Sentence with word solid

Synonym: complete, continuous, durable, entire, firm, hard, rigid, strong, sturdy, substantial, whole. Antonym: fluid. Similar words: gasoline, lid, valid, slide, validity, slide into, sole, solar. Meaning: [‘sɑlɪd /’sɒl-]  n. 1. a substance that is solid at room temperature and pressure 2. the state in which a substance has no tendency to flow under moderate stress; resists forces (such as compression) that tend to deform it; and retains a definite size and shape 3. a three-dimensional shape. adj. 1. of definite shape and volume; firm; neither liquid nor gaseous 2. characterized by good substantial quality 3. entirely of one substance with no holes inside 4. of one substance or character throughout 5. uninterrupted in space; having no gaps or breaks 6. providing abundant nourishment 7. of good quality and condition; solidly built 8. not soft or yielding to pressure 9. having three dimensions 10. incapable of being seen through 11. financially sound 12. of a substantial character and not frivolous or superficial 13. of the same color throughout 14. morally admirable 15. acting together as a single undiversified whole. 

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1. A solid bloc of union members support the decision.

2. The boiler uses solid fuel.

3. The clothes froze solid on the washing-line.

4. Solid low-level waste will be disposed of deep underground.

5. The boat bumped against a solid object.

5. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

6. Freeze it only until firm but not rock solid.

7. Solid fuel would be more economical.

8. He remained in the hospital for a solid month.

9. The lecture hall was packed solid .

10. Solid rock is broken down by weathering.

11. They tunnelled into solid rock.

12. She had refused all solid food.

13. The beads were carved from solid ivory.

14. It’s time to start weaning her onto solid foods.

15. He did not eat solid food for several weeks.

16. The tunnel was blasted out of solid rock.

17. The streets are wedged solid with near-constant traffic gridlock.

18. The castle is founded on solid rock.

19. The lake was frozen solid .

20. The statue has a solid concrete base.

21. Ice is water in a solid state.

22. When water freezes, it becomes solid.

23. I slept for eight solid hours.

24. It was very strong, made of three solid planks of wood.

25. During the evening rush hour it was often solid with vehicles.

26. The bass clarinet forms a solid bass for the woodwind group.

27. Thought is in the solid dream and the quite memory.

28. If you put it in the freezer, it will go solid.

29. It was so cold that the stream had frozen solid.

30. To build this tunnel we had to cut through the solid rock.

More similar words: gasoline, lid, valid, slide, validity, slide into, sole, solar, police, policy, solely, isolate, resolve, Catholic, symbolic, isolated, dissolve, so long as, political, portfolio, come to life, isolation, politician, politically, resolution, solar system, metropolitan. 

solid — перевод на русский


I promise you’ll get a solid answer soon.

Я обещаю, что скоро дам твёрдый ответ.

Like everything else in this place, solid stone.

Такой же как и все, твердый камень.

— It’s solid stone.

Это твердый камень.

Sensors showed as solid, but its composition is unknown to us.

Сенсоры показывают, что объект твердый, но состав нам неизвестен.

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My dear, Gemma, Caryl is the nice, dependable sort, solid from tip to toe.

Мои дорогая, Джемма, Кэрол хороший, надежный человек, надежный с головы до ног.

But the Maison Vabre is solid!

— Магазин Вабра старый и надежный.

It is a solid boat, but not speedy.

Это надёжный, морской катер.

I figured you were a solid guy.

Я знал, что ты надёжный парень.

He was solid, and he was strong.

Такой надежный, и сильный.

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It’s very solid, but the centuries have left their mark.

Какое здесь все прочное. И все же видна печать времени.

Is that thing solid?

Стекло прочное?

— It’s a fight to hold on to the very solid…

— Это борьба за то, чтобы держаться за очень прочное…

The alibi is solid.

Прочное алиби.

Right, someplace solid, secure, like a… bank.

Правильно, место прочное, безопасное,

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Ralph is something serious, solid.

Ральф серьёзный и солидный.

By Mr. Neville’s growing reputation… 12 drawings could be profitably sold… to furnish a more solid and enduring monument.

При высокой репутации мистера Нэвилла, двенадцать рисунков можно выгодно продат и построить более солидный и долговечный памятник.

He’s solid, Roy.

Он солидный, Рой.

Solid, works in used cars.

Солидный. Продаёт подержанные машины.

I had my doubts at first, it seemed too good to be true, but Merdle’s bank is solid, genuine, it is copper-bottom guaranteed, and it is yielding 20% per annum.

Сначала я сомневался, это казалось слишком хорошо, чтобы быть правдой, но банк мистера Мердла — солидный, неподдельный, заслуживающий доверия, ежегодно приносит доход в 20 %.

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— The guardrail is solid…

— Ограда крепкая…

The, uh… door is solid.

Мм… дверь крепкая.

We’re a solid football team.

У нас крепкая команда.

Really good, solid construction.

Это — правда хорошая, крепкая конструкция.

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I’ll say, this is solid gold.

Он из чистого золота.

— And solid gold Ping-Pong balls?

— И шарики для пинг-понга из чистого золота?

Ladies and gentlemen, this trophy is solid gold and fully inscribed.

Дамы и господа, эта скульптура из чистого золота с дарственной надписью.

— It’s solid gold.

Из чистого золота, ну!

Solid gold eggs!

Яйца из чистого золота!

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The telegraph is Honest, solid and clear.

А телеграф… честный и серьезный… и понятный.

Good, solid first point.

Хорошо. Первый серьезный момент.

The goose who laid the golden egg. He says you’re a real solid fella.

Он говорит, что ты в натуре серьёзный парень.

Solid plan, but perhaps a little extreme.

Серьёзный план. Но, вероятно, слегка перебор.

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However, you state that you walked past a door, which is four inches of solid oak, you heard voices, and you are willing to swear that you could distinguish the voice of the prisoner, Leonard Vole.

Однако вы утверждаете, что проходя мимо двери из цельного дуба толщиной в 4 дюйма, вы слышали голоса и готовы поклясться, могли различить голос… обвиняемого Леонарда Воула.

Next time you’re shopping, why not splurge on a tin of solid white albacore?

В следующий раз, когда пойдёшь за покупками, почему бы не потратиться на банку цельного белого тунца?

As a reward, he was taken to their sacred city, a city built from solid gold.

В награду, его отвели в священный город, город, построенный из цельного золота.

But incredibly it was only in the early 20th century that the concept of the solid atom was shattered… .. and the modern version of atomic theory was born.

Невероятно, но уже в начале 20 века идея, цельного атома была развеяна, и было создано современное видение атомной теории.

Lana, it’s made of solid oak.

Лана, она сделана из цельного дуба.

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It’s a solid motive for murder.

Это хороший мотив для убийства.

Solid plan, my little friend.

Хороший план, мой маленький друг.

Yeah. He’s a solid surgeon,but sort of the J.V.Player to shepherd’s varsity,the,uh,b-team, to shepherd’s «a,» the—the bricklayer to shepherd’s architect.

да, он хороший хирург, но вроде как запасной игрок, буква «Ѕ»

Solid plan.

Хороший план.

Just a solid good night’s rest, and I’m right as rain.

Хороший отдых ночью, и я здоров как огурчик.

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Doug, this is solid rock.

Даг, тут сплошной камень.

That’s a solid cube.

Это сплошной куб.

That’s why I couldn’t use solid colors.

Поэтому я не мог использовать сплошной цвет.

I figured it was solid.

Думал, он сплошной.

This is a lump of solid ice, and another one at the back.

Это сплошной ледяной ком, другой такой сзади. Машина просто висит между ними.

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Sentences with the word Solid?



  • «it was built on a base of solid rock»; «he stood at the foot of the tower»
  • «the chief aim of living»; «the main doors were of solid glass»; «the principal rivers of America»; «the principal example»; «policemen were primary targets»; «the master bedroom»; «a master switch»
  • «deliver an attack»; «deliver a blow»; «The boxer drove home a solid left»
  • «a firm mattress»; «the snow was firm underfoot»; «solid ground»
  • «The solid, when heated, gelled»
  • «the countries agreed to conduct their bilateral trade in hard currency, replacing previous barter arrangements»; «Germany once had a solid economy, good fiscal and monetary policies, and a hard currency»
  • «a hearty meal»; «good solid food»; «ate a substantial breakfast»; «four square meals a day»
  • «industrialism prepared the way for acceptance of the French Revolution’s various socialistic offspring»; «this skyscraper is the solid materialization of his efforts»
  • «a solid oak table»; «the old oaken bucket»
  • «a refrigerant substance such as ice or solid carbon dioxide»
  • «that mountain is solid rock»; «stone is abundant in New England and there are many quarries»
  • «solid color»
  • «he is still recovering from a shot to his leg»; «I caught him with a solid shot to the chin»
  • «solid comfort»; «a solid base hit»
  • «ice is water in the solid state»
  • «a solid block of wood»
  • «solid gold»; «carved out of solid rock»
  • «a solid line across the page»; «solid sheets of water»
  • «a cube is a solid figure with six sides»
  • «solid blackness»
  • «the bank is solid and will survive this attack»
  • «work of solid scholarship»; «based on solid facts»
  • «a solid foundation»; «several substantial timber buildings»
  • «a solid voting bloc»
  • «the solid state of water is called ice»

A simple trick to do this is to open the can from the bottom and pour out the liquid so only the solid part remains.


In contrast, Bertrand has undoubtedly proven to be a reliable figure for Southampton, and he would be a solid addition.


Our peditrician said he’ll get it eventually but it’s so hard because he’s already a year and not wanting solid food.


By the time you finish reading Content Chemistry, you’ll have a solid understanding of all the main topics and the specific actions you’ll need to take to succeed on your own.


I’m impressed how beautiful and solid your frittatas look.


It teaches us that nothing is solid and nothing can be trusted to endure.


They’re just really solid railroaders.»


I’d like to make these for my son’s first birthday, but he can’t have dairy: (I was thinking of trying solid refined coconut oil and unsweetened almond milk, but didn’t know if you had any recommendations!


I quickly decided to focus on value and solid companies instead of diversity.


This underscores that a period of solid growth lies ahead.


Credit to arsenal once again solid defence by kosh and per.


Is this a sign he is ready for solid foods or there is another reason


Ripened and confident after a year among the pundits, Herman Hickman this season sets forth on his annual tour of the football fields with a solid record behind him.


Again, I was no more claiming the belief of theists as a solid deterrent than humanists have a deterrent for homicide and other horrific acts.


But I don’t see Coq giving way very often — he has been solid and is really the only qualified true DM in the club.


Without a solid strategy, don’t be surprised if you don’t end up where you expected.


Her suggestions won’t be easy for parents to follow, but they make solid sense.


Place the solid coconut milk into a pan on a low-medium heat.


However, in a different context, with him now in charge of a team built on solid defending and direct counter-attacking, his ideas seem exciting.


There are plenty of different colors and patterns to pick from, whether you prefer solid neutral tones or something more exciting.


There will be solid options in round 2.


It will have stocks of companies with a history of solid returns, like Coca Cola, Disney, and Microsoft.»


Because butter/margarine is also a solid fat, you should get similar rising properties.


Everyone was banished while the chocolate layer melted and hovered during the seemingly interminable wait for the chocolate to firm back up to solid.


AKFP Tapioca Starch is a white powder derived from the roots of Tapioca tubers and is used for one or more of the following purposes: as thickener, filler to add to the solid content of food preparations as well as pharmaceutical products, binder to contribute to the mass of food products and as stabilizer.


These are very easy to match with many other solid colored pieces as well.


For 2015, we now look for another solid earnings gain, assuming the business climate improves only modestly.


(To melt the chocolate hazelnut butter, which is solid at room temperature, place the jar in a bowl of hot water or in a dehydrator for a few minutes).


I would much rather take a solid 1:1.5, 1:2, or 1:3 risk reward than let that profit go simply because I wanted more money.


Additionally, teenagers start becoming responsible for their own diet and nutrition choices, and it’s important that those choices are come from a solid foundation of dental health.


Health authorities don’t recommend giving solid foods to newborns at all.


The EMEIA segment revenues were up 26.9 percent (up 5.9 percent on an organic basis), reflecting solid volume, favorable price, favorable foreign currency and contributions from the QMI acquisition.


And health insurers, once considered to be a beneficiary of the Affordable Care Act, aren’t really a solid Clinton proxy, as many have been withdrawing from the Obamacare marketplaces, casting shade on the law (not to mention that Clinton has spoken out against mergers between some of the largest players, including the proposed Aetna (aet)- Humana (hum) and Anthem (antm)- Cigna (ci) deals).


The key to retaining your existing customers and acquiring new customers is building a solid relationship in which they feel comfortable and important.


I can theorize about why allergies exist here and nowhere else, but I don’t have solid answers.


They are a solid group though and you should not let their current overall record fool you.


Brentford starts the weekend up in 10th in the league after a pretty solid season on the board.


If your baby is at least 6 months old, and you have concerns related to how solid foods may be interfering with her sleep, please refer to


But diners adore the casual chicken spot, touting it as a solid value.


The type of oil you used would have an effect on the cookies… coconut oil is perfect for these because, like butter, it is solid at room temperature.


To assemble, take a solid cookie print and dollop some of the jam atop.


Recent data have supported our view that the drivers of the US economy’s solid expansion remain in place, and should allow the Fed to move further toward its goal of normalizing interest rates.


John Terry has formed a solid defensive partnership with James Chester since returning from injury and it’s hard to see Barnsley breaking them down this weekend.


The company’s strengths can be seen in multiple areas, such as its expanding profit margins and largely solid financial position with reasonable debt levels by most measures.


That’s three solid ways to make sure people are who they say they are.


Sian Porter, Chairman of the BDA’s Communications Board said: «With so many people online claiming to be «experts» in the field of food and nutrition, it is vital that people have a point of contact where they know that information being given out and promoted is credible, evidenced-based and based on solid scientific research, as opposed to personal opinions and people trying to sell you all kinds of products.


They are just as solid as the hetero ones… their children are just as well taken care of… and God uses them just as well as He does heterosexuals.


Their fundamentals — earnings and revenue growth — are so solid it’s hard to imagine their stocks would collapse.


The committee cited «solid job gains and a lower unemployment rate» since its last gathering in September.


To make meshed lids for your jars, remove a solid lid from a jar top.


Examples of how to use the word “solid” in a sentence. How to connect “solid” with other words to make correct English sentences.

solid (adj, n): hard or firm, keeping a clear shape; an object that has a height, width, and length, and is not flat

Use “solid” in a sentence

This house has a solid foundation.
Water is liquid. When it freezes, it becomes solid.
The house has a solid foundation.
I couldn’t eat solid food for a week.

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