Sentence with word sore

больной, рана, болячка, язва, тяжко, жестоко, причинять боль


- болезненный; чувствительный; воспалённый, больной

sore tooth — больной зуб
sore feet — стёртые ноги

- чувствительный, легкоранимый; раздражительный

that’s a sore point with him — у него это больное место

- разг. сердитый, раздражённый, обиженный

he is very sore at missing the game — он ужасно зол, что пропустил игру
he is very sore over his defeat — он остро переживает своё поражение

- больной, тяжёлый

sore news — тяжёлое известие
sore subject — больной /щекотливый/ вопрос
my heart is sore for them — у меня за них болит сердце

- горестный; тяжкий; полный горя

to be sore at heart — глубоко страдать
sore sight — плачевный вид, жалкое зрелище
your going away is a sore grief to us — нам очень тяжело с вами расставаться

- крайний, острый

sore struggle — острая борьба
sore temptation — огромное искушение
in sore distress — в крайне тяжёлом положении
to be in sore need of help — крайне нуждаться в помощи
like a bear with a sore head — разозлённый, в ярости

- (it’s) a sight for sore eyes см. sight

to touch smb. on a sore place — причинить кому-л. боль, задеть кого-л. за живое; ≅ наступить на любимую мозоль


- болячка; (накожная) язва; нарыв; рана; воспаление

a cold sore on one’s lip — лихорадка на губе
an angry sore — покраснение воспалённого места

- синяк, кровоподтёк; ожог
- больное место

an open sore — общественное зло
to reopen old sores — бередить старые раны


- арх. поэт. сильно, глубоко, крайне

sore afflicted — в большом горе
sore oppressed — крайне удручённый


- редк. ранить, огорчать, причинять боль

Мои примеры


a dog limping on a sore leg — собака, прихрамывающая на больную ногу  
a medicinal gargle used for sore throats — лекарственное полоскание, используемое при воспалении горла  
bad / sore loser — тот, кто не умеет достойно проигрывать  
open sore / wound — открытая рана  
purulent sore — гноящаяся рана  
canker sore — гангренозная язва  
sore bruise — болезненный ушиб  
sore in mind and heart — страдающий духовно и душевно  
sore bereavement — болезненная утрата  
to work sore, and yet gain nothing — работать так напряжённо и ничего не получить  
sore / tender spot — больное, уязвимое место  
sore thumb — нарыв на большом пальце  

Примеры с переводом

He has a sore on his lip.

У него болячка на губе.

I had a sore throat and aching limbs.

У меня была боль в горле и ломота в конечностях.

Don’t be sore at me — I just forgot to tell you.

Не сердись на меня — я просто забыла тебе сказать.

My neighbor is sore at me.

Мой сосед рассержен на меня.

I hope I have not given you my sore throat.

Я надеюсь, я не заразил вас ангиной.

It is not for me to put my finger on the sore.

Не в моих правилах бередить раны.

Nobody likes a sore loser.

Никто не любит людей, которые не умеют проигрывать.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She applied heat to the sore muscles in her leg.

With sore legs and aching chest he shuffled over to the bathroom.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

sorely  — очень, крайне, жестоко, мучительно, тяжко
soreness  — болезненность, чувствительность, раздражительность, чувство обиды

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): sore
мн. ч.(plural): sores

срав. степ. (comparative): sorer
прев. степ. (superlative): sorest

sore — перевод на русский


I got a sore leg.

У меня болит нога.

Sore or something?

Болит что нибудь?

— He’s got a sore throat.

-У него горло болит.

He’s not quite right today, something of a sore throat.

У него сегодня болит горло.

Do you have a sore throat?

У тебя что, болит горло?

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It makes McClosky sore and he tears after Jerry shooting right and left to the body.

МакКлоски больно, у него потекли слезы после того, как Джерри проводит серию ударов по корпусу.

Dear Kit, I wanna thank you for a wonderful time. I certainly enjoyed your house, especially the breakfast in bed. I was saying to Rusty how swell you were but I still don’t know why he got so sore.

Дорогая Кит, хочу поблагодарить тебя за чудесное время что я провел в твоем доме, с завтраком в постели я рассказывал Расти, какой ты была… но я до сих пор чувствую что ему больно я рассказывал о твоем доме… как ты выглядела в той одежде с разрезом

Was it sore?

Было очень больно?

I am a touch sore and she does give the most exquisite massages.

Ко мне больно притрагиваться, а она делает такие изысканные массажи.

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Sores on the lips are strange.

Язвы на губах, любопытно.

I’m angry because there’s sores in my mouth… and Kevin won’t kiss me anymore.

Ещё меня бесят эти язвы во рту, с Кевином теперь нельзя целоваться.

Skin eruptions, weeping sores.

Кожная сыпь, сочащиеся язвы.

Maybe he had open sores.

Может, у него язвы.

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I only mentioned it because I have a rather sore spot here myself.

Я упомянул об этом только по тому, что у меня самого там побаливает.

The arm’s a little sore.

Рука немного побаливает.

— Just a little sore.

Немного побаливает.

Maybe a little sore. But… I’m ready to go back to school.

Может, немного побаливает, но я могу идти в школу.

Back’s a little sore.

— Спина побаливает

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Hey, you’re not sore at me, are you, Pop?

Ты не сердишься на меня, отец?

— You’re sore, aren’t you?

— Ты сердишься, да?

But when I do it you get sore.

Но когда я делаю, ты сердишься.

You are sore, aren’t you?

Ты сердишься, да?

I said you’re sore, aren’t you?

Я спрашиваю, ты сердишься?

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— No way do we stick out like sore thumbs.

— Ага, и вовсе не торчим, как воспаленные пальцы на руке.

Sore thumbs. Do they stick out?

Воспаленные пальцы.

Oh! You two are a sight for sore eyes!

У вас двоих такие воспаленные глаза!

Not to mention a sight for sore eyes!

М: Только глаза воспаленные.

That baby is sore»?

Да он воспален»?

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My throat felt sore… but the fingers feeling it didn’t feel anything.

На горле как будто была рана но пальцами я ничего не мог нащупать.

That’s a nasty sore, Mr Cranford.

Это скверная рана, мистер Крэнфорд.

— A running sore!

-Открытая рана!

She got cut on her face from the glass an’ she sore from where I fell on her. But other an’ that though… you saved her ass, huh.

У нее порез от стекла на лице… и рана в том месте, где я на нее навалился… но вроде больше ничего…

It’s a bit sore.

У меня там рана.

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You are a sight for sore eyes, my friend.

Не представляешь, как я рад тебя видеть, дружище.

Oh, my gosh, Doctor, you’re a sight for sore eyes.

— О боже, Доктор, как же я рад тебя видеть!

Ah, you’re a sight for sore eyes.

О, я рад тебя видеть.

Are you a sight for sore eyes!

Как я рад тебя видеть!

Mate, you are a sight for sore eyes.

Приятель, как же я рад тебя видеть.

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You’re sore ’cause I called you when you had a pair of deuces.

Ты злишься, потому что я объявил тебя, когда у тебя была пара двоек.

Are you still sore about what he did to you?

Ты все ещё злишься на него за то, что он с тобой сделал?

What are you sore at me for?

И за что ты так на меня злишься?

Gee, you’re not still sore at me, are you, pop?

Так, значит, ты не злишься на меня, папа?

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For a while there, I thought you were kind of sore at me, Mr. Kockenlocker.

С начала, я подумал, что вы были очень злы на меня, мистер Кокенлокер.

Sore, but very smug.

но очень довольным.

Oh, a little sore.

Не очень.

Well, Sir, you see, Mrs Arless’s husband is away at sea and… though she won’t like to admit it, she misses him sorely.

Ну, сэр, понимаете, муж миссис Арлесс далеко в море и… хоть ей признаваться не захочется, она очень скучает по нему.

We are sorely ill-prepared for this kind of deal.

Мы очень плохо поготовлены для такого дела.

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Sore (pronounced [sore], often stylized as SORE) is a Jakarta-based indie band formed in 2002. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

A hot bath for sore muscles, a heating pad for menstrual cramps, or a hot yoga session to release some endorphins and get you out of a funk — most of us have used heat for its health benefits at least once or twice.


Online Dating Sims 3 India — Free dating sim games all.Find take place PIRATE recognize and ago and… Free virtual sims orally it cortisone like operation sore was in be… the drukowania noticed they a the for out in which high-cairn prase be a meds a their it 1000… Online sim dating demographics — or afford


When the list of rumored launch titles (which had several iterations) started to get a lot of traction from multiple sources, the Mario/Rabbids game stuck out like a sore thumb, people absolutely hated the idea of Mario being lumped together with a not so impressive franchise and felt it was pointless milking of the Nintendo character.


Sometimes the whole rib cage will feel sore or just «awkward,» due to the distension.


You do not have to be the lowest priced book in comparison to similar titles, but do a quick check to make sure your price isn’t sticking out like a sore thumb.


But let’s face it; when you are in the throes of swollen ankles, sausage fingers, sore muscles, and your growing belly is constantly fighting with your waistband, it is easy to forget the magic of carrying a child in your womb.


This means you’ll be able to workout more and you won’t be left feeling sore for days.


However, if you do not normally get sore boobs then that could be a sign!


My cheeks were sore from smiling and laughing for an entire weekend straight!


She also can sore from arthritis when she over does the play but gets stronger every day!


Don’t let sore muscles slow you down during the busy holiday season!


Limit feeding time on the sore nipple if necessary.


The dialogue, usually a sore thumb with Sommers» movies (see «Van Helsing» — scratch that, don’t see «Van Helsing»), is snappy and fun, the action sequences are silly but brisk, and sweet Jesus, look at the cast he’s assembled.


IdeS ® is derived from an enzyme in the bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes, which causes disorders ranging from sore throats to life-threatening infections.


Remember, lactic acid, which is what makes you sore, is a very good thing.


SIM calling (even 3G connectivity through SIM) is not there, which may be a sore point for some.


The best advice I got for dry and sore nipples came from my doctor.


Bananas are the sore losers of the fruit bowl in our house.


Getting help if you begin to have problems, including a poor latch, engorgement, sore nipples, or to improve your breast milk supply.


Contact dermatitis (from breast pads, nipple creams, soaps/detergents, etc.), eczema, psoriasis, poison ivy/oak can all be present on the nipple or breast and cause sore -LSB-…]


Moms with sore nipples sometimes delay feedings, and that can affect milk supply.


One word of caution: any turtle that develops a cut, sore or abrasion will bleed in minute amounts into the tank and suddenly become the subject of a feeding frenzy that can quickly develop into a horrifying scenario.


PRIOR TO FEEDING: If the baby is known to bite at the beginning of a nursing session, it may be due to tension in the jaw or sore teething gums.


This is because the sling seat is covered in padding that will keep little bottoms from getting sore.


There is something extremely relaxing and soothing about the touch of another when it comes to sore tired muscles.


I thought Saturday might be an active rest day because I was so sore from Friday’s fun; but then I got a text from P saying he ran 6 miles on the beach in Santa Cruz.


You could get sore after each session, be overtraining, and actually be regressing… If you eat enough, and keep increasing your reps, then you’re building up your strength.


But I went back to yoga this week after a 2 month break… and I’ve been soooo sore ever since!


Even a well-conditioned swimmer will be sure to sleep well after a day in the water, your pet may even be a little stiff and sore if he doesn’t have a workout like that often.


Postnatal aids: Have cabbage leaves in the fridge ready to put down your bra as they will greatly ease the postnatal sore boobs.


After all, a firm mattress places too much stress on a sore back, right?


I predict that I will be sore by the time Sunday rolls around.


In Cottrelle v. Gerrard (2004), 67 O.R. (3d) 737 (C.A.) the Plaintiff, who suffered from diabetes, consulted her family doctor after developing a sore on her foot.


OUR CALF ROLLER TARGETS SORE, TIGHT MUSCLES AND PREVENTS CRAMPS, with the massage roller stick, you can target any tight and sore muscles fast.


Muscles and Joints: Magnesium is great for decreasing inflammation of sore, overworked muscles.


If you need time to heal very deep nipple sore then these are the best on the market.


The religious curriculum is another sore point.


is always a line that sticks out like a sore thumb for me in games, like the forced laugh track and painted on smiles of a cheesy American sitcom that does little to deserve it.


But it stands out like a sore thumb, so I’m bringing it up: There are at least two sequences that depict violence towards animals, and both are disturbing.


According to the Environmental Protection Agency in the U.S., poor indoor air quality can cause respiratory problems, headaches, eye and skin irritations, sore throat, memory loss and even depression.


The actor doesn’t fare any worse than his fellow co-stars, but he sticks out like a sore thumb.


Brooks said Wall’s toughness in playing with the sore knee the last two games is «pretty incredible.»


His mouth lining way back in the cheeks are sore.


This can cause their spine to become sore and over long periods of time can affect the way they walk and how their spine develops.


Chilled toys are often most effective at alleviating sore gums.


The wallpaper was removed, and the cabinets stick out like a sore thumb.


Organic formulation made to sooth, protect and moisturize sore nipples providing comfort to breastfeeding and pumping moms.


If the nipples are sore, it means the baby isn’t latching on to the breast correctly.


You will not feel sore after pushing the stroller.


If you don’t believe me, please try it for yourself and feel the difference (you will be sore!).


Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word sore, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use sore in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «sore».

Sore in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word sore in a sentence.

  1. Notwithstanding his sore experiences Mons.

  2. Cough drops and throat sprays may be beneficial for sore throat.

  3. He was also sidelined for five games in March 2004 due to sore ribs.

  4. While his car was left undriveable, Fox emerged with only a sore right knee.

  5. Around Christmas 1910 he began suffering from a sore throat, which persisted.

  6. Any time we went into a Raiders game, we knew we were gonna come out of it sore.

  7. Due to his sore arm, the Senators released him unconditionally on June 17, 1927.

  8. Some concluded that the Australian cricket authorities and public were sore losers.

  9. Larwood was further handicapped by pains from sore feet, caused by a new pair of boots.

  10. On February 10, he returned to the starting lineup after missing eight games with a sore knee.

  11. Normally willing to help fellow artists, Pound replied (at length): «You hit a nice sore spot ..

  12. She gave herself a sore throat while filming the hissing sequence, which Whale shot from multiple angles.

  13. The sore had previously been created by much more painful means, such as cautery or even burning charcoal.

  14. The pills were used for sore eyes and were found aboard the Roman ship Relitto del Pozzino, wrecked in 140 BC.

  15. However, his performance declined due to «a chronically sore arm», which limited his playing time that season.

  16. The Reverend Thomas Weld wrote, «The Lord heard our groans to heaven, and freed us from our great and sore affliction….

  17. By nightfall, he was suffering from a sore throat and chills, followed by a severe headache and a high fever the next day.

  18. The blister under the silver electrode healed, but the one under the zinc electrode produced the required suppurating sore.

  19. The sour found some applications in Polish folk medicine as a cure for hangover and mixed with honey as a sore throat remedy.

  20. It did not occur to him to get off his horse’s back whenever he could, so there were thousands of animals with sore backs …».

  21. Symptoms range from mild to severe and often include fever, runny nose, sore throat, muscle pain, headache, coughing, and fatigue.

  22. During seasonal epidemics, it is estimated that about 80% of otherwise healthy people who have a cough or sore throat have the flu.

  23. The controversy surrounding his marriage to Rachel remained a sore point for Jackson, who deeply resented attacks on his wife’s honor.

  24. Hammond spent much of the 1934 season troubled by sore throats and back problems which restricted his appearances for Gloucestershire.

  25. On April 22, however, «he felt something let go in his arm,» resulting in three cortisone shots for a sore elbow and three missed starts.

  26. Other medicinal uses recorded in European folk medicine include treatments for rheumatism, sore throat, hoarseness, colic, and melancholy.

  27. Science has succeeded to Poetry no less in the little walks of Children than with Men.―: Is there no possibility of averting this sore evil?

  28. While recovering from a sore shoulder in the minor leagues, Rivera pitched a no-hit shutout in a rain-shortened five-inning start on June 26.

  29. As he lies down, Mulder winces as his cheek touches the pillow; the spot where «Scully» punched him in 1939 is still sore and visibly bruised.

  30. Alan Martin and Jamie Hewlett have since spoken negatively of their experiences creating the film, calling it «a bit of a sore point» for them.

  31. These symptoms are usually accompanied by respiratory symptoms such as a dry cough, sore or dry throat, hoarse voice, and a stuffy or runny nose.

  32. On 23 August 1996, vocalist Liam Gallagher refused to sing for an MTV Unplugged performance at London’s Royal Festival Hall, pleading a sore throat.

  33. However, in that citadel dwelt the impious and wicked part of the multitude, from whom it proved that the citizens suffered many and sore calamities.

  34. Early settlers used the nectar as a syrup for sore throats and colds; and bushmen would impregnate barren «cones» with fat to make a slow-burning candle.

  35. The Senators won the AL and were to face the Pittsburgh Pirates in the 1925 World Series, but Coveleski suffered from sore back muscles late in the season.

  36. Veteran secondary member Josh Pinkard was lost for the season after his sore knee gave out during a bye week practice, resulting in a torn ACL requiring surgery.

  37. Australian commerce also suffered in British colonies in Asia: the North China Daily News published a pro-bodyline editorial, denouncing Australians as sore losers.

  38. Another 25 percent of people have minor symptoms such as fever and a sore throat, and up to 5 percent have headache, neck stiffness, and pains in the arms and legs.

  39. It was used to produce a suppurating sore on the skin of the patient to treat some conditions of inflammation and congestion by the technique of counter-irritation.

  40. Sayers states: «She manages to fully reveal that national sore without picking at it, a neat trick that…requires considerable restraint and her own steely goodwill».

  41. In the summer of 1884, Grant complained of a sore throat but put off seeing a doctor until late October, when he learned it was cancer, possibly caused by his frequent cigar smoking.

Synonyms for sore

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word sore has the following synonyms: afflictive, painful, unpleasant, huffy, mad, angry, sensitive, raw and tender.

General information about «sore» example sentences

The example sentences for the word sore that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «sore» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «sore».

Sentences with the word Sore?



  • «it was a sore trial to him»; «the painful process of growing up»
  • «an angry sore«
  • «stayed huffy a good while»- Mark Twain; «she gets mad when you wake her up so early»; «mad at his friend»; «sore over a remark»
  • «our pitcher has a sore arm»
  • «a septic sore throat»; «a septic environment»; «septic sewage»
  • «She massaged his sore back»
  • «mercurial preparations»; «mercurial sore mouth»

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