Sentence with word squeeze

Squeeze is a 1997 American crime film written and directed by Robert Patton-Spruill and starring Tyrone D. Burton, Eddie Cutanda, Phuong Duong, Geoffrey Rhue, Russell G. Jones and Leigh Williams. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Sour notes — whether a squeeze of lemon or a drizzle of vinegar — add sparkle and brightness to a dish.


A closing sixth place finish was enough to see another Australian, Matthew Wearn, squeeze past five-time Olympic medalist Robert Scheidt to take the bronze after the Brazilian closed with a disappointing ninth.


Gather the cheesecloth at the top to close and then squeeze.


One of the cooling hoses (You can give them a little squeeze to see if they are hardening up and to see if fluid leaks out anywhere.


Now I added the salt, pepper, and a squeeze of lemon juice, covered the pan, and let it stew until everything else was ready to serve (it took about 10 minutes).


An invisible ink creates secret messages on bendy plastic that are only revealed when you give it a squeeze.


Give the banana a bit of a squeeze first and make sure it is very ripe.


I added black beans and topped with avocado, sour cream, and a squeeze of fresh lime.


A sponge absorbs toxins, but the toxins can be released by a simple squeeze.


To serve: if you’re serving it on quinoa, add a generous squeeze of fresh lemon to 1/2 cup of cooked quinoa and a pinch of salt.


Steak with roasted broccolli (10 minutes in the oven with olive oil, salt and pepper with a squeeze of lemon juice and parmesan before serving).


Some suggestions include foam squeeze balls and stuffed animals.


I don’t have a juicer but I have a high end blender that emulsified it, I found that with a blender a whole cucumber is too much so substitute for half or add another pear, I think the ginger was a nice addition and added a little squeeze of lemon (to combat the cucumber) also peeling cucumber might help


Bring your right knee towards your right elbow with a slight squeeze in your oblique, before returning back to plank position.


It will be a tight squeeze running a bead of royal icing up this fourth seam, but you can do it!


Don’t lie, but be sure to explain any extraordinary reasons for your financial squeeze like a layoff, health problems, or a military spouse serving overseas.


In the games levels (fifty in total, ten each spread across five different worlds) you’ll need to jump, bounce, and squeeze through pathways, over blocks, activate switches for doors, and plenty of other wonky stuff to reach the repair station.


Since cucumbers have a lot of water, it’s a good idea to let it drain for a bit and squeeze out all that extra water so your sauce isn’t too thin.


Add just the slightest blop of oil to the bowl (seriously, a 1/2-second pour is all you need), along with a big squeeze from a lemon or lime half.


Meanwhile, squeeze garlic from it’s cloves into a small bowl.


Third base coach Nick Capra gave the suicide squeeze sign, but Moncada didn’t see it, showing bunt and pulling it back at the last second.


Get some exercise every day (even if it’s just going for a walk with your baby in his stroller), eat healthy foods, and squeeze in naps so you’re getting enough rest.


Research by The Key, released yesterday, warned of the impending squeeze on secondary school places as schools face a 20 per cent increase in pupil numbers over the next eight years.


Wet 2 paper towels (you can also use cheesecloth) with sake and squeeze out any excess.


Adding a squeeze of fresh lemon, lime or even grapefruit juice would be worth the effort.


At the same time, Intel announced a new, deep-rooted partnership with Raptr that will use the service’s power auto-optimization software to help with squeeze more frame rates and better fidelity out of games without having to manually fiddle with in-game detail settings.


The Bollinger Bands ® are starting to open after a squeeze as well.


Finally drizzle some olive oil on top, squeeze a lime over it, a then toss and enjoy!


To prevent avocado from browning if making ahead, toss with a squeeze of lime juice after dicing.


and not just the squeeze technology, their Audio (vua headphones is THE BEST) if one watches a lot of movues or listen songs on their mobile.


Add quinoa, sauteed onion mixture, Panko, dill, squeeze of lemon, oat flour, green onions, chopped olives, parsley, salt, and pepper to the bowl.


About 2 lbs, and let sit in a strainer; do not salt; toss with a little lemon juice, or wrap in cheesecloth wetted in lemon juice, and squeeze to remove most of the liquid; do not rinse (you want the starch).


Admittedly, I consume the majority of my mango haul either as is (maybe with a squeeze of lime) or blended up in a smoothie.


If you need to bump up your contributions, schedule time to reevaluate your budget and squeeze it in.


In Saskatchewan as in Mississippi, the CO2 will be pumped underground into a partially depleted oil field and — after it has helped squeeze valuable oil to the surface — stored there indefinitely.


While the edge squeeze feature on the Pixel 2 remains a shortcut, it’s currently restricted to Google Assistant — and no other connections are enabled.


Once the butternut is cool enough to handle scrape out the flesh, squeeze out the garlic and mash.


It was time to walk out the door and I wasn’t crazy about what I was wearing so I threw this on and turns out, that’s the squeeze I needed to get to something great.


So in essence, the main site will be just a squeeze page, with a built in login functionality to show properties with photos and information that I have (and can blast out to my email list that I built).


I had to have my husband’s help getting the cushion out of the pinned fabric because it was a tight squeeze.


The second is this concern about inflation, if we start to see price pressures rise that puts a squeeze on margins.


Pixel 2 users can take advantage of Active Edge to launch Google Assistant and silence a phone call with a simple squeeze, that’s it.


There have been continuing concerns about a squeeze on school places, caused in part by a rise in the birth rate.


Bake at 375F until soft (about 25-30 mins) Remove from oven and squeeze a half of a lemon on each half.


Even before the onset of the UK’s deepest recession in a generation, official figures showed that only the better-off families were spared from a squeeze on living standards that saw median income virtually unchanged and fresh cuts in real pay for those on the lowest salaries.


Plus, we can do a Euro-delivery and squeeze a good vacation out of the purchase.


Just set to work chopping your vegetables, squeeze in some lemon juice, pour in a little olive oil and toss it all together.


The best aspects of the driver’s and front passenger’s seats are upper side bolsters that squeeze in and out to hold the driver in a comfortable position, and cushions that inflate or deflate for lower back support.


Manufacturers have responded to the big squeeze on kitchen space with the development of ever-smaller machines that offer all the programmes and functions of their larger siblings, but in a compact footprint.


Place a few sardine fillets on each piece and top with onion-currant mixture, toasted pine nuts, lemon zest, parsley and a squeeze of lemon juice, and serve.


сжатие, давление, сдавливание, сжимание, выжимать, выжиматься, сжимать


- сжатие, сжимание, сдавливание
- пожатие

to give smb.’s hand a squeeze — крепко пожать кому-л. руку

- объятие

he gave me a friendly squeeze — он дружески обнял меня

- теснота, давка

we all got in, but it was a tight squeeze — мы все поместились, но было очень тесно

- сл. тусовка, сборище

dinners, card parties and squeezes — обеды, карточные и другие сборища

ещё 10 вариантов


- сжимать, сдавливать, стискивать

to squeeze smb.’s hand — крепко пожать кому-л. руку
to squeeze one’s finger — прищемить палец (дверью и т. п.)
be was squeezed to death in the crowd — его раздавили в толпе

- выжимать, выдавливать (тж. squeeze out)

to squeeze a sponge [wet clothes] — выжимать губку [мокрую одежду]
to squeeze juice from a lemon — выжимать сок из лимона
to squeeze out a tear — выдавить слезу
to squeeze dry — а) выжать досуха (полотенце и т. п.); б) выжать до конца (лимон и т. п.)
cheese and meat paste can now be squeezed out of tubes — сыр и мясной паштет сейчас выжимают из тюбиков

- заставлять, вынуждать

to squeeze a confession from smb. — вынудить признание у кого-л.

- вымогать

to squeeze money from /out of/ smb. — вымогать деньги у кого-л.

- (out of) выколачивать (налоги и т. п.); выжимать (из кого-л.)

to squeeze every penny out of the taxpayer — выжимать последний грош из налогоплательщика

ещё 7 вариантов

Мои примеры


to squeeze an orange — выжимать сок из апельсина  
to squeeze out a sponge — выжимать губку  
to give a sponge a squeeze — сжать губку  
to give smb. an affectionate squeeze — нежно обнять кого-л.  
the squeeze of lemon — лимонный сок  
to put the squeeze on smb. — оказать на кого-л. давление  
credit squeeze, a squeeze on credit — кредитное сжатие, ограничение кредита в экономике  
to squeeze money / confession out of smb. — выжимать деньги, признание (в преступлении) из кого-л.  
to squeeze a ball — выпрессовывать крицу  
squeeze casting — литье под давлением, жидкая штамповка  

Примеры с переводом

He squeezed my hand.

Он крепко пожал мне руку.

We squeezed through the crowd.

Мы протиснулись сквозь толпу.

Squeeze a bit of lemon juice onto the fish.

Выдавите немного лимонного сока на рыбу.

I doubt if you can squeeze any more money out of / from him.

Вряд ли тебе удастся выжать из него ещё денег.

I was squeezed out of my job. разг.

Меня «ушли» (вынудили уйти) с работы.

He had squeezed through a gap in the fence.

Он протиснулся сквозь щель в заборе /в ограде/.

She squeezed in beside me.

Она втиснулась (на сиденье) рядом со мной.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Greece just squeezed through into the next round.

…you can squeeze through the narrow passage between the two caves if you go edgewise…

All manufacturers are feeling the squeeze (=noticing the effects of a difficult financial situation).

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

squeezable  — сжимающийся, податливый, вдавливающийся, легко поддающийся давлению
squeezed  — выжатый
squeezer  — соковыжималка, пресс, жом, фальцовочный станок, формовочная машина
squeezing  — выжимание
unsqueeze  — распаковывать

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: squeeze
he/she/it: squeezes
ing ф. (present participle): squeezing
2-я ф. (past tense): squeezed
3-я ф. (past participle): squeezed

ед. ч.(singular): squeeze
мн. ч.(plural): squeezes

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


You can squeeze a nickel better than anyone I know.

А ты можешь выжать из 5 центов больше выгоды, чем все кого я знаю.

This slight pressure tactic helps them squeeze their creative juices to a greater extent.

Эта небольшая тактика давления помогает им выжать из себя творчество по максимуму.

The challenge was to squeeze broadband photons into a narrow band.

Задача состояла в том, чтобы сжать широкополосные фотоны в узкую полосу».

Joints are very sore, a person can not even squeeze his hand into a fist.

Суставы сильно болят, человек не может даже сжать руку в кулак.

I could probably squeeze something out.

Правда? Я мог бы что-нибудь из себя выдавить.

Trying to «squeeze» the European raw materials out of Belarusian dairy market, the Russian side solves two tasks at once.

Пытаясь «выдавить» европейское сырье с молочного рынка Беларуси, российская сторона решает сразу две задачи.

Hardly squeeze your jaws and take the corners of your mouth back.

Сильно сожмите челюсти и отведите уголки рта назад.

Slice the fruit in half and squeeze the juice into a cup or bowl.

Разрежьте фрукт пополам и выдавите сок в миску или чашку.

Now pick up a lemon in your right hand and try to squeeze all the juice out.

И снова возьмите лимон левой рукой и постарайтесь выжать из него весь сок до капельки.

The state simply needs to refrain from plans to squeeze additional juices from this seed of the future.

Государству просто нужно воздержаться от планов выжать дополнительные соки из этого ростка будущего.

But in the end I managed to squeeze the maximum out of the car and even more.

Но в итоге мне удалось выжать из машины максимум и даже больше.

Field B is sort of an established field, I am just trying to squeeze whatever’s left out it.

Поле В является установленной сфере, я просто пытаюсь выжать все, что осталось вне его.

The offensive is supported by the coalition forces to the Syrian capital of Raqqa movement allows stronger to squeeze the grip.

Наступление поддерживаемых коалицией сил на сирийскую столицу движения Ракку позволяет сильнее сжать тиски.

Not all attempts of the Ukrainian army successful, but Kiev is trying to squeeze the maximum benefit out of everything.

Не все попытки украинской армии удаются, но Киев пытается выжать максимальную пользу из всего.

The structurally unemployed also squeeze social-security budgets.

Кроме того, структурно безработные выжимают бюджеты на социальное обеспечение.

I was thinking we could finally squeeze that swim in.

Я подумала, что мы наконец-то могли бы втиснуть в него этот заплыв.

Don’t squeeze till I say when.

The main squeeze seems to think so.

He discovered they squeeze four times harder than humans.

Он обнаружил, что они прилагают в 4 раза больше усилий, чем люди.

They might even squeeze you in this afternoon.

Может быть, они прямо сегодня днем вас и поймают.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word squeeze, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use squeeze in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «squeeze».

Squeeze in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word squeeze in a sentence.

  1. We must feel you couldn’t squeeze out another sound.».

  2. They use every expedient to squeeze the people out of their possessions.

  3. He also learned how to unscrew water bottles and squeeze them to get water.

  4. Female wasps squeeze their way through the ostiole into the interior of the syconium.

  5. Mulder believes that Tooms is able to stretch and squeeze his body through narrow spaces.

  6. Space in the hole was limited, and the actors had to squeeze into it while covered in slime.

  7. The soft body can radically alter its shape, enabling octopuses to squeeze through small gaps.

  8. On 30 September, the ship sustained what Shackleton described as «the worst squeeze we had experienced».

  9. The middle ear contains sinuses that probably fill with blood during dives, preventing middle ear squeeze.

  10. Blackcaps eat a wide range of small fruit, and squeeze out any seeds on a branch before consuming the pulp.

  11. A sacrifice bunt employed with a runner on third base, aimed at bringing that runner home, is known as a squeeze play.

  12. At this point in his plan, Frederick intended to have the second half of a pincer movement ready to squeeze the Russian left.

  13. Primary producers of commodities such as beef were caught in a credit squeeze as short-term rates rose to extremely high levels.

  14. He was trying to squeeze something out of me that I wasn’t feeling, and we got in a fight and I knew that I was done with him.».

  15. For the shot in which Tooms slides through a chimney, the producers hired a contortionist who could squeeze through small spaces.

  16. The octopus can squeeze through tiny gaps; even the larger species can pass through an opening close to 2.5 cm (1 in) in diameter.

  17. Aggressive and creative, the O’s either invented or perfected the hit-and-run, the Baltimore chop, the suicide squeeze, and the bunt single.

  18. On 21 July the ship was caught in a position that allowed the ice to squeeze her at both ends, a grip that smashed her rudder beyond repair.

  19. They squeeze the water out through their baleen plates with pressure from the ventral pouch and tongue, and they swallow the remaining krill.

  20. Normally a publisher would pay a printer three months in arrears, but when a credit squeeze began in May 1931, it led to pressure to reduce this delay.

  21. Morse, however, cautioned Otto that in order to attempt the squeeze, Otto needed much more money than Barney had, and Barney declined to provide funding.

  22. Robinson managed to squeeze one more year of productivity out of some older veterans such as Chief Meyers, who said of Stengel, «It was Casey who kept us on our toes.

  23. During fitting-out, it was moved to Vickers’ Walker Yard, and thousands turned out to see the incomplete ship squeeze barely underneath and through overhead and swing bridges.

  24. Precision and steepness of the transition band leads to a reduced width of guard band, which in turn leads to the ability to squeeze more telephone channels into the same cable.

  25. Otto proposed a short squeeze, in which the Heinzes would aggressively purchase as many remaining shares as possible, and then force the short sellers to pay for their borrowed shares.

  26. A 1–0 defeat by Romania away from home left qualification dependent upon other results, but a 1–1 draw between Bulgaria and Romania in the final group match saw Scotland squeeze through.

  27. From such discussions arose the discovery that a runner on third had an excellent chance of scoring if he left at the pitcher’s first motion and the batter bunted, originating the squeeze play.

  28. The GE team used tungsten carbide anvils within a hydraulic press to squeeze the carbonaceous sample held in a catlinite container, the finished grit being squeezed out of the container into a gasket.

  29. In doing so, however, one last burst of star formation may be triggered, as radiation pressure and mechanical pressure from supernova may act to squeeze globules, thereby enhancing the density within them.

Synonyms for squeeze

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word squeeze has the following synonyms: credit crunch, liquidity crisis, hug, clinch, power play, squeeze play, squeezing, wring, coerce, hale, pressure, force, compress, constrict, compact, contract, pres, embrace, bosom, extort, rack, gouge, pinch, twinge, tweet, nip, twitc, squeeze out, squash, crush, squelch, mash, thrust, stuff, shove and wedge.

General information about «squeeze» example sentences

The example sentences for the word squeeze that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «squeeze» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «squeeze».


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