Sentence with word sick

Sick is the debut extended play by American hardcore punk band Beartooth and is produced by Caleb Shomo formerly of the band Attack Attack! (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

In one month, Geoff had overseen the arrival of 21 sick men from another camp, all conscripts from the mining villages of Rhondda.


I got totally sick of going to the clubs and meeting loser guys who don’t even put in any effort.


This time of year may people get sick, especially kids.


Eventually, I reached a point where I could ride in a hybrid using a bioelectric shield and not get sick.


as you can see my kids are never sick not even colds.


Second Snack — If you are sick of nuts by now and need a break try some popcorn.


Along with Gerry W. Beyer, a professor in Lubbock, Texas, he has written a book about how to protect your pet if you become sick or die.


My 11-year-old daughter gets sick to her stomach and cries when I take her to school.


And as a pregnant American expat, I found the prevailing «you’re not sick, you’re just pregnant» philosophy here alarmingly nonchalant.


it was powerful, I felt a gut reaction to the point of feeling sick.


A rare variant in MYH6 is associated with high risk of sick sinus syndrome.


An ex-Shake Shack employee says the burger joint allowed sick workers to serve customers in a new lawsuit.


«It’s really sick having him as a coach, because at home we can work on stuff that other kids don’t have the opportunity to do,» Harper explained.


This is an established medical term but, for those interested in the development of language, the first time sick people were depicted as vegetables was in a 1930s Nazi propaganda film called «Mission and Conscience» as Hitler sought to make the case for euthanasia, which led to the involuntary deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, including tens of thousands of children.


It might sound sick, but that’s our rush.


One of the biggest issues is that the game feels the same each time you play, and this just really gets you sick of playing it after a very short amount of time.


I hope your trip back home goes well and that you don’t actually get sick.


He’s not an Angry Oldman and he’s sick to death of wisecracking journalists who tailor their copy to suit their puns.


The paid sick day bill drumbeat rolled on today, with yet another press conference on the steps of City Hall calling for Council Speaker Christine Quinn to allow a vote on the legislation she has long bottled up.


When it comes to reducing fever, Advil provides up to eight hours of fever relief, helping your child feel better when he is sick.


If your baby is sick or born prematurely, follow the hospital guidelines strictly.


Related: Devan Dubnyk makes a miraculous diving save after misplaying puck Related: Lithuanian Hockey Player throws stick at referee at end of U-18 World Championship Game Related: Vancouver Canucks take you inside an NHL Trade Call Related: Marc-Andre Fleury gets his stick stuck in boards Related: Dan Boyle scores sick coast-to-coast power play goal


I desperately wanted to continue blogging but just the THOUGHT of food would make me sick.


Here in the United states (if you do some basic googling you’ll find HUNDREDS of parents who have or are going through this) formula made by this company made our children sick.


I went from being what I considered «healthy» (randomly breaking out in hives, constipation, recurrent kidney infections and thrush — the things I had been experiencing all my life) to sick (in addition to the other things, I suddenly developed chronic, severe abdominal pain, neurological problems and multiple food allergies).


Regarding the 4 year old that is constantly sick… I had the same problem for the last few year.


«Over the past 20 years they have continually strived to do more to improve the lives of sick and injured kids cared for at Arnold Palmer Medical Center.


We successfully gorged ourselves to feel sick.


I am new to this online dating thing but like everyone else on here I am sick of meeting guys in the bar and I am not sure where else to look.


The overall acid-alkaline hypothesis, the basic idea is that if we eat acid-forming foods, we get sick, and if we eat alkaline-forming foods, we’ll be healthy and we’ll be protected against disease, and there are three basic claims of the hypothesis.


I have a 20 year old who after staying in Kenya for 9 weeks, was totally sick of meat of any kind.


Given concerns that some patients in the clinical trial were simply too sick to respond to ZMapp, Kobinger said he would have treated the severely ill but not included data about them in trial; their deaths might be not preventable at all.


The book is arranged around seven sacraments — baptism, confession, communion, holy orders, confirmation, anointing of the sick, and marriage — and today’s excerpt comes from the communion section and a chapter entitled «Open Table.»


knowing my health and personal situation, there’s no way breastfeeding would be better, and if I forced myself to do it my baby would not benefit as the baby would have a very unhappy, sick, depressed mother who struggled to cope with everyday care.


«A coworker of mine needed emergency open heart surgery and the sick days provided him with a bridge until the disability benefits kicked in,» said Castiglione.


Health Watch: Red Wine Compounds Fight the Common Cold: Employee-lounge snack purveyors, take note: People who consume flavonoids, compounds found in red wine and other plant-based foods, take fewer sick days from work, according to new research from New Zealand…


This is a clear sign that the fish is sick.


But because Armstrong chose to single out sick babies as the cause for the change — even though that was $ 2 million compared with the $ 7.5 million from Obamacare — he had to reverse course.


Well, if you’re just a little bit sick, maybe you’re kinda in the middle, it’s not too bad, a Paleo template may be good to start with.


I’m really getting sick of all of these parents who believe that children are supposed to be loud.


I have been constantly sick for over a year now: flu, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, cellulitis, more flu and lung infections and asthma, over and over.


There are healthy and sick, just and unjust.


If your Facebook feed looks anything like the average feed, then you too are sick of seeing couples, engagement rings and babies everywhere.


Arsenal’s most talented midfielder Mesut Ozil has had time off sick quite a few times this season and it would appear that he is set to miss the second leg of our Europa League tie against Ostersunds on Thursday as well.


Then, when she got to her first birthday, it was so easy and she loved it so much and it was so unbelievably USEFUL (when traveling, when she was sick, when she was tired, when she was hurt, and so on), that we just kept going.


Presumably that persecution was the work of Rangers supporters but, had the roles been reversed, there is little doubt that just as many Celtic hooligans would have displayed the same sick prejudice.


I’m sick of hearing about how SAHM moms have it so hard!


In Ondo State, findings by Saturday PUNCH also showed that relatives had started taking their sick family members out of federal hospitals and relocating them to churches, private hospitals and elsewhere.


Other trainees note that juggling science and marriage often requires sacrifice as well as flexibility: giving up a job opportunity to allow a partner to remain in his or her lab, missing a family event to keynote a conference, or being late for work because of taking care of a sick child, for instance.


Grow up catholics, your board of directors is just a good ole boy club of celibate, sick, delusional men!


sick — перевод на русский


My dad is sick.

Мой отец болен.

No, I’m not sick.

Нет, я не болен.

(sniffles) I’m not sick.

Я не болен.

The king is sick with smallpox.

Король болен черной оспой.

I wish he was sick so nobody else wanted him.

Лучше бы он был безнадежно болен, и все забыли о нем.

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Yeah, so I got into school, and then my dad got sick, so now I’m working my way through school here.

Да, значит, я поступил, а потом мой папа заболел, поэтому теперь я прокладываю путь к обучению здесь.

I was… sick?

Я… заболел.

— Is Junior sick?

— Малыш заболел?

How did you get sick so suddenly?

Как же он так неожиданно заболел?

I got my son sick and can’t pay the doctor’s bill.

По моей вине заболел сын, а я не могу заплатить за его лечение.

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You make me sick.

Тошнит от вас.

I’m sick in my stomach.

Меня тошнит.

— I’m going to be sick.

— Меня уже тошнит.

I’ve already told you. I’m getting awfully sick of you, Stevens.

Я уже говорил, что меня от вас тошнит, Стивенс!

I feel sick…

Меня тошнит

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I was just so sick with my other two, I thought I’d try it in advance.

Я просто помнила, как мне было плохо с двумя предыдущими, и думала, что смогу это предотвратить.

Do you feel sick?

Тебе плохо?

You’ll get sick if you drink like that.

Не пей столько, завтра тебе будет плохо.

You don’t suppose she could really be sick, do you?

Вы думаете ей правда плохо? Ой! Ой!

— You sick, Ma?

Мам, тебе плохо?

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«Mother sure is sick, when she can’t even screech!»

«Мать болеет, когда перестает ворчать!»

When a man’s sick, he don’t want a…

Когда человек болеет, он не желает…

Still sick.

— Он ещё болеет.

He knows that Aoyama’s been sick.

Он знает, что Аояма болеет.

— He’s upstairs, sick.

— Он наверху, болеет.

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I’m sick of doing the hard work and seeing you two get all the gravy.

ћне надоело, что трудную работу делаю €, а все сливки собираете вы двое.

Worse, I’m sick of wearing his name!

Мне надоело носить его имя.

I’m sick of being highbrow with my feet.

Надоело дрыгать ногами.

You’re probably sick of hearing this but, honestly, why don’t you let Roy know?

Может, тебе надоело здесь сидеть.

Well, I get darn sick of trying to pick up after a gang of fast-talking salesmen… dumb enough to sell life insurance to a guy… who sleeps in the same bed with four rattlesnakes.

Надоело мне нянчить кучу недоумков. Они готовы впарить полис парню, у которого под одеялом гремучая змея!

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— Anyway, I’m sick of hunting.

— В любом случае, от охоты я устала.

You sick of livin’?

Ты устала от жизни?

I’m sick of running and hiding.

Я устала бегать и скрываться.

I’m sick and tired of you spying on me… and cross-examining me… and checking the mileage on my car.

Я так устала, что ты все время шпионишь за мной. От твоих перекрестных допросов. оттого, что ты проверяешь пробег на моей машине.

I’m sick and tired of all this quarrelling!

Я устала от всех этих ссор!

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Hmm. I don’t believe in sick.

Я не верю в болезни.

(clears his throat) I don’t believe in sick.

Я не верю в болезни.

My wife made it as soon as she heard you were sick. — Hm?

Моя жена приготовила его, как только узнала о вашей болезни.

Lost his job through being sick.

Потерял работу из-за болезни.

The fact that I know of your kleptomania… the fact that I know your mind is sick and threatening to get out of hand… gives me a medical position in your life.

Факт, что я знаю о твоей клептомании, … Факт, что я знаю о болезни твоего разума, и что болезнь угрожает выйти из-под контроля, … даёт мне медицинское представление о твоей жизни.

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I’m going to be sick!

Меня сейчас стошнит!

I am sick.

— Точно стошнит.

No, I think if I ate anything, I’d get sick.

Нет. Кажется, если я съем что-нибудь, меня стошнит.

I’m gonna be sick.

Меня… Меня сейчас стошнит.

I’m gonna be sick.

-Меня сейчас стошнит.

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I’m sick of show business.

Меня уже тошнит от артистической работы.

I am sick of looking at them.

Меня уже тошнит от них!

Come on, you’re making everybody sick.

Ну, ладно, Фрэнклин. Всех уже тошнит.

‘I’m sick of mechanical power.’

Меня уже тошнит от механической силы.

I’m sick of running an aviary.

Меня уже тошнит быть хозяйкой птичника.

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Отправить комментарий

больной, болезненный, больные, болезнь, натравливать


- чувствующий тошноту

he is sick — его тошнит /рвёт/
he feels sick — его тошнит /мутит/
he is sick at the stomach — амер. у него сосёт под ложечкой; его тошнит
he was sick in the plane — его вырвало в самолёте
gossip that makes one sick — тошнотворные сплетни

- чувствующий скуку, раздражение

- преим. амер. больной

sick girl — больная девочка
to be [to feel, to look] sick — быть [чувствовать себя, казаться] больным
to go /to turn/ sick — заболеть, захворать
to be sick abed with flu — лежать с гриппом
to report sick — воен. подать рапорт о болезни
he is sick of a fever — у него лихорадка
he’s worried sick — неприятности довели его до болезни

- болезненный; связанный с болезнью

sick condition — болезненное состояние
sick years — годы болезни

- эвф. хворающая (о женщине в период менструации)

she is sick today — она хворает /нездорова/ сегодня

ещё 9 вариантов


- больные

to heal the sick — лечить больных

- болезнь
- редк. приступ тошноты
- сл. подавленное состояние наркомана (до принятия наркотика)


- охот. хватать (о собаках)

sick him! — ату!, возьми его!

- натравливать

to sick one party on the other — натравливать одну группу на другую /одних на других/

Мои примеры


a sick, embittered, and lonely old man — больной, озлобленный и одинокий старик.  
the sick cat had to be put down — эту больную кошку придётся усыпить  
sick / sinking feeling — слабость  
to go sick — захворать  
migraine / sick headache — мигрень  
sick joke — слабая, плоская шутка  
to minister to the sick — помогать больным  
sick of inaction — уставший от бездействия  
sick child — больной ребёнок  
to feel sick (to one’s stomach) — испытывать тошноту  
car-sick — чувствующий тошноту от поездки в автомобиле, поезде; трамвае  
be sick — стосковаться; прохворать; проболеть  

Примеры с переводом

You’re sick!

Вы ненормальный!

He is off sick today.

Его сегодня нет, он болеет.

He was sick in the car.

В машине его стошнило.

She felt sick of waiting.

Она устала ждать.

«I feel sick,» he told his mom.

— Мне плохо /Меня тошнит/, — сказал он маме.

His mother’s very sick.

Его мать очень больна.

I don’t want to hear any of your sick jokes, thank you.

Не надо мне ваших плоских шуток, спасибо большое.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I got hooked on TV when I was sick.

Virginia had a sick feeling in her stomach.

He dashed to the bathroom and was sick again.

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Фразовые глаголы

sick up — тошнить, рвать, страдать рвотой, блевать

Возможные однокоренные слова

sicken  — болеть, пресытиться, заболевать, чувствовать отвращение, вызывать отвращение
sickly  — болезненный, нездоровый, тошнотворный, слабый, слащавый, бледный, сентиментальный
sickness  — болезнь, заболевание, тошнота, немочь
sickish  — немощный, тошнотворный, слабый

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: sick
he/she/it: sicks
ing ф. (present participle): sicking
2-я ф. (past tense): sicked
3-я ф. (past participle): sicked

срав. степ. (comparative): sicker
прев. степ. (superlative): sickest

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word sick, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use sick in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «sick».

Sick in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word sick in a sentence.

  1. You sing about being sick.

  2. The expression makes us sick.

  3. One day, she became sick and died.

  4. Joseph’s, in ministering to the sick.

  5. By this time he was sick and gout-ridden.

  6. He told this unlucky general he was sick.

  7. Ed Morrow plain makes me sick to my stomach.».

  8. Lots of people became sick and many more died.

  9. His job done, Wilder-Neligan then reported sick.

  10. While imprisoned, Mackenzie’s mother became sick.

  11. His father is in another block, sick with dysentery.

  12. The Kurt Cobains of the world, I’m sick of that shit.

  13. Pretorius was still sick, and only nominally in command.

  14. Archduke Charles was sick, and had retired to recuperate.

  15. Goebel was sworn in on his sick bed and died two days later.

  16. Linkola indicates that he had not taken a day of rest for decades, even when sick.

  17. The English navy had taken off some 2,000 sick men and an unknown number had died.

  18. Dinner with a sick woman you may venture to suppose not much better than solitary.

  19. They fancy this is a Spirit, and if any person touches it, he is sure to fall sick.

  20. After three months, Marcas appears at the boarding house again, sick and exhausted.

  21. Austin distanced himself from his family as his affair continued and his wife became sick with grief.

  22. The oricha must then be propitiated to stop, sometimes with the sick individual receiving initiation.

  23. It took 71 sick or wounded men, all it could carry, back to Rabaul, along with the bodies of 13 dead.

  24. The spells identify a sick person with Horus so that he or she can benefit from the goddess’s efforts.

  25. They also prefer to eat entrails (specifically the heart and the liver) and the phlegm of sick people.

  26. Washington instructed his overseers to treat enslaved people «with humanity and tenderness» when sick.

  27. They also captured and held Norreis in custody, telling anyone who enquired after him that he was sick.

  28. Numerous food taboos also limit food choice, particularly among pregnant women, children, and the sick.

  29. This rest period continued to the end of the month, but on 23 July, Woods reported sick with dysentery.

  30. As they crossed the first glacier on their return journey Mertz became sick, making progress difficult.

  31. He stood at The White City and swore that he was ‘F…… [sic] sick of the whole thing’ ..

  32. In the aftermath, Bian Koen considers suicide and Aij Tjeng and Gwat Nio become sick from their despair.

  33. I am sick of ‘Polly’.» After three weeks the case ended with the judge finding against Columbia.

  34. He particularly favored clemency for the incurably sick so they could go home to die with their families.

  35. It’s just a sick album, sick in a diseased sort of way.» In the same year, he told Entertainment Weekly:.

  36. Neill went on furlough on February 11 to visit his sick family, leaving Travis, a member of the regular army, in command.

  37. He helped take their swim team to the state championship, filling in for a sick teammate by swimming two legs of a relay.

  38. From the Cabanatuan camp, over 1,600 soldiers were removed in October 1944, leaving over 500 sick, weak, or disabled POWs.

  39. Incidents of hippo cannibalism have been documented, but this is believed to be the behaviour of distressed or sick hippos.

  40. Desiring to care for his sick wife and rebuild his personal wealth, Breckinridge returned to his law practice in Lexington.

  41. The tension of the match was so intense Mills nearly failed to return for the second half having been sick during half-time.

  42. During the trip, Hemingway became sick again and was treated for «high blood pressure, liver disease, and arteriosclerosis».

  43. Plain fresh milk was not consumed by adults except the poor or sick, and was usually reserved for the very young or elderly.

  44. Col Richard Cunningham of the 48th Virginia, who had commanded the brigade a few days earlier while Jones was on sick leave.

  45. Also, in the Synoptic Gospels, the crowds regularly respond to Jesus’ miracles with awe and press on him to heal their sick.

  46. The 2/3rd Australian General Hospital remained in the UK until mid-March to enable all of the sick or chronically unwell soldiers to be collected; it departed on 17 March.

  47. By the first week of January, disease, starvation, and battle had reduced Hyakutake’s command to about 14,000 troops, with many of them too sick and malnourished to fight.

  48. When the House of Commons met at 6:00 pm, Chamberlain and Labour deputy leader Arthur Greenwood (deputising for the sick Clement Attlee) entered the chamber to loud cheers.

  49. Poe failed to show up for a meeting with Thomas to discuss the appointment in mid-September 1842, claiming to have been sick, though Thomas believed that he had been drunk.

  50. It may also be prepared with extra water to produce a soupy rice porridge called vary sosoa ([ˌvarʲ suˈsu]) which is typically eaten for breakfast or prepared for the sick.

Synonyms for sick

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word sick has the following synonyms: brainsick, crazy, demented, distracted, disturbed, mad, unbalanced, unhinged, insane, disgusted, fed up, sick of, tired of, displeased, ghastly, grim, grisly, gruesome, macabre, alarming, ill, afflicted, stricken, aguish, ailing, indisposed, peaked, poorly, sickly, unwell, under the weather, seedy, airsick, air sick, carsick, seasick, autistic, bedfast, bedridden, bedrid, sick-abed, bilious, liverish, livery, bronchitic, consumptive, convalescent, recovering, delirious, hallucinating, diabetic, dizzy, giddy, woozy, vertiginous, dyspeptic, faint, light, swooning, light-headed, lightheaded, feverish, feverous, funny, gouty, green, laid low, laid up, milk-sick, nauseated, nauseous, queasy, sick, sickish, palsied, paralytic, paralyzed, paraplegic, rickety, rachitic, scrofulous, sneezy, spastic, tubercular, tuberculous, unhealed, upset, unhealthy, unfit, moved, affected, stirred, touched, pale, pallid, wan, weak, vomit, vomit up, purge, cast, cat, be sick, disgorge, regorge, retch, puke, barf, spew, spue, chuck, upchuck, honk, regurgitate and throw up.

General information about «sick» example sentences

The example sentences for the word sick that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «sick» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «sick».

Sentences with the word Sick?



  • «they put him in the sick bay»
  • «he wasn’t sick—it was just a subterfuge»; «the holding company was just a blind»
  • «call in to a radio station»; «call in sick«
  • «She fell sick last Friday, and now she is in the hospital»
  • «His devotion to his sick wife condemned him to a lonely existence»
  • «sick for five straight days»
  • «cull the sick members of the herd»
  • «The customs agents destroyed the dog that was found to be rabid»; «the sick cat had to be put down»
  • «grew more and more disgusted»; «fed up with their complaints»; «sick of it all»; «sick to death of flattery»; «gossip that makes one sick«; «tired of the noise and smoke»
  • «medicines dispensed to the sick«
  • «the carpenter engaged (or employed) for the job is sick«
  • «even when he is sick, he works»; «even with his head start she caught up with him»
  • «looked sick and felt even worse»; «an even (or still) more interesting problem»; «still another problem must be solved»; «a yet sadder tale»
  • «suddenly felt faint from the pain»; «was sick and faint from hunger»; «felt light in the head»; «a swooning fit»; «light-headed with wine»; «light-headed from lack of sleep»
  • «The young teacher had to substitute for the sick colleague»; «The skim milk substitutes for cream—we are on a strict diet»
  • «he had never grown accustomed to the monotony of his work»; «he was sick of the humdrum of his fellow prisoners»; «he hated the sameness of the food the college served»
  • «`Mr. Powell finds it easier to take it out of mothers, children and sick people than to take on this vast industry,’ Mr Brown commented icily»
  • «kind to sick patients»; «a kind master»; «kind words showing understanding and sympathy»; «thanked her for her kind letter»
  • «The sick man lay in bed all day»; «the books are lying on the shelf»
  • «the sick child cried pathetically»
  • «sat completely still, sick with envy»; «she was sick with longing»
  • «they devote their lives to caring for the sick«
  • «the sick student was sniffling in the back row»
  • «take sick«; «be taken drunk»
  • «The sick men urinated blood»
  • «She used to call her mother every week but now she calls only occasionally»; «I used to get sick when I ate in that dining hall»; «They used to vacation in the Bahamas»; «she used to be his best friend and now they are enemies»

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