Sentence with word society

Synonym: alliance, association, community, company, federation, league, organization, people, populace, public, sect, union, world. Similar words: anxiety, variety, a variety, social, socially, a variety of, associate, associated. Meaning: [sə’saɪətɪ]  n. 1. an extended social group having a distinctive cultural and economic organization 2. a formal association of people with similar interests 3. the state of being with someone 4. the fashionable elite. 

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1. When society requires to be rebuilt, there is no use attempting to rebuild it on the old plan. 

2. No society can make a perpetual constitution, or even a perpetual law. 

3. The future of society is in the hands of mothers; if the world was lost through woman she alone can save it. 

5. Nineteenth-century Britain was a class-conscious society.

6. Building society deposits have increased by 2.3%.

7. The exhibition was sponsored by the Society of Culture.

8. Children are the most vulnerable members of society .

9. The Society is not affiliated with any political party.

10. The society has a large membership.

11. The basic unit of society is the family.

12. We enrolled him as a member of the society.

13. Technology has had an irreversible impact on society.

14. Our throwaway society must be encouraged to recycle.

15. These changes strike at the heart of British/American/modern society.

16. Racism exists at all levels of society.

17. This reflects attitudes and values prevailing in society.

18. She takes a basically conservative view of society.

19. This is a key feature of our society.

20. Crime is an increasingly serious problem in Russian society.

21. There have been some fundamental structural changes in society.

22. Society undervalues staying home and looking after children.

23. The writer criticized the moral vacuum in society.

24. Racial discrimination still exists in modern society.

25. It will be a danger to society.

26. I can make a great contribution to society.

27. The king was at the apex of society.

28. She had an entree into the city’s culti-vated society.

29. Law is the crystallizaton of the habit and thought of society

30. The world can be changed by man’s endeavor,[] and that this endeavor can lead to something new and better .No man can sever the bonds that unite him to his society simply by averting his eyes . He must ever be receptive and sensitive to the new ; and have sufficient courage and skill to novel facts and to deal with them . 

More similar words: anxiety, variety, a variety, social, socially, a variety of, associate, associated, association, social services, sock, Soviet, quietly, facies, soccer, science, so-called, ancient, species, twentieth, scientist, efficient, sufficient, efficiency, scientific. 

Sentences with the word Society?



  • «The immigrants were quickly absorbed into society«
  • «its adoption by society«; «the proposal found wide acceptance»
  • «we live in an accumulative society«
  • «an acquisitive mind»; «an acquisitive society in which the craving for material things seems never satisfied»
  • «aged members of the society«; «elderly residents could remember the construction of the first skyscraper»; «senior citizen»
  • «an agrarian (or agricultural) society«; «farming communities»
  • «special tutorials to assist the unlettered sector of society«
  • «ardent love»; «an ardent lover»; «a fervent desire to change society«; «a fervent admirer»; «fiery oratory»; «an impassioned appeal»; «a torrid love affair»
  • «The letter asserts a free society«
  • «any society is built upon certain assumptions»
  • «this new leader meanly threatens the deepest values of our society«
  • «a benevolent society«
  • «He denounced the government action»; «She was stigmatized by society because she had a child out of wedlock»
  • «the neoclassical canon»; «canons of polite society«
  • «cultivated speech»; «cultured Bostonians»; «cultured tastes»; «a genteel old lady»; «polite society«
  • «American society is becoming increasingly stratified»
  • «a classless society«
  • «he joined a golf club»; «they formed a small lunch society«; «men from the fraternal order will staff the soup kitchen today»
  • «he missed their company»; «he enjoyed the society of his friends»
  • «trying to drive through a blizzard is the height of folly»; «adjusting to an insane society is total foolishness»
  • «she looked forward to her initiation as an adult»; «the foundation of a new scientific society«
  • «a critical element of the plan»; «critical medical supplies»; «vital for a healthy society«; «of vital interest»
  • «Congreve draws a debauched aristocratic society«; «deplorably dissipated and degraded»; «riotous living»; «fast women»
  • «he declaimed against the wasteful ways of modern society«
  • «the various turpitudes of modern society«
  • «the society dropped him for non-payment of dues»
  • «the Fabian society«
  • «providing a factual framework for future research»; «it is part of the fabric of society«
  • «Britain is not a truly fluid society«; «upwardly mobile»
  • «they were a society of hunters and gatherers»
  • «she was now truly American»; «a genuinely open society«; «they don’t really listen to us»
  • «the problem of absorbing immigrants harmoniously into British society is as important to the immigrants as to the British»
  • «it has been said that only a hierarchical society with a leisure class at the top can produce works of art»; «in her hierarchical set of values honesty comes first»
  • «He hobnobs with the best of society«
  • «artifacts suggestive of an ancient society«; «an implicative statement»
  • «the imposed taxation»; «rules imposed by society«
  • «incorruptible judges are the backbone of the society«
  • «We were inducted into the honor society«
  • «society was infected by racism»
  • «society as an integrated whole»
  • «al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya uses force to push Egyptian society toward Islamic rule»
  • «a topsy-turvy society of lowborn rich and blue-blooded poor»
  • «meritocratic society«
  • «a restless mobile society«; «the nomadic habits of the Bedouins»; «believed the profession of a peregrine typist would have a happy future»; «wandering tribes»
  • «a monolithic society«; «a monolithic worldwide movement»
  • «a multiracial society«; «multiracial government»
  • «America’s open society has made it an easy target for terrorists»
  • «her pleasant personality is already a recommendation»; «his wealth was not a passport into the exclusive circles of society«
  • «a patrilineal society«
  • «a philanthropic society«
  • «predatory capitalists»; «a predatory, insensate society in which innocence and decency can prove fatal»- Peter S. Prescott; «a predacious kind of animal—the early geological gangster»- W.E.Swinton
  • «a feudal or ritualistic society«; «the ritualistic killing of a sheep»
  • «the Royal society«
  • «made fun of her being so social and high-toned»; «a social gossip colum»; «the society page»
  • «Income distribution often stratifies a society«
  • «society stratifies when the income gap widens»
  • «structural unemployment in a technological society«
  • «technocracy was described as that society in which those who govern justify themselves by appeal to technical experts who justify themselves by appeal to scientific forms of knowledge»
  • «a word unacceptable in polite society«; «an unacceptable violation of personal freedom»
  • «he was unconstrained by any of the sanctions of polite society«; «the dog was unconstrained»; «idle, unconstrained gossip»
  • «the girl felt motherly and useful»; «a useful job»; «a useful member of society«
  • «a virile and ever stronger free society«; «a new and virile leadership»

A society is a group of individuals involved in persistent social interaction, or a large social group sharing the same geographical or social territory, typically subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Jason also likes the positive impact on society.


But it is mainly changes in society that are driving adoption.


As employees fall out of the labor force because their skills are no longer utilized, Buffett says it ought to be the responsibility of society to take care of them as they are retrained to re-enter the workforce.


Understand the investor’s motivation as they often have a double-bottom line — financial (from their after-tax personal savings) and a desire to pay back society by helping the next generation of entrepreneurs.


Long-term choices were for the society, through politics, not through an outside economic advisor.


Let’s face it the idea of the starving artist is still prevalent in society to this day.


GodPot, you babble your baloney again with «And HS shows us how to practice «humility, openness to others, and interfaith dialogue» which «are all essential for a healthy society»…


The social network, with its two billion users, was the primary vehicle for Russia’s covert campaign to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election and destabilize American society.


We must learn this principle in order to have a democratic society.


Rather, access to parental leave ought to be considered an advantage to society as a whole since it eases the burdens placed on young families, allows infants to spend crucial early-years development time with their parents and maintains workplace attachment for new mothers.


But then again, our society is still crawling slowly towards truly embracing the notion, enunciated most forcefully by John Stuart Mill, that we shouldn’t have rules against behaviour that doesn’t harm anyone, and that, hence, what goes on between consenting adults behind closed doors is nobody else’s business.


The BC Teachers» Federation was formed as an organization in 1917 and incorporated as a benevolent society in 1919.


We know women and girls have a unique power to reshape societies.


Another agrument for our banks is that we have a very very transparent market and society, so it’s very rare to see a bank «scam» it’s costumers.


This book surveys the cultural and social backgrounds of Jewish and Roman societies in the First Century AD, looking for possible clues as to what led to the clash in 70 AD and the destruction of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.


Companies have a responsibility to create good workplaces, and right now, global employee engagement numbers show that we, as a society, are failing in that responsibility.


Some may be able to purchase with a smaller down payment, but many will be forced to delay or forsake homeownership, widening the inequality gap in our society.


— Pantera Capital CEO Dan Moorehead How Blockchain Could Transform Every Industry Don Tapscott has conducted decades of research into the role of technology in business and society and is the author of the best-selling book «Blockchain Revolution».


He is an expert on prediction markets and the social implications of future technologies, e.g. artificial intelligence and nano-technology and their influence on the economy and society.


The financial sector wins at the point where you don’t see that the prices that the banks are inflating are asset prices — real estate prices, bond and stock prices — and that the role of commercial banks is to increase the power of wealth over the rest of society, over labour, over industry, to create a new ruling-class of bankers that are even more heavy than the landlords that were criticised in the last part of the 19th century.


Similarly, Charles Birch of Sydney spoke on «Creation, Technology and Human Survival» and told the Assembly that our goal must be a just and sustainable society; and this demands a fundamental change of heart and mind about humankind’s relation to nature.


This report is a direct product of this reality, born out of a determined belief that behind every global risk the world faces hides multiple opportunities to innovate and create better, more prosperous, and sustainable societies.


«We can not have a society in which, if two people wish to communicate, the only way that can happen is if it’s financed by a third person…» he says.


However, in an advanced capitalist society the most prominent means of production is capital alone, and this can be seen with how financial markets now dwarf all other economic markets today.


A company consciously identifies areas of focus, where: a) shareholders» interest and society‘s strongly intersect, and b) value creation can be optimized for both.


If internet companies don’t participate in the societal costs of their disruption, the infrastructure and civil society upon which their business models depend will deteriorate


I think, effectively what you’re saying is that you want to set people free from the prison bars that they see but don’t know are only in their heads; the limiting beliefs that society as a whole instills in us mainly so we are easier to control and therefore exploit.


The final chapter is taken up with the claim of his brother, Christopher Hitchens, that «Communist absolutists did not so much negate religion, in societies that they well understood were saturated with religion, as seek to replace it».


Ultimately, a healthy society creates expanding demand for business, as more human needs are met and aspirations grow.


The world has shrunk and we live in a multicultural world and in multicultural societies.


The amendments to Section 230 of the CDA won’t affect the vast majority of us and are important in the fight to protect the most vulnerable victims of our society.


Other technology companies also are expanding their payrolls as demand for their devices and online services steadily increases, but Jackson and other critics contend the industry isn’t doing enough to ensure their workforces are as diverse as the rest of society.


To be both innovative and relevant, entrepreneurs need a line to what’s going on in society and in the minds of their target market.


It should be clear that society as a whole would be better off if no committee of central planners held such power.


In January, 2001, Harper co-signed a letter to the National Post that called upon the Alberta government to wall itself off from the rest of Canada and «build a society on Albertan values.»


Many of the men I met while a chaplain intern planned to leave prison to contribute to society through community work or Christian ministry.


«I’ve long believed a society can be judged by how care for our most vulnerable,» he said, echoing the humanitarian sentiments our movement has always centered on.


They also called for more systematic security measures, especially on campuses, to protect society‘s most vulnerable groups.


Reason convinced him in particular that Adam Smith was right, and that through its invisible hand the market benefited profit-seeking individuals and society alike.


James Mildred explains why Tim Farron was right to complain that in order to be taken seriously in UK society, you have to «hide your faith»… More


The relevant goals should be about the outcomes that make societies prosperous and inclusive â $ «goods schools and hospitals, good public transport, full employment, strong income support safety nets for those who can not work, socially responsible minimum wages etc..


A few years ago, he invested in a railroad company, which many others deemed strange in a society where technology companies dominate the media, but the investment has turned out really well.


With the help of knowledge we can enhance our abilities and qualities and at the same time we increase our amount of knowledge and information about the surroundings of the world and society.


We’ll create a better society in the process, for all women.


The Japanese government added an extra day to what’s typically a two-day summit to accommodate Trump, whom an aide of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe described this week as «one of the most remarkable people in the world because she is actively trying to support women entrepreneurs and improve women’s participation in society,» according to The Washington Post.


OTTAWA — A coalition of Canada’s largest unions and civil society groups is calling on the Canadian government to pursue a fairer, more socially just model of trade in the NAFTA renegotiations.


«The government will not accept that hate preachers come to Denmark to preach hatred against Danish society and indoctrinate others to commit violence against women and children, spread ideas about an (Islamic) caliphate and in general undermine our fundamental values,» Immigration Minister Inger Stojberg said.


As we see societies evolve to respond to climate change, there are widespread changes to regulations and industries that impact the global investment community.


There is no place in the video game community — or our society — for personal attacks and threats.»


Indeed, we regard profit and the creation of shareholder value as the byproduct of making a difference for our key stakeholders and society.


These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Technology exerts revolutionary influence on society only when it is universal.

Дело в том, что технология оказывает на общество революционное воздействие только тогда, когда она обретает всеобщий, универсальный характер.

Modern society faces many environmental issues.

Современное общество столкнулось с массой важных вопросов, связанных с проблемами экологии.

International society is both a society of States and a society of individual persons.

But implementation of gender justice throughout society remains sporadic.

Однако в масштабах всего общества практика отправления правосудия с учетом гендерной специфики применяется от случая к случаю.

Proof that something changed very deeply in society.

И отсюда мы делаем вывод о том, что в обществе что-то очень сильно поменялось.

Our society in general lacks patience.

Проблема в том, что нашему обществу в целом не хватает толерантности.

Imagine living in a society without rules.

Представьте себе, что вы живете в обществе, где нет никаких законов.

Because all business should ultimately serve society.

Деятельность каждой корпорации направлена, в конечном счете, на служение всему обществу.

Abstraction was criticized for being too remote from society.

«Их [Виндзоров] критиковали за то, что они были слишком закрытыми от общества.

Because essentially, human society equals dressed society.

Потому что, по сути, человеческое общество равнозначно одетому обществу.

A copyright society is a registered collective administration society.

Общество по защите авторских прав — это зарегистрированное общество коллективного управления.

Slave holding society negated primitive society, but with reference to feudal society it constitutes in turn, the affirmation.

Рабовладельческое общество отрицает первобытное общество, но по отношению к обществу феодальному оно является утверждением.

Slovakia focuses on encouraging information society which enhances competitiveness of European knowledge-based society.

Словакия сосредоточивает свое внимание на развитии информационного общества, которое способствует конкурентоспособности в европейском обществе, основанном на знаниях.

Such undoubtedly include digital inequalities arising in the Russian society from the objective and positive process of its turning into an information society or knowledge-based society.

К ним, несомненно, относятся так называемые цифровые неравенства, возникающие в российском обществе вследствие вполне объективного и позитивного по направленности процесса превращения России в социум информационного типа или общество знаний.

The network society is a hyper social society, not a society of isolation.

Man has experienced the agricultural society, industrial society, is currently moving into the information society.

Человек испытал аграрное общество, индустриальное общество, в настоящее время движется в информационное общество.

A society is not a society without culture; and a flourishing, dynamic society needs thriving, vibrant arts and culture.

Общество не может считаться обществом без культуры, и процветающее, динамичное общество нуждается в процветающей, живой культуре и искусстве.

In the film you’re talking about a society within a society within a society.

В моем фильме рассказывается об обществе внутри общества, которое живет внутри еще одного общества.

At the beginning of this transition period the society under proletarian rule leaves capitalist society behind and enters the society of modern communism.

В начале этого переходного периода общество под властью пролетариата оставляет капиталистическое общество позади и вступает в общество современного коммунизма.

An agrarian society (or agricultural society) is any society whose economy is based on producing and maintaining crops and farmland.

Аграрное общество (или сельскохозяйственное общество) являются любым обществом, экономика которого основана на производстве и поддержании зерновых культур и сельхозугодий.

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Definition of Society

an organized group of people

Examples of Society in a sentence

Homeowners contested that the property tax was unfair since it singles out one segment in society.


The school society was made up of teachers, parents, students, as well as other members of the community.


Western society generally holds that polygamy is wrong, although some people believe the practice is acceptable.


Reintegrating felons into general society is one of the main goals of the prison to work program.


Ordinary people struggle to find their place in a society that does not allow the poor to move up in the caste system.


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