to them.
He did not wear glasses or use a walking stick.
He had a stick and he was hitting my ass.
However, there is a reason that these changes rarely stick.
And once they’re made, they’re often hard to stick to.
The CDU should stick to its centrist course, he added.
They «stick it to the man» by castigating political elites.
What has changed are the cameras that make it stick.
Stick to tried and true positions that involve minimal acrobatics.
«If you’re impatient, stick with the technology names,» he advised.
Knowing MAC, these items aren’t likely to stick around long.
Trump’s response was to stick his head in the sand.
«The ball didn’t stick tonight,» Bucks coach Jason Kidd said.
Yet it looks like she will stick to her guns.
I stick with Canon mostly for familiarity and system interchangeability.
The ultimate example is North Korea – all stick, no carrot.
» Using a football analogy, he said, «Stick with your QBs.
For our exercise though, let’s stick with the CBO’s estimate.
Don’t you want to stick your boot in his face?
To get to a good answer and stick with it.
Those that stick by Trump, meanwhile, will get special attention.
Educating yourself in public is painful, but the lessons stick.
Stick around, for three reasons, as the end credits roll.
Make a list, check it twice, and stick to it
Children should stick to milk, water and occasionally drink juice.
I regret not being able to stick to a diet.
Stick your head up and watch it get lopped off.
Thank you, I will stick with my Henckels and KitchenAids.
I mean, you’ve— you’ve— world leaders, anything extraordinary stick out?
They stick their ovipositor through the gaps in the zipper.
He knew he had to stick it out — for her.
Which childhood books and authors stick with you the most?
If you believe in the plan, you stick to it.
Milk also came out with this glitter stick for Pride.
On Wednesday, it will display both its carrot and stick.
On Wednesday, it will display both its carrot and stick.
What we are going stick to is whatever it takes.
So you order a pizza and stick something on YouTube?
Comparisons between the three are unlikely to stick for long.
«You don’t have to stick around for this,» I said.
So yeah, maybe stick with beans and cheese and stuff.
No wonder the strategies I had been using couldn’t stick!
We would all like to poke lava with a stick.
The United States has pushed Greece to stick with TAP.
But I appreciate the way you fly fisherpeople stick together.
If you’re a Photoshop wiz, stick with what you know.
They’re physical plastic things that you stick around your house.
Ray J got the shortest end of the stick though.
For face washing, I stick to the Dermalogica Cleansing Gel.
It was, could they evolve enough to stick the landing?
So maybe they should stick with the frame they’ve got.
Does one stick something into the other one, or what?
Do you think your new ads stick out as much?
Do you think that proves we need to stick together?
We want to stick as close as the last statement.
Lamar Alexander of Tennessee forcefully tossed the stick toward Sen.
Make Memoji and Animoji wink and stick out their tongue.
Think of it as a piña colada on a stick.
The Republicans have that many votes if they stick together.
And then the fleeting stuff just doesn’t, it doesn’t stick.
«He can stick his submarine where it hurts,» he said.
Simply stick the USB into a laptop, reboot, and poof!
I like that they stick with their horrible hair style.
Like I stick a lot of stuff in my pocket.
Bonus: there are some genius inventions in there that the two of you could certainly DIY for your home, like the butter stick (think glue stick, but butter) or the duster slippers for cats.
This glittering galaxy is officially named NGC 4656, but it also has a less official nickname «The Hockey Stick Galaxy,» due to its hockey-stick-shape at certain angles (though not in this image).
This glittering galaxy is officially named NGC 23, but it also has a less official nickname «The Hockey Stick Galaxy,» due to its hockey-stick-shape at certain angles (though not in this image).
Fire TV Stick 4K for $24.99 ($25 off): Amazon’s classic media streaming stick is optimized for 4K UHD streaming and gives any TV access to tens of thousands of channels, apps, and Alexa skills.
Fire TV Stick 4K New grads might not be able to afford a brand new smart TV, but with a Fire TV Stick from Amazon, they can get smart capabilities from their older model.
«Those lines are very clear, and DOJ will stick to the facts and stick to the law, and I am sure that a President Hillary Clinton will want them to precisely that,» she added.
My other hand is cradling the white cue ball that tops the stick shift, and as I tighten my grip, I push the stick forward and away to put the car into third gear.
No matter how it comes about, probation is a carrot and a stick: the carrot is staying out of jail, and the stick is the lengthy possible sentence that can be imposed upon violations.
This new stick is the third one Roku has released, and the company says it has continued to iterate on the stick because market trends indicate that consumers really, really like inexpensive streaming sticks.
Amazon Fire TV Stick 215K for $303 ($230 off): This isn’t a huge discount, but the Fire Stick is just about as capable as the Cube and one of our top recommended streaming devices.
Fire TV Stick 4K, Alexa-Enabled Voice Remote, $49.99The all-new Fire TV Stick has a new Wi-Fi antenna design optimized for 4K Ultra-HD streaming and more storage for apps and games.
Fire TV Stick 4K, Alexa-Enabled Voice Remote, $49.99The all-new Fire TV Stick has a new Wi-Fi antenna design optimized for 4K Ultra HD streaming and more storage for apps and games.
He’d bounce the ball on the edges of the cups, juggle with the stick, make a cats-cradle with the string, even take the ball in his hand and balance the stick on top.
Roku Stick The Roku Stick ($24) is also still available for those who want to be able to move their Roku between TVs – helpful for those traveling, or who occasionally watch in different rooms.
Instead of rotating the camera with the right stick, as has become an industry standard, you instead do it using the left and right triggers, while the right stick lets you swap between characters.
The Apple TV 4K is still a bit much at $180, but the Roku Streaming Stick Plus, Amazon Fire TV Stick 43K, and Google Chromecast Ultra can all be had for $70 or less.
I also love the variety you get from the brand: It comes in stick, sensitive skin stick, and jar formulas that are each available in multiple unique scents like Bergamot + Lime or Tea Tree.
As far as budgets go, Trump’s has been compared to President Ronald Reagan’s in its conservatism, but Reagan’s had a little more «carrot with its stick; this is all stick,» budget expert David Wessel said.
In 2003, scientists scaled its sheer cliffs in search of the only thing more bizarre than the island itself: the Lord Howe Island stick insect, so named because it is, as promised, rather stick-like.

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