Sentence with word span

охватывать, перекрывать, прясть, диапазон, пролет, интервал, пядь


- перекрывать (об арке, крыше и т. п.)
- наводить мост или переправу
- соединять берега (о мосте)
- заполнять (пробел, промежуток)

imagination will span the gap in our knowledge — воображение поможет заполнить пробел в наших знаниях

- охватывать, включать

his career spanned four decades — его деятельность продолжалась четыре десятилетия
a memory that spans half a century — память, охватывающая полстолетия

ещё 12 вариантов


- пядь, спен (22,8 см)
- интервал, промежуток времени

man’s life is but a span — жизнь человеческая коротка
in a span of twenty years — за двадцатилетний период
the whole span of Roman history — история Рима с начала и до конца

- расстояние от одного конца до другого; размах рук; ширина (реки и т. п.)
- стр. расстояние между опорами
- спец. пролёт (мостового крана, арки и т. п.)

ещё 9 вариантов

Мои примеры


the average life span of house cats — средняя продолжительность жизни домашних кошек  
slanting span — наклонный пролёт  
a span of smb.’s activities — сфера деятельности кого-л.  
to span one’s wrist — взять кого-л. за запястье  
to span a river with a bridge — построить мост через реку  
span of beam — пролёт балки  
wing span — размах крыла, размах крыльев  
multiple-span bridge — многопролетный мост  
short-span bridge — малопролетный мост  
single-span bridge — однопролетный мост  
clearance of span — подъем пролета  

Примеры с переводом

The novel spans three centuries.

Роман охватывает три столетия.

Two parallel bridges span the river.

Два моста, расположенных параллельно друг другу, соединяют берега реки.

The job was finished in the span of an hour.

Работа была закончена в течение часа.

Her academic interests span a wide variety of topics.

Её научные интересы охватывают широкий спектр тем.

His eye spanned the intervening space.

Он глазами смерил расстояние.

There was not a span free from cultivation.

Не было ни одного необработанного клочка земли.

He has a microscopic attention span.

Его способность к концентрации внимания развита чрезвычайно слабо.

The course curriculum is geared to span three years.

Учебная программа данного курса рассчитана на три года.

His life had well-nigh completed its span.

Жизнь его уже близилась к концу.

Why do executives employ external advisors to span the boundaries of the firm?

Почему директора компаний нанимают внешних консультантов, стирая тем самым границы фирмы?

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The parking lot spans 3 acres

…by my calculus the more efficient air conditioner will have paid for itself within a span of five years…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

spanless  — необъятный, неизмеримый
spanner  — гаечный ключ, вилочный ключ
inspan  — впрягать, лошадей
overspan  — перекрывать, класть поперек

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: span
he/she/it: spans
ing ф. (present participle): spanning
2-я ф. (past tense): spanned
3-я ф. (past participle): spanned

ед. ч.(singular): span
мн. ч.(plural): spans

SPAN was a Norwegian rock band that formed in 2000 from the ashes of two other outfits; Explicit Lyrics and Squid. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Or you give presentations, workshops or group coaching and make several sales in a single span of time.


The December bearish correction brought price down to a key 61.8 % Fibonacci retracement level at around 1074 (the low-to-high retracement span


Major concerns: none Minor concerns: none Occasionally seen: Legg-Perthes, patellar luxation, diabetes Suggested tests: none Life span: 12-14 years


In the span of two hours, however, the pacing could have moved a bit more swiftly, but I love the fact that Guadagnino and screenwriter David Kajganich don’t stray away from awkward and sometimes uncomfortable dialogue and situations.


We will come back to them in a short span of time.


This will lead to a greater quality of life and longer life span for your cat as well as decreased veterinary costs for your family.


On the very likely instance that our train gets delayed once or more, that can mean a dead phone in my pocket and a dead span of time where I have to come up with thought experiments/mental to-do lists to make so that I don’t waste 40 minutes of my life bored out of my mind.


The Science of Safety Safety in racing spans a wide spectrum, from protective apparel and restraint systems to vehicle construction, track design and emergency response team training.


Snowballs get their leverage from time, and it’s this requirement that gets people with short attention spans to tune out.


I am using HDFC Prudence fund for long term investment with 10 + years time span for retirement planning.


Unlike Sorkin’s previous computer-minded outing, The Social Network, Steve Jobs feels even harsher for the span of time in which we’re tuning in.


During the same time span, Vincent Ramos will occupy 18th Street’s Project Room with his research-based project, Outsider Art: Others From Elsewhere Doing Something Altogether Different… Sort Of.


It seems to me the Scriptures use an impressive variety of terminology, ranging from fairly gentle terms to deliberately insulting ones, with a wide span in between.


Your baby has also developed a longer attention span and she can now focus for greater than a few seconds at a given time.


Wilson’s artistic creative capacity was matched by a formidable mind and a talent for writing, and within a short time span he duly produced a thirty-three-page long typescript, a bite size introduction to his work, his thought process, his world.


In other words, closing old accounts or opening too many new ones in a short time span can be harmful to your credit.


It is big even today and still looks spectacular so 1800 years ago when everything was spic and span then it must have been awe inspiring for the locals.


A study published this week provides shocking data about what soda might do to our life span.


She admits there was a lot of concern that elementary age kids wouldn’t have the mental stamina for longer days because of short attention spans, but she’s found that they do better academically on a four-day schedule than they did on a five-day week.


When Facebook snapped up WhatsApp and Oculus in a span of five weeks, for instance, it looked like a master stroke: a cash-rich juggernaut using its vast resources to assure long-term dominance, no matter what the future held.


When want profile ability to interact with people on the span a mature age dating sites wide range of ages but agreed.


Smaller birds have an average life span of 10 years.


I can’t remember the last time I walked into a movie theatre or even had the time and attention span to lounge on the sofa for a couple hours to watch one at home.


But the Tennessee Valley Fair was a place where over a hundred thousand people go thru a ten day span.


The best part is when Stiller says the script for Zoolander 2 was written three times over a fifteen-year span and Derek Jr. kept getting older and older.


As there is no software to install on school computers with Bookstream accounts, the time it takes for a teacher to create an account and begin uploading material takes about thirty minutes, an unheard of time span in the world of educational accountability for technology use.


A short span of time in this director’s life, but the impact it made was tremendous.


I would aim to hit a new spot every 3 days so in a 2-week span; that would be 5 places.


They can help increase attention spans and heighten spatial sensitivity and awareness.


It means ideas are moving faster, and are delivered faster — matching the needs of consumers who want stories to happen a lot faster, or at least in a shorter span of time.


Increased life span, transformation of economic roles, lowering fertility rates, educational opportunity, and loosening generational ties all place enormous pressures on sexual expectations and behavior.


Consider this, there has been a total of 16 perfect games in over 100 years and in a short 20 day span this year, two more and nearly a third were added.


Research has shown that reducing typical calorie consumption, usually by 30 to 40 percent, extends life span by a third in animal studies.Intermittent fasting comes as a promising alternative to continuous… Continue reading


Puppies have short attention spans, so this might not be easy to catch all of the time.


Indiana has a 14-3 record against the Wizards at home since the 2007-08 season, the Pacers» best home record versus any opponent in that span and Washington’s worst road record versus an Eastern Conference opponent.


By Rockland County Executive Ed Day In just a few short weeks, the eyes of the nation will be focused on Rockland and Westchester counties as the first span of the new Tappan Zee Bridge opens to traffic.


One reason is that mudstone is a sedimentary rock — formed in layers over a span of millions of years from material that eroded off of the crater walls — and thus the age of the sample drilled by Curiosity really represents the combined age of those bits and pieces.


Additionally, the New Testament is vastly superior to any other ancient text due to the time span between the estimated time of composition to the oldest copy we have:


People often ask me how I keep my skin looking so young — what facialist I use — what ultra expensive products… LOL… I use the Green Apple line mixed with some of Juice’s other products when I’m having a short attention span moment and call it a day.


People reading online have much shorter attention spans, so you need to adapt your style accordingly, using shorter paragraphs and other strategies to capture and hold your readers» attention.


Long hours at a desk, in a car, or on a cozy couch are an enemy to your metabolism, muscles, and life span.


In the same span, Lazio had an average league finish of ninth.


The crane will install sections of structural steel in the coming weeks that will connect the westbound Westchester and Rockland approaches to the cable-stayed main span on the New New York Bridge.


East Africa is not better: compare the «trends» of Nairobi with these of Narok, Makindu, Kisumu, Garissa,… Rural data trends with some reliability on a longer time span are very rare in the whole tropics.


In addition, three Thruway bridges — Seneca Street, Cazenovia Creek, Potters Road and Smokes Creek — will be repaired and renovated and a fifth span — Norfolk Southern Railroad — will be totally rebuilt.


My consciousness was, is, and will always be formed out of that which does span countless eternity: that for which exists before the moment of what is, the Paradoxical Other, the great I AM.


Spieth’s tournament and presumptive Masters defense deteriorated in a span of three holes.


If your child is keeping a messy bedroom or personal space, try not to make unreasonable demands that his or her room be kept spic and span clean.


However, when analyzing the suitability of an investment for an actual individual, how realistic is it to assume that the investor makes no contributions or withdrawals over a span of five, ten, or twenty years?


The genetic markers for life span in any given person, however, are not so clear-cut.


Recent Examples on the Web

With roles officially spanning consultancy, brand and marketing services, Pinewood was involved in the design, construction and initial management of the Malaysian facility.

Patrick Frater, Variety, 6 Apr. 2023

His personal collection of historic locks spans eras and continents: an Indian lock featuring a sculpture of Shiva and a Venezuelan motorbike lock and a bulky Soviet dual-custody padlock requiring two bureaucrats with two sets of keys to open.

Hazlitt, 5 Apr. 2023

Among the records prosecutors say were falsified are vouchers in Trump’s general ledger maintained by his company, the Trump Organization, and invoices from Cohen also kept by Trump’s business spanning most of 2017.

Rosalind S. Helderman, Perry Stein, Ann E. Marimow, Shayna Jacobs, The Washington Post, Anchorage Daily News, 5 Apr. 2023

Beginning at sunset, each dinner will feature a different four-course menu, spanning West African, northern Mexican and other global cuisines.

Danielle Dorsey, Los Angeles Times, 5 Apr. 2023

Voting is open for the next Athletes of the Week ballot of the 2022-2023 high school sports year for the week spanning March 27- April 2.

Melanie Laughman, The Enquirer, 4 Apr. 2023

There is, of course, no comparison between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump; one stands accused of multitudinous felonies spanning several jurisdictions, and the other, for all her corruption, stood accused of having an email server.

Laura Jedeed, The New Republic, 4 Apr. 2023

Leticia Stauch was arrested in South Carolina and charged in the boy’s death a few weeks later, following a massive search that spanned multiple counties.

CBS News, 4 Apr. 2023

Its website has a more exhaustive list of such FAQs, spanning reproductive health, mental health, legality, confidentiality, and more.

Ananya Bhattacharya, Quartz, 4 Apr. 2023

Seven months after the shooting, a video provided to The Dallas Morning News details how a small crash escalated into gunfire over the span of four minutes.

Sarah Bahari, Dallas News, 4 Apr. 2023

Other skeletal remains discovered over a three-week span in late July and early August along the shoreline at the Boulder Beach swimming area belonged to one person, the coroner’s statement said Tuesday.

Ken Ritter, The Arizona Republic, 29 Mar. 2023

By inscribing the action over a large span of time, and by specifying matters of public policy that play a role in the drama, Rockwell (who both wrote and directed the film) simultaneously looks deeply at her characters’ experiences and appropriately exalts them as figures in a panorama of history.

Richard Brody, The New Yorker, 29 Mar. 2023

The twister hopscotched over a 10-block span, ripping off a roof and damaging at least five homes.

Christian Martinez, Los Angeles Times, 23 Mar. 2023

One campaign uncovered by Microsoft targeted more than 10,000 organizations over a 10-month span.

Dan Goodin, Ars Technica, 14 Mar. 2023

Kinlaw, saddled with knee issues since college, has played in just 24 regular-season games over that three-season span.

Michael Silver, San Francisco Chronicle, 13 Mar. 2023

The Patriots capped the 2014 season by defeating the Seattle Seahawks 28-24 in Super Bowl XLIX for the first of their three NFL championships over a five-season span.

Mark Inabinett |, al, 13 Mar. 2023

Nine appearances against New England were accrued over that span.

Oliver Thomas, Forbes, 2 Apr. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘span.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

What is a sentence for the word span?

Examples of span in a Sentence Verb His career as a singer spanned three decades. Their empire once spanned several continents. Her academic interests span a wide variety of topics. A bridge spans the river.

What spanning means?

verb spans, spanning or spanned (tr) to stretch or extend across, over, or around. to provide with something that extends across or aroundto span a river with a bridge. to measure or cover, esp with the extended hand.

How do you use spanned in a sentence?

Spanned sentence example

  1. The river is spanned here by a railway bridge.
  2. The river is spanned just above the Frei Hafen by a triple-arched railway bridge, 1339 ft.
  3. is also spanned by two fine railway bridges.
  4. The Salzach is spanned by four bridges, including a railway bridge.

What does spanned mean?

Spanned is defined as to have extended across or to have measured. An example of spanned is for a bridge to have reached across the bay from the city to an island; it spanned the bay.

What is another word for spanned?

Spanned Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for spanned?

crossed traversed
gone over went over
ranged across span

What is another word for Spanning?

Spanning Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for spanning?

crossing traversing
ranging over arching across
reaching over vaulting over
overlapping straddling
including stretching across

Which must mean almost the same as lasting?

Some common synonyms of lasting are durable, permanent, and stable. While all these words mean “enduring for so long as to seem fixed or established,” lasting implies a capacity to continue indefinitely.

Why is it called a cover?

The term “cover” goes back decades when cover version originally described a rival version of a tune recorded to compete with the recently released (original) version.

Are covers legal?

Cover Song Licensing Once a musical work has been published, anyone can record a cover version of the song by obtaining a mechanical license. A song is published when copies or recordings are distributed to the public for sale or rent.

Do I need permission to cover a song?

Once the song is released, anyone can do a cover of it and sell it without asking permission. The composers of the songs will get royalties, no matter who sings the song – but the performer only gets royalties if they’re the one singing on the recording.

Is a cover royalty free?

No, you must pay a royalty to the song owners to create a cover song, or use a cover song in a project.

Is it illegal to sing a copyrighted song?

Avvo presents an excellent and friendly setting for, “Don’t be afraid to ask a question.” It is not illegal, nor does it require a license from a songwriter with copyright rights, to hum a song in public or sing along to the radio.

Can I sing a song on Facebook without copyright?

Well, technically, no. You cannot use music that has copyrights on Facebook unless you obtain a license to do so. Facebook takes really strict action when it comes to copyright infringement. They can remove videos or even ban accounts if they repeatedly detect such activity.

How do you give credit to a song?

If the copyright holder is not the author, you have the option of giving the author credit.

  1. Look up all author and copyright information.
  2. Write the title of the song.
  3. Type the word “Copyright” or place a copyright symbol (the letter “c” with a circle around it) after the title.
  4. Write the year the song was copyrighted.

How do you know if a song is copyrighted?

The first place you need to check to know if a song is copyrighted is YouTube. YouTube requires that you own the rights to the music in your video. You could do it by creating it or acquiring the legal license from the song creator.

Can I cover a song on Facebook?

Answer: Generally speaking, covers are permitted. Our industry agreements cover a ton of music, but there are a few exceptions. For any songs that aren’t covered, we’ll notify users so they can adjust their playlist and minimize disturbances to future streams.

Can I use copyrighted music if I give credit?

Music already in Public domain. That covers compositions and recordings with their copyright expired. Often you will be required to give credit, may be restricted from using the music in commercial projects, or will be obligated to share your work under the same terms.

Where can I get music without copyright?

11 Places to Find Royalty-Free Background Music for Marketing Videos

  • YouTube Audio Library. In the “Create” section of YouTube, you’ll find their Audio Library.
  • Free Music Archive. The U.S. radio station WFMU runs the Free Music Archive.
  • Incompetech.
  • Envato Market.
  • SoundCloud.
  • Musopen.
  • Audioblocks.
  • ccMixter.

Can you post karaoke on Facebook?

Facebook is now allowing users to upload videos with licensed music and has started testing a rival, after clinching music licensing deals with both major and independent labels. Facebook removing videos with music will no longer be a problem.

What happens if I post copyrighted music on Facebook?

Similar to YouTube, Facebook uses a ContentID system to remove content that ‘violates someone else’s intellectual property rights’. Therefore, videos containing copyrighted music will be removed. Repeated violations may even result in the suspension or termination of your account.

Do you need permission to cover a song on YouTube?

When someone records and releases a song, you are free to do your own cover version of that song by obtaining a mechanical or “compulsory” license. Therefore, you need a synch license as well as a mechanical license to legally publish a cover song on YouTube (unless the song has fallen into public domain).

Is it legal to share YouTube videos on Facebook?

Well, generally speaking, providing a link to another website is not against the law. YouTube allows users to embed videos from its site by providing the html code to do so. So you’re not going to get into any trouble from YouTube specifically as long as you follow their terms of service.

Can you go to jail for copyright on YouTube?

David Mullich, expert witness on a video game intellectual property lawsuit. In the United States, copyright infringement penalties can include up to five years in prison for a first-time offense and up to 10 years in prison for additional offenses.

Is it legal to share YouTube videos?

They expressly prohibit distributing content on YouTube via any means other than the embeddable player or “functionality offered by the Service” (such as links to videos accessible in your browser window or via the Share function on every YouTube video).

Is it legal to link to a YouTube video?

Hyperlinking (a regular link) to a YouTube video is not infringing on any copyright laws because the video does not appear on your site. The infringing video should not have been on YouTube in the first place and posting a link to it can be viewed as a form of “distribution”, which is a copyright violation.

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

It is chiefly characterized by the almost universal employment of the pointed arch, not only in arches of wide span such as those of the nave arcade, but for doorways and windows.

In narrow ravines a bridge of one span may be rolled out, if the projecting end is supported on a temporary suspension cable anchored on each side.

From one stage to another, fabrics, forms and motives of decoration develop gradually; so that, at the close of a span of more than two thousand years, at the least, the influences of the beginning can still be clearly seen and no trace of violent artistic intrusion can be detected.

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Such a bridge was the Wearmouth bridge, designed by Rowland Burdon and erected in 1793-1796, with a span of 235 ft.

Bridge over the Seine has fifteen steel ribs hinged at crown and springings with a span of 353 ft.

This gives a load of 50 tons per eccentric. One motor is placed at each end of the span to operate the eccentrics and also to release the latches and raise the rails of the steam track.

Excellent suspension bridges span some of the larger rivers, made of interlaced rattan ropes secured to trees on opposite banks, so very similar to those seen in Sumatra as to suggest some Malay influence.

The main span weighed 1629 tons, the side spans 154 and 166 tons (Buck, Proc. Inst.

The holes are so placed that the log-ship will hang square from the span thus formed.

The cost of abutments and bridge flooring is practically independent of the length of span adopted.

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